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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Choosing the right Pheromone (Man attract Man)... Please Help!

    Hi Guys & Girls,

    I have lurked here for a while now, and searched around the boards

    for an answer to my question.

    I did try to search out the answer first, before starting a new post.. I

    couldn't find it, hence my first ever post

    I am really interested in obtaining a gay pheromone


    Now I know from the posts I have read here from the archive, that there is no pheromone designed

    specifically for this purpose

    I had found a pheromone called "Man2Man", but I didn't see any references to

    this in the forum, or listed on the shopfront, So I thought better of ordering it..

    I appreciate that most of

    you guys are straight and would't know which pheromone worked this way. It's just I'd really like to be able to

    wear a pheromone that is designed to attract men.

    To this end, I read here that gay men should use the

    pheromones designed for women to attract men. Now I have no problem with this (it sounds great!), my only concern is

    that I don't want to wear a pheromone that makes me smell like a women (perfumed and the like!!)

    Is there any

    unscented pheromones designed to attract men, that would be suitable for both women and gay men.

    I have to

    admit that I don't want to wear a perfurmed pheromone, because not everyone knows that I am gay, and I don't want

    to wear a strongly scented pheromone. I work in a pretty male-dominated workplace, and I don't want anyone to laugh

    at me if I wear a perfurmed mone....

    Please, please, please some suggestions.. I'm open to all product

    suggestions.. I don't care if it takes me 5 different products to get the results..

    Hope to hear all of the

    expert opinions

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Did you read the newbie guide

    in the pherolibrary? Link at the top-right of your screen.

    To answer a question with a question (sorry), would

    gay men be aroused by copulins (so is it a condidtioned responce)? If not (which I suspect is the case), yuo would

    need the copulin products which are most of the scented womens products.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  3. #3
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    Did you

    read the newbie guide in the pherolibrary? Link at the top-right of your screen.

    To answer a question with a

    question (sorry), would gay men be aroused by copulins (so is it a condidtioned responce)? If not (which I suspect

    is the case), yuo would need the copulin products which are most of the scented womens products.
    I don't

    know the answer the question, but if I were to take a guess I would assume Cops don't turn on a gay man since they

    come from the vagina.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Actually I was just

    thinking to my self about my lesbian friend since I last posted. She is true lesbian, not bi and everytime I wear

    heavy none she starts sniffing me and telling me things like I smell really good for a guy. I don't know if this

    helps you but I thought I would bring it up.

  5. #5
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Attracting other

    males is not my goal, but I would think that a gay guy wouldn't be attracted to a guy who smelled like a woman or

    like he just had sex with one. I would think that the products formulated for men would be the ones to


    Maybe something like WAGG and/or SOE unisex (unscented) would be the best bet. I've read in the

    archives that the combination of the two in too much of a quantity gave a gay impression of the wearer to


    I work around mainly men and have gained a lot of respect from my cow-orkers since I've started to

    wear Chikara regularly. None of them are gay (that I know of), so I don't know about it being an attractant to them

    otherwise. Maybe that, with a heavy addition of WAGG would do the trick.

    My suggestion would be to try some

    of the gel packs to see if they work if you don't want to invest in a full bottle of anything at first. They come

    in SOE, TE and Chikara "flavors." I think the AE ones are only available during free sample offers. A couple of the

    women's products are offered in the gels too, so again, you could see if the scent would be compatable with what

    you want. I still think though, that a men's product is what you would want to attract other gay men.

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    I don't

    know the answer the question, but if I were to take a guess I would assume Cops don't turn on a gay man since they

    come from the vagina.
    I was asking if it was a hard-wired responce or a conditioned responce, I know it

    wouldn't make sense if cops aroused gay men but they might if it was hard-wired. However, if the olfactory system

    of gay males isn't differentiated properly from a females, then gay men wouldn't have the hard-wiring.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  7. #7
    Banned User
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    Thanks for all the replies

    thus far..

    I did read the pheromone articles in the library, which gave me the point that I should use womens

    pheromones to attract gay men.

    Now I'm confused with some of the postings about using the normal male

    pheromones. Aren't these made to work just to attract women?

    This may sound insane to some of you guys.. but

    I'd rather not attract women .. I want a pheromone that will attract men, and If that means to try a womens

    pheromone, then would it be better to use and unscented one?.. I'd really prefer to have an unscented one - that

    way I can still wear my own (usual) cologne...

    I work around mainly men and have gained a lot of respect

    from my cow-orkers since I've started to wear Chikara regularly. None of them are gay (that I know of), so I don't

    know about it being an attractant to them otherwise. Maybe that, with a heavy addition of WAGG would do the

    With this WAGG or Chikara (both are for men to attract women, right???)... I like like the idea of

    respect from men in the workplace, but ideally am looking for that little stage beyond respect ... I don't

    want respect... I want attraction

    Looking at this so far.. are there any specific non-scented womens

    pheromones any of you pheromone-experts would suggest???..

