Does anyone know how the pheremones actually work , or is it still unchartered territory?

I know they stimulate

the senses, but I guess I'm asking about the psychological aspects.....if the results are more fleeting than

impactful. For instance, when you use the pheremones and somebody gets all hot and bothered, are they still going to

view you favorably next day, or are they going to think "What on earth did I see in him/her?" Same goes for work

and social relationships. Are their opinions of you going to vary depending on phero usage? If that's the case,

then aren't pheros really just a quick drug, sort of like a temporary alcohol haze?

And going a little further

with this, what's the impact on really close people like family. Will there be a weird sexual vibe with them using

pheros, or perhaps a subtle relationship change?

Then finally, body chemistry effects of pheromones. Does it

alter your own mone levels, or cause brain/physiological changes? And what about the buildup long

does it take to come off completely, and do you go back completely to your normal self?

I know it's a lot of

questions to swallow at once, but I thought it would be easier to do it one post than multiple. I also checked the

FAQ section but didn't find any answers.