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Here you will find lots of essential information for understanding pheromone usage.

Pheromone Research Links Pheromone Research Links Comments Off on Pheromone Research Links

Human Pheromones: Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Etholog – (pdf version here)

Human Pheromones: Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Ethology

Brain activity is influenced by chemical signals undetectable as odors

The Sexual Key

Study finds proof that humans react to pheromones

Pheromones / Bioethics and Biotechnology

Pheromones (human and insect)


The Human Pheromone Discovery

Nailing Down Pheromones in Humans

None detection/olfactory plasticity (increased sensitivity over time)

Physical proof that pheromones work at the system level of humans

Study about the relevance of the VNO in androstenone detection

Human pheromones and facial characteristics

Psychological effects of subthreshold exposure to the putative human pheromone 4,16-androstadien-3-one

MHC molecules in the vomeronasal organ: contributors to pheromonal discrimination?

Effects of putative male pheromones on female ratings of male attractiveness: influence of oral contraceptives and the menstrual cycle

The putative pheromone androstadienone activates cortical fields in the human brain related to social cognition

Male Axillary Extracts Contain Pheromones that Affect Pulsatile Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone and Mood in Women Recipients

Pheromonal influences on sociosexual behavior in young women

Pheromonal influences on sociosexual behavior in men

Human exposure to putative pheromones and changes in aspects of social behaviour

Inducibility of olfactory sensitivity by odor exposure of persons with specific anosmia

Bacterial interaction with pheromones and proportions of pheromones on the body

Human Vomeronasal Organ Function: A Critical Review of Best and Worst Cases

The scent of fear

Human exposure to putative pheromones and changes in aspects of social behaviour

Sniffing human sex-steroid derived compounds modulates mood, memory and autonomic nervous system function in specific behavioral contexts

Sniffing a human sex-steroid derived compound affects mood and autonomic arousal in a dose-dependent manner

Sex-steroid derived compounds induce sex-specific effects on autonomic nervous system function in humans

Ultrasensitive pheromone detection by mammalian vomeronasal neurons

Researchers find chemosignal that encourages women’s sexual desire

Sweaty t-shirt study: Do MHC genes influence odor preference in men and women?

MHC genes, body odours, and odour preferences

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Pheromone News June, 2004 Pheromone News June, 2004 Comments Off on Pheromone News June, 2004

June, 2004
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Hope this newsletter finds you well. As most of you know by now, we have an all new high-tech shopping cart and forum to match. If you haven’t been there yet, please proceed to without delay. To order, you will have to register as a customer. After that everything should be much easier than before. You will get an email with login information and a discount coupon good for 10% off your first order, but I’ll give you another one now worth 20% off! The discount coupon code is “pheronews”. Just put that into the right box when prompted to during checkout. The “pheronews” discount is ONLY GOOD THRU MONDAY. The welcome-coupon is good for a year.

Also, be sure to check out our new forum. It has all the “bells and whistles” including an arcade with prizes! (pheromones of course) 😉

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Edge Essentials!

Combining the power of
pheromones and aromatherapy

4 new mixtures (2 for men, 2 for women)
Natural essential oils and Edge pheromone mixture

This month only

Check it out!

Use the discount coupon code “pheronews” and get an additional 20% off your entire order. This code is only good through Monday the 28th though, so don’t delay.


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*Odor Sensitivity and Romance by Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories

Q and A:

Q: When I first started using pheromones, I got fantastic results, but as time went on, they didn’t seem to work as well. What is up with that?

A: It could be a problem of pheromone build-up. Experience has shown me that when body heat and bacteria have a chance to work on pheros, they seem to morph into other things, which often don’t smell very good. Hygiene is sometimes more important for the phero-cologne user than for others. Just like taking a shower to remove natural pheromones after they become a bit too “ripe”, I generally look forward to washing off the store-bought pheros too. In particular I have noticed that if you put a spray of a concentrated (unscented) pheromone on each armpit first thing in the morning, you will really need a shower by the end of the day; more so than you would otherwise. I feel great all day, but by the time I get home in the evening, I want a hot shower. Others may not have that experience, but I do.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of human pheromones in nature; some smell good and attract others, some smell bad and repel them. Some have no noticeable smell but still seem to work there magic on the human psyche.

In addition to giving your pheros both natural and synthetic a good scrub at the end of the day, I also recommend taking a break from pheromone products for at least a day every week. This should help discourage any distractive pheromone build-up.


Q: I ordered the New pheromone Additive on my initial order and didn’t get any response what so ever. Is there another/better pheromone you can suggest I can try? One that you’ve tried that attracted lots on women?

A: The NPA you have is top of the line, but some younger guys say it is too strong, and since there is no added fragrance, you can over do it sometimes. Scent of Eros might be a good alternative, and you wouldn’t be in danger of OD-ing on that stuff since it has a fragrance of its own.

It is important to try the mixtures a good number of times before you give up on them though. Especially with products like NPA, you are working with the receptivity cycles of the women you are trying to attract. Research has shown that some women may even be repulsed depending on the part of their monthly cycle they are in. Also, married and otherwise attached women may find male pheromones an invasion in their space. It is always a crap-shoot with romance and you have to play the odds. pheromones do not make women go insane. That is a bunch of marketing hooey propagated by unscrupulous pheromone companies that probably don’t even bother to put enough pheros in their products to get an effect anyway. Good products like NPA will clearly give you some extra “chemistry” with women who are receptive to pheromones. It can take a good couple of weeks of steady experimentation to get a handle on how it is working for you.


Check the pheromone Forum at:
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article:
Odor Sensitivity and Romance
By Bruce Boyd
(with special thanks to James Kohl and his invaluable book, The Scent of Eros)

When I started writing this article, I thought I had a pretty clear idea on the subject, but I am still in shock from what I found. Probably anyone reading this article is aware of and concerned about the effects on their love-life of the scent they give off, but what about the effects of your own ability to *perceive* smells? How does this affect romance?

Those of you who have been following the Pheromone News for a while will remember the reader survey we had last October (results posted in the November issue) concerning the importance of scent on sexual arousal and “falling in love.” Readers rated their feelings about the importance of scent on sexual arousal, giving it an 8 out of 10, and the effects of smell on “falling in love” only a 6. Well, after posting those results, I received an e-mail from pheromone researcher, James Kohl who says science begs to differ. If fact, there is scientific evidence that it is virtually *impossible* to fall in love without a sense of smell. Shocking as it may seem, individuals born with the genetic defect known as Kallmann’s Syndrome are unable from birth to smell anything and apparently as a result show no interest in either sex or romantic love. In the animal world, experiments have been done in which the VNO (part of the smelling apparatus that perceives pheromones) is destroyed at birth in subjects who are otherwise completely healthy. When these animals reach adulthood, they quite simply do not mate. If the VNO is destroyed *after* sex has been experienced, the animal may continue to show interest in mating, but without that initial experience, romance, at least for a male pig, does not happen.

At first it is difficult to believe that we are so entirely dependent on our sense of smell for sexual arousal and the experience of romantic love. Imagine that you are completely alone in your home, sit down in a comfortable chair and pop an x-rated film into your video machine. No pheromones, no smells, just naked bodies and well…sounds. For most of us, (and there is even research to back this up too) the reaction is powerful. How can this be, though, if sexual arousal depends on smell. Hold onto your chairs folks, but after reading research on the subject I am convinced that this arousal based on visual and auditory stimuli is 100% caused by conditioning. Just like Pavlov’s famous dogs, that salivate to the sound of a bell, porn movies turn us on because of earlier associations between visuals and the smell of sex pheromones. Individuals who are born blind or deaf can and do lead normal sex lives, but individuals born without a sense of smell (anosmia) do not.

What does this mean to the vast majority of individuals who have a “normal” sense of smell? Quite a bit more than you would think.

#1. More than 1% of those you run into on the street, in clubs or wherever you go, can not smell anything. This means that no matter how low-cut your dress or tight your pants, they don’t get it, or have to depend on their memory to understand the implications.

#2. Our sense of smell is not just strong or weak, each individual has an entirely unique smelling ability grid. According to a survey conducted by National Geographic, individuals vary greatly as to what they can and can not smell. Normal healthy individuals may be able to detect certain smells accurately, and be completely unable to detect other smells. For example, half of all women surveyed were unable to identify the smell of a banana without visual cues. Men, what this means is that half of all the women you run into on the street are completely unable to tell whether you have a banana in your pocket or are just glad to see them! [ Sorry. I just had to say that] No, really that doesn’t mean anything, but what does mean something is that only 71% of the women surveyed and 67% of the men could detect the sex pheromone androstenone. So no matter how “ripe” you are scent-wise, 30% of the folks you run into aren’t “getting it”, at least not very loud and clear. Ready for another shocker? The ability to detect androstenone, which is already starting to look like an indicator of how heavily “sexed” we are, varies not only from individual to individual, but from country (culture) to country as well. For example 75% of Latin American men can smell androstenone loud and clear, compared to only 63% of the men living in the US. Surprised? No? OK, and who ranks number one world-wide in the ability to detect androstenone? (envelope please…) Africa, with a 78% detection rate for men and a whopping 85% for women! One more interesting point though. What 3 countries (cultures) do you think have the widest gap between men and women in the ability to detect pheromones? (ie: frustrated women living with guys who don’t “get it”) And the winner is…..Asia, the Caribbean and the UK!!!!! Hey, I’m not making this up, so no angry letters please. I’m just writing down the statistics. You draw your own conclusions.

