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Thread: TE experiment

  1. #1
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    Default TE experiment

    On Friday I used SOE+TE

    and the results were worse then when not using mones. Yesterday nigh I used just TE. I used 4 sprays, two on throat

    and one on each wrist. I covered with cologne but unfortunately the smell of TE came back later during the night

    when the cologne faded.

    I spent the night talking with various girls. Reactions were normal, i.e. a few

    neutral, a few negative a few positive. Result wise it was like a normal night without mones. When I asked the girls

    about the smell of my new perfume most did not like it that much which is understandable since TE smells bad no

    matter how you try to cover it. One girl smelled it several times though and said that the smell grows on you.

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuy
    On Friday I used

    SOE+TE and the results were worse then when not using mones. Yesterday nigh I used just TE. I used 4 sprays, two on

    throat and one on each wrist. I covered with cologne but unfortunately the smell of TE came back later during the

    night when the cologne faded.

    I spent the night talking with various girls. Reactions were normal, i.e.

    a few neutral, a few negative a few positive. Result wise it was like a normal night without mones. When I asked the

    girls about the smell of my new perfume most did not like it that much which is understandable since TE smells bad

    no matter how you try to cover it. One girl smelled it several times though and said that the smell grows on


    I'd like to know where you got the idea to use 4 sprays of TE at once.

    few dabs, a couple of drops, MAYBE one full spray IF you're over 50 years old and have low testosterone levels;

    those are reasonable doses.
    But 4 sprays?

    Two drops MIGHT be the ideal

    dose for someone your age.
    A spray is about 4 drops.
    You used 4 sprays
    So you used 16 drops at once.

    You took what COULD have been 8 successes, and pissed it away on one FAILURE!

    I don't get it.

    you just posting and not READING?
    If so, you deserve to fail.
    Enjoy yourself


  3. #3
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    i'd go with oscar on

    this Read the Newbie tread!!
    you are supposed to work your way up not down !

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar


    like to know where you got the idea to use 4 sprays of TE at once.
    A few dabs, a couple of drops, MAYBE one full

    spray IF you're over 50 years old and have low testosterone levels; those are reasonable doses.
    But 4


    Two drops MIGHT be the ideal dose for someone your age.
    A spray is about 4

    You used 4 sprays
    So you used 16 drops at once.
    You took what COULD have been 8 successes, and pissed it

    away on one FAILURE!

    I don't get it.
    Are you just posting and not READING?
    If so, you deserve to fail.


    Well I wanted to test for OD reactions and work my way down from there. But I did

    not get any OD reactions at all. I got the type of reactions I normally get without pheromones.

    But yes, I

    will experiment with lower doses as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default ODs depend upon personal attitude

    In reply to Oscar: I agree that 4 sprays of TE may be regarded, on average, as OD. However, yesterday evening

    (dancing environment) I wore (no kidding!): at least 6 sprays sandalwood TE, three drops PI (unscented), at least

    ten dabs NPA, ten inches Master, half gel packet (the old, larger ones) SOE, four drops A314, two sprays of LT (and

    I had already applied a couple sprays TE and one drop PI several hours earlier). I got from a less than 30 YO female

    acquaintance (former gf) some heavy trembling and the impression she was afraid of me, but no other bad signal from

    anybody else (actually, I was dancing in a very close embrace - and I danced with her as well - her boyfriend left

    quite of a sudden, perhaps out of jealousy, but regardless, I had a decent evening and no big problems). It is true,

    however, that I got less hits than when I use two drops less PI, but still.... I am 41, white, 9% fat, 5 feet

    eleven, 72 kg, normal testosterone level (700 ng/dl). Possibly I did not OD because of the gelid, overpolite

    attitude which I had yesterday (I did not have any intention of accepting any sexual signal), but the amount of

    pheros I wore yesterday were just a little over my usual habits.... My point is that I am not sure any more that OD

    depends only upon age /race / testosterone levels, but also upon attitude/interaction, which are way more important

    than the former.

