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  1. #1
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    Default 23 y/o Asian n00b wanting to attract Asian females

    Well I've been registered for I guess a year now, but haven't really posted much. But with

    Valentine's Day coming around the corner it really does kinda hurt that I don't have someone special to spend it

    with and it really kinda got me thinking what more can I do?

    So here I am coming out to the community here on

    your recommendations on what I should use to, well make myself a happier guy.

    I've never bought anything from

    LS yet, but I definately intend to very soon. I've been single for about half a year now and even though it was fun

    not being tied down with a girl, honestly I rather be in a relationship now.

    Anyway I did a brief search on the

    forum here and didn't really come to a good conclusion, so hate me for yet posting one of these n00b type

    questions. From what I read in previous posts most members seem to recommend WAGG, SOE, Chikara, NPA, and so forth.

    And it also helped to have a relatively detailed description of yourself and intentions.. so here I go..

    I'm a

    22 year old Asian (Chinese). I'm your typical white-washed Asian who pretty much only speaks English and can barely

    speak my native tongue of Cantonese. I have black hair, brown eyes, not too pale nor tanned. About 5'10 to just

    under 6' tall. I would rate myself as above average in looks but not superhot. I thing I don't have going for me

    is that I am on the thin/skinny/scrawny side. I'm currently halfway through college and the college and area I live

    in is probably predominately Asian. I typically do try to dress nicely (aka casual.. usually _____ and jeans and

    runners) but do have my srcubbier days here and there.

    What I'm trying to attract are Asian females more

    specifically those who are born here in N/A (ABC's or CBC's), Hong Kong, Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.

    Some Vietnamese or Flipiano and other SE Asian girls are okay too. I also don't really mind other ethnicities such

    as Caucasians, Latinos, etc as well, but if I had to narrow it down, Asian girls are definately my type. I'm

    probably looking for something long-term, but don't mind something short term, one night stands, or just having

    more attention drawn at me by other females! Hey guys like attention too!

    Most people can describe me as

    outgoing, talkative, and some girls who don't know me too well may even think that I'm a player judging from the

    way I am. However when it comes to girls (especially the ones I'm attracted to) sometimes I may end up being quite

    quiet and shy too. I would like to have girls not be so shy and be open and talkative and perhaps even have the guts

    to come up to me and making the first move. (Dunno if this is asking too much!) The areas I probably frequent the

    most are probably school, work, and nightclubs. But I also run errands here and there which might have the odd girl

    I might be interested in.

    Anyway hope you guys are still reading this up to this point. I don't really have too

    much spare money to throw around but I will be willing to experiment around up to a certain degree as I am a

    struggling broke student!

    Feel free to throw more questions if I wasn't thorough enough. I'll be definately

    looking for your inputs!
    Last edited by Kong; 06-06-2007 at 05:12 PM.

  2. #2
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    well out of impulsivity i decided

    to go ahead and get SOE unscented and Chikara scented.. wish me luck!

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default so much to choose,

    Kong, how ya goin mate? At your age i would recommend you start out with some SOE unscented,

    the reason i say this is because this product does not contain any Androstenone, which can can be a turn off if too

    much is worn, and young fit men tend to produce sufficient of this pheromone themselves, without having to rely upon

    extra, SOE consists of androstenole and androsterone, it contains a guaranteed pheromone content of 5 mg disolved

    into 10 ml of an oil base, Its delivery application to you skin is by way of a roller ball, and a good 5 or 6 inch

    roll of this will be sufficient to cut you in on some fun action. If you feel like you would like to add an

    additional male dominant concept to your aura then a product containing a combination of pheromones could prove

    appropriate and interesting like some of the new for instance, or some Alter Ego which is an older tested

    and true favourite, but you would only start out at one drop of this, maby two max, to start you on your

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  4. #4
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kong
    well out of

    impulsivity i decided to go ahead and get SOE unscented and Chikara scented.. wish me luck!
    Oh well it looks like you have made your choices, just as i was writing my last post. Anyway i think everyone

    gets good results wit SOE and i sure do, its soe versatile ha, as i said 5 or 6 inches is a good start off, some

    people use a lot more sometimes, depending on the fun effects they want, i cant say much about the Chikara scented

    as i have not used it at all, but there are many who really love the scented fragrance of this one, and of course

    there has been a good list of hit material presented regarding the A7 in the past, so good luck if you run with this

    one, keep posted...
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    Oh well it looks like you have made your choices, just as i was writing my last post. Anyway i think

    everyone gets good results wit SOE and i sure do, its soe versatile ha, as i said 5 or 6 inches is a good start off,

    some people use a lot more sometimes, depending on the fun effects they want, i cant say much about the Chikara

    scented as i have not used it at all, but there are many who really love the scented fragrance of this one, and of

    course there has been a good list of hit material presented regarding the A7 in the past, so good luck if you run

    with this one, keep posted...

