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The archive aims to allow readers to look back over the many years of the Pheronews newsletter, which gives us all a great resource for scientific information and user experiences and opinions. Please be aware that many of the offers are out of date, and there are a lot of broken links which are mostly irrelevant anyway.

The back issues are arranged by month and year, although there are some gaps on months that left us deprived of a newsletter


Pheromone News March, 2000 Comments Off on Pheromone News March, 2000

March, 2000

Hello Again Readers,

This marks the 12th consecutive monthly issue of the Pheromone News, so next issue will be the e-zine’s official one year birthday issue. Don’t miss it!

Here in Japan, as you may know, the blossoming of the cherry trees is the premiere outdoor event of the year. The official ETA this year for this part of the country is April 25th, but parts to the South are already leaving work early and heading for the parks. This will be my tenth “Hanami” (watching cherry blossoms) season. It is truly awe-inspiring and tantalizes all the senses. The fragrance is not even a smell as such, it is so subtle, yet it is overwhelmingly intoxicating. The color of the billowing blossoms is a pink so subtle that it is almost white and gives the distinct impression of benign clouds caressing the trees. When the wind blows, the tiny petals pour down on you and brush against your face like soft warm snow, as you enjoy the divine flavor of sakura mochi (soft rice boiled with cherry leaves). Did I forget about sound? Well, if you are lucky enough to find a quiet spot, you will hear the music of the wind playing the blossoms that still cling to the branches, but more likely you will hear the traditional Japanese songs of the old folks, well-sauced on sake. (probably cherries in there two) The whole event only lasts a few days and the very peak can be measured in hours, but if you are lucky and find the right spot under a big tree, you will never forget it.

****SCAM ALERT****
The bootleg version of is still haunting the internet, collecting money online apparently without actually sending out any merchandise. (minor oversight no doubt) Please make sure you are on the real site if you want to buy something there. The bootleg site looks nearly identical to the original, though the URL is slightly different. Make sure the site you are at has exactly this URL:
If in doubt, you use this toll-free order line: (800) 662-8633

Furthermore, If you think you have been victimized by this scam or any site reputedly selling pheromone products, please contact me for information on getting your money back. The law is clearly on your side.
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included.
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
You can also sign up by sending a blank e-mail to:

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones (scented and unscented)
Also in stock: DateMate, APC, Primal Instinct, Lure, Yes and Realm by Erox.
More surprises on the horizon!
All products guaranteed. Get results or get your money back!
This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*Februay’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Shortie: Science and Aphrodisiacs?
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Reader pheromone Story

Our drawing winners (drawn at random from sent-in surveys) are:
Elizabeth and Daemark
They will each get a free bottle of a popular pheromone product to try out.
(As always, thanks for your thoughtful answers)

Synthetic pheromone products on the Market

–#1. Have you ever used a pheromone product?
Yes: 80% No: 20%

–#2. Did it have any effect?
Of those having tried one: 88% Yes 12% No

–#3. If yes, what effect did it have?

“I went to a club and was being approached constantly by mostly females but it seemed like I was being talked to a lot.”

“Girls seem to pay more attention to you. You also seem to get hit on more than usual.”

“It helped increase my self esteem and made me feel more confident.”

“Females are more open with their feelings. That is, I get told outright that they want to get with me. I get flirted with a lot more.”

“I have only been using it for a couple of weeks, but I believe that I am already seeing a positive change in the number of girls that initiate conversations with me.”

“More girls talk to me, and I get more smiles and ‘hellos’ in passing.”

“I was approached more often by the opposite sex.”

— #4. Do you think that pheromones have uses other than romantic ones?
100% of those surveyed answered “Yes” to this one.

“They could be used in relationships of any sorts. They seem to make people more friendly.”

“They may have some form of emotional/mental use.. for the fact that maybe they make people feel better about themselves.”

“Yes. I think sales increase because people seem to be more at ease around you.”

“I am convinced pheromones can be used in business very well. People just perceive you as more powerful and confident. With this in unconscious, it’s easier to make a buying decision (that doesn’t interfere with application of detectable odors to ease people’s mood or project an air of seriousness, like scenting a car showroom with the smell of leather etc.)”

“I think that pheromones would have a positive effect on the person who would be wearing them, maybe make them feel a little more attractive.”

“Yes, I do. I believe that when other guys see that many girls are attracted to you, they want to hang out with you. They respect you, which ultimately makes you more popular with your own sex. Most importantly, I believe that pheromones give you a self-confidence that many people lack. They help people feel good about themselves, which is the first step in attracting others. Also, I have read about people using pheromones to give them an edge in the working world. I have never had the opportunity to experience this, but it seems to make sense.”

“Yes, help with self esteem.”

–#5. What products have you tried?

“Date Mate 2000 Harem Knights Realm Androstenone pheromone Concentrate The Scent.”

“I have a bottle of APC. I have tried Realm at the department store.”

“I have used Contact18 and DateMate2000.”

“Contact18 and DM 2000, but I’m currently testing Realm and another one called Sphinx.”

“Beaches, Realm, Magnet.”

–#6. Which ones do you like best?

“Currently DateMate 2000.”

“They all seem to work fairly well, but so far I think Beaches has had more of a noticeable effect.”

“DateMate 2000. It’s odorless and stronger than Contact 18 (which is its predecessor)”

“Date Mate 2000 when I don’t feel like a scent. Realm when i want Cologne.”

–#7. Why?

“Although, I have only used APC, I believe that it works quite well. However, Realm smells VERY good. I would imagine that it smells better than any other pheromone product because it is the only one that is made by a major fragrance company. I have also read that APC and Realm contain about the same number of active pheromones, so I would guess that one could expect similar results.”

“Date Mate 2000 gives me the self esteem I want without scent. Realm smells nice and some women love it.”

–#8. Where did you first find out about pheromones?

“Through a friend asking me about them so I did an internet investigation.”

“I happened to stumble across a featured auction on ebay that was selling pheromones. The idea of a scent that was guaranteed to attract the opposite sex intrigued me, so I researched the subject on the internet. That is when I came across the Love Scent pheromone Store site, which is by far the best fountain of information about pheromones on the web.”

“I got a chance to smell some once at the bon marche in WA, i really liked the smell of it.”

“In a science class.”

“From school (pre-med/chemistry)”

–#9. Have you noticed anything interesting about natural pheromones (personal hygiene etc.) and their effect on others?

“Being clean and smelling clean helps you boost your feelings about yourself.. hygiene is probably the most important part of feeling good about yourself.”

“Just the basic, poor hygiene is usually a big turn off, although I do know someone who loves the smell of sweaty body odor. Gross, as far as I’m concerned.”

“As far as the fact that not using scented soaps, etc. (because they cover our natural pheromones), I haven’t tried this so I don’t really know. As far as personal hygiene, the opposite sex is much more attracted to a clean looking and fresh smelling person than the opposite. But this goes without saying so, I really haven’t noticed anything major.”

pheromones trigger a sort of ‘animal magnetism’ in humans.”

“It’s always useful to shower in the evenings for the strongest natural pheromone concentration is 24 hours after shower. That means, after that time you’ll begin to smell bad. But it’s good to always have a little natural odor around you because it transmits your MHC’s properties to women instinctively searching for a different immune system for healthy kids…”

“Always get comments on how good I smell when I come to work freshly showered. It’s my conditioner (Pantene). I have long hair so my conditioner’s scent gets noticed a lot.”

“Not really. I have heard women say that they like the scent of a man’s sweat though. Otherwise, not really.”

“From what I have “read” I believe that they have a extra charm factory on others. I even heard about a female that felt a hardly controllable urge to hug any man wearing ‘Beaches.”

“Yes, well I didn’t know they were pheromones, but I can tell when I am feeling sexual that men really respond to that but when I am not they pretty much leave me alone. I am single and at times get asked out several times a week but, when I am not feeling like I’d like a man then there is not a lot of interest from others. I live in a house full of women and we joke about being in heat and how the men come out of the woodwork at times.”

“You can tell just by smell whether or not someone takes care of themself. If they smell like B.O., you will know to stay away, but other times just the natural clean scent of someone will be the most attractive thing.”

“Yes, they work, and they supersede even such factors as rational thinking and poor hygiene. There appears to be more pheromones present when a body has not been cleansed for a long time – as if they accumulate until a shower. The effect of pheromones is strongest when they have much time to be in one’s presence – ie. an entire night.”

“Yes, this may seem disgusting, but it seems that when I am ovulating, more men are attracted to me. This starts about 2 days before and lasts until about 3 days after, and then suddenly I’ve very unattractive, it seems. I’ve noted these “effects” over several months and I have detected a pattern.”

“I had a good friend who didn’t really have anything at all going for him, but he always got the best girls, so we said he had killer pheromones.”


“I haven’t tried pheromones because I’ve heard such contrasting opinions on them. I don’t want to spend money on something that doesn’t work, but I do find the concept very intriguing. If I could win some so that I could try it out, I’m sure I would buy some if they worked. ”

“Its hard for to say this, but in my 20 years of existence i have never been on a date!!!! I am not going to lie I had a few chances, but something always went wrong. Like a bird trying to fly, I can only hope that I will one day, be able to spread my wings.”

“I must admit that I was very skeptical. And they basically did they exactly what they said. Pleasantly surprised.”

“I have my doubts if they really work. I see some testimonials that say they work, but I’ve seen real trials on shows on tv and they didn’t work, and the product I used didn’t work.”

“I want to thank him (Bruce) for his services to everyone interested in pheromones. I can imagine the time that he has put into this project, and I really admire what he has done for us.”
(Wow! Thank you! –Bruce)

“Here in my country kenya I have never come across any of the pheromones products but after reading many of your articles I would really like to try them out.”

“As I told you, pheromones intrigued me so much, I’m currently writing on a book about them.”

“The Realm that I uses smells oriental, I think it smells good but it does not have the effect that they advertise. It does not attract the opposite sex like it is supposed to.”

“Hi, I’m a 24 year old female who is married with 3 young sons. I have never used a pheromone product but would be very interested in trying them. I first heard about pheromones on TV news reports…”

“Synthetic pheromones are a wonderful addition to the population in that, hopefully, they will allow all of us to get along a lot better. Perhaps even decrease violence.”

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.

pheromone Q and A:

Q: I’m kind of worried that these “pheromones” are similar to drugs. You need to use them always to get girls. What happens when you stop using them? Will your girlfriend stop loving you? It takes the money out of your pocket especially every 3-6 months.

A: Good question! I like to compare them more to vitamins than to drugs, but pheromones do create a definite “high”, there seems to be no question about that, and not only on the target but on the person wearing them him/herself. In fact, one very famous pioneer in the commercial pheromone industry emphatically claims that the magic of pheromones is 100% due to their effect on the wearer NOT the person you are trying to attract. I can personally testify to this effect of “getting off on your own pheromones.” I often spray Date Mate on my shirt collars and sometimes when I’m stuck in traffic or bored or feeling a little run-down, I’ll press my nose to the fragrant spot and inhale deeply. There is definitely an energizing effect there, no question about it. If you want to see a VERY funny movie bit on this, check out “A Fish Named Wanda” with Kevin Cline. Very funny!

There is quite a bit of research that shows that pheromones and hormones are linked, that is when one goes up the other goes up as well. They play off of each other. Now whether it is a good idea to add to the fire with store-bought pheromones, I can not say. I am not a doctor. If I were a teenager, I would not use them. The average person’s hormones and pheromones are running wild at this time already, but from the 20s onward pheromone levels are dropping off like crazy, and well, you can see the effects on your sex life. As far as “will your girlfriend stop loving you”, anyone that has been married can tell you that “love” and pheromone-type attraction are two very different things. Keeping the fire in your romance is an ongoing effort. Again, maybe it is better to just let nature take its course and get old gracefully, I don’t know. It is a personal decision, but there is no reason to think that pheromones are addictive in the sense that you develop a tolerance to them or that using artificial pheromones will shut off your own production of them. Personally, I think that pheromones are “good for you” and set off a healthy spiral of more romantic activity and generally a more healthy lifestyle, but in any case, you only need to use them on “date night”. They also don’t cost as much to use as you might think as in most cases a few drops is all you need.

One last thought on this subject….. Almost anything can become obsessive if you let it. One example is make-up. The use of make-up is a personal thing for women, and it can be a lot of fun and can also be very effective in attracting men, BUT it can also become a terrible weight if a woman feels that she can’t be seen without it. Being romantically “involved” with someone implies that you know what they look like without their make-up, and what they smell like without their cologne (or even a bath for that matter). Hopefully once you find Mr. or Miss “Right” you can settle into a comfortable agreement on the use of these little romantic aids, and that goes for everything doesn’t it…. candles, sexy underwear, incense, soft lights and on and on. You can get stuck on any of it, can’t you?

All the Best,

Featured Shorty:

What’s the best fragrance for turning that special someone on? I get letters every week asking some variation of this question, and one interesting answer to it comes to us from some research done by Chicago neurologist Alan Hirsch. Keep in mind that when science attempts to break into the world of romance, there are many different ways scientists attempt to measure the results people look for in their love lives. First of all, they have to ask themselves, what it is they are trying to measure, attraction? Sexual arousal? In some studies subjects are asked to rate photographs of members of the opposite sex as attractive or not, while in others researchers simply observe subjects and watch for signs that behavior has been affected.

The Hirsch study rated the effectiveness of various fragrances by measuring blood flow to the penis, which presumably gives us a good idea of the sexual arousal of the subject, not to mention the fact that all the subjects in this study were men. So rather than rating the attracting power of the tested fragrances, we are actually rating the ability of various fragrances to turn subjects on sexually and therefore are rating the fragrances as aphrodisiacs.

The results were surprising. All types of fragrances were tested, not just popular colognes and perfumes, but kitchen spices and a host of other commonly occurring household odors. And which of the fragrances rules as a male aphrodisiac? Channel? Obsession? No, the number one aphrodisiac aroma was ….. cinnamon buns! Strange but true, food as a group outperformed perfume as a sexual turn on for men. Go figure. Here are some of the other romantic fire flamers:

roast meat
cheese pizza

These changes were substantial too, with increased genital blood flow as much as 40%. What about pheromones? Not tested here to my knowledge, but you may remember a similar study reviewed here, and performed by the great pheromone researcher Astrid Jutte in Austria, in which male testosterone levels were increased 150% by the smell of the female pheromone copulins. Such jumps in testosterone level have also been shown to be closely tied to genital blood flow, which I assume is synonymous with sexual arousal or ..ahem.. being “horny.”

So, ladies, in light of the scientific research available, if you want to turn on your man, here is my recommendation:
Take a shower with Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint soap, spray on some copulins and add a dash of vanilla, eat a bit of chocolate, and put on your sexiest negligee. And don’t forget the strawberries with the champagne! “Brings out the bouquet?” Well, it sounds more romantic than: “Hey, research shows that it will make more blood flow into your penis!”

Just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Survey/Contest time!
It’s finally happened. I’m completely bankrupt for ideas. My wife suggested that I make a survey out of what readers want to see in future surveys. Sounds good enough to me! There will be prize winners drawn from survey entries so go ahead and send one in. Simple this time, and you might even see your idea used in coming months.

The Questions:

What kind of topics would you like to see explored by future surveys?

That’s all! Just jot down an idea or two and send them to:
As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last month there were only 25 entries (down from 58 the month before) and 2 winners (the minimum), which gave entrants about a 1 in 12 chance of winning!

