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The archive aims to allow readers to look back over the many years of the Pheronews newsletter, which gives us all a great resource for scientific information and user experiences and opinions. Please be aware that many of the offers are out of date, and there are a lot of broken links which are mostly irrelevant anyway.

The back issues are arranged by month and year, although there are some gaps on months that left us deprived of a newsletter


Pheromone News April, 2002 Comments Off on Pheromone News April, 2002

April, 2002
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

If you are a regular reader of the Pheromone News, then you have probably noticed by now that “we are not in Kansas anymore.” The newsletter has been picked up by last month’s reader response tornado and blown off to the land of HTML. So far nothing has changed all that dramatically, which can best be explained by the fact that I made the newsletter myself, but it is a start, and shows I have not only read last month’s surveys but actually taken them to heart. The full results are below, but one major suggestion was that the newsletter be done in html as a means of jazzing up the format a little. So, as you can see, your wish is my command.

Check out the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here

Don’t forget to send in a survey! (see below)

And, oh yes, don’t forget to smile! (well…what are you waiting for?)
Bruce Boyd
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News
New to pheromones? Check out the:
Incredible Newbie Special!
A mountain of products and services to get started with
Separate sets for men and women.
100 sets only while they last

Click here to have a closer look!
Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS

IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*The Human VNO; how we sense pheromones?
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products – Scent of Eros Gel
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories



There were about 50 surveys sent in again this month, so we picked out two winners, one man and one woman.


Clarence and Fiona

The Question:
What do you like and what don’t you like about this newsletter?
Suggestions for improvement

Female responses:

— I lke the newsletter being in plain text and full of useful hints and tips on phermones, dating and meeting people. The surveys are great and often provide a laugh or two, as well as reflecting the wide diversity of your subscribers. Appearing monthly is just right.

— I like the Q&A section. It’s interesting to read others’ views on the opposite sex. I don’t like the long, drawn out articles. I don’t care so much why it works, beyond the basics, just that it does, which I already know.

— I really like the responses to the questions posed each month. Reading the comments from members of the opposite sex gives me more of an insight into what they might be thinking.

— I like the informative nature and the scientific evidence, and the testimonials.

— I think my favorite part of the newsletter is actually the survey, sometimes the subject is really interesting, especially to see the opposite sex’s opinion.

— The worst part of the newsletter I think is the format, like if your scanning to find a particular thing it is really hard to find! It could benefit from HTML and color, but then again some people wouldn’t be able to see it.

— I like to read these articles because they seem to be knowledgable. You people do a bit of research to get your information and then report your findings. Although I know each persons effects are going to be different, it’s nice to know it is working for some of you.

— I think the newsletter would be improved by featuring a profile of a pheromone product each month, either through a link to product info, or as a short (50-100wd) intro and link for those interested in exploring further. This is because I don’t always remember to click the link at the top of the newsletter to visit the site, so often miss things.

— I would like to hear more of the readers’ stories of how it works for them. I would also like to hear readers’ opinions of the different products that Love-Scent sells. Maybe a product feature every month.

— I would like to see maybe more of a website format where you can just click on the section you want to go to versus scrolling thru until you reach your spot.

— The one thing that i don’t like about the news letter is that it has no hyper links. hyper links make it much easier and faster to access something that is on the news letter without having to copy and paste it.

— I think the best way to improve the newsletter would just be a way to distinguish sections a little easier, and to put the month’s contest winners at the top so it’s not so hard to find since it is such a small but important part of the newsletter.

Male responses:

— I enjoy the scientific articles and the first-person success stories. I also think the survey/Contest is one of the best features. I like the idea of free stuff and I enjoy reading the answers that others submit.

— I like reading the male and female responses to romantic and social situations in that I gain valuable insight, thus allowing me to improve my character.

— Through this magazine I’ve learned so much more. Not just the wide variety of available products, but when, where and how to use them. I think the most important thing I’ve learned thus far is that for pheromones to work for you, you have to work for them. Ever since I signed up for this, my social life seems to get better every month. Thanks!

— My favorite part is the survey/contest. And by that I mean, the answers from the previous month’s survey. It’s a great addition to the newsletter. Reading about what everyone else thinks, how they go about things. People give good advice most of the time, and it’s fun to read about other people’s experiences. Especially the good ones.

— I liked the article because it was written by an outside source.

— It would be a lot easier to read if there were different colors, text sizes, and fonts used.

— I was happy to find out that you evaluated various pheromones and gave independent evaluations. I now know more about them, which ones are better, and how they work with other scents. It gave me an incentive to want to acquire a sample to try.

— The news regarding new products, updates on mix ratios, and 3rd party affirmations. The testimonial section is a pleasure to read and gives your newsletter readers first hand knowledge of applications working.

— The monthly surveys also give PN an interactive edge, allowing readers to contribute their experiences and comments. This sharing of information is another big plus. The feature articles in each issue offer a wealth of information and come across as professional.

— Including reviews of the phermone based products by companies outside Love Scent pheromone Stores like Basenotes in the last e-mail newsletter. I know this can’t be done all the time, but you could break a review piece into two or three parts over several e-mail newsletters.

— Maybe you could put a bit more about ordering information and make it a tiny bit shorter.

— One thing that I think could be fun, is offering the chance to submit your name when submitting your survey answers, so that the next month, if your response is picked as one of the responses featured in the newsletter, you can be credited for the submission.

— Change all article archive format to real HTML so we can click the URL if needed. Now we need to copy the URL and it is not easy for newbie and takes time.

— I would like to see a monthly rating on the products based on sales and/or feedback. There are so many to choose from and I would prefer not to waste money.

— Probably the lay out in just plain text. I believe if the newsletter were in a web-published format,looking more like a newspaper or sectioned both vertically & horizontally, some added color and you would have a winner that would be both informative, but also visually attractive.

— Move the adds to the bottom or middle of the news letter. Get to the survey results/questions and the articles, tips and testimonial quicker. You can ‘hook’ us by putting the ‘sales specials’ on the middle…perhaps after the survey answers/questions and before the articles, tips, etc.

— Better headings might make it more readable. Possibly make the headings bold and centered or something.

Q and A:

Q: I recently recieved the vial of Andro 4.2 that I ordered and I have some concerns already. It’s been almost a week and the results have been rather disappointing. The women have not really responded at all. What does concern me a great deal though is that I seem to get a huge reaction from men! You must understand that I’m a partial homophobe and this was somewhat of a terror. Men are suddenly clustering around me. Male coworkers around me talk more about sex and risque topics than they used to. One even danced! Now is androsterone supposed to have this unexpected side effect on other men or is it possible that some cruel joke was played and I recieved a vial of concentrated FEMALE pheromone? I certainly hope that is not the case.

The product that you have there, Andro 4.2, contains a pheromone that is produced by both men and women (androstenone actually, not androsterone), so it should give everyone a little lift men and women alike. That is why it is considered a valuable tool in the business world as well as romantic. I am guessing that you are a normally gentle person. Many guys have problems with seeming more threatening with the pheromones on and in particular the product you have, but if you are friendly and smile alot, that should not be a problem and you should attract members of both sexes. Heterosexual men are not going to be attracted in a romantic way, just more friendly.

Attracting the opposite sex is always going to be a mixed bag. Science has shown that women are more positively affected by androstenone during ovulation, but are often repulsed during other phases of their monthly cycle. So, just keep rolling the dice with the ladies. It will definitely increase your odds of winning, but some women may be actually turned off by your new pheromone aura depending on the time of the month. Also if you are testing products with women you have already established a strictly working relationship with, it is normal for that to change only very slowly at best. When you meet the woman who is right for you, you are going to see something happen I think and the pheros will help. That is why I say at least 3 weeks for testing. It is still like rolling the dice. Women are different from men, they don’t just follow their nose. They make a lot of decisions about who they will let themselves be swayed by and the rest they may see as invading their space with sex vibes. Just keep at it. You will see something interesting happen. Just relax and have fun with the search. That helps a lot.

Good luck, keep me posted,

Check the pheromone Forum at:
Click Here
for lots of good advice from pheromone users in the trenches.

Good luck,
Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
The Human VNO and how we sense pheromones
by Bruce Boyd

After many years of darkness on the subject, scientists now seem to agree that there is a very unique system with which both humans and many other animals receive their pheromonal chemical messengers from the air. This system is quite separate from the one with which we detect normal smells and is especially linked to our emotions and sexual behavior. This system is known as the AOS (accessory olfactory system) and even uses a special pair of organs to do its work, the VNO (vomeronasal organs). The following is a short history of the discovery of these organs through which pheromones influence our perceptions. Many of the details come from an article that appeared in the Journal of NIH Research in January of 1994 (volume 6) by Robert Taylor and from the book, The Scent of Eros by James Kohl ( and Robert Francoeur.

A great deal of research has been done, which clearly shows the power of pheromones over the sexual and territorial behaviors of various animals. In these studies there can be little doubt of the importance of the VNO in mediating these effects, because when the VNO is surgically removed from any of these animals they will not mate at all unless they have had prior sexual experience. If you open most medical text books, however, you will read that the human VNO disappears while we are still in the womb, and therefore does not exist in adult humans. This was the unchallenged medical dogma for fifty years, and has only recently been corrected.

The human VNO was first mentioned in anatomy books as early as the late 1700s, but the whole idea of its existence was stricken down by a team of well-known scientists in the 1930s and no one has had the courage or inclination to refute them until now. There is a lot of speculation as to the psychological forces that could create such a long and hard to break “dark ages” for pheromone research, but in any case the independent efforts of two teams of researchers have demonstrated to everyones satisfaction that humans do indeed possess a VNO that does in fact react to stimuli in the air. David Moran, Robert Josephson and colleagues at the University of Toronto in Canada reported in the Journal of Otolaryngology that vomeronasal pits were present in about 40 percent of the adults they examined, and Bruce Jafek, an otolaryngologist at the University of Colorado in Denver found a VNO in all of his subjects.

The jury is still out as to whether the VNO is actually connected to the brain or not, but there is plenty of strong support that it does. Two of the VNO’s staunchest supporters, scientists David Moran and David Berliner have helped found two companies that are banking that it does, the Pherin Corporation in Menlo Park, which is devoting a lot of time and money into researching the VNO as a delivery system for drugs, and the EROX Corporation, the first fragrance manufacturer to patent pheromones for reputed effects on sexual behavior.

Does this mean we are no more than animals and can be literally led around by the nose? Not according to Robert Taylor: “the effects of chemical cues in mammals depend strongly on other visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli received at the same time. Furthermore, mammals are behaviorally more complex than other animals. Human sexual behavior depends on everything from hormonal state to childhood memories and moral philosophy. A chemical cue is unlikely to override a lifetime of socialization.”

In other words, as I said in the editorial above, you might want to smile once in a while!


Odds of winning are usually about 1 in 25
Survey/Contest time!

Here’s a good one:
What are you searching for?
Too broad? OK, let’s narrow it down to relationships. Get married? Get laid? Win friends and influence people? Become your company president? Maybe it will help us at the Phero News to help you the reader get whatever it is you are after.

In the relationship department (romantic or otherwise)
1. What are your short term goals? (the next year)
2. What are your long term goals? (the next ten years)


Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each month.

Send your completed survey to:
MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:


Scent of Eros Gel???
Yes, that is right. James V. Kohl’s great Scent of Eros will soon be available in a gel form that comes in handy one-use nozzle packs like ketsup comes in at your local diner. Same pheromones, same fragrance. Very handy. Should be in by the end of the week! Drop into the website and have a look about that time.

User Corner
Although I have noticed more response from women since I have been using the products, I think you might find this amusing. There is a local store ( not a grocery store) that I go to to buy my beer, since they are the only one that carries kinds that I like. This afternoon the free bottle of musk scent that came with my last order of The Edge spilled in the gym bag that I carry to work. Unfortunately, I got quite a bit of it on me. Anyway, I am going through the checkout line. And these two girls are staring at me. they work there and have seen me every weekend for at least 12 months. The more attractive one asks me for my ID, telling me it is standard procedure. I have never been carded there before. They passed my drivers liscence around to all 12 girls working the checkouts!! And as I left they were all abandoning the checkouts to watch me drive away. Anyway, that is my story.


Pheromone News may be distributed freely as long as no part is omited
Original material is copyright protected.

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Pheromone News March, 2002 Comments Off on Pheromone News March, 2002

March, 2002
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,
This month’s issue is going to be unusual.  Love Scent pheromone Store was honored to be featured recently in a very informative article:  “pheromones and Fragrance” written by Grant Osborne at a website dedicated to men’s fragrance.  We got permission from Grant and BaseNotes to reprint the article, so we are dedicating this issue to just that.  Please check it out.

I also invite you to check out….
The pheromone Forum:
Free Dating Ideas download:

And, don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News <>
IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromones and Fragrance by Grant Osborne of
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest


Tom and Valerie are our two contest winners this month.  We received a total of 80 survey responses giving a 1 in 40 chance of winning.  Get those surveys in this month and take away these prizes.
Tom and Valerie were contacted by e-mail privately and given their choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) up to $30 in value!

Men: What can you do to help put the woman you have just met at ease as you get to know each other?

Women:  You see a guy at a party you do not know.  You would like to meet him and you suspect he would like to meet you.  Would you be able to approach him first?  If not, what can you do to make it easier for him to approach you?

Male responses:
— First, relax. This is not a confrontation or a contest. This is another human being like yourself. Focus on the person and not the gender. Treat this new acquaintance as you would wish to be treated, with respect and thoughtful consideration. Be a good active listener and keep the air of conversation light and sprinkled continuously with timely, tasteful humor. In other words be yourself, be real, and don’t sweat the small stuff. Finally, remember, if you don’t feel worthy and deserving of love and friendship inside, neither will anyone else.

— Don’t talk about your other girl friends past or present. Don’t talk about your weird siblings or about medical problems. That shuts the door right away. Just watch what you talk about and you’ll be okay.

— Try to keep in contact and help her know you care and that you want to know her.  Communication is the key.

— Be as calm and collective as possible. An uptight jerk isn’t gonna attract anyone.  Buy her a drink. Alcohol always lightens the mood and makes you more comfortable. Tell FUNNY jokes.

— Don’t jump to romance. It makes women uncomfortable a lot of the time. If she thinks you’re a pig who’s just out to jump in the sack then you’re making her uncomfortable.

— Do stuff to make her feel comfortable around you, like offer to do stuff for her, be interested in her, just make her feel like she is a friend to you.

— First of all, a gentle smile is important to help anyone feel at ease. After that, ask some general open ended questions to break the ice. From there, carry on with topics  that she appeared to be comfortable with if she’s still interested or back off slightly if she still doesn’t appear to be comfortable.

— I try to find something humorous to say, not a joke per se, but a quick humorous response to something they are talking about. Sometimes followed by a light pat on her shoulder.

— Keep it relaxed, easy-going, light-hearted and positive. Also focus on appreciation.  Find specific things to praise about the woman but don’t go overboard and overwhelm her if she’s not used to getting a lot of positive attention. You can sense it, feel it: there’s no “rule” you can follow; each person and situation is different. Most of all, get yourself into a positive, loving state and the woman will feel it and relax and open up around you.

— Don’t go for “the touch”, allow her to touch you first. Too many guys want to touch girls, and while this may be O.K., it is often too much of a gamble because touching a girl the wrong way too early can kill any chances you had.

Female responses:
— Yes,  I would be able to approach him.  I would fix a small fruit plate. I will then ease over to him and say, “Have you tired the fruit?�  It is very sweet.”  After that I would say with a big smile. “Hi my name is *****.  And your name is?”

— Try wearing a “conversation starter,” such as an unusual hat, tie, piece of jewelry, or other accessory.  Give people a good excuse to come up to you and say something about it.  I have a friend who even used to go to conventions or meetings and wore his nametag upside down, so people would come up to him and point that out to him.

— I think that if we show our love and kindness that people will be drawn to us.

— You can pick a shy guy out a mile away, so be nice, and go up to him!

— If he already approached you, be inquisitive and ask about his life, stoke his ego, ask about his job. Talk about guy stuff for a while.

— Be yourself and be relaxed. no one will feel comfortable w/ you if your not comfortable w/yourself.  Come clean and smell good! I know that sounds dumb, but if you look and smell good, it’s so much more pleasant to be around you and it makes him notice you, so he’s more comfortable, which will make him feel more attracted to you, thus making him want to come up to you.

— Be delicate. Most guys like a girl who is feminine. They also like a girl who is smart so don’t act dumb. The conversation should not be dwelling on you.

— I would try to get a drink at the same time as he does, e.g. To just approach him like that I would be afraid that my intention were too obvious. So I would try to get into a natural situation where you happen to stand beside each other. Then I could say something very general, a comment ont he party or the food or anything else just to break the ice.

— If I don’t feel like walking over to him, I will mill around the crowd, not staying at any conversation too long, and see if he follows or tries to join in to one of the groups that I am in, and sometimes that will get a conversation going between us that can lead to some more “getting to know each other” time.

— I would be able to approach a man I didn’t know without problems. Smile pretty and make sure you make eye contact. The worst thing that could happen is that he wouldn’t be interested.

— Be attentive: guys love an attentive girl. Stroke his ego!! He’ll love ya for it. You may never have sex with him, in fact, you may never even end up seeing him again.  But truthfully you’ve contributed to the man’s pride and that’s what gets him up enough to talk to you.

pheromones and Fragrance

by Grant Osborne
Reprinted with permission

Back in June, we had an inquiry from one of our visitors inquiring about pheromone enhanced cologne’s. To be honest, Basenotes hadn’t a clue! We knew of Realm and Jovan’s long gone Andron, but other than that we knew very little about pheromones. So we did some research….

