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Thread: Horny woman

  1. #1
    Voodoo child Bkflip's Avatar
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    Default Horny woman

    I found this on

    luvessentials, I wanted to get sum oppinions on it

    JUST FOR MEN: Discover the Exact Time

    of the Month a Woman Reaches Her Highest Sexual Temperature – or When She's Likely to be Intimate with


    en often wonder why they always

    seem to be sexually ready while women need to be romanced, wined, dined, and foreplayed before they get in the mood.

    Part of the reason, of course, is that women are psychologically hardwired differently from men – and

    generally speaking, it does take some time to get a woman to the same level of readiness that men normally


    However, there are a few days each month when a woman is *always* biologically able and willing. During

    those few days, it has been scientifically proven that women are more driven to actively look for a sexual partner.

    Interestingly enough, during those few days, even a woman who's in a committed relationship – a relationship

    in which she is sexually active – is most likely to seek a different sexual partner.

    Do you know when those

    few days occur? It's when a woman is ovulating.

    Ovulation is the portion of a woman's monthly menstrual cycle

    wherein she's most fertile. It occurs on or about the fifteenth day of a woman's 28-day cycle. It's not only a

    woman's prime time to conceive, but also a time when her libido is unusually high. This coincides with the "in

    heat" phenomenon in the animal kingdom. The time when the female is reproductively able and willing.

    What this

    means to you, if you're a man looking for a woman, is that your chances of having a relatively effortless sexual

    encounter with a woman is when a woman is ovulating. Unfortunately, that knowledge won't help you much when you

    meet a woman for the first time. For instance, you can't simply walk into a singles bar and visually spot women who

    are ovulating, can you? If life could only be that simple!

    The good news is this: A man's vomeronasal organ

    (VNO) in his nasal cavity is able to pick up on the scent of ovulating women. How? Women produce female pheromones

    called copulins, which are volatile fatty acids that they produce in their vaginal secretions. Copulin secretions

    vary dramatically during various phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Astrid Jütte, a Vienna University biologist,

    was able to prove that males are not only able to smell maximum fertility in women, but their testosterone

    levels increased to nearly 150% when they smelled the ovulatory women.
    -Rub her feet?

  2. #2
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    interesting post, now all we

    need is a tesosterone meter, so we can walk around and see who raises our test the most

  3. #3
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Hi hzg0st

    Interesting, I

    keep notes of when women (that I´m interested in) have there period for various reasons...
    Do you count 15 days

    from the start, the middle or the end of her menstruation... if you want to find out the time of her peak ovulation?

    What I have heard from woman, is that their lust peaks around their menstruation. Some before, some after and some

    in the middle of it, which of course is not the time that the woman has her peak ovulation.
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  4. #4
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    sex is about reproduction ,

    even some lesbians are attracted to men when ovulation is close.usually they have minor acne breakouts around this

    time. i think heavy nones smell good to women around this time and pregnant women are repulsed by none, there

    already pregnant heavy nones only attract a small audience but these few who go wild usually go the whole nine

    yards.imagine heavy noning a gal before ovulation or noning a couple of chicks housing together with menstrual

    cycles together with copulins on [ pound it man]

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Hmm, I've had similar experience

    as Sir Angel: many women are the biggest horndogs near or during their period. Personally I don't care for sex

    during menstruation, but many women want it more than ever and can be extremely demanding of male wood. It's like

    an itch that won't go away...

    Hmm, with humans sex is more about pleasure and power. Most folks go to great

    lengths to avoid reproduction.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by lordcrazyd
    interesting post,

    now all we need is a tesosterone meter, so we can walk around and see who raises our test the

    How about an ovulation meter that measures the copulins in the air?

  7. #7
    Voodoo child Bkflip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCP
    How about an ovulation

    meter that measures the copulins in the air?
    I think I ran into one of thows on a website.
    I wonder why

    luvessentials would supply an artical like that whithout developing some creation to go whith it?
    -Rub her feet?

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    thats already well known

    information but thanks for posting it again.

