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  1. #1
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default Hot Damn, Androstanone!

    I haven't

    tried a new product for a long time but got curious and decided to give (chemset) androstanone a trial run.

    I'm a college professor have contact with dozens of faculty and 60 or 70 students daily. After several forays of

    this wolf into sheepland I can say androstanone consistently knocked my socks off. No coeds going commando

    and tossing panties at me. And no alpha wantabe chest pounding. Instead, androstanone seems to help invoke extreme

    social responses: over the top friendliness, motor mouth and sharing of intimate secrets. In other words, it is

    nothing like androstenone products like TE and NPA. It is more akin to SOE responses but more


    With all that said, I still needed to initate conversation, smile and be friendly, otherwise nothing

    happens. Once initated, my poor sheep quickly opened up and slipped into overdrive. Young female faculty and

    students that hardly said a word to me for months suddenly spilled forth a hurricane of verbage, and very personal

    details and topics at that. They opened up emotionally and trusted me rather easily. And they won't shut up. Might

    be great for law inforcement interrogations!

    If were to describe it in simplistic terms, I'd call

    Androstanone SOE on steroids. I suspect it's more than that and I haven't used it long enough to comment on sexual

    implications or compatible mixes. However a mere two drops propelled me into the stratosphere so I haven't

    been inclined to try higher dosages.

    Incidentally, Androstanone smells pretty funky and requires a cover. The

    scent is similar to NPA.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  2. #2
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    Wow that sounds great! Is that

    more of a alfa-male mone?
    I think I might try it! Thanks.
    Last edited by hyper8; 12-06-2006 at 07:47 PM.

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Wow that sounds great! Is

    that more of a alfa-male mone? How is the smell?
    Like I said, nothing happens if you don't bother to

    initiate, the alpha man vibe is totally up to you. I mentioned it smells similar to NPA. If you haven't experienced

    NPA, a good comparison is fresh armpit sweat mingled with cat piss. So a good cover is way recommended. I used Issey

    Miyake "Summer."
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
    Stranger Andras's Avatar
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    I'll try androstanone as a

    standalone again... but in my opinion it's a androstenone on steriods, but i guess it works more since it doesn't

    smell as bad as just plain none. but yea, totally agree, the stuff is ridiculous, I don't think I saw anybody have

    a negative reaction towards me but it definintely puts you in the driver's seat in most situations.

  5. #5
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    Guys you have excited me a

    little. What dosage are we talking. And what mix if any would you recommend? Happy christmas.

  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    ..., I'd call

    Androstanone SOE on steroids. I suspect it's more than that and I haven't used it long enough to comment on sexual

    implications or compatible mixes. However a mere two drops propelled me into the stratosphere so I haven't

    been inclined to try higher dosages.

    Incidentally, Androstanone smells pretty funky and requires a cover. The

    scent is similar to NPA.
    I can find only one article that suggests androstanone might have pheromonal

    properties. What was your reasoning for trying it?

    [url] 2&dopt=Citation[/u


    Perhaps I've missed some other research on something that's being marketed as a pheromone. Another

    paper showed that androstanone can sensitize mice to androstenone, but that finding doesn't seem to translate well

    to human pheromone research.


  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I also enjoy gambling, risky

    thrills and depend on leaps of faith for much of my creative profession. With the before mentioned mindset

    considered, I haven't purchased or tried any pheromonal products based on published research. Instead I've spun

    the wheel, tried various products and combos thereof and noted which worked for me. So I've wasted a few benjamins

    in the process. I use the same technique for many things: women, musical instruments, audio gear, beer, shoes, etc.

    Too often advice based on well founded research simply didn't work for me. After all, all I care about is whether I

    like it and if it works for me.

    Unfortunately, most products I've tried do absolutely nothing for me. I can

    even list them: Chikara, WAGG, IMPI, EW, Perception, and a few more that escape me at the moment. I can only

    truthfully state SOE, beta-nol, 'rone and alpha-nol, TE and NPA have yielded consistent and useful results for me

    these past few years. So obviously my experiences are subjective, personal and anecdotal as many of these products

    work for others.