If you skip to the back of a ‘men’s lifestyle’ magazine, you’ll probably find some advert for a pheromone enhanced cologne. Along with quotes like: “I didn’t believe it but it really works – I had to literally peel the women off me!”. Sounds good doesn’t it?

So, what is a pheromone? Well, each species of animal gives off pheromones – it’s like a ‘chemical messenger’. Each species of animal can detect pheromones from the same species. We detect them using a smell sensory organ in the nose called the vomeronasal organ (VNO), it’s actually different from the sense of smell – it’s like a sixth sense. different pheromones influence feelings such as confidence, well-being and sexual desire.

Although the discovery of the VNO was many years ago (in 1703 by F. Ruysch). It was mainly assumed that the pheromone detector was redundant in humans a bit like the appendix, or nipples on men. It’s only relatively recently that it’s been realized that our VNO’s do work.

We give off these pheromones naturally, but because we have a shower in the morning and use deodorants, then we cover up most of our body with clothing, the poor old pheromones can’t compete. No wonder it was thought the VNO was inactive in humans- we didn’t have much for it to detect.

This is where pheromone enhanced scents and their like come in – we can supplement what we’ve already washed off.


Possibly one of the most famous pheromone enhanced scents is Realm by Erox Corp. Erox was set up in 1989 by anatomist, David L Berliner. Berliner had discovered how to isolate the human pheromones that help put you at ease and boost confidence and well-being. When you feel more confident more can be achieved. We spoke to some Realm wearers:

Frank D told us:
“I do notice a “sense” of well-being to ME when first applied. It was somewhat startling the first time, since there was an increase in heart rate associated with it. As for women’s reaction, I still feel that is closely tied with presentation, grooming and overall personality — regardless of the fragrance. So any success with these pheromone based fragrances might be tied in more with how they make you feel about yourself — which is projected, and noticed, by the women around you.”

Another Realm fan, Ziggy, told us:
“I was selling advertising at the time. My sales went up. People would stop me (even at the gas station) just to be friendly. The results must’ve been from the fragrance since nothing else changed about me.”

However, not everyone found Realm worked for them. Thomas K said:
“I tried Realm for Men. I must admit I bought it to attract some women and to hopefully arouse my current. [It] Didn’t work. It was a pleasant scent, and just about everyone liked it, and in the beginning as I wore it I felt and acted more confident, which did get me a little more notice. After that, nothing else.”

Although Thomas felt it didn’t work he mentioned that it made him feel more confident, which is what Realm was designed to do. One complaint we heard regarding Realm was although users liked the scent after a while they got bored of it. Obviously this could be a problem if you want to try pheromones but didn’t like the scent it was sitting in.

Luckily, unscented pheromone products are available. One of the internet’s main players in the pheromone market is, set up in 1998. We spoke to the director, Mr Bruce Boyd about the most popular pheromones he sells.

“The most popular by far are the unscented, very concentrated products. Specifically: The Edge, New pheromone Additive, Primal Instinct (unscented), Andro 4.2

“My regular customers mix their own “combos” as they call them, and these super concentrated products are the chemistry sets they use to build them. Most of the pheromone products on the market contain very little actual pheromones (including a few that I sell) and are of little help if used on their own other than they may give the wearer some confidence (the “magic feather effect”). The truth is that pheromones can and do give spectacular effects to anyone taking the time and energy to find the right amount, type of real pheromone ingredients, spots on the body etc., to match their own natural pheromone signature, and personality. This is something I am sure you are familiar with in the fragrance world. The cologne that works well for one individual may be a total bust with another because it is simply not believable on him/her. Colognes speak on your behalf to others and they say what they want to say, not necessarily something that works with the way you dress, look and act. For example, I have a sample bottle of the pheromone containing product Realm which I could never wear. It smells nice, but it is not “me”. You get a whiff of somebody wearing the wrong cologne (or even just too much for that matter), you almost get an image of a man splashing on after shave in a TV commercial. When you smell a woman with the “right” cologne, you are transported to another dimension because everything works together (facial expression, clothes, body, fragrance). Anyway, this concern is even more important with pheromones, and the science has barely gotten off the ground. At the moment, to get miracle stories you have to “roll your own” unless you just happen to be very lucky. And to do that, the “phero gurus” (who you can meet on my forum), are mixing the above products with designer colognes, essential oils, scented pheromone products, deodorants, lotions and/or applying various products separately to different parts of the body until they find that magic combo that works for them.

Some popular scented products that also contain a lot of pheromones and/or have proven themselves effective on their own or when mixed are: Alter Ego, Attraction and Pheromol Factor”

Success Stories

Basenotes then became intrigued. Mixing stuff together sounded fun. It was like chemistry at school. We spoke to some of the Phero-Gurus on the love-scent forum.

Matt told us “The holy grail is the “right combo” of two or more pheromone products in just the right ratio. My own experience is that some women are a bit friendlier and more relaxed around me. No clothes being ripped off. But a factor that isn’t often mentioned is the effect of the pheromones on the wearer. As we know, when wearing a good cologne, you are often more confident and magnetic. One more thing. High end pheromone products smell like cat piss and it’s necessary to cover them up with a good smelling cologne. maybe A*men?”

We know someone that has good results with A*Men anyway so imagine the effect when added to pheromones! We also spoke to another forum regular, Ken M.

“I have had several very positive experiences with them. Since wearing them and finding my ratio of the different pheros. They are not sure fire for anything. But they do really work. Well here is one example of the power of phero’s.

“On the last Memorial Day weekend. I was working in our nightclub and it was wall to wall people with 450 or so in the club and another 300 or so waiting in line to gain entry. I have worked these weekends as the manager/cooler for the last 6 years or so. On the first night of weekend (Friday) it was normal. With all the bitchy and PO’s folks in line and dealing with them all night long. The second night I wore my phero mixture (The Edge with New Phero Additive – both from love-scent, and my cologne with a bit of glycerin for staying of the scent).  My first hour or so I thought was a fluke with dealing with the folks as they were mad or PO’d when they came to the door but in speaking with them they seemed to relax right out and actually joke a bit on entry. Had more hugs from girls and just little conversations with them on through the night.”

Ken then goes on to tell us about a cigarette break when a girl had got very friendly with him. I’m sure you don’t want all the details. The girl then inquired about what cologne he was wearing.

“Told her it was blend a friend makes for me. She then hugged me again took a big sniff and squeezed me tight and told me she would be back in a few weeks and wanted to know if I was available for dinner or something more. Gave her my card and told her to give me a call. Long story short, 2 weeks later she came back and we had a good weekend. And she really kept saying how nice my scent was.

While this is not the norm. I think the pheros had something to do with it. Have had many hard in depth conversations with women in social settings and hugs and looks etc. I work as a Risk Management Rep for a casino does I usually have irate guests to deal with. And I have found that in face to face situations, folks seem to chill out and really pay attention to every syllable I am saying to them. No back in my face replies. All in all, pheros are a great tool for personal as well as professional situations.”

Trying them Out

So pheromones have lots of fans. For ‘Scientific Reasons’ Basenotes decided to try them out. Armed with New pheromone Additive and Alter-Ego from Love Scent pheromone Store and Entropy from Interneeds, Basenotes enticed a bunch of volunteers to experiment.

1. Entropy
Entropy smelt like a cheap after shave. Okay, so it definitely wasn’t Cool Water but we had a job to do. What we found. Girls were very friendly, but maybe no more than usual. We felt confident though. Shame it didn’t smell better.

2. New pheromone Additive
Designed to be added to cologne. On its own it smelt a bit musky. We added a few drops to Body Kouros from YSL and went out to play. What we found. Women kept telling us how nice we smelt and tended to hang around us a lot. As this was an experiment in the name of science we didn’t want to take advantage of the situation!

3. Alter Ego.
Can be used on its own or as a mixture. We tried it with some Chrome by Azzaro What we found: Similar story to the pheromone additive, we felt pretty confident and were often told how good we smelt. Women were very touchy-feely.

Overall we were quite surprised, especially as we were all a bit skeptic. Not everyone had the same success but it’s probably a case of trying different formulas and seeing which works best.

The Future of pheromones

Bruce from Love-Scent is optimistic about the future of pheromones.:

“I think that some day pheromones will be used extensively in medicine, and the stage we are in now will be looked upon as the stone age of pheromones. pheromones have been shown to have an effect on hormone levels, so I think that having an understanding of the science of pheromones both store-bought and natural can help us remain youthful and sexually active further into old age than would normally be possible.”

And for those of you who think this whole pheromone deal is a one way street designed for men to attract women, well you couldn’t be further from the truth. Love-Scent carry a range of pheromones designed for women too. And just as we thought we’d seen all the combinations we received a press release from 10% productions.

The new fragrance ‘Ten’ was launched in November 2001 with the slogan: “Gain confidence…seduce the senses…get the man”. The fragrance is the first pheromone scent designed for the gay market. President of 10% productions, Greg Nimer says “Most men’s fragrances are what I call either ‘full throttle’ or ‘full brake.’They’re either overpowering or they disappear. I wanted to create something long-lasting, but not overpowering — decidedly masculine, but clean and fresh — that wouldn’t completely take over a room,”

We think that if you are unsure about whether pheromones would work for you then give them a try. Most are reasonable priced so it’s worth buying some for ‘experimental purposes’. We had lots of fun!

We would like to hear from you if you’ve had experience with any pheromone products.

Basenotes would like to thank the following for all of their help in researching and writing this article: Bruce Boyd at Love-Scent and the Love-Scent forum members, Erox Corp (Realm), Interneeds, Human Response Laboratories and Tammy Carter.

Most of the products mentioned in this article can be purchased from
Grant Osborne, Editor, The Online Guide to men’s fragrance and grooming

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How can we improve the Pheromone News?


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Pheromone News February, 2002 Comments Off on Pheromone News February, 2002

February, 2002
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Hope you all had a fun Valentine’s Day.
I had a wonderful time at home with my wife and kids.

Valentine’s Day Dating Ideas e-book.

Check out the pheromone Forum at:

Don’t forget to send in a survey!

And, oh yes, don’t forget to smile!
Bruce Boyd
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News


Advertisement, the pheromone superstore!
The Edge, Primal Instinct, Pheromol Factor, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, IR cologne and essential oils, Lure, Yes, Realm , Stone Labs, DI herbals, and Alexander Institute instruction videos. And our latest: Scent of Eros by James V. Kohl
FREE!!!!!! with every order containing unscented Edge:
Bottle of IR essential oil/androstenol additive FREE!!!!!!
***100% money-back guarantee!***

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Excerpts on pheromones from a book by New Age medical guru Deepak Chopra
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


Reid is our lone winner this month, since we received a meager 50 survey responses to last months survey. Come on gang! Get those surveys in this month and take away these prizes.
Reid will be contacted by e-mail privately and given his choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) up to $30 in value!

The Question:
What practical course of action can you recommend to others seeking to overcome shyness about meeting new people? Is there anything that has worked for you, that you would like to pass on to others?

The Highlights:

=== Male Responses ================================

–> I happen to be a rather shy person, and I found that joining a class that requires a lot of closeness (ie learning Salsa dancing, martial arts, massage: all of these have helped me) has made me less shy and has allowed me to meet really a lot of people.

–> The one simple trick I discovered as a young man for meeting attractive women was the secret of physical proximity. I found out that if I could place myself within close physical proximity of an attractive woman, sooner or later the odds were very good that one or the other of us would make a neutral comment that would start a conversation.

–> One should be prepared to strike-out or to be embarrassed, the important thing is to put yourself out there so others will notice you. Social mistakes happen and when they do, pick yourself up and start again. In the end, it doesn’t matter if you flop (or get rejected) in front of someone (or a lot of someones), your worth is not bound up in how others perceive you, because they can see you incorrectly.

–> Join a singles group, a Sunday school class or any group that will allow you to meet new friends. It also makes it easier to talk to someone of the opposite sex when the conversation is of a group variety. Even same sex friend can be a catalyst for meeting opposite sex friends.

–> I’ve found that simply practicing “not being shy” is the only way to overcome being shy. I guess it is like momentum.

–> Basically, just take the plunge and go in and meet people. The longer you wait, the more reasons you’ll find not to approach people. After time, you’ll get more confident and won’t hesitate to approach people. I find that the method of just plunging in works more often than others.

–> Find a circle of friends that have many diverse interests, you’re sure to meet lots of interesting people through them.

–> Try to think positive & like yourself, and others will like you if you first like yourself.

–> Pick a topic that is easy and allows the other person to be helpful. People almost always like to help others. Say, at a grocery store, if he/she is buying soup, ask them if it’s that much better than the others, or, does price really matter, etc. Just don’t sound contrived or forced. And don’t push. If they don’t want to talk, let it be, and find someone receptive.

=== Female Responses ==============================

Overcoming Shyness:

–> Acting and public speaking – this has particularly helped in interview and party situations where I do not know people. I pull out from inside of me, using skills I have learned, my true self. This is much more satisfying than being a wallflower.

–> I think that a good course of action for overcoming shyness is to begin by smiling and saying hello to strangers you encounter. This is a very simple exchange, even though you may have to force yourself the first few times, it should become easier each time you do it.

–> One trick that might help get you into the groove of “mingling” at social events is to ask others questions about themselves. Most people enjoy talking about themselves (if they aren’t too shy) and once you get them started they are happy to keep a conversation going. You might has a series of simple questions you can ask others that you would feel comfortable answering yourself.

–> I would suggest the extremely shy start by maintaining eye contact with others. If you’re out and about and someone looks directly at you look back at them. Try and hold their gaze. If they like what they see they may come over and talk to them. I’m not comfortable talking to strangers, but if someone starts a conversation with me, I can talk their ear off, and a stranger is now a friend. Also when someone smiles at you, smile back.

–> Strike up a conversation about anything that is going on or ask them how they are doing. The other person is probably just as afraid of meeting new people as you are. If they respond then great. They can become just a casual acquaintance or if it is the person of your dreams then great. Practice makes perfect.

–> To overcome shyness is just to forge ahead. Do not let you shyness stop you in doing anything. Grab a friend and go out to meet new people.

–> I studied extroverts and determined what kinds of things they do when they relate to others. Then I just copied that behavior. Pretend to be more outgoing, and you will become more outgoing.

–> Deal with the possibility of rejection. I asked myself what kind of person would be rude to someone who just came up to them and said hello, or politely joined into a conversation? Would I really even want to know them? Is this the kind of person whose opinion matters? And more importantly, which one of us is the one with the problem?

–> I can tell you is how I overcame my shyness. I literally forced myself to sit next to new people to introduce myself. After time, things got easier. One strategy for this “cure” is to do it in a roomful of people who you’ll never see again. That way, even if you do feel like you’ve screwed up, there’s no problem because you’ll never see them again.

Q and A:


I was just wondering at what ratio I should mix Primal Instinct with the Citrus and Musk oils I received. Do you have any recommendations?

Hi DV,

I can’t give you any exact figures because of individual preferences in amount of fragrance, just keep in mind that you want to end up with approx 2-3 drops of Primal on you with an amount of e-oil that gives you the amount of fragrance you feel comfortable with. You can also mix up little batches and see how you like the resultant fragrance. The Primal will alter the e-oil smell significantly, so you need to experiment until you find something that smells good to you as well as the people you meet.

You can also check the pheromone Forum at:
for various user advice on the matter

Good luck,
Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.

pheromones in Nature
Excerpts from a book by the new age medical guru, Dr. Deepak Chopra entitled: What is the True Nature of Reality? The Basics of Quantum Healing

On plant pheromones:
“A few years ago, scientists got interested in a group of hormones called pheromones that were produced by plants. So if you infect a plant, for example, with gypsy moth, the plants will give off hormones into the atmosphere called pheromones that immediately inform the rest of the forest that there’s gypsy moth around – be careful. And the rest of the forest will immediately make the appropriate antibodies to protect itself. A plant is aware. It’s got a mind. it informs the others, ‘This is what’s happening. Watch out!’

On insect pheromones:
“Insects communicate through pheromones too. You’ve seen termites build perfect columns in the dark with arches that meet at the top, perfect architectural designs. How do they do it? They communicate through pheromones. Sexual and mating behavior is also influenced through pheromones.

On mammalian pheromones:
“recently it’s been found that these pheromones in fact may also be the molecular substrate of our emotions. An experiment was done at Stanford, a particularly cruel experiment, where mice were taken and were given electric shocks. After a while the mice were removed from the room. Other mice are brought into the room and as soon they enter the room they panic. They release stress hormones and cortisol because they have inhaled the pheromones of fear.

On human pheromones:
“now it’s known that in fact for every single emotion that we have there is a counterpart, a molecular event that happens not only inside our body but in fact we release those pheromones as information substrates into the environment. So now when you say, ‘l went into this room and I felt that the atmosphere was really tense.’ That’s physiological. When you say, ‘I went to this holy shrine and I felt peace, love and compassion.’ That’s completely understandable from a physiological point of view. You say, ‘I don’t know what it is about this chap, but he certainly gives me the creeps.’ That’s also completely understandable.”

Survey/Contest time!

Continuation of the war on shyness
Last month we surveyed practical day to day procedures for overcoming shyness in oneself in social situations. Well, this month I would like to see if we can come up with some ideas on how we can help OTHERS overcome their shyness in “real time” if you will, and this time, I would like to focus specifically on “boy meets girl” and “girl meets boy” shyness. Ladies, do you have any advice for other women on how to take the pressure off guys who you think might like to talk to you, and gentlemen, do you have any advice to men who would like to learn how to help ease tension in the women they are trying to get to know better?

(slightly different for the two sexes this time)
Women: You see a guy at a party you do not know. You would like to meet him and you suspect he would like to meet you. Would you be able to approach him first? If not, what can you do to make it easier for him to approach you?
Men: What can you do to help put the woman you have just met at ease as you get to know each other?


Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at
the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each

Send your completed survey to:



Scent of Eros

Great new pheromone cologne developed by the world renowned pheromone researcher James V. Kohl, author of the definitive and reader-friendly “pheromone bible” by the same name. Scent of Eros is an oil-base, musk scented, hi-end androstenol/androsterone phero-cologne that comes in a handy pocket size 10 ml roll-on cylindrical bottle. Not cheap at the list $49.95, but at the $39.95 sale price, you can’t beat the deal. (men’s version only)

Available online at:

Or by phone at:
(800) 662-8633

User Corner

Dear Bruce,
You will remember that you facilitated my search for information for a client of mine that was seeking libido restoration following several disfiguring surgeries. Her experience with wearing The Edge and Alter Ego in combination with an essential oil perfume were as follows:

(She feels that being well over fifty years of age made these responses that she SUBJECTIVELY RECORDED more significant than they might otherwise be. “I have always had a nice body, and was ‘oogled’ in the past, but it has been a number of years since that has ceased. This was a change.”)

She experienced:
1) Interested “looks” [from men she did not know]
2) Attracted “looks”
3) Men’s attention was “present”
4) She did not necessarily notice the feeling of testosterone (an unmistakable vibration, once experienced), but a feeling of genuine interest.
5)During love-making, she noticed an added sense of adventure, sensitivity, consciousness, arousal, and sensibility.
6) Her overall conclusion about pheromones was a positive one and she stated that she was glad that she had purchased the product.
S B (R.N.)

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included.
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles or personal stories to:
Back issues and sign up located at:


Pheromone New January, 2002 Comments Off on Pheromone New January, 2002

January, 2002
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Well, it’s 2002. A little late in the month to be saying it, but what the heck: Happy new year!
Let’s make it a good one for everybody!

Start by smiling at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Bruce Boyd
pheromone Research News


Advertisement, the pheromone superstore!
The Edge, Primal Instinct, Pheromol Factor, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, IR cologne and essential oils, Lure, Yes, Realm , Stone Labs, DI herbals, and Alexander Institute instruction videos. And our latest: Scent of Eros by James V. Kohl
FREE!!!!!! with every order containing unscented Edge:
Bottle of IR essential oil/androstenol additive FREE!!!!!!
***100% money-back guarantee!***

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Odor, pheromones and Human Behavior (by Dale Andrews)
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


Names of survey drawing winners were not ready at press time. They will be contacted by e-mail privately and given their choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) up to $30 in value!

Male Responses:
1. Have you ever been “typecast” or quickly judged because you fall into a certain stereotype? How so?

–> With a natural shyness and wearing glasses, I’m often play the typical “wallflower”. Because of this, I usually only have 2 types of relationships with women; very distant or (once they get to know me) close and intimate.
–> I tend to dress very conservatively, and have a habit of speaking very authoritatively; people some times type cast me as an intellectual, brainy type.
–> Yes, because I’m friendly, outgoing, & flirt around a little, many people think I’m a playboy, when I’m not actually so. I’m not seen as a potential friend but avoided because of being stereotyped as a playboy.
–> When I was younger I was in a band with very long hair and all the front. I generally attracted the girls who were into this image, not necessarily who I was. Later as I got older I dropped the image, the front and the “look”. Sure enough my new appearance made people perceive me different. This goes for guys and girls. I think this basically goes with the basic human characteristic of perceiving what is superficial first then slowly developing deeper.
–> Many people typecast me as someone who is rude and unfriendly when in reality, I am very shy. My shyness makes me not look at people with eye contact and I try to move away because I shy
–> Yes! Being an outgoing person, I will approach anyone and talk about anything! Things I talk about are nice and conversational, (not pick up lines or obscene language or topics). Sometimes, mature women look at me funny or just brush me off with the “cold shoulder” because they think I’m trying to hit on them! I usually try and converse with people around my age or older.

2. Have you ever avoided getting to know someone of the opposite sex, because something about them triggered a negative movie or television image?

–> Recently there was a young lady that had the classic “evil friend” look. She was attractive and might just be a nice person, but I just walked on by.
–> I have missed the opportunity to meet some members of the opposite sex for a myriad of reasons, but a TV or movie image has never been the reason.
–> Yes. Usually, arrogant looking glamorous movie-star like people.
–> No. How shallow! Movies and TV are MAKE BELIEVE! Anyone who gets caught up in them to the point you’re describing is someone I don’t what to know.
–> No, not really. I try to give anyone a chance regardless of what they remind me of. All people are different in their own way; I try to find that difference.
–> Yes, I actually avoided conversation with my senior co-worker because she looked liked the evil queen in the Snow White cartoon.

3. a. Men: How could women avoid some of the negative stereotypes that cause you to shy away?

–> I don’t know about negative stereotypes, but to all the women out there, give a shy guy some help. Be clear. Make eye contact and motion us over. Once I know I’m not likely to be rejected, I become much more relaxed.
–> Some times it appears the women look at the “super models” almost angry look, and try to imitate it. Well, I’ll guarantee most guys are not looking to talk to someone that looks angry. Smile, and make eye contact, it will help put us at ease.
–> Don’t be snobbish. Smile a little more. & if you don’t like the guy, don’t pretend not to hear him & look away.
–> I know plenty of women who admit to playing the “ice queen” or “aloof” type. None of the guys I know are interested in this characteristic in a woman. It tends to reflect an insecurity and arrogance which I and many of my friends find repulsive.
–> Presenting a clean, healthy appearance, and by being as natural and honest as possible relative to the situation at hand.

Female Responses:

1. Have you ever been “typecast” or quickly judged because you fall into a certain stereotype? How so?

–> I think that we are all labeled at least once in our lives! I am an overweight female, and most think that I’m shy, probably am unclean or smell bad, or sweat all the time!! In reality when it comes to personal hygiene I’m a cleanie!
–> People call me “Daria,” after the cartoon. They tell me I seem rather standoffish and quiet and very “nerdy” because I hang out with guys who like computers more than anything. Oftentimes people will not talk to me because of this.
–> I get judged twice, once when people first meet me (sweet cute little christian girl, then again when they find out I’m in a sorority and used to party! Between the 2 impressions, I find very few men are able to figure out how to act towards me. Either they’re turned off by how quiet I am now, or scared off by the image of the crazy sorority sister.
–> In high school I hung out with the “rockers”, and dressed like them….leathers, cowboy boots etc. On the other side of it, I had all college prep classes. Since I looked like a “rocker”, everyone assumed I wasn’t all that smart.
–> A lot of my friends can be really loud and obnoxious sometimes and a lot of people think that I’m like that also, when it’s the total opposite.
–> Yes I have been. When I was about 12 I had lost a good amount of weight and noticed the difference immediately. All of a sudden I had boys and grown men paying attention to me all of the time. I also had tons of new girl friends that wouldn’t have been seen with me when I was over weight. It was nice, but a little scary. All of a sudden I went from no one paying attention to me, to grown men thinking they could come by and touch me however they wanted. When I say grown men were doing this they thought I was a lot older. I had guesses of up to 21 years old. But eventually, by the time I was 15, I was gaining weight again and all of the attention dwindled away. My personality never changed, just my appearance. It’s amazing how differently you are treated just because the way you look.
–> Yes. I am a very casual female who prefers to wear jeans and sneakers. I don’t wear pink and stick to blues, greys and whites. People tend to think that I am not a sensitive person and less feminine because of it.

2. Have you ever avoided getting to know someone of the opposite sex, because something about them triggered a negative movie or television image?

–> Not really, although because I’ve been turned down a lot, I’ve come to know the usual type of jerk!! But I try not to judge too hastily and if I like someone I’ll go for it usually even if he does seem to be a “fat chance”
–> No, I usually end up thinking more of how my friends and family will react to the guy, not the general media stereotype.
–> No, I always try to get to know someone before I start implying things about them
–> Yes, but no specific movie image. Just all of them put together gives you a sense that you cannot approach someone that looks like they are “better” than you.
–> If a guy is too “coiffed” a la Soap Opera actor type I will usually avoid him like the plague. If he looks like he wants more mirror time than me I’m out!

3. b. Women: What could men say or do to make you want to look beyond a bad first impression?

–> If he made a bad first impression be sure to stop trying to act like something he’s not, and just be himself. That’s what I’m looking for. Someone Real.
–> I still talk to men even if their first impression is not so favorable. I figure I’ve made more than enough bad impressions myself, so I want to give everyone a chance. Unless, of course, the first impression is something heinous like setting fire to my clothes or killing my pets.
–> It’s very hard to get beyond a first impression/stereotype, but if someone acted very differently from the first impression to change it for the better.
–> Acknowledge the incident that created the bad impression, and come back with an impressive second impression!
–> Be neat, clean, well groomed (this definitely includes good hygiene) & try to dress nicely.
–> Admit there was something amiss, apologize and try to start on a clean slate. Otherwise, you should probably realize that the first impression will probably be a lasting thing in that person.
–> Guys should always just smile and be truthful to themselves and to the ones that they are with at all times. If there is something that we don’t like at first, then we’ll probably change our minds about it later on in the conversation.
–> Actually tell you that they are having a bad day!! People who admit there human and are honest are more likely to get a high mark in my book. Or to be right out apologetic about their appearance if the meeting was unexpected. After all , we don’t always look great all the time!!!!
–> Well, if something was done on their part to give me bad first impression and they know that, then they should correct whatever it was if it needs to be corrected. For instance, if they said something and it came out wrong, then they would need to say, “Well, what I was trying to say is…” and if they did something that was inappropriate they should apologize. But if they don’t think they did anything wrong and I was just not impressed with them, then they should do nothing except find someone that is impressed with them.

Q and A:

I am 19 years old in college, and have been trying out pheromones without much luck. What kind of advice would you give for people who do not get any results? I want to see some results and I would like to know if I have been doing anything wrong. I have been posting some stuff and reading what my fellow customers have to say at the forum(*), but I would like to hear from you, because I feel that you have the most knowledge about this matter.
(*)NOTE: pheromone Forum is at

Hello J,
That is a tough one. For the most part, I have always considered pheromones something for folks out of their 20s to help replace the departure of Mother Nature’s pheros, but it is true that some college students are getting miraculous results, and I think I have an idea why that is. These seem like cases in which a guy has very good social skills; all the girls love him, but only “as a friend”. He has loads of female friends, but there is just “no chemistry”. Then, after he gets a good pheromone supplement program going, a guy like this often finds his former “friends” getting VERY friendly. I have heard such stories time and time again. “I had this old girlfriend over for pizza and a movie and she suddenly attacked me! She has NEVER been interested in me romantically before.”

On the other hand, although we are all strongly affected by “chemistry,” I have found that women generally require “more” from their men than men do from their women in terms of mate selection criteria. Women need to feel safe, protected, loved, entertained; a million and one things maybe, but I believe that most women are looking guys over before they get involved; and more so than guys realize. I remember a friend I had when I was young. He was very small and skinny, not your average sex symbol, but he would hang out in the pick up bars all the time and occasionally get laid by doing nothing but asking beautiful women to dance with them. All I can figure was that he looked completely harmless. He could never get a real girlfriend, but drunk women would take him home occasionally just for sex! That would never happen to me when I was young, because I just didn’t look safe enough.

What I am saying is that there is more to the mating game than just chemistry, and if you are 19 and have normal phero-output (testosterone level), social skills are much more likely to be the key than bottled pheromone. The pheros will help, but if you have been thru the forum and tried all the combos, you may want to concentrate your efforts on the social skills for a while. Check out the past issues of the Phero News. You should find discussions about clothing, colognes, social moves etc. that might help.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!
All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.



In December, Pheromone News brought you ‘A Starter’s Guide to pheromone Science,’ which looked at some of the basics of pheromone theory and the supporting research. This month we’ll explore the science of pheromones in greater detail.

Pheromone Theory:
Odor, pheromones and Human Behavior

For all our advances, the human species is still very much a part of the animal kingdom. At our most basic level, we require food and water for our very survival. We also possess a sex drive – that primal urge to reproduce and ensure that our genes live on.

Yet, despite our obvious “animal” side, scientists for decades believed that human pheromones did not exist. Even today, many among the scientific community and the general public are skeptical of the idea that human odor signals can unconsciously affect others.

That skepticism may soon be replaced by a broader acceptance of the role of human pheromones. With research now indicating a link between pheromones and hormones, there is little reason to doubt that humans do indeed influence others via chemical odor signals.

By definition, human pheromones cause changes in the physiology or behavior of other humans. In one study, researchers demonstrated these changes by exposing males to fatty acid secretions produced by ovulating women [1]. After exposure, the male volunteers had elevated testosterone (T) levels (measured in their saliva) and they gave better ratings of female voices and photographs than did male volunteers who weren’t exposed.

In other studies, researchers have shown that pheromones can affect levels of luetenizing hormone (LH) in men [2], and that female pheromones can regulate the timing of ovulation in other women [3] by apparently affecting levels of both LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

Yet another group of researchers showed that male sweat extracts have an effect on female mood and LH levels; they suggested that the LH response could be used to determine exactly what chemical was responsible for the pheromonal effect [4].

Finally, researchers studying androstenol (a compound in many commercial pheromone colognes) gave male and female volunteers a pendant containing the substance. The men and women wore the pendant during their sleep. The next morning, the scientists measured the number of social interactions and found that women wearing the necklace had more numerous and intense contacts with men [5].

Could our pheromones or odors be telling others if we’re suitable mates? A growing body of research suggests just that.

In one study [6], volunteers wore a t-shirt for three consecutive nights under controlled conditions. Afterward, a group from the opposite sex was asked to sniff the shirts and rate them for attractiveness. Another group from the opposite sex was asked to judge the photographs of volunteers. All of the volunteers were measured for bodily and facial symmetry.

Interestingly, women in the group made associations between symmetry and odor, but only when they were in their most fertile ovulatory phase. In other words, ovulatory women preferred the scent of symmetry.

Also, there is evidence that body odors carry information about our individual genetic makeup, and that women unconsciously use this information in their selection of a mate. Males can also distinguish this body odor signal. So, not only can men and women distinguish among genetically distinct, self versus non-self odors, they actually prefer the scent of non-self (or genetic diversity) [7, 8].

There is even research suggesting that certain physical characteristics are sexy because they are tied to a better odor or pheromone profile, and therefore represent a healthier mate [9].

For example, higher testosterone levels can promote the development of a stronger, more prominent male jaw, which is generally seen by females as an attractive trait. An individual with higher T levels would, of course, secrete more of that hormone and have greater production of pheromones and certain body odors.

Similarly, curvy hips and a small waist (i.e. a higher waist-to-hip ratio) are generally attractive traits in women; the attractiveness of these traits could be tied to the hormone (and pheromone) profiles that accompany them.

While no individual study yet provides a definitive answer to the question of how and why we use pheromone signals, the research does strongly suggest that humans rely on odors and pheromones in numerous, unseen ways.

With time and a great deal of work, however, there is little doubt well one day be able to translate this complex and fascinating language of human scent.


1. Juette A. Weibliche pheromone Wirkung und Rolle von synthetischen Kopulinen bei der versteckten Ovulation des Menschen. Diplomarbeit an der University Wien; 1995.

2. Berliner DL, Monti-Bloch L, Jennings-White, C, Diaz-Sanchez V. Functionality of the human vomeronasal organ (VNO): Evidence for steroid receptors. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1996; 58:25965.

3. Stern K, McClintock MK. Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones. Nature 1998; 392:1779.

4. Preti G, Wysocki CJ, Barnhart K, Sonheimer SJ, Leyden JJ. Male axillary extracts effect lutenizing hormone (LH) pulsing in female recipients. Poster presentation at the 23rd Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting; 2001.

5. 54 Cowley JJ, Brooksbank BWL. Human exposure to putative pheromones and changes in aspects of social behavior. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1991; 39:64759.

6. Rikowski A, Grammer K. Human body odour, symmetry and attractiveness. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1999; 266:86974.

7. Wedekind C, Furi S. Body odor preferences in men and women: do they aim for specific MHC combinations or simply heterozygosity? Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1997; 264:1471-9.

8. Milinski M, Wedekind C. Evidence for MHC-correlated perfume preferences in humans Behavioral Ecology 2001; 12:140-149.

9. Kohl JV, Atzmueller M, Fink B, Grammer K. Human pheromones: Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Ethology. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2001; 22:309-32.

Survey/Contest time!


Just practicing!
A couple of issues back the Phero News survey inquired about the problem of shyness and its cure. What we ended up with, however, was pretty vague in terms of actualization. eg: “You need to improve your self image” etc. What I would like to get at this month is this: What simple step forward can I take today? Where can I go? (mall, bar, church, library, EST seminar???) Who sort of person can I strike up a conversation with? (sales staff, psychotherapist, fellow shopper???) What immediate or short-term goal can I hope to achieve? (pleasant conversation, acceptance of some sort???) How many ego bumps and bruises should I be prepared to endure before starting out on this journey? (get rejected a few times, but then end up with someone who is really glad I showed up???) Paint us a picture….

What practical course of action can you recommend to others seeking to overcome shyness about meeting new people? Is there anything that has worked for you, that you would like to pass on to others? Now is your chance.


Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at
the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each

Send your completed survey to:

Pheromone News December, 2001 Comments Off on Pheromone News December, 2001

December, 2001
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Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,
I hope you are all enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday season. I am about to put up our enormous string of Christmas lights again this year. We live on the top of a large hill (small mountain) on the outskirts of town and you can see our home from the window of most skyscrapers downtown. Small house; lotta lights. In Japan, it is like putting a neon sign on your house that says: “foreigners live here, give us a wide berth” but what the heck. Tis the season to be jolly, and of course…..
Don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:
Dale Andrews
pheromone Research News <>

IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: pheromones 101
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


There were only two winners this month, due to the light turn out. I don’t have the names yet, but I will contact them by e-mail later today.
Thanks for sending in a survey!
Winners each receive their choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) up to $30 in value!
Male Responses:

1. Imagine you have just walked into a party and don’t recognize a soul. How would you feel and what would you do?

-> I would probably feel a little out of place. I’m not really the kind of guy to start talking to someone off the bat. Usually people come up to me – I suppose that makes things easy. Unlike most people I feel content and secure sitting on a chair until something happens. If I have the urge to talk to somebody, I may just do so.
-> Absolutely uncomfortable, I would be in an awkward situation. IMHO the 1st thing to do is to drink a lot
-> Find the first person that wasn’t in the middle of a conversation and strike up a conversation. work my way through the crowd.
-> I take a deep breath and let my intuition send me in the right direction. I ask myself some important guiding questions like: Who looks fun and interesting? With what person(s) will I have the MOST fun?
-> I would be very uncomfortable until I made some kind of contact with someone that I could relate to or felt comfortable with, and vice versa. So I would look around, begin deciding who I want to talk to and begin introducing myself to people, looking for common ground.
-> I would feel a bit nervous but yet confident, I would smile and circulate around the room being as friendly as possible. When I feel this way I find that striking up a conversation about anything positive usually blends me into just about any situation.
-> I would feel uncomfortable, but I would gravitate towards the food and drinks area and hope to strike up a conversation with someone, preferably a beautiful young woman.
-> I would feel kind of isolated, but determined to have fun. First, don`t look out of place – grab a drink. Then slowly cruise around, check out the crowd for someone who might be in the same predicament as me and strike up a conversation.

2. Do you typically:
a) Have a very wide circle of friends from all walks of life;
b) Have a few very close friends; or
c) Find it difficult to make friends and perhaps keep to yourself more than you should?

Mainly responses for B) here, but for variety:
-> between A) and B). I have many acquaintances, and few very close friends.
-> A) yet I would say “large circle of acquaintances” and a few good friends.
-> B) and part of C): I have a few close friends, so I keep to myself a lot.
-> C) I have a large number of good acquaintances, a small number of closer friends, but not really any “intimate” friends. I guess I’m not very comfortable opening myself up that much.
-> B) Close friends are hard to come by, and although it`s not that hard to talk to people, the more friends you have, the harder it is to be personal or intimate with any of them. The thinner you spread yourself, the less self you have.

3. Do you ever feel that shyness has been a barrier in your life? How so, and to what extent?

-> Shyness – yes, a barrier indeed. I don’t ask girls out. I feel confident that if I did ask, my offer would be accepted, but I just don’t care enough. I feel this is a result of feeling shy in this situation in the past.
-> Of course. When I was younger, I was afraid of crowded places such as gyms, schools, etc. Shyness has been a big barrier when I had to talk to beautiful girls, but fighting sports helped me a lot.
-> Shyness has made my world alot smaller than i would like. fear of rejection has led to my avoiding situations that seem too risky and it’s probably my loss.
-> I had to learn to be able to interact better with people because most people mis-understood my shyness for being arrogant.
-> Shyness has been a barrier in my life when I was younger. There were a lot of opportunities, business and personal that I let go by because of it.
-> Yes, Shyness has sometimes miscast me in a negative light to people because I to them appeared to be “stuck up” and distant on a first encounter when in reality it was due to shyness.
-> Yes, shyness has been a bit of a barrier in my life due to my lack of self confidence at times, but to the extent where I know that if I was to be more assertive I would have more self satisfaction in the outcome.
-> Yes, there have been a hundred times when I know someone really liked me, but I was too timid in responding.
-> Yes, when I was younger 16-18 I saw an incredible woman that I still think
about. She is probably my soul mate or I was to chicken to talk to her to find out she isn’t. either way don’t pass on the chance it could haunt you. I’m 34 now and still have an undying love for this angel.
-> I was EXTREMELY shy when I was a teenager, and IF I could get up the nerve to talk I would get uptight trying to think of the right things to say instead of just relaxing and being natural. So I either didn`t try hard enough, or I tried TOO hard. Neither is good for a healthy sex life.

4. Is shyness something that can be overcome? If so, how?

-> There are still times when I think, “I could NEVER talk to HER!”, but for the most part I have come to my senses. Shyness is just THINKING that you are not good enough, or cute enough, or whatever. Sure, everyone thinks to themselves about their faults – too fat, too skinny, big nose, ect…- and that slows them down. But look around!! Everyone else has faults too!!! Maybe not physical. I was loudly shot down in a bar by a great looking woman once. At the time, I was still kind of shy, and she made me want to hide in the corner for a while. A friend (not a close one) came over and told me not to worry about it, because “she was just a bitch at heart”. So I paid a little more attention to how she acted to people around her. He was right. In just a couple of minutes I came to the conclusion that the highly embarrassing situation was not due to MY faults, but hers, and that I shouldn`t be embarrassed at all. I looked around, picked out a girl at random and sat down n! ext to her. She gave me a surprised look as she was drinking, and I said, “You`re not going to yell at me too, are you?”. She laughed and almost spit her drink. I wound up taking her home that night.
This was a big turning point for me.
-> There are may different ways to defeat the shyness: hypnosis, yoga, reiki, placebo, autogenous training, and so forth. I’ve achieved trust in my potentialities and become self-confident by learning boxing.
-> I believe so. by forcing oneself to make the first move in conversation, and realize that it is painless, and others appreciate the effort being made, not always having to be the one doing the ice breaking.
-> I read and studied everything from Dale Carnegie, Eric Weber to Hypnosis, Speed Seduction, Essential-skills, NLP. I used this to continue to become the best ME possible. This has all made a TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENT in all aspects of my life.
-> Yes. Now I make it a point to speak to people and start conversations. Where ever I am, in the store, the bank, anywhere I am around or having any interaction, however perfunctory. This is a lot more fun in general and puts me and them at ease.
-> No,I don’t think that shyness can be overcome.
-> Yes, just ignore the feeling and plunge in. Traveling is a great way to overcome shyness. There’s no one to hide behind.
-> Yes, shyness can be overcome to a great extent! As a person matures and becomes more comfortable with him/herself, he/she almost automatically becomes more comfortable around others.

Female Responses:

1. Imagine you have just walked into a party and don’t recognize a soul. How would you feel and what would you do?

-> I’d wander around, possibly even introduce myself into an interesting conversation. If one of those I spoke to really got my attention in some way, I would be likely to begin flirting with him.
-> I would feel a little self-conscious, but I would grab a drink, look for someone else flying solo, and try to strike up a conversation. If no one seemed interested or interesting I’d leave.
-> Make eye contact with someone or several someone’s who seem “interesting” (which could mean anything) and smile…..see response and circulate….striking up a conversation.
-> My initial reaction is unease–am I in the right place, at the right time, on the right date? If all those things are OK, I would look around the room for an animated group discussion and join them.
-> I would probably head for the hostess and help her until more familiar people arrive.
-> I would feel anxious at first, and probably would feel a moment of blind panic. Talking myself into moving would take a few moments. All the time I would struggle to get it together, my eyes would be scanning the room, looking for the least threatening feeling people.
-> I would feel a little bit uncomfortable, but I would strike up a conversation with someone until I felt more at ease.
-> I’m always intimidated by parties where I don’t know a soul. Usually the first thing I do is head for the buffet and or bar. This gives you something to do with your hands, other than just wandering around looking shy or nervous and also increases the chances of meeting people who are headed in that direction anyway.
-> I would feel frightened of the unknown but once I was there awhile I would become a little comfortable with the surroundings if it was a friendly atmosphere.
-> Would look around and search for a friendly face, smiling, with a glass in my hand, to sip a drink helps find the adequate answers. would approach starting a banal, informal social conversation.

2. Do you typically:
a) Have a very wide circle of friends from all walks of life;
b) Have a few very close friends; or
c) Find it difficult to make friends and perhaps keep to yourself more than you should?

Mainly responses for A) and B) here, but again for variety:
-> C) I’m a private person, and I value that privacy. I don’t get out much, although I should, being single. I just seem to prefer quiet pursuits,
-> A) I have a wide circle of friends from all walks of life, the more the merrier.
-> A) Only because I had a public job for local government for many years, and was exposed to many different kinds of people.
-> A healthy mixture of B) and C).
-> B) I do, in fact have a very few close friends.
-> A) and B): I have a few close friends from all walks of life. It makes for better conversations at gatherings.

3. Do you ever feel that shyness has been a barrier in your life? How so, and to what extent?

-> Oh, yes! I am not generally the outgoing type, and don’t seem to make those friendships that would open up a lot of opportunities for excitement.
-> I am definitely not shy and so i don’t think it;s ever been a barrier, however I could see how it would be.
-> In the past, I have missed out on meeting and conversing with some very knowledgeable, friendly, helpful people and seeing some interesting places and situation due to shyness.
-> I use to be shy as a child, but as with life I outgrew the fear of shyness to an extent. I will usually strike up a conversation with a female at a party then will start talking to a male.
-> Sometimes, especially where I’m meeting new people in social situations. I am fine when it comes to work groups, but in party situations, especially if I don’t know anyone, it’s hard to make the first move.
-> Shyness or fear hasn’t been a barrier in my life it has kept me from trouble at times.
-> No matter that shyness has been in me, I always face reality, and when I had to act, I did it with confidence disguising my ….. trembling.
-> I guess sometimes when you wished you said something, but didn’t because of shyness, and then afterwards you wished you had just said it.

4. Is shyness something that can be overcome? If so, how?

-> Yes shyness can be overcome. I think it has a lot to do with self-image and self confidence. Once I started listing my positive attributes and analyzing my negative ones, so I could adjust them if possible, I found I was a lot more self confident and less shy.
->Yes, I believe so. The trick is to remember that many people are shy too. They have fears, worries and concerns just like you. Just try talking to them and listen to what they have to say. Keep in mind that everyone you meet has a story to tell, and something to share.
-> Oddly enough, I have managed to overcome my shyness, and not always with a few drinks, either! If a friend introduces me to someone new, and I get the chance to meet and talk with this new person, before I know it, they are no longer a stranger, but a friend. At that point, the shy problem just kind of vanishes.
-> I think that by hanging out with people who aren’t shy and don’t try to steal the spot light all the time help to overcome some amount of shyness.
-> PRACTICE and getting out there more…it is better to wear out than rust out!
-> Yes, but the person has to be willing to relax around strangers, although still keeping their guard up. If you see a person you like at a party, then walk up as if your going to speak to them and accidentally, gently bump your shoulder into theirs.
-> Shyness is something that can be overcome with forcing yourself to be social and go out more.
-> Yes. Self-confidence, wearing a “chic” outfit, elegant shoes and matching purse, cool, serene, staying in control of your emotions, and never forgetting to use a feminine, penetrating, expensive perfume, to remind you that you are an unique woman.
-> Yes, just do something you are afraid to do. Maybe raise your hand and answer a question in class. and after you see that it’s not so bad, you can try something that seems harder for you.

pheromone Q & A

Q: After wearing New pheromone Additive with CK One for about two weeks, I can’t smell the pheromones as strongly as I used to. Am I just getting used to the smell? At first, I thought the smell was quite strong with even one spray after the CK One wore off, and the pheromones gave me a buzz. However, even with two sprays now, I don’t notice the smell or the buzz too much. Is this normal, or is my mix deteriorating? I shake it up well before each spray.

A: I like to take a “day of rest” from bottled pheromones once a week, at least. It gives your system a chance to reset its natural pheromones.

If you’re wondering whether your mixture has too much of a pheromone scent or not enough, you can ask a friend to take a sniff for you. Your nose has probably just become used to the scent. pheromones have a very elusive scent that fully one out of four males cannot detect at all. Personally, I sometimes find myself getting a “buzz” just REMEMBERING the smell of androstenone, and I don’t like to be smelling it 24 hours a day. I used to have some leaky bottles of potent samples near my desk and one day I decided to pack them all away, because I felt I was getting desensitized to it. When I paid a visit to the warehouse this summer, the smell knocked me over and the women working there said they didn’t smell anything at all. Nonetheless, we packed up all the leaky bottles and put them away where you couldn’t smell them.

In a way, I think pheromones are similar to vitamins or herbs. You want to take a break from them to keep from becoming desensitized.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!
All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.



pheromones 101:
A Starters Guide to pheromone Science

For many people, the human sciences are a fascinating but somewhat murky realm, filled with complex terms and indecipherable jargon. Some of the words might sound familiar from that early morning Biology class you snoozed through, but generally speaking it’s a dry and technical area unless you happen to have a background in biology or chemistry.

Still, if you’re like most of us, you also have a great deal of curiosity about human sexuality. And if you’re reading this, it’s clear that you’re also curious about human pheromones and the role they play in our sexual and reproductive behavior. Maybe you’ve seen some of the marketing hype that claims human pheromones are the “ultimate aphrodisiac.” Or, maybe you stumbled upon an article in some scientific journal that was so dense with “science speak” it was like reading a foreign language.

If you want to know some of the basics about human pheromones, then read on! The following article will provide a glimpse into this relatively new science.

What are pheromones?
The term “pheromone” was coined by researchers in the 1950s and comes from the ancient Greek words pherein (to carry) and hormon (to excite). pheromones can be thought of as chemical “messengers” that have the potential to evoke responses in others of the same species. Female rats, for example, will raise their rumps in a mating posture upon catching a whiff of a pheromone from the male of the species.

For a long time, scientists and the general public believed that humans were so highly evolved that there was no longer any such thing as a human pheromone. Much of the reasoning was centered on the argument that humans didn’t posses a specialized organ in the nose – the vomeronasal organ (VNO) – that acts as a pheromone detector in most mammals. However, by the 1990s researchers had found that humans do indeed possess a VNO, and more recent research has shown that the organ will respond to tiny amounts of pheromone (or pheromone-like) substances [1].

While scientists still haven’t shown that the human VNO is fully functional (i.e. connected to the brain) there is evidence to suggest that the normal sense of smell can pick up chemical signals. Whether the communication happens through our normal sense of smell or the VNO, one thing is clear: our body odors can unconsciously affect others. Numerous studies have shown that the chemical substances (in sweat and other odorous bodily secretions) can affect the behavior and hormone levels of people around us. Female pheromones, for example, can regulate ovulation in other women [2], and chemicals produced in male sweat can influence the mood and hormone levels of females [3].

It still isn’t known just how many pheromones are produced by humans, but most studies have focused on two chemicals – androstenone and androstenol. Androstenone is characterized by its somewhat urinous scent and androstenol has a specific musky odor. These odorous substances are only produced by sexually mature humans and are found in greater concentration in males. Interestingly, these same chemicals are found in other species including swine.

Do pheromones affect us?
While there is plenty of evidence to suggest that pheromones do affect our social and reproductive behavior, the exact role of these chemical signals is something that remains elusive.

In most studies, androstenol has generally caused females to see males as more attractive. One team of researchers gave 38 men and 38 women a necklace with a pendant containing androstenol, which they wore while sleeping. The next morning, the subjects’ social interactions were measured and it was found that women wearing the necklace had much more intensive contact with men [4].

In another study, volunteers were asked to rate photographs of men and women. Volunteers who were under the influence of androstenol rated the photos of women as sexier and more attractive, and rated the photos of men as warmer and friendlier [5].

Androstenone’s effects are somewhat more difficult to understand. Researchers took a group of male and female volunteers and exposed them to androstenone. The men and women were shown a photograph of a male and then asked for their thoughts. Women reported their own mood to be less “sexy” when exposed to the chemical; men, on the other hand, thought the male in the photo was “passive” or they reacted favorably, if they liked the smell of androstenone [6].

A clue may be the fact that women can react differently to both androstenol and androstenone on different days of their menstrual cycle [7]. One theory is that the two substances are a signaling system. In one study, female volunteers who were ovulating actually rated the smell of androstenone as more pleasant, compared to other days of their cycle. There seems to be a change in the emotional evaluation of males, triggered by the reaction to androstenone [8].

Further complicating the issue is the fact that the sexy androstenol will quickly oxidize to produce smelly androstenone [9]. However, one possibility is that androstenone evolved to become a passive “ovulation radar” to detect ovulating females. In other words, females would be friendlier – despite sniffing the androstenone – when they’re ovulating [10].

Fortunately, the role of other human pheromones is somewhat clearer. For instance, vaginal secretions, known as copulins, have been shown to increase male testosterone levels; in fact, the copulins produced during ovulation can boost male testosterone by 150 per cent. Copulins may have evolved to make a female’s attractiveness less important for males [11].

Still a new science
There is still much to learn about the role of pheromones and odor in human behavior and sexuality. Why, when we have such a detailed knowledge about other areas, is this particular field still lagging?

One answer is that there has been something of a stigma attached to “sex research.” In fact, some researchers claim that despite its prevalence in modern advertising, sex is still a dirty word when it comes to research. Policy makers or funding groups may shy away from supporting research that deals with sexual subject matter, for fear of being seen as supporting promiscuity or nontraditional sexual behaviors.

But, perhaps the real answer lies in the complexity of the human animal and the difficulty in measuring our behavior. It isn’t as simple or easy to measure human behavior as it might be to measure the actions or reactions of a moth or rodent.

It should come as no surprise, however, that scientists are catching up. And with an increasing number of researchers working to unravel the mysteries of human odor and pheromones, perhaps one day soon we’ll know just what our bodies are trying to say.


1. Monti-Bloch L, Grosser BI. Effect of putative pheromones on the electrical activity of the human vomeronasal organ and olfactory epithelium. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1991; 39:573-82.

