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  1. #1
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default The smell of meat

    The Effect of Meat

    Consumption on Body Odor Attractiveness

    By Havlicek J, Lenochova P

    Axillary body odor is individually

    specific and potentially a rich source of information about its producer. Odor individuality partly results from

    genetic individuality, but the influence of ecological factors such as eating habits are another main source of odor

    variability. However, we know very little about how particular dietary components shape our body odor. Here we

    tested the effect of red meat consumption on body odor attractiveness. We used a balanced within-subject

    experimental design. Seventeen male odor donors were on "meat" or "nonmeat" diet for 2 weeks wearing axillary pads

    to collect body odor during the final 24 h of the diet. Fresh odor samples were assessed for their pleasantness,

    attractiveness, masculinity, and intensity by 30 women not using hormonal contraceptives. We repeated the same

    procedure a month later with the same odor donors, each on the opposite diet than before. Results of repeated

    measures analysis of variance showed that the odor of donors when on the nonmeat diet was judged as significantly

    more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense. This suggests that red meat consumption has a negative impact on

    perceived body odor



  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Hey hey! I knew it! Vegetarians

    rule! :-)
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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  3. #3
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    No study was needed for me.

    Back in the late 60s/early 70s with half a million GIs in Vietnam and Thailand, the locals complained of our smell

    and it wasn't that we weren't clean, it was all the meat in our diets coming through our pores in the heat of the

    day/night. I like a good steak but limit myself to perhaps one a month, unfortunately, my liking tacos doesn't

    help much though.
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  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    What about those of us on the

    processed,prepackaged,chemicaly altered,improperly prepaired,high fat,high sugar,high colesterol,high

    sodium,non-natural food diet? Thats gotta have a pretty serious effect on how our odors are percieved by

    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Yep, if you're a vegetarian this

    is something you figured out long ago. I have difficult being intimate with heavy meat eating females. No matter how

    much they wash, it gets really funky down south. Luckily most Asian women are light meat eaters or

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    Hey hey! I

    knew it! Vegetarians rule! :-)
    Amen to that!

  7. #7
    Stranger marcuccio88's Avatar
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    Default Scent of Meat


    wonder if this has some factor in animal dominance. Like if I'm walking in the woods smelling like I eat a lot of

    meat, it's a sign to other animals to stay away 'cause I might eat you too. grrrrrrrr.

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I doubt it. Hippos, elephants and

    bulls are vegetarian are widely known to kick major ass.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Never noticed an issue with

    meat eating females here. Or maybe I just like the taste of meat.

  10. #10
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    If you're around the smell all

    the time you get used to it and don't notice. I didn't notice it much until I started cutting back on meat and

    moving to organic veggies. The old nose really perked up. I could actually smell their diet coming out of their

    pores. Heavy beef eaters make some funky sweat, terrible breath and ultra stinky privates.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  11. #11
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    I wonder if

    this has some factor in animal dominance. Like if I'm walking in the woods smelling like I eat a lot of meat, it's

    a sign to other animals to stay away 'cause I might eat you too. grrrrrrrr.

    I highly recommend that

    if you own a pet dog that you do not go to a Philippine party and partake of the bbq. Your pet will not be happy at

    all when you get home. They WILL know.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  12. #12
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Yep, if you're a

    vegetarian this is something you figured out long ago. I have difficult being intimate with heavy meat eating

    females. No matter how much they wash, it gets really funky down south. Luckily most Asian women are light meat

    eaters or near-vegetarians.
    True indeed, remember my post about my sexy Asian friend who ate

    pineapples to make her putty sweet tasting ?


  13. #13
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    I hate to say this, but my Asian

    friend from china told me a story about going out to eat and trying dog. I guess in china there are certain types

    of dogs that people can eat... I think its illegal in most areas though. Anyways, when they got home thier pet dog

    acted very strang and ran away from them and would not go near them for a day or so...

  14. #14
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohmmmm
    I hate to say this, but

    my Asian friend from china told me a story about going out to eat and trying dog. I guess in china there are

    certain types of dogs that people can eat... I think its illegal in most areas though. Anyways, when they got home

    thier pet dog acted very strang and ran away from them and would not go near them for a day or so...

