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  1. #1
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Default Pheromones will NOT get you laid!

    I have repeatedly come across the sentiment on this board that if you slap on some pheromones, you will have girls

    ripping your clothes off like in the Axe commercials. Generally the people who express this belief are new or future

    pheromone users who have read a few DIHL reports, and believe occurrences like this are the norm.

    Everyone is

    very quick to post here when they get obvious hits or DIHLs, which is great because I love reading the success

    stories of others. However, ONLY posting results is what I believe is giving some the impression that these things

    work like the magic potion from a Midsummer Night's Dream.

    Of the threads created on this forum, I would say

    about 75% constitute questions people have about various pheromones, which pheromones they should use for a given

    situation, terminology, or other questions or observations not including hit reports. I would say maybe 5-10% of

    threads are people documenting their hits or DIHLs from their pheromonal adventures, and an even smaller percentage

    (1-2%) of threads are used by posters who document their ongoing reactions or lack of reactions from pheromone use.

    The only recent example I can think of on this board is gabe1970s "Short Fat Guy Experiment," which I think is a

    commendable contribution to the board.

    Other users, including Bronzie, Gegogi, and Belgareth, are pretty good at

    posting their results or lack of results from their experimentations around the board. It is interesting to me how

    the users who report less frequent or weaker results from pheromones tend to post less often. Then again, it might

    just be that these users are not as familiar with their results, and put less time into trying to observe


    Personally, my reactions to pheromones have been slim to mild. I have a very hard time pinpointing any

    discrepencies between how people normally treat and respond to me versus how they treat and respond to me with any

    given mix of pheromones.

    The one product which has made the most impressionable difference on me has been Liquid

    Trust. However, the results from LT are not of the nature of fostering attraction for me in women. Nevertheless, LT

    is useful for certain situations, and has a permanent place in my arsenal.

    Besides LT, I believe I have gotten

    the best responses (sexual responses at least) from The Edge (sandalwood) or NPA. For some reason I feel like the

    Edge has been more effective than NPA, but I'm not sure if this is possible (I have adjusted my dosages to account

    for the difference in concentration, to the best of my ability.) My problem with determining responses to these 2

    -none products though, is that I really can't put my finger on any difference they have made for me. Sometimes

    I'll splash on a few dabs of TE midway through my shift, and not observe any difference in how others act towards

    me. When I've done the same with LT, I have had some pretty blatant experiences. I must acknowledge that TE and NPA

    have been somewhat effective on my own mood, as I sometimes feel more energetic after putting some on, but I don't

    know if it is just because I like the way I smell nice after I apply one of my cologne mixes or if it is actually

    the -none influencing me.

    I don't know what to think about SOE. I sometimes enjoy the feeling I get from it, and

    other times feel socially anxious while wearing it. Then again, this is generally how I feel without pheromones, but

    it seems like the SOE might increase whatever mood I'm in. In any case, I haven't really observed any positive

    difference in how other people react to me while wearing SOE, and for this reason have not used it as a standalone

    more than 4 times, and rarely incorporate it into my mixes now.

    The jury is still out on Chikara, Perception,

    Alter Ego, and SPMO (Super Primal Musk Oil), but I think I like Chikara the best. When I wear it, I feel like I get

    treated a lot more respectfully by others, especially men. I also, feel a lot more important and self-confident, but

    don't know if it's the C7 or the wonderful smell that puts me at ease. One concept I've been looking into

    recently is called Aromachology, which is kind of similar to aromatherapy. I think the smell of Chikara alone would

    have an effect on me and other people around me, even without the pheromones, but I think my reaction to it is from

    more than just the smell.

    I don't have any feelings toward Alter Ego yet, but I've only used 2 gel packs, and

    only have used it once as a standalone.

    I'm also skeptical about Perception, and haven't even noticed that

    it's extended the scent of my cologne like I've read it's supposed to (I've used the gelpacks).

    I've been

    wearing 1-2 drops of SPMO mixed with everything else, and I think it's alright, but I don't like the scent enough

    on its own to use it as a standalone, or to use a larger amount.

    One thing I'm planning on doing, for myself and

    to add to the information in the community is to start a blog revolving around my daily responses or lack thereof to

    my exploits. I think a blogring would be a great resource to the pheromone-using community, and urge others here to

    create their own blogs. I'll post with an update once I've gotten a blog started. If anyone has any suggestions or

    ideas, or if you have your own blog about your pheromone use, let me know.