2. Stern K, McClintock MK. Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones. Nature 1998; 392:177-9.

3. Preti G, Wysocki CJ, Barnhart K, Sonheimer SJ, Leyden JJ. Male axillary extracts effect lutenizing hormone (LH) pulsing in female recipients. Poster presentation at the 23rd Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting; 2001.

4. Cowley JJ, Brooksbank BWL. Human exposure to putative pheromones and changes in aspects of social behavior. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1991; 39:647-59.

5. Kirk-Smith M, Booth DA, Carroll D, Davies P. Human social attitudes affected by androstenol. Res Comm Psychol Psychiat Behav 1978; 3:379-84.

6. a. Filsinger EE, Braun JJ, Monte WC, Linder DE. Human (Homo sapiens) responses to the pig (Sus scrofa) sex pheromone 5 alpha-androst-16-en-3-one. J Comp Psychol 1984; 98:219-22.
�� b. Filsinger EE, Braun JJ, Monte WC. Sex differences in response to the odor of alpha androstenone. Percept Mot Skills 1990; 70:216-8.

7. Maiworm RE. Influence of androstenone, androstenol, menstrual cycle, and oral contraceptives on the attractivity ratings of female probands. Paper presented at the Ninth Congress of ECRO; 1990.

8. Grammer K. 5 alpha-androst-16-en-3-one: A Male pheromone? A Brief Report. Ethol Sociobiol 1993; 14:201-8.

9. Labows JN, Preti G, Hoelzle E, Leyden E, Kligman A. Steroid analysis of human apocrine secretion. Steroids 1979; 34:249-58.

10. Kohl JV, Atzmueller M, Fink B, Grammer K. Human pheromones: Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Ethology. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2001; 22:309-32.

11. J�tte A. Female Attractiveness and Copulins. In (Eds.) M. Taborsky & B. Taborsky. Advances in Ethology 32, Supplements to Ethology. Contributions to the XXV International Ethological Conference, Vienna, Austria, 20-27 August, 1997. p.49.

12. Sankaran N. SEX: Still A Bad Word For Some People. The Scientist 1994; 6:15-21

Survey/Contest time!


At the bar sits a stunningly beautiful woman. Her curvaceous body is draped fashionably in some expensive designer outfit, her hair and makeup are flawless, and it’s easy to see that she knows just how good she looks. After a few minutes, one nervous but well-meaning guy – not so fashionably dressed and not exactly a lady killer, either – walks timidly over and stammers out an introduction.

What happens next? If you’ve seen a movie or television show in the last few decades, you might expect “Mr. Everyman” to receive a drink in the face, a good slap, or some other humiliating treatment at the hands of “The Ice Queen.”

Welcome to the world of popular stereotypes, courtesy of our good friends in Hollywood.

They’re the same people who have introduced you to “The Heartbreaker Jock” and “The Persistent Nerd,” not to mention “The Popular Girl With Real Values” and her “Evil Yet Sexy Best Friend.” You remember them: The Nerd persistently chases the Popular Girl and endures ridicule and harassment from the Jock (the Popular Girl’s boyfriend, but he’s sleeping with the Evil Girl on the side). Of course, the nerd eventually wins the popular girl’s heart. The jock and evil girl end up with each other (because we all know they deserve each other’s misery).

Real life isn’t so cut and dried, but in the world of mating and dating it seems that people can still sometimes resort to these pop culture stereotypes. For men, it could mean avoiding that stunner at the bar, when in reality she’s dying to meet someone like you. For women, it could mean avoiding that football player when in reality he’s an old-fashioned guy who is saving himself for marriage.

This month, we’re asking about popular stereotypes and their effect upon your own life and relationships.


1. Have you ever been “typecast” or quickly judged because you fall into a certain stereotype? How so?

2. Have you ever avoided getting to know someone of the opposite sex, because something about them triggered a negative movie or television image? (If your answer is ‘yes,’ please provide a description!)

3. a. Men: How could women avoid some of the negative stereotypes that cause you to shy away?
�� b. Women: What could men say or do to make you want to look beyond a bad first impression?


Send your answer to: <>
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at
the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each
month. Last time there were 2 winners and 100 completed surveys, which gave entrants a 1:50 chance of winning!

Once again, send your completed survey to: <>

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Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:


pheromone Chemistry Sets
Long-time users of pheromone products have sometimes wished they could concoct their own formulas. Now, from Stone Labs, comes the pheromone Chemistry Set. The sets contain 3 mg each of very high quality androstenone, androstenol and androsterone, along with all of the mixing and measuring accessories to unleash your inner mad scientist! Also available: Single 10 mg bottles of androstenone, androstenol and androsterone. Please note: These products are intended for those already familiar with pheromone products. New users are encouraged to start with Love-Scent’s extensive line of commercial, pre-formulated pheromone products.

Available online at:
Or by phone at:
(800) 662-8633

User Corner

Last night, even though I’m not a strip club person, I took my Alter Ego to a local strip joint. I was bored, had a few bills in my pocket, and decided that I needed to test my AE on multiple women.

The dancers were amazingly aggressive. In fact, one turned to me and wondered out loud why she was feeling so aggressive. I asked her how she would rate her normal level of aggressiveness, and on a scale of one to 10, she said her normal level was about one. Tonight, for some odd reason, she said that she was behaving at level nine.

Believe me, she wasn’t kidding. Before long she was kissing me in the exact spots I put the AE. She wasn’t the only dancer affected either. Three or four other dancers had difficulty keeping their hands off me too.

One took four long whiffs of my neck, and later told me that the moment of the first time she passed me, she thought “Whoa!” Another told me she thought I smelled like a “man,” and cuddled up to me a few times, even after she knew I was too broke for a VIP dance. She was a cute little Mariah look-alike.

The meat rack was awesome. Girl after girl started kissing me on the AE.

The short girl, who sniffed me four times, kept telling me how picky she was, but that I could have a VIP dance anytime.



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Pheromone News November, 2001 Comments Off on Pheromone News November, 2001

November, 2001
Letter from the Prez:

Dear Readers,

Hope you are well.� Again this past month I have been almost daily reminded of the power of love and its outward expressions of kindness and a warm smile; and conversely the danger of harboring those inner terrorists of ill will and self doubt.� Let us form a coalition of brave souls determined to bring peace to the world, and move forward to defeat our common enemy hatred with the sword of love.
Once again I beg of you:
Don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:
Dale Andrews
pheromone Research News <>

Advertisement, the pheromone superstore!

pheromone Chemistry Sets (new!), The Edge, Primal Instinct (now in women’s version too!), Xcite wipes, Pheromol Factor, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, IR fragrances and essential oils, Lure, Yes, Realm by Erox, Stone Research Lab products, and Alexander Institute instruction videos.

FREE!!!!!!�� with every order containing Edge, Primal Instinct or Andro 4.2:
Bottle of the new IR essential oil/androstenol additives������ FREE!!!!!!

***100% money-back guarantee!***

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS

IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Women and pheromones
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


There were only 75 responses to last month’s survey!!!!�� Giving us two winners, who are:

“Fox” and Pocomas

They will each receive their choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) up to $30 in value!
“Clothing and Sexuality”

**Selected Highlights**


1. If appropriateness isn’t an issue (pretend you’re at a Halloween party), what are the three sexiest looks?�

– the “traditional” “French Maid” costume. Short and silky and somewhat revealing.
– Clean and natural�
– cosmopolitan feminine�
– high fashion provocative
– Blue jeans, boots and white T-shirt: I like girls who wear this stuff. I like the simple people.
– Smirfette
– 50’s poodle skirt, girl next door.�
– women in uniform.
– The basic lusty bitch look: Low Cut dresses, knee high boots, short skirt
– ancient egyptian royalty outfit
– cheerleader outfit
– the Britney Spears schoolgirl outfit
– I love the peasant girl look
– I think a black cat or a tiger is really sexy, a real turn on
– Catwoman from the Batman movie

2. When it comes to the real world, which “type” catches your eye? Again, please describe as completely as possible.

– Natural beauty – as opposed to someone who is so contrived that you don’t really know what she looks like, or who she is.� Can use make up and be trendy, but is confident of her own looks and not afraid to be seen for who she really is.
– Sport type
– Any woman that is a professional, is intelligent yet not pretentious.
– Sexy corporate outfits. Blazers with short skirts. The sexy corporate look is a combo of sexiness and chic.
– Sincerity, particularly as exhibited in body language
– Actually the low cut pants that girls wear now is pretty sexy.
– The comfortable laid back type of girl who doesn’t try to be trendy
– Very classy, elegant, well breed, quality.
– Tall, shapely, voluptuous and fairly muscular
– I prefer a natural look little or no makeup
– the ones who wear tight clothes and I can see every curve of their bodies.
– I like a girl who has a basic clothes selection, nothing special, and definitely not a girl who looks like a whore.
– I tend to go for professional and classy looking women

3. What one element of the opposite sex’s clothing or accessories has the biggest impact on their desirability?

-� fit.� clothes that fit that person’s body well (has nothing to do with tightness or how revealing) but the pleasing way the clothing (fabric, cut) actually drapes the person’s body.
– footwear
– the lack of a wedding or engagement ring!� 😉
– Tight slightly revealing clothing: short skirts, low cut, lacy, spandex or satin.
– Skirt
– Glasses
– Bra… the manner in which it displays their shape; rounded, pointy, etc.
– If the butt is accentuated well it doesn’t matter what the rest of the girl looks like. I’m game.
– pants, if they have baggy pants or dirty pants or even wrinkled pants, it’s a big turn-off
– Class.� That’s a touch of self-restraint but the resources to get the best and to make it all work together
– Jewelry…if it’s carefully and thoughtfully bought and worn smartly.� It can really compliment an already gorgeous woman.
– Clothing that fits the body well, enough to show off a wonderful body but not extremely tight.
– G-String
– Tight Jeans by far is what I like to see!

Female responses

1. If appropriateness isn’t an issue (pretend you’re at a Halloween party), what are the three sexiest looks?

– A good body to start with,(of course) then good fitting jeans, black or
blue, black or white silk shirt, top couple of buttons undone,and clean shaven.
– White jeans, plain white cotton shirt, black boots, and long black duster.
– construction worker
– a king
– a cleaned-up, Sunday-go-to-meetin’ suit and tie
– Real honest-to-goodness cowboy/farmer look
– Cowboys – I just love the rugged look.
– Zorro – The mask and cape bring so many erotic notions to mind.
– Man in Black
– Count Dracula. Tall,dark & mysterious
– Three piece suits
– Black turtleneck and khakis. I’m very into the coffeehouse intellectual look.
– caveman, the primal beast
– The Hero, a firefighter, policeman, superhero, etc. Someone to rescue me and keep me safe.
– A very sexy, yet rugged look and accent, he can take me home night after night
– Tarzan type. Nearly naked, tall, broad shouldered, powerfully built, golden and very masculine with long healthy hair.

2. When it comes to the real world, which “type” catches your eye? Again, please describe as completely as possible.

– I find men who are comfortable in their own skin the most attractive.� I don’t mean arrogant,
I simply mean unconcerned with what others think.
– Cowboys and military men. But really anyone who is sincere and honest.
– funny, intelligent, nice guys
– I most quickly notice guys who are under 5’7″, dark hair, dark eyes
– an interesting voice intrigues me every time, no matter what his looks are
– Tan pants with a shirt with a little horsey (Ralph Lauren).
– clean, casual and comfortable. If he’s trim, physically fit, and good looking, so much the better!!
– Pierce Brosnan types in jeans.
– someone who looks like they are comfortable with themselves.
– Man who wants to be “professional” but who has a bit of construction worker in him.
– The rugged type. Nice butts, tight jeans & muscles
– A goatee and funky hair. The artsy type.
– The hero.� A muscular firefighter with no reservations about helping others.��

3. What one element of the opposite sex’s clothing or accessories has the biggest impact on their desirability?

– If I see a guy with his shirt half tucked or his drawers showing above his pants I automatically think “Child.”� I want a man, not a son.
– Pants definitely. I can’t stand baggy pants, or those that hang halfway down their waist.
– a nice shirt
– A man’s well fitted jeans
– Suspenders. If they’ve got suspenders and nice pants, I’m hooked.
– clean and not all rumpled, like they take care of themselves and care about their appearance, but not all full of themselves.
– Well fitting clothes
– it would have to be their pants. There`s nothing like a nice butt in a pair of well fitting pants
– I have a thing about shirts. I’m very into nice shirts.
– It’s all about the jeans
– Cleanliness
– A killer smile is the only accessory that any need

[there were a lot of responses for the jeans look]


pheromone Q & A

Q:���� I just saw on the news that the United States Postal Service is planning to irradiate mail as a means of killing bacteria. What impact might this have on pheromone products?

A:���� According to manufacturers of pheromone products, irradiation will not damage or degrade the pheromones in any way.

In fact, it might actually help the longevity. pheromones are originally produced (in nature) by bacteria working on excreted hormone by-products, but presumably it is also via bacteria that they are further transformed into less desirable scent signals like body odor.

The real enemy of pheromones is heat, and they can be damaged by temperatures above 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

If irradiation treatment is a practical way to end the fear of anthrax attacks, I am all for it.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!�
All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.



The Role of pheromones and Scent in Female Sexuality

Ever wonder if women and men really differ when it comes to their sense of smell? Your local department store just might yield a big clue.

The women’s fragrance section – large and well-stocked with designer perfumes, oils and hundreds of other scented items – is usually busy with women happily sniffing products and spraying samples onto wrists or small, white cards.

The men’s fragrance section – not as large but nonetheless well-stocked with colognes and aftershave scents – will often by busy with women happily sniffing products and spraying more samples. If you’re lucky, you might spot a man or two. He’ll be there with a woman.

While the above example is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and men do in fact visit fragrance counters of their own volition, it still highlights the fact that women have traditionally been more aware of the scents surrounding themselves.

Is there any scientific reason women are more concerned with scents and odors? Research does in fact suggest that women do have a better sense of smell than men.

In one 1999 study, researchers from the Monell Chemical Senses Center wanted to determine whether humans could communicate by scent. The researchers collected underarm odors from volunteers who were watching either funny movies or scary films, and discovered that people could actually detect the smell of happiness or fear (most volunteers claimed they couldn’t smell a thing, but the guesses were quite accurate).

Interesting, the researchers discovered that the most accurate “guesses” came from women asked to identify the scent of male fear. More than three-quarters of the women volunteers, and approximately half the men, could pick out this male fear odor. Furthermore, over half of the women could pick out the scent of happy males; the males, however, couldn’t identify the scent of female fear (or for that matter, the scent of happy males).

Earlier, in 1996, the Monell Center more directly addressed the question of gender and the sense of smell. In a newsletter article called “Genes, Gender, Generation: Why are certain odors pleasurable to some and unpleasant to others,” the writers noted that females are better at identifying odors.

“When men and women are tested, females find pleasant odors to be more pleasant and unpleasant odors to be more unpleasant. Females also have lower thresholds for many odorants, and they generally rate the intensity of an odor higher than do men,” state the Monell researchers.

As an interesting side note, the article also relates that in the not-so-distant past, it was thought that females were better at sniffing scents because of their greater involvement with meal preparation. However, differences in responsiveness to odors have been noted in newborns – before infants of either sex have done any cooking.

Cause and effect
Almost any women will tell you that her sense of smell varies during the course of her menstrual cycle. A woman’s ability to smell during ovulation is believed to be more than 1000 times greater than during the time of menstruation, according to one study appearing in the November, 1996 issue of Nutrition Science News. And as they age, women become less sensitive to odors – notably the musky male scent produced by testosterone.

As early as the 1970s, researchers have noted that women living in close quarters, such as college dorms, would develop synchronized menstrual cycles. In 1998, researchers Stern and McClintock published a report in the journal Nature showing that female odors, or pheromones, have a regulating effect on the cycles of nearby women.

Additional research, including studies by the Athena Institute’s Winifred Cutler, also found that male pheromones have beneficial effects upon the menstrual cycles of women. According to the Athena Institute, women having regular weekly sexual relations with men enjoyed the benefits of regulated and optimized menstrual cycles and fertility. She asserts that the effect is from contact with male pheromones contained in sweat, saliva or semen.

Other research has also shown that female vaginal secretions can have effects on human males. In other words, the vaginal odors, known as copulins, have the properties of a pheromone.

Astrid Jutte, at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethnology in Vienna, has published research on the effect of copulins. She found that copulins produced during ovulation could increase male testosterone levels (measured in saliva) by 150 per cent. In general, the odor of copulins (despite it’s somewhat unpleasant character) caused men to perceive women as more attractive. For this reason, Jutte theorized that copulins do indeed act as a pheromone. She also noted that copulins seem to make a female’s optical attractiveness less important for males. Also, the less attractive a woman, the more she gains through the additional information she sends to a man via her natural scent.

Fragrance aisle of the future?
Today, more companies than ever are researching and producing pheromone scents or perfume additives designed to make women more attractive to the opposite sex. But perhaps just as importantly, there are companies already developing pheromone-based products that could benefit women in other ways.�

Pherin Pharmaceuticals, of Mountain View, California, is developing a nasal spray containing a proprietary pheromone-like compound that could alleviate PMS symptoms. (Editor’s note: One of Pherin’s founders is David Berliner, who was previously associated with the development of the popular Realm line of pheromone-laced colognes).

A Canadian company, pheromone Sciences Corp., has taken a different approach by purifying female human sweat. One of the isolated compounds, called Synchronin, has shown promise and appears to regulate the length and timing of menstrual cycles. Female menstrual cycles were induced within one week of exposure to a single dose of Synchronin. Besides pursuing the therapeutic development of the compound, the company has also used its discovery to develop the Fertility Monitor (TM), a wearable device designed to predict ovulation in healthy women. What’s more, the Synchronin compound is also showing promise as a way of enhancing the male libido and may one day provide an alternative to drugs like Viagra.

