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Here you will find lots of essential information for understanding pheromone usage.

Pheromone News August, 2003 Comments Off on Pheromone News August, 2003

August, 2003
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Hope this newsletter finds you well. We are getting a little reprieve from the heat here and even got a little rain last night! Looking forward to a little much needed vacation time this month.

The new aromatherapy pheromones finally arrived last week. If you are in to essential oils, check them out below.

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Edge Essentials!

Combining the power of
pheromones and aromatherapy

4 new mixtures (2 for men, 2 for women)
Natural essential oils and Edge pheromone mixture

This month only

Check it out!


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*Odor Sensitivity and Romance by Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories

Q and A:

Q: When I first started using pheromones, I got fantastic results, but as time went on, they didn’t seem to work as well. What is up with that?

A: It could be a problem of pheromone build-up. Experience has shown me that when body heat and bacteria have a chance to work on pheros, they seem to morph into other things, which often don’t smell very good. Hygiene is sometimes more important for the phero-cologne user than for others. Just like taking a shower to remove natural pheromones after they become a bit too “ripe”, I generally look forward to washing off the store-bought pheros too. In particular I have noticed that if you put a spray of a concentrated (unscented) pheromone on each armpit first thing in the morning, you will really need a shower by the end of the day; more so than you would otherwise. I feel great all day, but by the time I get home in the evening, I want a hot shower. Others may not have that experience, but I do.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of human pheromones in nature; some smell good and attract others, some smell bad and repel them. Some have no noticeable smell but still seem to work there magic on the human psyche.

In addition to giving your pheros both natural and synthetic a good scrub at the end of the day, I also recommend taking a break from pheromone products for at least a day every week. This should help discourage any distractive pheromone build-up.


Q: I ordered the New pheromone Additive on my initial order and didn’t get any response what so ever. Is there another/better pheromone you can suggest I can try? One that you’ve tried that attracted lots on women?

A: The NPA you have is top of the line, but some younger guys say it is too strong, and since there is no added fragrance, you can over do it sometimes. Scent of Eros might be a good alternative, and you wouldn’t be in danger of OD-ing on that stuff since it has a fragrance of its own.

It is important to try the mixtures a good number of times before you give up on them though. Especially with products like NPA, you are working with the receptivity cycles of the women you are trying to attract. Research has shown that some women may even be repulsed depending on the part of their monthly cycle they are in. Also, married and otherwise attached women may find male pheromones an invasion in their space. It is always a crap-shoot with romance and you have to play the odds. pheromones do not make women go insane. That is a bunch of marketing hooey propagated by unscrupulous pheromone companies that probably don’t even bother to put enough pheros in their products to get an effect anyway. Good products like NPA will clearly give you some extra “chemistry” with women who are receptive to pheromones. It can take a good couple of weeks of steady experimentation to get a handle on how it is working for you.


Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article:
Odor Sensitivity and Romance
By Bruce Boyd
(with special thanks to James Kohl and his invaluable book, The Scent of Eros)

When I started writing this article, I thought I had a pretty clear idea on the subject, but I am still in shock from what I found. Probably anyone reading this article is aware of and concerned about the effects on their love-life of the scent they give off, but what about the effects of your own ability to *perceive* smells? How does this affect romance?

Those of you who have been following the Pheromone News for a while will remember the reader survey we had last October (results posted in the November issue) concerning the importance of scent on sexual arousal and “falling in love.” Readers rated their feelings about the importance of scent on sexual arousal, giving it an 8 out of 10, and the effects of smell on “falling in love” only a 6. Well, after posting those results, I received an e-mail from pheromone researcher, James Kohl who says science begs to differ. If fact, there is scientific evidence that it is virtually *impossible* to fall in love without a sense of smell. Shocking as it may seem, individuals born with the genetic defect known as Kallmann’s Syndrome are unable from birth to smell anything and apparently as a result show no interest in either sex or romantic love. In the animal world, experiments have been done in which the VNO (part of the smelling apparatus that perceives pheromones) is destroyed at birth in subjects who are otherwise completely healthy. When these animals reach adulthood, they quite simply do not mate. If the VNO is destroyed *after* sex has been experienced, the animal may continue to show interest in mating, but without that initial experience, romance, at least for a male pig, does not happen.

