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Thread: I got a DIHL.

  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default I got a DIHL.

    Out last night, sat

    against a wall like a wall fly with my beer, a girl walked by causually, stopped, then for approx 10-15 seconds her

    eyes stunned as if stunned from a tourch starred at me, she didnt even move a muscle. Just looked. Straight at me! I

    love this phenomenon.

    However, after she broke out of the spell she walked off, about 1 hr later, I

    approached this same girl, she wasnt interested for whatever reason.

    My conclusion, DIHL are just that, a

    strange phenomenon, and really do nothing (in my experience at least) in getting the girl in the end. I believe, you

    have a 10-15 second window of opportunity with these women, while they are in that state to actually make a hit,

    otherwise like a scared rabbit, they just run away.

    I enjoy the phenomenon, (gives me a power hit) however,

    it does nothing for my game.

    By the way, I used Xcite wipes, (or for some of you that know, the liquid form

    of this product) so a straight .nol product I assume. However, the night before, I had used AE, so there might have

    been some left over scent, but I did shower well, so if there was, it was minimal.

  2. #2
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    Bronzie, are you using the male or

    female Excites? A few years ago Bruce, kicked me a couple of free ones, of the male, with an order. Damn those

    SOB's worked wonderfully. But I haven't been able to get them since.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    My conclusion,

    DIHL are just that, a strange phenomenon, and really do nothing (in my experience at least) in getting the girl in

    the end. I believe, you have a 10-15 second window of opportunity with these women, while they are in that state to

    actually make a hit, otherwise like a scared rabbit, they just run away.
    Ummm, yes and

    I've had both the "window of opportunity" (damn...) and the eyes locked on me all day thingy. A few weeks

    ago I was working with a 25ish euro woman who stared at me all day long , I honestly thought there was something

    wrong with ME ! ( food on my chin or something) Every time I went to ask her something she was all googly eyed

    looking at me intensly. To be honest it was a bit creepy... but nice.

    (3 drops of my magic mix)
    early 40's white male or or

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Bronzie, are you

    using the male or female Excites? A few years ago Bruce, kicked me a couple of free ones, of the male, with an

    order. Damn those SOB's worked wonderfully. But I haven't been able to get them since.

    using the male wipes, I still own a batch of those, good because they stopped manking them a few years ago, but you

    can get the same Xcite wipes in liquid form, same manufacturer, same .mones, same scent. Just under a different

    name, since love scent doesnt sell this product, I wont state the name on the forum, however you can pm me if you


    By the way, a good product like SOE, will get this effect, and for some reason, I get alot of hugs from

    women ive just met , when using SOE.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    tongue, using the

    male wipes, I still own a batch of those, good because they stopped manking them a few years ago, but you can get

    the same Xcite wipes in liquid form, same manufacturer, same .mones, same scent. Just under a different name, since

    love scent doesnt sell this product, I wont state the name on the forum, however you can pm me if you


    By the way, a good product like SOE, will get this effect, and for some reason, I get alot of hugs from

    women ive just met , when using SOE.

    Thanks for the info. I may look into this at a later

    date. I have used SOE since it first came out. I have used it to great effect, however it can be somewhat

    inconsistant. Also when when the SOE is on it can also lead to the wrong people BSing your leg off.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    however it can be

    somewhat inconsistant. Also when when the SOE is on it can also lead to the wrong people BSing your leg

    Yes, ive noticed this too with SOE, some times it works great, sometimes, i feel like it doesnt

    do anything, it is inconsistant, its a good product, but a strange one, maybe its the .rone doing this?


    in my experience tends to make this a unpredictable, like AE, one day, it works like a charm, the next,


    they say .rone is the masculine, stabilizer pheromone that makes all other .mones more pronounced,

    im not sure about that..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Yes, ive noticed

    this too with SOE, some times it works great, sometimes, i feel like it doesnt do anything, it is inconsistant, its

    a good product, but a strange one, maybe its the .rone doing this?

    .rone in my experience tends to make this

    a unpredictable, like AE, one day, it works like a charm, the next, nothing.

    they say .rone is the masculine,

    stabilizer pheromone that makes all other .mones more pronounced, im not sure about that..

    I agree with you 100%. Rone is very unpredictable. Even the so called Pheromone experts, in my

    opinion don't fully understand its effects.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Out last night,

    sat against a wall like a wall fly with my beer, a girl walked by causually, stopped, then for approx 10-15 seconds

    her eyes stunned as if stunned from a tourch starred at me, she didnt even move a muscle. Just looked. Straight at

    me! I love this phenomenon.
    Hey yo.... at times like these Ericksonian language patterns come in

    mighty handy... you have to practice them in your spare time until they flow out naturally and poetic.... 'cos

    while she's floating out there in the stars you have a great opportunity to have a dialog with her unconscious

    mind... when you start learning them they seem awkward..."there are quiet moments when you feel like you're on

    another plane with someone floating above it all to tahiti or bora bora and you settle into your seat and adjust it

    until you are completely comfortable with another way of looking at things at some moment in the future when this

    present moment is the past and the future is the present that was wrapped in beautiful japanese paper when time felt

    like it was slowing down comforters are so soft and enveloping on a cool night and you settle into an new experience

    of gravity letting you go free as a child again..." .... ummmm... try the Hypnotic Patterns of Milton Erickson

    volumes I and II ... and practice, practice, practice so you'll know what to do when the moment arises...