With ongoing research into the role of scents and pheromones, one can imagine a time in the not-too-distant future when the olfactory system is recognized as one of the most important human senses. When that time comes, it is also easy to imagine the numerous ways in which women’s lives could be improved, all thanks to those super sensitive noses.

Survey/Contest time!


Across the room, you spot the man or woman of your dreams. A perfect ’10’ who is everything you have ever wanted, and more.

Do you immediately make eye contact and smile, hopeful that he or she will find you just as attractive? Or do you suddenly develop the jitters and turn into someone who could – at that particular moment – barely manage to squeak out a coherent word?

Many of us have experienced shyness at one time or another. For some people, it’s a matter of feeling shy in certain situations, yet completely outgoing in others. Shyness can be just a slight hesitation that is easily overcome; or, at the other end of the spectrum, shyness can be an almost insurmountable barrier that brings everything from sweaty palms to full-blown panic attacks.

This month, we want to know how you see yourself.�


1. Imagine you have just walked into a party and don’t recognize a soul. How would you feel and what would you do? (Please be as descriptive as possible!)

2. Do you typically:
����� a) Have a very wide circle of friends from all walks of life;
����� b) Have a few very close friends; or
����� c) Find it difficult to make friends and perhaps keep to yourself more than you should?

3. Do you ever feel that shyness has been a barrier in your life? How so, and to what extent?

4. Is shyness something that can be overcome? If so, how?


Send your answer to: <>
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at
the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each
month. Last time there were 2 winners and only 75 completed surveys, which gave entrants a 1 in 37 chance of winning!

Once again, send your completed survey to: <>

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:


pheromone Chemistry Sets
Long-time users of pheromone products have sometimes wished they could concoct their own formulas. Now, from Stone Labs, comes the pheromone Chemistry Set. The sets contain 3 mg each of very high quality androstenone, androstenol and androsterone, along with all of the mixing and measuring accessories to unleash your inner mad scientist! Also available: Single 10 mg bottles of androstenone, androstenol and androsterone. Please note: These products are intended for those already familiar with pheromone products. New users are encouraged to start with Love-Scent’s extensive line of commercial, pre-formulated pheromone products.

Available online at:
Or by phone at:
(800) 662-8633

User Corner

I have owned two types of men’s pheromone colognes: Primal Instinct and Yes pheromone. My friends and I have done our little “studies” with the both of them.

My friend was wearing Yes at school one day. He came to my house afterwards and told me that a young lady with a locker next to his was putting her books away. She stood up, looked at him with a deep smile, and immediately gave him a very tight hug that lasted about five seconds! He tried to hug her back, but she had wrapped her arms around his, and he couldn’t move!!! He barely knew this girl! He had politely asked her what that was for, she said that she didn’t know, and she couldn’t help it!!!

I decided to give it a try with my girlfriend. I wore it to her parents house when they had some friends over. I walked into their house, and went upstairs to the living room. My girlfriend always hugs me, but her younger sister usually doesn’t. They both had hugged me at the same time. After that, it was like they wanted to touch me. Her younger sister grabbed my arm and held onto it while I was talking to my girlfriend; which at the time kept putting her hands on my chest and holding my other arm!!! Now this, I think, is hilarious!!! I love pheromone colognes for this. My girlfriend’s mother is a very mean, hard to impress kind of lady. She’s attractive though. Well I went downstairs and said hi to her, and she gave me a hug. This is normal. She always gives me a hug. But what was so awesome about it was that she hugged tight, and longer than usual!!! She smelled my neck and complimented my choice in cologne. Now what I think is so awesome about this is that it seemed like I had an edge above her, like I caught her attention: Which is very hard to do, believe me.

I wore Primal Instinct to the same house at a different time. My girlfriend and her sister had a different response to Primal. Yes made them want to grab me and talk to me, but Primal made them almost look like they were in awe of me. The way they looked at me was like they were intrigued. Almost like they were waiting for me to speak. When their mother hugged me, she paused; almost like she was saying “What is it about him, he’s so manly,” and she hugged for 20 SECONDS, NO KIDDING!!!!! I have no doubt that pheromones work, but each kind works in a different way.

Hope you enjoyed,


Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included.
Original material is copyright protected.

Send articles or personal stories to: <>
Back issues and sign up located at:

Pheromone News October, 2001 Comments Off on Pheromone News October, 2001

October, 2001


Letter from the Prez:


Hello Readers,


I would like to start again with a big thank you to readers from around the world who have written in with their condolences and support in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in the US, and add to them my own feelings of love and concern to anyone anywhere in the world experiencing the reverberations of the chain reaction of violence.� Let us all pray together for a speedy resolution and a new and lasting peace throughout the global community.


In the days following the US attacks, we watched with tear-filled eyes how victims trapped at the top of the WTC and in hijacked airplanes phoned home for one last conversation with family members.� The message was always the same: “I love you.”�


Let’s not wait until we are trapped in a skyscraper; let’s do it now, and again tomorrow, and the day after that; let’s tell someone, better yet show someone we love them, and for God’s sake PLEASE…

Don’t forget to smile at someone today!

Bruce Boyd


Check the URL you are visiting carefully.

The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:



Dale Andrews


pheromone Research News <>




Advertisement, the pheromone superstore!


The Edge, Primal Instinct (now in women’s version too!), Xcite wipes, Pheromol Factor, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, IR fragrances and essential oils, Lure, Yes, Realm by Erox, Stone Research Lab products, and Alexander Institute instruction videos.


FREE!!!!!!�� with every order containing Edge, Primal Instinct or Andro 4.2:

Bottle of the new IR essential oil/androstenol additives������ FREE!!!!!!


***100% money-back guarantee!***


Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS




IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:


*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results

*pheromone Q and A

*Feature Article: pheromone Research Updates

*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest

*New Products

*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories







There were 200 responses to September’s survey question.� This month’s winners are:


� – Josephine Stevenson

� – Michael Prichard

� – Christina Grant

� – Thomas Wyatt



They will each receive their choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) (up to $30)






QUESTION #1:� Would you ever date someone who wears clothing you think is out of style?�

Why or why not?



�� –Males–


– Clothes don’t always make the person,� it depends on what the people are like.


– Yes, if i find that person attractive and interesting i would do so. But however during the relationship i would talk about clothing issues though not in a destructive way to hurt her feelings.


– It depends on how it looks on them regardless of the style.


– it depends on how outlandish their style.� I saw a woman in a club the other day and her hair and shoe color matched (orange).� I certainly draw the line there.


– Guys tend to check out the body as opposed to the fashion.


– Of course!� I mean, why wouldn’t I?


– I’m not too worried about the “latest style,” i prefer the “classic styles,”


– Sure, they probably care more about deeper issues than their clothing.


– I think it’s bad to date someone who obsesses too much about fashion.


– Sure I’d date someone dressing “out of style”.� Style shows me that someone is an easily led person, someone who doesn’t think for themselves.� If a woman can’t think for herself, how can I trust her to tell her friends where to go and how to get there when they tell her I’m no good.


– As long as she doesn’t make a habit of wearing too trendy clothing I would go for her if I like her.


– Yes, I would.� I believe that the clothes make a woman more attractive and appealing, but it doesn’t tell me who she is or what she is all about.


– Yes, because It depends mostly on how there personality is.


– the initial contact may not happen if I don’t like the way she is dressed


– If they present themselves in a way that infers good grooming, clothes are no concern.



��� –Females–


– I don’t think i would. At times I have been know to get embarrassed about the people I date.


– If he carries himself well and the clothes are of good quality, it doesn’t matter so much if it’s in or out of fashion at the moment.� If he doesn’t feel comfortable or he doesn’t present himself well, in fashion clothes don’t help.


– Many men just don’t put any emphasis on their clothes, but can be easily updated so don’t discount them off the bat if they’re a little off in the clothing department.


– considering all the different styles that are “in” right now, you’d have to be wearing something really out there for me to think it’s out of style.


– I hardly think that being “trendy” makes someone a better person.


– I prefer my men to be up to date on fashion and it would be a big turn off to me.


– Good disposition and obtaining goals of a person is more attractive than any clothes.


– Yes, I would date someone who wears clothing that I consider to be out of style.� I’m not really “on top” of the style world myself.� I normally go more for comfort than fashion or style


– As long as the person is clean, intelligent, thoughtful, loving and has a sense of humor, clothes don’t matter.


– If it’s too outdated, then no because style is important.


– I’d rather pick a person by what’s in their soul, not by what they are wearing.


– No, I wouldn’t date anyone with out of style clothing.� Appearance is everything and if they don’t care how they look, then why would they care what I think.


– Depends HOW out of style. If he’s still wearing hiphuggers, forget it. Same goes for punk 80’s. But if it’s just last year’s suit? Sure!


– Probably not.� I would want to be attracted to a guy I’m dating and clothes do play a part in it.


– I absolutely would date a man if his clothing was out of date, because that man may have wonderful qualities just waiting to be found!




2. What “fashion don’ts” would cause you to look away in horror and avoid eye contact at any cost? List as many as you like.


���� –Males–


– tattered, torn clothes

– gothic dress

– heavy metal dress

– If she dresses close to being naked

– six inches of makeup on a women’s face

– Poor hygiene

– What scares me most are those big winged type of glasses, the ones with rhinestones on them.

– Golf shirts, Hawaiian shirts, polyester pants.

– Baggy clothing or shape hiding clothing

– Multi-Coloured hair

– jeans hanging down below waist and under ware showing

– any clothing that makes you look like you are trying to be something you are not.

– I generally avoid women who dress like hookers.

– showing too much.� while other guys may enjoy when a girl wears something extremely revealing, it tells me that she may lack morals or be desperate.

– When woman wear way too much make up.



����� –Females–


– clashing colors

– big, loud prints

– tight clothes on large people

– clothes hanging on people like they are 10 sizes too big

– Clothes in serious need of repair or cleaning

– Really bad toupees, too much polyester, shirts unbuttoned halfway down the chest, jeans so tight that they can’t possibly be able to breathe, knee high tube socks, really, really bad shoes.

– ill-fitting clothes, be it too small or too large.

– I hate those big jeans they wear without a belt and when they bend over you can see the moon shining.

– part of man’s buttocks showing

– ripped, stained clothes

– T shirt with vulgar remarks

– cigarettes rolled in sleeves

– pastel pants that show underwear

– shoes without socks

– platform shoes

– shoe with soles loose

– black socks with shorts

– flipflops and socks

– Anything that looks like the person has dug it out of the laundry hamper for the second time, or been slept in for a week

– Polyester pants and suits.

– 20 year old clothes




QUESTION #3:� Would you ever date someone whose style was extremely different from your own?��� Why or why not?


�� –Males–


– There would be too many problems down the road.� If money was a problem it would not matter.� Bad taste may be a problem.� Bad class no chance.


– I am a firm believer in opposites attracting. If her style was different then mine it would just give me more reasons to be intrigued by her!


– Wearing clean, comfortable clothing in good condition that flatters the wearer and doesn’t look stupid is what counts.


– I would certainly do so because I am comfortable being seen and intimately interacting with people appearing very different than me.


– Bad taste may be a problem.� Bad class no chance.


– we all know that opposites attract.


– I would date someone that has different taste in style than I do, but have found that I tend to date people that have similar taste.


– Yes. I think it is what’s on the inside that counts. I look for a pleasant personality and good hygiene first.


– It’s not as much of what a person wears, it’s why they choose to wear it.


– Yes, because sometimes I am attracted to women that are different than me.


– Sure I’d date someone who’s style was very different than mine.� Style doesn’t make a person.


– I admire unique people in our society.


– I would like her to be a responsible dresser and know what goes together and looks good.


– I would, because they might b a real nice person regardless of what they like.


– I would date someone whose style was extremely different from my own, because I think it is interesting to find out why she would dress the way she does, but I don’t believe there would be the potential for a long-term relationship.


– Yes, the person inside is what you fall for.



��� –Females–


– I would tend to stay away from someone who dresses like a cowboy. I would know then we have nothing in common.


– I would never date a man who doesn’t even own a suit and tie or as we like to call them “big boy shoes.”


– The person inside is ultimately who I look for.


– I would you date someone whose style was extremely different from mine since fashion is not as important as how the person acts and treats others. After a few dates, I would suggest more favorable clothing.


– I would.� I wouldn’t want every one to dress, look and act like me.� Differences make people more interesting.


– Probably not since it is indicative of their thinking and therefore being out of sync with me.


– Sure why not, dare to be different, just not gross.


– I definitely would. My style isn’t exactly concrete, so no matter what style he is, I’d probably adapt more than easily.


– Yes, I would date someone with a totally different style than my own.� I don’t really have one set style, I like a lot of different styles and brands versatility is awesome.


– Yes, It is not all that important to me. I respect others taste for the most part.


– No.� I need to feel comfortable around the person and also feel like we go together.


– Yes and I have quite often dated men with totally different styles then mine. Who wants to have� someone around who is just like me? I love the differences in all people.


– Yes I would date someone who’s style is a lot different from mine because I wouldn’t be dating that person based on the way he dresses or his style. It would be because I was attracted to him, and if I had chemistry with him or not.


– It would definitely depend on the man.


– Yes, have done it.� Clothes are just� outside a person, what is on the inside is most important.




4. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being most important), how important are fashion and style in your own life?



Average = 5.9



Average = 6.4




pheromone Q & A


Q:���� Five months ago I bought Andro 4.2 and decided to give it a shot. It was my first time using pheromones, so I was a bit skeptical. Anyway, I tried every combination of sprays there was, and not one reaction. Not one!! In school there are so many girls and not one reaction!! I’m not an ugly guy by far, I’ve had lots of girlfriends, I just wanted something to get me out of my slump. Well, I think all I got was some alcohol and water in a spray bottle, because it just didn’t seem to work. But, I’m going to buy a bottle of Primal Instinct as my last try with pheromones. I wish I could have gotten my money back on the Andro 4.2.



A:���� Whatever you do, do NOT buy Primal Instinct if Andro 4.2 isn’t working for you.� Both contain a high concentration of androstenone.


The only way Primal might be better is if you have been terribly overdosing with the Andro, which is entirely possible if you can’t smell the musky scent of the Andro. In any case, Primal is just an oil version of Andro; being oil-based, it disperses into the air at a slower rate, but is otherwise the same thing.


I think The Edge might work for you, as it has other ingredients besides androstenone. BUT if your problem with the Andro is overdosing, you are going to have the same problem with Edge. In that case, the unisex products (Attraction or Androstenone Fragrance Additive) are going to be safer and milder, and maybe calming.


Getting a product with a built in fragrance (Attraction, Realm, Sandalwood Edge) will help keep you from overdosing, so you might want to try that.


Good luck and don’t forget to smile!�

All the Best,



Bruce Boyd

Pheromone News


Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.











Editor’s Note: This is a new feature that will appear every few issues. The timing will depend upon the volume of new, published research in the field of pheromones, scent and sexuality. If you know of any relevant research published within the last year, please write to and include the words RESEARCH UPDATES in the subject line.



Researchers find “chemosignal” affects human brain function


A team of researchers claims to have found the first evidence that human odor compounds can affect brain function and metabolism even when the odor isn’t consciously detected.


The team – from the University of Chicago and the private sector – published its paper in an August 2001 edition of the scientific journal Neuroreport.


The substance used in the study was 4,16-androstadien-3-one (androstadienone). While other researchers have gone as far as to call androstadienone a human pheromone, the authors of this paper use the more conservative term “chemosignal.”


The study demonstrates that androstadienone can affect psychological states. The substance alters glucose utilization in various areas of the human brain – including areas not exclusively tied to our sense of smell. These effects are linked to the way we regulate emotional and attentional states.


“Sustained human chemosignal unconsciously alters brain function”

Jacob, S; Kinnunen, L; Metz, J; Cooper, M; McClintock, M

Neuroreport 2001; 12:2391-2394



VNO detects both odors and pheromones – possible human implications


In a July edition of the journal Nature, researchers from Harvard Medical School and Indiana University reported that the vomeronasal (VNO) organ could detect both odorants and pheromones.


Mammalian VNOs can detect odors in nine different categories – animalic, camphoraceous, citrus, floral, fruity, green/minty, musky, sweet or woody. The VNO was able to detect these odors at very small concentrations.


The study suggests that certain odor substances may actually be signaling molecules that trigger different behaviors in mammals. The link has already been shown to exist in the insect world.


In one example the study looks at house mice, which can use pheromones to signal male dominance or readiness for mating. The study also brings up the question of how humans interpret odors and pheromones.


“Other mammals, including possibly humans, use structurally diverse substances for pheromone signaling,” said researcher Milos Novoty in a news release issued by Indiana University. Novotny is director of IU’s Institute for pheromone Research.


The findings are significant because of the VNO’s direct pathway to the mid-brain, which controls instinctive drives, neuroendocrine responses and innate behaviors. The VNO bypasses the conscious brain. A mammal’s normal sense of smell, on the other hand, is connected to various other areas of the brain; this explains why humans are conscious of odors and smells.


The findings by Novotny and his collaborators demonstrate that the VNO and the traditional sense of smell are not mutually exclusive in what they can detect.


“Neuropharmacology: Odorants may arouse instinctive behaviors”

Sam, M; Vora, S; Malnic, B; Ma, W; Novotny, M; Buck, L

Nature 412, 142 (2001)



Scans show brain activity with pheromone exposure


Researchers in Sweden have measured a change in brain activity when men and women were exposed to certain “sex hormone-like” compounds, or pheromones. The study, appearing in August 2001 in the journal Neuron, used positron emission tomography (PET) to safely study living subjects.


