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  1. #1
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    Default Would a 'none OD cause bitchiness?

    And I'm not talking about the ladies here... I'm talking about the guys.

    I ask because I have observed what

    appears to be a 'none OD in guys causing irritability that borders on bitchiness.

    I'm trying to fgure out if

    this is one of the effects others have seen, or if it's just that the 'none was acting on their tiredness or


    But, I have allowed a few friends to try my TE and have seen them get bitchy a couple of times after

    doing so. They're younger than me, in the 24-26 range, and they were using 1 or 2 sprays of TE. I thought it might

    have been the TE with them being tired because they work a lot of over time, but I have not observed them being

    irritable like that before.

    Thoughts? Comments?

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    During the last few years of use,

    and no matter what much NPA or TE I use, I have never experienced hostility, aggression or "bitchiness" from males.

    However, I hear it's not an uncommon problem, especially if the user has an aggressive persona, threatening

    appearance and/or artifical 'none is compounded with natural 'none.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    In my experience, yes.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  4. #4
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    In my

    experience, yes.
    That's because you're a bad motha.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Too much A-NONE can make me very

    irritable and crabby.And there are alot of posts from the past that indicate the same thing.It can also have a

    simmilar effect on women who are mestruating and can generate aggresive behavior with men in certain instances as


  6. #6
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    Yes. I cannot even wear a

    half of a drop of TE without becoming seriously irrated, moody, quiet, depressed, and generally a bitchy


    And I'm 30. I have to stay far away from anything with none in it.

  7. #7
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    I presume then that being

    tired would only worsten this effect?

  8. #8
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I can't wear more

    than a few dabs of TE. A spray can often make me quick to become impatient and short tempered. I've also had that

    problem with AE.

    For the record, I haven't had that problem with Impi, made by the same people who make TE

    and NPA. I was hesitant to buy it due to the effects TE nad NPA have on me. So far though, I've been able to wear a

    full spray with no problem. Have only used it these last couple of weekends though, so final results aren't in


    Now environment does paly a part in this for me. When I tried AE, it was about this time last year. My

    town is a small town in the summer, then quadruples in size during the winter from "snowbirds" who come here to

    escape the harsh weather up north. With roads congested by 80 year olds driving full sized RVs and pulling SUVs

    behind them, I have to work to keep my road rage in check in the first place. When I was wearing AE, I was just too

    quick to explode.

    So I've set that aside and went back to my favorite, Chikara. I can use that, A314, and

    Perception with no problem, though I had an attitude the first time I used Perception as I had sprayed on way too


    I can wear TE alone if I only use a few dabs. I can get by with a small dab of NPA, but the smell is so

    strong for me, even with just one dab, that I get real self-conscious about it, even when worn in combination with

    other products.

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Funny, I'm the total opposite of

    you. Chikara and Perception don't do a thing for me socially or sexually. I might as well apply distilled water.

    Even with a dozen dabs of NPA my mood remains calm and collected (my normal state). However, it does give nearby

    women the "itch." Actually I wish 'none would make me more agitated and aggressive but I guess that's what coffee

    and beer are made for.

    NPA must react with each individual's body chemistry differently. I've had lots of

    friends and family--male and female--sniff me after applying large doses of NPA (with various cover colognes) and

    had only positive comments. Even without a cover nobody noticed anything. However I don't sweat much and, being

    Korean, have almost no hair on my body (save the head and privates of course). I also avoid red meat and processed

    foods. Many of my meat eating pals seem to have more toxins to sweat out. They get really funky working out or

    running around all day. I suspect odoriferous sweat mixing with NPA produces maximum stank.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi

    However I don't sweat much and, being Korean, have almost no hair on my body (save the head and privates of

    course). I also avoid red meat and processed foods. Many of my meat eating pals seem to have more toxins to sweat

    out. They get really funky working out or running around all day. I suspect odoriferous sweat mixing with NPA

    produces maximum stank.
    That could be part of the equation for me. I eat red meat and particularly

    like spicy food. Living in the desert southwest, I've grown fond of Mexican food and am always seeking out new,

    extra hot, though flavorable hot sauces. I've graduated from jalapeño to habanero chiles. I also have a lot of body

    hair and tend to sweat easily. Even with a product like Perception, which is suppose to be formulated to avoid

    transdermal absorption, if applied to the chest area, I find I can often still smell it the next day. Though the

    skin may not absorb it, I think the chest hair easily does.