    I'm not looking for guarantees or anything.. just

    your product recommendations, or what products you would think would work..

    So far I have in my list..


    Both are for men to attract women?.. or will they work both ways..

    What about some of the

    womens pheromones, and thoughts on which one of those I should look at.??? .. Once I get a list - I'll order either

    samples, or full bottles.. Money isn't really a big factor here.. most important is finding the right product

    Again, many thanks to everyone who has put their thoughts in.. Please let's hear some more expert opinions on


  8. #8
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Jack
    So far I

    have in my list..


    Both are for men to attract women?.. or will they work both


    Gay men would be more attracted to more manly men (testosterone filled = PI), yes?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  10. #10
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    Default Authorities (i.e., JVK) say...

    "Male" vs. "Female" 'mones:
    First, it's important to remember that there aren't really any

    "male pheromones," or at least none that are on the market. Sure, there are 'none and 'rone, but it's important

    to remember that both men and women produce them, but in different ratios. (Androstadienone may be an

    exception.) 'Nol, in particular, has been shown to be somewhat of a unisex pheromone, and produces (IIRC) an

    increase in LH in both men and women. The difference between most male-market and female-market pheromones are

    twofold: first, male-market 'mones tend to have higher ratios of 'none to 'rone and 'nol, and second,

    female-market 'mones generally contain copulins, which male-market 'mones don't. Which is best for a homosexual

    male? Good question. First question first:

    'None, 'rone and 'nol ratios:

    Here are a few

    things that JVK had to say:


    models of male homosexuality strongly suggest that the anomaly is that the homosexual males respond to the

    pheromones of males in a manner that would be typical of their heterosexual counterparts response to estrus


    Accordingly, gay males should use male pheromones to attract other gay males. A preliminary report

    showed that homosexuals distinguish between heterosexual and homosexual natural body odor and prefer the natural

    body odor of other homosexuals. This adds further support for the gay male to use male pheromones.

    would say that you should in general use the same things that men use to attract women. (Yes, that will attract

    women as well, which is something that you said you wanted to avoid, but it seems that just about everything that

    gay males do does, so I think you should just give up on that. Women love gay men. Live with it.) I figure

    that would relate particularly well to 'none, since that's the closest thing we have to a let's-have-sex-now

    pheromone (i.e., the kind of pheromone that estrus females--females in heat--emit). So I would try about the same

    amount of 'none that straight dudes use to attract women. Keep in mind, of course, that 'none is very easy to OD

    with, and the amount that will produce an OD reaction is much more variable with 'none than 'rone or 'nol, and is

    affected by conversion, buildup, and natural production much more than the others. You'll have to play with this to

    find your optimal dosage.

    Kohl also said that there are differences between the scent of heterosexual and

    homosexual males. Now, that isn't to say that homosexual males are more feminine; that may be the case, but

    it's not necessarily so. We just don't know enough to say conclusively either way. However, I would presume that

    gay males do NOT smell like women, on a number of grounds. First, a female acquaintance of mine can allegedly tell

    the difference between heterosexual male and homosexual male scent, and she says that gay men smell pretty much like

    straight men, but that they smell "more like ass". I don't think that's a very feminine smell. Second, if gay men

    had feminine 'mone signatures, then straight men would be attracted to them. I don't think that's the case. As a

    result, I would guess that gay men either smell more masculine than straight men, or that the difference cannot be

    explained in a simple feminine-masculine continuum.

    Also, I remember JVK saying something in another post

    somewhere about the ratio of "A to E", as he said it. The "A" was androsterone, one of the components of his

    SOE. The "E", though, was a pheromone that isn't included in any known product to date. I don't remember what it

    was exactly, but it began (I think) with "estra-" and ended with "-ol". (No, it was not estradiol.) Anyway, JVK said

    that he had found that this ratio is somehow implicated in whether someone is seen as straight or gay (or even

    female? Can't remember). I can't remember which orientation corresponded to which ratio, but bjf said in one of

    the links above that a lower A/E ratio is had by both women and gay men.

    A lot of 'nol would probably be a

    good idea. 'Nol seems to make both sexes happy.

    Copulins: Copulins seem to turn on both men

    and women. Why is this? Is it because the scent of competition makes women horny? I dunno. But people say it

    does, so I believe them. It may also do the same for gay men. It's difficult to say. However, if you got some, you

    might be able to tell what effect it would have on others by seeing what effect it would have on you. You could try

    putting some on your upper lip. If it works, you should experience an increase in testosterone, which would make you

    feel stronger, more energetic, a bit happier, a bit hornier and more aggressive (although the last two traits

    probably wouldn't be manifest except in company).

