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  1. #1
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    Default Does anyone have any conclusion?



    This post is intended to be rather a reflection than some “complex product rating”.

    Well, I have

    been theoretically interested in –mones for some time… Practically, I have already tried C7 and NPA is on the way.

    I had some results with C7, but, as you know, every rating in this way is very arguable. I have noticed some more

    friendliness, chattiness, eye contact and ice breaking effect… What should I want more, huh?!

    But, after all,

    there is still one big question remaining…

    “If pheromones were really such a block buster, don’t you think

    milions of people would be already using them and it would be a well known stuff?

    Pheromones are known

    since 80’ which is already quite a long time period… Nowadays, still only few people know about them and even fewer

    is using them… Why? Is it too expensive? Is it unnecessary? Isn’t it working well enough?

    Everytime I

    visit Love-Scent Forum, there are something about 15 viewers… That isn’t much for the ?biggest? pheromone concerned

    website in comparison with thousand wievers of others forums…”

    Does anyone have any conclusion?


    Sorry for my English, it’s not my native language…

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Everybody uses pheromones

    everyday. They are naturally produced by all humans. Not everybody feels they need additional enhancement. With the

    global population near the breaking point I really hope we start repelling one another sexually.


    pheromone use is sorta like using vitamin supplements. Some prefer to pop pills while others religiously ingest

    vitamins from organic veggies. Some don't give a damn and eat at McDonalds. It's also like weight training.

    Everybody knows you'll look and feel better working out regularly. However most folks don't do jack. Check out all

    the fat folks shopping at Costco. Just because 70% of the USA is fat doesn't mean it isn't common knowledge

    exerise is good for you. Etc. Etc. Besides, if everybody enhanced themselves with mones, there would be no advantage

    to those that really need enhancement.

    Incidentally, there are other pheromone watering holes on the net.

    Nevertheless, discussion of pheromone is a pretty geeky topic and very low interest topic compared to witchcraft,

    knitting, scrapebooking or comicbook collecting.
    Last edited by Gegogi; 03-25-2007 at 03:51 PM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio View Post

    “If pheromones were really such a block buster, don’t you think milions of people would be already using them

    and it would be a well known stuff?
    Hi Alessio,

    pheromones are well-known, but most people do

    not believe, that it works! Although I keep it in secret that I use pheros, I have spoken with my friends about

    pheromone-fragrances and they all have said such thinks like "does not work", "such a bullshit".... and this

    although they have never tried pheromones! And if all or the most people would use pheromones we would lose any


    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio View Post

    PS: Sorry for my English, it’s not my native language…

    in the club! you are not alone

  4. #4
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    I'd like to add my

    two scents, generally speaking, even for myself, people are under the belief that pheromones are the sex pill, also,

    which is what most rip off sites do advertise, (a couple come to mind, oh, my sweet hard earned money...).


    to make a long story short,
    you believe mones are insta sex stuff, you fall into site that advertises that,

    is a total failure when to try it,
    you believe and tell mones are bullshit.

    that more or less rounds it...
    Last edited by marina1; 03-25-2007 at 04:57 PM. Reason: the usual mistake spelling words

  5. #5
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    I think a lot has to do with

    the mainstream media generally saying that this stuff doesn't work at all for humans. I remember that some weeks

    ago workingman posted a review of a broadcast on danish TV, in which a scientist claimed that these things don't

    work... So most people do believe the same - it's been said on TV, they must be right...

    Additionally, as

    marina already said - most other people are somewhat misguided by the advertisement of some companys, that claim to

    make you the ultimate sex magnet. You could be the ugliest, most unsocial guy in the world - two sprays of this

    magic stuff will make the women jump you. I have to admit that I'm a little guilty of this, too - but not because

    of some shi***ty company, but because of some reviews on this board that read just like this stuff would really work

    this way (and maybe for some people it really does). Well, as soon as these misguided people see that there's no

    such effect they throw the stuff away and declare -mones to be total crap...And then there's these popular products

    (not to mention any name ) that are more or less real rip-offs, because they don't work at


    Actually, I'm not sad about the way things are - we would lose our little advantage over the rest of

    the guys if all of them were wearing mones (yes, I'm a little egoist from time to time )

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Most men don't understand

    the science of mones.They prefer to get women"the ol' fashioned way" by their charm,looks,money car etc.Some just

    try one kind of mone and are not happy with their success so they think it is a crock.But we understand that you

    have to have the patience to experiment by buying different mones.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    Default I have a friend

    with a degree in

    Biology. We're such good friends that we can discuss anything, including pheromones. He has always told me that

    there's no way pheromones can work on humans. I always chuckle inside when I think about that.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  8. #8
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    Thank you all for your prompt


    It has helped me to form a better opinion and hopefully to understand more!

    Well, you’re right

    – there are many things which are not very widespread although they could improve people’s life significantly – e.g.

    good nutrition or exercising…
    But, I have to add, it’s getting quickly into people’s knowledge and they are trying

    to live in the more healthy way (at least in my surroundings ).

