Pheromone News July, 2000

July, 2000

Hello Readers,

Well, I’m still in Japan.
Wild and amazing times over here! We’re getting hit with one typhoon after another, interrupted only briefly by broiling heat and humidity, an American won the Japanese Sumo championship, and finally got its online ordering system running again! Will wonders never cease? Maybe one of these days I will get home again!

Please enjoy!
Scam alert:
Know your website! Scams, phony sites and phony products are popping up on the internet faster than weeds in my vegetable garden, which is pretty bad, I can tell you. I never thought the words and letters in my domain name could be rearranged in so many creative ways. 😉 I guess I should take it as a compliment, however….
The one and only Love Scent pheromone Store is at:
Bruce Boyd
Sendai, Japan
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Original material is copyright protected.

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Love Scent pheromone Store pheromone products
Industrial strength pheromone products that really work! Guaranteed!
Primal Instinct, Pheromol Factor, Xcite!, DateMate, APC, Lure, Yes and Realm by Erox.
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This Issue’s pheromone “News”:

*June’s Survey/Contest Results
*pheromone Q and A
*pheromones, Attraction and the Performing Arts
-Bruce Boyd
*This month’s “Free pheromones” Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner; Reader pheromone Story

Our drawing winners are:
Doug and DVL

They will each get a free bottle of a popular pheromone product to try out.

Natural pheromones and personal hygiene
You may have heard the famous pheromone quote attributed to Napoleon, in a letter to his beloved: “My dear, I will be home in three days. Do not bathe.”
What is your 2 cents on natural pheromones vs. personal hygiene?
Do you like your partner’s “natural aroma?”
When is enough enough?
Gotta be squeaky clean?

In a show-down, it looks like squeaky wins over “ripe”, but feelings swing both ways, and somewhere in the middle was popular with folks who seem to have seen (smelled) it all.

Now have a look at the….

Selected highlights!
Advice from men to women:

In my eyes the natural clean scent of a woman is sexy….. Most women put on way to much scent.

Personally, I love the smell of a lightly perfumed freshly bathed woman. Clean smells great! Even the smell of a nicely scented soap on a woman. Woman’s hair is a great smell as is a nice perfume on the neck and arms!

Natural pheromones versus personal Hygiene, that is a great topic. Where should we draw the line? Well, I think there is a big difference between smelling natural and being unhygienic. We all know pheromone are in our sweat and urine, but that does not necessary mean putting sweat and urine on our selves would make us attractive to the opposite sex. I used to have a girl friend that sleeps over at my place once or twice a week, she usually takes a shower before she goes to bed. I find that she smell really nice at around two to three O’clock in the morning, it’s about four hours after she have showered.

I prefer the smell of natural aroma over perfume sometimes, especially during love making. It sure beats the smell of strong fragrance, somehow making love with a person wearing perfume just doesn’t feel very natural. I personally shower twice a day with soaps and shampoo that have light scents.

Advice to the ladies, the sexiest smell is a five to six hour old natural aroma. It is good to wear perfume during a date but before love making you should take a warm shower and build up that sexy natural aroma of yours. Smell of strong fragrance is often a turn off during sex, while a natural or light scent is a turn on.

I feel that natural is good but how do you control it? How do you get just the right blend. My partner is a the squeaky type. I feel that we as a group are becoming more visual and less olfactory and that the giant machine that tells us what to think is very busy selling the idea that to smell is a bad thing. Constant bathing though exciting isn’t that good for the largest organ of the body. (The Skin)

I find that if a girl doesn’t take a shower and hasn’t done anything strenuous, it’s fine. Haven’t really noticed an overtly sexual undertone about it, but it’s not all that big a deal either. OF course, to me, a freshly bathed woman is more attractive. However, I have heard of the fact that some cultures forbid their women from taking baths for this very reason.

Because men are so visual, I think it doesn’t really matter what a woman wears. Certainly doesn’t with me…

Women need to smell clean to me. If I’ve been dating a women and know her well I don’t mind if she has fresh sweat. That is also a turn on, but she needed to shower that day and start fresh. Then a workout, with sweat is good. Perfume is also great of coarse. An attractive women walking passed me leaving her smell in the air for me to inhale excites me.

