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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Exclamation 'None is a nighmare for children


    thought id mention anyone wearing anything with 'none in it is really affecting the children in close proximity. of

    course im not talking natural, on your body 'none. im talking added 'none. it can cause mood swings and

    fits, and thats for starters. just putting 'none in perspective. it is not totally safe.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    well i can relate to this as

    when ever i wear mones (any type) my brother would say " who are you" he's 8 years old. and then when i say, what

    do you mean. he always just change the subject.

  3. #3
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    You bet. None is disastrous around

    children. Cats love it, though, which comes in handy if you're Doctor Dolittle (or just a weirdo).
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  4. #4
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
    well i

    can relate to this as when ever i wear mones (any type) my brother would say " who are you" he's 8 years old. and

    then when i say, what do you mean. he always just change the subject.
    That's too funny!

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's funny...

    I'm not

    often around other's kids but my grandkids (ages 5, 3, 0.3 years) don't seem in the least bothered by it. Perhaps

    its because they've been around it all their lives? I don't wear much because I OD so easily but still, no

    reaction at all.

    My teenage daughters don't like none and complain about the smell no matter how little I wear

    or what I cover it with.
    Last edited by belgareth; 08-05-2006 at 02:44 AM.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I've worn both SOE and NPA in

    abundance around kids from 2 years old to early teens and it doesn't have any negative effects I can see. Kids

    usually like me without 'mones. However with 'mones they really really like me. Toddlers can't stop staring. DIHL

    is pretty much standard behavior for toddlers when I walk in the room (mother and child in elevators can be

    hilarious). I wish the effects on grow women were as straight forward. However, I imagine the effects vary greatly

    depending on your persona and body chemistry.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Being on this topic, what do you

    guys think it says about a person's natural mone signature that children are either scared shitless or totally

    sticky, often in this order (scared shitless until they figure out I'm not gonna eat them, following which they

    can't be made to go away) ?

    (Aside from me 1)looking ominous and 2)being infantile, which in itself provides

    a good explanation)

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    You're a 'none infested badass?

    Kids and pets usually like me right away, so I guess that means I have plenty of natural 'nol? It would be

    handy if I was a serial killer or perv. Sheesh, I'm not even into kids and pets and they still like me!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    You hit the nail on the


    You're not into them, so they're into you. Women, pets and children alike swarm to the person who

    ignores them

    Seriously tho, the children thing might be due to my being tall, dark and menacing, but

    completely infantile on the inside. Once they see that big uncle is-he-gonna-eat-me is on their side, they probably

    follow their "side with the mighty" instinct. After that, the fact that I am usually the only adult willing to spend

    hours chasing them around and shooting air propelled foam rockets at them plays its role.

    Or its really a

    mone thing.

  10. #10
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    just thought id mention

    anyone wearing anything with 'none in it is really affecting the children in close proximity. of course im not

    talking natural, on your body 'none. im talking added 'none. it can cause mood swings and fits, and thats

    for starters. just putting 'none in perspective. it is not totally safe.


    curious to know which A-None product you're using that is eliciting these responses from the kids.


    just a couple of "stabs in the dark" :
    If we're talking about TE/w or NPA/w, I'd suggest that while it MAY just

    be the A-None that's causing this, it's also possible that one or both of their "secret ingredients" may be

    causing these problems, either on their own or in concert with the A-None.

    ...and/or, perhaps, even if it's

    just a "single malt", straight A-None product that you're using, maybe there's a congruency issue that the

    children are having difficulty processing.
    We've seen a large number of reports from males, especially younger

    ones, where their mothers are put off to varying degrees by their wearing pheromones in their moms' presence.

    Maybe your case is a converse of this scenario.
    No matter how "high-test" your normal phero signature may be, the

    addition of any amount of exogenous A-None may be putting you over the top of the levels of "safe, nurturing female"

    as far as the kids' sensory apparati may be concerned.

    Then too, the problem may not be contextual at

    It could be that even if you were to put some pheros in an aromatherapy nebulizer *, without you or any

    other adult being present, that the kids might exhibit these behaviors.
    There's enough evidence of A-None

    evoking aggression in random bystanders to not rule out the possibility that it's just the phero(s) and not the

    fact that you're wearing the pheros that is causing the abnormal behavior.
    * This is a hypothetical. I am IN NO

    WAY recommending or condoning anyone doing pheromone experimentation on their own or anyone else's


    Enough hypothesizing!
    What product(s) ARE you wearing when you see these reactions?


