Pheromone News November,1999

December, 1999

Hello Again Readers,

It’s getting close to Christmas. Lots of snow here in Sendai. This will be the first Christmas we didn’t run off to Thailand to escape the cold. Our four year old wanted to have a *real* Christmas this year. OK, real Christmas it is. I put 200 feet of Christmas lights on our house and garden and folks are coming from miles around to see the “weird foreigners’ house.”

FREE pheromones!
For those of you just joining us, welcome and yes, I REALLY give away free pheromones every issue. If you want to be in the running, all you have to do is submit the survey found towards the end of every newsletter. This month’s lucky survey-ees are Diane Savino, Abra Eubanks, and Bridget Kehoe.

Merry Christmas,
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
I am signed up with two services that notify me of any new appearance of pheromone research or other news anywhere on the web. I also periodically run searches on the medical research web-sites to see if any new material pops up, and of course I get occasional hot tips from you, my “alert readers”, some of whom, (unlike me) actually know what they are talking about. I have also been known to read books. (remember those old-fashioned things?)

I’m also interested in printing personal experiences with pheromones, so if you have something to enter in that area please send it in. I can leave your name off or print it as you like.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

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Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Full-strength, laboratory synthesized, human pheromones (scented and unscented)
Just released…… DateMate, unscented stealth spray (formerly “Contact 18″ and “Desire 22″)
LOADS of new products coming! Stay tuned.
All products guaranteed. Get results or get your money back!

This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*November’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Odor Sensitivity and Romance
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*pheromones in the Cinema
*User Corner; Alert Reader pheromone Story
November’s Survey

Our drawing winners (drawn at random from those who sent in a survey) are:
Diane Savino, Abra Eubanks, and Bridget Kehoe

QUESTION 1: What’s your favorite fragrance?

RESULTS: (Name of cologne and number of readers reporting it as their favorite)
Drakar 7
Obsession 6
Polo 6
CK One 5
Eternity 4
White Diamonds 4
Realm 4
Tuscany 3
Cool Water 3
Opium 3
Amari 2
Hugo Boss 2
Chanel 2
Giorgio 2
Curve 2
Dune 2
Aramis 2
CK Contradiction 2

–The following perfumes and colognes had one vote each:–
Aromatic Elixer, So de la Renta, Enigma, Earth, Of a Woman, Brut, Paris, Jovan, Emeralds and Diamonds, Amber, Bulgari, Paloma, Navy, Gendarme, Clinique Happy, Gravity, Anais Anais, Tomy Girl, Tesor, Knowing, Blond, White Shoulders, Perry Ellis, Eden, Calvin Cline E, Vanderbilt, Whispering Mist, Stetson, Rare Gold, Guess for Men

Natural scents and essential oils: (type and number of users)
Musk 8
Natural fragrance body spray (raspberry, peach etc.) 7
Vanilla 4
Sandlewood 2
Patchouli 1
QUESTION 2: Where on the body do you apply your fragrance?
RESULTS: (In order of most reported to least reported area)
-NOTE: The top three were all very popular spots.
Behind ears
Between breasts or “chest”
Face (men)
“All over”
“Spray into air and walk into mist”
Behind elbows

-Many readers reported special application spots for “special occasions” (hmmm?):
Behind knees
QUESTION 3: How often do you use a fragrance?
-About 80% said they apply cologne once per day.
-10% 1-2 per day.
-10% only on dates or other special occasions.
QUESTION 4: Why do you use fragrance?
RESULTS: (In order of most reported to least reported reason)
-For self, (mood elevation etc.)…”makes me feel good”
-For others (makes others feel good)
-For benefit of partner….”my boyfriend likes it”
-To attract others
-Enjoy compliments …”you smell good!”
-Helps define sense of self ….”it’s my signature”….”part of my character”
-Fear of smelling bad (ie: as deodorant)

[NOTE: There were *very* many interesting comments this time. Thank you! I read them all with great enjoyment. I wish I could print them all here, but they would never fit.]

“I use fragrance for different reasons, for work to keep myself smelling nice, for play, and to feel better about myself, and finally as a means of self expression, your choice of perfume is a reflection of yourself.”