  2. #2
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    I have to compliment you on this

    post. You were quite forthright in your summation of your expeirences with mones. I personally, have became very

    methodical in my analysis and or effects of mones. After all it is a site were our opinions can be expressed and

    should be expressed without prejudice. Our opinions in reference to mones, should be expressed with honesty and a

    true reflection of what the individual experiences. I love the posts that do just that, and are not afraid to say

    so. Freedom of speech is the essence of our Western world. Be it right or perceived to be wrong. So well done on

    this one dude.

    My turn to forthright.

    Npa= Sexaul encounters.One of my best very good product. Have had

    straight out hits on this one, on more than one occasion.Great with soe, pherofragrance.

    Te= Same slightly toned

    down but similiar to npa.

    AE= Best overall product, very well balanced. ie can wear to work and out. great stand

    alone. And i tell you works very well.

    LT= Some not too bad experiences on this one. Used both stand alone and

    mixed . When used alone= Girls more chatty, respectfulletc. Mixed with that is used in conjuction with.,NPA and TE

    and nol product. Not to bad at all. Slightly more perceived sexualness, from the the women. Ie Slightly more touchy


    Perception= Not too much responses at all on this one.

    Chikira= Found it not to last to long .Bit hit

    and miss. Some days, opposite sex more talkkative and chatty. Some days nothing at all. This is when used stand

    alone . Of course the ability to use your ability to converse with the opposite sex comes in to play ALSO.


    sheer power.Great product, but must be very carefull as to the dosage for me. .5 to 1 drop is more than ample for

    me. Used well with apc as cover scent.Stand alone have had some DIHL with this one. But at the same time have od,

    trying to find my outer limits. Never forget when i sat down in a train and had this tall asian women, just fixated

    on me for the entire train ride.Which lasted about 10 minutes. I actually said hi to her. And no shit it took about

    fifteen seconds before she answered. IT was very funny and interesting at the same time. She did give me her

    business card but i didnt follow up. Was going through a break up at the time, not the right frame of mind. SO

    anyway thats its .

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink You must, absolutely gotta read this book....

    The title is Blink,The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell ... some of the

    conclusions the author reaches are simply mind blowing... he spoke with behavioral researchers who studied how

    quickly one person sizes up another person's "worthiness" (as a potential mate, a competitor, or whatever) ... this

    is what's freaky... part of the unconscious mind already makes pretty firm conclusions about other people long

    before this reaches conscious awareness
    .... the process of evaluation actually happens in thousandths of a

    .... so what Gladwell is saying is that your body, facial muscles, posture, voice tone, everything is

    sending out signals that everyone else is unconsciously picking up on.... pheromones might actually be

    altering your own microbehaviors so your self perception gives off different unconscious cues... One of the

    researchers documented in Blink filmed thousands of couples and studied their fleeting microexpressions, and just

    from the analysis of tiny facial tics they could accurately predict how long the relationship would last... I was so

    floored by this book I had to read it twice... it was like the missing piece of information between the Mystery

    Method approach, pheromones, and everything else....

  4. #4
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    The title is

    Blink,The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
    by Malcolm Gladwell
    Seconded! A must-read.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good post though I disagree on some points. The basic statement is correct and has been said many

    times by people like Gegogi and Koolking. Mones won’t get you laid but they are a part of your arsenal and will help

    you if you have the rest of your game together.

    In fairness to the majority of hit posters on this forum, most

    probably believe every word of what they are saying. We humans are very good at fooling ourselves and seeing what we

    want to see. That’s why science developed processes and procedures intended to reduce that factor as much as

    possible. Personally, I am even skeptical of my own results. Some posters are so eager to see results that if a bird

    crapped on them they’d see it as a hit. Others believe all the BS claims from various manufacturers like liquid

    panty remover and such. They are usually the most rabid and the most likely to blindly attack anybody who doesn’t

    accept their belief and claimed results as gospel.

    The one thing I really don’t understand but have no real objection too

    is the blog idea. Why? People come here to post results and ask questions. If you’d really like to help newbies and

    encourage the exchange of information you’ll at least post here as well as your blog.

    Surfs_up and


    Thanks, that sounds interesting.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Getting laid gets you laid....