    As for androstanone, I've only used it 3 days but have experienced enough positive results

    to feel the product warrants further experimentation on my part. Perhaps these 3 days were mere flukes and I'm

    donning snake oil? Very possible. Or perhaps there is something in my body chemistry and persona that mixes well

    with androstanone? Mayhaps. I can't say at this point. And if it works for me, it may prove less useful for others.

    Scientific research takes decades of trials and duplication to confirm. I'm guessing that 90% of pheromonal

    products--like many herbal remedies and supplements--lack true scientific rigor in their development. That is, they

    don't really know what the hell they do if anything. Labs islolate the substances and leave it to the masses to

    test them out. After large scale studies of various races, age groups and sexes would require massive funding and

    years of toil. The few pheromone studies I have read involved extremely small sample groups of individuals and thus

    seem more of a stepping stone for further research.

    Sorry JV if I hit a nerve in comparing my androstanone

    experiences with SOE, a product I use nearly everyday. However, in many ways the before mentioned reactions were

    reminiscent of a SOE OD. That is, donning a gel pack or two of SOE and diving into a group of friends and


    Well, I'll give androstanone a whirl tomorrow--the last day of the semester--and see what

    flies. The worst that can happen is I'll end up ordering a few more bottles of SOE next year...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    mingled with cat

    LOL...I always had this thing when you guys mentioned cat piss. For one, I do have a cat but had

    never really smelled cat piss because he goes to the bathroom in his litter box. But one day he was in the house

    for too long and just to go...well, to keep it short, now I know what cat piss smells like, and I know exactly what

    you mean about the smell of NPA...I can smell it now. this androstanone only available in the chem set?

    I might find out on my own, but I'm just wondering because the chem set is a bit pricey...

    By the way, there any possibility you would make a more concentrated version of SOE...with more "kick"?

    I say

    this because I've noticed I use more and more of it, and the bottle runs out quick. I really love the product, but

    I wish it was something I could wear a dab of, and not many inches with a roll-on.

    Actually, I want to mention

    that I poured the contents of it out into my own spray bottle and tried it as a works incredible, and

    lasts much longer, especially on clothes. This is the scented version if you're wondering.

    Anyhow, don't meant

    to hijack the thread...but I think it was relevant since we're talking about SOE on 'roids...

  9. #9
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    I always had a feeling that

    androstanone was a pheromone that warranted futher investigation, I have read up on it in the past, but thier is

    little known about it or even written on it (compared to the similar sounding Androstenone). It compares, to .rone

    in mystery. But great story/feedback Gegogi, im inclined try it, now. As far as I know, thier are multi pheromone

    formula products that contain Androstanone, could one be Chikara or e? maybe Bruce could help us out here?

  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Sorry JV if I hit

    a nerve in comparing my androstanone experiences with SOE, a product I use nearly everyday. However, in many ways

    the before mentioned reactions were reminiscent of a SOE OD. That is, donning a gel pack or two of SOE and diving

    into a group of friends and associates.
    You didn't. I've noticed that you have a very balanced

    approach to product use--you're a descriminating consumer. That's why I wanted to know if you had seen anything

    that I had not about the androstanone. It may be worth some future consideration, so let us know how it




  11. #11
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    By the way, there any possibility you would make a more concentrated version of SOE...with more

    I would like to do so. The problem is with -nol conversion to -none, as well as with the

    overall fragrance blend required to let both the -nol and -rone compounds be effective but not overpowering.

    You've read the ads that address "highest concentrations" of pheromones without saying which "pheromones."

    This is somewhat equivalent of saying you are guarenteed to stinck. There's a fine line between how much of any

    compound can be used and its unconscious behavioral affect. Crossing the line to any conscious effect (as in

    consciously perceived odor) is a problem. So, for now, you are probably better off just adding a little more SoE

    from time to time--especially when you're likely to be passing by someone whose interest you want to



  12. #12
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    I'm very interested in your

    experience with stanone.