  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    thanks oscar for your reply.

    was informative and nuetral,USEFUL
    interesting to me that you thought i was the one wearing it.

    concern is with the uneducated public, who unlike the people posting(who have completely missed my point) ,wear

    unadulterated 'none like an aftershave. just because moderators and vets here alike know their limits, there are

    most certainly newbies that will think more is better. i saw my 4 yr old freak around an open bottle, not open for

    long and not sniffing it either, but enough airborn to cause a weird "im not sure why im upset" crying and freaking

    out....i dont expect people without kids to understand because it will all be theory from them, but a parent KNOWS

    when their kid aint right. and people without kids that say "well by sister's neice..." that

    is all blah blah blah to me because the "reaction" doesnt always happen within minutes of exposure and unless they

    are around these kids 24/7 it doesnt apply to this.
    its interesting info tho,no doubt.

    i also find it

    interesting how 'none is defended, as if i said everyone please dont wear it,lol.
    i happen to enjoy a small amount

    of 'none. maybe the amount found in 1/4 gel pack of TE/w, as i cant tolerate too much but i still like it. i even

    advocate its usage ..... but if someone watches someone get downright uncomfortable and they get-off on

    that, well then OD away. far be it from me to tell anyone they are wrong. i was letting everyone know not to take

    overusage lightly if they have kids around.
    from what i have researched, i have a valid concern

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Thanks Lor, the clarification

    helps. And you do have a valid point about over-usage. Most of america seems to think more is better when in almost

    every case it isn't. I remember when my kids were little. They'd go off about the strangest things then turn

    around and find something perfectly acceptable that I wouldn't even consider.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default nols

    yeah for instance my kids adore

    the 'nols .... they become easy going and cheerful. not wacky or out of control, just mellowed out and happy...dare

    i say they get along!!!!

  14. #14
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    yes, very interesting topic. I

    found on occasions when im scented with heavy none products.Ie te npa.My nieces are not very responsive to me. They

    on one one occasion went to hide behind their mum. By the way im am not intimadating at all. And love them to


    But yes, when nol products are worn, i have a very friendly vibe laughing and joking generally. Food for


  15. #15
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    Whew, I'm glad this topic was

    brought up I had posted on this topic like a year or so ago and some dude really flamed me saying I was some type of

    weirdo for wearing none around my daughter I can't remember his screename. Anyway when I wear TE/m gel pack around

    my daughter (8 years old) she really reacts bad I mean she gets in a horrible mood she talks back to me etc. That's

    the only mone I can't wear around her . I'm a single dad who has just started dating seriously so the Te/m really

    helps with the women..

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I am forced to admit that when you

    look like the attached picture...

    There is not much even mones can do to prevent children from being scared

    of you.

    Nonetheless, the mention of "more is better" being a cultural glitch is very good and very true.

    People aren't completely off mark, but there's one part missing- more MODERATION is better. I too remember the

    times I would overdose on single malt (love that) none and get all funny, and what sucked most were the post five

    hour period pheromonal hangovers that caused me to go from emperor of the universe to feeling like shit in a matter

    of minutes, and people around me too.

    Ever noticed that after -none decomposes, people swarm in on your

    lowered defenses? Like some sort of "now he's weakened, lets gain status" pack mechanism that finds out you're

    suddenly less socially powerful than a couple hours ago, and homes in for the kill? Or is it my omnipresent paranoia

    Attached Images Attached Images

  17. #17
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    my experience has been

    while wearing .none (mainly APC) that infants will smile at me almost every time and that youngish girls, say around

    6-12, will want to hang around me, I do my best to discourage that behavior and don't wear the stuff if I think

    I'm going to be in a situation like that.

    I would ask that the moderator delete this topic. The

    information is too valuable to the monsters that prey on children. I'm begging actually.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I understand

    what you are saying but, as the (allegedly over-protective) father of three girls I do not agree with your

    assessment of the danger. Rather than simply lay down a law about it though, I will listen to what the membership at

    large feels is the appropriate action.

    In other words everybody, let's here from you about the suggestion that

    this thread be removed.

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    With a few uses, anyone can

    figure out children are more responsive to pheromones than adults. I noticed it right away. They have fewer social

    filters. Adults learn to ignore their feelings and urges. However, it is just as likely kids will be scared shitness

    as being strangely drawn to you. I say let this thread remain. Otherwise where would deleting inappropriate topics

    end? Heck, everything we try to accomplish with 'mones is likely considered inappropriate or even immoral by many

    outside this forum.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
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    Default none

    I agree in part about not

    deleting posts, big on freedom of speech here, but I consider this very sensitive. However, it's only one opinion

    among the many.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  21. #21
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    I'm confused. I thought

    this thread is expressing the idea that children are turned OFF by none.