    The body radiates information in a multitude of ways... when you're getting a lot of sex, somehow, someway...

    everybody seems to sense that you're getting a lot of sex, therefore must be worthy of getting a lot of sex... and

    the opposite is true as well... deprived folks give off the "ain't been loved in a durn long time" Lo N-R-G body

    waves... have to prime the pump if you want the water to flow....

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I ordered it from Amazon and

    should have it in a few days. Appreciate the lead. Always looking for something to give me an edge. Thanks again for

    the lead.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    Just wanted to throw my two

    cents in here. Mones won't get you laid but and this is a big but, they will definantly get you noticed more by

    women. I have been using mones for just about a year and sometimes they work more than others but they can hit

    certain women hard there is no doubt. When the ladies are affected they can flirt aggressively and come onto you

    pretty hard and i'm talking strangers either. Some women who have been affected are women who know me well. So in a

    nutshell, they won't get you laid but it will make your job alot easier if you are trying to get into her pants.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic
    The only

    recent example I can think of on this board is gabe1970s "Short Fat Guy Experiment," which I think is a commendable

    contribution to the board.

    After trolling this forum for awhile I was struck by the lack of

    in-depth, balanced reviews as opposed to "hit reports" or "fanboy advertisements" that, quite frankly, struck me as

    shills or viral advertisements for specific products.

    My academic background is in both Sociology and

    Chemistry, as well as a Medical/Technical trade that I'd rather keep private. My background taints my posts and

    lends a certain amount of healthy (?) skepticism to my approach, my observations, and my writing. I would like to

    see more of this level of OPEN-MINDED skepticism in peoples posts. The unbalanced fanboy crap is a serious downside

    to this forum, and is the ONLY reason I started reading and now post on other forums, too.

    It only

    takes a small amount of effort to write a short but balanced post, and it irks me that I don't see it done very

    often. Maybe someone should create a "template" for blog posts that will encourage balanced, insightful


    I think of my "experiment" thread AS a blog, and don't think it would be fair to draw traffic away

    from this forum and others like it by starting seperate blogs. Pheromone distributors should be supported for their

    efforts, and one way of supporting them is to use the forums. So instead of blogs, I propose that there should be a

    seperate section of the forum for people who want to "blog" about their ongoing results through self-started

    threads. Interested people could just start a detailed thread, and readers could jump in at any time with comments,

    questions, and suggestions. I don't think this would detract from the forum in any way, but I could be wrong - I

    haven't analyzed the flow of traffic or patterns of posting on this site.

    The only other quick comment I can

    make is that people could try to post more of their positive, neutral, and negative experiences as well as

    alternative or complimentary, introspective reasons for the positive, neutral, and negative experiences. I try to

    post daily, but sometimes I don't have the time or I don't have anything worth posting.

    Anyone else have an

    opinion on this?

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There have been other efforts

    at a blog type idea. Pancho did a rather good job of it with hit stories of the poor and deranged. Since it is on

    topic for this forum I would have no problem with you or any other interested party doing just that. If you feel it

    isn't appropriate for this forum you are free and welcome to use open discussion instead.

    You would have

    enjoyed my efforts in the first year or so to try to determine if mones really worked. There was no way I could

    create a valid experimental situation in the real world so all my results were tainted, in my eyes. I still have all

    the spread sheets and notes I used trying to decide if something was really happening. Damned engineering/science

    background anyway! In the process I had to learn a lot about body language because I knew almost nothing about

    reading it.. It's been a long and interesting trip.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    There have

    been other efforts at a blog type idea. Pancho did a rather good job of it with hit stories of the poor and

    where can I find this?
    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    You would have enjoyed my efforts in the first year or

    so to try to determine if mones really worked. There was no way I could create a valid experimental situation in the

    real world so all my results were tainted, in my eyes. I still have all the spread sheets and notes I used trying to

    decide if something was really happening. Damned engineering/science background anyway! In the process I had to

    learn a lot about body language because I knew almost nothing about reading it.. It's been a long and interesting

    Yes, I would have enjoyed that - and all social and psychological experiments are tainted by the

    experimenter. that's why I try to just sit back and observe, as opposed to interacting with people - at least

    part of the time. My favorite experiment was fanning pheromones into the vicinity of unsuspecting women from a

    distance, and watching how their behavior changed. I will likely try it again, this time I will do it after

    observing people for a longer amount of time and I will spread the -mones with a small hand-held fan and with a

    wider variety of pheromones.

