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  1. #1
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    Default What happens if a man smells female pheromones all day?

    Will this make him become totally horny?
    Have you ever tried this? Could you use this as a way

    to boost your Testosterone levels?

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I'm beginning to think they

    affect the NO2 release more than testosterone.

    I am on HRT so I can vary my Teste levels from 240 (subnormal) up

    to about 600 (higher than average but not super high like bodybuilders on steroids who may be at 1100) on demand. I

    don't really noticed much of a difference in my response or performance as long as the levels are 350+. In fact the

    couple times i really pumped it up to the top (was probably in the 700's), it had the reverse effect ( and I was

    taking Zinc and DIM to prevent conversion to estrogen)

    However- add EW to the mix (which has copulins that have

    been shown to raise teste levels) and things change. I'm not constantly horny like i was when I was young- but when

    something happens that I become horny the response is steel hard. When i leave the bottle on my bedside table - in a

    ziploc bag- the little bit that sneaks out (you can smell it) wakes me up about 3 to 4am very aroused.

    I've had

    bad luck getting it on my ladyfriends in a timely fashion so far but it definately has an effect.

    Just for

    240-270: night sweats, fuzzy thinking, free floating anxiety, lack of desire*, lack of performance.



    I've never hit a level where I had anger or persistant lust. I did get feeling "jittery" the couple

    times I pushed it up (9 pumps instead of 6) just to see what it is like. They have tested up to 8 pumps for long

    terms so I wasn't being completely insane. Also- teste has a feedback loop. Get too much- and you get a lot of

    estrogen and that turns things off hard. You can fight the feedback a bit with zinc and DIM.

    * Lack of desire

    sucks. You just absolutely don't care about sex. It feels wierd if you've always been lusty until that time.
    Last edited by maxo-texas; 10-06-2006 at 03:02 PM. Reason: clarification.

  3. #3
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    What is EW? A pheromone with


    Where do these copulins even come from? Can they simply manufacture them in a lab or how are they

    synthesized? I don't know if I would put this stuff on my skin I would rather just smell it and see what happens.

  4. #4
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    EW doesn't CONTAIN

    copulins, it is PURE copulins in concentrate form.

    It was created for women to wear to attract men, and it works

    in my own experience in no more than 15 minutes after base exposure.

    Copulins are scientifically proven to raise

    the male testosterone level by approx. 120% within 20 minutes of exposure.

    I have never, ever known it take

    longer than 15 minutes tops, and I never, EVER fail to get the result I am looking for, when I use EW.

    As Lor and

    I have both said to umpteen men on this site, it was made for US women to attract men, so men are NOT going to get

    the same results if they try to use it to attract women.

    Nevertheless, there are reports of men getting hits with

    women, but it should be noted, that virtually every male who records hits when using cops, finds it affected

    bi-sexual women, as opposed to heterosexual women.

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  5. #5
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    Hi Crystal,

    what results

    exactly do you get? Do the men become really horny or do they only show more interest? How can I imagine the effect

    which it has on men?

    This is what you



    Can smelling too much of this stuff actually

    become dangerous in some way? Because I would really like to try what happens to me when I smell these copulines.

    Raising my T levels would also be a cool thing.

  6. #6
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    EW ramps intimate encounters

    up to the practically animalistic stage.

    Sex is full-on and VERY intense. EW is not for beginners, and it takes a

    fair bit of tweaking to get it to suit you personally.

    if you serach the women's forum you will find loads of

    threads where the various EW regular users such as Lor, Dolly, myself and The Countess tell how we use it (generally

    neat and straight onto bare skin, and then we apply a cover scent ten minutes later) but there are also some women

    who dilute it prior to wearing it.

    It literally turns men into beasts, as we have said before, many times on

    here. a GOOD way of course..

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  7. #7
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    Wow, this sounds almost


    So if I bought EW only out of curiousity how should I use it in order to turn myself on and to raise my T

    levels? Would simply opening the bottle and taking a breathe be too much? Could this have a negative rebound-effect

    or could it somehow even become dangerous?
    How should I use it?

    and does this stuff expire or lose its smell

    after a while when it's not used and in the bottle?