At first it is difficult to believe that we are so entirely dependent on our sense of smell for sexual arousal and the experience of romantic love. Imagine that you are completely alone in your home, sit down in a comfortable chair and pop an x-rated film into your video machine. No pheromones, no smells, just naked bodies and well…sounds. For most of us, (and there is even research to back this up too) the reaction is powerful. How can this be, though, if sexual arousal depends on smell. Hold onto your chairs folks, but after reading research on the subject I am convinced that this arousal based on visual and auditory stimuli is 100% caused by conditioning. Just like Pavlov’s famous dogs, that salivate to the sound of a bell, porn movies turn us on because of earlier associations between visuals and the smell of sex pheromones. Individuals who are born blind or deaf can and do lead normal sex lives, but individuals born without a sense of smell (anosmia) do not.

What does this mean to the vast majority of individuals who have a “normal” sense of smell? Quite a bit more than you would think.

#1. More than 1% of those you run into on the street, in clubs or wherever you go, can not smell anything. This means that no matter how low-cut your dress or tight your pants, they don’t get it, or have to depend on their memory to understand the implications.

#2. Our sense of smell is not just strong or weak, each individual has an entirely unique smelling ability grid. According to a survey conducted by National Geographic, individuals vary greatly as to what they can and can not smell. Normal healthy individuals may be able to detect certain smells accurately, and be completely unable to detect other smells. For example, half of all women surveyed were unable to identify the smell of a banana without visual cues. Men, what this means is that half of all the women you run into on the street are completely unable to tell whether you have a banana in your pocket or are just glad to see them! [ Sorry. I just had to say that] No, really that doesn’t mean anything, but what does mean something is that only 71% of the women surveyed and 67% of the men could detect the sex pheromone androstenone. So no matter how “ripe” you are scent-wise, 30% of the folks you run into aren’t “getting it”, at least not very loud and clear. Ready for another shocker? The ability to detect androstenone, which is already starting to look like an indicator of how heavily “sexed” we are, varies not only from individual to individual, but from country (culture) to country as well. For example 75% of Latin American men can smell androstenone loud and clear, compared to only 63% of the men living in the US. Surprised? No? OK, and who ranks number one world-wide in the ability to detect androstenone? (envelope please…) Africa, with a 78% detection rate for men and a whopping 85% for women! One more interesting point though. What 3 countries (cultures) do you think have the widest gap between men and women in the ability to detect pheromones? (ie: frustrated women living with guys who don’t “get it”) And the winner is…..Asia, the Caribbean and the UK!!!!! Hey, I’m not making this up, so no angry letters please. I’m just writing down the statistics. You draw your own conclusions.

One thing I have to say in defense of the sexuality of my native USA, in regards to these results, is that as a nation we must be the most paranoid about body smell, (with the probable exception of Japan, the country I live in now), due undoubtably to the marketing efforts of antibacterial soap and deodorant companies. I have on a number of occasions gotten angry letters from the US complaining that pheromone products containing nothing more than synthetic androstenone and androstenol smell like “BO.”

#3. Our sense of smell goes through a strength curve similar to that of our sex hormone levels, which peaks out around the age of 20 and fall very quickly as we hit old age. Science shows us that this loss of smell in and of itself, diminishes our interest in sex and romance! By the way, this gradual loss of smell is not completely unavoidable. A number of environmental factors are likely involved. At the forefront being tobacco smoke and prescription medications, but I would guess a whole host of air pollutants both indoor and outdoor are to blame. Some caution might be advisable.

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!

Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Edge Naturals!

Now on sale, Edge Naturals represent a whole new direction for the manufacturer LaCroy Chemicals. Using the same phero-chemicals as the regular unscented Edge and carrying on in the footsteps of the scented Edge products, Edge Naturals are scented with scientifically formulated aromatherapy potions designed by experts in the field.

Check in to the home page next week for their arrival.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

SOE is the best career move I’ve made in a long time. Subordinates are cooperative ( Some have said I’m the best manager they’ve ever worked for. Before SOE there was a constant power struggle.), superiors are supportive (I’ve gotten them to pay for seminars and all kinds of office equipment. And soon I’m going on vacation, even though I haven’t worked long enough to qualify for one. Before I felt as if they were nitpicking every move I made.), and coworkers are friendly (Before, everybody was arms-length.). . . . there’s no question this stuff rocks in the workplace. I’d be hooked even if it repelled women.


Pheromone News may be distributed freely as long as no part is omitted
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles or personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:


Pheromone News July, 2003 Comments Off on Pheromone News July, 2003

July, 2003
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Sorry we are so late with this issue of the Pheromone News. Been very busy as usual. Got my vege garden in though and it is humongous already.