    What kind of data did you have in your spreadsheets? Any other off-the-wall ideas

    on how to test pheromones?

  12. #12
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    ... part of the

    unconscious mind already makes pretty firm conclusions about other people long before this reaches conscious

    .... the process of evaluation actually happens in thousandths of a second
    From Kohl et al. (2001)
    The ‘affective primacy hypothesis’ [5] asserts that positive and

    negative affective reactions can be evoked with minimal stimulus input and virtually no cognitive processing.

    Olfactory signals seem to induce emotional reactions whether or not a chemical stimulus is consciously perceived. We

    theorize that the importance of human non-verbal signals is based upon information processing, which occurs in the

    limbic system, and without any cognitive (cortical) assessment. Affect thus does not require conscious

    interpretation of signal content. Underlying this fact is that affect dominates social interaction and it is the

    major currency in social interactions [6]. Affective reactions can occur without extensive perceptual and cognitive

    encoding. They are made with greater confi dence than cognitive judgments, and can be made sooner [5, 7]. Olfactory

    input from the social environment is well adapted to fit such assertions. For example, chemical cues allow humans to

    select for, and to mate for, traits of reproductive fitness that cannot be assessed simply from visual


    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    .... so what Gladwell is saying is that your body, facial muscles, posture, voice

    tone, everything is sending out signals that everyone else is unconsciously picking up on.... pheromones might

    actually be altering your own microbehaviors
    My compliments to Gladwell, whose views

    are more clearly stated and more readily understood than mine. Here's a link to a recent report on these "snap

    judgements" that also mentions Gladwell's


    With this recent report in mind, please consider that a sex difference in the signal, and in its processing are

    required to get to sex difference in behavior. Following this biological logic, the only way to get to sex

    differences is through olfactory /pheromonal conditioning of the visual response that allows us to make "snap

    judgements." The article linked above mentions functional MRI, which has been used to show sex differences in the

    response to pheromones, and sexual orientation differences in the response to


    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    One of the researchers documented in Blink filmed thousands of couples and

    studied their fleeting microexpressions, and just from the analysis of tiny facial tics they could accurately

    predict how long the relationship would last... I was so floored by this book I had to read it twice... it was like

    the missing piece of information between the Mystery Method approach, pheromones, and everything

    Have you read "The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality."



  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Do a search for the hit stories

    in the pheromone forum. His user name is Pancho1188, I think. Use pancho as the user name, and stories in the search

    striing and you should find it.

    To do my own research I had an advantage of sorts. My involvement in pheromones

    began the same time I started my business. Part of my focus was to provide a monthly service to small businesses so

    I was in the same offices roughly the same time of the month, month after month. Made it a little easier. On the

    othre hand, alll my training is in engineering, the physical sciences and computers. People can be baffling and that

    is my greatest weakness.

    To start I randonly tried various products around people and frustrated the crap out of

    myself. Then I settled down and go methodical about it. I simply tried to get responses. Then I started tracking

    things to try to determine if I was imagining things or not.

    Although subjective, I rated reactions on a 1-10

    scale for each person/product I tried. For a week or two I'd wear a certain product in a given amount and watch

    reactions. The next week I'd increase it and so on. By doing it that way I ended up with rough bell curves of

    reactions to a product.

    For the sake of consistancy I only applied mones to my forearms which turned out to be a

    great idea anyway. You'd be amazed how often a computer tech reaches close to a person's face while helping them

    on their computer.

    Edit: My apologies. The thread is memoirs of the incredibly stupid.


    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    I have been

    holding back something I've been meaning to write about, and I think this thread is as good a spot as any for


    About Books and Research -
    Yes, this is personal and subjective - I strongly dislike and discount the drivel

    and crappy e-books about "How to Pick Up Women", "How to get laid", etc. NO, I HAVEN'T SPENT MUCH TIME

    "STUDYING" THE MATERIALS Y'ALL CONSTANTLY REFER TO. I don't need to! I'm not going to get very deep into this,

    but I think it's all BS. Have y'all ever read "Readers Digest"? THAT'S what you're getting out of that crap -

    the readers digest version of reality.