  9. #9
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    Yes, ive noticed this

    too with SOE, some times it works great, sometimes, i feel like it doesnt do anything, it is inconsistant, its a

    good product, but a strange one, maybe its the .rone doing this?

    .rone in my experience tends to make this a

    unpredictable, like AE, one day, it works like a charm, the next, nothing.

    they say .rone is the masculine,

    stabilizer pheromone that makes all other .mones more pronounced, im not sure about that..

    I've been using pheromones for several years now. I'm a kind of "big dad" type fella and rone tends to play to

    that strength more for me. I am currently reading J. V. Kohl's book "The scent of Eros" that is sold here at


    The problem with your pheromone products being "inconsistant" (as you state) is not that they don't

    work, there are just factors that are being overlooked.

    First of all, the "big dad" thing can be a good thing

    itself, but it doesn't always get me laid either. My experience is that women tend to think of me in the "long

    term" trend. I guess it all depends on what you are looking for. I've even been told that I've been that "too

    good to be true" guy, which can accually SCARE women away (meaning THEY don't know what to do, if you can believe


    Plain and simple, if you are looking to get laid, where is she on her cycle (menstral)? That alone

    sometimes is enough to make her more responsive to pheromones. (Ladies, am I wrong here?) Remember, there is no

    "magic sex potion," but pheromones are the closest thing we have. I do believe they work because I've experienced

    it, on many occasions.

    You guys have to remember that this industry and study of pheromones in general is still

    very young, and there is still a lot to be discovered. I recomend anyone reading this forum to read Mr. Kohl's

    book because it is well written and very well researched. A lot of other people are just trying to make money in

    this industry, and he actually did his homework.

    I hope that helps...

  10. #10
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    Spivedog, great post, from a

    newbie yet old member, what do you guys do, sit here dormant and reply every couple of years or so? your post was

    good, pls contribute more often...

    as for the .rone thing, my guess from your reply is that it beefs up that

    "big dad" protector type guy, as you put it, so in essence you are saying .rone creates this effect, maybe, maybe

    not, I dont know, however, from my very basic research on the net, .rone really is an unknown in its effects, unlike

    .nol and .none, there is little evidence to suggest .rone does anything. its pure speculation.

    about the

    menstral cycle thing, you are spot on, on that one, all you need is some .none and she will go wild, happened to me

    the other night, I knew this girl, and I knew she was on her cycle ( she told me ) and on purpose I applied PI

    straight, she lit up like a firecracker, all night, all she talked about was sex, the whole night. very

    Last edited by bronzie; 08-24-2006 at 08:15 PM.

  11. #11
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    I'm actually

    researching here...

    These might sound like a stupid questions, but:

    1.) What part of her cycle was she


    2.) Was she just talking about sex, or was she flat out hitting on you?

    Plus, did she happen to be on

    her period at that point? Or are you talking about her point of ovulation (which is supposed to be directly

    in-between periods)?

    The reason I ask this is for everyone's educational benefit. I have experienced the type

    of situation you are talking about (her lighting up like a firecracker on PI, none, ...whatever) many times, and

    I've found that this usually happens when she is right in-between periods, or when she is ovulating (for all you

    youngsters out

    I have to admit that I am kind of confused though. I have been laid several times

    by women who were actually on their period by using PI. On each occasion, I'm not saying that she was like a

    firecracker, but I did get laid, several times. This statement would counterdict my first one, which is why I


    Oh, I'm not old, 29. I love this age; old enough to know better, still young enough to care less...

  12. #12
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spivedog
    I have been laid

    several times by women who were actually on their period...
    Some women get incrediably horney on their

    periods. Some of this is said to be mental, e.g. no worrys about pregnacy.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    I agree with you

    100%. Rone is very unpredictable. Even the so called Pheromone experts, in my opinion don't fully understand its

    I agree somewhat that the experts don't fully understand its effects. The problem is most

    likely due to experts who do not know that natural -rone production will contribute to any effect, and no expert can

    know any individual's natural level of -rone production. An alpha male who adds -rone, could overdue it, but most

    of us are not alpha males.