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon

    Nevertheless, there are reports of men getting hits with women, but it should be noted,

    that virtually every male who records hits when using cops, finds it affected bi-sexual women, as opposed to

    heterosexual women.

    Not my experience with bisexual fems, it repels them, ive used PCC and

    PI/W that contains copulins, both products actually were offensive to the bisexual women at the time. Female

    bisexuality is psychological, not physiological in nature, thier sexual physical behaviour is incidental and the

    reasons why they are bisexual is deep rooted in psychology, and not based on physiological stimuli like smell. I

    didnt see a difference.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    i can only speak for my own

    experiences but i got puppydog eyes when i worked with it on. i have never seen anything like it.
    on the

    otherhand, i can honestly say it does turn me on to wear it, whether or not someone would like to analyze the reason

    for it is cool with me, but the fact remains. i think i feel girlier wearing it, and that may play a part.

    literally feel "pink".
    also, im not convinced it will ever lose its smell. EVER. one bottle will probably last you

    a good longtime, unless you later decide to let your gal wear it, win-win if you ask me.
    im not convinced that its

    dangerous in any way,either. i have used 'none products that in excess have made me rage, but i have sniffed EW all

    day long and it was harmless. in a man - probably a different story, but im not sure its lasting in anyway

    reguardless, so you use it and effects, once your away from it, dissipate. how long this takes,im not sure. i know

    its not an all afternoon thing LOL.

  10. #10
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    When you're applying the

    pheromones on your skin do they permeate through the skin and get in the body?
    I don't think I would want this

    stuff to enter into my body, who knows what it does there?

    But if this stuff really works in men as described

    this this study then it would be the optimal testosterone booster. All I had to do is sniff on the bottle a few

    times every day and my T levels would constantly be high. But I ask myself if it's really that easy.

    you could even take this stuff into the gym and take a sniff before you start working out. Of course this only works

    if you don't get an erection from sniffing on it,lol.

    Can anybody here tell me wether men directly react to this

    stuff or wether they have to be exposed to it for 15-20 minutes before something happens? Could I simply apply 1

    drop of it on the collar of my shirt and this way guarantee that I'm exposed to the smell all the time? Would this

    be a good idea?

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    It takes about 2 hours for me

    to have a reaction.

    The one time so far that I've experimented with a female we did it in when we had about an

    hour and i had no effect.

    However- I am different than most men. I have little or no natural teste production

    because I'm on HRT (which shuts down natural teste production).

    For most guys, I'd assume Lor and Crystal's

    experience is going to be more typical.

  12. #12
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    Yes, this could be an


    What kind of reaction did you have after 2 hours?

  13. #13
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I've worn EW--a pheromone unique

    only to women--many times to no avail. It did not make me horny nor attract women. It didn't do jack. Didn't even

    inspire me to go on a date with Mary Palms. I came to the conclusion EW needs to be used on a live and attractive

    female in order to work as advertised.

    Incidentally, many of the the same pheromones are present in both men in

    women. They become "male" or "female" only in the context of the carrier.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi


    many of the the same pheromones are present in both men in women. They become "male" or "female" only in the context

    of the carrier.
    But I do not think EW belongs to this group of pheromones. Men do not have corpulins.

    you respond to other pheromones?
    If I decide to buy EW and it shouldn't work then this would really suck.

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    But I do not think EW

    belongs to this group of pheromones. Men do not have corpulins.
    Well, I did note that fact clearly in

    the first sentence of my post. I even offset it with dashes to make it standout:

    I've worn EW--a

    pheromone unique only to women--many times to no avail.
    As far as I can tell, I only respond to

    pheromones when they are radiating from a live and attractive woman. I do not "catch bone" or "sprout horn" sniffing

    bottles of artifical 'mones. However lower mammals and insects can be easily fooled...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    You have just

    been held responsible for me spouting a mouthful of Pumpkin seeds halfway across my PC desk..