    JVK has also been doing a fair amount of research on the

    subject of homosexual pheromones recently. You can find one article on page 19 of

    this PDF, and

    some more general information in the fifth paragraph of this


    As for scent: when dealing with women and 'none, a cover scent is absolutely

    critical. Women are incredibly sensitive to the scent of 'none alone, and it smells terrible. I think I

    remember hearing that women can detect (i.e., consciously perceive) the urine/B.O. smell of 'none at 1/100 to

    the concentration at which men can detect it. Given, there are a lot of physiological areas in which gay

    men resemble women more than straight men (e.g., corpus callosum size), but IIRC, that type of sensitivity has been

    linked to estrogen levels, so I'd guess that gay men would only be able to detect 'none as well as straight men.

    Therefore, a cover scent probably will not be as important as when dealing with women. You might also be able to get

    away with more 'none overall than one would with women. Still, I'd recommend not playing with fire. Get a good

    cover scent, even if you're only using scented products.

    So, when it comes down to it, what products do

    I recommend?
    I'd probably buy SOE/w (which doesn't have 'rone) and AE/m (with rone) or NPA/m (without rone)

    and play with different ratios of the two. WAGG would also probably be good either as a substitute for or a

    complement to SOE. I'd guess that for club-type environments, 4-6 drops AE/m or 2-4 drops NPA/m and 6-12 inches

    SOE/w would probably do the trick, with maybe a bit of copulins if you can manage it. For other situations, I'd go

    for 1-2 drops AE and about the same amount of SOE to lower the aggressive/stinky 'none while keeping a good amount

    of friendly 'nol. Also, if you had to deal with a lot of homophobia at work or something, you might be able to use

    SOE/m or AE/m to help you stay in the closet. Just a thought.

    Chikara might also be interesting, but as I

    don't own it, I don't know enough about it to guess how it might affect gay men.

  11. #11
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Chikara plus -none products.

    Avoid high -rone products like Perception, I would guess.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    Ive used nearly all the products

    here in 7 years and the best one i foudn for attracting gay guys (unintentional in my case) was attraction high in

    Anol with some Anone guess it helped. ? hope it helps.

    Alter ego for women could also be a good call

  13. #13
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    The gay pheros in the

    "manstouch" link contain ....

    So I guess when it comes down to it the

    pheros are all the same, just the sexual preference is different.

  14. #14
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    Hmmmm, why was my post


  15. #15
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FieroMoan
    Hmmmm, why was my

    post deleted????!

    Your post was deleted because it contained SEVEN links to other

    pheromone websites. If you had taken the time to read the sticky threads you would know that forum policy prohibits

    that. They also tell you that if you have a question about why a post of yours was deleted, you should send a

    Private Message to a moderator.

    Love-Scent Forums

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar

    Your post was deleted because it contained SEVEN links to other pheromone websites. If you had taken the time to

    read the sticky threads you would know that forum policy prohibits that. They also tell you that if you have a

    question about why a post of yours was deleted, you should send a Private Message to a moderator.


    Love-Scent Forums
    Thanks for the clarification. It's just that I have been a member of

    several boards and not one had a problem with posting links and the only things I know in general not to post are

    things unrelated to the board, expletives/obscene words, and other abusive messages. But it's my bad, I should

    have still checked first.

  17. #17
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    my recommendation would be

    Chikara. It seems to make men feel at ease and also respectful of me - guys trying to do things for me for no

    apparent reason other than the Chikara.

    I had received an advertisement in the mail for gay male products

    about 6 months ago (why I got this flyer is beyond me, but I did get it). In it was offered a pheromone product and

    if my memory serves me correctly it was "man2man". Being curious and always on the lookout for ways to help my

    fellow LS forum posters (the finest people in the world in my estimation, save one) I queried the company as to

    pheromone content and levels - they wrote me back declining to state the contents. I think I posted this here but

    don't remember. I would not buy it based upon their refusal to disclose.

    In my experience with women, I

    have come to believe that almost all of them are at least a tiny bit bisexual so it makes sense that copulins might

    work on them (this being in addition to the "competition" factor ("other women like this guy so he must be ok") -

    (admittedly I am biased as I hang out with women who are bisexual). I don't think there is a comparable and

    available product for gay men.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  18. #18
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Just taking a wild guess, but...

    If you are a "top" maybe ~none?
    If you are a "bottom" maybe ~Nol?
    If you are "versatile" ???
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  19. #19
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    My curiosity has been piqued.