One thing I have to say in defense of the sexuality of my native USA, in regards to these results, is that as a nation we must be the most paranoid about body smell, (with the probable exception of Japan, the country I live in now), due undoubtably to the marketing efforts of antibacterial soap and deodorant companies. I have on a number of occasions gotten angry letters from the US complaining that pheromone products containing nothing more than synthetic androstenone and androstenol smell like “BO.”

#3. Our sense of smell goes through a strength curve similar to that of our sex hormone levels, which peaks out around the age of 20 and fall very quickly as we hit old age. Science shows us that this loss of smell in and of itself, diminishes our interest in sex and romance! By the way, this gradual loss of smell is not completely unavoidable. A number of environmental factors are likely involved. At the forefront being tobacco smoke and prescription medications, but I would guess a whole host of air pollutants both indoor and outdoor are to blame. Some caution might be advisable.

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!

Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
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Click Here to have a look



Edge Naturals!

Now on sale, Edge Naturals represent a whole new direction for the manufacturer LaCroy Chemicals. Using the same phero-chemicals as the regular unscented Edge and carrying on in the footsteps of the scented Edge products, Edge Naturals are scented with scientifically formulated aromatherapy potions designed by experts in the field.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

SOE is the best career move I’ve made in a long time. Subordinates are cooperative ( Some have said I’m the best manager they’ve ever worked for. Before SOE there was a constant power struggle.), superiors are supportive (I’ve gotten them to pay for seminars and all kinds of office equipment. And soon I’m going on vacation, even though I haven’t worked long enough to qualify for one. Before I felt as if they were nitpicking every move I made.), and coworkers are friendly (Before, everybody was arms-length.). . . . there’s no question this stuff rocks in the workplace. I’d be hooked even if it repelled women.


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Pheromone News May, 2004 Pheromone News May, 2004 Comments Off on Pheromone News May, 2004

May, 2004

Hello Again Readers,

Our resident pheromone researcher James Kohl is just back from the annual conference of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, which among other types of “chemoreception” has a lot to do with pheromone communication. James was kind enough to give us glimpse into the conference for this month’s PheroNews. Please have a look below.

We have added a new type of product to our lineup of sample packets, and they are free (except for the shipping and handling), so avail yourself if you are so inclinded:
Go get ’em:

We are also offering a good deal on a couple of great products over here:

Bruce Boyd

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Back issues and sign up located at:
This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Report from the Association for Chemoreception Sciences
-James V. Kohl
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Reader pheromone Story
pheromone Q and A:

This month, some technical points for experienced users:

Q: What constitutes a ‘drop’ with the Primal Instinct bottle? Should I use the AE (Alter Ego) ‘drop’ as a gauge?

A: Don’t use the AE dropper for PI. PI is very thick. My bottle of PI requires a little shaking to get the stuff to come out, but others have told me they just turn the bottle over and the oil will drip out on its own. In any case, a “drop” is what comes out of that dripper-top plastic sleave when you turn the bottle over. It is not very much.

Q: I am not getting results as strong as I would like. Should I be using more?

A: I would try more only gradually. And also different combinations of the products you have. Your strongest horse there is the Alter Ego. I would experiment quite a bit with that one on its own too. Personally, I would experiment mostly with different amounts of AE (using your nose as your guide since it is a cologne), adding a drop or 2 of PI sometimes. Then just keep at it. 1 in 4 women are fairly immune to pheromones (even natural ones sadly enough). Women on the pill don’t react very well. Women with colds don’t get it. Women who are very uptight in publlic will be almost impossible to read. Married women with young kids will be immune. And the list goes on. Your available targets are not as many as you might think based on a quick survey. Just keep at it. Try tallking to women working in clothing shops or behind fragrance counters. Young working women are usually single and available.

Q: Is it possible that my product has become inert due to cold? It was shipped FedEx overnight and was pretty cold when I received it (live in the Northeast). What is the temperature range for these products?

A: No, that should not be a problem. You could store them in the fridge and not hurt them.

Q: How long does AE or PI remain effective after application? How often should I re-apply?

A: It will begin fading immediately after application, but the pheromones are very tenacious, more so than cologne. You can reaply whenever you want, but like I said, the fragrance will fade before the pheros. In hot weather the pheros will morph into undesireable smells sometimes, and you need to wash them off.

All the Best,

Feature Article:
Report from the Association for Chemoreception Sciences
-James V. Kohl

Conference attendance continues to grow every year. I heard that there were 580 people who registered. In the past, conference abstracts have been posted on-line, long before they become available through subscription to “Chemical Senses”, the association newsletter. There’s been a change in organizational structure, so I’m providing a selected overview here. Of course, the focus is on presentations that deal with aspects of pheromonal communication.

Several presentations focused on the role of the main olfactory system in processing pheromones. I expect this will lead to increased public awareness that the vomeronasal organ (or “VNO”; secondary olfactory system also located in the nose and often credited with the ability to sense pheromones) is not essential to the unconscious affect of pheromones. Just because pheromones come through the nose, doesn’t mean we are consciously aware of them. Like other mammals, we don’t need to think about pheromones for them to have their effect on our hormones.

Note the difference here: “unconscious affect” versus a “cause and effect” relationship. An unconscious affect is a hormonal change (e.g., gonadotropin releasing hormone induced change in levels of luteinizing hormone) that we are not consciously aware of. A cause and effect relationship would be something like linking pheromones to a specific behavior (a scenario that is common in the insect world). pheromones from a female moth attract males for mating. Mammalian behavior is more complicated, yet we know it is affected by pheromones, so “unconscious affect” applies better to mammals, including humans. In contrast to insect pheromones, mammalian pheromones are only likely to elicit cause and effect relationships when the pheromones are present in high enough concentrations to be consciously perceived, and they will typically be negatively perceived. For example, excessive consciously perceived natural body odor almost always has a negative effect on someone who smells it. Don�t mean to labor too long on this point, but in a recent journal submission review, the reviewer wrote:
It is stated “Postnatal affective reactions that occur “This is an example of a vague statement that conveys little meaning. What are these postnatal affective reactions? On a related note, the author states that “an arbitrary odor will elicit a male LH response.”

From one small part of one paragraph (quoted above), it becomes obvious that the reviewer does not understand that the luteinizing hormone (LH) response is the postnatal affective reaction. Actually, the reviewer didn’t seem to understand anything about the concept of human pheromones (as presented in an award winning review article). Reviewers are supposed to be knowledgeable about the papers they review. Obviously, this wasn’t the case. This made it difficult for the reviewer to understand how pheromones could be linked to homosexual orientation (the topic of the journal submission).

The reason I mention the reviewer’s lack of understanding is to contrast the review with the level of understanding/intuition of high school students. One AChemS 2004 researcher presented a study, which was designed by a high school class; she simply supervised and offered some suggestions. The students’ intent was to find out whether one’s friends had a more pleasant odor compared to casual acquaintances, or to people that were unknown to the student. Their findings were that, yes, friends smelled best. The astute researcher asked what the students would like to do in a future study of human pheromones. What about the pheromones of homosexuals, they asked?

At last year’s conference, a research report stated that homosexuals can distinguish between the odor of heterosexuals and other homosexuals, and that homosexuals prefer the odor of other homosexuals. On a related note, Dr. Anne Perkins and colleagues published a paper (a decade ago) that succinctly states homosexual rams do not respond with the typical LH response to the pheromones of estrus ewes. To me, the absence of this typical LH response to pheromones of the opposite sex is very revealing. Anne and I discussed this in a 1993 Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality symposium. There’s something about this unconscious affect (on LH) that goes along with the rams’ homosexual orientation.

As some of you may have guessed, I’m thinking that the homosexual rams are processing the pheromones of other sheep in an atypical manner, and that the lack of the LH response to estrus ewes is central to the explanation of homosexual orientation. Well, even if you had not guessed, that�s the focus of my journal submission: “Human pheromones, Neuroscience, and Male Homosexual Orientation.” I explain that, just like heterosexual attraction, homosexual attraction is a function of the unconscious affect of pheromones on levels of our hormones. But, unlike high school students, so far the reviewers of my journal submission just don’t get it! Yes, it’s frustrating. It appears that it would be much easier to teach high school students about human pheromones and sexuality than it is to teach people with doctoral degrees in behavioral development.