    Are you SURE with

    sarcasm of that level you're not a fellow Scot?

    Made my day, that did..

    Yes, I think it is fair to say many

    men will ONLY react as we have detailed, to EW - if it is worn by a real, live woman.

    Comparing PCC which is WAY

    weaker in composition, and Primal Instinct/W which has a minute amount of copulin content only, to EW - is like

    comparing Britney Spears to Stevie Nicks!

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  17. #17
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    Default Try Cleo for women

    Ok, I thought

    I will chime in too. I too was of the same opinion that putting on EW would really raise my testosterone level.

    The one effect I notice when my testosterone is high (i.e. after doing squats, or taking some testosterone

    enhancing supplements) is that I am horny all the time, sexual thoughts keep popping in mind even when I am in class

    or working and I get erection at random time throughout the day (somewhat embarrasssing but manageable).

    Now I

    get the same response when I use Cleo (a product for women)without fail everytime. It lasts almost the whole day

    with 2 drops. But when I use it I now know better not to wear tight pants that day.

    I thought EW being more

    concentrated would work even better. But alas, no such luck. It doesn't do anything for me at all in raising my

    test levels.

    It's possible that couplins work well when used in conjunction with high -nol only. Both Cleo and

    PI/w are -nol + copulins, although Cleo has two other secret ingredients. I haven't tried PI/w but have read

    reports that it has less copulins than Cleo.

    Also it was of note that beta-nol based Cleo gave me identical

    response as alpha-nol based Cleo. Both of these products worked very well in raising my testosterone levels (as

    noted by indirect effects mentioned above) .

    Although as far as attracting women goes they really didn't help


  18. #18
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    I've played with PCC and the

    original EW. The latter was sooo concentrated I thought it should have been shipped as a hazardous


    I'm somewhere in between the opinions here. On real, live, warm and wiggly females, it is a

    definite enhancer of appeal and an intensifier of lust. I would sometime use a touch of PCC to my upper lip if I

    were in a solo mode and it seemed to increase ejaculatory volume. Still didn't make up for a willing and eager


    Just to wear copulins so that I could smell them offered little effect on my state. They didn't

    do anything for attraction of a new female either.

    If a guy has naturally low libido but still has some, you

    can count your blessings. Think of the money you'll save and the drama you'll miss! You will find yourself

    someday a woman with a similar libido and live quietly.

    Still, I wouldn't volunteer to reduce mine, even for

    all the trouble it has gotten me into over the years. On the bright side, I've five wonderful, healthy kids and

    three grandchildren, so far.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default far. Lol.


    happens after 2 hours": if asleep, I wake up aroused- if awake, my erections get harder.

  20. #20
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    This means that since EW is so

    concentrated and smells so bad I should try a lighter product?
    I would really be disappointed if I bought female

    pheromones and then not notice anything.
    Do you think I should rather try Passion Copuline Concentrate? Does this

    not smell so bad?

    And since PCC is a deo roller what would happen if I applied this stuff to my skin? I mean

    since men do not have corpulins could this cause an allergic reaction or something like this if it permeates through

    the skin?

  21. #21
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    dunbar, PCC has a very soft

    mellow melon scent, I cant smell the couplins in the product, however in PI/W I can, but its not that strong as for

    the scent to seep out of the bottle, when the lid is closed. However, I have no clue with regard to EW, and since

    some members have indirectly convinced me this is a very different product to the two I mentioned, I probably will

    include it in my next order, and test it on a Bisexual Female I know, call it a kind of experiment, not that I want

    a hit from her, I already have her attention regardless of any pheromones. Yeah, hope the post doesnt report me to

    customs, I presume its not that bad with the lid closed, ???

  22. #22
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    hi bronzie,

    when you say you

    can't smell the copulins in PCC does this mean that it also doesn't have an effect on you or do you mean that you

    simply don't smell them?