    You're depriving yourselves if you actually pay fo that stuff. Try a

    good Social Psychology textbook instead - pick one - ANY one - from

    I have "Social Perception" by Leslie Zebrowitz and

    "Romantic Love and Sexual Behavior: Perspectives from the Social Sciences" by by Victor C. de Munck.

    At $60-120,

    yes they are expensive, but in these cases you get what you pay for -- useful information, not speculation and


  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    ...To start

    I randonly tried various products around people and frustrated the crap out of myself. Then I settled down and go

    methodical about it. I simply tried to get responses. Then I started tracking things to try to determine if I was

    imagining things or not.

    Although subjective, I rated reactions on a 1-10 scale for each person/product I

    tried. For a week or two I'd wear a certain product in a given amount and watch reactions. The next week I'd

    increase it and so on. By doing it that way I ended up with rough bell curves of reactions to a product.

    For the

    sake of consistancy I only applied mones to my forearms which turned out to be a great idea anyway. You'd be amazed

    how often a computer tech reaches close to a person's face while helping them on their computer.

    Edit: My

    apologies. The thread is memoirs of the incredibly stupid.


    Cool idea on weighting the reactions!
    Now I am thinking of timing


    Your method wasn't as subjective as you think, because you were a necessary participant in the experiment

    and that guaranteed a certain level of consistency across the board -- it would be much worse and less valuable if

    there had been more than one observer making subjective weightings of the responses. The only real downside I

    can see to your approach is that I doubt you use any of the pheromones by themselves... Since you've had time to

    lend perspective to your experiments, do you think your initial results are still valid? Can you predict the

    effects of different pheromone combinations by combining or comparing bell curves?

    And thanks -- I'll probably

    check out that thread tomorrow night.

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    Cool idea on weighting the reactions!
    Now I am thinking of timing them.

    Your method wasn't as subjective as you think, because you were a necessary participant in the experiment and

    that guaranteed a certain level of consistency across the board -- it would be much worse and less valuable if there

    had been more than one observer making subjective weightings of the responses. The only real downside I can see to

    your approach is that I doubt you use any of the pheromones by themselves... Since you've had time to lend

    perspective to your experiments, do you think your initial results are still valid? Can you predict the effects of

    different pheromone combinations by combining or comparing bell curves?

    And thanks -- I'll probably check out

    that thread tomorrow night.
    Are you asking if I wore individual pheromones or products?? No on the

    pheromones but yes on the product. I'd test one product end to end then go to the next one without mixing. It was

    nearly 18 months before I felt I knew enough to start mixing. But now, yes. I can guess within a certain range what

    reactions are going to be and what my ideal doses should be. There is a certain fudge factor and inconsistancies

    that make me wonder about some content claims though.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Are you asking

    if I wore individual pheromones or products?? No on the pheromones but yes on the product. I'd test one product end

    to end then go to the next one without mixing. It was nearly 18 months before I felt I knew enough to start mixing.

    But now, yes. I can guess within a certain range what reactions are going to be and what my ideal doses should be.

    There is a certain fudge factor and inconsistancies that make me wonder about some content claims though.

    Sheesh - 18 months? Yep, you're an engineer- type, allright. I prefer to improvise and be creative.

    Neglected to mention one of my major hobbies that is probably significant -- I'm an artist, and I imagine that

    explains alot.

    Do the inconsistencies occur in one product or with one manufacturer, or were they recorded at

    specific times during your 18 month experiment? Do you feel comfortable posting the inconsistencies you noted?

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    Sheesh - 18

    months? Yep, you're an engineer- type, allright. I prefer to improvise and be creative. Neglected to mention

    one of my major hobbies that is probably significant -- I'm an artist, and I imagine that explains

    Ayup, I'm an engineer. Raised around nuclear physics types, what do you expect?

    Being an

    artist explains a lot. To me, art and music are to be enjoyed as an observer, can't create within that realm at

    all. Mental processes like that probably also have an effect on mones and how they work for us.

    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    Do the inconsistencies occur in one product or with one manufacturer, or were they recorded at

    specific times during your 18 month experiment? Do you feel comfortable posting the inconsistencies you

    It would be better for several reasons if I didn't answer that question publicly.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
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    good post, good reply


    I just want to add something, have any of you ever "seduced" a girl/woman over the net or phone, even

    before meeting her? even before seeing her? And at the point of meeting she literally jumps out at you sexually and

    you get laid. Well I have, and the seduction had already occured way before any Olfactory signals were bieng put

    out, and during the first meeting, I have not applied any pheromones. What im trying to say is, you dont need

    pheromones to get laid, people get laid without them, even as we speak. To get laid you have to go through some

    particular motions of seduction, whether its a one night stand or whether you have been at play with seducing her

    over a longer period of time. I believe its more a game of psycology. In my experience.

