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  1. #1
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    Default Copulins raising Testosterone Levels

    Hihi =D

    What I've seen from the forums is that copulins are secreted during ovulation and its like a signal to

    males that you're ready for sex. Also, Copulins raise a man's testosterone levels, which might make men more


    What I would like to know is: What would an increase in testosterone levels do? Does it make men more

    aggressive? Like applying andostenone/rone? I mean, what are the effects of an increase in testosterone.


    what if a male were to accidentally or intentionally apply copulins onto himself? What would the resultant effect be

    on both the male user and other males around him? Will other men like the male user better (because copulins signals

    an invitation of sex) or would they shun the male user because of their increase in testosterone levels (Would they

    be more aggressive and territorial to the other men and the male user due to testosterone spikes?) and have an

    increasing want in looking for a female counterpart?

    How will the male user (Used copulins on himself) react as


    Thanks a Bunch!
    Last edited by soulrift; 06-05-2006 at 08:22 PM. Reason: Just wanted to make small changes :D

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Thumbs up right on....

    i am soooooo looking

    forward to hearing the answers on this thread-
    i have been experimenting on this for a little while but very

    limited because i dont have guys to bounce my findings off of.....i'll be watching this one....

  3. #3
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    well i have brough PCC and

    actually loved the smell (oh by the way im a guy) but i did not like how it effected me.

    first time i became

    very submisive and daydreamy on about 6-8 inches strips down my arm, so that was out. i hate being submisive.

    2nd time around 3-4 ins..... same deal (had trouble connecting in convasations)

    3rd time, drew a circle, size

    of an quater on my wrist and rubed togeater on both sides......... again i was kind of submisive and not as

    assertive as i am always.

    so i gave the bottle to my sister for her birthday and she loves it.

    the only

    thing i liked about PCC was i put some on before going to sleep and my dreams were pretty fun, not the fun you guys

    were thinking about but i love dreaming on PCC. and i wake up in a happy mood.

  4. #4
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    Hehe so it makes guys lose

    their concentration? o_o Hmm did it make you distance yourself from other males? Did other guys distance themselves

    from you? Or did you become more approchable.

    And by submissive did you mean easier to handle? Like more open to

    suggestions? Cuz then, if a male uses copulins on himself, would he be able to put other males around him into a

    more light-headed, relaxed personality? (Make them submissive as well?)

    Thanks slick

    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
    well i have brough PCC and actually loved the smell (oh by the way im a guy) but i did not like

    how it effected me.

    first time i became very submisive and daydreamy on about 6-8 inches strips down my arm, so

    that was out. i hate being submisive.

    2nd time around 3-4 ins..... same deal (had trouble connecting in


    3rd time, drew a circle, size of an quater on my wrist and rubed togeater on both sides.........

    again i was kind of submisive and not as assertive as i am always.

    so i gave the bottle to my sister for her

    birthday and she loves it.

    the only thing i liked about PCC was i put some on before going to sleep and my

    dreams were pretty fun, not the fun you guys were thinking about but i love dreaming on PCC. and i wake up in a

    happy mood.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Lightbulb hmmm

    i thought i read

    somewhere that men used it before working out, that raising their testoterone in this manner would be condusive to

    it, but it seems it had the opposite affect on you. what if you were to mix it with 'none,more assertive,less

    submissive, but good mood ? or AE for that matter,right? 'none +'rone+ 'nol ?

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    what if a male were to

    accidentally or intentionally apply copulins onto himself?
    I've used copulins (EW) many times solo, in

    combos and it didn't do jack for me. I didn't get any more horny, aggressive or insightful than normal. Moreover,

    it stank like vinegar and didn't attraction or repel man, woman or beast.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    For me, using EW results in

    things getting VERY hot and heavy and yes, almost aggressive.

    "The Man" always reacts to EW - and fast

    too, although I think other female forum members find it takes their partners longer to "warm up."