    I agree, it’s very

    easy to get misguided! Pheros are often sold with really exaggerated promises from manufacturers… Without reading

    something more about, you don’t have many chances to succeed…

    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post

    Welcome in the

    club! you are not alone
    Thx, neighbor!

  9. #9
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubblebob View Post

    think a lot has to do with the mainstream media generally saying that this stuff doesn't work at all for humans. I

    remember that some weeks ago workingman posted a review of a broadcast on danish TV, in which a scientist claimed

    that these things don't work... So most people do believe the same - it's been said on TV, they must be right...

    You must have misunderstood me.. They said it should potentially work and they did a test with any a

    couple of people.. About 10 if I recall correctly.. But the end result was that they didn't could see if they

    worked (probably because of to little testobjects)..

    But I can remember when I started using mones also.. I was

    curious but again many people think it's not possible and I had a little of that to so I was sceptical.. I didn't

    know if it all was bullshit and I would just buy catpiss..
    I bought a bottle of some very exspensive stuff that

    smelled really strong.. But the producers claimed on their site that this products would get you laid and make you a

    sexmagnet so I thought "well if I spray this on every woman around me will have the urge to fuck with me, etc etc."

    and the idea was very interesting.. So I used a little 2 spray) the first day and it didn't work.. The next I

    almost bathed in it but of course it didn't work either..
    I then bought another product with no added scent that

    stunk more than NPA or anything else...
    I decided that I would try one last time and if it didn't work I

    would admit it was catpiss I had bought, they had fooled me with their extremely exspensive products..
    And I

    stumbled upon this site that opened my eyes for stuff I could have told myself.. Don't bathe in this shit


    And in general people think it's bullshit, they think it's a scam to rip you for money because of the

    prices.. When they try them out it doesn't work as they thought (they have to high exspectations), and people just

    don't know how to use them so therefor they see no results (and also they think they think there will happen earth

    shaking amazing stuff and when therefor don't see the actual results because they think there should happen much

    much more)..
    But it's also some sites fault that advertise like you will become the only man women around you will

    want, and they will get wet as the river when you walk into the room.. It twists people exspectations around but

    perhaps it's a good salestrick ..
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  10. #10
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Yeah, seems that I didn't

    remember it correctly. However, the study didn't show any amazing results pro mones - so people could think it's

    not worth the money...

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Default Skepticism

    Its all about

    skepticism if you saw an ad for a cream that makes your dick longer and wider you would think its a joke.So thats

    what some guys think about mones.

    I remember hearing about mones for the first time on the Howard Stern

    show.The commercial said "want that special attention try this stuff."In the Philly area Howard Stern was the top

    rated morning show for years.A nice size of his audience are horny lonely guys(like me) so I gave it a try and loved

    the results.BUT..the company went under about a year later.I only noticed one guy wearing this stuff all the time it

    was on the market.

    If guys are not attracting the women that they want they will stop using that certain


  12. #12
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    And… there is one more thing I’d

    like to ask… I’ve found probably a new product containing 1000 mg androstenol/androstenone mixture per 10

    ml (one bottle). This is a really high concentration… Can you take an advantage from this high concentration or is

    it better to remain loyal to proven substances?

  13. #13
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio View Post
    And… there

    is one more thing I’d like to ask… I’ve found probably a new product containing 1000 mg

    androstenol/androstenone mixture per 10 ml (one bottle). This is a really high concentration… Can you take an

    advantage from this high concentration or is it better to remain loyal to proven substances?
    Are you

    sure it's 1000mg? Maybe a typo? 1mg per ml is more usual. It would be really hard to squeeze 1000mg into 10ml.

    Might be more like gravy than liquid.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi View Post
    Are you

    sure it's 1000mg? Maybe a typo? 1mg per ml is more usual. It would be really hard to squeeze 1000mg into 10ml.

    Might be more like gravy than liquid.
    Well, this stuff is called F 1000... If you put "F 1000 Unscented"

    into Google, it's the first hit... It looks strange... I agree... but one never knows...

  15. #15
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Some Pheromone Commens

    I purchased my first pheromone product back in 1994 and it was so effective for me

    that i did not forget it, Even though i cant find that same one again as i have searched hi and low, that is what

    led me here amoungst other places, when i started some pheromone research one year ago. There is some real dud

    products around the web, that look so fantastic on the sales pages, and ebay is full of the crap, But even so there

    are a few companys on the ebay that sell legitimate products, as i have a few goodies. As also i have some really

    good hit products from L-S. The reason i have faith that pheromones work is because i can wear a certain mix and

    sometimes i will not notice any perceived action from it, but now and then this same mix will produce sutch an

    amazing run of hits even that no person could ever doubt the efficiency of the product if they had experienced the

    effects. Sometimes the pheromones will sort of amplify the way you feel, and this is what is perceived by others in

    some instances. Some users will be lucky with their purchase from the first day onwards, and many have to experiment

    with quantities and variations of a theme to get something to match their own personal chemistry, There are so many

    that just give up, because at the end of the day and after all is said and done the whole business of pheromones and

    attraction is an art, and like any art form it has to be crafted and perfected and honed, So the believers in the

    majority have enjoyed this art form and have also found success and enjoyment in the developement of its science.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    I'm the same as you.

