Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post
I think

their patent covers perfumes and the like, but not hair gels. And I thought I read that there are a few other

companies that pay the Pheromax company for the rights to use it in their products. In any case, it's a

complicated issue, and there's no knowing what the secret ingredients are in these products. And since I think A1

is such an important ingredient, I want to make sure I am using it and not hope that it is a secret ingredient.

That's why I only use products which have listed ingredients and their amounts (A7, SOE, A1). IMHO, it's the

only way to really figure out the mone proportions that work best for you. But that's just my approach.


It's not PHEROMAX but PHERIN who holds the patent on the use of A1 in

combination with a fragrance.

PHERIN is an American outfit connected with EROX (former manufacturers of

REALM), while

Pheromax is a product made by NuLife, a

German company.

Whichever entity (PHERIN or EROX) actually holds the patent, they HAVE licensed the rights to

other companies to use A1 in fragrances. The ones I know of are AVON for their "PERCEIVE" line of phero products,

and Niche Marketing who currently distribute REALM.