    Sound like he's pulling your leg.


  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Without arguing for or against

    it, I've never quite figured out the problem with eating dog...or horse, for that matter. We eat squid, chicken

    embryos and chopped misc. animal parts wrapped in intestine yet we are adverse to eating dog? Why is that?

    Personnally, I don't eat beef at all because I don't like the flavor and rarely eat any other red meat. The

    majority of my protein comes from the ocean.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  16. #16
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I can assure you first hand

    that the dog eating thing is accurate. I lived in various parts of China for a year or so and spent some time in

    Korea too. It is widely believed and practised by many in China that eating dog meat during the winter will keep

    you free of colds. My roommates (both Americans) used to eat the odd dog every now and then in the winter and

    frequently came home with some sort of rice dish featuring goat meat chunks, which they bought at a local vendor

    near our home.

    When I was in Seoul I used to hit the street market area to stock up on supplies and in the food

    area, you could find virtually any animal you could think of being sold for food: rabbits, dogs, cats, birds of all

    kinds, snakes, all sorts of rodents. At the night market in Taiwan you can easily find a bowl of cobra soup, which

    men believe will put the lead back in the ol' pencil. I also saw seahorses, all sorts of insects, horns of many

    different animals and on and on and on in my neighborhood herb shop.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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  17. #17
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    There was an episode of Anthony

    Bourdain's old show which found him in Vietnam (IIRC), eating a cobra's (still beating) heart and drinking its

    blood. Both of which are evidently supposed to imbue the participant with great strength.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  18. #18
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce

    I can assure

    you first hand that the dog eating thing is accurate. I lived in various parts of China for a year or so and spent

    some time in Korea too. It is widely believed and practised by many in China that eating dog meat during the winter

    will keep you free of colds. My roommates (both Americans) used to eat the odd dog every now and then in the winter

    and frequently came home with some sort of rice dish featuring goat meat chunks, which they bought at a local vendor

    near our home.

    When I was in Seoul I used to hit the street market area to stock up on supplies and in the

    food area, you could find virtually any animal you could think of being sold for food: rabbits, dogs, cats, birds of

    all kinds, snakes, all sorts of rodents. At the night market in Taiwan you can easily find a bowl of cobra soup,

    which men believe will put the lead back in the ol' pencil. I also saw seahorses, all sorts of insects, horns of

    many different animals and on and on and on in my neighborhood herb shop.

    I'm not

    disputing that some Asian eat dogs, that fact is actually well known.
    The dog running aways story is a little



  19. #19
    Phero Guru
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    Default Dcw

    after living in Vietnam,

    Thailand, and The Philippines, I can wholeheartedly assure you that if you own a dog as a pet and you go out and eat

    some dog, your dog, at least for a time, will consider you a "dog eater" and will shy away from you till the odor

    has passed.
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  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Here on Oahu we have a large

    Philipino population and, every once in while, the police bust a dog farm or cock fighting operation. Of course

    they're charged with cruelity to animals, tax evasion, health code and all sorts of other petty violations. Of

    course the moral outrage from the community, especially white folk, is great.

    Now I like dogs, have owned many as

    pets and would never consider eating one in the slim hope of increasing virility. However, if you're into eating

    meat, I see no moral diff between dogs, cats, chickens or cows. But 'dems da laws hea!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  21. #21
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    In regards to the smeling fom

    eating meat I think it could be the opposite. I don't eat a single fruit or vegetable and I am always amazed at how

    clean I smell. My breath is always really clean no matter what. I think it is mosly genetic.
    I was having nervous breakdowns.