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think you are

    absolutely right about hair absorbing mones. That would explain a lot about why people like Gegogi, who has little

    hair, can wear quarts of mones without an OD where people wearing homegrown rugs like me cannot.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
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    Well, today I did an

    experiment. Before leaving the house, I applied two sprays of TE, two drops of APC, a third of a packet of SOE and a

    spray of pherlure. Then my girlfriend asked for a spray of TE, so I gave her one, too.

    Only then did I realize I

    had OD'd. Oh well, I figured. It'll wear off.

    So we went to do our errands. First order of business was taking

    grandpa to the bank. Grandpa was more talkative than usual, but nothing else.

    Then we dropped him off and headed

    for the mall to do some shopping. Within the fifteen minutes it took to get there, we had launched into a fairly

    good fight. Not physical, of course, but we were hurling accusations at one another pretty good.


    continued as we were walking through the mall parking lot, until it occurred to me that we were fighting because we

    had a 'none OD going on. I burst out laughing. She demanded to know what the ***** I was laughing at,

    dammit! It better not be her!

    Well I explained we were probably only fighting because we had a 'none OD

    going on. Of course the next thing she said was, "I knew this was all your fault!" We got in another argument as we

    walked to the kiosk where I had to exchange a belt I bought the yesterday. And when we went into the shop she wanted

    to shop in, I stood back and observed her. She was definitely in a bad mood. Finally she turned to me and said, "You

    can leave now. I'm going to be a while shopping." She was originally planning to buy a shirt. One she'd picked out

    the previous time we were there.

    So I walked out, and embarked upon Phero Experiment mode. And what did I



    Nobody noticed me at all. Not as I walked past, not when I slowed down and forced them to

    walk around me, not when I stood in one place and let them browse merchandise nearby. Until I went to the bookstore

    and sat down to read a book next to a young lady. She promptly got up and left.

    I figured this was the

    indifference OD I had been reading about last night. So I dropped the phero experiment and read until my girlfriend

    re-appeared. She was much calmer than before. Much.

    So we walked to the food court, which was at the other end

    of the mall, and again I noticed nobody noticing me. Then we went to a sub shop and waited in line.

    Boom! Of the

    three women behind the counter, two of them were immediately giving me hits. One was chatting me up about cheeses

    and how smart I was for having her make my sub the way I asked her to. The other was practically ignoring everyone

    else there in an effort to make eye contact and be as close to me as she could.

    Now mind you, this was two and a

    half hours after phero application. I had visited this sub shop afew times previously and been served by both of

    these women, and never before had they ever said anything besides what was necessaryto accomplish their jobs, or

    took notice of me in any way. This time, they were acting like I was their only customer, yet they were so busy they

    had a line.

    The Hispanic woman was so interested I thought my girlfriend was going to get mad at me. It was so

    obvious I was almost embarassed for her. Then she started talking about how she was married, and how her husband

    always looks at other women, and how I must do the same thing a lot. She was chiding my girlfriend about this while

    maintaining steady direct eye contact with me. Even after I paid for the food and was making room for the next

    customer, she would not stop talking to me. It was almost enough to make me burst out laughing. If only the woman

    behind me in line hadn't been giving me the evil eye.

    I don't dare imagine what would have happened if I

    hadn't worn the SOE... I guess TE is something I should keep a low profile with. All in all, very interesting day.

    I guess I should stick with one spray of TE...

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Just a quick little anecdote to

    throw in to this...I wore alittle too much NPA today.Visiting at a friends house,I was sorely tempted to beat his

    fourteen year old son to death with one of his own severed limbs.Now...that might be the NPA,or it could be the fact

    that fourteen year old boys need to be beaten...but I am not usualy prone to this sort of hostility.Ordinarily I

    would not let an obnoxious teenager get on my nerves.But for some reson,today was special.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    Just a quick

    little anecdote to throw in to this...I wore alittle too much NPA today.Visiting at a friends house,I was sorely

    tempted to beat his fourteen year old son to death with one of his own severed limbs.Now...that might be the NPA,or

    it could be the fact that fourteen year old boys need to be beaten...but I am not usualy prone to this sort of

    hostility.Ordinarily I would not let an obnoxious teenager get on my nerves.But for some reson,today was

    How much NPA did you wear today, and what do you usually wear?