Information about homosexual pheromones is geared to hit the mainstream media sometime soon, when Yolanda Martins, Charles Wysocki, and George Preti publish their findings (presented last year) in a peer-reviewed journal. While many reviewers may wonder what all the fuss is about, readers of the Pheromone News–whom I’m certain have intuitive understanding greater than high school students–will already know what extending the concept of human pheromones to explain homosexuality means. Simply put, in a 2001 Neuroendocrinology Letters review, colleagues and I explained how pheromones determine heterosexual orientation. And obviously, if this is true, pheromones must also determine homosexual orientation. Granted, the research that supports extension of a mammalian model both to human heterosexual and to human homosexual orientation, will continue to be challenged/misunderstood, politically charged, and be unlikely to appear in any peer-reviewed journal. But the support is very conclusive. Besides, no one has ever presented any information on how homosexuals become visually attracted to other homosexuals. And, if you explain the biology of heterosexual attraction, you had better explain homosexual attraction with the same model.

Change of focus here. There were several presentations on olfactory/pheromonal communication in birds, for example, “Preen Gland Secretions of a Scented and Unscented Seabird;” “Behavioral and Physiological Responses to a Putative Alarm Odor in European Starlings.” Typically, research on avian communication has focussed on song and on visual cues (e.g., the peacock’s tail). Some evolutionary psychologists are in for quite a surprise when they find that even the behavior of birds is likely to depend on olfaction/pheromones.

Back on topic: Colleague Matthias Laska’s slide presentation clearly stated that “between species comparisons of neuroanatomical features or of the number of functional olfactory receptor genes are poor predictors of olfactory performance.” Simply put, “We found that contrary to the traditional view, human subjects do not generally perform poorer than monkeys” And, human and nonhuman primates show an olfactory sensitivity, which for several substances, matches or is markedly better than species like dogs, rats, or mice.

Since we know that the sexual behavior of dogs, rats, mice and other mammals, is dependent on pheromones, it should be no surprise that human sexuality, including human homosexuality, will be found to be equally dependent on pheromones. I wrote a little about this in the 2002 update of my book “The Scent of Eros.” Since 2002, findings have become more conclusive in this regard. I’ll try to keep you posted as more data arrives.

New Products

pheromone gel packs
These are really great. They are single/double use packets which contain a non-oily gel version of several of our best selling products (more to come in the future). Easy to carry in pocket or purse and can be applied to large areas of the body after showering without overdosing and/or getting oily.
Go here to have a look:
You can also get a few freebies here today:

pheromones in the Cinema

–From “Don Juan De Marco” starring Johnny Depp–
It’s an old movie, but if you haven’t seen it and are interested in what makes romance happen and what makes it *not* happen as well, drop everything and run out and rent this movie NOW! In fact, you might want to buy it and maybe even memorize a few parts.

Here is Don Juan’s reaction to a question regarding the depth of his love.
“Have you ever met a woman who inspires you to love until your every sense is filled with her? You inhale her, you taste her, you see your unborn children in her eyes and know that your heart has at last found a home. Your life begins with her and without her, it must surely end.”

User Corner

Hello Bruce and company,

I was having friends over for a BBQ the day I got my Alter Ego in the mail, and this woman that I hooked up w/ the night before crashed the party. We were getting ready to go to a club soon, so I went into the next room to apply my new pheromones. Susie Q. walks in right after I finished, took one whiff of my neck and…so much for getting dressed to go out. She didn’t care if there were a bunch of strangers in the next room. She had to have me right then and there. Was it all mones…no, but I definitely think she was affected, judging from that “hungry” look in her eye. Not the same one she had the night before…something was different about it. I have seen that “look” quite a few times lately, since I’ve been experimenting w/ different combos and mixes. I virtually never got those kinds of looks before. Probably a combination of things, which is what it’s all about. Pheros can’t work miracles for you, but they can add a nice edge to what you’ve already got goin’ on.

Thank you!


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Back issues and sign up are located at:

Bruce Boyd

Pheromone News April, 2004 Pheromone News April, 2004 Comments Off on Pheromone News April, 2004

April, 2004

Hello Again Readers,

Whew! What a week. Thank God it’s Friday.
Sorry we missed you last month, but I’ll try to make it up to you today. So, without further ado….
FREE_SAMPLE pheromones!
Go get ’em:
Today only!

Bruce Boyd

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Back issues and sign up located at:
This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Not all Roses
-Bruce Boyd
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Reader pheromone Story
pheromone Q and A:

Q: I am a 40 year old male interested in attracting women under 30. What product would you recommend? Is androstenol a good pheromone for attracting younger women?

A: It is generally accepted that you need at least a little androsteNONE (or possibly androsteRONE would do) if you want to score. The possible exception being very young guys (early 20s). To give you an idea of what I am getting at: androsteNOL has often been branded the “chattiness” pheromone. Thus the success of Alter Ego, NPA and Edge, all of which have sophisticated forumlas but lean heavily on their adnrosteNONE component for success. At your age, I would try one of these 3 products. Alter Ego is a premixed cologne. NPA is an additive product, which you add to your own cologne and Edge comes in several different formats.

Q: I can’t seem to get the products to work. I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried (pheromone Additive, APC, Passion pheromone Attractant). I’ve tried them by themselves, I’ve tried mixing. I go to clubs, and nothing happens. Any ideas?????

A: If that is the pheromone additive they call NPA you have there, that should do the trick. It is very good with APC too by the way. Try taking a hot soapy shower before you go out. Then put the NPA and APC together on your wrists. Rub your wrists together to work it in a little. Try that for a while and see what happens. Maybe vary the amount you use a little. Start small and work up to more and more.

If you are in your 20s or younger and/or big and/or muscular, probably NPA is too macho for you and you are making yourself scary. You need to back off into something like SOE. That you can get in packets cheaply.

If all the pheros seem to make no difference at all rather than making things worse, especially if you are young, then I would take a look at other issues:
Social skills
Hair style
Image you project (biker?, stock broker?, CPA?, jock?)

Also, botttom line is that the products are guaranteed to work. Don’t ever worry that you have been had. That will just make it harder to get results. You can easily get all your money back, no problem. So, just relax and have some fun. If it works, great, you got it made. If not, you get all your money back and maybe you learned something.

All the Best,

Feature Article: (reprinted from previous issue)
Not All Roses
-Bruce Boyd

I came across a fascinating article on the internet some time ago entitled “Can Animals Really Smell Fear?” by Sharon Lynn. On rereading it again this morning however, it finally dawned on me how crucial this information is to a useful understanding of the role that pheromones play in our daily lives.

To review for a moment, if you’ve been reading the Pheromone News, you may remember that pheromone production is closely tied to hormone production in the body. In fact, hormones are the building blocks from which pheromones are made as they (hormones) are secreted out of the body in our sweat and acted upon by the bacteria on our skin. Since most folks reading this e-zine are interested primarily in pheromones in their role as sexual attractant, we have focused mainly on the known sex-attractors, namely: copulins and the two andro pheromones (androstenone and androstenol). Quite naturally enough, these pheromones are strongly linked with the production of their corresponding sex hormones, but is that really all the information that is of interest to us as social creatures?

Here is an illustration. In the world of commercial pheromones for men, we are looking at only two available active ingredients, androstenone and androstenol. As the “andro” would seem to imply, in nature the production of both of these pheromones is directly related to the well-known male sex hormone, testosterone. And from what I’ve read, it seems reasonable to assume for the time being, that if a certain male is high in testosterone, he will be high in the popular male andro pheromones as well. Now, as you may or may not know, when professional athletes take “steroid” drugs, what they are actually shooting for (literally) is a dramatic increase in testosterone levels, which in turn is well-known for dramatically increasing muscle mass, strength, and endurance, AND apparently pheromone levels. So, does taking steroids automatically turn one into the hotest stud-muffins in town? Well, as we say here in Japan, “so nani amakunai” (it ain’t that sweet). After reading the article about animals and fear I realized the innate weakness of testosterone boosting programs as a means of achieving pheromone dominance. High testosterone may well lead to high sex pheromones (of which we know of only two so far), but can just as easily break down into any of thousands of other pheromones that may have positive, neutral or even very negative effects on our social situation. Towering youthful or drug-induced sex hormone levels are also linked to higher levels of the cortico-steroid or “stress hormones” in the body, which I am now convinced break-down into their own particular stress pheromones on our skin and breath. The message “I am seriously stressed out here” may be of use if you are waving a gun around and trying to get a bank guard to open a safe for you, but is not likely to get you where you want to go if you’re looking for the love of your life at your local church social.