I think the natural scent of a person can both be good or awful; this depends on many causes: emotional states (it’s common to hear that animals smell fear); what someone has just eaten (onion smell reaches the skin) Besides this, bacteria transform sweat producing awful tastes. So it’s better a shower, not to risk too much

I have always found to women to be more attractive and certainly appealing with only a hint of ‘perfume’ — provided its a good quality perfume . It takes a certain type of women who knows how to pick perfume that suits there style body type , skin tone , etc. Now the clincher is ,when a woman’s perfume is gone from sweat and body odor begins to emerge I in turn get really excited with the body odor . I could literally taste the odor . Being of Asian decent and my girlfriend is Cuban ( Latina ) she prefers little make up and very little cologne ( she actually uses my Cologne by Aramis Tuscany ). I still cannot understand about Cuban women , they love daily sex — whether you have taken shower or not they want sex . I feel as long as they brush their teeth , fresh breath , — clean ‘beaver’ , bathe or unbathed — I still consider it a turn on , I function in most primitive level.

I like a woman when she’s squeaky clean. But I also like the look and smell of a woman with a light glisten of sweat. Besides, taking a shower together to wash off the sweat is very arousing as well!

Napoleon’s request was a little over the top. While a woman’s scent can be spell-binding, too much of anything can become a quick turn-off. This is especially true for women that wear perfume. Natural pheromones are more pleasing than artificial perfumes, but should only be noticeable in very close proximity; such as hugging. The scent of a person at close proximity is intriguing, but if I know a woman’s personal aroma from across the room, I become overwhelmed and don’t want to get any closer. There’s no mystery to discover at that point. Of course a woman’s scent isn’t nearly as appealing if it’s not accompanied by a good attitude and friendly hospitality.

Like Bruce has stated, natural pheromones vs. personal hygiene has more to do with culture than with personal preference. In some cultures, natural pheromones are considered a turn-on, where in some cultures, not showering everyday is considered disgusting. I am in the second list. I do not prefer the scent of women who have not bathed in more than 24 hours or have just finished playing a game of basketball. I prefer that just-showered, clean-clothes, and a-spray-or-two-of-nice-perfume smell. This is not surprising, because I live in America, and have for my entire life. So have my parents. I also act the same way. If I go out in public, I feel that I have be clean and smell good.

I like to smell a soft sweet aroma emulating from my lovers body with just a touch of natural body scent. The mixture of the two create the perfect balance between erotic and primal in the atmosphere.

I am male, and I’ve noticed that when women shower more after I tend to think about sex less when I am around them.

Even if one has more natural pheromones if they don’t bathe for a few days, I don’t think that the pheromones would be strong enough to cover up the scent of dirt, oil, and sweat. I think that the pheromones found in products such as Primal Instinct and pheromone Additive are a great solution because you get the best of both worlds: a clean, fresh smell, and the seductive power of pheromones.

I think [on the subject of Natural vs Hygiene] there should be [and for me there is] a happy medium. Do you like your partner’s “natural aroma?” Yes, sure, I love my partners “natural aroma”, but, like most things, there has to be some common sense added to this equation. When is enough enough? Enough is enough would be, say, if she just spent a hard day [all day] putting up fences in the north forty, [in 95 degree heat] comes home, doesn’t shower or freshen up, and wants to wrestle. I’m here to tell ya, “it ain’t gonna happen!” Gotta be squeaky clean? No, absolutely not, but not sweatin’ like a pig either.

Everyone is different, I dated one girl who used to shower, put on baby oil and then talc, she still smelled good. [I could readily detect her natural odor beneath] And it wasn’t a “stanky” one either. On the other hand I’ve dated women who I wouldn’t consider bedding unless the had bathed recently. Ultimately, it’s a matter of personal taste and preference, a really strong odor can be a turnoff, but there has to be at least a suggestion of ‘natural’ odor or you might not get turned on.

Advice from women to men:

Personal hygiene is a must in my book; who wants to be close to someone who appears and or smells “dirty”…if you showered in the morning and just came home from a grueling day, and want to get romantic, shower again, and then get close. And if you use any cologne or after shave, be careful how much you use, too much of a good thing isn’t good.

I like my partner’s natural aroma if he is clean, but if he has been through heavy physical activity, I would prefer that he showered before we get close. When is enough enough? Enough is when an unpleasant body odor over rides any other aroma. Gotta be squeaky clean? Clean is good…showering together can make it even better.

