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Thread: AE + SoE

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default AE + SoE

    HeH, man have I been posting lately. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Well I said awhile back that I would try my sample SoE w/ my AE. So I gave it a try in all of places the GYM. Yes the gym where every guy thinks he is the most alpha of the whole place. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    I luv the scent of the gel SoE. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] . Well, I had used up all of my SoE, so what I did was open the pocket and just mixed that little left on my neck. Then I added one drop of AE on my neck and another one on my wrist.

    I got to the gym, heh, guys were afraid of me. I bet that a few hate my guts though. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] Just like I said in another post, more alpha guys did not scare me, I felt and was more alpha then they were. I won\'t do the downcast eyes like I used to do (sign of shyness, less alpha, weakness). I was sweating but I kept drinking plenty of water and using a towel to wide the sweat off. While lifting I smelled SoE getting stronger, guess its due to the body heat/temp. .

    The few younger girls at the gym were actually eying me, I saw them. Two held the EC for awhile but they gave up muahaha. So yes, I think that using AE and SoE in a mix would be a good idea. I mean, when I wore SoE all by itself I would get young girl\'s attention but I was not feeling as alpha as I do w/ AE. So with AE and SoE I was able to get young girls attention and feel/be alpha myself...I feel like I balance it out w/ AE + SoE. What do you guys think.?

    Thats it, I am going to order SoE in a few weeks to experiment w/ AE and SoE. Has anyone had any expirience w/ these two?

    I got to tell you the more i use pheromne the more intering the results are. Talking from a big time skeptic [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I just don\'t want to touch my TE, I have not even opened it.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: AE + SoE

    Nice story Chulo. I have to admit as well I get some nice results when I use my AE and SoE together as well. BUt you haven\'t touched your TE? You should try it. I get the best results when I mix AE:SoE:TE together. I use a ratio of 3:3:2 with those three and I get some nice hits. Try it out and tell me if you notice any difference.

  3. #3
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    what u mean by 3:3:2 ration can u

    plz explain in more details? thz

  4. #4
    Full Member
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    He most probably meant 3 units

    of AE, 3 units of SOE and 2 units of TE.
    Nice bump, though.

  5. #5
    Banned User
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    What sort of nice results are

    you talking about, DingDong?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I Think I Would Understand Better

    If He Said 1/2 Or 1/4 Or Somthing Like That N Yea What Sort Of Results Did U Get

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    What sort of nice

    results are you talking about, DingDong?

    I think Ding Dong is long gone.

  8. #8
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sketchxl
    I Think I Would

    Understand Better If He Said 1/2 Or 1/4 Or Somthing Like That N Yea What Sort Of Results Did U Get

    Ratios are easy to work with if you understand that a ratio implies that it is a series of fractions.

    In this

    case the ratio is 3:3:2. If you want to express this as a series of fractions add the total of the numbers in the

    ratio (3+3+2) to get the total number of "parts" or "units" in the mix. In this case 8.

    If you're more

    comfortable with fractions you can then use that 8 as the denominator for the numbers in the ratio, 3/8 AE + 3/8 SOE

    + 2/8 TE = 8/8 (in this case one AE/SOE/TE mix.)

    But suppose I have a mix that's A-1 /A-Nol/ b-Nol/ A-None/

    A-Rone at 8:5:3:2:1 that you want to try.
    (Just Fibbing! )
    Do you really want to have to express this as

    8/19 + 5/19 + 3/19 + ... etc?
    Probably not. You just want to put 8 drops of A-1, 5 drops of A-Nol, 3

    drops of b-Nol, 2 drops of A-None, and 1 drop of A-Rone into a vial and be on your merry way.

    A properly

    expressed ratio implies that its "parts" are equal, thus the denominator becomes superfluous. Those "parts" can be

    whatever YOU want to make them: drops, milliliters, teaspoons, etc. But DO add up the total number of parts before

    trying to put an 8mL mixture into a 7.5mL vial!

    And no, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Ding Dong to

    chime in on his results. His profile shows he hasn't logged in for nearly eight months.


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