    I don't think

    any of us though have failed to get what we were looking for (if you catch my drift) when using EW.

    PCC as I have

    said before, does squat for me, but EW is a VERY different animal altogether..

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  8. #8
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    So what pheromones should you

    use to make other men (Straight men) more interested and attracted to you if you're a guy?

    I've read that

    -none makes you seem more alpha and that might make other males submit to you. But I'm not looking for that effect.

    I'm trying figure if straight men can be attracted to another male.

    I want people to notice me, not fear me for

    being too... manly...? Maybe even a little sexually attracted (Twig their other side).

    Perhaps its my fantasy or

    maybe I'm just gay... but gay males don't interest me... straight males do...or maybe its because I've never met

    another gay person or non-irritating gay person...

    I hope this doesn't offend too many straight males out

    there...but I'm trying to get a hit with a straight male.

    Appreciate all help =D
    Thanks a Bunches!

  9. #9
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    "I hope this doesn't

    offend too many straight males out there...but I'm trying to get a hit with a straight male."

    I don't think

    it's very likely to happen. You might get hit on by a all-out lesbian though.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  10. #10
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    yeah those times i have tried

    it they were in a mix. and when i say submisive i mean i just looses my assertiveness.

    but useing it alone only

    makes me feel horny.

    i don't know about useing stright nones to get stright men but i get alot of hits from

    guys when im useing ae. my sister even thold me "why are all the guys looking at you and not me" also i have gotten

    a number from a guy at the dmv and been asked out by one at hardees'. but im assuming they are gay tho sence they

    try to ask me out. other then that ae is the only thing i have gotten hits from guys. and with it its not more about

    fear almost i think its more about respect.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Question interesting

    i love this topic

    makes it so compelling is that every one has a different experience and so far nothing tried and true.....and yet

    everything works for someone! im with koolking in that if a man is straight, he's straight...unless he's NOT lol.

    but maybe your looking for someone who is comparitive to a straight man with the same maybe finding

    a 'mone that brings those qualities out rather than just attracting someone with those qualities already is the way

    to go? maybe wearing the copulins and 'nol together would give you enough of a signiture that it would possibly

    encourage atleast more purposeful interaction? hmmmmm....

  12. #12
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    The effects of increased

    testosterone are similar to ROID-Rage. When I have high testosterone I am impatient, agressive, talkative, energetic

    and sexually driven. I have Tested EW on myself to see the reaction.

    For the first week It made me feel really

    good as described above. This week it doesn't work any more on me. I must have gotten used to it.

    It would

    have the opposite effect on me than on slickracer. I would be more likely to pick a fight with guys around me or at

    least be agressive hyper and anoying. I dont know what effect It would have on me if worn by a woman. I haven't met

    one who I knew was wearing mones.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  13. #13
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    Red face no kidding...

    For the first

    week It made me feel really good as described above. This week it doesn't work any more on me. I must have

    gotten used to it.
    wow i didnt think it was possible to be completely used to 'mones,only because i

    guessed it had to affect you your whole life to some extent naturally.... but it makes sense because SOE/w got me

    high first time i tried it, and now im cool with it and just feels good.

  14. #14
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    The link below is how I

    tested EW.

    I found that testing the effects of

    pheromones on myself to see their physiological effects helped me to understand their potential effects when worn in

    social situations.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    wow i didnt think it

    was possible to be completely used to 'mones,only because i guessed it had to affect you your whole life to some

    extent naturally.... but it makes sense because SOE/w got me high first time i tried it, and now im cool with it and

    just feels good.
    I get mone buzzes when I try a pheromone for the first time. I used to turn into a

    freakin goofball while wearing alpha nol, though I've gotten used to that.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I should clarify my comment about

    "copulins not doing jack" for me. Sniffing the bottle or applying to my body or clothing are neutral. That is, they

    don't excite me or attract or repel men or women.