Send completed surveys to:

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link at:
pheromones in the Cinema

Remember the first “episode” of the movie Back to the Future? Trying to forget it? Anyway, our hero, the young Marty McFly, goes back to 1955 and runs into his mother, who is then a young girl. She falls instantly and madly in love with Marty (her future son) and pursues him for the rest of the movie until she finally corners him in a parked car and gives him a big smooch on the lips. The spell is then broken and she she turns to him disappointed and says something like:
“You know, it’s the strangest thing, but I felt like I was kissing my brother.”

Many moons ago I reported on some research demonstrating that women will indicate more romantic feelings stimulated by sniffing clothing worn by people with dissimilar DNA, than they will for people with similar genotypes. In other words, the pheromones of people biologically the furthest from us are more likely to illicit romantic attraction, than those of people more closely related (eg: members of our immediate family). This would make sense from an evolutionary standpoint as it naturally leads towards expanding gene pools and away from what is jokingly referred to these days as “in-breeding” or a career in politics.

I guess I have out-bred about as far as is possible on the planet Earth. There is a standard joke among western men living here in the Orient that once you have fallen in love with an Asian woman, it is no longer possible for you to feel romantic interest in a Western woman. As an American married to a Japanese woman, I can honestly say there seems to be some truth behind the joke. It is often difficult in the beginning to break through the various racial and cultural barriers that separate us from those on the far side of the gene pond, but once those have been overcome, the pheromonal attraction seems to be very strong.
User Corner

It certainly had an effect. After walking around with it (pheromone product) on for some weeks now, I’ve noticed changes in the ways women (as well as men) acted towards me including some very odd but pleasurable “attacks”. A girl went in my direction after a party once, until we reached her house. We met again about three weeks later at the exact flat where she greeted me with “I knew we’d meet again”. I found out later she would have had to take an entirely different way to go home the last time. And countless other happenings. Additionally, I am much more confident about myself and my appearance to women. Oddly, the more attractive they are, the more they are attracted (It’s a confidence thing, I suppose)

-name withheld

In the mood for some laughs?
Try my weekly humor/joke E-Zine at:


Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News February, 2000 Comments Off on Pheromone News February, 2000

February, 2000

Hello Again Readers,

Well, I’ve really pushed it this time! It will be the middle of the day on the last day of February by the time the Pheromone News goes out this month (it’s already March 1st here in Japan). Excuses there are aplenty, but I won’t bore you with them. This issue will be a bit unusual, and we will be back to normal by mid March. Good news is we moved into a new home, smaller and cheaper, but very sunny with a nice view and garden. Yesterday morning I watched a spectacular sunrise from the ocean from my office window. Love Scent pheromone Store products have moved as well to a new home in Colorado. Some really fine folks will be taking, packing and shipping the orders from now on.

The Scam of Love
I have received countless complaints and horror stories from readers who have fallen victim recently to a website at the URL:
Some scam artists have posted a carbon copy of the entire Love Scent pheromone Store web site at that address and appear to be selling the same line up of products. In appearance the site is nearly identical to Love Scent pheromone Store but there is no connection at all between the two. We have traced the URL to a JM Design in Gainesville, Florida, but they refuse to answer e-mail or take phone calls about this matter. Please be careful. I contacted one of the suppliers whose products are listed on the website, and they have never heard of them either. In any case they are no connection with us.
Handy reference: (us) (not us)
RE the January survey: The results of this month’s survey, “putting the fire back in marriage” are in my mind the most important to date. I was amazed at the level of involvement and the quality of the material that was developed. More than once, while reading the responses, I was moved to tears by stories with endings both happy and sad. I also found myself feeling very grateful for the stability of my own marriage after reading what a lot of you are going through at the moment. Rather than “putting the fire back in marriage”, I think “saving the institution of marriage” would be a more appropriate title judging from the results. As mentioned, this newsletter will be a bit unusual. I would like to dedicate it to just that, putting the love back in our relationships. I wish all of you who are engaged in this endeavor the greatest success.

Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
You can also sign up by sending a blank e-mail to:

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones (scented and unscented)
Just released……Primal Instinct, Realm, Yes, and Lure
Also in stock: DateMate, and Androstenone pheromone Concentrate
LOADS of new products coming, including a line-up of designer fragrances.
All products guaranteed. Get results or get your money back!
This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*January’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Marriage pheromones?
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Reader pheromone Story
January’s Survey Results

Our drawing winners (drawn at random from sent-in surveys) are:
Vivek and Chris
January survey:
What can I say but “thank you”.

#1. What do you think can be done to fuel and/or rekindle romantic feelings in a long-term relationship?

#2. What are some of the pitfalls that couples fall into that destroy natural romantic feelings, and how can those pitfalls be avoided/repaired?

M 41 S: Keep dating your spouse AFTER the wedding!
**Taking your spouse for granted. Not just coming home every day and plopping on the couch. Take continuing education classes together. Once a month, go do something new TOGETHER, Have a DATE night once a week or every other week and STICK to it.

F 53 M: Boredom in the bedroom…….too much stress from your job.
A new hairdo or hair cut. A change in the style of clothes you wear. Possibly weight loss.

31, Female, Divorcing Be spontaneous. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Continue to be romantic even after the “honeymoon”. And the most important thing is COMMUNICATION! **Not communicating. Getting into a rut. Doing the same things day after day week after week. Same old routine. Don’t try or are not willing to try new things.

M: I messed up a marriage of 37 years by leaving my wife three different times in 12 years to look for greener pastures. In the long run I found that the women I met during those absences from my wife did not like my many bad habits. i turned back to my wife and she accepted me back, but out relationship has suffered ever since.

F 19, S: think it’s the little gestures that add up. Making time for little kisses and warm hugs every day.

**Getting too comfortable, so comfortable that you don’t relish the moment they put their arms around you like you did the first time they held you. To just enjoy every moment and really feel it.

18 M S It would seem that communication is the best thing. I know that’s a cliche, but no one other than psychics can read another’s mind. If you at least let the other person know what you’re thinking, you may be able to jump-start a long-term relationship. Indifference would have to be the main one. If someone shows no interest in a relationship, then the spouse is going to start feeling unwanted. The only way to avoid it is by taking an active interest in your partner’s ideas and activities. If you succeed in doing so, your relationship has a chance.

F 39 D: go out on a date…..go back to basics… spontaneous…use candles couples get into routines & they take each other for granted…..try to avoid the routines of day to day stuff, try to think of the other persons feelings & surprise each other once in awhile with something different

F 40 M It’s the little things that can make all the difference in a long-term relationship. Slip your mate a love note in their lunch sack, do something extra nice and unexpected for your partner, such as picking up their dry cleaning, prepare their favorite dinner, draw a heart in their serving of mash potatoes, plant a flower and when it blooms, take your partner to it and show them “their” flower, hide a note in the lid of the antiperspirant, or their cologne/perfume bottle, or hat, etc. and when they open to use it, it will fall out with words of love, write “I love you” on the next sheet of toilet paper, call and leave a message of love on your own home answering machine for your mate, write “I love you” in the dust on the TV set!, take the batteries out of the TV/VCR remote and replace with a love note. There are so many things that one can do that are just reminders of the love that we have for our spouse/partner!

I know that one major pitfall is not telling your partner that you love him or her! Many people feel that after having been together for a number of years, the other person automatically “knows” that they are loved and telling them is no longer necessary! How wrong! We all need affirmations and there is none other than I long to hear than my spouse telling me that he loves me.

M 33 M
Being open minded and spontaneous. You have to bring in new things to the relationship every so often. Never forget to let her know how much she means to you, how important she is to you and how much you love here.
**They don’t communicate as well as they should. You should be able to tell your mate what you want without offending them. That means that you both have to be flexible and open minded. Sometimes people get in a rut of thinking that they don’t want to tell the other person how they feel or what they expect from them. Relationships are about give and take. Sometimes we concentrate to much on what we want instead of what others want. Guys don’t try and be romantic just cuz your trying to get laid. That’s not always what women want.

3. 49, male, divorced.
Complaining about minor things constantly destroys romantic feelings.

54 F, Separated
One of the most profound truths is that once words are out of our mouths…they can never be taken back. When one partner hurts another…..a little love is destroyed….if you just keep chipping away at a rock…even the Rock of Gibraltar; at some point it is gone. Think before you speak. Make time for each other. Put your partners pleasure first.

I believe women as a whole….even younger women are so tied up in the tangle of sexual taboos and hangups that they do not and cannot enjoy sex. Sex is made for women…..most women believe it is made for men. I mean we are the ones that got the gift of multiple orgasm; all women have to do is learn to use it.

41 F D
I feel that criticism is the worst thing a man or woman can do to their relationship. don’t do it! find a way to get your point across in a non-invasive way if you really need something to change.

F 27 M
NEVER compare your husband/wife to an ex-except them for who and what they are, NEVER bring up old mistakes that your partner has made-it is in the past-move on and get past it

F 19 S
**Jealousy is one. This can be avoided if each person in the relationship is honest with one another

F 45 D
Some of the pitfalls that my ex and I fell into included things like not telling or showing the other person you care, not having deep meaningful conversations, picking on the faults of the other, blaming the other for things beyond either ones control just to make yourself eel better, saying mean things to the other…the list goes on and on.

M 18 S
When you fall into a routine, sometimes the routine becomes a burden. Therefore, you should try something different now and then so that you don’t fall into a routine.

F 55 D
take a loved one to dinner and make sure there are flowers on the table and a violinist playing your favorite music. Dancing is always a must!!

F 37 M
not forgetting or forgiving past mistakes, forgetting that the other person is supposed to be the person you confide in, the person you turn to for support, and vice versa… if your mate isn’t your best friend who is?

M 31 S
A little game I play with my significant other is we spend a whole day not speaking to each other. That is, communicating in other ways other than by speech and voice. Because we can’t say what we mean, we have to find other ways of ‘saying’ it and being understood. It gives us insight to each other.

M 38 S
Pitfalls in a relationship? ok guys, face it. they are your fault! admit it, and try to be better. ok, really, they tend to be as a result of becoming “too comfortable” and forgetting to pay attention. avoidance is you plan “A”. Try to pick out something she does for you every day, and mention it! it can be as simple as a new hair cut, or a new dress. Plan “B” repair. the word “I’m sorry” should spill from your lips easily by now. and then, do something to let her know that you do need her. a back or foot rub is good, any thing to make her feel special!

16 F “recently and unhappily single
The biggest problem in my opinion, is miscommunication. Talking is just as important as being physical, and if you have a problem and he doesn’t understand what it is, he may think you’re feelings have changed and that will make him act differently toward you, which will upset you as well. You need to talk about everything, and it will bring you closer together.

27 M S
NEW THINGS!!!!! That is the most effective way to rekindle anything. Trying new things.

32 F M

42 F D
Weekend getaways are great…exploring new places. I love getting flowers or cards…I used to find them in unusual places

Try to find something you enjoy to do together emphasis on TRY We’ve asked the question a hundred times and I can’t come up with an answer The kids are in college and we’ve drifted out of site of each other We sleep in separate rooms even 46 yrs, male, married one time 26yrs in April 00

20 F Engaged
Give your significant other an all over oil massage then remove the oil with your tongue.

I am 58 years old and divorced. And I hate being alone.

49, wife of 31 years.
Not LISTENING! You must respect a man’s right to be wrong! (just kidding.) But, communication (NOT starting a rip-roaring fight, but calm, rational, well-presented views) is a key factor for any relationship–home, work, friendship–any relationship. Also, being willing to be proved wrong gracefully!

33 F S
REMEMBER that you are FRIENDS and treat each other as SO…

M 55 D
I always hated the idea of “working” at a relationship but finally I acknowledge its true… does take effort and commitment from both parties. I’m divorced twice so i know plenty of the pitfalls. Listening is important, simple but how well do we really do it. Even after years one may discover new aspects to a person, and also get a better feeling of closeness by letting them know you do c are enough to listen and not be judgmental of introduce ones own agenda.

42 F Separated
Marriage is not an answer, it is a search. It is a relationship within which change is generated by relating and living together. It can produce growth, identity and a sense of rootedness. But if it is not going to become a trap, and if you are going to defy the 20th century by staying married, you will need to renew and enrich your relationship, again and again and again.
pheromone Q and A:

Q: Bruce,
What is your opinion on the 1993 Grammer,K. study where the result is that 289 women said Androstenone is Unattractive or neutral. Doesn’t that throw a hitch in these products that contain ONLY androstenone. Seems like a vital important study that is not discussed in relation to the products that contain Androstenone unless I am not understanding the study. Any ideas?

A: The research you mention does on the surface look bad for marketeers of pheromone products, and they don’t tend to publicize it, but it doesn’t bother me. I think there is adequate evidence that both the andro pheromones (androstenone and androstenol) attract females. What this study was looking for was a change in the AMOUNT that they are attracted depending on the stage of the subjects menstrual cycle. Ovulation being the prime moment for conception, we would expect to see the attraction the strongest at that point, and weak or absent during other times. The change they were looking for was found but as you pointed out researchers were unable to find any attraction during ovulation, just the absence of repulsion. Considering that this is the only experiment out of dozens of both controlled and anecdotal studies that fails to show significant attraction to androstenone, I think we can rest assured that there is some confounding factor present in these results. I am happy to see that they found a change over menstrual cycle phase, but don’t believe it proves that androstenone is ineffective as an attractant.

Thanks for the great question! Keep in touch.

**Hey Readers** Want to put your 2 cents in on this one? See this month’s survey below!
Feature Article:
Marriage pheromones???
-Bruce Boyd

It’s 5:30 am on the East coast of Japan as I write this, and the horizon is just starting to turn red and orange. I’m looking forward to another beautiful ocean sunrise. I spent some time in Key West Florida many years ago, and I can still remember clearly how folks would gather on a certain pier down there and watch the sun set into the ocean every evening. If I ever get back from the land of the rising sun, I guess I will literally have come “full circle”.

As I mentioned, I was quite moved by the marriage first-aid survey results I read. They made me think a lot about my own marriage and the things that have helped keep it going. Not the least of these being living in Japan where the divorce rate is extremely low, and having two young children hasn’t hurt either. To be completely honest I would have to say that without these two external pressures, our chances of success would have been far lower. Furthermore, I think I owe a lot of my marriage stability to blind luck, or God’s grace, depending on your religious orientation, in that I have somehow stumbled into one of the embarrassingly few people in the world that I could live with day in and day out, without fighting endlessly. I’m not saying my wife is easy to get along with, because she is not. She is often negative, and depressive. At the worst of times it seems like it is an ongoing task to keep her mood elevated, but she is 100% honest and 100% dedicated to the welfare of our family (which includes me in there too), and that is more than enough for me. If I were to walk away from this marriage, looking for laughs and excitement, I’m quite sure it would rank as one of the most iladvised moves of my life.

On the one hand, reading the survey results made me feel absolutely convinced that the sanctity of marriage must be upheld at all costs, and although my own marriage is going quite strong at the moment, it came into my mind that it might be a good idea to brainstorm about ways to further strengthen the health of our family rather than take the chance of growing lazy with a marriage that is perhaps only “comfortable.” In my situation that is the clear road to take, absolute determination to honor the marriage vows. In other marriages that decision is not so easy to make, I realize. I can still remember the fights my mother and father used to get into late at night. The terrible things that marriage partners will say to each other in anger staggers the imagination. If kids are not involved, it makes you wonder what the point of remaining together is. My younger sister, living in California, is about to get married for the seventh time, and why not? What does she have to lose? In a lot of ways I’m not too keen on living in Japanese society, but the divorce rate here is extremely low and for good reason. Legally it is a piece of cake to get divorced. The outcome is very clear and can be processed very quickly. The man gets all the money, the woman gets all the kids, and they never see each other ever again. The woman is flat broke with kids to support, and returns to her parents house where she will spend the rest of her life. The chance of remarriage is so close to zero it can’t be measured accurately.