  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Ah dunno but your breath has a

    lot to do health, diet (Atkins diet followers are know for ultra bad breath) and the the presense of certain

    bacteria on gums, teeth, tongue and throat. If you eat a little yogurt daily the "friendly bacteria" will help nix

    some of the funk. However many folks have a stomach condition whichs allows the smell of stomach juices to ventilate

    through the mouth, so no matter how clean their mouth, the breath is still bad.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Without arguing

    for or against it, I've never quite figured out the problem with eating dog...or horse, for that matter. We eat

    squid, chicken embryos and chopped misc. animal parts wrapped in intestine yet we are adverse to eating dog? Why is


    Personnally, I don't eat beef at all because I don't like the flavor and rarely eat any other red

    meat. The majority of my protein comes from the ocean.

    Just picked this reply to quote, but

    others in this post tow the same line, and dont see a problem with eating dog. So Im kind of replying to


    Eating dog in my opinion is discusting, and this opinion reflects most Governments and thier

    Legislature, as its ilegal to do so in most countries. Eating a animal that has been bred over the centuries to

    serve mankind and is extremely intelegent, and is considered mans "best friend" is beyond me.

    I compare it

    to eating a primate, which is almost canabalistic in nature. Apart from the high toxin issue of dog meat, the

    ethical issue of eating dog is very real in western countries, and that includes another animal, the horse. Again

    bred to serve, and a friend of man throughout history. Eating horse is ilegal in most countries.

    The issue of

    eating a certain type of animal and not eating it, can be seen from a viewpoint of cultural and scientific, some

    animals are actually not very safe to eat, because of thier high (bad) bacteria ratio in the meat. They include Dog,

    Kangaroo and also other game meats.

    Nothing wrong with eating squid or calamari, mollusks, and most sea

    creatures (fish) are clean, with low toxicity and very good for you. Ofcourse there are exceptions with species and

    the age of some species.

    But the thought of eating Dog kind of churns my stomach.

    Most land animals

    that are carnivarous or scavengers ( eat anything or carim ) are actually not very safe to eat due to toxicity and

    bacteria in the meat, even after its been well cooked.

    Sea creatures are different in this regard because of

    thier enviroment.

    Roasted Puppy on a stick, now thats a tasty thought...

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    I have no problem with eating dog...

    not that I've had the chance at all...
    Also, If I needed to eat in a life or death situation and all that was

    available was rover, it's all over for rover!
    BTW I only eat organic meat due to the local butcher , and it

    tastes damn fine and much better , even my kids can taste the difference! I once served up 'roo and they loved it,

    till they found out it was "skippy".
    early 40's white male or or

  25. #25
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Those that eat meat directly or

    indirectly cause the death of a living creature to dine on its flesh. That is how it's been since the beginning of

    time. In the eyes of Mother Nature, a dog is worth no more than a wolf, deer or bear. Now I'm a dad burn tree

    hugging vegetarian and no longer eat or hunt animals (other than with my camera). Nevertheless I find it

    hypocritical to condemn anyone for eating meat--dog, squirrel or otherwise--it as I once enjoyed hunting and fishing

    and partook of the flesh of both wild and domestic beasts.

    The bronz proclaims, "Eating dog in my opinion

    is discusting, and this opinion reflects most Governments and thier Legislature, as its ilegal to do so in most

    Perhaps this is true of Western nations where dogs are oft held in higher esteem than the

    populations of countries they raped, pillaged and colonized. In some Asian countries dogs are farmed for the express

    purpose of consumtion and served legally in restaurants. In Seoul dog ear soup is a highly regarded man's meal. A

    few years back, I made the mistake of refusing to partake of such a meal and greatly insulted my otherwise very

    gracious host.

    Of course it is easy for outsiders puff up with self-righteousness and condemn the customs of

    foriegn societies they have no understanding or appreciation of. We don't have to look very hard to find many

    instances in the not too distant past of Australians and Americans treating their indigenous peoples worse than

    dogs. And that every attitude of Western self-righteousness is one of the main reasons for the tensions between the

    Middle East and the West. We arrogantly try to force our values on another culture and pay for it dearly at the gas

    pump, airport and battlefield.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  26. #26
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Gegogi, Well put! The claims in

    Bronzie's post of toxicity are pure tripe. For instance they eat blowfish in Japan. Food from the sea is no less

    toxic than from the land. In some ways probably more due to heavy metal content. I know there are a lot of warnings

    about fish caught in certain areas. Pork and chicken both are extremely likely to poison you if you don't cook them

    thoroughly. And people do eat primate, monkey is rather good actually. Carnivore eats carnivore every day. All the

    claims made are actually excuses for social mores that have no rational basis.

