Pheromone News July , 2001

July 10, 2001

Letter from the Prez
Hello Everyone,

Leaving for the US in two days and only 14 million things that need to be done first, so we are not doing too badly, I guess. Making the ten hour flight across the vast Pacific with 2 small kids in tow, my wife and I are placing bets on how many times we will hear the words: “Are we there yet?” After we arrive in LA our plans are clear though: drive to Love Scent pheromone Store headquarters in Western Colorado, stopping anyplace with the words “….land” or “Canyon” in it.

Along the way, we will be making one very important stop in Las Vegas, though. Not to play the slot machines (the only game I can figure out), but to meet with internationally known pheromone expert and author James Kohl. His definitive book on the subject “the Scent of Eros” is unfortunately out of print at the moment, but there is a used copy at Somebody should snap that one up.

The names of seven survey winners are listed in this issue, so be sure to give it a read. You might be one of them! Special thanks to David Pullin for sharing his research results with us, and of course…..

Don’t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Founder and CEO of
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:

Dale Andrews
pheromone Research News



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IN THIS ISSUE OF Pheromone News:

*Last Month’s Survey & Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: pheromone Research
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner – Reader pheromone Stories


Due to a technical error last month (editor was short on sleep!) there were only four winners when there should have been six. So, this month’s drawing includes two additional winners to make up for last month’s shortage. This month’s winners are:

Matthew, Anthony, Marcia, Patti, and Deane. Additional winners from last month: Francois and Faye.

They will each get a free bottle of a popular pheromone product of their choice.


In June, we asked readers if they believe in the idea of soul mates. Once the results were counted, over 75 per cent of males and 89 per cent of females said they do believe in soul mates.

However, almost every respondent defined the term “soul mate” in a different way. For some readers, a soul mate is simply another person with whom we have an incredible connection – in other words, your soul mates would be your best friends, and one special soul mate would be your lover or marriage partner. Others see their soul mate in a strictly romantic light. Some believe their soul mate will be a perfectly compatible mate who sees the world from the same eyes and who doesn’t possess any annoying habits. A smaller percentage also said they thought being with a soul mate would somehow transform the lives of both partners. These readers used terms like “a feeling of home,” or wrote about feeling “complete” once their soul mate enters their life.

Despite the different definitions of the term, one thing is apparent – most respondents have a strong romantic side! One reader, David S., even related a fable that cautions us to never let our soul mate slip through our fingers:

*Once, back in ancient times, there was a young man searching for knowledge. He traveled the world asking wise men and seers, and finally one told him of a beach where there was a special stone. If he held that stone he would possess true knowledge. He searched and eventually found this beach, but there were millions of stones. How would he find the right one? He decided to start at one edge and pick up each stone in front of him, and if he didn’t sense it contained the power of knowledge, he would toss it behind him, into the sea, and continue picking up stones.

*For days he followed this plan, and for days his quest remained futile. As he approached the end of the beach, suddenly he felt the power of knowledge. But before he could think, he had thrown the magic stone back over his shoulder from utter force of habit, and the tides of the sea swept it away forever. It was lost!

*The moral of this story is: If you are determined to find your soul mate, don’t throw him or her away from you by force of habit, when and if you do find this special person. You may never get another chance.


1. Do you believe in the idea of soul mates? Why or why not?

– I think that there are – because I have witnessed a meeting of soul mates. I was in a coffee shop one evening. A guy walks in, orders, goes up to pay and just stops cold, totally fixed on the cashier. The two stood there and stared at each other, grinning like crazy, for almost a whole minute before one of the cashier’s co-workers nudged her back into consciousness. I was in that same coffee shop eleven months later, looked down at the same cashier’s hand, and noticed a wedding ring on it. While I was finishing my drink, the same guy comes in, gives her a kiss, and the two leave.
– No, if you define a soul mate as the one and only person for you. I have had too many friends who thought they found their soul mate, only to have dumped them a month or two later. How in the world could you ever find that person with all of the millions of people in the world?
– I think soul mates are a romantic notion that may have some validity. Whether they exist or not depends really on the belief of reincarnation. Einstein theorized that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Thus, the energy of the soul (the aura) and the energy created by the mind have to go someplace. It’s the exasperating question of who we are, what we are, and where we ultimately come from, and then, what happens when we die?

