
If you received 2

confirmation emails with 2 different order numbers on them, then your order was entered twice, but don't worry.

Tammy almost always catches these errors and ships just one of the orders. It doesn't hurt to send an email to the

support address with both order numbers to help insure that the charge for the extraneous order will be quickly


Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
yeah, you get 2 confirmations. you will get a 3rd confirmation when it ships..usually

the day after you order it.

1/4 pack TE+ an equal or smaller amount of SOE depending if you want a more

sexual reaction or not.

I have seen many instances of customers inadvertantly placing

duplicate orders. It's possible that this occurs when the person double-clicks on the confirm button, but is more

often the result of the the customer using his "Back" button and then going forward again through the confirmation

page. In any case where a customer receives 2 confirmation emails with 2 different order numbers it means that his

order was in fact placed twice.

When you take it upon yourself to reply to posts in the customer service forum,

please make sure that the information you provide is correct. It's the quality of one's posts that counts, not the

