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  1. #1
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    Default Chikira + SOE at the club by far caused THE BEST reaction ever for me

    First. Last night. Wore Chikira and just a bit of SOE. I was on FIRE at the

    club. I'm 35. Generaly pretty decent lookin, I guess you'd say but the chics were SWOONING over me. I seen an old

    friend out and ACTUALLY felt obligated to come up with an explanation so passed it off and played dumb and I said

    "dude, you are getting the girls over here like wild. What is it with you man". He just said "man, it's not me,

    it's you" and he was serious. I just said "ahhhh, I don't know about that".

    I am telling you it created a

    total vibe within a five foot radius. Girls I'd never seen before that were like 8-10's! and were not bimbo's

    were coming up to me. One girl stayed and talked till the bar was closing and actually started telling me all kinds

    of personal stuff....about her upbringing, her tormented child hood, her insecurities, and actually, and I mean

    actually started to shed a few tears! I never even seen this girl before! My friends were like, dude this chic is

    like so into you she actually is starting to cry. Not to mention the ONLY reason I was talking to her is because her

    friend liked me. And it wasn't a ploy.

    Mistake#1; The girl at the end of the night started playing like she

    lost her keys. I said too soon "I can give you a ride home" she kinda backed off from it cause I spoke a little too

    soon. What she wanted was for me to actually help look for them, then say well, after a good while "do you need a

    lift to your house" but I bit too quick......fuck. She was HOT too.

    Any how, Chikira, with a touch of

    unscented SOE was knocking them dead. The bar-maid started giving me free fucking drinks. I don't even know her.

    And this is before the other girls came around. My two friends were like "WTF, girls are all over this guy".

    I NEVER got that many reactions. I have used probably seven or eight of the top seling Pheromone colognes on

    a pretty consistant basis dating all the way back to "Date Mate" like three or four years ago. However, last night

    is the very first time I ever tried a combination of two pheromone colognes together and I NEVER seen anything like

    it. It was like their was a vibe in the air all around me every where I went and girls were being SO open with me at

    two seperate bars. Wow.

    I will say this, I actually think Chikira takes a few weeks to settle in to the

    wearer. It actually seems that at first I got nothing with Chik. I mean not squat. I was really dissappointed. Then

    over a few weeks I get more and more success with it. Then last night I said, what the hell I'll throw a light

    speay of Chikira on the wrists and a small one on the throat and I use just a touch of SOE on the ears and a light

    swipe in the hair. Bam. I never seen anything like it. This club had probably 120 or 130 people in it. And I can

    honestly say I got Considerably more attention from considerably more women (and really good looking ones)than

    anybody eles there.

    Happyman, was a happy man. No scoring, but I am telling you, it was because of a few

    mistakes I made that I will work on.


  2. #2
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    SoE is


    Not a lot of -none there- are you young?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas

    SoE is potent.

    Not a lot of -none there- are you young?

    I'm 35. I have tried both SOE scented and un-scented before. I had OK results with SOE unscented and pretty decent

    results with SOE Scented. But just a touch with the Chikira this time totally did it all. I mean, it was like I was

    totally attractive, hot, and had it goin on and it seemed to just infect not only me, but somewhat to those around

    me even. That was the scenario here I'm tellin you. I can't wait to go out and try it again.


  4. #4
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    Man that sounds like quite a


    I find myself that the less chikara I use, the more effective it gets. Like 1 or 2 sprays seems to be enough

    for a crowded bar.

    Keep up updated with that combo man.


  5. #5
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    I refer to Chikara and SOE as my

    "waitress combo". If yoo're wearing that combo at a restaurant, I can pretty guarantee that your waitress will give

    you excellent and somewhat flirty service.