  9. #9
    Voodoo child Bkflip's Avatar
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    I thought about that...I get most

    of my infomation frum google and could find nuthing specificly about that. Are there any websites you can recomend

    that deal whith this?
    -Rub her feet?

  10. #10
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Well it would make sense that

    women should be most horny when they are most receptive... but my experience tought me the same as Have Courage. (

    But then women have to make sense? These beautiful and wonderful strange creatures)
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    when they really want it they will

    go to interesting lengths to get it - when their drives tell them they can but they dont need to ie 3 weeks in a

    month they can do it but they arent normally as up front about it.

  12. #12
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    I am curious, does all this still

    apply when women are on the pill? does the pill effect the "horny" times?

  13. #13
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "I am curious, does all

    this still apply when women are on the pill? does the pill effect the "horny" times?"
    The hormonal

    disruption caused by the pill throws all that out the window. For some reason I find natural women more sexy than

    pill users. I don't even like how pill users smell down there.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    I have found or at elast suspect

    you need higher doses of pheromones to influence women on the pill to wanna get sexual - could explain why some

    react not on the pill more readily to OD than those that are ?

    James Kohl has posted some research on this

    (he sells SOE via LS)

  15. #15
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bkflip
    I found this on

    luvessentials, I wanted to get sum oppinions on it: ...

    The good news is this: A man's vomeronasal organ

    (VNO) in his nasal cavity is able to pick up on the scent of ovulating women. How? Women produce female pheromones

    called copulins, which are volatile fatty acids that they produce in their vaginal secretions. Copulin secretions

    vary dramatically during various phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Astrid Jütte, a Vienna University biologist,

    was able to prove that males are not only able to smell maximum fertility in women, but their testosterone

    levels increased to nearly 150% when they smelled the ovulatory women.
    The human VNO (vomeronasal

    pits) is not required--just as the VNO of other mammals is not required for pheromones to have an effect on hormones

    and behavior. Astrid used a copulin formula (also used in SoE/w), --not ovulatory women-- in her study. Bottom line,

    poorly written articles like the one mentioned are misrepresentations of facts, and rather


    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    I have found or at elast suspect you need higher doses of pheromones to influence

    women on the pill to wanna get sexual - could explain why some react not on the pill more readily to OD than those

    that are ?

    James Kohl has posted some research on this (he sells SOE via

    Thanks, Watcher
    Many recent posts simply rehash information discussed at length over the past

    several years. I respond less frequently because my book (updated edition in 2002) discusses nearly everything in

    Forum posts--except for personal experiences, which add perspective. I'm always happy to see new Forum members post

    information, but often see them post misinformation. It might be a good idea for some to attempt to somehow validate

    the information coming from other domains before posting it to the Forum. This would help ensure the validity of the

    Forum--which is currently the only pheromone discussion group that has any validation so far as I'm



  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scmoo
    I am curious, does

    all this still apply when women are on the pill? does the pill effect the "horny" times?
    Gegogi is exactly

    right. I'll give you a little more detailed description.

    Primary sex hormones are regulated by an "axis"

    that consists of three organs: the hypothalamus (a part of the brain), the pituitary gland, and the gonads. The

    hypothalamus is nervous tissue, and has specialized neurons that deliver a neurotransmitter/hormone-like compound

    called "gonadotropin releasing hormone", or GnRH. GnRH causes the pituitary to produce "luteinizing hormone" (LH)

    and "follicle stimulating hormone" (FSH). In women, FSH stimulates the production of progesterone and stimulates the

    follicles to develop and prepare for ovulation. In men, FSH causes the Sertoli cells in the testes to produce sperm.

    (Testosterone also has this effect.) In women, LH causes estrogen production and ovulation (among other things). In

    men, LH stimulates the Leydig cells in the testes to produce androgens (e.g., testosterone (which in turn stimulates

    the Sertoli cells to produce sperm... complicated?)). For men (or, actually, for all individuals who were exposed to

    high androgen levels in the womb, as is normal for men and abnormal for women), GnRH, FSH and LH production may vary

    on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis, but they don't follow a monthly cycle. For women (or those not exposed to

    androgens in the womb), the hypothalamus follows a very detailed monthly pattern of GnRH release, which peaks

    shortly before ovulation.