    Pheromones, will add

    to your game, if applied right, however if you rely on them and do nothing else, dont even bother, your wasting your

    time, energy and money.

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    It would be

    better for several reasons if I didn't answer that question publicly.
    My AIM, ICQ, YAHOO IM and email

    address are accessible through this site.

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    My AIM, ICQ,

    YAHOO IM and email address are accessible through this site.
    Yes, I noticed that, almost

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Some posters are so eager to see results that if a bird crapped on

    them they’d see it as a hit.


    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    The one thing I really don’t understand but have no

    real objection too is the blog idea. Why? People come here to post results and ask questions. If you’d really like

    to help newbies and encourage the exchange of information you’ll at least post here as well as your blog.

    I didn't mean to imply that I was done posting here, merely that I could post my day-to-day results,

    observations, and notes to a supplemental website. While it is possible to add a personal user journal feature with

    VBulletin (see


    L] for a good example) I am guessing such a feature would cost money to implement, and thought this could be

    bypassed by creating a separate blogring off of the pherolibrary servers, linking various blogs of pheromone users.

    If every user posted their day-to-day results as posts in their own thread, these threads would become a giant mess

    on the front page of the "Pheromone Discussion" forum, with hundreds of post ranging from "Wore X today, saw no

    results" to "Wore Y today, as expected my boss was friendly to me" taking place daily in separate threads. Not that

    there's anything wrong with this, but a separate blogring would be better for organizing these posts so that they

    wouldn't interfere with people asking questions about their pheromones or their situations on the main "Pheromone

    Discussion." Maybe even a separate board within LS forums titled "Pheromone User Journals," in which each user is

    entitled to one thread (if such an option is possible) would solve this


    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    Blink,The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm

    Thanks for the heads up, I got the audiobook today.

    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    pheromones might

    actually be altering your own microbehaviors so your self perception gives off different unconscious

    Very interesting theory. I also think the same cognitive factors (mood, thoughts) that influence

    your microbehaviors, affect your natural pheromone, or at least hormone, output. This is actually not based on any

    research of my own, but on random bits of knowledge on such things as dogs being able to smell fear, Oxytocin being

    released upon orgasm, etc. I think our microbehaviors and hormonal output are related, but independent in the same

    way that our brainwaves are independent of each other, but resultant of our thoughts and brain activity. When we are

    relaxed, anxious, frightened, or tired, or when we are being deceptive, I think it can be detected on a subconscious

    level by those around us from a combination of olfactary, visual, and auditory cues (since your voice and breathing

    are going to be slightly different when experiencing certain moods). When we wear pheromones (or hormones), on some

    level our OWN subconscious will pick up on the fact that we are alpha/friendly/honest/whatever vibe that particular

    hormone gives off. By acknowledging this (on a subconscious level) it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, but only

    to a limited degree. For example, I might be giving off more -none than a man 2 feet taller than me, built like

    Arnold Schwartzenager, and CEO of some enormously successful corporation, but I am not going to feel AS confident of

    my alpha status in relation to him as I would compared to an unemployed Woody Allen-looking character.


    what I'm saying is, I think pheromones alter some underlying psychological factor which in turn will affect our

    microbehaviors and our natural pheromone output, but that same factor is also influenced by our conscious awareness

    of a situation and mental state.

    Quote Originally Posted by ant2000
    I have been using mones for just about a year and sometimes they

    work more than others but they can hit certain women hard there is no doubt. When the ladies are affected they can

    flirt aggressively and come onto you pretty hard and i'm talking strangers either.
    Many others have had

    similar results and I do not doubt that supplemental pheromones are responsible, as are the other elements of the

    full package (your appearance, voice, cover scent, attitude, personality, choice of words, body language, natural

    hormonal output). Unfortunately, I haven't experienced anything like this. I receive approximately the same amount

    of Indicators of Interest from women in the 18-22 range now when I am in social settings wearing pheromones, as I

    did when I was 2 years younger with longer hair and more confidence and social proof due to the fact that I was

    using and selling drugs. I think when I go out without pheromones now though, as I am older and generally less

    confident (and have shorter, receding hair), I am even worse off than I was 2 years ago, and I wasn't exactly a

    player then either.

