
I thought TE

would be a lot weaker. So 1/4 TE gel pack would contain nearly as much -none as 1 whole drop of PI? Considering that

I clearly ODed at one drop of NPA (and I think NPA has an amount of anone similar to PI) then I should try much less

than that! Maybe 1/8 pack or even less. But this comes close to 'not measurable'... Maybe I should just wait for

the TE spray to arrive and start with one or two dabs of it.

I've been wearing 1/4 TE gel pack today -

without clear results. I had the impression that I got slight OD-reactions at work. These reactions started fading

away with time, and 1 hour before I left the office my 'favourite co-worker' started really loosening up and

became the singing, nonsense-blabbering, faces pulling, childish girl I like so much... After work I had an

appointment at the doctor and met there a woman in her 40s (I think), that showed quite clear signs of interest.

Unfortunately she wasn't my type (or age). I'd say 1/4 gel pack seems to be too much for me!

Thanks for

your help so far, Terry!