Check the website often in the coming weeks; lots of new products coming out.

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Back Again!
Don’t delay.

The Newbie Special!
Only $24.95

** Back by popular demand **

Check it out!

Everything you need to get started with pheromones at a price you can afford.
(first time customers only please!)


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*More Survey Results
*pheromone Q and A
*pheromones in Context (part 6) by James V. Kohl
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories



Continuing on from last month, we are still publishing the results of the recent pheromone products user survey. Below are listed all the comments that were recorded from one particular question.
Comments to the question:
Question #8: “How often do you purchase pheromone products?”


Once a year

When I run low (same as cologne), I ordered a lut of different types of pheromones in a short period of time to stock up though.


Every 3 months

I do not currently purchase.

I have only purchased 1 bottle of APC about a year or two before.

Never have

One Time

3 or 4 times a year


�1 time

Once a month


Never have, but I’m curious

Twice a year, the only stores that sell it is Adult Stores and I rarely enter those establishments.

I have only purchased once

twice a year

Every half a year or so

Never have

2-3 times per year

once every few months

So far, I’ve only purchased one about 6 months ago.

A few months ago when I was conducting my research, I used to purchase at least every three months.

Once every six months

I try to have some on me at all times.

Only bought it once, about a year ago

once monthly

1 or 2 times in my life

Perhaps two or three times a year

Perhaps once a year

I’m just about out, I’ll will be buying another one from you!

Only one purchase so far.. a little dab will do you.

Several times from you

Once every few months


Recently, for the first time

Every few weeks. I like experiment with making up “bath and beauty” products containing pheros. Takes a lot of pheros. May get into the business eventually if I find something I think would work for more than just me…

I have purchased three items.

I only did twice so far

Never but I want to begin now.

Not very often, not often enough!

Maybe every 1-1.5 years. I don’t wear it all the time or use douse myself in it. Sometimes too much can cause a turnoff, just like with regular perfumes or colognes.

Have not had the time to sit down and make a decision. I want the most powerful pheromone that will gain the most attention from a man.

have purchased once

Every 4 or 5 months.

Just started

Once so far

So far, only once.

every 4 to 6 months

Every 3-4 months

Every few months, as need arises


I have only purchased once. May try different one of you products at a later date.

Once a year

All the time

Every 4 – 5 months

Twice in the past year

Haven’t yet

Not for many years. Stopped buying as too many synthetics and strange scents came on the market. I was delighted to find your site last year as the product Lure is very similar to that original musk from yeas ago. By the way, since using it I have “won” sooo many arguments w/hubby I have to laugh.

1-2 times a year

Can’t afford to at the moment, previously once every few months.

once per year

I’ve only made the one purchase.

Just the once

(Survey results to be continued next week)
Q and A:

Q: When I first started buying pheromone products from your company, they really seemed to work and lately I get no compliments which I used to receive daily with my mix. I have ordered the Edge and amber w/androstenol, along with the vanilla and rose. I am mixing them the same has your product changed at all? I really love your line and wish to order more. Maybe you might have a input for me.

A: We haven’t changed any of those products any for quite a while, so I don’t think that could be the problem. One thing that springs to mind from what you mention is that you might be getting pheromone build-up. If you are using them every day, I would take a break for a couple of days. Strong pheros can last for several days even thru a shower or two. If you are using them every day you will get some build up. Also, the pheros go thru a transformation as they sit on your body for a couple days. Another thing you could do is try applying to wrists only for a while. Then you can scrub that spot well at the end of the day and make sure you get it all off. You can also sniff there yourself during the day to see how it smells and make sure the spot gets covered well with fragrance. If you are not doing it that way already; try applying a little straight Edge to your wrists only and then putting some cologne right over the top of the Edge. This is a good experimental mode, as you can easily check up-close with your own nose to see what kind of “hit” you are giving to others. You can also offer the spot to others so they can take a sniff of your “new cologne.” That is a great ice-breaker sometimes too. Try it.

Also, if you haven’t discovered the pheromone Forum already, be sure to check that out. (link at the top of our home page)

Good luck and keep me posted.

Q: Suppose I use a pheromone product and then stop using it. Wouldn’t it only make it worse – the other person would feel as if she “suddenly” lost interest in me. So it seems that if I start using the product I have to ALWAYS use it?