I think a person should be clean. However, when in the throes of passion, sweating and releasing one’s personal “scent” can be very exciting. I was married to a man who bathed less frequently than I thought he should. It turned me off. Now I am with a man who can come home from the gym and I get instantly turned on by his scent. I suppose it is all a matter of chemistry.

If I had to choose, I would prefer exceptional personal hygiene over natural pheromones any day. But, in retrospect, there is some degree of tolerance when speaking about natural pheromones and their affect on my mood and environment. What I mean is that sometimes natural pheromones being emitted from my male partner is acceptable and even enjoyable–e.g. during times of sexual activity, play time, or even right after work–before the personal hygiene regimen. Leave the natural sweat and odors after a work-out in the gym/locker room shower, guys– those natural pheromones may just be too overwhelming for any one! It is alright on occasion to skip the weekend shower and go “au natural” as long as the unpleasant sensations do not overshadow the pleasure!

In my female opinion, I have always noticed a man who had a terrific smell, usually his cologne. Of course, as you mentioned, that could just be a “Pavlov” response. Furthermore, I agree that folks in the US probably do more harm than good with the obsession with personal hygiene. Being clean is good; being extremely clean is not. Our bodies do lose their unique scents when too clean and that lessens others’ attraction to us. Which country is known for its romance? It’s France. Which country is known for stringent hygiene? It’s France, again. The correlation between the two should be obvious to anyone!

Do you like your partner’s “natural aroma?” Not really. As odd as it may seem, I am very revolted by his “natural aroma” – he reminds me of a wet dog that’s been left to its own for several weeks.

No cologne is ok sometimes, especially if the guy is wearing clean clothes fresh out of the laundry. But too much cologne is sickening; it makes me want to scream “If you’d bathe once in a while, you wouldn’t have to drench yourself with that synthetic fetor!” (but I am guessing very few of the people I am acquainted with would know what the word “fetor” means)

Gotta be squeaky clean?
Definitely. When the scent of soap and shampoo and clean clothing comingle with a good natural aroma, it’s perfect.


My partner smells fantastic to me. I actually prefer him to be somewhat less than squeaky clean – *he’s* sexy, not soap. I happily sniff him as often as I can and find myself reacting in “that way” when I come across his scent on the pillow or on clothing he’s worn.

I like my partner’s natural aroma, prefer not freshly bathed, although I wouldn’t turn him down in any case. Not filthy either, but then, he’s never that.

My advice? Unless you’re a construction or dairy worker, keep bathing down to every other day at most. Don’t marinate in cologne.

Yes, i like his personal, natural aroma, because it is so distinctly “him”…

Gotta be squeaky clean? I prefer squeaky clean, but if he isn’t, it doesn’t stop me….


Personally I think hygiene is important to everyone, but not something someone needs to get all crazy about. A person who doesn’t take care of themselves one bit will deff’nly be less appealing than the person who is well groomed, but I have known a few people who were so anal about how they looked,smelled,ect.. that it seemed to have the same effect. A good balance is what I like, as long as someone showers once a day and you don’t get a gag reflex when around said person then it’s perfectly fine, sadly my sense of smell is pretty damn bad and I cant comment on the partners aroma to much, if I can smell it clearly then its pro’lly way to much,whatever it is! Oh, and the not bathing for three days? nuh-uh!

I don’t care for the smell of perfumes and colognes at all. However, a very subtle scent of an essential oil makes me want to go up and sniff the person more closely.

I enjoy a person’s natural aroma, but not if it has turned to rank B.O. Heavy meat eaters usually smell too ‘gamey’ and pungent for me. A day after a shower is a good ripening time, unless the person is unhealthy and eliminating toxins through their skin.

I think that a clean smell is the best smell. I can’t imagine a worse smell than sweat and dirt on a guy’s body. I know that they say that washing gets rid of your natural pheromones, but I don’t really believe that anything that smells that bad could be attractive. If they aren’t really dirty, then it would be fine.

For some reason I get more frisky when my man gets out of the shower and then puts on some type of cologne versus his after workout smell. I feel that a guy who smells nice is more attractive.

Hi, I think cleanliness is next to Godliness!! If he doesn’t smell clean to me he is definitely not getting in my bed for any reason!! I don’t particularly like him to smell of soap but I do want him to smell fresh not sweaty. I’ll make him sweaty if he gets in my bed. but then that is a whole different type of sweaty smell. I just want him clean and fresh starting off. Nothing is more of a turn off to me than a nasty smelling man or one who is dirty especially around his private parts, in other words no head cheese please!!!!

pheromone Q&A

Q: Are there times when pheromones are stronger or more obvious than others? Could a woman being aroused have an effect on the pheromones being stronger, or the scent being more detected?