If you read the survey results, you may have noticed that I made no attempt to compile them into any type of chart of average or prevalent moods on the subject. To do so would have resulted in something like the following:
Q #1: Rekindling romance: Trying new and different things (everybody)
Q #2: Pitfalls of marriage: Being mean to each other and lack of communication (everybody)
How to avoid them: Being good to each other and communication (everybody)

So what does this have to do with pheromones? Nothing. pheromones get you into the mess, but they can’t get you out. They help you fall into love with your kids as well, but when those kids hit high school and want to dye their hair purple, there you are again. I often tell people that pheromones and/or an understanding of how they work are like a tool or a weapon, they can be used for good or bad purposes. As human beings we are driven by our passions, and that is for the most part great fun, but if we are to save the institution of marriage, it will take more than pheromones, it will take individual determination. It will take each and every one of us consciously deciding to “stop the buck” of insults and selfishness, and returning in its place understanding and generosity.

Before I go, I’d like to quote one of this month’s surveys. It could stand to be said at least one more time: “One of the most profound truths is that once words are out of our mouths…they can never be taken back. When one partner hurts another…..a little love is destroyed.”

Hopefully, the reverse is also true: “When one partner eases the paid of another…..a little love is created.”

In any case, don’t forget to smile!
Survey/Contest time!

Have you tried using pheromones (natural or bottled) for social purposes???

The Questions:
#1. Have you ever used a pheromone product?
#2. Did it have any effect?
#3. If so, what effect did it have?
#4. Do you think that pheromones have uses other than romantic ones?
#5. What products have you tried?
#6. Which ones do you like best?
#7. Why?
#8. Where did you first find out about pheromones?
#9. Have you noticed anything interesting about natural pheromones (personal hygiene etc.) and their effect on others?
Please include your age, sex and marital status.
As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last month there were only 58 entries (up from 48 the month before) and 2 winners (the minimum), which gave entrants about a 1 in 29 chance of winning!

Send completed surveys to:
New Product Feature

An Arizona-based company recently funded a study chemically analyzing a number of the top brands for actual content of one of the most popular andro pheromones, androstenone. There own product Primal Instinct pheromone not only came out number one, but was rated at ten times the androstenone content as the number two cologne (Androstenone pheromone Concentrate)! Expensive, but at the recommended application of 2 drops, it should go a long way.


MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
pheromones in the Cinema

–From the British TV sitcom, The Thin Blue Line

Angered by a conversation regarding the use of cologne by men, Frank, a British police officer from Trinidad slams his fist down on his desk and bellows:
“A woman likes to smell a man as nature intended….sweat, Guinness, and pickled onions! You can’t bottle that!”
User Corner
I have a very happy story. I was dateless for over 5 YEARS! I never could seem to attract anyone and I began to question myself time and time again. What is wrong with me, I would wonder. I asked everyone that I could for advice (but not any of my friends because I lied to them and told them I was dating). Well I got on the net and did some research. Discovered pheromones and tried Date 22. [now known as DateMate 2000] In the beginning, I thought that I had been ripped off. Well, 2 days later, a woman walked up to me and told me her friend (whom I walked by earlier) was interested in me and was so attracted to me that she couldn’t come herself. After that, I continuously have been hit on by women and I feel great and exhausted. But I have never been happier. Thank you so much.
Marietta, GA

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Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News January, 2000 Comments Off on Pheromone News January, 2000

January, 2000

Hello Again Readers,

A Happy Year 2,000 to you all!

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away free pheromones every issue. If you want to be in the running, all you have to do is submit the survey found towards the end of every newsletter. This month’s lucky survey-ees are Roxann and Kyle.

Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”, some of whom, (unlike me) actually know what they are talking about. I have also been known to read books. (remember those old-fashioned things?)

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
You can also sign up by sending a blank e-mail to:

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.

**FREE sample of popular pheromone product to the first 100 sign-ups!**

This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*December’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Not all Roses
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Reader pheromone Story
December’s Survey Results

Our drawing winners (drawn at random from sent-in surveys) are:
Roxann and Kyle.

#1. Where would you advise a single person to look for a mate?
—Answers in order of popularity (most to least)—
Normal daily activities (eg: shopping etc.) 11 votes
Activities that you yourself enjoy (eg: skiing etc.) 5 votes
Church 4 votes
Online chats etc. 4 votes
Class or school 4 votes
Work 4 votes
Activity Clubs 3 votes

#2. Is it the responsibility of the man to make the first move?
No: 17 votes
Yes: 15 votes

#3: Is it practical for women to approach men?
Yes: 19 votes
No: 5 votes

#4: What can women do to let a man know that his advances would be welcome?
Smile: 14 votes
Make eye contact: 6 votes
Body Language: 4 votes

#5: Are bars a viable option for finding a “meaningful relationship?”
No: 24 votes
Not the best: 9 votes
Yes: 3 votes

Question #1. Where would you advise a single person to look for a mate?

M: I have found that most of my “mates” have come from either work or school (when I was there). Of course me not being the truly outgoing type, I haven’t found places like gyms or clubs to work very well for me.

F: Get a job in retail. People love it when you help them shop. They associate your kindness and helpfulness as the perfect personality to hook up with anyone who’s not attached. Youth organizations are another great option, make a great impression on the kids and people think you’re great.

One can find a mate just about anywhere, but it has been my experience that clubs are a good place to find someone. A majority of the people at a club are also looking for a mate, so your chances are pretty good. Also, in a club I feel okay going up to someone and initiating a conversation, where as in a place such as the supermarket, I would not approach a stranger.

F: I think if you just go about doing things that you enjoy doing, if you happen to meet someone, then you will have something in common with them ….such as a walk on the beach, or at a park,

F: There are many places to look for a mate. I have even found good men in chat rooms on the computer and even dated a couple. Now one turned out to be very special while the other i said goodbye to in less than an hour. Both times I met them at public places where other people were around.

Question #2: Is it the responsibility of the man to make the first move?

F: In some societies, women will never make the first move beyond returning a smile or glance. Generally, women WANT men to approach them. Not only do they feel womanly, but they will be assured that YOU are interested in them, instead of thinking you are humoring them by engaging in conversation which was initiated by the female.

F: Since I am shy I always wait for the man to make the first move..but I do try to send signals if I’m interested in someone like eye contact and a big smile.

F: YES! I think that is the best way. Unfortunately, in the US women think that because we must be “equal” that it includes making moves on men first.

F: I don’t feel it is the “responsibility” of the man, I have approached many men over the years, but it does help a woman if the man says hello and begins a conversation.

F: No, but if he doesn’t, he should make a return move back quickly if he is interested. Women need to feel that they are wanted and if a guy does not do his share of the moves, then she will not feel right about the relationship. Shyness and insecurity on a man’s part is not attractive even if the woman chooses to look beyond that and make the first move.

Question #3: Is it practical for women to approach men? (when, where, how)

F: It’s practical in almost every situation for a woman to go up and approach a man.. if you want something.. you should go for it.

M: My experience is women can be very creative about approaching guys. Where? grocery store is good. When? You have to take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. How? Walk up, Smile and ask a question as an ice breaker.

F: You’re hanging out someplace, you notice this guy seems to be looking at you a lot. You think he’s nice, why not say Hi. Look up, smile, and say Hi. If he is interested, he’ll come right over.

Question #4: What can women do to let a man know that his advances would be welcome?

F: By talking and smile and showing that she is pleased that he is talking with her. Making small gestures, pretending that there is an eyelash on his cheek and gently removing it allows for them to get closer and to initiate some form of touch.

F: Women can let men know that his advances are welcome very simply by making direct eye contact and a sweet smile. If you really want to get your message across slightly nod your head (just a little) while still making eye contact and to get even more sensual about it slowly lick your top lip, just your top lip slowly, followed by a crooked little grin. Body language is important so uncross your arms if they are crossed.

M: Flirting has always worked with me.

M: For me, the best thing someone can do is just come out and tell me.

F: Body language is the biggest factor in deciding whether someone is approachable or not.

Question #5: Are bars a viable option for finding a “meaningful relationship?”

F: Bars are great if you’re just interested in a one night stand, or if you’re interested in meeting a married man or a traveler. Coffee shops seem to have replaced bars for a meeting place.

M: No. Too many alcoholics, desperate people, or people who’ s lives are already a mess. They are searching for pleasure, not love.

NO- not for a meaningful relationship. Usually people in bars are not in their right minds- especially if they’ve been drinking or smoking. They dress up and are not their “usual” selves, which is what you would want to see if you planned on being with someone forever.

There are people who have met at bars and have developed meaningful relationships but I personally feel that bars are a high risk option. Unless there is a lot of dancing going on – most people who go to bars go to drink and your chances of meeting a person with problems is probably higher in a bar than at a single social function.

F: Well i married the man i met at a bar and danced all night with……. and I didn’t think it would ever turn into a relationship….. just goes to show … you never can tell.. so don’t risk missing your chance

#5. Other Comments:

M: Get over your fear and talk to people, men and women. As a result of these conversations you will meet people, and some of those people will be date-able. I had a conversation once with a man at a bar and minutes later his very attractive female friend returned and I was successful in dating her, because we met by me being introduced by her friend.

F: Always be yourself……. always be friendly….. you will impress them much more with who you are then who you want them to think you are…..

M: My advise is: Just be yourself.
pheromone Q and A:

Q: How does it [pheromone supplementation] work to add fire to a long term relationship?

A: Based mainly on the many letters I get, this situation is one of the hardest areas in which to notice change, but I personally and many others have had some luck. Changes take longer than with folks you don’t know very well, so they don’t seem so dramatic. In my experience, people you know well tend to get you pegged and don’t rely on their nose so much. Also, if you saw my recent article in December’s Pheromone News ( you know that as people get older not only does their pheromone production go down, so does their ability to detect and react to pheromones. In my case, my wife is 20 years younger than I am so pheromones are perfect for me. I am nearly 50, so my natural pheromone levels are low, but my wife is only 30 and reacts rather strongly to the popular products I have tried.

I don’t know how long your “long term” relationship is, but in any case, don’t let me discourage you if you want to give supplementation a try anyway. Virtually all products are guaranteed to get results these days. Give it a try. If you don’t see results, get your money back.

Another thing to remember: As I’m sure you know, marriage is a very complex social experience. Keeping the fires going is a many many sided project.

Good Luck,

**Hey Readers** Want to put your 2 cents in on this one? See this month’s survey below!
Feature Article:
Not All Roses
-Bruce Boyd

I came across a fascinating article on the internet some time ago entitled “Can Animals Really Smell Fear?” by Sharon Lynn. On rereading it again this morning however, it finally dawned on me how crucial this information is to a useful understanding of the role that pheromones play in our daily lives.

To review for a moment, if you’ve been reading the Pheromone News, you may remember that pheromone production is closely tied to hormone production in the body. In fact, hormones are the building blocks from which pheromones are made as they (hormones) are secreted out of the body in our sweat and acted upon by the bacteria on our skin. Since most folks reading this e-zine are interested primarily in pheromones in their role as sexual attractant, we have focused mainly on the known sex-attractors, namely: copulins and the two andro pheromones (androstenone and androstenol). Quite naturally enough, these pheromones are strongly linked with the production of their corresponding sex hormones, but is that really all the information that is of interest to us as social creatures?

Here is an illustration. In the world of commercial pheromones for men, we are looking at only two available active ingredients, androstenone and androstenol. As the “andro” would seem to imply, in nature the production of both of these pheromones is directly related to the well-known male sex hormone, testosterone. And from what I’ve read, it seems reasonable to assume for the time being, that if a certain male is high in testosterone, he will be high in the popular male andro pheromones as well. Now, as you may or may not know, when professional athletes take “steroid” drugs, what they are actually shooting for (literally) is a dramatic increase in testosterone levels, which in turn is well-known for dramatically increasing muscle mass, strength, and endurance, AND apparently pheromone levels. So, does taking steroids automatically turn one into the hotest stud-muffins in town? Well, as we say here in Japan, “so nani amakunai” (it ain’t that sweet). After reading the article about animals and fear I realized the innate weakness of testosterone boosting programs as a means of achieving pheromone dominance. High testosterone may well lead to high sex pheromones (of which we know of only two so far), but can just as easily break down into any of thousands of other pheromones that may have positive, neutral or even very negative effects on our social situation. Towering youthful or drug-induced sex hormone levels are also linked to higher levels of the cortico-steroid or “stress hormones” in the body, which I am now convinced break-down into their own particular stress pheromones on our skin and breath. The message “I am seriously stressed out here” may be of use if you are waving a gun around and trying to get a bank guard to open a safe for you, but is not likely to get you where you want to go if you’re looking for the love of your life at your local church social.

“Stress pheromones?!?!” Smelling like fear? Don’t believe it? A writer and dog trainer for the “K-9 Academy, Law Enforcement Trainer’s Resource Center” says you can easily train a dog to “pick out people who are afraid” and continues: “a guilty person’s odor is coming out like a smoke bomb and smells of fear.” And another trainer, Morris R. Atwell, who works specifically with dogs that are being trained to find dead bodies, relates that although on occasion they have the opportunity to use “real live” dead bodies for training, when none are available, they must use dummies and a synthetic bottled scent (ie: commercial pheromone-like substance!). I swear I am not making this up…the fragrance goes by the name “Fear and Trauma.”

Woman at the fragrance counter (in a soft breathy voice): “Would you like to try our latest men’s cologne? It’s veeeery sexy! It’s ‘Fear and Trauma’ by Calvin Kline. They say it brings out your ‘inner cadaver’. It drives me wild! Try a little.”
Male Customer: “ know, I’d really love to, but um, you know..I promised my wife I’d straighten out my sock drawer this afternoon, and I really have to be going now…”

But in any case, don’t forget to smile!
Survey/Contest time!

Since last month’s survey was so heavily slanted towards singles, this month I’d like to focus on the needs of us married folk. As usual those of the opposite persuasion (ie singles) are invited to help out here. I’m sure there are plenty of you that have logged more successful “long-term relationship” miles than many of the officially hitched crowd.

After the Honeymoon

I never thought it would happen, but I’ve finally reached a point in my life where I watch a 90 minute romantic comedy like “Pretty Woman” (for example), and as the final credits roll across the screen I have to turn to my wife and say “Now the interesting part is about to begin….brooding New York millionaire marries screwball California prostitute after a one week courtship.” I mean really….if you wanted to bet on the success of that relationship, just think of the odds you could get with the median American marriage survival rate running around 50%. Well, saving the entire institution of marriage goes way beyond the scope of this zine, but if we put our heads together here, maybe we can come up with some ideas on putting a little romantic fire and fun back in our long-term relationships once that initial glow has worn off and we’ve been in and out of the trash a few times.

1. What do you think can be done to fuel and/or rekindle romantic feelings in a long-term relationship?

2. What are some of the pitfalls that couples fall into that destroy natural romantic feelings, and how can those pitfalls be avoided/repaired?

3. Your age, sex and marital (relationship) status

Other comments:

As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last month there were only 49 entries (*way* down from 148 the month before) and 2 winners (the minimum), which gave entrants about a 1 in 25 chance of winning!

Send completed surveys to:

Pheromone News December,1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News December,1999

December, 1999

Hello Again Readers,

It’s getting close to Christmas. Lots of snow here in Sendai. This will be the first Christmas we didn’t run off to Thailand to escape the cold. Our four year old wanted to have a *real* Christmas this year. OK, real Christmas it is. I put 200 feet of Christmas lights on our house and garden and folks are coming from miles around to see the “weird foreigners’ house.”