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamlet
    In reply to Oscar: I

    agree that 4 sprays of TE may be regarded, on average, as OD. However, yesterday evening (dancing environment) I

    wore (no kidding!): at least 6 sprays sandalwood TE, three drops PI (unscented), at least ten dabs NPA, ten inches

    Master, half gel packet (the old, larger ones) SOE, four drops A314, two sprays of LT (and I had already applied a

    couple sprays TE and one drop PI several hours earlier). I got from a less than 30 YO female acquaintance (former

    gf) some heavy trembling and the impression she was afraid of me, but no other bad signal from anybody else

    (actually, I was dancing in a very close embrace - and I danced with her as well - her boyfriend left quite of a

    sudden, perhaps out of jealousy, but regardless, I had a decent evening and no big problems). It is true, however,

    that I got less hits than when I use two drops less PI, but still.... I am 41, white, 9% fat, 5 feet eleven, 72 kg,

    normal testosterone level (700 ng/dl). Possibly I did not OD because of the gelid, overpolite attitude which I had

    yesterday (I did not have any intention of accepting any sexual signal), but the amount of pheros I wore yesterday

    were just a little over my usual habits.... My point is that I am not sure any more that OD depends only upon age

    /race / testosterone levels, but also upon attitude/interaction, which are way more important than the


    First a question.
    Given that the responses that you're reporting seem to

    sum up at a trembling former girlfriend, her boyfriend leaving in a huff, but "no other bad signal from anybody

    else", do you really feel that this was worth the investment of time, effort, and money that you put into that phero


    It's no trick "lighting up a room" with a phero cloud. The trick is not having yourself as the

    sole source, because the phero dose that can get the whole dance floor grinding can also become your own personal

    "force field" that will repel some of the ones who get in close.

    Also, the occasional reports of "fearful

    women and aggressive men" in OD situations are far outnumbered by reports of "nothing noticeable happened."

    "Nothing" IS a very common result of phero OD. Why? I'm not too sure. Sensory overload? Our having evolved

    physiologically, psychologically, or sociologically beyond the point where our instincts REQUIRE us to respond to

    pheromonal signals? Don't know.

    But the single BEST use that I've found for pheromones is to create or

    enhance sexual attraction. This presupposes that your goal is to have sex with (one or more of) the targets to whom

    you're sending pheromonal signals, right?

    So, hypothetically, let's say that there is A girl in the crowd

    who would be attracted to you, and would go home with you, and have sex with you, even if you WEREN'T wearing any

    exogenous mones. Are you ready to risk the possibility that this girl, who may be THE girl, might just get in close

    to you and say to herself, "WTF is with this guy's SMELL??!! I'm OUTTA HERE!!"

    On the other side of the

    coin, let's say there's a girl in the crowd who would be totally indifferent to you if you weren't wearing

    pheromones, but finds you absolutely intriguing when you OD. (She'd have to be about 98% Anosmic given the quantity

    of scent you're wearing.)

    In between these two extremes are the majority of females, some of whom would find

    you attractive just as a result of your paying attention to them, and others who might be "coerced" into finding you

    attractive by a nuance of pheromones. Again, most of these girls will find a phero OD repulsive at close


    With the exception of that one Anosmic girl, each of the other targets will be more receptive to you,

    AND more likely to "go the distance" if you're wearing whatever phero dose is optimal for you. So by ODing you are

    essentially narrowing the field of targets, and worse, decreasing your chances of success. (I measure "pheromone

    success" in degrees of relative humidity in the vicinity of my dick.)

    Are you really getting positive RESULTS

    as a consequence of your phero use, or is it just reactions and responses that you're seeing?

    I'm going to

    assume that you live in a very different culture than I do. I wouldn't consider wearing six sprays of TE's

    Sandalwood fragrance even if the pheros weren't in there for fear of being "Too Much Cologne Guy".

    As for

    "attitude" and "congruency", I doubt that I could overcome even HALF of your phero dose by projecting even my MOST

    friendly, gregarious attitude.
    Maybe by wearing a Santa suit, I guess.
    But if it was congruency I was going

    for, I think it would more likely be a Satan suit!

    But hey! Whatever works for you!

    Have you ever

    tried using less?


  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    holy crap are you wanting

    to start WW3?
    you probably didn't many reactions because you became "the stinky weird guy" that people would

    rather avoid then react to.
    even with people you know.....
    early 40's white male or or

  8. #8
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    He's right. The worst part of an

    OD is nothing happening. When I used PJ last a few nights ago eventually I ended up dancing with only two women the

    whole night. I ended up wearing Primal J, JB#1 and AE when it was all said and done. And like some have said I too

    think it's a race thing. I had applied PJ earlier and then later JB#1 without removing the small amount of Primal

    J. The first dance was the most unbelieveable dance I've ever had and it lasted for about 20 - 30 minutes. It was a

    a super black woman. After adding AE(w) to the mix the next dance was less sexy but still fun and flirty. JB#1

    seemed to win out. By this time it was coming on closing time. I actually applied more JB#1 later and it seemed it

    was starting to work but at that time the lights came on.