    For more detail about what I've mentioned so far, go to


    for the female and male systems, respectively. The first article has a really nice

    graphic, so I recommend that you take a look at that. You'll notice that women also experience an estrogen peak

    right before/during the start of menstruation. That's why they get so horny then, too. Also, you'll notice that

    progesterone is pretty low then; AFAIR, progesterone tends to reduce the libido (right?).

    Now, here's

    where things get really interesting: the primary sex hormones (testosterone, estrogens, and progesterone) all have

    negative feedback effects on both the release of GnRH in the hypothalamus and FSH/LH in the pituitary. (Well, except

    sometimes (esp. in women) where they can increase GnRH production... but you don't need to know that.) In other

    (simple) words, the more estrogen/test/progesterone you have, the less you produce. That's why taking prohormones

    and anabolic/androgenic steroids makes your balls shrink. That's also why birth control pills work. See, birth

    control pills are basically just pills with a bit of progesterone (and sometimes estrogen, depending on the

    manufacturer) in them. When a girl takes them, it causes her hypothalamus to dramatically reduce GnRH production.

    Ultimately, though, average overall (estrogen and) progesterone levels aren't diminished--in fact, they're usually

    higher in pill users than non-pill users. However, what's important is that they're not nearly as strongly

    influenced by the hypothalamus and GnRH, so they're more constant. In short, this means that there's no

    estrogen/LH spike immediately before ovulation, and therefore no ovulation. That also means that there's no

    horniness, no peak in body temperature, no change in vaginal secretions, and so forth. There would also be no

    menstruation if BC pills didn't have a special one-week-per-month set of pills which didn't contain any

    progesterone. Some companies/researchers have actually experimented with skipping this phase, giving women several

    months of PMS- and tampon-free living.

    It should be mentioned that BC pills do a lot more than just inhibit

    ovulation. I think that the reduction of hypothalamic GnRH activity leads to a reduction of the innervation of the

    hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The adrenals are where almost all testosterone is produced in females, so a

    reduction of that axis would lead to lower testosterone. I think, actually, that all of the aforementioned effects

    regarding libido are, ultimately, because of interactions affecting adrenal innervation and testosterone levels.

    Also, because BC pills tend to increase progesterone and estrogen levels and decrease testosterone, they tend to

    cause improvements in skin tone, reductions in hair oiliness, gains in fat weight, enlargement of the breasts (I bet

    you guys are all going to fixate about that one) and hips, increases in water weight, and a bunch of other similar


    But that's just the beginning. BC pills have also been shown to halve the rate at

    which women break down caffeine (women usually break down caffeine 25% percent faster than men; nicotine will

    approximately double that rate in both men and women). Also, in studies of the attractiveness of people's body oder

    and its correlation with MHC similarity


    /url]), both men and non-BC-using women rate individuals with dissimilar MHC as being more attractive/smelling

    nicer. However, BC-using women reported the exact opposite: odors of people with similar MHCs smelled the best to

    them. (For you female readers: do not shop for a husband while on birth control. If you do, you'll probably

    find that when you go off BC, you won't be attracted to him anymore. That would suck.) This (also) means that

    BC-using women are more likely to enter into relationships where the amount to which each partner is attracted to

    the other is imbalanced.

    JVK: Yeah, that's what I remember, too. I remember the

    150% testosterone increase study as being related to (synthetic?) copulins in general, whereas the

    smelling-the-time-of-the-month study was actual vaginal secretions.

    Watcher: I remember reading

    on the women's forum that most women (at least, sexyredhead and Elana) absolutely can't stand 'none when they're

    menstruating. Also, I think (but I'm less sure about this) that 'none is especially attractive during ovulation.

    This is probably related to your observations regarding BC users. I'm not going to speculate right now, though: if

    I made this post any longer it would probably impale someone.

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    yes the None to Obvoluation and

    periods is one discussed widley - i was more referring to Arone and Anol in terms of more is needed on a personal

    level to get a more forthright and effected response than those that i assume aint.

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