    Will probably get some just based on your post alone Gegogi. I agree with Jvkohl that

    you seem even keeled and experienced in this area.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Question AndrostAnone?

    I've been

    reading this name in a lot of posts lately, and I can't seem to find it's defenition in the phero` library (have I

    missed it?).
    Can someone please explain to me what AndrostAnone is? as oppose to androstenone

    (which I know what is), or even in general...?
    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 12-08-2006 at 07:14 PM. Reason: had a mistake that could confuse newbies. Fixed it.

  14. #14
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I haven't a clue, really. It's

    a fairly new discovery as it isn't in the the Pheromone Library. However it appears to be a close chemcial relative

    of androstenone. I googled androstanone and found lots of research involving extremely narrow aspects of

    androstanone exposure. They only served to puzzle

    me. /> <br /> t

    There were a few things

    concerning androstanone synthesis in rat livers but I figured that was useless for human social and sexual activity!

    Also endless studies on chemical synthesis, reaction to radiation, etc.

    My take on androstanone after 5 days

    of use is it's similar to a large dose of androstenone chased down with a plently 'o alpha 'nol or SOE. Of course

    I was using 2-4 drops of reagent grade androstanone, so I imagine any future consumer level products will be watered

    down and premixed with "secret" ingredients or complementary 'mones.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  15. #15
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    JVK, check out

    my responses to the initial posting on androstanone. It is proven to act at the VNO. (although I know you dispute

    the relevance of the VNO, I strongly beg the differ)


  16. #16
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    I've been testing

    this too and thought it was beta-est.

    The results have been very good- especially around her period. From her

    feedback, her discomfort goes away very quickly after she gets together with me since i've started wearing this

    around her.

  17. #17
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    Just ordered! Gegogi has always

    been right on when it comes to pheromones that work for me and I'm excited to see the results.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Well, I've recently

    baought about 8 products, so I haven't the money to buy another one right now.
    But this indeed sounds VERY

    Gegogi... You've been very helpfull. Thanks

    Oh and... maxo-texas, you mentioned it's work

    around her period... can you please elaborate?

  19. #19
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Research results have repeatedly

    shown that what has been repeatedly referred to as the human VNO is merely some vestigial pit(s) that are not

    connected to anything and not necessary for induction of pheromonal effects in humans. Non-human animal studies also

    show that the mammalian VNO is not necessary. I've cited several studies (recent) in postings to "Pheromone

    Research." If you want to debate the issue, its time to cite any recent study for support of this long-outdated

    conceptualization of how pheromones work. And perhaps you will declare any marketing interests you might have that

    focus attention on the VNO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Archetypical Hybrid

    JVK, check out my responses to the initial posting on androstanone. It is proven to act at the VNO. (although

    I know you dispute the relevance of the VNO, I strongly beg the differ)


  20. #20
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas

    I've been testing this too and thought it was beta-est.

    The results have been very good- especially around

    her period. From her feedback, her discomfort goes away very quickly after she gets together with me since i've

    started wearing this around her.
    Are we talking A-1 here, or is this a new and different animal?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure new &

    different animal Mobleyc57

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE

    pretty sure new & different animal Mobleyc57
    The "period" thing says A-1, but I see you're right, T.

    Gegogi ...

    Have you been using since your last post? If so, are you still liking your new toy?

    Wearing it with NPA & SOE?

    I'm thinking of stuffing my Xmas stocking with something new.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
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    Any new updates/thoughts on

    stAnone? Gotta send my wish list to Santa.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  24. #24
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Mr. Mobley, I'm off work for a

    month--Christmas break--so not too much human interaction. I didn't even leave the condo today! I can only see

    people walking around about 500 feet below...

    However, I have a few parties and will be in Vegas with friends

    for a week, so I'll resume testing androstanone in a bit. The week and a half I used it was extremely encouraging

    but I really haven't found the sweet spot or any special combos. I'm supposed to get the "lucky 7" chemset--if Mr.