A: I wouldn’t take it that seriously. There is a lot involved in attraction. It is not all just “chemistry”, and as a married man with two kids, I can attest to the fact that as a relationship progresses, the chemistry part takes a back seat to other types of appreciation based on cooperation and trust.

Just think of pheromones as putting on nice clothes or getting a new haircut or using makeup (for a woman). It shows you care about yourself and it can be a regular part of your life, or it can just be for special dates. You don’t have to make yourself a slave to it. I have known women who can’t face the world without layers of makeup. pheromones can be like that if you let them, but it doesn’t have to be that way.


Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
pheromones in Context (Part #6)
by James V. Kohl

The April 2003 “Allure” magazine article “Smells Like Love” does not mention human pheromones. Rachel Herz, a researcher, recently presented at an olfactory conference, resulting in a mass media article “Scents influence women’s behavior”, and again, no mention of human pheromones. However, in the article, Professor Tim Jacob is quoted: “Certain smells can reinforce an experience or emotion.” Umm… right! Is there anyone who doesn’t get the fact that exposure to pleasurable or aversive olfactory input makes a difference in how we feel (our emotions)? So, why aren’t these folks mentioning pheromones? We know how pheromones influence behavior; or reinforce an experience or emotion. Human pheromones cause changes in hormone levels; that’s how.

I continue to anticipate more magazine articles and researcher comments about human pheromones that, minimally, make it clear that we produce and respond to these potent chemical signals. I mentioned in an earlier article that news would soon be released that homosexual men and women produce odors that are different than odors produced by heterosexuals, and that homosexual men and women prefer the odors produced by other homosexuals. This information became available at the same time as the results from Rachel Herz (at the annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences). I am amazed that no mention of pheromones and homosexuality was made in any mass media publication (at least not yet). Perhaps some journalist will someday take an interest in homosexual and heterosexual odors (i.e., pheromones), and how they reinforce an experience or emotion, but perhaps not.

In 1971, Lewis Thomas published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, a very prestigious journal for physicians. The title of the article was: “A fear of pheromones.” More than 30 years ago, Dr. Thomas predicted that people would be very concerned if news of human pheromones went public. “What are we going to do if it turns out that we have pheromones? What on earth would we be doing with such things? With the richness of speech, and all our new devices for communication, why would we want to release odors into the air to convey information about anything?” (p. 392). There no longer is any question about whether humans produce and respond to pheromones, and there is very little question that our pheromones effectively communicate more about us than any other signal we send (e.g., body movement; eye contact; facial expression). When it comes to physical attraction, our pheromones set the stage; other sensory input is of far less concern or influence. Yet, magazine and news articles continue to focus on visual aspects of attraction, placing knowledge of human pheromones on a dusty back shelf, somewhere in their archives.

There are also computer archives containing information about mammalian, including human, pheromones. Any good journalist, could find plenty of information to relay to readers on the subject. Instead, we typically read nothing about pheromones, and plenty about how scents influence our behavior. Why is that?

A movie starring Mel Gibson: “The Conspiracy Theory,” details how certain forces control the information released to the public. Are there such forces controlling what you read/think/know about human pheromones? This seems unlikely to me. Instead, I think the problem with information dissemination about human pheromones lies somewhere in the writings of Lewis Thomas. If we do produce and respond to pheromones, how powerful might they be?

Nowadays, there is no longer any doubt that we produce and respond to pheromones. There is even the implication that human pheromones are involved in sexual orientation. The more we learn about human pheromones, the more closely our sexual behavior can be linked to the behavior of other animals. To some people, that’s frightening. To others, it’s enlightening. It would be nice to read enlightening articles about human pheromones in magazines, or see such information presented on television. For now, I think many of us are stuck with the fear factor, as predicted by Lewis Thomas. There are many reasons to learn more about human pheromones. You will continue to learn more in the Pheromone Newsletter.

Homosexual men who have been primed with estrogen also have been reported to exhibit hormonal changes characteristic of women. This response was reportedly linked to human male homosexuality.

An area of the brain that is different in men and women responds differently to the pheromones of men and women. The size of this area of the brain in homosexual men is larger than in women, but smaller than in heterosexual men. A similar size difference was recently reported in homosexual rams, and was initially examined as part of sex differences in rats.

Sex differences in hormone levels, our response to chemical cues, and links to sexual orientation establish an animal model that appears to link sex differences to human sexual orientation.