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away free pheromones every issue. If you want to be in the running, all you have to do is submit the survey found towards the end of every newsletter. This month’s lucky survey-ees are Diane Savino, Abra Eubanks, and Bridget Kehoe.

Merry Christmas,
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”, some of whom, (unlike me) actually know what they are talking about. I have also been known to read books. (remember those old-fashioned things?)

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
You can also sign up by sending a blank e-mail to:

Pheromone News November,1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News November,1999

December, 1999

Hello Again Readers,

It’s getting close to Christmas. Lots of snow here in Sendai. This will be the first Christmas we didn’t run off to Thailand to escape the cold. Our four year old wanted to have a *real* Christmas this year. OK, real Christmas it is. I put 200 feet of Christmas lights on our house and garden and folks are coming from miles around to see the “weird foreigners’ house.”

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away free pheromones every issue. If you want to be in the running, all you have to do is submit the survey found towards the end of every newsletter. This month’s lucky survey-ees are Diane Savino, Abra Eubanks, and Bridget Kehoe.

Merry Christmas,
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”, some of whom, (unlike me) actually know what they are talking about. I have also been known to read books. (remember those old-fashioned things?)

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
You can also sign up by sending a blank e-mail to:

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones (scented and unscented)
Just released…… DateMate, unscented stealth spray (formerly “Contact 18″ and “Desire 22″)
LOADS of new products coming! Stay tuned.
All products guaranteed. Get results or get your money back!

This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*November’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Odor Sensitivity and Romance
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Alert Reader pheromone Story
November’s Survey

Our drawing winners (drawn at random from those who sent in a survey) are:
Diane Savino, Abra Eubanks, and Bridget Kehoe

QUESTION 1: What’s your favorite fragrance?

RESULTS: (Name of cologne and number of readers reporting it as their favorite)
Drakar 7
Obsession 6
Polo 6
CK One 5
Eternity 4
White Diamonds 4
Realm 4
Tuscany 3
Cool Water 3
Opium 3
Amari 2
Hugo Boss 2
Chanel 2
Giorgio 2
Curve 2
Dune 2
Aramis 2
CK Contradiction 2

–The following perfumes and colognes had one vote each:–
Aromatic Elixer, So de la Renta, Enigma, Earth, Of a Woman, Brut, Paris, Jovan, Emeralds and Diamonds, Amber, Bulgari, Paloma, Navy, Gendarme, Clinique Happy, Gravity, Anais Anais, Tomy Girl, Tesor, Knowing, Blond, White Shoulders, Perry Ellis, Eden, Calvin Cline E, Vanderbilt, Whispering Mist, Stetson, Rare Gold, Guess for Men

Natural scents and essential oils: (type and number of users)
Musk 8
Natural fragrance body spray (raspberry, peach etc.) 7
Vanilla 4
Sandlewood 2
Patchouli 1
QUESTION 2: Where on the body do you apply your fragrance?
RESULTS: (In order of most reported to least reported area)
-NOTE: The top three were all very popular spots.
Behind ears
Between breasts or “chest”
Face (men)
“All over”
“Spray into air and walk into mist”
Behind elbows

-Many readers reported special application spots for “special occasions” (hmmm?):
Behind knees
QUESTION 3: How often do you use a fragrance?
-About 80% said they apply cologne once per day.
-10% 1-2 per day.
-10% only on dates or other special occasions.
QUESTION 4: Why do you use fragrance?
RESULTS: (In order of most reported to least reported reason)
-For self, (mood elevation etc.)…”makes me feel good”
-For others (makes others feel good)
-For benefit of partner….”my boyfriend likes it”
-To attract others
-Enjoy compliments …”you smell good!”
-Helps define sense of self ….”it’s my signature”….”part of my character”
-Fear of smelling bad (ie: as deodorant)

[NOTE: There were *very* many interesting comments this time. Thank you! I read them all with great enjoyment. I wish I could print them all here, but they would never fit.]

“I use fragrance for different reasons, for work to keep myself smelling nice, for play, and to feel better about myself, and finally as a means of self expression, your choice of perfume is a reflection of yourself.”

“I use scents because they make me feel a certain way . They add a certain kind of “boost” to my working day. They wake up my “spirits” so to speak . Others enjoy my scent that I put off when I am at work . I work in surgery , under hot lights. I have found that certain smells give off a “Valium like” effect for all of those in the room . And if you are the patient , you want your doctor to be relaxed !”

“I usually use a fragrance because it somehow uplifts my spirits, so much so that I have a new air about me. Suddenly I am more confident and secure, mind you not all fragrances do this, but the one’s I pick do. This is an added benefit to me because I am in sales, so if I smell good, I am confident and thus my numbers (sales volume) are way up…”

“Why do I use fragrance? I love the way I smell and the reaction I get when I have a particular fragrance on. When I wear Amber Romance by Victoria’s Secret I feel more sexy and more attractive. I have actually noticed the different reactions I get from men when I have that fragrance on compared to my other perfumes. They seem more attentive to me and I am more confident around them.”

(re: vanilla scent)
“I love the naturalness of the smell. It reminds me of things like my mom’s baking and other good associations. The smell of vanilla also fools your mind into making you feel full (not hungry) so it’s a great way to help lose weight because you don’t eat as much or as often.”

pheromone Q and A:

Q: I have been using a pheromone supplement now for about 4 days. I haven’t had any luck yet. I have even been to a club with lots of women. Any suggestions? I do smile and all that other good stuff. I haven’t had this experience where women are just coming up to me. I have tried to notice the women around me, but none look over interested or anything. If there is more I can do or anyone has any ideas please let me know.

A: Hello Robert,
It is of course very possible for a woman to “make the first move” and approach a man, but in my experience, a club is not the best place for that to happen; too many people watching. If you walk into a shop where the female staff have a good excuse to ask you “can I help you with something?”, you look friendly and easy to approach, and have your pheromones on, I think you will stand a MUCH better chance of being approached than in a bar.

All that said though, the approaching part is traditionally the man’s job (fortunately or unfortunately) and by waiting for women to make the first move you are limiting your possibilities severely. You are on the right track looking around for some eye contact. I’ve found that a lot of women will go that far, and once you get a friendly smile from someone, it is a short step from there to come up with a “Hello” and see if you get a response. One step at a time. I think one of the great fallacies that shy guys hold on to is that being “not shy” means you have to walk up cold to a total stranger who is paying no attention to you whatsoever and entertain her for hours without getting any encouragement.

Keep in mind that pheromones whether natural or out of a bottle only make you more “attractive” to others. That is a powerful thing of course, but doesn’t make people do irrational things. I see very attractive women on the street every day but I don’t approach any of them for a number of reasons. Putting some extra pheromones on such a woman and turning her from a 9.9 into a “10” isn’t going to change my behavior at all. Sometimes I even get close enough to get a good whiff of a women in a public place and think to myself: “God, what a great smell!” But still no attack, not even a word uttered.

Bars were always a rough row to hoe for me. I would much rather try to find someone in a situation where I will likely see the same person again within a week or so. There is much less pressure then. This could mean at work, a sports club, church or anyplace where you see more or less the same people regularly. In such a situation you just present yourself as you really are (a decent helpful sort of a person???) smile and be friendly to everyone. If a woman catches your eye (or vice versa) all you have to do is come up with a little “Hi, how’s it going?” and see what happens. That is 90% of the battle in my mind, and not so hard to do. Maybe only a few words are exchanged, but that is often enough. Tomorrow or next week you can pick up from there. If you plant enough “friendly seeds” some will grow.

Another thing about bars to keep in mind is that everyone is at least a little drunk and all types of sensory stimulation are at the max (loud music, over acting, smoke etc). You might need a lot more cologne of any type to get a reaction under such conditions, so experiment with that.

Finally, 4 days is very short. Maybe Brad Pitt can come up with the woman of his dreams in 4 days, but I wouldn’t want to base my self worth on being able to do it. It takes time. “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one prince (or princess)” as has been said. Keep the faith. It’s part of the success package.

All the Best,
Bruce Boyd

**Hey Readers** Want to put your 2 cents in on this one? See this month’s survey below!
Feature Article:
Odor Sensitivity and Romance
By Bruce Boyd
(with special thanks to James Kohl and his invaluable book, The Scent of Eros)

When I started writing this article, I thought I had a pretty clear idea on the subject, but I am still in shock from what I found. Probably anyone reading this article is aware of and concerned about the effects on their love-life of the scent they give off, but what about the effects of your own ability to *perceive* smells? How does this affect romance?

Those of you who have been following the Pheromone News for a while will remember the reader survey we had last October (results posted in the November issue) concerning the importance of scent on sexual arousal and “falling in love.” Readers rated their feelings about the importance of scent on sexual arousal, giving it an 8 out of 10, and the effects of smell on “falling in love” only a 6. Well, after posting those results, I received an e-mail from pheromone researcher, James Kohl who says science begs to differ. If fact, there is scientific evidence that it is virtually *impossible* to fall in love without a sense of smell. Shocking as it may seem, individuals born with the genetic defect known as Kallmann’s Syndrome are unable from birth to smell anything and apparently as a result show no interest in either sex or romantic love. In the animal world, experiments have been done in which the VNO (part of the smelling apparatus that perceives pheromones) is destroyed at birth in subjects who are otherwise completely healthy. When these animals reach adulthood, they quite simply do not mate. If the VNO is destroyed *after* sex has been experienced, the animal may continue to show interest in mating, but without that initial experience, romance, at least for a male pig, does not happen.

At first it is difficult to believe that we are so entirely dependent on our sense of smell for sexual arousal and the experience of romantic love. Imagine that you are completely alone in your home, sit down in a comfortable chair and pop an x-rated film into your video machine. No pheromones, no smells, just naked bodies and well…sounds. For most of us, (and there is even research to back this up too) the reaction is powerful. How can this be, though, if sexual arousal depends on smell. Hold onto your chairs folks, but after reading research on the subject I am convinced that this arousal based on visual and auditory stimuli is 100% caused by conditioning. Just like Pavlov’s famous dogs, that salivate to the sound of a bell, porn movies turn us on because of earlier associations between visuals and the smell of sex pheromones. Individuals who are born blind or deaf can and do lead normal sex lives, but individuals born without a sense of smell (anosmia) do not.

What does this mean to the vast majority of individuals who have a “normal” sense of smell? Quite a bit more than you would think.

#1. More than 1% of those you run into on the street, in clubs or wherever you go, can not smell anything. This means that no matter how low-cut your dress or tight your pants, they don’t get it, or have to depend on their memory to understand the implications.

#2. Our sense of smell is not just strong or weak, each individual has an entirely unique smelling ability grid. According to a survey conducted by National Geographic, individuals vary greatly as to what they can and can not smell. Normal healthy individuals may be able to detect certain smells accurately, and be completely unable to detect other smells. For example, half of all women surveyed were unable to identify the smell of a banana without visual cues. Men, what this means is that half of all the women you run into on the street are completely unable to tell whether you have a banana in your pocket or are just glad to see them! [ Sorry. I just had to say that] No, really that doesn’t mean anything, but what does mean something is that only 71% of the women surveyed and 67% of the men could detect the sex pheromone androstenone. So no matter how “ripe” you are scent-wise, 30% of the folks you run into aren’t “getting it”, at least not very loud and clear. Ready for another shocker? The ability to detect androstenone, which is already starting to look like an indicator of how heavily “sexed” we are, varies not only from individual to individual, but from country (culture) to country as well. For example 75% of Latin American men can smell androstenone loud and clear, compared to only 63% of the men living in the US. Surprised? No? OK, and who ranks number one world-wide in the ability to detect androstenone? (envelope please…) Africa, with a 78% detection rate for men and a whopping 85% for women! One more interesting point though. What 3 countries (cultures) do you think have the widest gap between men and women in the ability to detect pheromones? (ie: frustrated women living with guys who don’t “get it”) And the winner is…..Asia, the Caribbean and the UK!!!!! Hey, I’m not making this up, so no angry letters please. I’m just writing down the statistics. You draw your own conclusions.

One thing I have to say in defense of the sexuality of my native USA, in regards to these results, is that as a nation we must be the most paranoid about body smell, (with the probable exception of Japan, the country I live in now), due undoubtably to the marketing efforts of antibacterial soap and deodorant companies. I have on a number of occasions gotten angry letters from the US complaining that pheromone products containing nothing more than synthetic androstenone and androstenol smell like “BO.”

#3. Our sense of smell goes through a strength curve similar to that of our sex hormone levels, which peaks out around the age of 20 and fall very quickly as we hit old age. Science shows us that this loss of smell in and of itself, diminishes our interest in sex and romance! By the way, this gradual loss of smell is not completely unavoidable. A number of environmental factors are likely involved. At the forefront being tobacco smoke and prescription medications, but I would guess a whole host of air pollutants both indoor and outdoor are to blame. Some caution might be advisable.

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Survey/Contest time!

This month’s survey is for the benefit of all you single readers who are searching for that special other. I never rule anyone out of the surveys though, so all you attached folks, please share your expertise on……

I often tell people that the pheromone aura they project is what they are saying to people “*before* they say ‘Hello.'” Well now, let’s say you have been working out for that special body, are “dressed for success”, and have on your favorite cologne, as well as transmitting pheromones that say: “I’m the one.” Then what? Wait for your “prince (or princess) to come?” If you read this month’s “Q &A”, or “pheromones in the Cinema”, or even if you just happen to be a “guy” yourself than you might have an idea of what it’s like being expected to “do the talking.” I suppose conditions have changed in the States since I moved away 10 years ago, but here in Japan if a man isn’t willing to make the first move (and probably the second and third as well) he is going to be a very lonely guy no matter how high his pheromone level. You heard my opinion already. Let’s hear yours. One thing I would *really* like to see happen with these results would be to give single men and single women a clearer idea what is going on in the opposite camp with regards to meeting that special someone.

1. Where would you advise a single person to look for a mate?
2. Is it the responsibility of the man to make the first move?
3. Is it practical for women to approach men? (when, where, how)
4. What can women do to let a man know that his advances would be welcome?
5. Are bars a viable option for finding a “meaningful relationship?”

Comments: (please share a few sentences of advice on “meeting someone”)

As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries. Last month there were 148 entries (up from 125 the month before) and 3 winners, which gave entrants about a 1 in 50 chance of winning.

Send completed surveys to:
New Products

Date-Mate pheromone Spray
Formerly known as “Contact 18″ and “Desire 22″, Date-Mate has been added to the Love Scent pheromone Store site.
Unscented and very convenient to use.
Men’s formula: androstenone and androstenol
Women’s formula: androstenol and copulins
Created by GKS Research Technology in the UK.



Superb sterling silver and 14K gold jewelry at ridiculously low prices.
Rings, earrings, bracelets, bangles, charms, chains, astrologic, birthstone….
FREE sterling silver gift (with $20. order)
FREE monthly jewelry contest

pheromones in the Cinema

–From “The Lonely Guy” starring Steve Martin–
Ever see this one? It’s been a long time, but I still remember the scene in which Martin, playing the “lonely guy” hoping to meet a sporty bachelorette, pretends to be out jogging. Dressed in jogging gear and covered with store-bought sweat from a can, he jogs into a coffee shop for a cold drink. The woman of his dreams happens in, and somehow realizing he is lonely stops to talk to him for a moment. “Say, you’re a lonely guy, aren’t you?” she says.
“Well, yes I am.” answers Martin, “How did you know?”
“It’s the canned sweat you’re using. They never get it just right.”