  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SyraBrian
    I refer to Chikara

    and SOE as my "waitress combo". If yoo're wearing that combo at a restaurant, I can pretty guarantee that your

    waitress will give you excellent and somewhat flirty service.
    I've been able to repeatedly impress

    my "biker" friends by capturing the attention of the waitress in nearly every case. There may be 8 or 10 of us, but

    when I'm wearing SoE the waitress will invariably stand closest to me when taking orders, flirt with me, bend over

    the table to show her breasts to me--every trick in the book.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyman
    No. I'm 35. I

    have tried both SOE scented and un-scented before. I had OK results with SOE unscented and pretty decent results

    with SOE Scented. But just a touch with the Chikira this time totally did it all. I mean, it was like I was totally

    attractive, hot, and had it goin on and it seemed to just infect not only me, but somewhat to those around me even.

    That was the scenario here I'm tellin you. I can't wait to go out and try it again.


    bit of SOE =

    A touch of Chikara =

    Sorry, but I wanna know ... please.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    A bit of SOE


    A touch of Chikara =

    Sorry, but I wanna know ... please.


    My exact usage that night and the specific


    Chikira=one full spray total Distributed on wrists and rubbed into both areas and lower forearms.

    One small small to mid size spray in middle of neck total but this one not rubbed in.

    SOE Unscented.= 1/4

    swipe total Distributed on finger then applied to each outer ear. 1/2 swipe total Distributed on finger applied to

    behind ears and about and 1/2 swipe total distributed to hair around the ears.

    Try it.

  9. #9
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    hmm that's quite a light

    application. I'd like to know if that works for u in smoky bars.


  10. #10
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    Woah, this sounds absolutely


    But why exactly do you have to use pheromones for a while before they start to kick in? I mean

    pheromones are external and your body doesn't adjust to them, does it?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunbar
    Woah, this sounds

    absolutely incredible!

    But why exactly do you have to use pheromones for a while before they start to kick

    in? I mean pheromones are external and your body doesn't adjust to them, does it?
    I am not sure all

    Pher. Colognes work this way. I think most do to a slight degree. However Chikira seems to go to work a few weeks

    after you have been wearing it on and off more than the others. the first few times I tired it I got

    nothing....zilch, in the very same enviorment, and around the same people that now it has an effect on. Chik. + the

    SOE at the club was lethal I am tellin you. At least for me.


  12. #12
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    Maybe it's because you've learnt

    to spot the effects much better.

    When I first used Chikara, I didn't see anything big happening, so I

    stopped and tried out other products. Then after having some experience with those, I went back to Chikara one day

    and * BOOM* .. I noticed them. Girls were getting very close to me, touching me, putting their arms around me,

    pulling my clothes to demand attention from me. I didn't notice all these subtle nuances before as I was expecting

    big come-ons, DIHL's and girls approaching me.

    Honestly speaking, chikara is too weak to bring on those

    DIHL's and make girls approach you. But if you've approached girls, and spent a few mins in close quarters talking

    to them, you'll see the effect of Chikara.

    If you want to reel the girls in, my advise is to use a stronger

    pheromone that gains u attention and also a good cologne. Something that will get them to approach ... YOU.

    When they get close and start talking, chikara will then work on them.

    And this is why, I reckon

    Happyman's having this combo work for him. SOE makes him friendly and approachable... and chikara turns on the hot

    buttons on the girls. Makes perfect sense to me anyway.


  13. #13
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    I've tried a few pheros off

    and on in the last 3 years or so. Having "been away" from the phero's thing for awhile, I few months back I decided

    to try some again and bought some of the SOE, Edge and Chikara gel packs to give them a try. SOE, I'm no stranger

    to as I've bought bottles of it before and have had a few women comment that it smelled good, whatever it was I had

    on (I never told them exactly what "cologne" I was wearing).

    The Edge and Chikara, I'm still unsure of.

    But, regarding what you guys have experienced, I did mix Chikara and SOE (gel) one time and got a similar response.

    I was at a bar where a band was playing. Three girls that I knew were there. One of them I had gone out with a few

    times but the relationship fizzled.