    Postman would hurry up--and hope to explore more of the unknown if it gets here on time. Hopefully Mr. TSA wouldn't

    hassle me at the airport while en route to Vegas, like "boy what the hell's in all them little bottles?!"
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  25. #25
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Hopefully Mr. TSA

    wouldn't hassle me at the airport while en route to Vegas, like "boy what the hell's in all them little

    If you put them in carry-on baggage, you "will" have a problem. Sample packs must be in a

    see through container, and no more than a few ounces of any liquid (including baby formula) is allowed in your

    carry-on items. Before I flew from Atlanta to Las Vegas in November, I was not aware of this relatively new



  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    If you put them in

    carry-on baggage, you "will" have a problem. Sample packs must be in a see through container, and no more than a few

    ounces of any liquid (including baby formula) is allowed in your carry-on items. Before I flew from Atlanta to Las

    Vegas in November, I was not aware of this relatively new restriction.

    That's right, G! They took my lotion

    when I flew out to Cali in October, and said that it and any other liquid would have made it through had I put them

    in my suitcase.

    No gel or liquid in carry-ons people.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Ok, Gegogi, any noticable

    effects as to OD levels, shy girls shutting down totally, or PMSing women as with stenone? Id like to pin point this

    beast as to its overall effect.

  28. #28
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Ok, Gegogi, any noticable

    effects as to OD levels, shy girls shutting down totally, or PMSing women as with stenone? Id like to pin point this

    beast as to its overall effect.
    Like I wrote above, it is very similar thus far to a big dose of NPA and

    SOE, but without the negatives. That is, I haven't seen the shyness, fidgeting, etc., common to young women coming

    in contact with 'none. It seems to bring them out outta their shells fast and they come on strong. However I only

    used it for about 10 days on a college campus, so I have a lot more to learn. I'm not even at the tweaking

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Even some semi-independent

    AndroSTANone $79.95

    by stephen Date Added: Saturday December 09,


    This seems effective in two areas.

    1) My gf feels good and associates that feeling with


    2) When she is having her period, she reports she feels a lot less physical discomfort when she is around

    me since I started using this. Whereas before there would be 2-3 days where she felt bad and was not interested in

    sex now she feels that way until we get together and then she feels better (within under 10 minutes) and has been

    I think this works. I think it reduces her pain when she is in pain and causes pleasurable physical

    feelings when she is not in pain.

    I apply 1 drop to each wrist over the pulse points and rub my arms

    together.<br /> id/139

    Well thats very interesting. Has some A1 like PMS effects. What the hell is this stuff?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    If you put them in

    carry-on baggage, you "will" have a problem. Sample packs must be in a see through container, and no more than a few

    ounces of any liquid (including baby formula) is allowed in your carry-on items. Before I flew from Atlanta to Las

    Vegas in November, I was not aware of this relatively new


    Try flying with pheromones in your carry-on

    baggage in the middle east, in 2003, I spent 24 hrs in Dubai airport with armed guards and customs interogating me

    why I lost my flight (I forgot the flight time because I was duty free shopping, I eventualy ended up stranded in

    Lebanon on a conecting flight to europe 2 days later, no sleep, no change of clothes) they did ask me what is in the

    primal instinct bottle. In singapore, I was detained during screening because I had a condom in my pocket. They

    treated me as if I were some male whore or something...very consevative country that wants to ban sex ive


    Always carry pheromones in your main under carriage luggage, and keep a copy of jvkhols book

    together with them or some pheromone literature off the net, just in case you need some explaining to do if you get

    searched. Another thing I do, is contact adhesive the actual pheromone label to protect them, most products that are

    on sale on this site have nortoriously bad labels,(including SOE) they fade to nothing after contact with fingers,

    what is worse than trying to explain a pheromone to a ignorant customs official, is trying to explain a bottle of

    liquid with no label. It will get confiscated. And probably you with it.

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