    Hey terry0400-40 thanks for the reply! I'm glad I did

    make one good choice with SOE unscented. I had the hardest time decided whether to get unscented or scented so in

    the end I decided to get one producted scented and one unscented so I can still wear one of my regular colognes that

    I use since they both are described as having a "musk" smell. My credit card bill is probably gonna hurt a bit next

    month but I'm definately excited and will keep you and everyone posted!

    Btw terry0400-40 are you Asian too?

  6. #6
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kong

    terry0400-40 thanks for the reply! I'm glad I did make one good choice with SOE unscented. I had the hardest time

    decided whether to get unscented or scented so in the end I decided to get one producted scented and one unscented

    so I can still wear one of my regular colognes that I use since they both are described as having a "musk" smell. My

    credit card bill is probably gonna hurt a bit next month but I'm definately excited and will keep you and everyone


    Btw terry0400-40 are you Asian too?
    No Kong i am not Asian, but i have Asian

    friends in this wide country where i live. I also have the SOE unscented, and i can notice a little funky erby smell

    when i first apply it, but is is a pleasant smell and so slight that it would not be noticed as it tends to

    dissipate fast, I am a person of middle age so i tend to wear a little PI or NPA which are concentrated Androstenone

    products, my Favourite being NPA which is a big hitter for me with some added SOE and a spray or two of good

    calogne. I can thankfully say that my amex is in the black at the moment, even so i have been tempted to splurge on

    some AQ or Pheromax, but i will behave as i still have a good stock of products to use, even so it sure is fun test

    driving new formulas.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I would like to have girls

    not be so shy and be open and talkative and perhaps even have the guts to come up to me and making the first move.

    (Dunno if this is asking too much!)
    Kong, it probably ain't gonna happen, especially with Asian

    women. You gotta make the first move. You can do all the right things to entice them and they'll hang around

    waiting for you to put the move on. The best you can hope for is she'll give you obvious signs of interest. Plus,

    if she is the rare aggressive type, she'll be even more demanding and bossy once you get to know her better. Most

    guys are trying to avoid being whipped...

    I think SOE is an excellent start as it will help break the ice and

    encourages verbal expression. Asian women are ultra senstive, i.e., repelled or uncomfortable, to androstenone heavy

    products such as TE or NPA, so avoid those for now. You might also consider and A314 as they will give you a

    manly sparkle with little or no androstenone. However good the phero product you still gotta intiate conversation,

    smile, be witty, tease her a little, act confident (even if you aren't) and look good. Don't be too nice but

    don't be a dick either. Show some basic manners and, above all, don't talk to her tits. If you're too skinny,

    start hitting the gym. Slender men are somewhat in fashion these days, so don't beef up too much.

    I find

    college campus one of the best places on earth to meet women. Nevertheless, you might try joining a campus club,

    church singles, ball room dance, community theater, etc., as it is easier to hook up someone with shared interests

    and activities.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    Alright, so it's been about a week

    since I finally received this order. I've used Chikara for 3 days. I'm doing 2 sprays on the neck and so far I

    don't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. I even take tried taking the bus where I might be exposed to

    more people, but no luck! Would it be wise to increase to 3 sprays? Or even move down to 1 spray?

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kong
    Alright, so

    it's been about a week since I finally received this order. I've used Chikara for 3 days. I'm doing 2 sprays on

    the neck and so far I don't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. I even take tried taking the bus where I

    might be exposed to more people, but no luck! Would it be wise to increase to 3 sprays? Or even move down to 1

    Ok kong, good moves, in an intimate setting with the chick or chickys then 2 or 3 sp is very adequate

    with scented Chikara or AQ for that matter, in an outdoors casual layback setting go for at least 4 sp , and at the

    disco or club 5 or 6 sprays at least, but take control of the situation, as yr the man now, The response from the

    femmes trapped on the bus is going to depend a great deal on some few variables, and you are going to have to be at

    the very best with your degree in body language and psychology to interpret what iS going on with the little

    darlings immediatelly in your vacinity, and the variables include the purpose of the main group who is in transit,

    some women will not show any obvious signs that they have been blasted with your lethel shot, So set the scene and

    you have a winning hand, and the odds are still definately going to be stacked in your favor, even in a less

    intimate setting as well, It is also good to get a nice conversation going, as this helps with extra exposure to

    your secret signals, women really love to be seen and understood for the woman that they are, or the women that they

    can become, the unattached free woman is looking for action, and a little dominant persuasion is the key ingrediint

    in most cases, the one thing i have learned in my time is that a woman needs to be told, especially by a man, ha ha

    yes it is true, because we are the gods, we act and mountains are moved.... aint we just the greatest now hey, Too

    right my friend we sure are, and besides we have the little edgy wedgy added magic touch... aint it just so good...