“Stress pheromones?!?!” Smelling like fear? Don’t believe it? A writer and dog trainer for the “K-9 Academy, Law Enforcement Trainer’s Resource Center” says you can easily train a dog to “pick out people who are afraid” and continues: “a guilty person’s odor is coming out like a smoke bomb and smells of fear.” And another trainer, Morris R. Atwell, who works specifically with dogs that are being trained to find dead bodies, relates that although on occasion they have the opportunity to use “real live” dead bodies for training, when none are available, they must use dummies and a synthetic bottled scent (ie: commercial pheromone-like substance!). I swear I am not making this up…the fragrance goes by the name “Fear and Trauma.”

Woman at the fragrance counter (in a soft breathy voice): “Would you like to try our latest men’s cologne? It’s veeeery sexy! It’s ‘Fear and Trauma’ by Calvin Kline. They say it brings out your ‘inner cadaver’. It drives me wild! Try a little.”
Male Customer: “ know, I’d really love to, but um, you know..I promised my wife I’d straighten out my sock drawer this afternoon, and I really have to be going now…”

But in any case, don’t forget to smile!
New Products

pheromone gel packs
These are really great. They are single/double use packets which contain a non-oily gel version of several of our best selling products (more to come in the future). Easy to carry in pocket or purse and can be applied to large areas of the body after showering without overdosing and/or getting oily.
Go here to have a look:
You can also get a couple of freebies here today:

pheromones in the Cinema

–From “Don Juan De Marco” starring Johnny Depp–
It’s an old movie, but if you haven’t seen it and are interested in what makes romance happen and what makes it *not* happen as well, drop everything and run out and rent this movie NOW! In fact, you might want to buy it and maybe even memorize a few parts.

Here is Don Juan’s reaction to a question regarding the depth of his love.
“Have you ever met a woman who inspires you to love until your every sense is filled with her? You inhale her, you taste her, you see your unborn children in her eyes and know that your heart has at last found a home. Your life begins with her and without her, it must surely end.”

User Corner

Hello Bruce and company,

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how PLEASED I am about my discovering your website and the pheromones! I read information on the forums and decided on SOE, NPA/w and PCC. Well, I AM DEFINITELY a SATISFIED customer! I LOVE what these products do for me alone, but it has boosted my husband’s interest in me as well! He has an acute sense of smell and realized that I was doing something different; I blamed it on a new lotion. Of course I spiked the lotion with NPA/w maybe too much. I have since added more lotion to the container to dilute the NPA!

I have experienced several “hits” outside home. On a recent trip to New York as I took a seat on the subway. The woman across the aisle from me started freshening her makeup after I’d been there for about 5 minutes. Later, on the same subway a young lady sat next to me and within a couple of minutes she too began freshening her makeup. Here at home just yesterday, while in the grocery store. I got a very definite “Hello” from a guy! At first I was shocked then I remembered I had on the pheromones! It was pleasant and returned an enthusiastic “Hello” even though my 10 year old son was right there with me.

I have just ordered EW because of the comments I read on the forum. I plan to continue using these products for a long as I can afford them. So far I’m ordering very secretively because I don’t want the hubby to know I just want the results! With all the raves about Alter Ego/w I will be purchasing this product next month for my birthday!

Thank you all!


Feel free to distribute this newsletter freely as long as you include the following sign-up information:
Back issues and sign up are located at:

Bruce Boyd


Pheromone News February, 2004 Pheromone News February, 2004 Comments Off on Pheromone News February, 2004

February, 2004
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Valentine’s Day is very close now. Don’t forget to remember the ones you love!

The pheromone Forum is really banging these days. It is an invaluable resource for information about pheromones.
Check out the forum today!.

Good News: Along with the scented men’s and scented women’s Scent of Eros, we now carry the much demanded unscented unisex Scent of Eros. If you are among the many who have enjoyed the proven potency of the men’s SOE but aren’t too keen on the fragrance check out and pick up a bottle.

Bad News: Our highly qualified (apparently overqualified) replacement editor for the Pheromone News got a better job before completing even a single issue, so here I am, back in the saddle again. For better or worse, I remain.

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Back Again!
Don’t delay.

The Newbie Special!
Only $24.95

** Back by popular demand **

Check it out!


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*Feature article: Will You be my Motivational State by James V. Kohl
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories
Q and A:

Q: I have problems with not being in the mood for romance. I am curious about pheromones, but do not understand the way they work. If I want to be more in the mood do I get it for myself ( a women) or do I get it for my husband the scent and his scent will put me in the mood. Thank You, JK

A: Either should help put you in the mood (ie: your husbands male pheromones or your own female pheromones), but I suggest you get something for yourself. My years of marriage have taught me that when in doubt, take responsibility yourself, and by the way, we give away a free women’s herbal supplement with the women’s products. This supplement has been known to increase libido (being “in the mood”). Also, search our forum and check out discussion on the machine known as “the slightest touch”. We don’t sell anything like that, but folks that have them seem to be getting good results. Also, we sell a great video for helping put excitement back in a marriage. If you can talk your husband into watching that together with you, I have a feeling that will help quite a bit. Last but not least, don’t hesitate to see a competent physician if you think there might be some medical problem causing your low sexual energy level.

Q: Do pheromones have a smell. I thought they were scentless?

A: Anyone who owns a bottle of Primal Instinct or NPA (New pheromone Additive) can tell you that if you get a good nose full of androstenone that it has a smell. It is a musky smell that some customers have even described as “BO”. That is what one particular pheromone (androstenone) smells like. The “scentless” claim just means that pheromones are effective at levels undetectable with our normal smelling system. The magic mood-lift and attraction that users report comes as the result of the activation of a special set of organs in the nose, called the VNO (vomeronasal organs) not our normal sense of smell. So, the real pheromone effect happens subconsciously, and doesn’t require that others get that musky smell. It’s like the subliminal message on self-help tapes. The sound is there and you can hear it, but it slips in underneath other sounds on the tape. The pheromone smell is there, but you don’t really notice it, because of other smells. That is why many people use a good cologne (or naturally scented oil) with unscented pheromone products like Primal Instinct or NPA. It blends with the pheromone smell and makes it more pleasant. Also, if you are wearing a sexy cologne or perfume, it will wake up the sense of smell of your target, he/she will intentionally make an effort to get a good whiff of you, and then the pheromones go to work. The fragrance works as a carrier for the pheromones.

Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article: Will you be my Motivational State or how about my Valentine?
–James V. Kohl

Do male marmosets think about the scent of an attractive potential mate? Do men? According to a recent report, male marmosets are similar to humans when it comes to sexual responses. Olfactory cues correlate with high levels of neural activity important to decision-making and to sexual arousal, and this neural activity is linked to cognitive control. Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI) studies shows that “like humans” non-human primates make careful choices when confronted with the scent of an attractive female. (1) Other primate evidence shows that the development of trichromatic color vision led to decreased use of olfactory cues in primate mate choice. (2) Thus, we have disparate findings from recent research. One primate uses olfactory input in cognitive choice. In theory, other primates rely more on visual input, though the neural activity link from visual input to cognitive choice is not clear. In any case, studies 1 and 2 (above) extend a non-human animal model of sexual selection to humans. One links olfaction; one theoretically links color vision.

A casual reading of either study report might cause some people to think that human males rely more on visual input than on olfactory input in mate choice, or vice versa. A casual reading of both study reports might cause some confusion. Fortunately, there are significant differences between the biological evidence that indicates male mate choice is based on olfactory input, and the evolutionary theory that male mate choice is based on visual input. However, the difference between biological evidence and the evolutionary theory may need clarification.

The first report mistakenly noted that “This is the first time anyone has imaged an awake nonhuman primate in response to emotionally arousing stimuli; it is also the first link between external sexual odors and the internal sexual arousal system.” That statement is, at best, misleading.

Positron emission tomography (PET) imagery has been used to link external sexual odors (e.g., putative human pheromones) to the internal sexual arousal system of men and of women. Though this PET imagery was not done on nonhuman primates–it was done on humans; it is misleading to say that this MRI of nonhuman primates provides the first imaging evidence that external sexual odors affect the internal sexual arousal system. Indeed, the PET imagery made clear that sexually relevant odors are processed differently in the human male than in the human female. (3) This sex difference in signal processing is important to the sex difference in the response. The difference in processing occurs via activation of the hypothalamus, which modulates the hormones of the sexual response cycle in all mammals, not just nonhuman primates.

Sex differences in hypothalamic activation by odor offer a physiological substrate for behavioral response that is different in men and women. This response begins with a change in hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) pulsatility. The GnRH pulse alters the entire hormonal “nature” of the sexual response cycle during the development of sexual behavior. This sexual response cycle to sensory input from the social environment does not require cognition. Other animals, including non-human primates, do not need to think about their response. But now we are being led to believe that male marmosets and male humans consider whether the scent of the female is attractive before initiating sexual behavior. Is this belief anthropomorphic, or is it anthropocentric?