The study is important because of the ongoing debate over the functionality and existence of the human vomeronasal organ (VNO). In most higher vertebrates, the effects of pheromones happen via the VNO, which has a direct path to the hypothalamus (the part of the brain controlling the pituitary gland). This study, by the Karolinska Institute, shows a measurable effect (despite the VNO debate) when humans sniff the hormone-like compounds.


The study shows the hypothalamus in women is activated when they smell an androgen-like compound; conversely, the hypothalamus in men is activated when they smell an estrogen-like substance.


The region of the brain involved, combined with the pronounced sex difference, prompted an independent review by two University of California researchers in the same issue of Neuron. The review, by Sobel and Brown, concluded that the results “depict a pheromonal-type brain response in humans.” They go on to say the findings cause them to “suggest that human pheromones exist.”


“Smelling of Odorous Sex Hormone-like Compounds Causes Sex-Differentiated Hypothalamic Activations in Humans”

Savic, I; Berglund, H; Balazs, G; Roland, P

Neuron, Vol 31, 661-668, August 2001






Survey/Contest time!




Last month, we asked about the importance of style and fashion in the world of dating and romance. Now, we’d like to get a little more specific. This month’s survey is all about clothing and sexuality.


Whether we like it or not, clothing sends out a multitude of signals that can help or hinder when it comes to attraction.


Jocks, preps and nerds. Cheerleaders, princesses and librarian types. These are just a few of the clothing “uniforms” that men and women wear. Others use that visual picture to decide if they’re sexually attracted to us.


It can go much further, of course. If you’re a male, do you fantasize about women in sexy schoolgirl outfits or would you rather she was the headmistress? If you’re female, do your thoughts gravitate to cowboys and construction workers or to slick suits and silk ties?


There’s a world full of possibilities. What’s your pick?





1. If appropriateness isn’t an issue (pretend you’re at a Halloween party), what are the three sexiest looks? Please describe as fully as possible.


2. When it comes to the real world, which “type” catches your eye? Again, please describe as completely as possible.


3. What one element of the opposite sex’s clothing or accessories has the biggest impact on their desirability?





Send your answer to: <>

Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).



As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at

the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each

month. Last time there were 4 winners out of 200 completed surveys, which gave entrants a 1 in 50 chance of winning!


Once again, send your completed survey to: <>



MatchMasters Online Dating Systems

Full membership — FREE!

Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.

Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:






Primal Instinct for Women

One of the most potent pheromone products is now available in a women’s version. Primal Instinct for Women contains a guaranteed 11 mg of androstenol per bottle and also features the drawing power of copulins.


Available online at:


Or by phone at:

(800) 662-8633



User Corner


I am a female that just purchased Passion Copulin Concentrate a few weeks ago. I have found that it works very good not only with having men attracted, but they are much more polite and gentlemanly (as in more of them opening doors and pulling my chair… even strangers). I do get lots of attention, especially from someone I have kept my eye on for over 8 months. Now he is coming around and trying to spend more time with me. Sometimes the person you are attracted to just needs a little push and if pheromones are what it takes, so be it!


Thanks for a great product,




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Original material is copyright protected.


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Pheromone News September, 2001 Comments Off on Pheromone News September, 2001

September 2001

Letter from the Prez:

Hello Readers,
This is my third attempt at sending the September News. Most of you are seeing it for the first time. For about 10% of you, this is your third issue. Very sorry about that, and for being so late for the those who are seeing it for the first time. Dale has come up with a good issue though, so please give it a read and send in a survey when you get a moment.

A lot has happened since I wrote in this space last. We send our heartfelt condolences to those who have suffered personal losses in the tragic attacks, and our full support to all those who are actively engaged in ridding the Earth of terrorism.

I would specifically like to mention that the readership of this newsletter stretches to every corner of the globe, with the vast majority of nations represented. I have been in communication recently with readers in Pakistan, India, the United Emirates, Qatar, the UK, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Canada, Mexico, S. Africa and many others, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them for their words of support and also to the support shown by the many governments of the world who have come to the aid of the US in this difficult hour. God bless you all, and now, more than ever….
Don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:

Dale Andrews
pheromone Research News



Love-Scent is your source for pheromone products that actually do something:

The Edge (scented and unscented), nHance wipes, New pheromone Additive, Primal Instinct (scented and unscented), Pheromol Factor, pheromone Additive, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, Intimate Research fragrances, Score, Lure, Yes, Realm by Erox, Stone Research Lab products, and Alexander Institute instruction videos.

***100% money-back guarantee!***

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: pheromone Research
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Storie


There were 153 responses to August’s survey question. This month’s winners are:

Barb, Dennis and “robbitaly”

They will each receive their choice of Love Scent pheromone Store products totaling $30 or less.


Last month, we asked readers about the signals of attraction – how they know someone finds them attractive.

Overwhelmingly, both males and females said the eyes are the biggest giveaway. Many readers told us that when someone is attracted to them, they might notice longer looks, extra eye contact or outright stares, dilated pupils, or even “smiling” eyes. Lack of eye contact can also be a sign – some readers noted that people might go out of their way to avoid eye contact when they’re attracted. Other signs include increased talkativeness, standing closer than is necessary, or blushing.

We also asked readers about the signals they give out when they’re attracted to another person. Here again the eyes were an important factor. However, many female readers said they also signal their interest by asking questions, smiling, or willingly holding a conversation with the other person. More men than women said they would come right out and say they find someone attractive.


1. How do you know whether someone finds you attractive?

– Generally it is the eyes. Pupils dilate, and the eyes are “smiling” when someone likes you.
– They like to put themselves in close proximity to me and give an occasional slight touch to my shoulder or arm.
– If (her) gaze lasts longer than a few seconds, then she looks down before away, I know that’s a good sign, and I don’t question anything else from there on unless I do something really stupid. If she looks away quickly *and* doesn’t look back, or looks away to the side, then she is telling me that there will be no next step.
– For some reason they also often mention their boyfriends, whether they have one or not. I guess it creates a sense of competition in a male.
– Watch to see if they look down toward the floor within a few seconds. Typically down and to the left. This body language signal of interest is universal. Also, watch for pupil dilation and touches on the arm.

– You can always tell if a man’s interested by their eyes! If they’re looking deep into your eyes, or if their eyes keep shifting up and down your body, you know they’re checking you out.
– I know when they start gaping. Then they buzz around like a bee, and when you notice them, they are a bit embarrassed.
– I know if someone is attracted to me if they keep staring at me and when I stare back, they try to look away quickly or they’ll come over to me and ask why I was staring at them (guys are so weird).
– It could either be as bold as a stare or as subtle as a side-glance. It’s not just the look but the unspoken meaning behind the look.
– A dead give away is body language. Lots of eye contact. Huge smiles. Touching and being close.

2. How do others know that YOU find them attractive?

– I will try to glance at them and smile. Then look a little longer, without staring. If they seem interested, I will try to begin a conversation. I will try to look them in the eye but if I am nervous, I find that I fidget and look away or look down (at the floor) occasionally.
– I try and look them square in the eyes when I am talking to them or listening. At times I even try to give them a brief touch on the hand or arm.
– I will mention something distinctive about them that I find interesting or stimulating. – I usually smile a lot and flirt with them, make jokes with them, tell them they have nice eyes.
– Constant, direct eye contact when with her, how close I stand to her.
– A man can tell I’m attracted if I walk up first and initiate the conversation. I am so much more outgoing and flirtatious if I’m interested.
– I am a true believer of eye contact and I will smile, not a big smile but a kind of “I like what I see” smile.
– I try to not look at them, I try to speak as little as possible to/with them, but if they are interested in me I will still pretend to not be attracted to them. It’s like my own little game.
– A few brief eye contacts and then suddenly becoming very interested in those I am with or around me and ignoring further attempts at eye contact.
– I ask probing, intelligent questions and give him my undivided attention.
– Then there’s the touching…a little tap on the shoulder, standing close to the person when I’m talking to him.

pheromone Q & A

Q: I just recently applied for university. I knew I had a pretty good chance of getting in. My grades weren’t all that, but my SATs were somewhat up there. Anyhow, I wrote my application and applied some Pheromol Factor on the pages and envelope, and also rubbed on some Primal Instinct. Not too much so it wouldn’t stain. Anyway, I got accepted. Could pheromones really last that long when applied to paper? Was this a result of the pheromones? Just wanted your opinion.


A: Congratulations on the acceptance. I am quite sure pheromones last long enough on a letter to reach the recipient. Some readers have reported that pheromones seem to last as long as a week on cotton shirts, and even longer on paper. One reader even conducted his own test and applied pheromones to a letter addressed to himself. When it arrived four days later, he could still smell the pheromone ‘scent.’

I have even seen some stories around about collection agencies using a small (probably subliminal) amount of androstenone to influence their prey.

If anyone is planning to apply pheromones to their letters or documents, I would recommend that you be careful not to use too much, because the cologne part will fade more quickly than the pheromones.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!

All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.

by Dale Andrews

The author and scientist James Kohl talks about the role of odor and pheromones NOTE: James Kohl is author of the definitive work on pheromones, “the Scent of Eros.”

Do pheromones play the primary role in determining our behavior? In 1995, author James Kohl suggested just that. His book, The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality, was popular among everyday readers but also met with some skepticism from certain academics and researchers.

“When it comes to the involvement of pheromones in human behavior, there’s a tremendous faction that really doesn’t want to acknowledge the connection. We’re supposed to be above odor-driven behavior. They’d rather not see research presented that links us so clearly to animals,” says Kohl.

Yet, says Kohl, there is more and more evidence that humans are primarily influenced by odors. Furthermore, he says, there is really no scientific proof that our other senses, like sight and hearing, are the main driver behind behaviors like sexual reproduction.

Our visual responses are actually shaped by our exposure to odors or pheromones, Kohl argues. So, when we perk up at the sight of that shapely blonde or a tall, dark and handsome man, it’s a conditioned response that has its root in our exposure to pheromones. Blonde women and tall, dark haired men secrete more favorable pheromone signatures, so people are conditioned to become attracted to them on sight, says Kohl.

“There is research showing that pheromone exposure can light up that area of the brain strongly associated with vision. That area is getting a jolt, and over time you have these conditioned responses,” says Kohl.

The argument is reinforced by studies as far back as the 1970s showing that people born blind, deaf or dumb can still exhibit normal reproductive sexual behavior; people born with no sense of smell, however, tend to show diminished sexual behavior.

Since Kohl’s book was first published, researchers have even shown a link between pheromones and hormones – our odors can actually affect the hormones of other people. With that link established, says Kohl, you can conclude that pheromones affect human behavior.

When it comes to reproductive sexual behavior, mammals rely on something called hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH is produced in the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) and is used to control the production of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland. Gonadotropins are responsible for stimulating the production of sex hormones.

While it’s impossible to accurately measure GnRH in humans, research has now shown a link between pheromone exposure and the levels of two types of gonadotropin – luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) – as well as testosterone. In one well-publicized study in 1998, researchers discovered that female pheromones could alter the timing of the ovulatory LH surge, thus demonstrating why women in college dorms can develop similar menstrual cycles. Another study in 2001 showed that male underarm secretions could affect LH levels in women.

“Luteinizing hormone (LH) is in fact the link between sex and smell. The bottom line is that once you show the connection between pheromones and hormones, you’ve shown the connection between pheromones and behavior,” says Kohl.

Many pheromone naysayers have centered their arguments around the vomeronasal organ (VNO), which in most mammals is responsible for detecting pheromones. The VNO is located in the nose and there is still debate over its functionality in adult humans. Now, new research is suggesting that humans (and certain other mammals like pigs) may be able to sense pheromones without using the VNO. And in August 2001, researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden published a study in which they discovered certain androgens and estrogens (or pheromones) did in fact stimulate the hypothalamus of men and women.

With so much convincing new evidence since 1995, Kohl has decided to publish an updated version of The Scent of Eros with an added chapter covering the new research. Yet, the book’s original information is still valid – in fact, the newest research has simply reinforced what Kohl wrote in 1995.

“The general tone of the book was somewhat speculative, or predictive. Now, research has confirmed a lot of what I was talking about then,” says Kohl. The new version of his book will be available by the end of the year.

Despite continuing new research showing the role of pheromones and odor, it’s still an uphill battle to convince many researchers and academics that their long-held beliefs about human behavior may be wrong, says Kohl.

“There are some that’ll never be convinced, but I think there’s a new generation of researchers that can and will accept these ideas,” he adds.

“In the epilogue of my book, I included a quotation I think really says it all. It’s by Max Planck, and he basically says that any new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light. Rather, its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that’s familiar with it,” concludes Kohl.

Survey/Contest time!


We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s what’s inside that counts.”

Yet, a quick look at any magazine rack will reveal countless attractive models draped in the latest “must have” fashions. Flip through the television channels and you’ll see more of the same – actors, singers and musicians wearing the latest, most outrageously expensive clothes and setting a standard for the rest of the world to follow.

To further complicate things, there are different fashions for every setting. Even the trendiest ski jacket and snow boots might bring raised eyebrows in a bar filled with expensive Italian suits. A female friend of the editor’s once admitted she’ll always brush off any male wearing runners in a bar or nightclub.

How important, then, is style and fashion to you? Would you date someone wearing last year’s suit or skirt? Would you consider dating someone wearing a style that would never see the inside of your own closet?

In other words, do clothes really make the man or woman?


1. Would you ever date someone who wears clothing you think is out of style? Why or why not?

2. What “fashion don’ts” would cause you to look away in horror and avoid eye contact at any cost? List as many as you like.

3. Would you ever date someone whose style was extremely different from your own? Why or why not?

4. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being most important), how important are fashion and style in your own life?


Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last time there were 153 entries and 3 winners, which gave entrants a 1 in 51 chance of winning!

Once again, send your completed survey to:

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:



The Edge (Sandalwood scent)
The Edge, from LaCroy Chemicals, is one of Love Scent pheromone Store’s best sellers and is drawing rave reviews from users. Now, this potent spray is available in a clean sandalwood scent for men.

The Alexander Institute in Southern California has released a new series of instructional videos for couples.

Available online at:
Or by phone at:
(800) 662-8633

User Corner

Finally just had to try these things out. I am SOOO glad I did! I purchased Alter Ego about two weeks ago, and I can’t believe the difference in how people treat me. I am truly and completely grateful to all who helped me make the decision – it has truly changed my life. The very first time I tried it, I went out with a friend to a local nightclub that we’ve been frequenting for years. For two years, I didn’t have one significant experience there, but the first time I went there wearing AE, I got two phone numbers, and one of those numbers turned into a date which has since turned into a pretty cool “light” relationship (we spend about two days a week together) and I am HAPPY!!!


Pheromone News August, 2001 Comments Off on Pheromone News August, 2001

August 2001

Letter from the Prez:
Hello Readers,

The kids, wife and I are in Nevada again on our way back to LA after a very enjoyable visit to headquarters in the beautiful Western Colorado mountains. During the trip we spent several days with the well-known pheromone researcher James Kohl, author of my favorite book on the subject, The Scent of Eros. Among many other things, James mentioned that he is currently in the process of updating the book for future rerelease.

Pheromone News editor, Dale Andrews informs me that he had a very interesting phone interview with James recently, the results of which are scheduled to appear in our September issue of the News. So, don’t miss it!
And of course….
Don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Founder and CEO of
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:

Dale Andrews
pheromone Research News



Love-Scent is your source for pheromone products that work:

The Edge, nHance wipes, New pheromone Additive, Primal Instinct (scented and unscented), Pheromol Factor, pheromone Additive, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, Score, Lure, Yes, and Realm by Erox. Also, a full range of products for men and women from Stone Laboratories — including the revolutionary Alter Ego with THREE pheromone ingredients.

***100% money-back guarantee!***

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: pheromone Research
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


We had exactly 200 responses to July’s survey question. This month’s winners are:

Wanda, Joseph, Sharon and “HollywoodD”

They will each get their choice of any Love Scent pheromone Store product(s) totaling $30. or less.


In July, we asked readers to tell us about the scents they find sexually arousing. The responses were very informative and highlighted two points. First, males and females may both have noses, but each gender has a very different sense of smell. Second, there are certain scents the majority of people find stimulating (a lot of men and women both like musk), but every individual’s social conditioning also plays a part. For instance, a grown woman may catch wind of a certain scent (it could be anything) that makes her recall her first crush, and become aroused because of that memory.

Editor’s note: In July, we added a new person to the Pheromone News team. Matt Boyer (our Forum members will certainly recognize the name) is now handling the task of sorting through the monthly survey responses and picking the replies we reprint in each newsletter. Welcome, Matt! 😉


Which scent(s) do you find sexually arousing?

– Ever since I was younger I have always loved the smell of girls hair, something to do with their shampoo. That makes me aroused – a big sniff of sweet smelling hair.
– If I had to choose a particular class of scent, it would be that “sun tan lotion” smell. I love that vanilla/coconut/tropical scent. Perhaps it reminds me of my first memorable sun bathing experience, next to a beautiful girl, as a teen.
– Juicy Fruit gum and cheap perfume in combination. Reminds me of high school cheerleaders and rampant hormones.
– The scents that I find the most arousing are all nature-based: vanilla, sandalwood, cedar, and, sometimes, a woman’s sweat, especially if after a workout.
– I find the smell of pumpkin pie kind of arousing.