    However, copulins emulating from an attractive woman propels

    me straight into hog heaven. The scent of a woman, on a woman, is an amazing turn-on. Instant boner, accelerated

    heartbeat, the works. To me copulins only make sense as part of the total package. Without the woman I don't

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulrift
    What I would

    like to know is: What would an increase in testosterone levels do? Does it make men more aggressive? Like applying

    andostenone/rone? I mean, what are the effects of an increase in testosterone.
    As I recall, in her

    introductory comments for the copulin study that found increased testosterone (T), Astrid Jutte posited that the

    increased T would be associated with increased attention focussed on whoever elicited the T increase. Simply put,

    whether or not a man is consciously aware of it, he will focus more attention on a woman who increases his level of


    There is some evidence that exposure to a woman, in general raises T levels in men. If a woman wears

    copulins that elicit more of an increase in T than the typical exposure-associated increase, the woman wearing the

    copulins should get more male attention.

    There's much more to it than this very basic explanation.

    However, I hope that this gives you an idea of the concept behind copulin



  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    As I recall, in

    her introductory comments for the copulin study that found increased testosterone (T), Astrid Jutte posited that the

    increased T would be associated with increased attention focussed on whoever elicited the T increase. Simply put,

    whether or not a man is consciously aware of it, he will focus more attention on a woman who increases his level of


    There is some evidence that exposure to a woman, in general raises T levels in men. If a woman wears copulins

    that elicit more of an increase in T than the typical exposure-associated increase, the woman wearing the copulins

    should get more male attention.
    Hmm... What if it was a man (Say Man A) wearing Copulins? Would it

    increase Man B's Testosterone levels?

    If so, would Man A get more male attention as well? Since it was Man A

    (The guy wearing copulins) who elicited the testosterone increase in the other males. Would the other males

    unconsciously be attracted to Man A?

    Or would an adverse reaction occur and an increase in Testosterone levels

    in other males make them more aggressive towards Man A?

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    There's much more to it than this very

    basic explanation. However, I hope that this gives you an idea of the concept behind copulin use.

    That already cleared up a load

    Thanks JVK! Can't wait for your reply

  19. #19
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulrift
    Hmm... What if it

    was a man (Say Man A) wearing Copulins? Would it increase Man B's Testosterone levels?
    No studies

    have been done on this. However, since the copulin effect on hormones is most likely a conditioned response, visual

    signals of masculinity from a man would probably overide the change in testosterone.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    No studies have

    been done on this. However, since the copulin effect on hormones is most likely a conditioned response, visual

    signals of masculinity from a man would probably overide the change in testosterone.

    Hmm... just clarifying...

    signals of masculinity from a man would probably overide the change in testosterone.' Does it mean that there

    won't be a testosterone increase in the males? In other words, there would be no effect whatsoever on another male

    if Man A wore copulins?

    =D me again

  21. #21
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    TRUST me on this


    If you are a woman wearing EW, the testosterone rate of the guy concerned, skyrockets. Dolly and The

    Countess will affirm this.

    No idea how a male wearing copulins affects another male, but believe you me, EW is

    The BOMB for women to use..! ^_~

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  22. #22
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulrift
    Hmm... just

    'visual signals of masculinity from a man would probably overide the change in testosterone.'

    Does it mean that there won't be a testosterone increase in the males? In other words, there would be no effect

    whatsoever on another male if Man A wore copulins?

    =D me again
    As I indicated, there's

    really no way to predict the change in testosterone, but that does not mean there would be no effect. You're

    basically asking me to offer an opinion in a scenario that has not been tested. In this regard, I typically resort

    to answers that incorporate research that has been done. For example:

    "... a distributed neuronal network

    ... collectively integrates responses to olfactory and visual input. Studies of non-human mammals indicate that

    visual input has relatively little impact on the development of sexual preferences."