We may continue to have difficulty understanding human sexuality if we continue to believe in the evolutionary theory that visual input is more important to male human mate choice, when nearly all, if not all, biological evidence supports the assertion that olfactory input conditions the visual response. (4) Given the different approaches in the two aforementioned studies, it is becoming more important to determine whether non-human animal studies are relevant to the understanding of human sexuality. (5) If they are, then both biologically based evolutionary theory and human imaging of the brain should inidicate the same thing. From a biological perspective, love is more likely to be an animalistic motivational state than an emotion. (6)

This does not mean, however, that it will ever be appropriate for a man to send his Valentine a card that says: “Be My Motivational State.”


Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The Pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Unscented Scent of Eros

On sale at, *unscented* Scent of Eros is the latest addition to the Scent of Eros line. The expectation with SOE was that it would always come with a fragrance, but the pheromone formula proved to be mightier than the fragrance, so under a rising tide of public outcry, an unfragranced Scent of Eros has been released. Furthermore, though theoretically the formula is that of the men’s Scent of Eros, women have numbered heavily among even the scented SOE’s users and were a major portion of the voice demanding this unscented version, so as you probably now can guess this product is officially branded “unisex” even though the pheromones are identical to the scented men’s product.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

(RE: Alter Ego for women)
Exactly! You WILL be noticed. It’s like all of a sudden you become the most sought-after person of the day. You feel like you look great even if you’re wearing sweats and a t-shirt. You’ve got confidence and style. Guys make it a point to stop and talk, and stay longer than they need to. Then they call later on in the day for no reason than just to see what you’re up to or if you wanna go out and do something. Everybody you see is SOOOOO happy to see you–men and women alike. Lots of joking around and laughing and flirting–like a -nol OD but better.



Pheromone News may be distributed freely as long as no part is omitted
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles or personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:


Pheromone News January, 2004 Pheromone News January, 2004 Comments Off on Pheromone News January, 2004

January, 2004
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Happy new year folks. Hope you had a fun holiday season. I just got back from a couple of conventions in Las Vegas. I started with 50 cents, worked it up to $1.50, and then lost it all. As you can tell, I’m not much of a gambler. I did get to hang out with the legendary pheromone expert Phil Stone and made some other interesting contacts in the industry though. Check our forum for details.

Latest News: We now actually carry the long awaited Scent of Eros for *women*. If you are of the female gender and haven’t done so already, proceed without further delay to and pick up a bottle. Drop me an email with your review of the product, and I will send you a free Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone pen.

‘nother News Flash: We’ve finally gotten a real writer to edit the Pheromone News. So, check in next month for what promises to be a great issue.

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Back Again!
Don’t delay.

The Newbie Special!
Only $24.95

** Back by popular demand **

Check it out!


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*Feature article: Where do pheromones come from? by Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories

Q and A:

Q: I have ordered your Newbie special in addition to the EW for women. I played around with them and mixed the edge for women with the EW and some aromatherapy perfume i love, called “Pure Joy” by the healing garden waters. The first time i used it I noticed my boyfriend wanted to touch me a lot more then usual. Other times I have used it and gone to a grocery store and normally get a lot of stares from men so i couldn’t tell if it was working but what i normally do not get is a lot of stares from women, and I constantly had women looking me over with the pheromones. One time a coworker, who is a woman, came to help me with something and as soon as she looked at me she just stared at me with her mouth hanging open for like 5 seconds and then turned her head. It was weird. This has happened a lot. Later I went to a restaurant for my son’s birthday and this very attractive woman and her husband who sat a couple tables away kept staring at me. The funny thing about this stare is that they didn’t turn away when i looked back at them. It was very uncomfortable. They each were doing it but were not doing it as a couple the other one did not know that the other one was staring as well. The funny thing is the woman stared at me constantly almost through my entire meal (we were there for about an hour), she would not take her eyes off of me! My boyfriend and I couldn’t figure out why she was acting like a weirdo and then i realised i put the pheromone combo on before i left. (i wear it because for some reason i get a very relaxed peaceful feeling when i wear it in the combo i stated above).

My question is what is going through other people’s minds when they are just staring at you like that due to the pheromones? Is it an attraction type thing or is something else going on? And do these pheromones make people find you more physically attractive or are they already attracted to you and the pheromones enhance it?

A: I am not surprised. I have heard from a lot of customers that they get attention from both sexes, which is usually more troubling to men than women. To answer your question though, “fascination” might be a better word than “attraction” in cases like that. There is really nothing going through the person’s mind, they are sort of hypnotized and obsessed with feasting with their eyes. That is the magic of the pheromones. Not everybody gets it, but when a person is in the right mood, time of the month or whatever, they can get a little crazy from the whif of pheromones. It’s like being famous; it’s not always a picnic. Like Bruce Willis said: “it’s like walking around in your underwear.” People stare.

Q: I was running through your forum and noticed a newbies experiences of using pheromones. He found that a combination worked for him. Now it brings me to this question: do you have to combine to make pheromones work one. Or do pheromones work in combos for some and alone for others??

A: Everybody has his/her own natural pheromone “signature”. In almost all cases some extra pheromones will help, but the right amount of each pheromone chemical is difficult to say. You just have to experiment. and the results will be different for each person. So in many cases, one single scented product like Alter Ego will work very well. for other people Scent of Eros will work better and for other guys, a mix of a couple different products will work. For example, adding 1 drop of NPA to either Scent of Eros or Alter Ego, might be the magic formula for a certain guy.

Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article: Where do pheromones come from?
–Bruce Boyd

Most of the technical information contained in this brief article either comes directly from James Kohl’s book, “The Scent of Eros”, or can certainly be found there. It is for sale here.

What are pheromones, and where do they come from anyway? Most of us are only vaguely aware that they are some kind of odiferous substance produced by the body that seems to attract and/or sexually arouse others, and that is about it. In an earlier issue of the Pheromone News, I attempted to describe research that has shown that human beings as well as animals possess a special smelling apparatus located in the nose but yet separate from our normal smelling organ, and which is used specifically for detecting pheromones. But how are these pheromones made, and how do they get to the nose of their target?

In both humans and animals hormones regularly break down into various other substances, which are finally acted upon by friendly bacteria in or on the body to produce what we now refer to as pheromones. I would guess there are currently hundreds of known pheromones with countless functions, but in short, any substance which is used by the body to communicate or otherwise stimulate others via the VNO (pheromone detecting organ in the nose) can be called a pheromone by definition. The most well-known spot for the production of pheromones in humans is right on our own skin. Hormones and their metabolites (broken down versions) are excreted out through special sweat glands on the skin, where they meet up with certain sex-specific bacteria that actually make the pheromones and determine how we “smell” to the world. To a large extent though, these pheromones are undectable in the usual sense of the word, even though they have such a dramatic effect on our feelings and behavior. From sweat with the help of our hair these pheromones evaporate and become a gas in which form they can easily travel through the air to the noses of others. But this is only one way that pheromones travel. In a slightly different form, pheromones travel together with the numerous skin cells we lose every day.

According to James Kohl, the average person “sheds nearly forty million (skin) cells a day in an invisible airborne cloud of particles that contains sex pheromones..” Well, you probably won’t find this a very romantic image to dwell on, but if it is true and pheromones are really as powerful as believed, at levels far far below what we can consciously detect, this may give a whole new meaning to the old adage “love is blind”. Is it possible that we are being led around by the nose at least as far as romance goes? I am going to belabor this point for a moment, not because it is so hard to understand, but because it is so hard to believe. If the theory is true, than we don’t actually have to be able to smell someone to be blown away by their pheromones, which means that the whole pheromone effect must be hard-wired into our brain, ie: it can bypass our conscious mind. From a distance further away than we can clearly make out someone’s face we may be getting invisible sexy signals from that person and never realizing how.

But sweat and our skin cell cloud are not the only way we communicate pheromonally. pheromones as well as hormones themselves are present in great amount in human saliva, and therefore a major factor in determining the smell of our breath. And, as is the case at all pheromone launching sites, these pheromones are not limited to sex pheromones. I expect the parents and especially mothers among you will not be surprised when I tell you that I find the smell of my small childrens’ breath literally intoxicating. I still pause occasionally by my four year old son’s bed to catch a whiff before turning in for the night. Not exactly a scientific study, but I don’t think anyone would argue with me for saying that parent-child attraction is also quite probably pheromonally regulated.