    So the three girls are roommates and the one roommate of the girl I had

    gone out with came over to say hi. We were acquaintances through the girl I dated so I didn't really know her that

    well. I suspect the other two girls sent her over to "see how I was doing" cause I wasn't dating her friend

    anymore. The band that was playing at the bar that night was loud so she leaned in close and asked me how I was


    "Fine", I said. And smiled as I looked into her eyes.

    My applications of SOE and Chikara had

    been the usual swipes behind my ears and on the pulse points on my neck. Also had some on my wrists and forearms.

    Gotta admit, that Chikara smells pretty damn good on it's own btw. Anyway....

    We small talked a little bit

    more. Everytime she spoke to me, she had to lean in real close because of the noise. Then she'd pull back and look

    at me with a smile. Right before our conversation ended, with the band still blaring in the background, she said,

    "Can I just tell you.....what are you wearing? Oh my god, you smell so good right now!". Then she pulled back

    and smiled at me again.

    I just smiled back and told her my usual. "I'm not sure what it is..I just grabbed a

    bottle of cologne and put it on. But thanks!"

    She proceeded to lean in and take another sniff, pull back and

    smiled and left. She went back to her two friends and chatted with them as they looked in my direction. I'm

    guessing she told them that I smelled really good. The girl I dated out of their group came up to me shortly after

    to say hi but we didn't talk much. I wasn't sure if she was trying to get a whiff of what I had on but she hadn't

    approached me when I first saw her, only after her friend came up to me first and then returned to her.


    used all my Chikara packets but still have a few of the Edge and SOE packets. Guess I'll have to graduate to trying

    the Chikara spray now.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    A bit of SOE =

    A touch of Chikara =

    Sorry, but I wanna know ... please.
    same here, how much of each?


    and where exactly are the pulse points on the neck? like the pulse glands underneethe the side of your jaws?

  15. #15
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    I've never used Chikara

    before but after reading this thought I'd give it a shot. Put a dab of that, SEO and a spray of my NPA cologne mix.

    Gotta say my reactions were very similar to yours. This one girl at the club was all over me after just saying Hi

    and couldn't let go of me all night, then pulled another # in the street after. Obviously 1 good night means

    nothing, but this combo shows promise and I'd like more nights like last night.
    Last edited by elektrobank; 12-03-2006 at 11:31 AM.

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Wink Thanks for the report Happyman

    Yo` happyman, I'm so glad to hear that it's such a great mix!
    As those two are in the big

    collection I recently bought. And I was looking with a promising feeling towards specificly SOE & Chikara


    report was great btw, especially after reporting the amounts & applied places.

    Still have one question left

    How old would you say the girls approaching you at the club were?
    Specially that one who stayed so long &

    talked to you...
    `coz I heared they're both good on the young ones; and I'm 22.

    Oh and,

    LatentOne... Can you also elaborate on the ages plz ?

    Happyman: Don't sweat it about the mistakes you

    claim to have made.. It seems you learned a whole lot from `em... And it'll turn out to be exactly what'll get you

    the whooooHAA-hit the next time

  17. #17
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    Happyman, I definitely believe

    what you mean because I had a very similar experience, except with PI. Still...the hottest girls, even ones who

    were holding hand with a guy were turning to come over to me...yes, I got free drinks too, and I didn't know any of

    the people either. Heck, I walked in the venues solo, and left with girls to go to other venues!

    I think,

    though, and someone mentioned this in another post, is that once you start to get a few favorable reactions from say

    2-3 hot girls, it creates a domino effect. I've noticed this outside of the nightscene, in cafes/bookstores chick will start staring and doing those "tricks" that jvkohl mentioned, and then other girls near her

    will follow suit trying to win me over. It's weird, but it's a subconcious thing that just happens.


    I'm definitely interested in trying your combo...but I have one question, you said...

    Quote Originally Posted by happyman
    I will say

    this, I actually think Chikira takes a few weeks to settle in to the wearer. It actually seems that at first I got

    nothing with Chik. I mean not squat. I was really dissappointed. Then over a few weeks I get more and more success

    with it.
    By "settle in" do you mean that you think it helps to have a very slight amount of buildup (which

    is inevitable anyway), over time...or getting used to knowing how much to use?