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    usualy I will use two very light

    dabs,one placed on each side of my neck.But on the day in question I used four realy substantial dabs and covered it

    up with one drop of A 314 on each side.The A 314 was overpowered by the NONE OD in my oppinion.Im not ususaly the

    type of person who is given to anger so I can only atribute these things to the NONE OD.Its not the first time this

    has happened to me.NONE OD's happen to me fairly easily if I get wreckles and impetuous with how much I use.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I wish I could OD on 'none. I

    even tried a couple dozen dabs of NPA on my arms and 6 under my nose and I still felt tranquil. The thing that makes

    me feel mean is a lack of sleep or extended heavy traffic.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I wish I could

    OD on 'none. I even tried a couple dozen dabs of NPA on my arms and 6 under my nose and I still felt tranquil. The

    thing that makes me feel mean is a lack of sleep or extended heavy traffic.
    You wish you could OD on

    'none? Wha? You want to be irritable and bitchyand make those around you irritable and bitchy too? I can only

    wonder why.

  18. #18
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    So I can experience the the full

    range of pheromonic expression of course! Even when I'm enraged people think I'm calm and collected. I's love to

    scratch my ass and see people dive for cover.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #19
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Check out some of these threads too

    for reference:

    Pheromones and how diet affects



    How does wearing pheromones affect



    Mones for



    And feel free to contribute to them!

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  20. #20
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    When I use -none (NPA/w), I

    consciously try to observe my own behavior as well as others (both sexes). This is to prevent any mishandling of

    tempers on my part or others. One element that always gives me problems : my own thoughts, as it could escalate to

    negative moods.

    Apart from thinking of women & sex, -none seems to amplify whatever moods I set to create for

    myself (via my thoughts). When I'm alone, thinking of similar times in the past, I do get depressed and it carries

    on for a bit. However, when I switched to other tasks at hand (like planning a project), I'm motivated to do it

    right away & I did. This happened to me quite a few times. Anyone else have similar experiences?

    BTW, does

    anyone know of a handy solution to kill -mones instantly? Will isopropyl wipes do the job? I need to have this

    ready, just in case things get out of hand at work. I got used to these -none effects in the past but I don't use

    -none everyday. The roller coaster effects does creep in after some absence. Thanks.
    Everything begins with an attitude.

  21. #21
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    As far as I can tell thus far,

    I observe no response to 'none from myself or the ladies until I OD. Interestingly enough, I always see that it

    affects my pherlure and makes the resulting mood similar to what I get from Alter Ego... which leads me to believe

    it does have an effect, and I should probably test it more.

  22. #22


    When I use too much -none you

    best stay far away from me. I am not known for a temper but with too much -none I'd bite the head off of small

    children and kick puppy dogs just for looking at me. I get light headed and my head seems to buzz and very

    irritable if I use too much of this stuff. I try to put it on my arms and places not to close to my own nose. I

    also need to try smaller quantities (less than two sprays) next time around! LOL!!!

  23. #23
    Banned User
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    I wonder why Gegogi can't

    seem to be bitchy with too much 'none? It's too bad. :-)

    Two sprays seems to be my limit with TE... I

    start bitching at three.

  24. #24
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    Post removing mones

    Quote Originally Posted by itwow
    BTW, does anyone know of a handy solution to kill -mones instantly? Will isopropyl wipes do the

    job? I need to have this ready, just in case things get out of hand at work. I got used to these -none effects in

    the past but I don't use -none everyday. The roller coaster effects does creep in after some absence.

    Possibly polysorbate anti-DHT (used to prevent baldness) shampoo will help. (You can buy it

    on ebay). However I personally find there seems to be some kind of absorption and re-release effect going on and I

    get build-up even so.

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