“I use scents because they make me feel a certain way . They add a certain kind of “boost” to my working day. They wake up my “spirits” so to speak . Others enjoy my scent that I put off when I am at work . I work in surgery , under hot lights. I have found that certain smells give off a “Valium like” effect for all of those in the room . And if you are the patient , you want your doctor to be relaxed !”

“I usually use a fragrance because it somehow uplifts my spirits, so much so that I have a new air about me. Suddenly I am more confident and secure, mind you not all fragrances do this, but the one’s I pick do. This is an added benefit to me because I am in sales, so if I smell good, I am confident and thus my numbers (sales volume) are way up…”

“Why do I use fragrance? I love the way I smell and the reaction I get when I have a particular fragrance on. When I wear Amber Romance by Victoria’s Secret I feel more sexy and more attractive. I have actually noticed the different reactions I get from men when I have that fragrance on compared to my other perfumes. They seem more attentive to me and I am more confident around them.”

(re: vanilla scent)
“I love the naturalness of the smell. It reminds me of things like my mom’s baking and other good associations. The smell of vanilla also fools your mind into making you feel full (not hungry) so it’s a great way to help lose weight because you don’t eat as much or as often.”

pheromone Q and A:

Q: I have been using a pheromone supplement now for about 4 days. I haven’t had any luck yet. I have even been to a club with lots of women. Any suggestions? I do smile and all that other good stuff. I haven’t had this experience where women are just coming up to me. I have tried to notice the women around me, but none look over interested or anything. If there is more I can do or anyone has any ideas please let me know.

A: Hello Robert,
It is of course very possible for a woman to “make the first move” and approach a man, but in my experience, a club is not the best place for that to happen; too many people watching. If you walk into a shop where the female staff have a good excuse to ask you “can I help you with something?”, you look friendly and easy to approach, and have your pheromones on, I think you will stand a MUCH better chance of being approached than in a bar.

All that said though, the approaching part is traditionally the man’s job (fortunately or unfortunately) and by waiting for women to make the first move you are limiting your possibilities severely. You are on the right track looking around for some eye contact. I’ve found that a lot of women will go that far, and once you get a friendly smile from someone, it is a short step from there to come up with a “Hello” and see if you get a response. One step at a time. I think one of the great fallacies that shy guys hold on to is that being “not shy” means you have to walk up cold to a total stranger who is paying no attention to you whatsoever and entertain her for hours without getting any encouragement.

Keep in mind that pheromones whether natural or out of a bottle only make you more “attractive” to others. That is a powerful thing of course, but doesn’t make people do irrational things. I see very attractive women on the street every day but I don’t approach any of them for a number of reasons. Putting some extra pheromones on such a woman and turning her from a 9.9 into a “10” isn’t going to change my behavior at all. Sometimes I even get close enough to get a good whiff of a women in a public place and think to myself: “God, what a great smell!” But still no attack, not even a word uttered.

Bars were always a rough row to hoe for me. I would much rather try to find someone in a situation where I will likely see the same person again within a week or so. There is much less pressure then. This could mean at work, a sports club, church or anyplace where you see more or less the same people regularly. In such a situation you just present yourself as you really are (a decent helpful sort of a person???) smile and be friendly to everyone. If a woman catches your eye (or vice versa) all you have to do is come up with a little “Hi, how’s it going?” and see what happens. That is 90% of the battle in my mind, and not so hard to do. Maybe only a few words are exchanged, but that is often enough. Tomorrow or next week you can pick up from there. If you plant enough “friendly seeds” some will grow.

Another thing about bars to keep in mind is that everyone is at least a little drunk and all types of sensory stimulation are at the max (loud music, over acting, smoke etc). You might need a lot more cologne of any type to get a reaction under such conditions, so experiment with that.

Finally, 4 days is very short. Maybe Brad Pitt can come up with the woman of his dreams in 4 days, but I wouldn’t want to base my self worth on being able to do it. It takes time. “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one prince (or princess)” as has been said. Keep the faith. It’s part of the success package.