    This is why the point of my message is that pheromones will NOT get you laid. They are not a

    crutch. At best they are an energy drink that helps you keep moving. They are a small part of an entire package, and

    even if you have the pheromone part worked out, you need to concentrate on the rest of the package if you want to be

    successful in relationships or in life.

    * *


    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic
    Wore 1 spray of Chikara scented (with gold cap) and 4 dabs of The Edge

    Sandalwood before going to work. I don't really know if this has anything to do with the pheromones I was wearing,

    but a few hours into my shift, I received a few compliments from the manager about an idea I had and the job I was

    doing in general. I felt like another coworker of mine was giving me some signs of respect as well, but nothing so

    blatant that I can attribute it to the pheromones.

  23. #23
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Good stuff, huh?

    Some Gladwell clips for those


    Charlie Rose

    Feb. '05
    (Gladwell comes on a little over halfway



    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Bronzie,I have met women on the

    internet and got laid on the first meeting a number of times.The trick,is that you are meeting someone that has a

    common get laid,regardless of who,where or when.Lonelyness can be a powerful motivator and can inspire

    some very risky and stupid behaviors.Its not that hard to find men and women who have gone out on a bender only to

    wake up the next day and ask themselves..."What the hell was I thinking?" Remember the concept of coyote ugly?That

    you would rather chew off your own arm that risk waking the person who fell asleep on your arm.It would be very hard

    to list this sort of behavior with anything having to do with attraction,love,pheromones,body language or

    compatability.Humans are prone to a wide variety of behaviors that not only defy logic,but defy all manner of

    instinct.The instinct of self preservation can be casualy cast aside,for example by people prepairing to leap off an

    elevated platform with a bungee cord wrapped around thier leg.These sorts of behaviors are more of an anomoly than

    anything else,and demonstrate that humans have the capacity of excercising free will over our instincts.Just like

    the fact that finding a woman attractive and desirable is held in check by laws that restrict us from simply

    throwing her over our shoulder and hauling her back to our cave.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    ...Some posters are so eager to see results that if a bird crapped on them they’d see it as a hit.

    Others believe all the BS claims from various manufacturers like liquid panty remover and

    lmao. lol - rotfl.

    After I ordered the newbie pack, and the free perception gel

    packs, and testing, determining my tollerance and so on. I gave a packet of perception gel to my friend. He asked

    what is it, I said look what it says on the packet. He then replys is it a panty remover [excatly in those words] -

    I said, No - it makes you stand out and people are more aware of your presence. He then says, Ok Ill try it out, I

    replyed - make sure you don't put more than half of the packet at any one time, else it'll do the opposite.

    Next day he comes back and says he got 22 hits, I was like WTF!? - they all were minor things such as a little

    more people look at him [I didn't explain to him about the stink, lol], he counted every time someone looked at him

    - he then asks for more, I said you got the packet, it got the name on it, google "Love Scent Perception", he says

    naah not bothered. Then after a while hes like "isisisisisisi this the site!!!!????".

    Lmao the bird crapping

    cracks me up.

  26. #26
    Phero Pro
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    22 tits or 22 hits? 11 hits is

    faintly possible, not probable.

    and perception gels in my experience does absolutly nothing, zero


    for the bird crapping on you, the other day I found a snake in my bedroom slithering amongst my .mones, its peak

    snake season here, and often they can come indoors (its not uncommon if you leave the door open), for a split second

    I thought, was this cute poisenous snake attracted to Androstenone? then reality kicked in, if I think that I must

    be going insane!

  27. #27
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    I have been holding back something I've been meaning to write about, and I think this thread is as

    good a spot as any for it.

    About Books and Research -
    Yes, this is personal and subjective - I strongly dislike

    and discount the drivel and crappy e-books about "How to Pick Up Women", "How to get laid", etc. NO, I HAVEN'T

    SPENT MUCH TIME "STUDYING" THE MATERIALS Y'ALL CONSTANTLY REFER TO. I don't need to! I'm not going to get very

    deep into this, but I think it's all BS. Have y'all ever read "Readers Digest"? THAT'S what you're getting out

    of that crap - the readers digest version of reality.