    we are the champions my friend..
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 03-03-2007 at 06:48 AM. Reason: spell x
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40

    kong, good moves, in an intimate setting with the chick or chickys then 2 or 3 sp is very adequate with scented

    Chikara or AQ for that matter, in an outdoors casual layback setting go for at least 4 sp , and at the disco or club

    5 or 6 sprays at least.....
    I have often used Chikara with only averaged results, but I have never used

    more than two sparys because I was scared about OD-effects!

    One botle of chicara contains 10mg pheromones in

    15ml, so one spray (about 0.1ml) would contain approx. 67mcg pheromones! I have ever had good results with 1/6pack

    SOE and TE each and this combo contains approx. 40mcg pheromones! Furthermore I have rode a rule that you should

    never apply more than 120mcg pheromones! So could it be that two sprays of chikara (about 134 mcg) is to less for an

    optimal effect? Perhaps because Chikare contains seven different pheromones and so every single pheromone is

    represented in smaller quantities?

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Perhaps because Chikare

    contains seven different pheromones and so every single pheromone is represented in smaller quantities?

    think you nailed the problem. I tried Chikara in many different doses from small to large and got zip. Add a bit of

    NPA or TE and it worked fine. An other "lucky 7" product, has 24ml of 7 mones and worked much better for

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man
    I have

    often used Chikara with only averaged results, but I have never used more than two sparys because I was scared about


    One botle of chicara contains 10mg pheromones in 15ml, so one spray (about 0.1ml) would contain

    approx. 67mcg pheromones! I have ever had good results with 1/6pack SOE and TE each and this combo contains approx.

    40mcg pheromones! Furthermore I have rode a rule that you should never apply more than 120mcg pheromones! So could

    it be that two sprays of chikara (about 134 mcg) is to less for an optimal effect? Perhaps because Chikare contains

    seven different pheromones and so every single pheromone is represented in smaller quantities?
    Yes some young

    men have reported good results with Chikara up to 2 sprays, and then no results at all above 2 sp, so once again the

    quantities are going to vary with the individual, New users initial applications start with 1 sp working up to 2

    sprays if necessary, and if after serious testing fails to reveal anything at this quantity, then it is time to move

    up the scale obviously, Yes i know some users who swear by the stuff at 1 or 2 spr, and others may apply 1 or 2 spr

    with a little extra Androstenone and wham, they are in hit territory. There are just so many numerous variables to

    be taken into consideration with testing conditions, targets and the wearer when evaluations of any given product is

    concerned, and sometimes it really takes time and effort to discover our very own favourites. Thank goodness for the

    forum members, and their valuable feedback and support i say, it is good to know that we are not alone in the

    mystical and magic world of pheromones.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40

    some young men have reported good results with Chikara up to 2 sprays
    Ok, i´m too old for this stuff

  14. #14
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man

    i´m too old for this stuff
    Maby if you are too old, you may need the added aNONE ,

    i certainly do at my age of 55, I can get away with a good hit of androstenone and an added 4 sprays of aNOL and a

    dollop of aRONE for good measure ha ha. maby is lucky to be older....
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 03-03-2007 at 01:34 PM. Reason: add on pic
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    I don't think you will get

    positive results with Asian women with Chikara you should go with SOE.

  16. #16
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    Chikara doesn't seem to be working

    for me. I've tried 1-4 sprays, usually 2. I even tried spraying in my hair too for the hell of it. No real hits

    that I see. So I guess it's time to try out the SOE unscented..

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kong

    doesn't seem to be working for me. I've tried 1-4 sprays, usually 2. I even tried spraying in my hair too for the

    hell of it. No real hits that I see. So I guess it's time to try out the SOE unscented..
    Chicara gives

    me not the great hits, too! It works, but other products works better for me! But I have noticed that the fewer I

    use the better the hits! If I use only 1 spay it works better than if I use two ones! Perhaps one spray is yet to

    much! Anyhow 1 spray contains approx. 70mcg pheromones - as much as 6 drops of AE! Perhaps some people like I and

    you are going to OD with just one spray!