All the Best,
Bruce Boyd

**Hey Readers** Want to put your 2 cents in on this one? See this month’s survey below!
Feature Article:
Odor Sensitivity and Romance
By Bruce Boyd
(with special thanks to James Kohl and his invaluable book, The Scent of Eros)

When I started writing this article, I thought I had a pretty clear idea on the subject, but I am still in shock from what I found. Probably anyone reading this article is aware of and concerned about the effects on their love-life of the scent they give off, but what about the effects of your own ability to *perceive* smells? How does this affect romance?

Those of you who have been following the Pheromone News for a while will remember the reader survey we had last October (results posted in the November issue) concerning the importance of scent on sexual arousal and “falling in love.” Readers rated their feelings about the importance of scent on sexual arousal, giving it an 8 out of 10, and the effects of smell on “falling in love” only a 6. Well, after posting those results, I received an e-mail from pheromone researcher, James Kohl who says science begs to differ. If fact, there is scientific evidence that it is virtually *impossible* to fall in love without a sense of smell. Shocking as it may seem, individuals born with the genetic defect known as Kallmann’s Syndrome are unable from birth to smell anything and apparently as a result show no interest in either sex or romantic love. In the animal world, experiments have been done in which the VNO (part of the smelling apparatus that perceives pheromones) is destroyed at birth in subjects who are otherwise completely healthy. When these animals reach adulthood, they quite simply do not mate. If the VNO is destroyed *after* sex has been experienced, the animal may continue to show interest in mating, but without that initial experience, romance, at least for a male pig, does not happen.

At first it is difficult to believe that we are so entirely dependent on our sense of smell for sexual arousal and the experience of romantic love. Imagine that you are completely alone in your home, sit down in a comfortable chair and pop an x-rated film into your video machine. No pheromones, no smells, just naked bodies and well…sounds. For most of us, (and there is even research to back this up too) the reaction is powerful. How can this be, though, if sexual arousal depends on smell. Hold onto your chairs folks, but after reading research on the subject I am convinced that this arousal based on visual and auditory stimuli is 100% caused by conditioning. Just like Pavlov’s famous dogs, that salivate to the sound of a bell, porn movies turn us on because of earlier associations between visuals and the smell of sex pheromones. Individuals who are born blind or deaf can and do lead normal sex lives, but individuals born without a sense of smell (anosmia) do not.

What does this mean to the vast majority of individuals who have a “normal” sense of smell? Quite a bit more than you would think.

#1. More than 1% of those you run into on the street, in clubs or wherever you go, can not smell anything. This means that no matter how low-cut your dress or tight your pants, they don’t get it, or have to depend on their memory to understand the implications.

#2. Our sense of smell is not just strong or weak, each individual has an entirely unique smelling ability grid. According to a survey conducted by National Geographic, individuals vary greatly as to what they can and can not smell. Normal healthy individuals may be able to detect certain smells accurately, and be completely unable to detect other smells. For example, half of all women surveyed were unable to identify the smell of a banana without visual cues. Men, what this means is that half of all the women you run into on the street are completely unable to tell whether you have a banana in your pocket or are just glad to see them! [


Sorry. I just had to say that] No, really that doesn’t mean anything, but what does mean something is that only 71% of the women surveyed and 67% of the men could detect the sex pheromone androstenone. So no matter how “ripe” you are scent-wise, 30% of the folks you run into aren’t “getting it”, at least not very loud and clear. Ready for another shocker? The ability to detect androstenone, which is already starting to look like an indicator of how heavily “sexed” we are, varies not only from individual to individual, but from country (culture) to country as well. For example 75% of Latin American men can smell androstenone loud and clear, compared to only 63% of the men living in the US. Surprised? No? OK, and who ranks number one world-wide in the ability to detect androstenone? (envelope please…) Africa, with a 78% detection rate for men and a whopping 85% for women! One more interesting point though. What 3 countries (cultures) do you think have the widest gap between men and women in the ability to detect pheromones? (ie: frustrated women living with guys who don’t “get it”) And the winner is…..Asia, the Caribbean and the UK!!!!! Hey, I’m not making this up, so no angry letters please. I’m just writing down the statistics. You draw your own conclusions.