  22. #22
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Well, they hate it, but they

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  23. #23
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    although i appreciate what

    koolking1 is warning against, i would tend to think that those sickos offering candy or toys would be more of an

    enticement to children than any mesmerizing effect of 'mones. so no, i do not think that this thread should be


  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast
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    i give up ,actually.
    the point of

    my posting was to let anyone know that 'none is not a "wear anywhere" kind of 'mone in large doses.
    i have gotten

    everything from "oh no kids like it" to "i just dont see an issue".
    having witnessed that it is not "loved by all"

    , i can see an OPINION being defended, but the fact is kids arent having an OPINION... some in fact have very

    negative results.
    anyone here that thinks kids LIKE the stuff doesnt spend alot of time around them,LOL. anyone

    can get facinated with a new scent /signiture, we even watch scary things on tv ON PURPOSE. im not convinced

    kids like it in any way/shape/form when its in high doses ... i think if its odd it gets attention , like


  25. #25
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Actually, the answers have

    ranged from 'Oh, Yeah, you're right!' to 'I don't see anything' with a few qualifiers in between. Nobody is

    dismissing your point of view but there are other points from other people.

    You're a sinlge mom? Tough job,

    huh? I did the single parent thing for a while too. You really get to know your kids and become aware of how they

    respond to anything. I see where you come from with that. It is a good warning and it will make others aware. But

    getting frustrated because you get other opinions is a good path to high blood pressure.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast
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    thanks Bel, i hear ya.

    are cool, they are contrast.
    frustration comes for me when i think im misunderstood,lol. ha ha, oh im 16 again!

    'mones rock!!!!

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Red face bump ...?


    I'm posting here for a few reasons:

    I think this thread is WAY interesting and should be

    taken into acount by EVERY `mone user.

    Lor, I see your point, and as a 22yr old that doesn't yet

    understand children (oh I wish I did... I have a 5yr old sister from my dad & his wife) - I wouldn't wan't to

    upset any children around... heck, I wouldn't know how to deal with the situation.
    So thanks for the advice - I

    won't wear `none on family occassions... phew... how I'm glad I know THAT one before making the mistake

    Now aside from that, I was wondering if `mones can also help me get better communication with my sister

    (which actually, I don't see a lot, but that's a different issue... try not to coment on that please or do...

    I'm not here to tell you what to do).

    So I guess my question here is...
    Does `nol for example help when

    concerning communication with children?
    Would SOE help me get my young sister more comfortable & chattier when I'm

    by her side?
    I mean, they all tell me she adores me, and she talks about me all the time; but I haven't seen that

    reaction from her myself... maybe once or max. twice I got a hug without me asking for it or her mother or our dad

    telling her to give me a hug... and once... once... she gave me a flower, which made me feel great... But the rest

    of the time all I get from her seems to be jealous behavior (I don't know... maybe sometimes even madlike

    behavior)... and that just makes me close-up like I'm the shy little kid I once was myself.

    So... Do you

    think SOE or WAGG would show some good reactions from her... like maybe talking to me and not just about me?

    I have no clue with children & I really appritiate the advice

  28. #28
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I wear mones judiciously,

    which is how they are most effective. Kids respond great to me, with or without mones.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  29. #29
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    Been reading this thread with keen

    interest. I'm a 26 yr old guy and it just so happens that I work at an elementary school as an aid for children

    with concentrational problems, add and the like..I just placed my first order for some chikara(goin to try it out at

    clubs), but I would NEVER dream of wearing it to work in order to conduct some selfish pheromonal experiment at the

    expense of
    innocent 7-13 year old CHILDREN.
    My logic, gut-feeling, and professional training all tell me this

    would be a highly unethical and immature thing to do.
    I see it as forcing the kind of sensations upon children

    that they are not necessarily ready to handle and deal with yet.Furthermore kids that age tend to react positively

    to a slightly funny, but helping and caring personality, so thers absolutely no need for any xtra mones worn be


    Just want to add I'm not out to condemn anyone wearing mones around their OWN kids as some people could

    have perfectly legitimate reasons for doing so.

  30. #30
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    I would feel uncomfortable

    wearing mones anywhere I know I wouldnt be looking to pick up, shopping centers, clubs, bars, weekends would be the

    only time I wear them. I just dont like the extra attention when its not needed.

    I dont think deleting this

    thread would change things, if someone like that has found these forums there gonna try phermones regardless of

    reading this thread or not.

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