    You're depriving yourselves if you actually pay fo that

    stuff. Try a good Social Psychology textbook instead - pick one - ANY one - from

    I have "Social

    Perception" by Leslie Zebrowitz and "Romantic Love and Sexual Behavior: Perspectives from the Social Sciences" by by

    Victor C. de Munck.

    At $60-120, yes they are expensive, but in these cases you get what you pay for -- useful

    information, not speculation and opinions.
    Yeah, but you fail to mention the same problems

    with social psychology. There are many camps of thought and theories in this field, it's not like you read

    something in a social psychology book and it is guaranteed to work. Many people, scientists included, believe that

    it is not possible to get results from social psychology because of the internal and external validity problems with

    them. IMO, the opinion of a Social Psychologist has just as much speculation and opinions than a "reader digest"

    person. I don't think it's bad getting the opinion of a "reader digest" person who is getting laid massive


    As for Pheromones, in my opinion, the same issues are involved. Because people have different

    personalities, looks, pheromone signature, etc. it is very hard to get to what will really work for you. I think

    the best thing to do is read what opinion people have, experiment, and MOST IMPORTANT, make your own opinion about

    what works.

    I think, and I mentioned this before, it would be very useful if there was something that made it

    faster for people to find out other people's results and their opinions.

  28. #28
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    22 tits or

    22 hits? 11 hits is faintly possible, not probable.

    and perception gels in my experience does absolutly nothing,


    as for the bird crapping on you, the other day I found a snake in my bedroom slithering amongst my .mones,

    its peak snake season here, and often they can come indoors (its not uncommon if you leave the door open), for a

    split second I thought, was this cute poisenous snake attracted to Androstenone? then reality kicked in, if I think

    that I must be going insane!
    LOL @ Bronzie

    Dude, if they have the movie "Snakes on a Plane" in

    Australia yet, you need to go see it! As you all know its about a plane that some mobsters try to knock off by

    filling it with snakes. They then get the snakes agressive by having pheromones circle through the ventilation

    system on the plane. The pheromones actually become a pretty big part of the movie. It boggles my mind how so many

    people can see such a blatant example of how pheromones work in a fictional setting, and not take the time to check

    into whether they have legitimate uses among humans, or if they don't disbelieve their effectiveness, don't decide

    to give them a try to see if they would be useful for them.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Smile Pheromones + good contextual choices + congruent behavior gets you laid

    This is the Surfs_Up triangle of copulation....

    1. People are context

    dependent thinkers. Different contexts elicit different emotional states, and beliefs about what is doable. If I am

    in a professional context, other people displaying excess sexual availability is more worrisome than attractive...

    my first instinct is to wonder what's wrong with that person's contextual awareness ? Situational awareness

    and situational appropriateness is actually more sexy to my thinking than lack of situational awareness... it

    has something to do with emotional intelligence and a clear sense of boundaries... it says "well formed DNA

    in this package" to my snake brain...

    2. Congruity counts for a lot.... you could devote serious time

    to the study of congruity and incongruity .... Gladwell talks a lot about aspects of congruity in his book

    Blink without actually mentioning the term. I was just looking at some videos of people with highly

    incongruent behaviors.... they were sitting down and talking about a subject of interest to them.... the level of

    mental incoordination had their bodies going off in all directions... congruity is to the mind what

    neuro-muscular coodination is to the body
    ... Congruity is hot. Women are hard wired to detect high congruity.

    Police are trained to detect incongruity. Incongruent behavior makes you feel weird, or uncomfortable, or confused.

    Congruent behavior may not always be what you would like to deal with, someone can be a highly congruent asshole....

    but you have no confusion about where they're coming from.

    3. Pheromones... yeah... they work... no

    question.... they work a load better if you're in the right contexts and you're congruent....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    22 tits or 22 hits?

    11 hits is faintly possible, not probable.

    and perception gels in my experience does absolutly nothing,


    as for the bird crapping on you, the other day I found a snake in my bedroom slithering amongst my .mones,

    its peak snake season here, and often they can come indoors (its not uncommon if you leave the door open), for a

    split second I thought, was this cute poisenous snake attracted to Androstenone? then reality kicked in, if I think

    that I must be going insane!
    I didn't believe him though, apparently he counted everytime someone looked

    at him, lol

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