    I agree about the forcing of

    viewpoints on others and what it has brought us. It's sad but is what our narrow minded self rightous behavoir has

    brought us. More acceptance and less condemation of others' habits and beliefs would solve a lot of problems.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  27. #27
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    "Pork and chicken both are

    extremely likely to poison you if you don't cook them thoroughly".

    True enough in the USA. I have eaten

    raw pork in north eastern Thailand where it's commonly served as a dish called "lob". Aside from many other

    ingredients it's somewhat cooked by the addtion of lime juice. The Thais feed their free range pigs rice hence

    they don't have the toxins that our pigs have. And, Thai rice is the best in the world. It's readily available

    in the supermarkets here in the USA and very easy to cook. I recommend Nishon Brand, Thai Jasmine Rice, try it once

    and you'll see what I mean.

    Horse meet is available and legal to eat in Quebec Canada. I've had it

    bbq'd by some old Laotian refugee friends that live there, not bad at all. In SE Asia they don't eat just any old

    dog, it has to be a certain type and it won't be the family pet, a poodle or dachshund would never be eaten.

    Over the past many years I've really cut back my consumption of all meats, particularly red meat but I

    still eat it once in a while, mainly in tacos. Sue and I eat seafood for the most part of our diet. It's best to

    stick to the smaller species such as cod, haddock, salmon and to avoid the larger species such as shark, swordfish,

    and tuna which have higher mercury content due to their size. Tilapia, which is getting quite popular, are a

    vegetarian fish. The real name for it is Nile Perch and it was imported into the USA from Africa to help control

    the abundant vegetation in the Texas power plant lakes which are quite warm watered lakes. They reproduce like

    proverbial "bunnies". Unfortunately, it's way overpriced in the stores and should be priced more like chicken,

    it's that abundantly available. As time goes on, it's likely to become more of a staple as it grows well in fish

    farm tanks.

    Pineapple juice is the best thing of all to drink if you want to produce better tasting semen.

    Coffee and beer are bad in that regard.

    Lastly, I have to agree 100% with the posters who are more

    tolerant of other culture's eating habits. It' not our place to judge that aspect of another's culture and if

    you don't judge and are in some other country, you are more apt to enjoy the people and their culture, you might

    even get invited out to a great feast and make a lot of new friends. When I took Sue to Thailand last year she

    discovered she liked eating fried grubs and she was a hit with the locals because she didn't shy away from it.

    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  28. #28
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    Lastly, I

    have to agree 100% with the posters who are more tolerant of other culture's eating habits. It' not our place to

    judge that aspect of another's culture and if you don't judge and are in some other country, you are more apt to

    enjoy the people and their culture, you might even get invited out to a great feast and make a lot of new friends.

    When I took Sue to Thailand last year she discovered she liked eating fried grubs and she was a hit with the locals

    because she didn't shy away from it. Protein!
    My older sister's inlaws are Japanese and her husband was a

    very good friend of mine. As a result I was exposed to their culture. Yuki, his mother, was a fine cook but I

    learned to never ask what I was eating until I had tried it.

    Since those days I have been around many cultures

    and have been enriched by every one of them. We westerners are often arrogant and spoiled. Reality is that these

    people have their own cultures, many of them thousands of years older than our own and all of them worthy of

    respect. I'd get pretty pissed if somebody came in and tried to tell me to change my way of life to suit them. I'd

    fight back too and it wouldn't be much prettier than what you see on the news now.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  29. #29
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    True indeed all you have to do is

    walk the streets of American and you can see the product of bad food consumption.
    Fat Fat Fat especially here in



  30. #30
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    True indeed all you

    have to do is walk the streets of American and you can see the product of bad food consumption.
    Fat Fat Fat

    expecially here in Houston.

    Here in the Dallas area too
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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