The poster session for this study was presented across the aisle from my poster session at AChemS 2001. There was no disagreement with regard to the use of their data to confirm extension to humans of the mammalian model I presented. Since both LH (i.e.,physiology) and mood (i.e., most likely eliciting a change in behavior) were affected, it appears that men communicate chemically with women, as male mammals do with female mammals (thereby altering hormones and behavior). Martha McClintock showed in 1998 that women communicate chemically with other women, as female mammals do with other females, to produce hormonal (LH and FSH) changes consistent with behavioral changes. Astrid Juette showed a testosterone increase in men exposed to a manufactured form of ovulatory vaginal secretions; presumably an LH increase preceded the testosterone increase. Berliner’s group showed that a progesteronic pheromone reduced LH and testosterone in men. (High progesterone levels should be a negative signal for men so far as properly timed reproductive behavior is concerned.) Taken together these studies offer a comprehensive picture of mammalian chemical communication as it occurs in men and in women. Savic (2002) showed that a pheromone from men (AND) affected a different part of the brain in women, than did a pheromone from women (EST) in men. This begs the issue of how sexual differentiation of the brain (especially the hypothalamus) and olfactory system influences sexual orientation and visually perceived physical attraction.

I could speculate that the next thing we will see reported is that homosexual men and women appear to produce odors that are different from those of heterosexual men and women and that homosexual men and women prefer the odors of other homosexuals. Fortunately, I can forego speculation and save some discourse (ridicule?) on the topic of homosexual pheromones. In this regard, I’ve recently updated the “Scientific Evidence” page of my website at If you want to see what’s coming soon, check out the abstract linked from:

Martins Y, Preti G, Wysocki CJ (2003) What the Nose Knows: Preference for Human Body Odors as a Function of Gender and Gender Preference. Association for Chemoreception Sciences 25th Annual Meeting: April 9-13. Sarasota, Florida.

I published more details about the link between olfaction and sexual orientation in two parts in the Across Species Comparisons and Psychopathology bulletin Jun 2002 and Dec 2002. These articles also are linked from my website. I hope to revise and update this two-part paper for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, so any comments/ reviews/ questions are welcome.


Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Edge Naturals!

Due to arrive in our warehouse sometime next week, Edge Naturals represents a whole new direction for the manufacturer LaCroy Chemicals. Using the same phero-chemicals as the regular unscented Edge and carrying on in the footsteps of the scented Edge products, Edge Naturals are scented with scientifically formulated aromatherapy potions designed by experts in the field.

Check in to the home page next week for their arrival.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

Of course anecdotal evidence isn’t scientific proof, but till science catches up I gotta live in my world. And in my world pheros work. I don’t think it’s placebo, cause I started out very skeptical and very self-conscious about the phero smell. If anything, psychologically I was worse off! But the reactions from women were simply nothing I had ever encountered in adult life, since body-building college days anyway. Until I tried pheros I had never seen DIHL (“Deer in the Headlights” look), rarely had women initiate conversations, never seen women flipping hair like crazy, women giving me their ph# without me asking�certainly never had casual acquaintances hang all over me and proposition me – all this since pheros. I work at being social and have always been able to develop relationships with women, but it took time. The reactions I get from women wearing pheros are immediate, and seem different than what I previously have experienced. And in the beginning I was doing nothing special when I tried pheros – not dressing up and probably somewhat withdrawn and nervous about the whole thing. Can I prove this to you? Probably not. But there’s enough science out there to convince about anyone that these compounds have SOME kind of physical effect. Even if it’s just getting you some extra attention, that’s something (I think it’s more, but�). . . . It’s still socially expected for men to initiate things with women�but the pheros sure make it easier for me in my experience.



Pheromone News may be distributed freely as long as no part is omitted
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles or personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:

Pheromone News June, 2003 Comments Off on Pheromone News June, 2003

June, 2003
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Spring has sprung and summer is on the way here. Getting very warm! Still haven’t got my vege garden in yet. The lonely garden plot is staring at me through the window as I write. Gotta get on that!

