Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse
Does anyone have

any info regarding what these pheromones do exactly?


Esp. the

Beta-NOL. In another thread, it was recommended to me.

Thanks Men,
Ah beta-nol. Really great

pheromone, though its often overlooked by most users.

Alpha Androstenol (featured in SOE): Improves the

AMOUNT of communication (though it's often mindless communication), creates a more fun, vibrant environment.

Beta Androstenol: Improves the QUALITY/DEPTH of communication, and also the AMOUNT of communication (though not

nearly to the extent of alpha nol).

Betanol seems to make people feel completely like themselves around you,

to the extent that they open up to you much more readily than they normally would, even if they've known you for a

while. This is what improvements in the quality and depth of communication take root in - if a person feels more

like themselves around, they open up more readily to you, and delve into deeper conversation topics.


also feel a greater sense of trust and rapport in you, again because they feel more like themselves in your

presence. It definately expedites the ice breaking process in meeting folks, and works wonders in interviews,

sales, or any type of 'first approach' type of encounter.

At high doses, people report a 'truth serum' type

of effect, in which people will start divulging more personal types of information that they might normally not

have. I've seen bit of this myself, but never to extent that others have reported. It makes sense though - if a

person feels that much like him or herself around you, he or she would more readily delve into their more secretive


Anyway thats my take on betanol. I'll leave its uses up to your imagination. If you want a really

great social type of effect, try mixing alpa and betanol together. Works like a charm.