User Corner

“Last month I purchased your product and wore it to a party, the guys were falling all over themselves to be around me. I’ve never had trouble attracting men but I definitely noticed a difference in attitudes. It seemed to make them not only sexually attracted to me but also very protective of me. I guess it made them feel like real MEN.”


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Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News October,1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News October,1999

October, 1999

Hello Again Readers,

Getting cold here in Japan!

I’ve been trying to make my way slowly to the first of the month with the “News”, but here I’ve gone and slipped back to the 19th. Better late than never though, as has been oft mentioned. Hope you find something in here to help you meet your attraction needs.

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away free pheromones every issue. If you want to be in the running, all you have to do is submit the survey found towards the end of every newsletter. This month’s lucky survey-ees are John and Marylin from Bisbee, AZ and Butler, PA respectively.

Don’t forget to smile at someone today,
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”, some of whom, (unlike me) actually know what they are talking about. I have also been known to read books. (remember those old-fashioned things?)

Sometimes the “news” will be not so new. If it doesn’t appear on the PRI site ( or the pheromone E-zine archives (, and I find it interesting, than it’s news to me and I’ll review it, so don’t be afraid to send in an old article you come across. If it hasn’t found it’s way into the internet or a research journal, I probably haven’t read it and would be very happy for a copy, which I would then of course highlight in the “News” (with your name if you like).

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
You can also sign up by sending a blank e-mail to:

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones
Our Beaches cologne from MC Marble was tested by an independent laboratory,
and rated NUMBER ONE of 22 products
Coming soon…Xcite! pheromone twilights
All products guaranteed! Get results or get your money back!

This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*September’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Where do pheromones come from?
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Alert Reader pheromone Story
The September Issue’s Survey

This month’s “free pheromones” winners (drawn at random from those who sent in a survey) are:
John from Bisbee, AZ and Marilyn from Butler, PA

I don’t think I worded the questions very well, so I don’t think the “figures” came out very well (in brackets below), but everyone pretty much got the idea of what I was trying to find out and came up with some good comments. Have a look.

(“1″ = “strongly disagree” and “10” = “strongly agree”)
[average answer in brackets after each question]

In general, women:
1. appear more attractive to men when they are ovulating. [6.8]
2. appear less attractive to men when they are ovulating. [3.2]
3. appear more attractive to men when they are menstruating. [3.8]
4. appear less attractive to men when they are menstruating. [5.9]
5. are more interested in sex when they are ovulating. [7.9]
6. are less interested in sex when they are ovulating. [3.4]
7. are more interested in sex when they are menstruating. [5.5]
8. are less interested in sex when they are menstruating. [4.8]

Highlights of the “comments” section:
M: “My girlfriend and I have lived together for almost 6 years and I know her cycles well enough now to say that I tell a slight increase in passion when she is ovulating.”

F: “Great questions. I find that anytime my hormones change that it causes me to feel more attractive and men respond to it!”

M: “I’ve always thought it was pretty obvious that women put out more *scent* when they’re ovulating.”

M: “There was a show on TLC about sex. It said women dress more provocatively when they’re ready to conceive. They show more skin, Cleavage etc.”

M: “With the past relationships I was in, every time my female friend was menstruating she always wanted to be more sexually active.”

F: Question #5: Women are more interested in sex when they are ovulating?
“YES. Can’t deny nature! Even though modern society has put us out of touch with our primal side, some things still manage to dominate.”

F: “I don’t know about other women, but I find that my man can sense when I am menstruating and he wants me more than ever. ”

F: “This is my first newsletter….And I love it! I feel hormones greatly affect my sex drive!”

F: “Immediately before menstruating, I am very interested in sex and also during the cycle.”

F: “This is difficult, because I have never really measured how attracted my partner is to me during those times, however I DO notice my attraction to him!”

F: “It seemed when I was thinking about wanting a baby about the time I ovulated I was more interested in sex.”

F: “I’m an old lady who remembers no particular time that I was less interested than during my menstrual cycle. I don’t think hubby of 30 years was too interested during that time either.”

F: “I’m most interested in sex a day or two before I menstruate, and good sex will make my period start early.”

F: “I don’t know if anyone experiences this, but I personally can never keep my hands off my boyfriend right before I start my cycle!”

F: “While I get hornier (to be blunt) when I am on my period, I am not sure most women do.”

F: “When I am ovulating, my sex drive increases notably. During menstruation, I hardly give sex a thought.”

–In regards to the “Have you ever used a copulins containing pheromones product?”
F: “Yes I have. It definitely had an effect on males, at least my male boyfriend! ” (rated it a “10”)

pheromone Q and A:

Q: How is testosterone and androstenone related? Does cardiovascular exercise raise pheromone levels? Or just weight bearing exercise? Could I just work out minimally and still expect pheromone spikes? Or do I have to work out hard to expect anything?

A: There is almost certainly a strong relationship between your testosterone level and the rate at which your body produces either of the two “andro” pheromones, as it is testosterone that breaks down into these pheromones on the skin. Exactly how long that takes or if there really are spikes of pheromones is hard to say. I don’t think any research has been done on that. There has of course been lots of research done on the effects of exercise on not only testosterone but growth hormone and a number of other factors. I’m sure that if you look around you will find mountains of information about how the various types of workouts affect testosterone levels. I am convinced that you have to go for quite a good burn and get quite pumped up to get some real results, as is the case with almost everything in life. I work out 4-5 days per week, and lift fairly heavy for 40-60 minutes and then jog or ride a bike for 15 minutes or so. Then I sit in the jacuzzi or sauna for a while and then eat and eat and eat. I have a feeling that a good workout raises your pheromone levels, but, in any case, highly recommend it for general health and sense of well-being. Make sure you eat well. You can’t produce anything on junk food.

Q: I read the messages on this forum after buying your product. I’m 25, athletic, in good health. Will pheromones not have such an effect for me, and should I give them away to someone who’s older?

A: Research seems to indicate that pheromones seem to have more of an effect on increasing the attractiveness of folks who are lower than average in the natural attraction department. If you take an individual who is already a 9.9 knockout (male or female) adding some pheromone cologne is not going to help as much as it would with an 8.5. It will still help though, just not as much. Age is not the only factor, but it is an important one.

Thank you for your questions,
–Correction to last month’s article: James Kohl of fame, helped me out again and sent me the name of the research that was “escaping” me last issue:

“There is some evidence from another study (name escapes me at the moment) that pheromones produced by females with high progesterone levels (commonly found during menstruation and pregnancy) have the effect of *reducing* testosterone levels in nearby males, which would of course reduce their sex drive.” (Pheromone News September, ’99)

Research supporting this view:
Monti-Bloch L, et al. Modulation of serum testosterone and autonomic function through stimulation of the male human vomeronasal organ (VNO) with pregna-4,20-diene-3,6-dione. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1998 Apr;65(1-6):237-42.
Feature Article: Where do pheromones come from?
–Bruce Boyd

Most of the technical information contained in this brief article either comes directly from James Kohl’s book, “The Scent of Eros”, or can certainly be found there. Have a look.

What are pheromones, and where do they come from anyway? Most of us are only vaguely aware that they are some kind of odiferous substance produced by the body that seems to attract and/or sexually arouse others, and that is about it. In an earlier issue of the Pheromone News, I attempted to describe research that has shown that human beings as well as animals possess a special smelling apparatus located in the nose but yet separate from our normal smelling organ, and which is used specifically for detecting pheromones. But how are these pheromones made, and how do they get to the nose of their target?

In both humans and animals hormones regularly break down into various other substances, which are finally acted upon by friendly bacteria in or on the body to produce what we now refer to as pheromones. I would guess there are currently hundreds of known pheromones with countless functions, but in short, any substance which is used by the body to communicate or otherwise stimulate others via the VNO (pheromone detecting organ in the nose) can be called a pheromone by definition. The most well-known spot for the production of pheromones in humans is right on our own skin. Hormones and their metabolites (broken down versions) are excreted out through special sweat glands on the skin, where they meet up with certain sex-specific bacteria that actually make the pheromones and determine how we “smell” to the world. To a large extent though, these pheromones are undectable in the usual sense of the word, even though they have such a dramatic effect on our feelings and behavior. From sweat with the help of our hair these pheromones evaporate and become a gas in which form they can easily travel through the air to the noses of others. But this is only one way that pheromones travel. In a slightly different form, pheromones travel together with the numerous skin cells we lose every day.

According to James Kohl, the average person “sheds nearly forty million (skin) cells a day in an invisible airborne cloud of particles that contains sex pheromones..” Well, you probably won’t find this a very romantic image to dwell on, but if it is true and pheromones are really as powerful as believed, at levels far far below what we can consciously detect, this may give a whole new meaning to the old adage “love is blind”. Is it possible that we are being led around by the nose at least as far as romance goes? I am going to belabor this point for a moment, not because it is so hard to understand, but because it is so hard to believe. If the theory is true, than we don’t actually have to be able to smell someone to be blown away by their pheromones, which means that the whole pheromone effect must be hard-wired into our brain, ie: it can bypass our conscious mind. From a distance further away than we can clearly make out someone’s face we may be getting invisible sexy signals from that person and never realizing how.

But sweat and our skin cell cloud are not the only way we communicate pheromonally. pheromones as well as hormones themselves are present in great amount in human saliva, and therefore a major factor in determining the smell of our breath. And, as is the case at all pheromone launching sites, these pheromones are not limited to sex pheromones. I expect the parents and especially mothers among you will not be surprised when I tell you that I find the smell of my small childrens’ breath literally intoxicating. I still pause occasionally by my four year old son’s bed to catch a whiff before turning in for the night. Not exactly a scientific study, but I don’t think anyone would argue with me for saying that parent-child attraction is also quite probably pheromonally regulated.

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
Survey/Contest time!

It took me so long to process last month’s results, I came up with a simpler one to give myself a breather this month. I hope to come up with some good research along these lines for the next issue.

Rate 1-10. (“1″ being “unimportant” and “10” being “very important”)
To what extent do you think your sense of smell is a factor in determining your:
A: initial romantic attraction to someone?
B: sexual arousal?
C: falling in love?
Comments (1-2 sentences):

As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries. Last month there were only 35 and I gave two prizes away anyway (see what an old softy I am?) which gave entrants almost a 1 in 17 chance of winning!

Send completed surveys to:
New Products

The definitive work on pheromones:
“The Scent of Eros” by James Kohl
—If you only have time or money for one book on pheromones, this is it! Tells it all, yet in very readable language. Available in the Love Scent pheromone Store “bookstore.”

Coming soon to Love Scent pheromone Store!!!
Xcite pheromone “Wipes”
—Keep an eye out for these!



Superb sterling silver and 14K gold jewelry at ridiculously low prices.
Rings, earrings, bracelets, bangles, charms, chains, astrologic, birthstone….
FREE sterling silver gift (with $20. order)
FREE factory-direct catalogs (with $20. order)
FREE shipping with $90. order
FREE monthly jewelry drawings

pheromones in the Cinema

This month’s pheromones in the Cinema story was given to me by author, James Kohl. Be sure to check out his authoritative book on pheromones, Scent of Eros, available online at the Love Scent pheromone Store/Amazon pheromone Bookstore:

“The movie is ‘Boomerang’. Grace Jones (a female lead character) was attempting to bring to market a fragrance with ‘the essence of sex.’ She was unhappy with her perfumer’s efforts; took off her panties, rubbed them underneath the perfumer’s nose and bluntly said: ‘this is the essence of sex.’

“–note: Astrid Jutte’s report that ovulatory copulins elicit increased testosterone in men is a scientific report on Hollywood’s portrayal of the pheromone-hormone-behavior link in ‘Boomerang.’ Of interest is that the movie was released several years before Astrid presented her findings–an example of what is commonly known (or suspected) later being shown to be based on scientific findings.”

-James Kohl
User Corner

Here’s one related to this week’s survey results.

“I have been using pheromone products for about 6 mo. When I have it on I notice a small difference in the way my girlfriend reacts to me. She seems more physical, wanting to touch and be close. This works especially well a week or so before her period begins when she is naturally more receptive. She is not as receptive when I do not use the pheromones. I put it high on my shoulders and face (on my shirt) where someone standing next to me is most apt to smell it, or when my girlfriend kisses me she is best exposed to it. I put a couple drops in my hand and a little cologne and rub it on. I do not mix it, which may be a waste. I have noticed that some other women seem to be more receptive also.”


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Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News September,1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News September,1999

September, 1999

Hello Again Readers,

Welcome back. I have been getting some very good feedback and astute questions lately, which have inspired a new regular feature here (pheromone Q & A) and this month’s research review on exclusively female pheromones. Hope you enjoy them.

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away free pheromones every issue. Until this month, I have been giving away one bottle, but due to the dramatic increase in entries, I am giving two this month, and from now on I will give one prize for every 50 entries, so your chances of winning are always at least that good. Another change is that from now on, I will pick the product myself for the most part, though I might give some people a choice of a couple of items. I want to send out as many different products as possible and hopefully get some feedback about them.

Don’t forget to smile at someone today,
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on either the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”. I have also been known to just make stuff up, as you will see, so beware.

Sometimes the “news” will be not so new. If it doesn’t appear on the PRI site ( or the pheromone E-zine archives (, and I find it interesting, than it’s news to me and I’ll review it, so don’t be afraid to send in an old article you come across. If it hasn’t found it’s way into the internet or a research journal, I probably haven’t read it and would be very happy for a copy, which I would then of course highlight in the “News” (with your name if you like).

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:
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This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*August’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Research Review: Estrogen levels and pheromone production
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products on the Market
*pheromones in the Cinema
-weekly feature
*User Corner; Alert Reader pheromone Story
The August Issue’s Survey Results

I was floored by the response this time. I got a *lot* of surveys, and it took me a long time to read them all. If I had known I would get so many I would have put a little more thought into the questions so I could come up with some percentage figures on certain points. As it is, I just picked out some of the most interesting responses and quoted them below. The only general figures I can give you are that virtually everyone regardless of sex or age appreciates a physically fit body on members of the opposite sex. Also, interestingly enough, it seems that women have a much clearer idea of what they like in a man than vice versa! Here are a few points that came up frequently:

Nice butt, long hair or very short hair (on men), nice smile, nice tan, strong, healthy

Don’t like:
Hair “swooshed” over a bald spot (men,of course), too muscular (men or women), too much makeup (women)

Congratulations! This month’s winners are Sunfall and Ben. They will get a bottle of Beaches pheromone cologne and Hi-Octane pheromone additive respectively. Both products are made by MC Marble and available from Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products. (

Here are the highlights:
F: “I am attracted to a man who has a sparkle within that is radiated outward by his smile, his eyes, and his manner. I find one who takes care of himself physically, i.e. cleanliness, takes care of his hair and facial hair so that it is neat but doesn’t have to be short just taken care of attractive. I am attracted to a man who does NOT smoke, who doesn’t drink alcohol to excess. Men who take care of their bodies, working out and consider what they eat and drink. Men who treat others with dignity and respect are attractive as well.”

F: “men –hair that is not long; broad shoulders (ie athletic); tight butt; but at the same time an attitude that he looks like this because he is healthy, not because he wants people to notice — a man who looks like he is also intelligent, not one who lives at the gym.
women — good grooming, but not too much makeup; fit, though not necessarily muscular body; hair that looks like it doesn’t take a lot of work but is stylish; good posture; good smile”

F: “I think healthy people are attractive. In shape, but not necessarily built-up. Weight lifters/body builders bodies turn me off…too much muscle that distorts their body. I think women body builders are less attractive because the curves are in the wrong places. I prefer shorter hair on men, long hair on men seems too feminine. Tan firm bodies are a turn on.”

