Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
It's clear and

logical thinking like this that makes humanity such an amazing fluke of nature. We should have all been eaten by

wild beasts or cast our sorry arses off cliffs by now. So, we can all wear the same suit but lose self if sprinkled

with the same cologne? I think not. A nice wrapper is fine 'n dandy but hardly a show stopper. Your individuality

is displayed most prominantly and meaningfully through your utterances, actions and ultimately the life force you


Back to the wrapper. Now even if we all wore the same cologne we'd still smell different as body

chemistry, amount of sweat and flora and fauna present are extremely individualistic. In other words, that fair

scent that smells like cirtus on one clown may be more akin to deer ass an another by dry down or hours


Dude, I see your attempts in bieng sarcastic with my comments, but it isn/t working, at

least in my eyes. However, your right about some humans being flukes of nature, I know I am a rare specimen and

inherited all the great virtues nature has to offer.

You totally missed my point, wearing a nice suit shows

your form visually, physically, it/s a visual stimuli, and everyone looks different physically and a Nice suit will

usually enhance the good points of a wearer, wearing a cologne triggers a different response from those who smell

it, simply because scents work on a different human stimuli. The Nose!

A girl can close her eyes and smell a

cologne and recognize it as just one of the pack if she in her past has meet enough guys that have worn that

particular scent, she will pigeon hole you in a particular category, thus in essence you do lose a sense of being

individual, and perceived as not acting unique and applying a common boring scent that everyone wears.

As for

a scent being changed by individual body chemistry, sure to some slight degree, but most people can smell CK or ISSY

on anyone that wears it. It just smells better on some and worse on others.