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd


Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Scent of Eros for Women

On sale at, Scent of Eros for women promises to be every bit as big a hit as its male counterpart. Designed by pheromone researcher James V. Kohl, SOE for women is oil based and has a pleasant fragrance. It contains the pheromones androstenol and a proprietary formula of the unique women’s pheromone copulins.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

SOE is the best career move I’ve made in a long time. Subordinates are cooperative. One said I’m the best manager he’s ever worked for. Before SOE there was a constant power struggle. Superiors are supportive. I’ve gotten them to pay for seminars and all kinds of office equipment. And soon I’m going on vacation, even though I haven’t worked long enough to qualify for one. Before I felt as if they were nitpicking every move I made. And coworkers are friendly, when they used to be at arm’s-length. There’s no question this stuff rocks in the workplace. I’d be hooked even if it repelled women.



Pheromone News may be distributed freely as long as no part is omitted
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles or personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:

Pheromone News December, 2003 Pheromone News December, 2003 Comments Off on Pheromone News December, 2003

December, 2003
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. With two young kids in the house and a wife down with the flu, sometimes I wonder “are we having fun yet?” but I can’t complain.

Latest News: The first batch of Scent of Eros for women has finally been bottled! We will get the labels on tomorrow and should have them in the warehouse for shipping early next week. Keep an eye on our forum for details.

Looking for Christmas gifts?
Have a look at:
Lure. Only $19.95 and comes in a cute little felt bag with lock and key. Both men’s and women’s formulas.

Or maybe:
Scent of Eros for men by researcher James Kohl. Top seller at Easy to use. Also comes in little packets, you could use as stocking-stuffers.

Or for the lady:
Passion Copulin Concentrate. Easy to use cologne type. Top seller among women’s products.

For the science buff of the family:
pheromone Chemistry Set. Everything you need to make your own pheromone colognes at home.

Or for something fancy (nice box etc) try:
Pheromax imported from Germany
Realm fine colognes for men and women

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Happy Holidays,
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Back Again!
Don’t delay.

The Newbie Special!
Only $24.95

** Back by popular demand **

Check it out!

Everything you need to get started with pheromones at a price you can afford.
(first time customers only please!)


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*pheromones in Nature (short excerpts from an article by Deepak Chopra)
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories

Q and A:

Q: I ordered the new Alter Ego, and I was wondering how long it needs to be on me before it “kicks in” so to speak. Say I want try it out at college, and my class is @ 6:00 p.m., what time should I put it on and is it better on my skin or my clothes?

A: The pheromones start working immediately, but the composition of the pheromones will slowly change as the evening goes on. You will probably still smell some sort of pheromone-type smell on yourself the next morning if you sniff closely. As time goes by, the fragrance also begins to fade, leaving increasing amounts of the slow-fading pheromone smell. The change in the pheromones depends where on your body you apply, the weather and your own body chemistry. It is impossible to guess in advance exactly how that will affect your results, but it is good to be aware of the change so you can watch for it and make it work for you in the future. Applying to clothes will reduce/slow this pheromone morphing process dramatically, leaving you with more or less bottle-fresh pheromone cologne on you throughout the evening. That is not always optimal, so try both ways. We have customers who intentionally spray the pheromones directly on armpits and crotch where body heat and bacteria increase this effect, so it is not necessarily a bad thing.


Q: Currently, I’ve mixed The Edge (sandlewood scent) and the Androstenol about 50/50 in the pocket atomizer. I’ve noticed that about 30min. to an hour after I spray once to my wrist or neck, the pheromone smells like urine. Do you think it’s too concentrated? How should I solve this problem?

A: That sometimes happens by the end of the day in a hot climate. It is the result of the fading of the fragrances and the conversion of the pheromones under the influence of body heat and bacteria. I suggest:
1. Apply only to wrists. especially avoid warm areas of the body like armpits and crotch.
2. Mix in a more of the androstenol/musk fragrance. That pheromone has very little smell, it will mostly add fragrance.
Actually, the 50/50 reccommendation was based on a stronger scented musk. Use more.
3. Apply less (to wrists) and work up as necessary to get good results.

Applying to wrists gives you less body heat problems and you can smell it with your own nose very easily to see what is going on. A small amount of that “urine” smell when covered with the right fragrance can be very effective. (strange as it may seem)

Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article:
pheromones in Nature
Excerpts from a book by the new age medical guru, Dr. Deepak Chopra entitled: What is the True Nature of Reality? The Basics of Quantum Healing

On plant pheromones:
“A few years ago, scientists got interested in a group of hormones called pheromones that were produced by plants. So if you infect a plant, for example, with gypsy moth, the plants will give off hormones into the atmosphere called pheromones that immediately inform the rest of the forest that there’s gypsy moth around – be careful. And the rest of the forest will immediately make the appropriate antibodies to protect itself. A plant is aware. It’s got a mind. it informs the others, ‘This is what’s happening. Watch out!’

On insect pheromones:
“Insects communicate through pheromones too. You’ve seen termites build perfect columns in the dark with arches that meet at the top, perfect architectural designs. How do they do it? They communicate through pheromones. Sexual and mating behavior is also influenced through pheromones.

On mammalian pheromones:
“recently it’s been found that these pheromones in fact may also be the molecular substrate of our emotions. An experiment was done at Stanford, a particularly cruel experiment, where mice were taken and were given electric shocks. After a while the mice were removed from the room. Other mice are brought into the room and as soon they enter the room they panic. They release stress hormones and cortisol because they have inhaled the pheromones of fear.

On human pheromones:
“now it’s known that in fact for every single emotion that we have there is a counterpart, a molecular event that happens not only inside our body but in fact we release those pheromones as information substrates into the environment. So now when you say, ‘l went into this room and I felt that the atmosphere was really tense.’ That’s physiological. When you say, ‘I went to this holy shrine and I felt peace, love and compassion.’ That’s completely understandable from a physiological point of view. You say, ‘I don’t know what it is about this chap, but he certainly gives me the creeps.’ That’s also completely understandable.”


Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Scent of Eros for Women

On sale at early next week, Scent of Eros for women promises to be every bit as big a hit as its male counterpart. Designed by pheromone researcher James V. Kohl, SOE for women is oil based and has a pleasant fragrance. It contains the pheromones androstenol and a proprietary formula of the unique women’s pheromone copulins.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

I ordered the edge essentials and let me tell you, they are powerful. The first day I wore the cedar product, women were at my desk all day long. They would leave and come right back. They would not say anything much; they just wanted to be near me. I am a believer! I actually had one lady proposition me. It turned out great. She actually dragged me into a bathroom and literally raped me. True story! I can not say enough good stuff about this product.



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Pheromone News October, 2003 Pheromone News October, 2003 Comments Off on Pheromone News October, 2003

October, 2003
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

First full month back in Eugene went by in a blur. Whew! We have been working on the long awaited Scent of Eros for women and will hopefully be ready to roll in the next few weeks. Expect to see it in next month’s newsletter.

The price of WAGG will soon (finally) revert back to it’s official price. As you may know already, we recently added a slightly zapped version called “WAGG-N”. It’s now or never, if you want it at the sale price.

We finally had to stop selling the wildly popular “Newbie Special” as supplies ran low. Hopefully, we will start something similar again soon, but in the mean time check out the Dynamic Duo special below. It only runs to the end of next week though, so don’t put that off if you are interested.

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Don’t delay on this!

pheromone Super Sale” align=left> Fantastic Deal on:
New pheromone Additive
Androstenone pheromone Concentrate
(Pheromol Factor with women’s set)
ball-top bottle
Scent of Eros gel pack

Also free with women’s orders:
1 bottle of Veritia herbal

Click here for men’s set
Click here for women’s set

IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*Messengers of Love, various quotes on pheromones
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories

Q and A:

Q:How about deodorant? Can I continue using it when I start using pheromone products?

A:Deodorant is a difficult issue. Some body smells are very erotic and work together with the pheromone products. These are the natural pheromones which are produced by the body for the purpose of attracting a mate. Unfortunately, stress and bad health/diet and age-related problems create bad body smells that drive away potential mates. Myself, sometimes body odor seems to be my friend and I won’t even shower before a romantic evening; other times I scrub well or use a deodorant to kill off foul smells. Some women have reported excellent results applying small amounts of their own vaginal secretions along with cologne, while other women seem revolted at the very idea. It is really a case by case decision: Go with the natural smells? Or scrub them off and use only synthetic pheromones. You just have to experiment. There are no set answers here, only desired results, so you have to keep your eyes open for results and make adjustments as necessary. Personally, I think most young people (especially women) are overly worried about natural body smells, so my advice is to be a bold scientific explorer and give the natural pheromones a chance.