F: “I find a man who is sensitive and romantic very attractive. A man with an athletic build is nice also but it is what is inside that counts more.”

F: I am a female bodybuilder and I find men most attractive when they are tall with lots of lean muscle mass, but not massive or too buff. Dark skin, big smile and a strong jaw are good too.

F: “I really don’t have a ‘type’. A great smile will get me every time, as will piercing eyes. The eyes don’t have to be spectacular in color, but in expression. A great (and preferably somewhat twisted) sense of humor is a must above ALL.”

M: “On a women: Long hair, not too much makeup, energetic, athletic build is nice but not necessary. I’ve seen women who are “plump” and beautiful.”

F: “I find the eyes to be the most attractive attribute, although personality definitely is a plus! I go for men that are clean cut, a built chest and muscular legs.”

F: “In men i like someone with wavy hair, a bit longer than ‘clean cut’. someone who appears quiet, still and thoughtful. one who moves gracefully and stands very straight.”

M: “Depends on the person. I like healthy, well-toned bodies, and even those not so well-toned but with soft, nice curves. Overly musclebound girls turn me off, but athletic is always a plus.”

M: “A woman who is fit physically is quite energetic. This energy tends to transfer to the person they are spending time with. This is attractive and usually moves from daily activities in and out of the bedroom.”

M: “I find an energetic woman that is not bulging with muscles but that is very well toned attractive and the most important is that she must be friendly and down to earth. Nothing worse then a woman that is stuck on herself.”

M: “Well, athletic build for one, but not extremely muscular. Long dark hair, slightly tanned, and of course, smells nice.”

F: “I find bodies very attractive that are like dancers’ bodies – taut, tight, nicely rounded muscles, but not huge, over-developed parts of the anatomy (like weight-lifters, etc.) Dancers have the most incredible bodies, and they seem to be so in control of what they do with them that it’s very erotic. You can just imagine being the recipient of all that smooth flow.”
pheromone Q and A:

I read every msg. on the discussion board and noticed that you often mention that pheromones have a musky smell. Well pheromones are colorless, ODORLESS chemicals. It says so on the love-scent website too.

Hello RJ,
Thanks for your question. It is rather challenging. In fact, I have been wondering about that myself for a while, so I wrote to James Kohl ( the author of what is in my opinion the most authoritative and readable book on pheromones available (Scent of Eros).

His response was this:
“It’s a function of concentration. Some chemicals can be perceived at concentrations of one part per trillion. With musk, it’s more like one part per billion. In any case, the more molecules of musk per molecules of air, the more musky the “smell” becomes–finally to the point of going from pleasant to aversive. So, you can run the gamut from odorless to aversive depending on the concentration, and other factors-like the number of receptors a person has for the particular chemical. With androstenone, receptors appear to be genetically programmed. With repeated exposure to androstenone, it appears that receptors develop and people can go from being anosmic to the odor, to being very able to detect it is small quantities.”

RJ, Apparently, the andro pheromones (the ones contained in most popular pheromone products) are undetectable by the nose at normal effective levels, which leads marketeers of popular pheromone products to declare them to be “odorless”, but I can tell you from experience that if you get your nose up close to them after the solvent (alcohol or witch hazel) has evaporated completely, they have a characteristic “musky” aroma. James has also mentioned to me on a couple of occasions that people have widely ranging abilities to detect androstenone. Newborn male babies have very high testosterone levels at birth, and when my second son was born a few months ago his hair reeked of androstenone smell for several days, but my wife was completely unable to smell it.

Thanks again for your question,
Female Sex Hormones and Related pheromones
Bruce Boyd

In last month’s Pheromone News I wrote about some interesting research done by Astrid Jutte on the effects of sexual stimuli in the form of porn movies on the testosterone levels of both male and female subjects. Although testosterone is known primarily as a male sex hormone it is, in fact, the controlling factor of the sex drive of both men and women. When we are exposed to sexual stimuli of any kind, our testosterone level increases and with it we experience the feeling of sexual desire. Conversely, as we get older and produce smaller amounts of testosterone we experience the well-known general diminishment of the sex drive. There are a number of things we can do to prevent that from happening, but that is a story for another day, because one alert reader who is also a nurse would like to know what is up with the female sex hormones and their corresponding pheromones.

While the testosterone-linked “andro” pheromones are produced by both sexes and effectively give others olfactory (smell) information about our testosterone level and therefore our probable interest in sex, the primarily female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are producing pheromone-like substances that give information to others not about the owners interest in sex, but in the likelihood of producing offspring, which biologically is the “reason” we have sex (by the way). As everyone knows, when female animals are at the optimal point in their menstrual cycle for producing offspring (point of ovulation), there occur changes in their vaginal secretions that have a dramatic effect on the sex drive of males of their species that are in the immediate area. These changes are controlled by the normal cyclic changes in female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) within the body and work their romantic magic on nearby males, at least in part, by increasing male testosterone levels dramatically, merely by giving them a whiff of the pheromones contained in their vaginal secretions! This phenomenon has obviously been of very big interest to scientists in the fragrance industry and has resulted in the discovery and isolation of the exclusively female human sex pheromone known as “copulins”, which occurs naturally in the vaginal secretions of women. It has been shown in scientific studies (Jutte) to drive male testosterone levels through the roof (150% of baseline), and almost undoubtably has major potential as a part of the romantic arsenal of any woman interested in getting a rise out of her romantic partner. I have also heard from reliable sources that copulins is being evaluated for its potential use by body builders, who are always interested in the anabolic (muscle increasing) effects of high testosterone levels.

Other research (Michael et al, 1975) has demonstrated that the composition of the female human pheromone, copulins, varies in close coordination with the varying levels of estrogen and progesterone in the female body, which in animals produce such an obvious behavioral effect in dogs and cats. (ie: the female goes into heat and every male in the neighbor is willing to dodge rush-hour traffic to get near her)

The Jutte study shows us two things about humans:

#1 When males sniff the female pheromone copulins their testosterone level jumps to a towering 150%, which scientists agree increases the sex drive.
#2 Males will rate photos of females higher if they are secretly given a whiff of copulins.

THEREFORE, all other things being equal, we can guess that men will like women who emit the scent of copulins better than they will like women who don’t *and* they will be rendered “horny” by that whiff of copulins.

ALSO, the Michael study tells us that the composition of a woman’s copulins changes according to the phase of her monthly cycle, and this we know is part of the biology that is driving male dogs and cats completely insane to get at ovulating females.

UNFORTUNATELY though, the Jutte study was unable to show any relation between the type of copulins (ie, which phase of menstruation it came from) and the amount of attraction it stimulated in male subjects. In other words, males find women wearing all types of copulins equally attractive. What researchers are looking for, of course, is human males being more attracted to ovulating females than to non-ovulating females as is the case with our pets, but were unable to find it. That doesn’t mean that the effect doesn’t exist, but they were unable to detect it with this type of test. There is some evidence from another study (name escapes me at the moment) that pheromones produced by females with high progesterone levels (commonly found during menstruation and pregnancy) have the effect of *reducing* testosterone levels in nearby males, which would of course reduce their sex drive.

So, we’re getting thumbs up on copulins as a sex pheromone, but the jury is still out on the effects of ovulation on its attractive powers. (see survey below)

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd

Survey/Contest time!

In line with the above research, I would like to survey our readers for any relationship you may or may not have noticed between monthly female cycles and attractiveness to males. To my knowledge there have been no scientific studies that show that human females “go into heat” (ie, send out pheromone signals that attract males) in coordination with the optimal baby-making point in their menstrual cycle (ovulation). This “study” is of course completely unscientific, but let’s just see what we can come up with. As usual, I will pick surveys (that are filled out properly) at random for monthly prizes.

I don’t want to shut anyone out of the contest, so this survey can be used by males or females of any age. If you are female, fill out the survey on the basis of your experience with your own monthly cycles (in the past is ok too). If you are male, as best you can, report on the basis of feedback that you have gotten from your spouse/partner and your own feelings of attraction during pregnancy and/or different “times of the month”

Answer these questions on the basis of your own experience with a number from 1-10
(“1″ being “strongly disagree” , “5” being “no opinion”, and “10” being “strongly agree!”)

1. Women appear more attractive to men when they are ovulating.
2. Women appear less attractive to men when they are ovulating.
3. Women appear more attractive to men when they are menstruating.
4. Women appear less attractive to men when they are menstruating.
5. Women are more interested in sex when they are ovulating.
6. Women are less interested in sex when they are ovulating.
7. Women are more interested in sex when they are menstruating.
8. Women are less interested in sex when they are menstruating.

Your sex (M/F):

Comments (one or two sentences please):

Last question is for *women only*
Have you ever used a pheromone product containing the ingredient copulins?
If yes, do feel that it had an effect on males? (rate 1-10, 10 being the most powerful)

Send completed surveys to:

New Products on the Market

There are a LOT of new pheromone products coming out on the market these days and as the notion of using them becomes more accepted by both men and women of all ages, it seems that many of these products have been developed by some of the most prominent names in pheromone research. One such researcher in the field of olfaction (science of smell) who has developed a product of his own is a Dr. George Dodd. Dr. Dodd, originally of Dublin, Ireland and now a senior research fellow at the Highland Psychiatric Research Group in Inverness Scotland, has been working on a project that may make it possible one day for medical doctors to use sophisticated electronic devises to analyze a patients breath to determine the nature of his health! In addition to this research though, he has also created a pheromone brew, which he claims is very effective at attracting a human mate and has loaded it into moist towlets in foil packs and put them on the market. I don’t know if he is providing any direct scientific evidence as to the pheromone wipe’s effectiveness, but there are separate formulas for men and women, which seems to hint at the use of the exclusively female “copulins” ingredient discussed in the preceding article. In any case, the product, (called “Xcite!”) has been getting a lot of coverage in both Europe and the States apparently, and even been featured on the TV talk show “Live” with Regis and Kathy Lee. Dr. Dodd’s work in the area of olfaction has also been featured in a Time Magazine special issue “The Realm of the Senses.”

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromones was recently approached by the US distributors of the new pheromone towlette, Xcite! USA, and some tentative arrangements have been made to collaborate on the distribution of Dr. Dodd’s potion via the internet very soon. So, keep an eye out for introductory offers. I might even have a free sample to give away to the winners of the September survey/contest. (above)


Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones
Tested by an independent laboratory and rated NUMBER ONE of 22 products
Get results or get your money back!
Check out our Fall special and new product!

pheromones in the Cinema

This is an old one but in line with this months research review. Anyone remember the movie, “Quest for Fire” ? The film is naturally enough centered around all the wonderful things we can do with fire, and towards the end of the movie our band of cave folks are just finishing up a delicious home-cooked meal of sabor-tooth tiger meat, when our leading lady lies down by the fire for a good nights sleep. I guess it’s a cold night and she points her rear at the fire. Next we see a close-up of the face of the cave-guy sitting closest by, who is still working on his leg o’ tiger. A quizzical look comes over his face: “Sniff…..huh?….sniff…sniff, sniff.” He looks around and notices the little cave rear-end nearby, drops his food and jumps on.

You know, that’s one thing you never see in the history books: A) When exactly did human beings evolve to the point where they bothered to look around to see if anyone might be watching before they jump on someone like that, and B) When did they start bothering to ask first?

User Corner

“I used beaches cologne on a Saturday afternoon. I was at a cable car station. There was a very long line that usually consists of a 100 people. I stood in line behind a young attractive woman. She started to notice when she asked me ‘What time is it?’ I stated the time of the day and she was still looking at me. She tried to make another question to ask, so I started a friendly conversation. We were chatting for a long time and I began to see her regularly. ”

SF, California


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Try my weekly humor/joke E-Zine at:


Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News August,1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News August,1999

August, 1999

Hello Again Readers,

It’s been hot and humid here in Japan, and we’re finally getting some refreshing rain. My wife and kids are at grandma’s house today, and I’m enjoying a cup of gourmet Japanese green tea in front of the computer. Except for the sound of our turtle, Kame Kun splashing around in his tank it’s VERY quiet around here. Hope you’re all enjoying your Sunday as much as I am.

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away a free bottle of pheromones every issue. There are not that many people entering either, so it is not that hard to win. I’d say your odds are about one in twenty or better. Just enough folks to keep me happy with the results of the surveys. See this week’s contest/survey below.

Don’t forget to smile at someone today,
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on either the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”. I have also been known to just make stuff up, as you will see, so beware.

Sometimes the “news” will be not so new. If it doesn’t appear on the PRI site ( or the pheromone E-zine archives (, and I find it interesting, than it’s news to me and I’ll review it, so don’t be afraid to send in an old article you come across. If it hasn’t found it’s way into the internet or a research journal, I probably haven’t read it and would be very happy for a copy, which I would then of course highlight in the “News” (with your name if you like).

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if copied in its entirety. Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up information located at:

Quiroga Jewelry Shopper
Beautiful sterling silver and gold jewelry at bargain basement prices!
Rings, chains, bracelets, bangles, earrings, charms, watches
Astrologic, religious, birthstone
Gem and synthetic stones
Free sterling silver chain w/ $20. order
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This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*July’s Survey/Contest Results
*Celery; the new pheromone???
-news bulletin (thanks James)
*Research: Natural pheromone levels and sexual Stimuli
*Natural pheromones
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Contest/Survey
*pheromones in the Cinema
-weekly feature
*User Corner; Alert Reader pheromone Story
The July issue’s Survey Results

[Congratulations! This month’s winner is James Seetoo from New York City. He picked Beaches pheromone cologne for his free bottle o’ pheromones]

Here are the questions and the answers:
1. Have you ever worn a pheromone cologne?
75%: “Yes” 25%: “No”

2. Do you ever use non-pheromone fragrances with the intention of making yourself more attractive to the opposite sex?
100%: “Yes”

3. What products have you tested and are you happy with the results?
Andros, Realm, Patchouli, White Shoulders, Musk, Beaches

4. In general do you feel that supplemental pheromones have any effect?
60%: “Yes” 30%: “Don’t know” 10%: “No” or “I don’t think so”

5. In general do you feel that colognes have any romantic effect on those around you?
80%: “Yes” 10%: “No” 10%: “Don’t know”

***Please write a few sentences on your experiences with supplemental pheromones and/or other colognes as aphrodisiacs/attractants……
“I Believe that supplemental pheromones have an affect, however, I don’t believe that either Andros or Realm was effective. I hope that your research will come up with a more effective product.”

“When I wear the musk oil I find that my boy friend is more passionate.”

“I have had no experiences with pheromones, but I know my favorite perfume is White Shoulders, a very distinctive scent. If you like it, you remember it, and some men do like that scent.”

“I have several ex-girlfriends suddenly wanting to have renewed ‘relationships’ with me. I had one case when an ex-girlfriend who had just seen me by coincidence call and leave a message on my phone before I even got home, asking me if I would like to see her that evening. I had not seen or talked to this girl in a couple of months prior to that encounter. I have noticed that women are much more susceptible to the effect of pheromones when they are ovulating and just before their menstrual cycle.”

“Andros: It seemed to have gotten the attention of three girls who’d normally ignore me at the musical where we were playing. I didn’t particularly like the smell of Andros, so i didn’t wear it much.”

“I had seen the pheromone colognes in different places and started a time or two to try them, but I never did, until I found your site and I took the plunge and ordered the ‘Beaches’ cologne and the hair gel. I Love the fragrance and the gel does great with my hair. My husband has seemed to be more attentive when I am wearing it. Although, I have not told him about it yet. Kinda wanted to get his reaction, before I actually told him.”