    Either way, I get what you mean in

    general that you have to have patience with 'mones and you only really "get the hang of" the effects of a

    particular product, how much to use, wear to apply, etc...when you've experimented, crashed/burned...

    If that's

    what you mean, I get your drift, but I'm just curious by that statement.

    Thanks again for this report!

  18. #18
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    so happyman, with your

    chikara and SOE, was one scented and the other uncented?


  19. #19
    Stranger london-boy's Avatar
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    i think when he says it takes

    a couple of weeks for it to start working, i reckon it could be your body getting used to it, how your own naturla

    pheromones react, its like body building powders, your body has to get used for the sudden intake of proteins before

    it can get used to it and start working. I recieved my bottle of Chikara today, so i'm hoping to maybe test it out

    tomorrow mixed with my Pherlure (cos it s really the smùell that attracts the girls)

  20. #20
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    for those interested, here's a

    link to a recent article on a study regarding to the "domino


  21. #21
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    Called "social proof"

    can do amazing things with it. Even using a good (attractive) female "friend" as a pivot to start jealousy

    plotlines....get 2-3 girls on you and sudenly it becomes 15 and you own the entire venue.

    Heady, powerful


    I've been meaning to write an article about it. Soonish!

    www . realitymethod . com
    Last edited by thirtyplus; 03-26-2008 at 06:40 PM.

  22. #22
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Many women react when a

    beautifull woman comes with a man.. Even though he looks really bad, etc. they always think there must be a reason a

    girl like her is with a guy like that and they get intersted.. They think he's charming, can do amazing stuff in

    bed etc.. This is a powerful trick.. Some people pay escort girls to go out with them so other girls will notice him

    and wanna be with him..
    It's an old trick in the book

  23. #23
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    Yeah, but as a "trick" it's

    even better when the girl you're with did fuck you at one point / does wanna fuck you again in the future.


    have to say, though, to the OP, close that shit, man. If a girl is sitting there talking to you all night about her

    childhood it's one of two things - 1) she just wants somone's shoulder to cry on or 2) she was initially attracted

    but decided you were not gonna make a move and just decided to treat you like one of her girlfriends.

    I wrote an

    entire post about this


    like the 'mones were working man at least to reel her in....just Close that shit!
    Last edited by thirtyplus; 03-26-2008 at 06:44 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE

    happyman, I'm so glad to hear that it's such a great mix!
    As those two are in the big collection I

    recently bought. And I was looking with a promising feeling towards specificly SOE & Chikara

    Your report

    was great btw, especially after reporting the amounts & applied places.

    Still have one question left

    How old would you say the girls approaching you at the club were?
    Specially that one who stayed so

    long & talked to you...
    `coz I heared they're both good on the young ones; and I'm 22.


    and, LatentOne... Can you also elaborate on the ages plz ?

    Happyman: Don't sweat it about the

    mistakes you claim to have made.. It seems you learned a whole lot from `em... And it'll turn out to be exactly

    what'll get you the whooooHAA-hit the next time

    __________________________________________________ _________

    Very suprisingly the girls

    involved in this hit report we all good. A few were remarkably good looking. Even my firends were sayin "She's hot"

    or "She's Tuff" in response to how I, and others rated the girls invloved in the hit report. Ages were between

    23-25 years old, good bodies, nice faces, None were drop dead outlandish knock-outs but all were at least good

    looking. Beleive me, the girls involved here would never be desperate for male attention based on their looks or

    attitudes if you are thinking this is a possibility. However, I have not had a night like that since. Still have a

    stong presence with hits here and there consistantly from this mix in the club though.