– My husband, who passed away 5 months ago, had a special body scent all his own. He smelled like a clean cotton shirt, freshly laundered and dried in the sun, plus a certain warm, musky, male scent that was clean but slightly salty. He wore several fragrances that enhanced it. After his death, I much regretted the fact that I had done laundry right before he died.
– I learnt a lot from Arabic people and from my travels in Asia. Some oils in certain combinations work just like pheromones, men love it when women wear a citrus, jasmine and musk combination and women seem to respond well to men who wear a patchouli, amber and khus combination.
– The smell of a man cooking in the kitchen….it could be anything.
– I can be very stimulated by a man’s cologne. He may be someone just walking by, but if his cologne smells really nice, it just makes me tingle all over.
– Musk! Definitely. A sweet but mellow appeal. I love the fragrance on others as well as myself.
– I would have to say there are two scents that really turn me on. First and foremost, the smell of my boyfriend’s skin. Also, the smell of certain cigarettes smells very attractive to me. Maybe I associate it with sex although I personally don’t smoke.
– What is more sexually arousing than when a man smells like fresh laundry? As dumb as it sounds, it overpowers every cologne and aftershave that I know of.
– My favorite scent is pumpkin pie! Makes me want to hop into bed!!!

Scents (General):
– peaches
– ripe fruit
– fresh cut wood, woodsy/outdoors
– floral
– mango
– chocolate
– rain
– ocean air, the beach
– licorice
– strawberries
– baby powder
– roses
– cinnamon
– honeysuckle
– kiwi
– fresh baked bread [lot of responses]

– coconut
– jasmine
– vanilla
– sandalwood
– musk
– ylang-ylang
– patchouli
– citrus
– lavender

– Paul Sebastian
– Alfred Sung
– Andron
– Stetson
– spicy scented colognes (i.e. Opium)
– Old Spice
– Polo
– Drakkar Noir
– Dolce & Gabanna
– Obsession
– Cool Water
– Gravity
– Brut
– Jovan’s Sex Appeal
– Yes (pheromone cologne)

– Channel 22
– Pleasures
– Sunflowers
– Red
– Tresor
– Opium
– Haltson

pheromone Q & A

Q: I’ve got my Edge now, thanks for being so fast. How long will the Edge stay fresh in the bottle? I mean, is there ever a point where you need to buy a new bottle even if you have some left? If so, how long?

A: I would think at least two or three years if you keep it in a tightly sealed bottle away from direct sunlight. However, there is no hard data of which I’m aware. The longest I have personally kept a bottle is about two years. It is a bottle of the original Primal Instinct and I still use it regularly. It still has the same fragrance and it seems to work the same. I have heard from at least a few customers who left a bottle of some product on their car dashboard, and are convinced the product became worthless afterward. A final thought – oil based products like Primal Instinct may hold up longer than alcohol based products, but with any product you can still expect it to last years, not months.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!

All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.


One day soon, women suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) might be finding instant relief in a pheromone nasal spray.

The company developing the spray is Pherin Pharmaceuticals, of Mountain View, California. One of Pherin’s founders is David Berliner, who was previously associated with the development of the popular Realm line of pheromone-laced colognes.

Pherin claims the new treatment will free women from irritability, depression and other symptoms of PMS, and also the more severe premenstrual dysphoric order (PMDD). According to a July 18 report published in New Scientist, Pherin conducted tests on 20 women that show the spray can ease both mood disorders and physical symptoms like breast pain.

PMS is a condition most researchers agree is triggered by fluctuating hormones affecting brain function. Doctors usually prescribe mood-altering drugs like Prozac.

Human pheromones are powerful mediators of sexual attraction, anxiety and hormone-related disorders, says Berliner in the New Scientist report.

For decades, the research community has debated whether human pheromones even exist. However, Berliner and other pheromone researchers have shown through studies that certain pheromones can play a part in human sexual behavior, and that others can induce calmness in the opposite sex. pheromones are detected by a separate organ in the nose called the vomeronasal organ, or VNO.

To treat PMS, Pherin has developed a pheromone-like compound or “vomeropherin” called PH80. When women inhale the compound, PH80 binds to receptors in the VNO and a message is sent to the hypothalamus, which is involved in the central nervous system and the endocrine system. In other words, the vomeropherin has a direct line to the brain and it means the relief is immediate.

Functional MRI scans have already shown that PH80 does in fact target a region of the hypothalamus thought to affect PMS. Pherin is now setting up full clinical trials of the new spray.

Survey/Contest time!


There, across a crowded room, you see an interesting man or woman. But how do you know if this person finds you attractive?

Or, perhaps you’re introduced to someone in a social or business setting. How do you know if this person would like to get to know you better, and perhaps even consider a date?


1. How do you know whether someone finds you attractive?

2. How do others know that YOU find them attractive? (Please identify your own gender)

Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last time there were exactly 200 entries and 5 winners, which gave entrants a 1 in 50 chance of winning!

Winners receive the product(s) of their choice totaling $30. or less.

Once again, send your completed survey to:

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:



Intimate Research Products

A bargain-priced line up of pheromone colognes; 3 fragrances for men and 3 for women!

Available online at:

Or by phone at:
(800) 662-8633

User Corner

Some of the effects I have had:
– Deer in headlights look a number of times, where I would be talking to a girl and she would stare hypnotized at me for the whole time, and yet manage to have a coherent conversation. This same girl started talking to me about sex on the second conversation.
– I was at a house party in the kitchen and there were four people in the room including me, I was chatting to this chap. Then I decided to pop out. I had moved one step towards the door, when the two girls (who I didn’t know) in the corner about 5 feet away both instantly turned and called out to me to stay, in unison, with broad smiles on their faces.
– Perhaps the best effect of all is that because I now know beyond doubt that many many girls find me very attractive, I have the confidence to initiate conversations, ask for email addresses and telephone numbers, kiss, and so on.


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Original material is copyright protected.

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Pheromone News July , 2001 Comments Off on Pheromone News July , 2001

July 10, 2001

Letter from the Prez
Hello Everyone,

Leaving for the US in two days and only 14 million things that need to be done first, so we are not doing too badly, I guess. Making the ten hour flight across the vast Pacific with 2 small kids in tow, my wife and I are placing bets on how many times we will hear the words: “Are we there yet?” After we arrive in LA our plans are clear though: drive to Love Scent pheromone Store headquarters in Western Colorado, stopping anyplace with the words “….land” or “Canyon” in it.

Along the way, we will be making one very important stop in Las Vegas, though. Not to play the slot machines (the only game I can figure out), but to meet with internationally known pheromone expert and author James Kohl. His definitive book on the subject “the Scent of Eros” is unfortunately out of print at the moment, but there is a used copy at Somebody should snap that one up.

The names of seven survey winners are listed in this issue, so be sure to give it a read. You might be one of them! Special thanks to David Pullin for sharing his research results with us, and of course…..

Don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Founder and CEO of
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:

Dale Andrews
pheromone Research News



Love-Scent is your source for pheromone products that work:

The Edge, nHance wipes, New pheromone Additive, Primal Instinct (scented and unscented), Pheromol Factor, pheromone Additive, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, Intimate Research, Lure, Yes, and Realm by Erox. Also, a full range of products for men and women from Stone Laboratories — including the revolutionary Alter Ego with THREE pheromone ingredients.

***100% money-back guarantee!***

Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone productS


IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: pheromone Research
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


Due to a technical error last month (editor was short on sleep!) there were only four winners when there should have been six. So, this month’s drawing includes two additional winners to make up for last month’s shortage. This month’s winners are:

Matthew, Anthony, Marcia, Patti, and Deane. Additional winners from last month: Francois and Faye.

They will each get a free bottle of a popular pheromone product of their choice.


In June, we asked readers if they believe in the idea of soul mates. Once the results were counted, over 75 per cent of males and 89 per cent of females said they do believe in soul mates.

However, almost every respondent defined the term “soul mate” in a different way. For some readers, a soul mate is simply another person with whom we have an incredible connection – in other words, your soul mates would be your best friends, and one special soul mate would be your lover or marriage partner. Others see their soul mate in a strictly romantic light. Some believe their soul mate will be a perfectly compatible mate who sees the world from the same eyes and who doesn’t possess any annoying habits. A smaller percentage also said they thought being with a soul mate would somehow transform the lives of both partners. These readers used terms like “a feeling of home,” or wrote about feeling “complete” once their soul mate enters their life.

Despite the different definitions of the term, one thing is apparent – most respondents have a strong romantic side! One reader, David S., even related a fable that cautions us to never let our soul mate slip through our fingers:

*Once, back in ancient times, there was a young man searching for knowledge. He traveled the world asking wise men and seers, and finally one told him of a beach where there was a special stone. If he held that stone he would possess true knowledge. He searched and eventually found this beach, but there were millions of stones. How would he find the right one? He decided to start at one edge and pick up each stone in front of him, and if he didn’t sense it contained the power of knowledge, he would toss it behind him, into the sea, and continue picking up stones.

*For days he followed this plan, and for days his quest remained futile. As he approached the end of the beach, suddenly he felt the power of knowledge. But before he could think, he had thrown the magic stone back over his shoulder from utter force of habit, and the tides of the sea swept it away forever. It was lost!

*The moral of this story is: If you are determined to find your soul mate, don’t throw him or her away from you by force of habit, when and if you do find this special person. You may never get another chance.


1. Do you believe in the idea of soul mates? Why or why not?

– I think that there are – because I have witnessed a meeting of soul mates. I was in a coffee shop one evening. A guy walks in, orders, goes up to pay and just stops cold, totally fixed on the cashier. The two stood there and stared at each other, grinning like crazy, for almost a whole minute before one of the cashier’s co-workers nudged her back into consciousness. I was in that same coffee shop eleven months later, looked down at the same cashier’s hand, and noticed a wedding ring on it. While I was finishing my drink, the same guy comes in, gives her a kiss, and the two leave.
– No, if you define a soul mate as the one and only person for you. I have had too many friends who thought they found their soul mate, only to have dumped them a month or two later. How in the world could you ever find that person with all of the millions of people in the world?
– I think soul mates are a romantic notion that may have some validity. Whether they exist or not depends really on the belief of reincarnation. Einstein theorized that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Thus, the energy of the soul (the aura) and the energy created by the mind have to go someplace. It’s the exasperating question of who we are, what we are, and where we ultimately come from, and then, what happens when we die?

– I do believe in soul mates. I believe that old saying that there is someone out there for everyone. Someone to share your wants and needs, your good times and bad times. I also believe that a soul mate can be any gender, meaning a soul mate for a woman can also be another woman as a dear friend.
– Yes. However, I do not think people always recognize them when they are right in front of them! I believe you have to be open to all of that person, not just looks, which are instantaneous. When you see someone of the opposite sex, and are instantly taken away, it’s often more of a mutual “I want you now” thing. A soul mate takes time. It’s not just based on looks and sexual appeal.
– The saying “soul mates” is going to throw a lot of people off. I consider it just another way of naming your “one true love.” And is there one true love for me? NO. There are many true loves. If there was only one true love for each one of us – in the sea of the BILLIONS of people on this earth – most of us would be single or marrying someone with whom we are not in love. The term “soul mates” should be reserved for Hollywood. If the majority of your readers respond that they do believe in soul mates, I will be disappointed by the masses’ fanciful childishness.

2. Do you think you have a soul mate (even if you haven’t found him or her yet)?

– Yes, because from the girls I have dated, I have better calibrated what I really want in a girl and should be able to find “her” soon.
– Yes, possibly several. It’s hard to know how many as I don’t know how many past lives I’ve had.

– God help me, I DO believe I have a soul mate, and while I love my husband dearly and have a relatively stable marriage of several years, I’m not so sure that he’s my soul mate. – Yes, I believe I have a soul mate although I have not found him yet. Though at this point in time, I am not looking for him either.

3. If you answered ‘yes’ to Question One, how do you know when you’ve found your soul mate?

– When the world begins to make sense.
– Because everything is just about perfect about her. She is funny, witty, intelligent. And, believe me that is asking something from a female these days. Oh yes, she is also beautiful, at least she is to me! PS. Just because she works with me doesn’t mean that I’m not in the market for some of your love potion. It means that she hasn’t as yet returned my affections. But I’m hoping that she will in the next few weeks, with the help of pheromone treatment.
– When you both feel an incredible connection with each other. Almost a magnetic sense of being drawn to this other person, that grows and grows with each minute you’re together.

– I believe I have found mine. You just know. You BOTH know. For us, it just snuck up on us. We weren’t “looking” for someone. We just became such great friends— even from the very first day and it only got better. Then, it kinda dawned on us at the same time, that we seemed to be ‘meant for each other.’
– There’s an instant bond…when you can feel that it’s the right person for you, it is meant to be. There’s a closeness and feeling of one-ness. You just know. I found my soul mate 7 years ago, and to this day I know that he is the man that God intended for me to love…forever! Our love grows deeper every minute!

pheromone Q & A

Q: I bought PA and mixed it with my cologne. I sprayed it on and went to work just to see what would happen, and you know what? Nothing. Nothing at all. What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t it working? No smiles, no flirtatious looks, nothing. Why?

A: First of all, pheromones don’t make women act irrationally. That is an exaggeration you sometimes find on certain pheromone sites. But, what you do get is well worth the time and money it takes to get the hang of using pheromone products.

It takes a while to find the right amount and proper application spots to match your own natural pheromones. Also, it can be a little tough changing the minds of women that have you strongly pegged, so work is not always the best place to gain confidence in pheromones – though it can happen anywhere.

Though the effects are immediate, you are always working the odds and rolling the dice. The pheromones just slant those odds more in your direction. You need to roll those dice a few dozen times and keep your eyes open to see the difference.

Lastly, the only thing you could be doing “wrong” is looking grumpy. I call it the “Clint Eastwood Effect” (CEE). If you tend to be the lone wolf type, depressed or grumpy looking, I am convinced pheromones can actually make it harder for women to get near you.

There are many types of women in the world, and many types of guys they are subconsciously programmed to go after. The best thing to do is attract the kind of woman that is going after a healthy relationship with a healthy guy (mentally, spiritually and physically healthy). The way to do that is to BE THAT KIND OF GUY. While you are on your own and “still looking” you have the greatest opportunity to change yourself and be the kind of person you want to be.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!

All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.



As a psychology student, David Pullin was more than a little skeptical about the idea of humans being affected by pheromones.

Still, the Derby University (UK) Honors student knew that in the animal and insect worlds, pheromones are a crucial form of communication and play a decisive role in sexual attraction. Pullin had also seen magazine ads and Web sites claiming that pheromones, which are available in commercial products, are important in human attraction as well.

“I was skeptical, but interested,” says Pullin, explaining why he chose to study human pheromones for a major research project.

Pullin presented his idea to an equally skeptical advisor and then began six months of research. His project included a review of the research to date, and his own experiment in which 20 female participants rated male photographs for attractiveness after inhaling either a commercially available pheromone product, or a control substance.

“My results clearly suggest that pheromones play a role in attraction between the sexes,” says Pullin, who presented his research paper in April.

“Attraction rates were significantly higher when females were exposed to pheromones.”

Pullin used a product containing androstenone and androstenol in an ethanol base. He then had the females inhale either the pheromone product, or an alcohol control substance (vodka). The subjects were divided into two groups – one group viewed photographs after sniffing the pheromones, while the other group was exposed to the control substance. The next day they were switched, and the second group was exposed to the pheromones while the first group received the control substance.

The female subjects were asked to rate the photos from a scale of one (not attractive) to five (extremely attractive). Pullin’s experiment revealed a significant difference between attractiveness ratings when women were exposed to pheromones.

The mean attractiveness ratings (MAR) tell the full story:

Group 1 – pheromone Condition Control Substance
31.2 MAR 27.3 MAR

Group 2 – pheromone Condition Control Substance
34.3 MAR 30.5 MAR

“To me, this shows that pheromones do have an effect. I could see pheromones as being a real possible alternative to traditional therapies, such as maybe hormone replacement,” says Pullin.

“Certainly, there should be more research done in this area,” he adds.

Pullin’s experiment was the first of its kind in his department, and his university.

“It stimulated a bit of interest, because it was totally unique at this university,” he explains.

The student volunteers, he adds, were also interested to know more about pheromones after learning of the experiment’s details. Of course, that level of general interest is to be expected when dealing with the subject of sexual attraction.

“I think pheromones have been with us since Day One,” says Pullin.

“You could call them the unspoken language of love.”


Survey/Contest time!


What is your nose telling you? For most people, our sense of smell can trigger powerful emotions or even make us recall certain memories. Of course, the perfume industry has been built on the idea that certain scents can enhance our attractiveness to the opposite sex.

While some scents are universal (almost everyone is repelled by the smell of skunk) there are other scents we respond to in a more personal way. One female acquaintance of the editor’s even admitted that the scent of WD40 (a household oil spray) is sexually stimulating to her.

Which scent(s) do you find sexually arousing?

Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last time there were 241 entries (down from 316 the month before) and 5 winners, which gave entrants a 1 in 48 chance of winning!

Once again, send your completed survey to:

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link in the left menu at:



Alter Ego
Revolutionary new product from Stone Independent Labs!

Alter Ego contains THREE pheromones (androstenone, androstenol and androsterone) and represents a big leap forward in pheromone technology. Alter Ego has a mild, natural fragrance that fades into a unique musky essence.
For men only!

Available online at:

Or by phone at:
(800) 662-8633


User Corner

The other night, I was in a hurry to get to work and quickly threw on a few drops of Primal Instinct, massaged them into my hair. Then, on the way to work I stopped to get coffee at the convenience store. On the way out these two hot, teenage girls coming into the store both looked at me and smiled really big, like I was some kind of candy they wanted to eat. This NEVER happens to me, especially considering I’m in my forties! Then, at work, my secretary was flirting. She is very cute, but has always been distant in the few weeks she worked with me. So I think there is something to these pheromones!
Tony T.

Pheromone News may be distributed freely, if the sign-up information is included. Original material is copyright protected.

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If you are new to pheromones or are a first time user, please take a look at the Newbie FAQ and Product Guide first as these should answer most of your questions. If anything isn\'t answered properly here, or you want more information, visit Love Scent and browse the forum.

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