    "... interpretation of

    [human] [orbitofrontal cortex] (OFC) responses suggests that face-evoked OFC activation may largely be due to

    olfactory/pheromonal conditioning of sexual preferences and that OFC activation has minimal, if any, association

    with reproductive function. Thus, the effect of olfactory/pheromonal input on hormones and the unconscious affect

    of hormones on consciously perceived physically attractive features may be more associated with sexual preferences

    than with reproductive function."

    But, in this case, it might be fun to temper some


    Accordingly, if a man likes the smell of another man who is wearing copulins, his unlikely

    hormone response (if it occurs) may or may not be associated with the combined affect on behavior of the other man

    smelling like a woman's vagina when the other man should not smell like a woman's vagina. If the man wearing the

    copulins looks like a woman's vagina, your guess is as good as mine about what could happen next, and whether or

    not it might be related to a testosterone response.


  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulrift

    Perhaps its my fantasy or maybe I'm just gay... but gay males don't interest me... straight males do...or maybe

    its because I've never met another gay person or non-irritating gay person...

    it's the thrill

    of wanting something you can't have.

    much like when a man knows a woman is solely lesbian but still

    hits on her relentlessly

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    "... a

    distributed neuronal network ... collectively integrates responses to olfactory and visual input. Studies of

    non-human mammals indicate that visual input has relatively little impact on the development of sexual


    "... interpretation of [human] [orbitofrontal cortex] (OFC) responses suggests that face-evoked

    OFC activation may largely be due to olfactory/pheromonal conditioning of sexual preferences and that OFC activation

    has minimal, if any, association with reproductive function. Thus, the effect of olfactory/pheromonal input on

    hormones and the unconscious affect of hormones on consciously perceived physically attractive features may be more

    associated with sexual preferences than with reproductive function."
    AHHH! XD too much jargon for me


    Does this mean that sexual preference can be based on 2 factors: sight and smell?

    So, you must be both

    visually and 'smell' attractive to be sexually desired?

    Could you please help break it down for me in layman

    terms please? =/

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    But, in this case, it might be fun to temper some speculation.


    if a man likes the smell of another man who is wearing copulins, his unlikely hormone response (if it occurs) may or

    may not be associated with the combined affect on behavior of the other man smelling like a woman's vagina when the

    other man should not smell like a woman's vagina. If the man wearing the copulins looks like a woman's vagina,

    your guess is as good as mine about what could happen next, and whether or not it might be related to a testosterone

    I don't understand this part as well =/ could you help clarify this please?
    So if a man

    smells like a vagina, but does not look like one...what will happen o_o?

    I understand that its only a

    speculation. But I would like to understand what you've written. [An educated guess is better than none at all]

    Thanks and sorry for being such a bother =/

  25. #25
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I wonder if there's been a spike

    in EW sales at men's prisons? You might be able to increase your attractiveness as resident bitch.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I wonder if there's

    been a spike in EW sales at men's prisons? You might be able to increase your attractiveness as resident

    better to wear the 'none and have your pick? im just guessing.....

  27. #27
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulrift
    Does this mean

    that sexual preference can be based on 2 factors: sight and smell?
    I wrote a book about all this, and

    also have a domain that's very complete. If you're interested enough to read, it would be better to read what

    I've already put in lay terms (like the book) to increase your understanding. My current interests lie more in

    pursuit of scientific explanations, thus, the jargon.


  28. #28
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    Can someone who isn't that

    discreet please either shed light on what he meant or share some of your own experience/knowledge?

    Can't really

    blame him (JVK) for trying to sell his books but I'm hoping this post will reach people who are willing to help and

    explain the questions I have.

    Please and Thank you. All experience or knowledge of this is welcomed.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast
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    There is also some recent

    study that showed you have to taste right too.

    Apparently people who are too close relatives may not taste good

    to each other.

    Tho I guess in some parts of the country it can be an acquired taste.

  30. #30
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Brother and sister I can

    understand. But definitely watchout for your cousins. Since they know they can never date you and you can never kiss

    'n tell, they'll hump yo raw if given the chance.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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