One thing I have to say in defense of the sexuality of my native USA, in regards to these results, is that as a nation we must be the most paranoid about body smell, (with the probable exception of Japan, the country I live in now), due undoubtably to the marketing efforts of antibacterial soap and deodorant companies. I have on a number of occasions gotten angry letters from the US complaining that pheromone products containing nothing more than synthetic androstenone and androstenol smell like “BO.”

#3. Our sense of smell goes through a strength curve similar to that of our sex hormone levels, which peaks out around the age of 20 and fall very quickly as we hit old age. Science shows us that this loss of smell in and of itself, diminishes our interest in sex and romance! By the way, this gradual loss of smell is not completely unavoidable. A number of environmental factors are likely involved. At the forefront being tobacco smoke and prescription medications, but I would guess a whole host of air pollutants both indoor and outdoor are to blame. Some caution might be advisable.

But just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Survey/Contest time!

This month’s survey is for the benefit of all you single readers who are searching for that special other. I never rule anyone out of the surveys though, so all you attached folks, please share your expertise on……

I often tell people that the pheromone aura they project is what they are saying to people “*before* they say ‘Hello.'” Well now, let’s say you have been working out for that special body, are “dressed for success”, and have on your favorite cologne, as well as transmitting pheromones that say: “I’m the one.” Then what? Wait for your “prince (or princess) to come?” If you read this month’s “Q &A”, or “pheromones in the Cinema”, or even if you just happen to be a “guy” yourself than you might have an idea of what it’s like being expected to “do the talking.” I suppose conditions have changed in the States since I moved away 10 years ago, but here in Japan if a man isn’t willing to make the first move (and probably the second and third as well) he is going to be a very lonely guy no matter how high his pheromone level. You heard my opinion already. Let’s hear yours. One thing I would *really* like to see happen with these results would be to give single men and single women a clearer idea what is going on in the opposite camp with regards to meeting that special someone.

1. Where would you advise a single person to look for a mate?
2. Is it the responsibility of the man to make the first move?
3. Is it practical for women to approach men? (when, where, how)
4. What can women do to let a man know that his advances would be welcome?
5. Are bars a viable option for finding a “meaningful relationship?”

Comments: (please share a few sentences of advice on “meeting someone”)

As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries. Last month there were 148 entries (up from 125 the month before) and 3 winners, which gave entrants about a 1 in 50 chance of winning.

Send completed surveys to:
New Products

Date-Mate pheromone Spray
Formerly known as “Contact 18″ and “Desire 22″, Date-Mate has been added to the Love Scent pheromone Store site.
Unscented and very convenient to use.
Men’s formula: androstenone and androstenol
Women’s formula: androstenol and copulins
Created by GKS Research Technology in the UK.



Superb sterling silver and 14K gold jewelry at ridiculously low prices.
Rings, earrings, bracelets, bangles, charms, chains, astrologic, birthstone….
FREE sterling silver gift (with $20. order)
FREE monthly jewelry contest

pheromones in the Cinema

–From “The Lonely Guy” starring Steve Martin–
Ever see this one? It’s been a long time, but I still remember the scene in which Martin, playing the “lonely guy” hoping to meet a sporty bachelorette, pretends to be out jogging. Dressed in jogging gear and covered with store-bought sweat from a can, he jogs into a coffee shop for a cold drink. The woman of his dreams happens in, and somehow realizing he is lonely stops to talk to him for a moment. “Say, you’re a lonely guy, aren’t you?” she says.
“Well, yes I am.” answers Martin, “How did you know?”
“It’s the canned sweat you’re using. They never get it just right.”

User Corner

“Last month I purchased your product and wore it to a party, the guys were falling all over themselves to be around me. I’ve never had trouble attracting men but I definitely noticed a difference in attitudes. It seemed to make them not only sexually attracted to me but also very protective of me. I guess it made them feel like real MEN.”


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Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd
Sendai PRI


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If you are new to pheromones or are a first time user, please take a look at the Newbie FAQ and Product Guide first as these should answer most of your questions. If anything isn\'t answered properly here, or you want more information, visit Love Scent and browse the forum.

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