Q:Your last newsletter issue mentioned the VNO [organ found in the nose of mammals which is believed to be associated with the perception of pheromones]. I’ve read articles claiming that the VNO picks up genetic information in a person’s “scent” and either identifies with it (resulting in attraction) or doesn’t (no attraction), based on their own genes. Some articles say it’s a safeguard against inbreeding, while others claim the VNO detects immunities comprable to your own. This gland is the source of the whole “I want a man who smells like daddy” thing. Which is correct?

A: There was some research done in Europe which seems to show that women prefer the man who has a genetic makeup that is the most *different* from her own, which should serve to expand the gene pool, prevent “inbreeding”, and thus improve the chances of healthy offspring. In light of that I would think that a woman would *not* be sexually attracted to a man who is genetically similar to her father. This biological device would seem handy for the advancement of the speicies, so you could say it “makes sense” if this type of genetic pheromone selection does indeed exist.

Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article:
Messengers of Love
Exerpts from article in Der Stern Magazine

Below are exerpts translated from an article entitled “Chemical Messengers of Love” which appeared in Germany’s number one news magazine, Der Stern. It is quite long, but well worth the read. There is a lot of good background info on pheromones.

“Napoleon Bonaparte was to the point: ‘Don’t wash any longer, I’m coming back soon,’ he wrote in a dispatch from his camp to Empress Josephine. The brilliant strategist obviously possessed an infallible sense of how the nose plays a key role in love and sex. Now, 200 years later, researchers can scientifically explain the behavior of the little Corsican. The organ of smell detects not only intoxicating perfume or the offensive stench of a body. It can also register the mysterious agents of enticement and information, the pheromones. For humans they guide many emotions, as well as sexual attraction and the choice of partners. Although they are mostly odorless and waft through the air only in the smallest traces, they determine who appeals to us and who doesn’t. Like invisible procurers, they stand behind love at first sight, which strictly speaking, has to be called ‘love at first smell.’ These chemical messengers have also been discovered in the last few years to play a role in the proverbial ‘spring fever.’ Their great time comes when winter is over, the coat and cap are put into mothballs, and colds no longer stop up the nose. Without hindrance, these secret seducers can now escape from low-cut necklines. They begin to show their full effect when they float into a ‘foreign’ nostril and land there on the ‘vomeronasal’ organ. This sensory instrument is only a centimeter long and as thin as a match. Although it was described by a Dutch military doctor in the eighteenth century, research only re-discovered it a short while ago.

Professor Werner Langthaler, psychologist at the University of Munster exclaims: “It is a sensation that now, almost in the year 2000, we are tracking down a new human sense.”

“Without the VNO, nothing happens in the animal kingdom. Baby marmosets and grass carps, blue crabs and ants release pheromones to mark the boundaries of their territory, as a warning to enemies, as recognition signs, enticements to love, status symbols, and for many other purposes. Queen bees use pheromones to inhibit the sexual maturity of female workers and to make the drones swarm. While entire brigades of researchers are focusing on animal pheromones, little has been known until today about the chemical agents of human attraction. We don’t even know how they are produced. There is every indication, however, that it happens in the skin, the largest and most complex organ of the human body, an organ that still presents scientists many mysteries. Crowded together in a single square centimeter are on the average over six million cells, 5000 sensory bodies, 100 sweat and 15 sebaceous glands, as well as 200 pain points, 10 to 25 pressure points, 12 cold and 2 war m points. Four meters of nerve fibers and one meter of blood vessels guarantee interconnection and supply. The most important pheromone factories are the armpits. Their sweat glands mix together a series of attraction agents. The substances are secreted during perspiration and evaporated from the heated skin.

“But what is actually attractive about them? And what do they have to do with love and sex? Sweat glands in the armpit area are only active during the times in which the human being is capable of reproduction. They first take up their work in puberty and suspend it in menopause. Not without good reason does the woman’s head and therefore her nose during snuggling lie mostly in the immediate vicinity of the man’s armpit. “For the transmission of pheromones, physical contact is indispensable,” asserts Charles Wysocki, professor of anatomy and renowned researcher at the University of Philadelphia. “The smelling radius and range of pheromones amounts at the most to a few centimeters.” Thick clothing, therefore, blocks these fleeting messengers of love that, like a fine veil of scent on our skin, are lying like a spring haze above a meadow of flowers. Frequent washing thins the pheromones or dissipates them altogether. That was exactly what Napoleon wanted to prevent.

“‘Full to the brim with pheromones‘ is the way neurophysiologist Luis Monti-Bloch from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City described the nasal groove running from the outer rim of the nostrils to the corners of the mouth. And it is exactly there that someone who is affectionate sticks the end of his nose when kissing. Professor Monti-Bloch: ‘The kiss is probably a ritual that serves especially to detect pheromones.’ That is ‘entirely obvious’ in the gallant hand kiss.

The researcher, Winnifred Cutler, has ‘determined that women who sleep with a man at least once a week have a more regular period than those who are abstinent.’ For this effect, however, neither man nor sex is responsible, but rather theaura of male scent. Women on whom Cutler dabbed an alcoholic extract of male armpit sweat under the nose each day for several weeks also developed a regular cycle without any male visit or touching.

“Quite specialized chemical agents of attraction seem to pour out of the sexual organs. ‘The tip of the rat penis produces its own pheromone,’ says Clive Jennings-White of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. ‘Why should it be different for human beings?’ Up till now, 35 different pheromones have been discovered in the rat. ‘I hardly believe that we human beings possess fewer.’

“In five years of detective work, the researcher has uncovered 25 different chemical messengers in Homo Sapiens and decoded their chemistry. Substances that excite sexual desire were also present. “But we’re not speaking about them!” says David Berliner. The 66-year old, formerly a professor of anatomy at the University of Utah, heads the pheromone companies “Pherin” and “Realm” in California. The experts Jennings-White and Monti-Bloch are also conducting research at Pherin. ‘What we are discovering,’ says Berliner, ‘we will only market as medicines for impotence or disorder of the sexual drive, but in no case as an aphrodisiac.’

“besides aphrodisiacs, the spectrum of pheromones contains substances that make one offensive. If you cannot get someone’s scent, then repelling pheromones and a natural defense mechanism are at work. German researchers, like the American ones, have proved that a person instinctively rejects people whose immune genes are very similar to his own. In that way, nature intends not only to prevent incest but also to exclude the possibility that descendants result whose immune defense betrays dangerous gaps.

“This mechanism works infallibly. Although the pheromone production is dependent upon mood, health, and age, each human being possesses his own distinctive pheromone aura. Search dogs obviously make use of this “chemical i.d.” when tracking down lost persons, just as infants do when looking for their mother’s nipple. By the second day of life they can recognize the right source of milk by its scent, that is, by its pheromones. Steered by the vomeronasal organ, traces of pheromones guide the baby to its goal.

“According to the opinion of Luis Monti-Bloch, the human VNO is as powerful as that of a dog or cat. The professor: “Our VNO is about a thousand times more sensitive than our sense of smell.” By means of the VNO, these chemical attractors have an effect upon the hypothalamus. That is a region of the midbrain that regulates the most important processes in the organism – body warmth, sexual drive, fat metabolism, sleep, blood pressure, and breathing. In tests up to now, the substances have influenced twenty various metabolic processes – within fractions of a second.”

“For five years now, research at the companies founded by Berliner in California have been running at top speed. Especially when the researchers test the effects of newly discovered chemical messengers, they experience surprises. With one substance, instead of becoming love-crazed like tom-cats who scent a female in heat, one group of subjects showed deep relaxation. In surprise, Monti-Bloch recorded that the heartbeat and breathing of the test subjects slowed down and their muscles relaxed. “With human beings, pheromones have other tasks than to stimulate us to have sex,” says Berliner. “Social pheromones,” that improve interpersonal relationships, are however “a gift of heaven.”

“Clive Jennings-White has already produced more than 100 artificial pheromones. He calls them vomeropherins. They often have a stronger effect than the natural substances. The chemist: “The potential is gigantic! That’s the reason we’re having them patented like crazy.” Berliner: “I am certain that this research will open to us unbelievable possibilities for treating illnesses.” Artificial pheromones can be employed as appetite suppressants, contraceptives, and sedatives. They first thing they want to do however is to develop a remedy for prostate cancer. The foundation for it is supposed to be a vomeropherin that stops testosterone production in the bodies of sick persons. If the amount of sexual hormone in the blood sinks, the cancer shrinks. Side effects should not be expected, since the patient does not have to be pumped full of drugs and hormones, but rather only has to “smell” the medicine.

“Up to now, Berliner has put five million dollars into the research. He earns his necessary small change with a perfume creation. The cologne is supplied with two artificial human pheromones and is supposed to produce a mild euphoria for the wearer and thus make it possible to flirt with the opposite sex without nervousness or stress. The essence, as a men’s or women’s version in the trade, seems to sell best.

“There is no question that we all possess a vomeronasal organ,” says Professor Hans Hatt, cell physiologist at the University of Bochum, “Any throat, neck, and ears doctor who looks carefully can see it.”