But, in any case, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Back Again!
Don’t delay.

pheromone Super Sale” align=left> Fantastic Deal on:
New pheromone Additive
Androstenone pheromone Concentrate
(Pheromol Factor with women’s set)
ball-top bottle
Scent of Eros gel pack

Also free with women’s orders:
1 bottle of Veritia herbal

Click here for men’s set
Click here for women’s set

IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*More Survey Results
*pheromone Q and A
*pheromones in Context (part 5) by James V. Kohl
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories



Continuing on from last month, we are still publishing the results of the recent pheromone products user survey. Below are listed all the comments that were recorded from one particular yes or no question. Most surveyed simply answered “yes” or “no”, and those results were tallied up in last weeks survey stats. In many cases, the user responded with some comments, which are all listed below; positive as well as negative.

Comments to the question:
“Have you found pheromone products effective?”


Hard to tell but I think it is effective

One strong “DIHL” (Deer in the headlights) from a young women (18 to 23?), at the public library computer room. I did not understand her fasinating gaze, she soon disappeared. The young women was almost in my arms at the reference desk. I still scratch my head on this look.

I have and found it effective. I did a test where I put some on a! nd sat in the middle of a mall and watched the reactions I got from the women. I got a few nods, smiles and even a few ignores (I figured they were in a steady relationship and didn’t like�my scent signal)


Somewhat. Not Convinced though

I’ve had mixed results. Over 3 years I feel more negative about pheros, but there are certain incidences that give me enough evidence that it works that I keep using them.

Extremely absolutely positive results! With women wanting to be near you.

Not really. still trying to get the % correct

It’s kind of inconclusive, I had a few odd responses, but usually nothing, I did get complimented for my cologne a couple of times when I was wearing them though. Didn’t actually manage to get any “hits” while I was wearing them either. So I have no clue…

None that I can see, only one female friend of mine said “it smells nice”

Absolutely. My date kept exclaiming how much more attractive I was in person compared to my photos.

Results are inconclusive with a negative bias. Asians are very conservative, hence the difficulty to guage response.

Can’t really say, because I usually get along very well with people that I meet or work with. BUT knowing I have pheromone on me does give me a heightened sense of confidence!

Some were effective in a positive way, some so too effective and caused negative respones.

Only bought it recently but am noticing things, yes


Ohhh yes! Then had my own puppy dogs guys following me. lol

Yes, my social interactions seem more numerous while wearing pheromones.

Lots of comments

Hard to tell. but dating several men and wearing enough to make a dent in the atmosphere, I think it made no discernible difference with any one man. I used it around 10 men or so.

YES! I wear this with some perfume after I get out of the shower then oiling down and spray some vanilla scent over that. Let’s just say that I get more love calls than Heidi Fleiss did working as a madam…hehehe but the scent makes the men more responsive to me as a woman and they smile alot more. I work in a hospital and most of the time its the doctors ask me questions being *nice* winking at me wanting to touch me or touch my behind. I do have a boyfriend! No, I am not a player at all its the fact that work around all these men (male patients/doctors) that I am in contact the most.

I think it works. I know it sure makes me feel more seductive, which I think causes men to notice you more, especially if you are with someone.

Definitely!! Very sexy!!

I think so, my bf did seem more affectionate which is hard for him to do and it smelled really good

My husband wants to be closer to me more often when using pheromones and hugs me more!

(Survey results to be continued next week)
Q and A:

Q: How effective are these pheromones on people that already know you?�I read the reference guide, and information about �mones, and it says that people that already know you or have you pinned a certain way wont respond as well or will take longer to respond to them. I’ve been going out with a girl, soon to be my GF maybe, for about a month and a half now, and am wondering how well this will effect her. So far, things have been a little slow starting, but just recently it started picking up the pace, and I’m kind of hoping the mones will help even more. Also, what about close friends/coworkers? I have a bunch of friends that I’ve known for 6+ years, and we hang out all the time. Will this really affect them, and will they be more aggressive toward me, or since they already really know who I am, it wont really bother them?

A: pheromones will work on anyone, especially someone with whom you have a budding relationship. It is a perfect fit for the situation you describe. It is just that for a quick “test spin around the block” it is often very fun to slap on various pheromone potions and drop by a clothing shop on a quiet afternoon or even the local minimart and start flirting with the female staff. When you do that, sometimes guys get the shock of their lives and find that they can “put the moves” on women like they have never believed possible. Worst case scenario is the guy who has been working in the same office for many years and is hoping that pheromones are going to immediately work him out of the social stereotype he has slowly worked himself into. That is going to take time.