– I do believe in soul mates. I believe that old saying that there is someone out there for everyone. Someone to share your wants and needs, your good times and bad times. I also believe that a soul mate can be any gender, meaning a soul mate for a woman can also be another woman as a dear friend.
– Yes. However, I do not think people always recognize them when they are right in front of them! I believe you have to be open to all of that person, not just looks, which are instantaneous. When you see someone of the opposite sex, and are instantly taken away, it’s often more of a mutual “I want you now” thing. A soul mate takes time. It’s not just based on looks and sexual appeal.
– The saying “soul mates” is going to throw a lot of people off. I consider it just another way of naming your “one true love.” And is there one true love for me? NO. There are many true loves. If there was only one true love for each one of us – in the sea of the BILLIONS of people on this earth – most of us would be single or marrying someone with whom we are not in love. The term “soul mates” should be reserved for Hollywood. If the majority of your readers respond that they do believe in soul mates, I will be disappointed by the masses’ fanciful childishness.

2. Do you think you have a soul mate (even if you haven’t found him or her yet)?

– Yes, because from the girls I have dated, I have better calibrated what I really want in a girl and should be able to find “her” soon.
– Yes, possibly several. It’s hard to know how many as I don’t know how many past lives I’ve had.

– God help me, I DO believe I have a soul mate, and while I love my husband dearly and have a relatively stable marriage of several years, I’m not so sure that he’s my soul mate. – Yes, I believe I have a soul mate although I have not found him yet. Though at this point in time, I am not looking for him either.

3. If you answered ‘yes’ to Question One, how do you know when you’ve found your soul mate?

– When the world begins to make sense.
– Because everything is just about perfect about her. She is funny, witty, intelligent. And, believe me that is asking something from a female these days. Oh yes, she is also beautiful, at least she is to me! PS. Just because she works with me doesn’t mean that I’m not in the market for some of your love potion. It means that she hasn’t as yet returned my affections. But I’m hoping that she will in the next few weeks, with the help of pheromone treatment.
– When you both feel an incredible connection with each other. Almost a magnetic sense of being drawn to this other person, that grows and grows with each minute you’re together.

– I believe I have found mine. You just know. You BOTH know. For us, it just snuck up on us. We weren’t “looking” for someone. We just became such great friends— even from the very first day and it only got better. Then, it kinda dawned on us at the same time, that we seemed to be ‘meant for each other.’
– There’s an instant bond…when you can feel that it’s the right person for you, it is meant to be. There’s a closeness and feeling of one-ness. You just know. I found my soul mate 7 years ago, and to this day I know that he is the man that God intended for me to love…forever! Our love grows deeper every minute!

pheromone Q & A

Q: I bought PA and mixed it with my cologne. I sprayed it on and went to work just to see what would happen, and you know what? Nothing. Nothing at all. What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t it working? No smiles, no flirtatious looks, nothing. Why?

A: First of all, pheromones don’t make women act irrationally. That is an exaggeration you sometimes find on certain pheromone sites. But, what you do get is well worth the time and money it takes to get the hang of using pheromone products.

It takes a while to find the right amount and proper application spots to match your own natural pheromones. Also, it can be a little tough changing the minds of women that have you strongly pegged, so work is not always the best place to gain confidence in pheromones – though it can happen anywhere.

Though the effects are immediate, you are always working the odds and rolling the dice. The pheromones just slant those odds more in your direction. You need to roll those dice a few dozen times and keep your eyes open to see the difference.

Lastly, the only thing you could be doing “wrong” is looking grumpy. I call it the “Clint Eastwood Effect” (CEE). If you tend to be the lone wolf type, depressed or grumpy looking, I am convinced pheromones can actually make it harder for women to get near you.