  18. #18
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man
    Chicara gives me not the great hits, too! It works, but other products works better for me!

    But I have noticed that the fewer I use the better the hits! If I use only 1 spay it works better than if I use two

    ones! Perhaps one spray is yet to much! Anyhow 1 spray contains approx. 70mcg pheromones - as much as 6 drops of AE!

    Perhaps some people like I and you are going to OD with just one spray!
    Really good post s-m, shit yeaar, 70 mcg is sure to be somewhat too much for some younger

    members lol....
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  19. #19
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man
    I have often

    used Chikara with only averaged results, but I have never used more than two sparys because I was scared about


    One botle of chicara contains 10mg pheromones in 15ml, so one spray (about 0.1ml) would contain

    approx. 67mcg pheromones! I have ever had good results with 1/6pack SOE and TE each and this combo contains approx.

    40mcg pheromones! Furthermore I have rode a rule that you should never apply more than 120mcg pheromones! So could

    it be that two sprays of chikara (about 134 mcg) is to less for an optimal effect? Perhaps because Chikare contains

    seven different pheromones and so every single pheromone is represented in smaller


    You're making what APPEAR to be precise "mcg per spray"

    calculations based on an ESTIMATE of the volume of a spray, and that's not an especially good way to go about


    Your estimate of 0.1 mL/spray would have a bottle of Chikara delivering a total of just 150 sprays.

    The last reliable calculations that I saw had a bottle of Chikara delivering an average of 225 total sprays, and

    that would indicate a far smaller quantity of pheros being delivered in each spray than what your estimate would

    lead one to believe.

    Maybe the sprayer has changed since then, I don't know, but simply estimating a sprays

    volume and basing "delivered dosage" calculations on that estimate really isn't a very dependable



  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I got great results from

    Chikara used one small spray at a time in combination with other products.

    In other words, if you have a

    great combo, chikara might enhance it even further.

    I haven't been successful at using that way, so

    far, though I'm not done testing. It makes everyone pleasant, but that's about it. I didn't get a magnetic thing

    like I like with it.

    Chikara didn't work as well for me alone.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  21. #21
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    Welcome to the


    Chikara really hasn't worked for me that well. As for SOE, it is one of my favorite

    products and it is (for me) the most consistant. In fact after testing a whole slew of new "bigger and better"

    products, I went back to SOE (my "emergency" packette in my pack) about three weeks ago. I now have a cute, young,

    asian (in college) that has latched onto me as my new dance partner.

    Public transportation is a wonderful

    place to test out pheremone products. In fact this is where I had my first sucessful hit with pheromones, which was

    SOE. You still have to initiate conversations. Sometimes a simple "Hi" or "What time is it?" may suffice. Other

    times you may just have to be a bit more observant. For example, I got on the bus and sat down next to this

    gorgeous Asian college girl. From her body language I noticed that she started to giving me buying signals. I

    noticed that she was studing her Biology text and that happened to be the new edition (took Bio a year ago). So I

    started off by asking her, "Hey, is that the new edition of Campbell?"

    BTW, I'm a 31 yr old


    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  22. #22
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    wow thanks for all the replies guys

  23. #23
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    SwingerMD thanks for the welcome

    you got a greeat story there :P

    about SOE, i heard one should apply about two inches on? how do you guys

    apply it though? do you like go in a zig zag or a straight line or just dabbing here and there or something?

  24. #24
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    2 inches ain't enough. Maybe

    start with 12 inches or so (I normally use a little more). Apply to exposed skin such as forarms, neck or upper

    chest. Avoid clothing as the oil will stain.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  25. #25
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    Yeah Kong you are pretty much

    in the exact situation as me, I am also a 22 asian male who's 5'10 and just starting to try pheromones. I got

    Pherlure, I think that mone is a scam but I will see how you do with SOE your other mones. If it works on you, I'm

    sold and buying whatever combo you got! I'll try out Pherlure this week-end at a bar and let you all know how that

    is (though I think it's a scam now after reading these forums).

    Question, when you apply pheromones to your

    neck, do you apply it around the atoms apple area? What is the best place to apply it on your neck?

  26. #26
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    I just usually spray on my neck

    and/or upper chest area. Yeah with Phelure I've been told by girls that it smells good.. but nothing really

    different in their reactions. I usually just use unscented SOE with Phelure as a cover scent, so it doesn't

    completely go all to waste. I'm still quite a n00b to all this and still haven't found my right mix yet. Sometimes

    I apply the mones to the back of hand or on the wrists too or on the ears for experimental purposes.

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