“I have actually been places and had men ask me what fragrance I was wearing so that they could get some for their wives/girlfriends, so this proves to me that men like a woman who smells nice. I have gotten dressed in a hurry for work and left home without putting any fragrance on and I really, honestly felt not completely dressed without it.”

“I usually wear some kind of vanilla type perfume, and it seems to make me get a lot more comments about how good I smell and they always want to know what I am wearing compared to what I used to wear.”

“I am an EMT and sometimes our patients can be ugly to us. With this [pheromones] on a lot of them are really nice. Since the company is new and when we go to the ER’s the staff would be stuffy towards us, but now……. they are smiles and talkative. My co-workers did not believe me so they tried it and lo and behold they came back with their own stories. It is funny to hear us, sitting around and telling about our adventures with the people around us.”

“Well, I think more girls are noticing me. I just want to go a little farther than that. I guess I tried pheromones because I wanted girls to go up to me rather than I to them.”

“Well lets see, first off, I am a friendly type of outgoing person, the reason I am trying pheromones is because I have tried finding a nice girl for most of my life. Yet living in a wheelchair, the first impressions are very important, and so far, every gal I’ve met does not have love on her mind. After I started using pheromones, the people I did meet were more responsive and did not stand as far away as in the past. Little kids were more likely to ask those little innocent questions most kids ask, and the older generation who are blind to the physical differences do to the wisdom of their age, are far more willing to communicate on a higher level concerning emotions and friendship.”

[The following news flash was brought to my attention by alert reader James C. Thanks!]

Celery; the new pheromone???

In a recent edition of Details magazine a story appeared which quotes a famous Swedish cook and author as reporting: “Celery is suspected to be somewhat sexually arousing.” and goes on to speculate that the the cause is that: “Celery contains androsterone, a powerful hormone that researchers believe is released through sweat and which attracts females.”

I don’t want to start a stampede to the vegetable stands, but androsterone is in fact a metabolite (broken down result) of testosterone and therefore possibly a link in the chain of the break down of the androgen hormones into the well known sexually attractive andro pheromones, androstenone and androstenol. So, it is entirely possible that eating a lot of raw celery could increase your natural production of these pheromones. Can any biochemists in the audience help me out here?

So, let’s all eat a lot of celery this month and see what happens! Let me know if you notice anything unusual. I don’t think you can get your money back on the celery though, if you don’t get results.

Research: Natural pheromone levels and sexual Stimuli
-Bruce Boyd

Well, in case you don’t have any celery on hand you might want to read the following article. It describes yet another natural (at least I think it’s natural) way to increase you pheromone levels. The scientific basis for the theory comes from a short report drawn from a speech given by the eminent Austrian pheromone researcher, Astrid Jutte.

The two most popular pheromones that have lately made their way into the news and into the fragrance industry as well are called, androstenone and androstenol. As with all other pheromones they are produced by hormones excreted by the body through the skin where they react with bacteria. These pheromones are quite volatile and move through the air where they are picked up by a specialized sensing apparatus (VNO) in the noses of those nearby, where they transmit vital information about us to those individuals. Since it is our own hormones that drive the production of pheromones, it stands to reason that higher levels of the androgen hormones (ones that cause the sex drive) will cause us to naturally produce higher levels of the pheromones that are popularly made in factories today with the very goal of attracting others for this purpose. Some interesting research performed by Dr. Jutte, shows us how we can do just that.

What is it chemically that makes us want to have sex? Surprisingly enough for both men and women it is the same hormone, testosterone! And, how can we establish if a man or women is interested in sexual activity. (for scientific purposes of course).

Three ways:
1. We can ask the subject: “ahem….um…excuses me…….are you horney?”
2. We can check for blood flow to the genital area.
3. We can check testosterone levels.

All of these work but the first is apparently the least reliable especially with women according to the Jutte study. And how do we make people horney (for scientific purposes of course): porno movies! Yes, an equal number of male and female subjects in the Jutte study were shown a 15 minute pornographic video while they were alone, and their testosterone levels were checked via a saliva test at intervals before and after the “exposure”.

What were the results? Who gets hornier from watching sex scenes alone in a room., men or women? You women know the truth, while all the male readers have been believing the big lie for all these years. Scientific results show that………both men and women respond equally!!!! There was a little fudging on the horniness self-report forms by females apparently, but the medical tests showed equality between the sexes! Finally! Oh, by the way, there was one more difference besides the accuracy of the self-report forms, and that was the length of time that the video-induced testosterone “high” lasted. Again no surprise to women and that is that after the stimulating video has been turned off, the average male testosterone level was back to baseline in 15 minutes, ready to roll over and start snoring, while the lonely female testosterone level took much longer to calm down. Ha! I knew there had to be a medical explanation for that.

So, there you are; the facts are in. If you want to raise your pheromone level naturally, (which won’t crash out on you like your fickle testosterone level guys), just get yourself good and horney for at least 15 minutes.

But again, just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
Natural pheromones

In line with this month’s research and media stories, I would like to editorialize about making use of our own naturally produced pheromones as opposed to relying entirely on synthetic store-bought pheromones. Of course, I’m a strong believer in the usefulness of supplemental pheromones, as you know, but I also believe that it is wise to think about conservation of the attractive pheromones that we already have for a number of reasons.

One reason is that science so far has isolated very few of the undoubted thousands of pheromones that make up each of our personal “pheromone signatures”, a term coined by the great pheromone scientist, James Kohl ( Each and every one of us is surrounded in a veritable pheromone aura of personal smells that are produced by the various hormones and bacteria circulating in our bodies and expressed onto our skin through the pores. This pheromone blueprint tells others who we are, and I don’t think it is necessarily in our best interests to erase all that and start from scratch with chemical antibacterial soaps and deodorants.

Another good reason to “go natural” is that our natural personal pheromone “spray” does not work alone to attract others. It works in concert with other important parts of who we are, and those areas may or may not be speaking to others to our greatest advantage. But the good news is that when we work on those other “languages” the scent we are broadcasting improves with it. I will give you a couple of examples, one a bit wacky and one that I think you will agree with me on.

The first magnetism or “language” I want to mention is strangely enough one of our least exact “languages” and that is our spoken language itself. As relatively ineffective as it is, though, I will tell you a story from my own life, that demonstrates its attractive powers. I have lived most of my life away from my native USA, and fortunately I have always been a whiz with foreign languages. Before I would even set foot on a new country’s soil, I always prepared with months of intense language study, which was always a labor of love for me. As soon as the plane touched down I would be blabbering away as best I could in my new language. It has always been a passion of mine. At that time, I never really thought about it as a sexual attractant, but one day an American woman I ran into somewhere in a foreign country said to me: “There is nothing sexier than a man who can speak several foreign languages.” Weird? Maybe. By the way, ever see the movie “A Fish Named Wanda?”

Before I get off on that tangent any further, though, I want to head off in a slightly different one , and that is “body language.” Along with our pheromone language and our spoken language, what are we saying with our bodies? Complicated books have been written on this subject, but for the purpose of this short article, I would like to concentrate on the most crass level. What are we saying to others in terms of health, strength, flexibility, and sensuality? Aren’t these attractive features? For you unattached readers out there, what if I told you that I wanted to introduce you to a a very nice single friend of mine. This person is about your age, and he/she does a lot of sports and as a result is very healthy and has a very strong and flexible body? Does that stir up any interest? Now, I’m going to go a bit further out on to the limb and tell you what I think the third great famous lie is, (after “the check is in the mail” lie) This is it: “I don’t think men with muscular physiques are attractive.” Men rarely bother trying to lie about physical attraction, but it does happen! I always believed this story until two years ago when I started lifting weights myself. Now in my forties, I am 10 kilos (22 pounds) heavier and in better shape physically than I ever have been in my life, and know the truth. My membership at the gym is the only money I regularly spend on myself that my wife has 100% endorsed. Coming back finally full circle to the beginning of this article, though, working out is not just about having a “nice body” it is about being youthful and producing youth associated hormones/pheromones. They all work together. Try it, you’ll like it.

All the best, and don’t forget to smile!

Now for the survey!!! He he he.

July’s “free pheromones” Contest

Win a FREE bottle of pheromones! Send in a survey!
Winners are drawn at random out of each month’s completed surveys.

This may be a controversial questionnaire, but I am hoping to get a large enough response to come up with some valid statistics, which might be valuable to anyone interested in making him or herself more attractive to the opposite sex, so please help me out here; especially you ladies. If you have been reading for a while, you know that I never print names with the results of these surveys, so don’t be afraid to participate. As always I will pick one survey participant at random and send them a FREE bottle of pheromones!

Another point: I am not advocating one way or another whether one “should” or “shouldn’t” be attracted in the following way. I just want to collect some info that could be helpful to folks. Please jump in if you have a moment to fill this out.


Here is the survey:

1. Do you find a generally healthy, strong and/or flexible body to be an attractive feature on a person?

2. Do you find athletic physiques attractive on others (men/women)?

3. Can you say a few words about what you find attractive physically in a man or woman. Ideally, things we can work on. (eg: “tall” and “large breasts” don’t really help much, whereas “energetic”, “long hair”, and “athletic build” etc. do help)

4. For demographic purposes please include you age and sex.

Send completed surveys to:
If you just hit “return” on this e-mail with your reply, I will read it but it may not get in with the other entries and you may not get included in the drawing.

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones
Tested by an independent laboratory and rated NUMBER ONE of 22 products
Get results or get your money back!

pheromones in the Cinema

This month’s pheromone scene is a long jump from our usual romantic smells story, but fascinating none the less in my mind. The movie is “Leon”, the moving story of the love motivated “war” between a solo mafia hit-man and a corrupt police detective/drug lord. Our evil cop villain has frightening powers of perception that border on the supernatural, and in one unforgettable scene “investigates” a reported short changing on the part of one of his drug dealers using pheromones! Entirely on the basis of smelling the suspect, the detective is able to determine that the dealer has been lying. Watch the movie, and you will be convinced that he really has that power! I don’t usually recommend such disturbing movies, but it contains some amazing scenes. If you can deal with the violence, check it out.

User Corner

[After applying a popular pheromone product:]
“So one of my stops is Best Buy to replace a SONY headset I use when riding my bike. I’m standing at the display of headsets, holding a $30 generic and a $60 SONY, trying to compare features. Out of nowhere a beautiful, exotic, Spanish woman, about mid-30s puts her hand on the SONY in my hand and says, ‘I have this one and it’s great.’ I say to her, ‘Is it worth paying double the price?’

“She stares directly into my eyes (very aggressive for a woman) and says: ‘You deserve the best.’ Bingo!

“Random? Or pheromones?

“I’d have to say after about two years of this that there are enough of these little incidents to make a persuasive case for the pheromones. I can’t prove it, but I don’t have to. With results like this, who needs empirical proof?”

Name withheld by request

FREE Cyber-Cards! Send one to a friend or loved one. Many different types: funny cards, love cards, hello cards, congratulations cards, and lots more!

In the mood for some laughs? Try my weekly humor/joke E-Zine at:


Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming! Technical advice also welcome.

Feel free to distribute this newsletter freely if copied in its entirety. Sign up information and back issues are located at:

Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News July, 1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News July, 1999

July, 1999

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all enjoying life. Here in Japan, well, last month it was sunny every day during the rainy season, and now it’s pouring every day in the sunny season. Go figure.

FREE pheromones!
I’m pleased to say, the free bottle of pheromones contest was a big success, meaning that I got a lot of interesting e-mail, which I will try to summarize for you today. And, oh yes, read on! As promised, I will be giving away another free bottle this month and every month!!!

Don’t forget to smile at someone today,
Bruce Boyd
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on either the web or any of the thousands of Usenet newsgroups. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”. I have also been known to just make stuff up, as you will see, so beware.

Sometimes the “news” will be not so new. If it doesn’t appear on the PRI site ( or the pheromone E-zine archives (, and I find it interesting, than it’s news to me and I’ll review it, so don’t be afraid to send in an old article you come across. If it hasn’t found it’s way into the internet or a research journal, I probably haven’t read it and would be very happy for a copy, which I would then of course highlight in the “News” (with your name if you like).

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if copied in its entirety.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up information located at:
This month’s sponsor:
Quiroga Jewelry Shopper
Beautiful sterling silver and gold jewelry at bargain basement prices!
Rings, chains, bracelets, bangles, earrings, charms, watches and more.
Grand opening sale.
Free sterling silver chain with the first 100 orders

This issue’s “news”:
*June’s Survey/Contest Results
*This month’s “free pheromones” contest
*The pheromone Blueprint and its Utility in Mate Selection
-Bruce Boyd
*pheromones in the Cinema
-weekly feature
*Alert reader pheromone story
The June issue’s Survey Results

AAAAND the lucky reader is….(drum roll)……envelope please……(rrrip)……Charlene, from Longview, Texas! Congratulations!!! She picked MC Marble’s Hi-Octane +2 for her prize “bottle o’ pheromones” She should be receiving it very soon. I suppose she will be writing to say that she had to hire a private bodyguard to keep all the men away.

As you may or may not know already, I picked the winner from readers who completed last month’s “being friendly as an aphrodisiac” survey. I received a variety of thoughtful responses. Some of them, however, detailed the effects of wearing pheromone supplements, rather than smiles. Since the survey was about the effects of smiling and friendliness, I’ll hold onto the off-topic ones until a later date.

Here are some excerpts. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

***Question: “Please describe your experiences, comments and/or feelings regarding
being friendly as an aphrodisiac:”***

“Being friendly sets the other person at ease with you and with themselves…as long as it is a natural real friendliness. not a forced or fake friendliness. it is the warmth of smiles and laughter that lights up the room.”

“Being friendly has an amazing impact on the male species! A sweet, warm smile, brief, yet long enough to notice the color of their eyes, eye contact. It’s all great! It’s this truly powerful weapon- as I pass these strange men in the halls at work or out with the girls, a quick friendly smile, eye contact, and a simple ‘hello’ almost always gets a good reaction for me.”

“A lot of people tend to take advantage of those of us who are always nice, that treat the entire world with a smile. Some people ignore the smile, some smile back. Sometimes this smile back is real, sometimes it’s fake. And in several cases you get the question, ‘What are you so happy about?’ Or, ‘You must really love your job.'”

“I could not believe how much response that I got from just being over friendly. People who usually didn’t talk became un-shy and talked about just about anything.”

“Everyone at school talked to me different. They smiled back. They say things like: ‘Oh you’re in a happy mood.’ It made some people smile so that felt good.”

“I always try to be friendly at any given time and women find it easy to talk to me both locally and when visiting foreign ports. It’s not unusual for women to want to keep in touch after a first meeting, even if just friends.”

“It was a new view of Life and life experience. I will try it again. Interested what would happen in the same situation if I have the magic scent on my body. I think as a man it would be selfstrengthen my ego and therefore i can be more in my biological role as a man in this emancipated women’s world. who knows. Bin gespannt darauf wie es ware mit dem Mittel.”

“People think you’re up to something if you smile all the time, and I think that it makes me more mysterious. People are just dying to know what it is that makes you smile. As far as it being an aphrodisiac, if you smile in a certain way to someone of the opposite sex, it makes them want to know you better or just to know what is on your mind.”

