Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
Sir Louis,

I'm curious, you site personal experience which is subjective and use that as an argument. Statistically it has

no validity and in general people are very poor at observing and interpreting their own reactions. Is that the only

source of your argument? Or do you have some other objective basis for your remarks?

I admit to having very

little understanding of either field so don't pass judgment but read the material and look up many of the

references cited. After 3 years of research I still don't have nearly enough knowledge to have a well reasoned

opinion so I avoid remarking on it. I think I know how I react but understand that my observations have no real

It's funny, I do understand DST's reasoning, I asked someone I knew earlier today, "Does

smell alone determine whether you'd sleep with someone or not?", her answer was a flat out "No!". It seemed like I

had asked her a very retarded question. Olfaction may play a secondary role in meaningful human relationships, but

it does play a prime factor with who we choose to have sex with, I think that is fairly certain to whoever really

looks into the subject.