    Another problem is with use of the unscented SoE, since you would be relying only

    on the active ingredients, -rone, and -nol, unless you use a cover scent. You may happen to meet a woman who is

    extremely sensitive to the -rone, and with no cover, she gets the signal that you're too much for her, and though

    initially attracted, runs away. So you decide to use a cover scent with the unscented product. The cover scent will

    almost invariably contain some form of musk (very similar to the -nol), and you will smell like an "animal." Maybe

    that's what she wants, but it's more likely that she wants a man who smells like a man, with a little added

    fragrance that she can pleasantly relate to. That's the rationale behind the formulation of SoE (for men).

    I've never discouraged mixing, as this may be required for some men to get effective results. However, I

    have always encouraged those who wish to experiment to first gain some insight, for example, by reading my book--or

    simply spending some time on my domain. At least this way you will have a better idea of what's required to create

    an effective mix. About 15 years had passed between the time I first began to study pheromones and the time I was

    able to come up with a product (with the help of Bruce, and an expert perfumer). If you think that other products

    are comparable, I suggest that you examine how and when they became available, the compounds used, and who the heck

    (if anyone) is responsible for research and development. Using these criteria, you will probably be able to

    distinguish between marketing claims and scientifically based formulation.

    One more thing, my ego demands

    that I note that pheromone products, like Realm/Natural Attraction and Winnifred Cutler's Athena brands, began

    their market approach in the early 1990's. What were they thinking? Didn't the dot com boom happen soon

    thereafter? If I had thought that anything would ever come from the concept of human pheromones, I would have bought

    the domain name--just in case. Oh, that's right... in 1996, I did! But I did not buy the domain as a marketing

    tool. It remains heavily focussed on information dissemination, and only since 2001 has there been any associated



  14. #14
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    Some women get

    incrediably horney on their periods. Some of this is said to be mental, e.g. no worrys about

    It's also likely to be a function of progesterone increase, which acts more like

    testosterone in women, when it is not counterbalanced by estrogen.


  15. #15
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    Interesting Jim. I use to use the

    scented SOE and enjoyed its scent somewhat, but was very pleased to see you come out with the unscented. I have over

    100 different fragrances of all genres and prefer to cover with my own. And I usually mix SOE wiith Edge or NPA. My

    question is, do you think any particular commercial fragrances are able to make your product more effacious,or was

    the scented SOE done with that in mind?

  16. #16
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    ... do you think any

    particular commercial fragrances are able to make your product more effacious,or was the scented SOE done with that

    in mind?
    Scented SoE incorporated all the available information on the popular fragrances/blends at

    the time. Note that popularity changes across generations. Whereas women in their 50's might find a fragrance

    similar to "Old Spice" pleasant due to familiarity; women in their 30's might find it to smell "cheap." Similarly,

    though fragrances that contained heavy doses of musky components, think "Andron" or "Jovan Musk; Jovan Musk 2",

    might smell good to women in their 40's, their are few comparably "musky" fragrances being marketed today. This

    means that younger womens' associations with--and what they think is a pleasant scent (more spice, citrus,

    floral)--will be different than with older women.

    Any attempt to make a mix or cover scent will incorporate

    age differences and individual differences in a manner that moves product development towards something akin to

    rocket science. Incorporate pheromones into the product and you get more complicated rocket science. Will your

    rocket ever get off the launch pad? SoE was a sucessful launch, and now has a track record many years long. $20

    million spent on marketing would get it to your local department stores so you could compare it with every other

    fragrance on the shelf. We saved the money, and that should save you time--if you believe in the concept of human

    pheromones. But there's probably little harm done by covering unscented SoE with a trendy or established fragrance.

    You just end up competing with trendy others who smell like you. The pheromone content of unscented SoE gives you an

    advantage (unconscious affect), but if you cover it with the "Brute" or "CK" that her ex always wore, she'll

    evaluate your scent and might consciously attribute all his negative characteristics to you.

    Will SoE become

    dated? This seems unlikely, since it's not heavy on any particular fragrance component, and not on the shelf for

    thousands of people to purchase. And, if SoE does become dated, you can always use the unscented version with a

    cover scent. Meanwhile, I'd stick to the basics; they are complicated



  17. #17
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    I've never gotten a DIHL.

    think my personal none must be low.

    I use SOE as a basic- and I see it work on men and women (the glad hand - let

    me tell you my life story effect).

  18. #18
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    Are the gel packs scented

    as well by default? I've noticed that the fragrance ( if there was one ) , isn't very strong.
    I love the smell

    though. It's nice and manly/musky.


  19. #19
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    Default More DIHL Mr. Kohl


    Thank you from everyone for your insight. I’ve purchased your book and have found it to be

    fascinating. It is very well written as well as very informative. Although probably some of it being theoretical

    at the time it was written, I can see where it has laid the basis for not only what we define pheromones to be; but

    how we go about developing the new products of today; and even where the industry could be headed for sometime to

    come. Long story short, you’ve really done your homework as far as research goes. And you should be applauded for



    kind of confused though on your whole take of a-none, and why you still don’t endorse it (as it is currently not in

    any of your products even today). It seems as though (every) other manufacturer has accepted a-none as the

    main pheromone that attracts the opposite sex (if you’re a man), and promotes sexual tension (if you will) in women.