Dear Machel,
Yes, without a doubt, and especially so with women. In men, pheromones are expressed mainly via sweat which increases quite a bit during sex, but in women they are also heavily present in vaginal secretions, which of course, are in much greater abundance during sexual stimulation. Also, sexual stimulation can be very accurately measured by blood levels of testosterone in both males and females. That means that when either men or women are stimulated testosterone levels rise, and this in turn almost certainly increases the production of the two known testosterone-related pheromones, androstenone and androstenol.

So, a big yes. During sex a pheromone tornado is created feeding greater levels of excitement which in turn feed greater pheromone production. Like a nuclear reaction!
Q: I have been victimized by one of the cheat Love Scent pheromone Store sites!!! [address deleted, but similar to] They charged me at $1479.00 !!! I don’t know what to do. Please help me. How can I take my money back? Please help.

A: You have definitely been hit by an illegal site. The e-mail address you mention “” is the address of a real-estate agent in Sarasota FL (USA), who wrote me some months ago pretending to be the representative of a UK company, selling Xcite pheromone Wipes. He swindled me out of over $4,000. and copied the entire Love Scent pheromone Store website and made the bootleg site that you were hit by. This is against both US and international copyright laws and recent US “Cybersquatting” legislation, as well as criminal fraud for taking your money and refusing to send you the product you ordered.

If you paid via credit card, it is very easy to get your money back, though. Just telephone your bank and tell them you got hit by an internet scam artist. They will reverse the charge for you.

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of others who have written to me.
pheromones, Attraction and the Performing Arts
Bruce Boyd
Reprinted from PRIN, May, 1999

Review of “Whose pheromone are You?” by Tom Clark originally published in World Medicine magazine in July of 1978.
In scanning the internet for Pheromone News articles the same ones keep popping up over and over. In fact, sometimes it seems like they were all written from the same 5 or 6 press releases. Running into “Whose pheromone are You” by the British researcher Tom Clark was a pleasant surprise. Although it was published in a medical journal, it is full of fun and creative interpretations of its loosely compiled “data.” There doesn’t seem to be a truly controlled study to be found, and he himself refers to this work as “art” rather than “science”. I myself love to see the results of the strictly controlled scientific studies come in with their verdict, but articles like this one open up whole new ways of thinking about pheromones and what they can do. Also keep in mind that the original article was written over twenty years ago!

Every now and then I find a reference to a study done in a public theater, demonstrating that women will unconsciously prefer seats that have been sprayed with male sex pheromones, and apparently I have finally found the source. The experiments featured here were conducted by Clark, who had already done similar tests on unsuspecting patients in a hospital waiting room, Matthew Guiness, an actor with the Royal Shakespeare Company who had produced a late night “pheromone happening” experiment at the famous RSC, and Robin Klassnic, an artist who had experimented with the effects of pheromone sprays on visitor traffic at art exhibitions.

The trio booked the Gulbenkian Studio Theater in Newcastle, UK for their experiment on the attractive power of pheromones. First they observed the usual flow of traffic in the theater to see which seats would normally fill up first, and then sprayed certain seats with pheromones to see if they could alter the standard flight pattern. They also sprayed a portion of the programs to see if that might affect their being selected for purchase. The results were interesting. In Clark’s words: “It had worked much better than we dared hope.” The seats on the side balconies which had remained empty during the control (no spray) performances, were now filled and mainly with women, after having been sprayed with pheromones. The researchers were initially disappointed that all the programs both sprayed and unsprayed had sold out before the concert, as that upset the other variable that they had hoped to measure (which programs were selected for purchase), but on a hunch, after the performance was over, the many programs left behind in the theater were examined, and not a single sprayed program could be found. They had all been taken home by their owners, while the unsprayed ones had largely been abandoned.

Rock Concert Mania?

Clark goes on to speculate about some even more “exciting” pheromone phenomena: “If you observe the crowds at rock concerts you can see pheromones at work.” He claims that the level of hysteria at a rock concert is controlled by the type of ventilation in the concert hall!