There are many types of women in the world, and many types of guys they are subconsciously programmed to go after. The best thing to do is attract the kind of woman that is going after a healthy relationship with a healthy guy (mentally, spiritually and physically healthy). The way to do that is to BE THAT KIND OF GUY. While you are on your own and “still looking” you have the greatest opportunity to change yourself and be the kind of person you want to be.

Good luck and don’t forget to smile!

All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.



As a psychology student, David Pullin was more than a little skeptical about the idea of humans being affected by pheromones.

Still, the Derby University (UK) Honors student knew that in the animal and insect worlds, pheromones are a crucial form of communication and play a decisive role in sexual attraction. Pullin had also seen magazine ads and Web sites claiming that pheromones, which are available in commercial products, are important in human attraction as well.

“I was skeptical, but interested,” says Pullin, explaining why he chose to study human pheromones for a major research project.

Pullin presented his idea to an equally skeptical advisor and then began six months of research. His project included a review of the research to date, and his own experiment in which 20 female participants rated male photographs for attractiveness after inhaling either a commercially available pheromone product, or a control substance.

“My results clearly suggest that pheromones play a role in attraction between the sexes,” says Pullin, who presented his research paper in April.

“Attraction rates were significantly higher when females were exposed to pheromones.”

Pullin used a product containing androstenone and androstenol in an ethanol base. He then had the females inhale either the pheromone product, or an alcohol control substance (vodka). The subjects were divided into two groups – one group viewed photographs after sniffing the pheromones, while the other group was exposed to the control substance. The next day they were switched, and the second group was exposed to the pheromones while the first group received the control substance.

The female subjects were asked to rate the photos from a scale of one (not attractive) to five (extremely attractive). Pullin’s experiment revealed a significant difference between attractiveness ratings when women were exposed to pheromones.

The mean attractiveness ratings (MAR) tell the full story:

Group 1 – pheromone Condition Control Substance
31.2 MAR 27.3 MAR

Group 2 – pheromone Condition Control Substance
34.3 MAR 30.5 MAR

“To me, this shows that pheromones do have an effect. I could see pheromones as being a real possible alternative to traditional therapies, such as maybe hormone replacement,” says Pullin.

“Certainly, there should be more research done in this area,” he adds.

Pullin’s experiment was the first of its kind in his department, and his university.

“It stimulated a bit of interest, because it was totally unique at this university,” he explains.

The student volunteers, he adds, were also interested to know more about pheromones after learning of the experiment’s details. Of course, that level of general interest is to be expected when dealing with the subject of sexual attraction.

“I think pheromones have been with us since Day One,” says Pullin.

“You could call them the unspoken language of love.”


Survey/Contest time!


What is your nose telling you? For most people, our sense of smell can trigger powerful emotions or even make us recall certain memories. Of course, the perfume industry has been built on the idea that certain scents can enhance our attractiveness to the opposite sex.

While some scents are universal (almost everyone is repelled by the smell of skunk) there are other scents we respond to in a more personal way. One female acquaintance of the editor’s even admitted that the scent of WD40 (a household oil spray) is sexually stimulating to her.

Which scent(s) do you find sexually arousing?

Send your answer to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last time there were 241 entries (down from 316 the month before) and 5 winners, which gave entrants a 1 in 48 chance of winning!

Once again, send your completed survey to:

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User Corner

The other night, I was in a hurry to get to work and quickly threw on a few drops of Primal Instinct, massaged them into my hair. Then, on the way to work I stopped to get coffee at the convenience store. On the way out these two hot, teenage girls coming into the store both looked at me and smiled really big, like I was some kind of candy they wanted to eat. This NEVER happens to me, especially considering I’m in my forties! Then, at work, my secretary was flirting. She is very cute, but has always been distant in the few weeks she worked with me. So I think there is something to these pheromones!
Tony T.

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