“Some start outwardly flirting. Some excitedly talk nonstop, happy that someone is paying attention to them. And a few actually blush and become extremely shy. My job in the construction field takes me into many homes everyday. Being kind, polite and friendly is a part of the job that comes easy for me. It certainly sets the stage for a successful business relationship. As for being especially friendly in my personal life, there’s almost no other aphrodisiac like it!”
July’s “free pheromones” Contest
In response to last month’s contest survey, I got quite a few interesting comments on the results of wearing pheromone supplements, which weren’t technically on target at the time, but rather than let them go to waste, let’s turn the investigation in that direction this month. I don’t want to eliminate anyone from the running, so if you have never worn a pheromone cologne before, you can write me about your experiences with a non-pheromone fragrance that you find particularly seductive. As usual, I will put together all the completed surveys that I receive in the next few weeks, and pick out one at random to receive a free bottle of a popular pheromone product. Just be sure to put a little thought and sincerity into your response in order to be included in the drawing.

Here is the survey:
1. Have you ever worn a pheromone cologne?

2. Do you ever use non-pheromone fragrances with the intention of making yourself more attractive to the opposite sex?

3. What products have you tested and are you happy with the results?

4. In general do you feel that supplemental pheromones have any effect?

5. In general do you feel that colognes have any romantic effect on those around you?

Please write a few sentences on your experiences with supplemental pheromones and/or other colognes as aphrodisiacs/attractants……

Send completed surveys to:
The pheromone Blueprint and its Utility in Mate Selection
Bruce Boyd

This article was inspired by an interesting experiment conducted in Switzerland by the zoologist, Claus Wedekind. It is somewhat related to this month’s “pheromones in the Cinema” below, but it brings up an important point about pheromones that is usually overlooked by the public. On the fragrance market today there are no more than 3 specific types of pheromones available, while in the laboratory several hundred human pheromones have been isolated so far. It also stands to reason that countless thousands more may be discovered in the future. What does this mean? It means that pheromones are not just something that a particular person has a lot of, and which therefore makes him/her more popular with everybody. Each and every individual has his/her own unique pheromone blueprint or “signature” as the scientist, James Kohl ( calls it. This personal pheromone collage in all probability gives those around us an accurate and complete picture of who and what we are without even opening their eyes, perhaps a more accurate impression than is available via the sense of sight. I wouldn’t be surprised if at sometime in the future, law enforcement authorities were able to identify criminals on the basis of “pheromoone-prints” left at the scene of a crime. In a horrifying scene in the movie “Leon”, a super-villain druglord is able to “smell” that one of his dealers is lying to him, and there is little doubt left in the viewers mind that his ability is accurate.

But if these pheromone signals are real, and we are really broadcasting all our deepest secrets for all the world to see, how are they being picked up? Is it via the sense of smell? A resounding “no” on that. pheromone signals are sensed with an entirely separate apparatus from those used to pick up smells. It is called the VNO (see last months Pheromone News for more information), and all indications are that the VNO/pheromone system is worthy of being referred to as a new sense, perhaps the long sought after “sixth sense”. Even though I sincerely believe in the therapeutic and social value of the pheromone products that are available on the market today, it is clear that they represent a paltry offering compared to what is on the horizon for pheromone technology in the future.

The Wedekind study is interesting because it specifically deals with this pheromone blueprint, the relationship it has with an individual’s immune system type, and the ability of the human VNO to give us reliable information about others around us.

The experiment:
Male subjects were given a t-shirt and instructed to wear it to bed on two consecutive nights. The subjects were also given scentless soap and other toilet articles and told to use them only. At the end of this period all the t-shirts were put into boxes and rated by female subjects on the basis of smell alone. Some boxes were filled with new t-shirts to act as controls.

The results:
Female subjects preferred the boxes containing t-shirts that had been worn by males with dissimilar immune systems as rated by an MHC test. Many women said that the smells reminded them of old boy-friends, while shirts worn by men with similar immune systems reminded them of male family members.

From an evolutionary point of view, this phenomenon needs little explanation. It has long been noted that breeding within a large gene pool, where the chance of dissimilar gene-types mating increases, results in superior offspring, while the opposite conditions, often referred to as “inbreeding” has been shown to bring unfortunate results. The Windekind experiment seems to indicate that without knowing why, women prefer to mate with men with dissimilar immune systems, thereby increasing the chance of producing healthy offspring and can make this decision entirely on the basis of sensing the potential mate’s pheromone blueprint.
But just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
Beaches, the industrial strength pheromone product that really works! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones; tested by an independent laboratory and rated NUMBER ONE of 22 products.
Get results or get your money back!
pheromones in the Cinema
Ever notice the fascination in wearing your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s clothing? Ok, guys, I’m not talking about her dresses and stockings. That is an entirely different phenomenon and goes way beyond the scope of this zine. 😉 I just mean an old sweater or jacket. I used to think the attraction was simply due to some stray perfume on the borrowed garment, but now I know better. It’s the natural pheromones. It never fails to give a secure feeling to wear the clothing of a loved one. Along those lines there is a great “pheromones in the cinema” shot in the hysterical movie, Mask. I’m sure you’ve all seen the movie, but do you remember the scene I am thinking of? Our hero, Stanley Ipkis, and his work buddy are sitting around the office, when in walks the ravishing night club singer, Tina. Stanley gets the girl and his friend ends up with her jacket. Hurt but making the best of the situation, the rejected suitor buries his nose in the jacket and inhaling deeply his eyes turn upwards. He is transported to heaven.
User Corner

Hi Bruce!

Yes, I received the BEACHES and I will be totally honest with you. It didn’t automatically make me god’s gift to women, but what I noticed is that women seemed more *aware* of my presence, which opened the door for me to make a move, if I so choose

I’ve had several people comment and tell me how erotic the smell is. Personally, the smell reminds my *mind* of passion, and hot sex. I think if someone goes around wearing this cologne with a smile and a confident personality, they can pretty much control any situation.

I actually gave some to my single divorced dad to go wear out at a dance club. I was surprised when he came back at 2:00am with details of how women acknowledged his presence, and he actually hit it off with a nice lady.

If anything, I think these pheromone colognes arouse the senses, and awaken the animal sex driven curiosity force in *most* women when smelled in the proper setting.


Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!

Feel free to distribute this newsletter freely if copied in its entirety. Sign up information and back issues are located at:

In the mood for some laughs? Try my weekly humor/joke E-Zine at:

Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI

Pheromone News June,1999 Comments Off on Pheromone News June,1999

June, 1999

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all well and enjoying life. We are supposed to be in east Asia’s rainy season at the moment, but have been getting beautiful skies every day here in Japan.

FREE pheromones!
This month’s Pheromone News contains another editorial entry, meaning I just plain made it up as opposed to reporting on a research article. It was inspired by all the mail I get from readers who want to know how to make pheromone supplements work for them. I hope you find it useful. Don’t miss the contest at the bottom. FREE BOTTLE OF pheromones TO THE LUCKY WINNER! If I get enough response to this, I will run a contest every month.

If you are having any interesting experiences with pheromones, supplemental or otherwise, PLEASE, write them down and send them to me. I’m running low, and I know there is a wealth of useful information out there “in the trenches” as they say.

Bruce Boyd
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on either the web or any of the thousands of Usenet newsgroups. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I often get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”.
Thank you.

Sometimes the “news” will be not so new. If it doesn’t appear on the PRI site (“”), and I find it interesting, than it’s news to me and I’ll review it, so don’t be afraid to send in an old article you come across. If it hasn’t found it’s way into the internet or a research journal, I probably haven’t read it and would be very happy for a copy, which I would then of course highlight in a PRI newsletter (with your name if you like).

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if copied in its entirety.

Send articles and personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up information located at:
A word from our sponsor:
Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Beaches, the industrial strength pheromone product that really works!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones; tested by an independent laboratory and rated NUMBER ONE of 22 products.
Try our new BEACHES HAIR GEL risk free!
pheromone Bookstore!
This issue’s “news”:
*Being Friendly as an Aphrodisiac
-editorial and contest
*The Human VNO; How We Sense pheromones
-by Bruce Boyd
*pheromones in the Cinema
-weekly feature
*Alert reader pheromone story
Being Friendly as an Aphrodisiac

I receive quite a bit of mail from readers (mostly men) wanting to know how to make supplemental pheromones (colognes, sprays etc) work for them, and it has stimulated quite a bit of thought on all sides in coming up with answers to these questions.

At the heart of the problem lie a few questions. What is it that pheromones, natural or supplemental, do for people? What don’t they do, and what is it that people *want* them to do? From my experience, I think I can safely say that people who purchase the popular pheromone products are hoping that they will make the wearer seem more attractive to those around him or her with some social (usually romantic) goal in mind. Personally, I feel that enough scientific studies have been done to conclude that there is a strong possibility that this will occur, but looking at pheromones as an aphrodisiac that will drive the opposite sex wild with no effort involved is a big mistake in my mind.

What do pheromones do? I’m going to go out on a number of limbs here. Remember, this is an editorial, and in a moment, it may even turn into a sermon. pheromones create “chemistry” between people, which is a very powerful thing, but keep in mind that pheromones as an industry is very young and that of the potential hundreds of human pheromones that exist, only 3 that I know of have been bottled and sold. Of these, the two most sold and tested are andorstenone and andorstenol, which are produced naturally by both men and women. They have been linked with social attraction between the sexes, and seem to heavily affect our perception of people we don’t know or have just met. When we are attracted to someone, what is it about them that we find special or more importantly, *how do we respond* to that attraction?

I am convinced that androstenol and andorstenone whether natural or supplemental give the bearer an aura of attractiveness, which could be interpreted as beauty, youthfulness, strength or even intelligence by the perceiver depending on his/her own psychological make up. But is that enough? Is that our final goal, to be perceived as beautiful or powerful. I don’t think so. People who write me, want to make contact. They want to meet someone. They want to do things together. The world is full of young beautiful people oozing with natural pheromones who can’t get to “hello”, who go through life enshrouded in a protective cloud of aloofness or fear.

People want to know if pheromones can help them meet men/women. The short answer is “yes, but you’ve got to smile once in a while.” If there is anything useful that I’ve learned in four years studying psychology, it’s that “people like people who like them.” If you go through life wearing a suit of armor, an aura of sexiness and power are only going to make it harder to meet others. You have to be friendly and helpful, and is that really so difficult? You don’t have to be cool or witty or come up with great pick-up lines. Just smile, be helpful and let people know that you are a decent sort of person. Then you will see some fireworks with your pheromones whether they come out of a bottle or not.

There is a popular feeling among men that women are attracted to strong (dominant) males, and I suppose it is true, but common sense says that Mr. Powerful, along with his pheromones, had better give off the impression that his powers are going to be used for protecting his offspring and other benevolent purposes if he expects to find a partner with any self-respect and intelligence.

So in closing I would like to try an experiment/contest, and would like to ask everyone who is reading these words to participate. For the next 24 hours I want you all to give a warm smile and greeting to everyone you meet. Then sit down and fill out the following survey and e-mail it to me at:
I wish I could say I will send a free bottle of pheromones to everyone who responds, but I can’t afford that, so I will send one free bottle to ONE person who thoughtfully fills out the survey. I will choose at random from those who put a little effort into it, so you don’t have to BS your way through it.

I will try to summarize the results in the next issue. If you are the winner, I will notify you immediately by e-mail, ask you for your mailing address and send you a bottle of pheromones. I can withhold your name or print it here as you like. How’s that?

Regarding being especially friendly (check the appropriate):
___ I felt like an idiot.
___ It was painful.
___ It was a disaster.
___ It was surprisingly great
___ It was hard to remember to do it.
___ It was hard to do.
___ It made me nervous.
___ It set me at ease.
___ I always smile at everyone anyway, so I didn’t notice any change.
___ I felt phony
___ I couldn’t manage it.
___ People took advantage of me.
___ I think I will try it again sometime.
___ I met someone nice.
___ I got a date.
___ I got a raise.
___ I got nauseous.
___ Other event(s) (explain)__________________

Please describe your experiences, comments and/or feelings regarding being friendly as an aphrodisiac:

Send completed surveys to:
The Human VNO and how we sense pheromones

After many years of darkness on the subject, scientists now seem to agree that there is a very unique system with which both humans and many other animals receive their pheromonal chemical messengers from the air. This system is quite separate from the one with which we detect normal smells and is especially linked to our emotions and sexual behavior. This system is known as the AOS (accessory olfactory system) and even uses a special pair of organs to do its work, the VNO (vomeronasal organs). The following is a short history of the discovery of these organs through which pheromones influence our perceptions. Many of the details come from an article that appeared in the Journal of NIH Research in January of 1994 (volume 6) by Robert Taylor and from the book, The Scent of Eros by James Kohl ( and Robert Francoeur.

A great deal of research has been done, which clearly shows the power of pheromones over the sexual and territorial behaviors of various animals. In these studies there can be little doubt of the importance of the VNO in mediating these effects, because when the VNO is surgically removed from any of these animals they will not mate at all unless they have had prior sexual experience. If you open most medical text books, however, you will read that the human VNO disappears while we are still in the womb, and therefore does not exist in adult humans. This was the unchallenged medical dogma for fifty years, and has only recently been corrected.

The human VNO was first mentioned in anatomy books as early as the late 1700s, but the whole idea of its existence was stricken down by a team of well-known scientists in the 1930s and no one has had the courage or inclination to refute them until now. There is a lot of speculation as to the psychological forces that could create such a long and hard to break “dark ages” for pheromone research, but in any case the independent efforts of two teams of researchers have demonstrated to everyones satisfaction that humans do indeed possess a VNO that does in fact react to stimuli in the air. David Moran, Robert Josephson and colleagues at the University of Toronto in Canada reported in the Journal of Otolaryngology that vomeronasal pits were present in about 40 percent of the adults they examined, and Bruce Jafek, an otolaryngologist at the University of Colorado in Denver found a VNO in all of his subjects.

The jury is still out as to whether the VNO is actually connected to the brain or not, but there is plenty of strong support that it does. Two of the VNO’s staunchest supporters, scientists David Moran and David Berliner have helped found two companies that are banking that it does, the Pherin Corporation in Menlo Park, which is devoting a lot of time and money into researching the VNO as a delivery system for drugs, and the EROX Corporation, the first fragrance manufacturer to patent pheromones for reputed effects on sexual behavior.

Does this mean we are no more than animals and can be literally led around by the nose? Not according to Robert Taylor: “the effects of chemical cues in mammals depend strongly on other visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli received at the same time. Furthermore, mammals are behaviorally more complex than other animals. Human sexual behavior depends on everything from hormonal state to childhood memories and moral philosophy. A chemical cue is unlikely to override a lifetime of socialization.”

In other words, as I said in the editorial above, you might want to smile once in a while!

pheromones in the Cinema

I was trading a few funny movie pheromone stories recently with Jim Kohl (, who aside from being one of the top pheromone researchers is also a regular guy in the true Dave Barry sense of the word, and has collected more than two hours worth of “pheromone moment” segments! I have yet to stump him. Here is one of my favorites:

from a great movie entitled:
A Fish Named Wanda
Remember the numerous hysterical scenes of macho ex-CIA operative, played by the fantastic Kevin Kline bracing himself for sex with his girlfriend (Jamie Lee Curtis) by inhaling the vapors from her boots. Remember what gets her off? That’s right, men speaking foreign languages. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I have enough of these to last me a couple of years worth of issues, but I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU, so please send me your favorites and I’ll print them for you. Names withheld on request.

User Corner

Dear Bruce:

I’ve had great results with the Hi-Octane + 2 product. Women are definitely attracted to it. I’m in sales and I’ve noticed that my female clients are more receptive and spend more money. It’s like a secret weapon.

name withheld on request
Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI


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