“Monti-Bloch could also prove that little researched agents of chemical attraction, so-called pheromones, influence – among other things – the heartbeat, breathing, skin temperature, and hormonal balance. The pheromone researcher Clive Jennings-White sees the VNO as ‘our most undervalued organ.’ For this chemist, active like Monti-Bloch at the University in Salt Lake City, we are ‘pheromone animals. Not for nothing do we have a larger VNO than the horse.’

“David Berliner, one of the discovers of this secret seducer, classifies the VNO as ‘our third most important sense. It comes directly after seeing and hearing – and before touch and smelling. Chemical communication plays a key role also for us humans.’

“The VNO reacts as quick as lightning to any breath of a pheromone. Physiological changes are already measurable after a ten-thousandth of a second. According to Monti-Bloch: ‘This is proof that nerve paths from the VNO lead directly to the brain; for only they could cause such a quick reaction.’

Professor of Psychology Werner Langthaler of the University of Munster confirms that Monti-Bloch has clearly “proved that the VNO is connected via stimulant pathways to the brain.”

“This small detector of chemical attraction agents in our nose (VNO) is so sensitive that many highly modern analysis apparatuses have had to exert themselves to keep up with it. The VNO of persons examined by Monti-Bloch respond to 30 picograms of pheromone – that is, thirty millionths of a billionth of a milligram.”

Just in case, don’t forget to smile!

Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Edge Naturals!

Now on sale, Edge Naturals represent a whole new direction for the manufacturer LaCroy Chemicals. Using the same phero-chemicals as the regular unscented Edge and carrying on in the footsteps of the scented Edge products, Edge Naturals are scented with scientifically formulated aromatherapy potions designed by experts in the field.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

I’m a newbie. I discovered this forum almost 2 weeks ago. I read some of the current and archive posts and decided to place an order for AE/m, as I felt that it may be best suited to me…I’m a bit of a lone wolf type and thought that I could benefit from a more rounded all-in-one type of product. That Bad Boy look doesn’t do much good if I’m unapproachable, huh. Anyway, I’ve been testing my AE in a variety of different situations for the last week and have seen some amazing results. . . . A word of warning: I have received blatant sexual hits from a couple of my friends’ girlfriends and in front of their boyfriends, at that.


Scent of Eros has so many positives and I feel it is really underestimated by those in pursuit of “sexual hits”. What I experience with SOE is much more confidence, feeling at ease in all situations and this translates to being able to meet and interact with everyone very easily. And folks around just seem to like you instantly, talk about anything and everything with you and I’ve become so used to the attention I get from waitresses, waiters, bartenders, my co-workers etc. – but my friends (who I’ve never told I wear pheros) all say they can’t figure out how I seem to “mesmerize” folks and I’ve gained this rep. of being “the man”



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Pheromone News September, 2003 Pheromone News September, 2003 Comments Off on Pheromone News September, 2003

September, 2003
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Well, I’m back from my “vacation”. Of course, 3 days into the trip the website, shopping cart, affiliate software and forum all broke down at the same time. I had to come back home just to get a vacation from my vacation. Actually, it was never supposed to be that much of a vacation in the first place. I went mainly to hang out at Love Scent pheromone Store central in Colorado for a while. Got to meet Tammy and her family, which was great fun.

The new aromatherapy pheromones are still the main news. If you are interested in essential oils, check them out below. We also have a new version of WAGG, which is zapped with just a tiny bit of androstenone.

As always, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
Edge Essentials!

Combining the power of
pheromones and aromatherapy

4 new mixtures (2 for men, 2 for women)
Natural essential oils and Edge pheromone mixture

This month only

Check it out!


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*pheromone Q and A
*The Way to a man’s heart by Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products –
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories

Q and A:

Q: Is “Pro Edge” different from the product “Edge”? I couldn’t find Pro Edge on the site.

A: Pro Edge is the same as the present scented Edge. We have been talking about creating a lower concentration Edge for the mass market and renaming the present Edge “Pro Edge” for seasoned users. So about a year ago we made up a load of 2ml atomizer samples and labeled them “Pro Edge.” Since then we’ve run through all the samples and the idea of making a more beginner friendly Edge has alas slipped to the back burner. Some day.

Q: I haven’t seen the reactions from AE (Alter Ego product) yet that i’ve seen from SOE (Scent of Eros product). I’m surprised but will keep trying. I get the feeling it’s going to kick in one of these days. Maybe i’ve been wearing too much, or just been around the wrong women at the wrong time of their cycle, etc.

A: AE is like an androstenone zapped SOE though both are scented. It seems to excel with older guys and/or younger guys a little low on the T levels and/or (as you hinted at) for women in the height of their monthly pheromone susceptibility. Guys in there early twenties or younger often prefer SOE, but both products are very good and in the top five in popularity.

Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
Feature Article:
By Bruce Boyd

What’s the best fragrance for turning that special someone on? I get letters every week asking some variation of this question, and one interesting answer to it comes to us from some research done by Chicago neurologist Alan Hirsch. Keep in mind that when science attempts to break into the world of romance, there are many different ways scientists attempt to measure the results people look for in their love lives. First of all, they have to ask themselves, what it is they are trying to measure, attraction? Sexual arousal? In some studies subjects are asked to rate photographs of members of the opposite sex as attractive or not, while in others researchers simply observe subjects and watch for signs that behavior has been affected.

The Hirsch study rated the effectiveness of various fragrances by measuring blood flow to the penis, which presumably gives us a good idea of the sexual arousal of the subject, not to mention the fact that all the subjects in this study were men. So rather than rating the attracting power of the tested fragrances, we are actually rating the ability of various fragrances to turn subjects on sexually and therefore are rating the fragrances as aphrodisiacs.

The results were surprising. All types of fragrances were tested, not just popular colognes and perfumes, but kitchen spices and a host of other commonly occurring household odors. And which of the fragrances rules as a male aphrodisiac? Channel? Obsession? No, the number one aphrodisiac aroma was ….. cinnamon buns! Strange but true, food as a group outperformed perfume as a sexual turn on for men. Go figure. Here are some of the other romantic fire flamers:

roast meat
cheese pizza

These changes were substantial too, with increased genital blood flow as much as 40%. What about pheromones? Not tested here to my knowledge, but you may remember a similar study reviewed here, and performed by the great pheromone researcher Astrid Jutte in Austria, in which male testosterone levels were increased 150% by the smell of the female pheromone copulins. Such jumps in testosterone level have also been shown to be closely tied to genital blood flow, which I assume is synonymous with sexual arousal or ..ahem.. being “horny.”

So, ladies, in light of the scientific research available, if you want to turn on your man, here is my recommendation: Take a shower with Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint soap, spray on some copulins and add a dash of vanilla, eat a bit of chocolate, and put on your sexiest negligee. And don’t forget the strawberries with the champagne! “Brings out the bouquet?” Well, it sounds more romantic than: “Hey, research shows that it will make more blood flow into your penis!”

Just in case, don’t forget to smile!

Sorry! No new survey again this month. We will be publishing results of the last survey over the next few months.

The pheromone Forum
Membership — FREE! — Lots of perks!
Private specials, discounts… ??
pheromone Forum:
Click Here to have a look


Edge Naturals!

Now on sale, Edge Naturals represent a whole new direction for the manufacturer LaCroy Chemicals. Using the same phero-chemicals as the regular unscented Edge and carrying on in the footsteps of the scented Edge products, Edge Naturals are scented with scientifically formulated aromatherapy potions designed by experts in the field.

Also, keep an eye on our forum for the latest Pheromone News.
pheromone Forum. Use the “search” function or just browse around.


User Corner

I did my first run today. I came home from work, tossed on some new clothes, and put 1 drop of AE below each ear/neck, and 1 drop on the inside collar of my shirt. Then grabbed 1/3 of a pack of SOE on my wrist and neck and headed out. . . . went over to this girls house that I’ve been dating. There’s something about this girl I should say before I describe what happened. She is VERY conservative. She goes to church more times a week than I go to the bathroom, and until just recently has been standofish. Until the other night (Prom), we had gone out like a month and a half and had done nothing more than holding hands/little peck of the lips. At/after prom was the first time we really kissed. Today, when I got there, she was really excited to see me. We went in, and she wouldn’t let me go. It was just me, her, and her brother at her house, and she was on me like someone was trying to grab her away in a crowd of people. She kept hugging on me and smelling my neck, and pushed me up against the wall and was all over me. She has NEVER done this before, so I’m thinking they might be working.



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If you are new to pheromones or are a first time user, please take a look at the Newbie FAQ and Product Guide first as these should answer most of your questions. If anything isn\'t answered properly here, or you want more information, visit Love Scent and browse the forum.

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