    It really doesn't make sense to put on a pheromone to attract women when your target audience is male and you are a

    man. I don't think you'll convert straight men to become gay for wearing a female pheromone since a person's

    sexual orientation is hard-wired. On the other hand, if the guy is 10% gay (since most men, and women, are bisexual

    but just at varying degrees) or whatever percentage, he might get drawn to you but just wouldn't mind you being

    also a guy. If that guy has thought of you once before, it might have the effect of him thinking about you more

    often after you've worn this female pheromone. His 10% homosexual tendencies may have just turned into 25% while

    you were wearing it.

    Gay men are attracted to men which means they are attracted to the male pheromone. So i

    guess, the best pheromone cologne would be one with a great percentage of the male pheromone and a small percentage

    of the female pheromone to attract bisexual men who has less than 50% preference for the same sex.

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    The one thing that with me anyway

    brought gay men out of the woodwork (i got hits left right and centre that i havent had with any other product) was

    attraction 70% anol versus 30% Anone - might explain why SOE and NPA had a less but nevertheless gay and straight

    reaction (though the DD mix got women as well)

    Attraction would be good if youre bisexual for some reason -

    maybe the unscented version dunno

  21. #21
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    Fiero: I think your reasoning

    is generally sound. Of course, there is a counterexample to the "gay men are attracted to the same pheromones as

    straight women are attracted to" rule, but it's not really relevant. (It's interesting, though, so I'll mention

    it parenthetically: Gay men have been shown as being able to distinguish between the scents of gay and straight men,

    and show a preference for gay men. See also: androsterone/etiocholanolone ratios.) However, the reason why I thought

    copulins might (and I emphasize might) work is because, in my experience as well as that of others, copulins

    make both (straight) men and (straight) women horny. I remember well the day I went out after giving a girl head

    without taking a shower or washing my face, but only putting on a bit of essential oil cover scent (note: I have a

    beard, which probably both helped to absorb and disperse the smell of her crotch). Now, if (hypothetically speaking)

    all pheromones that work on straight women work on gay men, then copulins would work on gay men. Do copulins work on

    gay men? I don't know, but I'd be curious to find out.

    Also, I've gotten the impression elsewhere that WAGG

    gives off a sort of "gay" vibe. Not sure if this is accurate, but it might be worth a shot if you've got deep

    pockets (or a friend with a good toolkit).

    'None and 'nol both seem to me to be more or less unisex. When I

    wear them, I usually notice effects myself (I'm male). 'Nol usually makes me feel very calm and chill (or at

    least, SOE does, so it could be the 'rone), and 'none makes me feel tunnel-visioned, unobservant, aggressive,

    jumpy, cocky, sexy, hot-headed, and as if I were looking through a red-tinted veil. Basically, 'none makes me feel

    as if my testosterone was shooting through the roof. (At least, I think it does. But I might be confusing a reaction

    I remember with something else. Caveat emptor.)

  22. #22
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    good post Jonathan

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    However, the reason why I thought copulins might (and I emphasize might) work is because,

    in my experience as well as that of others, copulins make both (straight) men and (straight) women horny.

    I think that is because of the association that is created between the smell and pleasure. It's therefore

    unlikely that gay men would have the same experience.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    I think

    that is because of the association that is created between the smell and pleasure. It's therefore unlikely that gay

    men would have the same experience.
    But along that line of reasoning, straight men would find the smell of

    semen sexy. I don't think that empirical evidence supports that conclusion.

    Besides, that doesn't explain

    why women find the I-just-had-sex smell to be sexier than men do. I think it's biological: according to the

    evolutionary psychology explanation, women stand to gain from inter-woman cooperation and even lesbianism (helps to

    raise children, for example, if you've got girlfriends around to help change the diapers) and from having sex with

    alpha males (that is, the ones who get laid the most, and therefore are often smothered in copulins), whereas men

    stand to gain by being exclusivist and competitive (sluts--well-traveled, soiled, used women--are NOT sexy. Just

    try thinking of what's been in that kitty, and (if you're male) you'll know what I mean). Under this explanation,

    though, it is expected that men would find the smell of sex sexy, but only in a violent, aggressive, jealous sort of

    way, and only when the man doing the smelling is alpha--a beta male would NOT want to start a fight or a competition

    over a girl with an alpha male.

    How does that apply to gay males? I have no smegging clue.

    Caveat emptor: evolutionary psychology is useful for making hypotheses, but not much more. Pass the salt shaker.

    [NOTE: Updated 3/13/05 7:24 PST to clarify unclear prose]
    Last edited by Jonathan; 03-13-2005 at 08:25 PM.

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    True again.


    although it doesn't really affect the argument, I would argue that semen isn't as readily smelt as copulins during

    sex. And women aren't aroused by the smell of semen either...

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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