  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirtyplus
    Yeah, but as a

    "trick" it's even better when the girl you're with did fuck you at one point / does wanna fuck you again in the


    I have to say, though, to the OP, close that shit, man. If a girl is sitting there talking to you all

    night about her childhood it's one of two things - 1) she just wants somone's shoulder to cry on or 2) she was

    initially attracted but decided you were not gonna make a move and just decided to treat you like one of her


    I wrote an entire post about this

    Sounds like

    the 'mones were working man at least to reel her in....just Close that

    __________________________________________________ __________

    I know. Tell me about it. I

    F*%#ked up the close.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by headshrinker
    so happyman,

    with your chikara and SOE, was one scented and the other uncented?

    __________________________________________________ __________

    Yes. Chikira-Scented,



  27. #27
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    Default My very first hit report

    After thoroughly studying this forum, I decided to try Chikara and SOE based on what I read in this thread. Well,

    all I can say is "Thank You"!!

    I fly for work on a weekly basis. Today I had 3 flights and sat beside very

    attractive women on 2 of them (unfortunately, a very large man on the 3rd UGH!). Both women *started* conversations

    with me and did their part to keep the conversation going for the entire respective flights (about 1.5 hours each).

    The first girl was about 23, still in college. The second was probably 30-35 and a professional athlete. I'm

    not going to say which sport just in case, but suffice it to say they were both gorgeous.

    I am 37, 5'9", 260

    (not all muscle I have been told I'm a good looking guy and I can definitely hold my own in a conversation.

    But my added lbs has caused me to lose my game.

    I was wearing 2 full sprays of Chikara on my neck and about 6"

    of SOE on ears and wrists.

    I attribute the SOE/Chikara combo with sparking their interest for a conversation,

    and then my abilities to keep the talking going. However I will admit on the last flight, towards the end, I was

    getting really tired and just wasn't speaking very well, but yet she made a noticable effort to keep talking to me,

    so I imagine the mones helped then as well.

    Anyways, while I was never a disbeliever about mones, I was

    definitely a skeptic but man, after tonight I am sold! This is just the boost of confidence I've been looking


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyman
    __________________________________________________ __________

    I know. Tell me about it. I

    F*%#ked up the close.

    Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. That's the other important thing.

    There are a bazillion other attractive women out there who will give you another chance Just keep going out,

    it'll's inevitable

    <link deleted>
    Last edited by belgareth; 01-21-2007 at 02:06 PM.

  29. #29
    Stranger london-boy's Avatar
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    Sounds interesting the result

    of them both put together, i'm considering buying the SOE, but before i was wondering if it would be suitable for

    an 18 y/o, i recently recieved my Chikara which i am going to pay attention to the results on my new gf tomorrow,

    but if you reckon i should also buy SOE i'd like to know.

  30. #30
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    I've tried the SOE + Chikara

    combo throughout the last week. I was wearing A LOT of SOE with a touch of Chikara (1 or 2 sprays). What I found was

    that this had a great impact on the young ones - though often on the too young ones. For example one morning I was

    driving to my work by the underground and three girls, aged around 15 maybe, were eyeing me constantly (I'm 29

    btw). I already noticed this some months ago when I was using heavy SOE doses - some young girls just couldn't stop

    looking at me, as if I'm that guy out of their favourite boyband that they have a crush on.
    However, this effect

    seems to become smaller with the girls being older. There's still a good effect in the age-range of 20 to 30 (which

    happens to be my 'target-range' (somehow I don't like this term, but don't know any better one)), and kind of

    disappears with higher age. That's okay for me, as I don't want to date grandmas.
    SOE + Chikara seems

    to be a great every-day-combo for me. When going to clubs I might want to spice things up a little with using some

    AE or NPA, but I still have to try this...

    I forgot to report one social result: I've got a

    colleague at work, and he's quite an ass far too often. Well, this last week he's been strangely friendly towards

    me - almost as if he suddenly wants to become a friend of mine. He started calling me 'Dear Frank' and even

    'Franky' - which has never happened before. Well, I don't care to become one of his friends, but I found this

    result rather impressive, because earlier he's been just exactly the opposite... And I know him for at least 2

    years now!

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