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Thread: Noob's hello

  1. #1
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    Default Noob's hello

    Hello all,


    been reading all of the info I could find this week on pheronomes and placed an order which arrived promptly today

    (thanks Love-Scents!).

    After doing some research I opted for the sample packs along with gel packs of C7, SOE

    and AE. $45 for some experimentation seems like a good deal.

    After receiving the package at work today I was

    interested in smelling C7 since I like Musks anyway. I must say it's not bad. It really wasn't a gel substance, it

    was definately liquidfied which I'm fine with even though it made it a little tricky getting small amounts out of

    the pack.

    As for the dosage, should I apply the same common sense with C7 as I would with any colonge? As in if

    I can smell it on myself, anyone fairly close to me can as well? I wouldn't think that one would want to have this

    thick cloud following them around.

    I'm looking forward to doing alot of experimenting this weekend! I'll

    report back later.


  2. #2
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    I've read a lot trying to figure

    out the right dosages, there's some good technical information and mathematicians that have figured out ideal

    ranges, but there seems to be a lot of guess work too. My experience so far (only about a month) is venue is

    critically important. At work for instance, I might put a spray of C7 on in the morning, but if I were going to a

    club I'd put 2-3.

    I'd say that something that you can smell (C7) same general rule, I'm sure you can relate to

    being overwhelmed by someone's cologne/perfume. Be careful with the ones you can't smell!

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by comingsoon View Post
    Hello all,

    I've been reading all of the info I could find this week on pheronomes and

    placed an order which arrived promptly today (thanks Love-Scents!).

    After doing some research I opted for the

    sample packs along with gel packs of C7, SOE and AE. $45 for some experimentation seems like a good deal.


    receiving the package at work today I was interested in smelling C7 since I like Musks anyway. I must say it's not

    bad. It really wasn't a gel substance, it was definately liquidfied which I'm fine with even though it made it a

    little tricky getting small amounts out of the pack.

    As for the dosage, should I apply the same common sense

    with C7 as I would with any colonge? As in if I can smell it on myself, anyone fairly close to me can as well? I

    wouldn't think that one would want to have this thick cloud following them around.

    I'm looking forward to

    doing alot of experimenting this weekend! I'll report back later.

    If your applying the C7 gel .08mg/mL pack, Then one full pack will come close to approaching the

    pheromone content to equal one spray. The fragrance is usually regarded by most people as pleasant and not to heavy,

    although women mostly seem to find it very attractive, i certainly do not think you would be throwing out an

    excessive cloud of fragrance if you started applying 1/2 g/p /C 7 daily at work to project a nice social touch to

    your ph signature, this amount would supply about 40mcg Pheromone which may compliment you fine, and then you could

    refresh before lunch with the other half, but i personally would use the whole pack if i wanted to venture into hit

    territory, and probably add a few dabs of TE also.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies guys

    although I did make a mistake in my original post. I had opened a pack of SOE thinking that it was Chikara. No

    biggie. The C7 really does have a nice scent.

    I didn't have the opprotunity to do as much experimenting as I

    had planned, although I did get a taste of how this stuff works.

    I deal with the public in a small retail

    setting. Friday I put on a small amount of SOE (a small dab on each side of my neck for example) and started looking

    for signs. It was toward the end of the day and had 3 or 4 "regulars" walk in at different times.

    Right off the

    bat I could see a difference. The first two were guys. As they walked in I could see they sensed something

    different. They almost seemed a bit apprehensive. After talking for a minute, the tension was reduced to nothing.

    After those two, I had another regular walk in. An older lady who had about the same reaction. I considered these

    encounters positive over all. As in, I did get a reaction.

    After work I had to do a bit of shopping before going

    home. I washed off the SOE even though it was such a small dosage to begin with and my skin seems to soak up cologn

    quickly. I refreshed with C7.

    I ended up standing next to a mid 20's girl in the music section. To make a long

    story short based on regular encounters before using nomes, I could definately tell a difference. I was friendly

    with regular type chit chat and she was the same (I wasn't flirty by any means - just gauging reactions). The thing

    I noticed was that she kept getting in my personal space. I would even go as far as casually stepping away and watch

    her slip right back to me. Another positive reaction.

    Later that evening, I bumped into an old friend whom I've

    always had an on and off type of relationship with. We hooked up for the evening and I was really curious to see the


    Here again, I was dosing really small amounts based on what Zlo and Terry have said. But the

    difference in this case was that we were going to be all over each other. Long story short here is that she noticed

    the cologne and made the comment that she liked it. I didn't really see any difference in her at all even though I

    did notice that through out the evening I found her focusing in on the scented areas more so than usual.

    So far

    I'm having a blast experimenting. I'll continue on this week and should be ready for some real tests this


    Thanks for the replies!

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    I'm a regular SOE & Chikara user

    and find that if I make the first move and start chatting people will behave positivly.
    Try mixing both together

    and see how that works for you , I don't have gel packs but often 10 inches of SOE and one spray of Chikara work

    wonders for me. I'm one of these guys that looks a bit standoffish so am a convert to SOE as it seem to have a

    positive effect on me as well!

    Forgot to mention that SOE and TE mixed have fantastic results too, very

    sexual responses in bar or club settings!
    (10 inches SOE & 1/3 gel pack TE)
    early 40's white male or or

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    If your applying the C7 gel .08mg/mL pack, Then one

    full pack will come close to approaching the pheromone content to equal one spray. The fragrance is usually regarded

    by most people as pleasant and not to heavy, although women mostly seem to find it very attractive, i certainly do

    not think you would be throwing out an excessive cloud of fragrance if you started applying 1/2 g/p /C 7 daily at

    work to project a nice social touch to your ph signature, this amount would supply about 40mcg Pheromone which may

    compliment you fine, and then you could refresh before lunch with the other half, but i personally would use the

    whole pack if i wanted to venture into hit territory, and probably add a few dabs of TE

    Terry, you always have good information to share and obviously know your way around

    this. Can you comment on what I mentioned about venue? ie: If you personally are using a particular product or

    combo, how do you alter it if you're going to a club vs a dinner and a low-key bar as far as dosages? Thanks!

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zlo5 View Post

    you always have good information to share and obviously know your way around this. Can you comment on what I

    mentioned about venue? ie: If you personally are using a particular product or combo, how do you alter it if you're

    going to a club vs a dinner and a low-key bar as far as dosages? Thanks!
    Sorry i missed reply earlier but i am not receiving any email notifications to posts or threads for

    some reason that i am not aware of. AS far as using mixes at clubs it is always better to add more volume of product

    and also try adding small amount of aNONE, at a meeting then i would advise to use several drops of ALPHA 314 this

    will project a little added respect or added value status to your persona, or if you find that the Chikara is a good

    wear then use that at your meetings, you may also wish to try the Perception gel at say 1/2 pack as the effects of

    this product generally have a fairly good duration, and this product has a small amount of Androstenone which is

    just enough to give it a nice little business edge without being overbearing, it also contains a nice ratio of aNOL

    and aRONE, so this is another option i would consider for daytime wear.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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