Check the pheromone Forum at:
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for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
pheromones in Context (Part #5)
by James V. Kohl

The headline read: “pheromone Studies Continue.” It was an article from a Wisconsin University student, a senior writer for the University News. She should have checked her facts before comparing pheromones from pigs to human pheromones. Instead, she first misrepresented what is known, and subsequently summarized with an authoritative suggestion that human pheromone studies were still in their toddler phase.

Nothing could be further from the truth! For example, she cited a professor/gynecologist who said, “… we think too much for our pheromones to have that kind of effect.” The truth is, we know that thinking is not involved in the response to human pheromones. Other mammals don’t think about whether or not pheromones effect their behavior. Yet, here we have an authority figure who indicates we can think our way out of pheromonal influences. In this case, the professor alluded to his studies on non-human primates (e.g., monkeys).

As they do in monkeys, our pheromones cause hormone changes in others. Because hormonal changes are accompanied by behavioral changes, this means that pheromones also cause changes in behavior. The behavioral changes happen whether or not we think about them. Arguably, we can use our conscious ability and choose to not respond to hormonal changes. But this doesn’t mean pheromones influence us less than they influence other species. It only means that our thought processes can be used to override the influence of pheromones.

Another Wisconsin University professor comments on the difficulty of human pheromone studies; our social behavior is very complex. “While research reveals pheromones do play a role in humans’ complicated mating drama, they are primarily a supporting character. The human brain hogs the spotlight.” Wrong again! If the thinking brain were so important to behavior, human pheromones could not readily be linked to behavior. But human pheromones have been linked both to hormonal changes and to behavioral changes via the same pathway involved in the pheromone-driven behavior of other mammals. And, again, other mammals don’t think about their response to pheromones.

PH80, a nasal spray is apparently offered to the readers in the context of pheromonal communication. The author confuses drug delivery via the nose, with the unconscious affect human pheromones have on hormones and behavior. She might just as well have indicated that nasal delivery of insulin makes it act as a pheromone. Finally, another Wisconsin University professor expounds upon the possible use of pheromones to alter mood when they are deliberately pumped into air systems: “But the area of what chemicals can do to human physiology is still a bit murky.” What’s murky? We know very well that human pheromones influence human physiology is the same way that they influence the physiology of other mammals. The pathway from the human nose to hormonal (physiological) changes has been detailed; the hormone response has been shown; the affective response is predictable. Nevertheless, this author and the authorities she cites obviously are not impressed with the scientific evidence showing that human pheromones are a strong influence on human behavior. Perhaps this is because none of the people she interviewed for this article have expertise in human pheromone research. Minimally, we could expect that the author would interview at least one prominent pheromone researcher who is involved in human research. Instead, we are led to believe that the author is citing people who are informed about current human data.

There is now plenty of data from human studies that consistently shows how human pheromones elicit changes in our behavior. When you read articles that indicate human pheromones influence our behavior less than influence the behavior of other mammals (and other species, in general) please consider the source of the information. Many people remain uninformed. Unfortunately, some of these uninformed people will, from time to time, misinform others. If ever you have the opportunity to direct those who are misinformed to sources of information about human pheromones, please do so. The pheromone Forum is one good source, and so is the Pheromone News.


Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

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FLASH: Pheromax for men has a new formula!

Literally just arrived at the warehouse, the *new formula* Pheromax from Germany. It still contains a large 5 mg pheromones per bottle, but new ingredients have been added. Too new to say how it works, but worth a look.

Click here for a look

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

I did my first run today. I came home from work, tossed on some new clothes, and put 1 drop of AE below each ear/neck, and 1 drop on the inside collar of my shirt. Then grabbed 1/3 of a pack of SOE on my wrist and neck and headed out. . . . went over to this girls house that I’ve been dating. There’s something about this girl I should say before I describe what happened. She is VERY conservative. She goes to church more times a week than I go to the bathroom, and until just recently has been standofish. Until the other night (Prom), we had gone out like a month and a half and had done nothing more than holding hands/little peck of the lips. At/after prom was the first time we really kissed. Today, when I got there, she was really excited to see me (I just got my eyebrow pierced, so I’m still not sure if it’s the -mones or not..and I’d been wearing them about 2 hours at this time so I’m thinking they might be wearing off). We went in, and she wouldn’t let me go. It was just me, her, and her brother at her house, and she was on me like someone was trying to grab her away in a crowd of people. She kept hugging on me and smelling my neck, and pushed me up against the wall and was all over me. She has NEVER done this before, so I’m thinking they might be working.



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Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

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Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

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Letter from the Prez:

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