  23. #23
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    I found PCC to be worthless for

    me, simply does nothing, in fact it did offend a girls sense of smell on a number of occassions, they didnt like it

    one bit, nor PI/W. The melon scent is not that good either, its rather unsophisticated as a perfume, and a good nose

    will tell there is something else in the product other than a perfume, I pressume this is the couplins playing thier


    Maybe, its just because I just prefer natural couplins on a actual woman, and not something developed

    in a laboratory. I dont know.

  24. #24
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    I did some experiments with EW

    and essential oils and shared with some older females on this forum.

    Some of them loved it, as did their

    husbands. One wrote back saying that the first night she used it with her otherwise lackadasical husband, he came

    on like gangbusters and the next morning told her thåt they had just had the best sex of the married


    Another experiment was a mix of EW and/or NPA with talcum powder. That was fun too.

    I find I like PCC

    on a woman during foreplay and afterward, like Womens Excite wipes. Don't know it I would especially pursue a

    woman who I didn't know was wearing PCC.

  25. #25
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Are you SURE with sarcasm

    of that level you're not a fellow Scot?
    Thanks CrystalMoon! I normally hold back on sarcasm as to not

    harm tender egos and those prone to bruising. I'm actually a Korean living in Hawaii, so that's about as far

    removed from Scot influence and blood as it gets. However Koreans are oft called the "Irish of the Orient" due to

    our verbal outbursts, quick temper and tendency to brawl and quarrel.

    Incidentally I also wore EW around my GF to

    see if it would stir up any jealousy or competition and she was oblivious. EW really belongs on a woman...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  26. #26
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    I don't know what to do now.

    Personally I'd really like to know how EW smells but since this stuff smells so bad I don't think I would

    order it. This would be too awkard. Or imagine the mailman ringing on my door with the package in his hand while

    having a hard on, lol.
    But PI/w is too expensive to simply buy it out of curiousity, this means PCC is the only

    thing which remains but maybe PCC is too weak and doesn't turn me on at all. Then I also wasted my money.

  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You're most likely wasting

    your money buying a female pheromone product in the first place. You want to increase your testosterone levels? Try

    Tribex. It's reasonably safe and it works.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #28
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    The copulin formula borrowed from

    work by RP Michael in the 70's was used by Astrid Jutte who found a 150% increase in testosterone in the men who

    were exposed to it. She had a sample vial at a conference I attended circa 1998, and allowed people to sniff the

    vial during her poster presentation. It was not overpowering, a very light decidedly feminine scent, obviously

    either very diluted or possibly a single drop in a 10 ml plastic vial. It was this pleasant scent which a perfumer

    precisely matched to create SoE/women, before adding complimentary fragrance so that women wearing it would not

    smell of any noticable vaginal odor.

    Diluting EW, or covering it may be great for some women, especially if

    they are not ovulating at the time. A better idea might be to take advantage of scientific product formulation like

    in SoE/women. A good "nose" in the business of fragrance product design is a plus. I never considered using the

    straight formula mentioned in RP Michaels' published literature on monkeys. Male monkeys respond with pleasure to

    much stronger scents than do male humans, who might tend to think a woman who smells to much like her genitals might

    have some type of l infection. There is actually a lab test in which potassium hydroxide (KOH) is added to a slide

    containing vaginal secretions (usually mixed in a few ml of saline), and the characteristic odor that results is as

    significant an indicator of gardnerella vaginalis (a treatable infection) as chemical staining and microscopic exam.

    I've never smelled EW, but it sounds to me like it smells like something that should only be encountered in

    diagnostic testing (and preferably under a ventilation "hood").

    clinical laboratory


  29. #29
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    I have.

    I tried Tribex 500, ZMA, Pro Test from Chemical Nutrition. I never noticed anything... Maybe these products

    are useless or it's just me.

  30. #30
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I imagine it is just you.

    Tribex is very effective. If it didn't raise your testosterone levels EW isn't likely to do it either.


    what is the point here? You seem inordinately concerned about your testosterone levels. Do you know what your

    testosterone levels are? Have they been checked? If you really have an issue with your T levels it may need

    professional medical attention. Or the whole thing may be in your head. But until you get it tested professionally

    you will not know, it will all be guesswork.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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