    I understand in anyother situation this would be a

    major OD but in the club it didn't seem to be. In other clubs where I ODed and women briskly moved away, things

    either happened in an extreme fashion or not at all. But all in all I had a great time.

    I think race had

    something to do with it too considering the black woman was immediately drawn to me after a fresh application of

    JB#1. The other girl (white) seemed to be drawn after applying AE(w) (tempering the none with nol and rone). The

    Asian chicks would have nothing to do with me.

    So four sprays of TE is a lot, and could easily be close to what I

    was wearing, but in a club it's not the worse thing you can do, but a strong cover scent is a must and when women

    get buzzed they may flock, although they're drunk so it's not the same. The worse thing that can happen (an has

    happened) is nothing happening. When something happens you can gage effects, but when nothing happens it's back to

    the drawing board.


  9. #9
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    Default Explanation

    Sorry for the length

    of the post:

    Quote Originally Posted by oscar

    First a question.
    Given that the responses that you're reporting seem to

    sum up at a trembling former girlfriend, her boyfriend leaving in a huff, but "no other bad signal from anybody

    else", do you really feel that this was worth the investment of time, effort, and money that you put into that phero



    This presupposes that your goal is to have sex with (one or more of) the targets to

    whom you're sending pheromonal signals, right?


    I'm going to assume that you live in a very different

    culture than I do. I wouldn't consider wearing six sprays of TE's Sandalwood fragrance even if the pheros weren't

    in there for fear of being "Too Much Cologne Guy".

    But hey! Whatever works for you!

    Have you ever

    tried using less?

    Some words of explanation:

    As for my culture: I live in a Southern

    European country, was born there and grown up mainly there, except for a few years of education abroad.
    As for my

    smell: I just apply half an hour before need, so that excess cologne evaporates; however, albeit rarely, some male

    acquaintances suggested that I use too much cologne.

    As for what I look for: I am not looking for sex (I am

    engaged and usually faithful), but for sexual hits (they help me to dance in a more involved manner and to get

    adoring female coworkers). When single, I can bed almost anybody (barring top 10%) over 28/30 yo (never younger

    people, although I have been trying quite hard).

    Further comments: I did say that I received "no other bad

    signal from anybody else"", but did not say that I did not get hits. I got several invitations to dance from various

    women , and I have been stared at while dancing by quite half of the women present. However, my perception of hits

    may be distorted, because, as I dance quite decently and I repeatedly attend the same dancing venues, I have a kind

    of alpha status regardless.
    My whole point is the following: I normally wear what is regarded as gross ODs

    (covered with good cologne) and I get a fair amount of hits and (almost) no adverse reactions. I mainly OD on -none

    (always adding some SOE and A-314, though, as I said earlier in this thread), and I get usual -none reactions (I

    scare out non-alpha or very young females, I attract alpha or older than 30 yo females). However, also the women I

    scare out accept my invitations to dancing. Now, last saturday I exaggerated in ODing, and I got less hits (less

    women starting small talk, less DITHLs, less communication and interaction overall, but, as I stated, was not

    looking for those).
    But I normally wear, in club environments:
    at least 4 sprays sandalwood TE, one to two drops

    PI (unscented), at least eight dabs NPA, ten inches Master, one third to an half gel packet (the old, larger ones)

    SOE, two drops A314, one sprays of LT (optional), and I get quite a lot of hits. When at work (my job requires that

    I use alpha behavior among peers, and I lecture various times per week to a 100 people audience), I usually wear:

    three sprays TE, one drop PI, four drops A314, one third SOE package, ten inches Master, plus cologne, and I get

    vary interested looks by the female part of the audience (about 80%) and I can silence the audience at a glance.

    Obviously, I behave overpolitely, speak in a low voice, always wear a suit, and if I have to give an order, I use

    something like "my suggestion would be...".
    When dancing, I behave overpolitely as well, am neatly dressed and

    very gentlemanly (or pretend to be) towards women.
    The funniest part is that neither my gf nor my closest and

    uninhibited female friends (or male friends, for what matters) have ever said that I stink (and I asked quite

    frequently whan I started using pheros); I usually receive compliments on my smell, and I resort to the lie that I

    make my own cologne starting from essences....
    Foer this reason, as I measured my testosterone levels and they are

    normal, I believe that attitude is paramount in causing ODs. My only problems is that, the very rare times I get in

    a rage, people literally fly away from me, and dogs become very aggressive, but it happens less than once a


  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    oh well,
    as long as it works for

    early 40's white male or or

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