    Sometimes I don't notice any hits, othertimes they come so thick and fast I start to belive I'm the man!

    post more or less sums up the facts as I see them - attraction is an art , pheromones help but it's ultimatly up to

    you to follow through and deliver the whole package, thats when the "crazy hits" come on board.... I'm sure most

    here on the messageboard know what I'm talking about.
    early 40's white male or or

  17. #17
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio View Post
    And… there is

    one more thing I’d like to ask… I’ve found probably a new product containing 1000 mg

    androstenol/androstenone mixture per 10 ml (one bottle). This is a really high concentration… Can you take an

    advantage from this high concentration or is it better to remain loyal to proven


    At first I was figuring that this "F 1000" was a total scam.
    A product

    containing 1000 mgs of pheromones would not only be far too concentrated to use, but given that it would probably be

    well over a 100 year supply it would likely be pretty expensive too. I figured a few thousand dollars wouldn't be

    too steep a price for an Androstenol/Androstenone blend containing a full gram of pheros even if it leaned heavily

    toward the less expensive Androstenol side.

    But sure enough, when I Googled it, I saw that it was only 51

    Euros! Not bad at all for several thousands of dollars worth of pheromones!

    THEN...the picture opened up for

    me, and LO and BEHOLD! seems that "F 1000" is in fact UNSCENTED CHIKARA!

    What's totally

    comical is that this site sells both scented Chikara (with direct copy/pastes of Bruce's ad copy from the

    Love-Scent site) that they correctly represent as having 10mg of pheromones, and right below it the UNscented

    Chikara, which they've evidently renamed and inflated the data on a hundred-fold!

    The only part that wasn't

    totally laughable was that they seem to be using an even BETTER PICTURE of Chikara than Bruce uses on Love-Scent.

    (See Below.)

    BTW, 51 Euros sounds kinda steep for Chikara to me, but I haven't checked the exchange rates

    too recently.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  18. #18
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    there really should be some sort

    of scam site list, at least on this board.

  19. #19
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    Thanks for your

    reply! I agree, “F 1000” seems to be a poor fake… You’re right, this pheromone concentration is probably achievable

    but the price would be much higher than something about 51 EUR.

    Well, current exchange rate equals to 1.33 USD

    for 1 EUR which gives 68 USD for one bottle. Unfortunately, this is a regular price for 1 Chikara here…

    Next time, I’ll definitely consider ordering directly from

    Marina1: I vote for the scam site list. The only problem is I have just one product to add...

  20. #20
    Full Member Superman's Avatar
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    Hi alessio!

    Yes, pheromones

    do help but you have to make your effort/part too.

    I told some guys at work about them and they are believing in

    them probably cause I said so!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio View Post


    This post is intended to be rather a reflection than some “complex product rating”.

    Well, I have

    been theoretically interested in –mones for some time… Practically, I have already tried C7 and NPA is on the way.

    I had some results with C7, but, as you know, every rating in this way is very arguable. I have noticed some more

    friendliness, chattiness, eye contact and ice breaking effect… What should I want more, huh?!

    But, after all,

    there is still one big question remaining…

    “If pheromones were really such a block buster, don’t you think

    milions of people would be already using them and it would be a well known stuff?

    Pheromones are known

    since 80’ which is already quite a long time period… Nowadays, still only few people know about them and even fewer

    is using them… Why? Is it too expensive? Is it unnecessary? Isn’t it working well enough?

    Everytime I

    visit Love-Scent Forum, there are something about 15 viewers… That isn’t much for the ?biggest? pheromone concerned

    website in comparison with thousand wievers of others forums…”

    Does anyone have any conclusion?


    Sorry for my English, it’s not my native language…
    I think it is great that enough people use them to

    keep the companies in business but few enough people use them so that the general public doesn't become used to

    them (imagine if every guy had a severe high NONE signature).

    They work on a bell curve. I have 3 ladies

    currently and mones drive one of them to the moon, have some affect on #2, and apparently have no effect at all on

    #3 (or i might not have found the right one yet).

    SOE is top-notch for friendly/chatting.
    NPA is pretty great

    for enhancing sex with someone you know (it makes me act more masculine and less anxious too given about 30-45


    The rest... who knows.

    I do mess around with a couple of the wierd ones and I'm waiting for the

    tax refund to get androstAnenial (sic?).

    Your mileage will vary and you really just need to find people that they

    work on and ignore the rest.

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