“If the air currents in a concert hall move from the stage to the audience, the excitement is literally carried from performers to fans. That is why a concert at the Hammersmith Odeon works up the crowds more than one at the Festival Hall, where extractors move the air the other way. Most of the big successful closed theaters have air conditioning circulating air from the front to back and make ideal pop venues.” “The new National Theater, like the Royal Festival Hall, has all round ducted air conditioning. Actors there are said to feel a sense of isolation from the audiences — a sense they never felt at the Old Vic. The cool unemotional atmosphere of these places is OK for classical music or Ibsen, but deadens emotion.”

But that’s not all! Clark says that researchers have carefully examined the theater seats occupied by young girls following rock concerts and found that they had been dampened with vaginal secretions by these “girls in orgasm” as he calls them. AND…(I am not making this up!)…he says that from examining these secretions scientists can speculate that a large percentage of the young women had synchronized their menstrual cycles during the weeks of anticipation of the event, stimulated by TV and newspaper ads and were ovulating on the night of the concert! He further supports this with the fact that the evidence for a statistically normal percentage of menstruating women, which can usually be found in the women’s restrooms is completely absent at rock concerts. Other studies apparently support this theory: “It has been noticed that after pop concerts girls often show menstrual disruption, and their periods become irregular.” says Clark. The system which controls menstruation (pituitary gonadotrophins) appears to be “upset by rock concerts as well as leaving home or changing jobs, and is possibly triggered by the presence of new, or strange *male smells.*” Clark also points out that five of the girls that worked in the theater where the pheromone experiment was carried out had had their menstrual cycles disrupted.

In the words of Tom Clark himself:
“Can one call it an experiment? Ludwig Wittgenstein tells us we can arrive only at an approximation of the truth whatever we do, and however we do it. Thus a scientific approach is limited by its language of controls and double blind techniques; double talk indeed. The theater however is a place of much greater flexibility of human expression than the laboratory. In the theater, miracles can happen, and marvels and magic are everyday means of expression often performed twice nightly.”

“But it did work. It worked in public. It doesn’t amount to a scientific paper but a few hundred people witnessed it. Human pheromones, we maintain, do exist. If you don’t believe it, ask the Royal Shakespeare Company to show you sometime.”

Just in case, don’t forget to smile!
Survey/Contest time!


The Mental Game of Dating
Lately on the pheromone Forum (link on the home page) there has been quite a bit of discussion about the effectiveness and ethics of various books and electronic publications dedicated to dating’s social strategies. I myself went and downloaded an online e-book on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) on the recommendation of one of the forum members. Does it work? Can it make us more “attractive?” Can it help us find a mate? What do you think?

Some months back we conducted a survey on “breaking the ice.” Let’s take it a step further. Where can we learn what to say “after you say ‘hello.'”

****Survey Question****
Please share what you know about any and all information systems and training programs that might be useful to readers in winning (in the larger sense) at the dating game. NLP, self-hypnosis, subliminal tapes, positive thinking, meditation, prayer, magic spells… you name it, if it works for you, tell us about it. We want to know.

Send completed surveys to:
Please don’t mail this entire newsletter back to me. (for many reasons) Thanks!
As usual, I will pick prize winners from the survey entries at the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries with a minimum of 2 winners each month. Last month there were 28 entries (up from 27 the month before) and 2 winners (the minimum), which gave entrants a 1 in 14 chance of winning! You can’t beat that, so enter this time!
Send completed surveys to:

MatchMasters Online Dating Systems
Full membership — FREE!
Personal photos ads, search and match, private message service and more.
Look for the Matchmasters link at:

Sandalwood DateMate (men’s formula only)
I love this stuff. Maybe it’s just me, but honest to God, I find this blend intoxicating. Not too heavy on the sandalwood, but blends in with the androstenone’s musky fragrance amazingly well. Same pheromone content and price as regular DateMate.
Men’s formula only.
$29.95 / 15 ml spray bottle

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User Corner

This is my third purchase of your products. I am a cook at a local Denny’s restaurant in Naples, Florida. On the graveyard shift we tested your products not so much to pick up a date as to influence the clientele into better tips.

Results: We are in the off season. My server who uses this product is making more tips, larger tips than he, did during the winter season. This is a money maker for restaurant service personal.



Thank you all, and keep those articles and experiences coming!
Technical advice also welcome.

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Bruce Boyd


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