First off, thanks Bruce

for a great website that offers the best pheromones to choose from, the best forums, and also for the fast shipping

when ordering. Keep up the great work!

Also, thanks to everyone who posts on these forums. It helps

amateurs like myself become more educated on the use of pheromones.

Now on to the topic...


have been using AE for about 9 months now off and on with great results. Lost of hits and lots of respect. The only

problem was a couple of bad reactions from none build-up or maybe it was the wrong time of the month for a couple

females. I can't afford to have that happen in a business situation though. I love the smell of AE and when I have

it on it makes me feel great; almost like a high. So sometimes I use it too often, have a bad reaction from someone,

then take a break. A bad reaction could range from people avoiding me to someone being downright nasty for no

reason. For me 1 drop of AE is enough, but like I said, I like the smell and the feeling it gives me so I sometimes

I use 3 drops.

That's why I purchased SOE (unscented). Something that doesn't have none in it but will still

be great for social situations, and most importantly, something I can use in business situations with no fear of a

bad reaction. My target females in social situations are usually early to mid 20's.

Here are some reactions I

have noticed during my first week of use:

- Overall made people I conversed with more talkative and also did the

same for me.

- First night I met up with some friends(males and females) at a club and they acted different

towards me: kept asking me why I was so uptight and kept asking me what was wrong? Actually I felt really laid back

and absolutely nothing was wrong. This definitely was strange. As the night went on I definitely had some

hits with girls approaching me to talk and making physical contact with me when conversing. I also had girls bumping

in to me passing by when there was clearly enough room to avoid this. I also had a female approach me with some

explicit sexual comments. This suprised me because I thought SOE was purely social hits. The hits did increase in

frequency over a four hour period.

- I did notice that SOE makes me a little sleepy. I feel really laid back but

also tired at the same time. Probably the only thing I don't like about it. On the contrary, AE makes me feel

pumped up and really good.

-Sat and talked with a female friend who kept crossing and uncrossing her legs every

30 seconds. Also kept playing with her hair just as often. Is this a hit?

My dosage of SOE is usually 2

inches on each side of neck, 2 inches on each wrist, Rochas Man cover. Is this too much or too little on average as

a stand-alone?

I will continue to use SOE as a stand-alone for a few more weeks for experimentation purposes,

then add AE on clubbing nights thereafter.

Any comments would be helpful.
Thanks, DFL