JV – Okay, this

hits too close to my situation to stay out of the discussion. However, there are so many confounded variables as to

make proper attribution of causes near impossible.

Years ago (25+) I was

into bodybuilding, and though I lost most of it by becoming an office worker, never quite lost it


I’ve been taking GHR-15 along w/ a B-50 tablet for several years with

very beneficial results despite “expert” nay-sayers. Go do any web search on it to come up with any number of

claims, enough of which seemed to be working for me to continue purchasing it. It even seemed to be helping me gain

a little muscle mass back when I started lifting fairly regular over a year back.

A little after A314 came out, I finally settled on an “office mix” applied about 07:00 each day

of 1 to 2 drops A314, 1 to 2 dabs of APC, and 4 to 10” of SoE (varied according to what I think I need to project

that day). It is now even my standard out of the office.

After wearing

this mix regularly, I started seeing more muscle growth, and a greater sense of general vitality, but was

attributing it to the GHR-15, though why should that start working better after I had already been using it for


Having read your book, The Scent of Eros, I was remembering

how pheromones play an essential role in pubescent development, and was wondering if they were having an additional

effect on me at the gym.

At this point let me comment that I am lifting

among the heaviest weights of anyone lifting at that gym. One man that has been lifting consistently for years can

out lift me in a couple exercises, and one young buck that is half again my size, and also an accomplished lifter

does also, but in numerous exercises I am out lifting both of them, and am catching up quick on the others. I was

attributing this to my former weight training (some say “muscles have memories”), and just plain guts, and will


At the end of January I got the flu that seemed to sweep the

country, and didn’t exercise at all. I had been running 5+ days/ week, and lifting 3 days. I started back with the

lifting first, and noticed so much good feeling, and apparent gain that I was thinking perhaps I had been running

off part of the muscles that I had been lifting on. I’ve decided to forego the running for about six months to see

what happens.

Well it’s happening. I’m gaining so much, so fast that

others are taking notice. An office mate was thinking I’d gained about 15 pounds because my shirts are stretching

tight in the shoulders. He is a lifter also. I haven’t gained that much, but there is a noticeable shift in what is

muscle, and what was fat.

A couple weeks back, having run out of GHR-15, I

switched to the “new improved” third iteration called GH Renew-U Gold, and have been very pleased with an additional

feeling of being pumped longer after working out, and seeing even faster growth.

Even a really fit, shapely, young (9+) blonde exercise instructor over at teh gym is taking

notice. For which in the last week I’ve gone to wearing plenty of SoE, and a spray of Impi before going over to work

out. The additional mones are affecting her, and everyone else. There is an “air” of friendliness, and chattiness.

I’ve first been rolling the SoE around my mouth a couple times, and spraying the Impi over the top onto my nose, and

mouth to get the mones airborne from heavy breathing. I seemed to get a boost lifting from the Impi &


Now between various formulations of GHR, not running, scented SoE,

A314, APC, and now Impi (old bottle version #1), who can say which is causing what? However, you can bet I’m going

to keep it up.

I just checked a pheromone specs list, and came up with

.400 mg/ml Nol + .100mg/ml Rone in SoE for Men, and .500 mg/ml Nol + .100 mg/ml Rone in SoE for women. This can’t be

right, as SoE for women has a total concentration of .500 mg/ml. Do you care to comment on, or correct


The Love-Scent Phero Library Guide has no listing for


The L-S product table is confusing for SoE/w.

The L-S store says SoE for women has a “light floral scent” – Lavendar


What is in SoE for women that

might add yet more to lifting?