    I can see your basis for argument in your book at the time it was written, but it seems that as time has passed and

    newer products have emerged, it seems as though the theory would be changed or


    I’m not an

    expert here, and I don’t know what really what it would take to become one, besides maybe lots of experience. But I

    have experimented with all sorts of products for well over 6 years now myself. (It just wasn’t until recently that

    I decided to get into the science of things, which is why I bought your book. But that’s another story).

    With that said, I have

    found none-rich products to do just that, increase sexual tension in women, when used in moderation. The PI’s, the

    NPA’s, all of them did just that for me. Although SOE and AE are still some of my favorite products (I never go

    wrong with these for various reasons), I guess it just depends on what someone would be looking for, and I’m just

    wondering why such differences in theories.

    I’ve never experienced a DIHL with SOE.

    Also, I’ve stated in my

    earlier post my belief in the infancy of this whole industry. As I’m sure you’ll agree, there is a lot to be

    discovered in the world of pheromones and human sexuality. But any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    Mr. Kohl.

    P.S.- I like

    the fragrance of SOE. I think it is just fine. Others around me like it as well. I have just never had anyone

    wanting to jump me while using it alone.

    Thoughts anyone???

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spivedog

    I'm actually researching here...

    These might sound like a stupid questions, but:

    1.) What

    part of her cycle was she on?

    2.) Was she just talking about sex, or was she flat out hitting on you?

    Plus, did she happen to be on her period at that point? Or are you talking about her point of ovulation (which

    is supposed to be directly in-between periods)?

    The reason I ask this is for everyone's educational

    benefit. I have experienced the type of situation you are talking about (her lighting up like a firecracker on PI,

    none, ...whatever) many times, and I've found that this usually happens when she is right in-between periods, or

    when she is ovulating (for all you youngsters out

    I have to admit that I am kind of confused

    though. I have been laid several times by women who were actually on their period by using PI. On each occasion,

    I'm not saying that she was like a firecracker, but I did get laid, several times. This statement would

    counterdict my first one, which is why I ask.

    Oh, I'm not old, 29. I love this age; old enough to know

    better, still young enough to care less...

    Hi spiv, she was talking about sex and hitting on me,

    as for which part of her cycle, she was on her period, a long time ago it was taboo for a girl/woman to say when she

    is on her period, these days, they almost boast about it freely, as if asking for sympathy! its quite funny.

  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    a long time ago it was

    taboo for a girl/woman to say when she is on her period, these days, they almost boast about it freely, as if asking

    for sympathy! its quite funny.
    Some women are at their hornest at that time and also feel free from fear

    of pregnancy. Also they know many guys prefer women on the rag. Apparently the blood is a turn on for many men. In

    Japan it's all the rage--old men smoking tampons and all. Personally I don't care for it--too gritty and

    messy--but if I really like her I'll grin 'n bare it.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
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    jvkohl, SOE is pretty unique in

    the fragrance world, I really have not come across a musky scent like that in commercial colognes at department

    stores. Aprt from the pheromone aspect, one reason why I keep buying your product is because the scent is different

    to what most guys wear. So many times, I meet dudes or just guys out on the town, they all smell like each other, I

    recognise alot of commercial scents, and its so un-original to smell the same.

    I know when I wear an Armani

    suit, I wear it with pride, as it visually enhances me because I look different to anyone else, despite the fact

    that Armani suits are quite common, but when I wear a cologne that is very common, it has a different effect on the

    opposite sex, you just smell the same as everyone else, you lose your individuality.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Some women are at

    their hornest at that time and also feel free from fear of pregnancy. Also they know many guys prefer women on the

    rag. Apparently the blood is a turn on for many men. In Japan it's all the rage--old men smoking tampons and all.

    Personally I don't care for it--too gritty and messy--but if I really like her I'll grin 'n bare

    It/s still possible for a woman to get pregnant on her period, although the chance is somewhat

    reduced and the chances of catching a sexually transmited disease is increased if you have intercourse with a fem on

    her rags, even when wearing protection. Call me conservative and boring...but unless she is my GF, I would take a


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    Hi spiv, she was talking

    about sex and hitting on me, as for which part of her cycle, she was on her period, a long time ago it was taboo for

    a girl/woman to say when she is on her period, these days, they almost boast about it freely, as if asking for

    sympathy! its quite funny.
    Yeah, I know the feeling! Thanks, bronzie!

  25. #25
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I know when I wear an

    Armani suit, I wear it with pride, as it visually enhances me because I look different to anyone else, despite the

    fact that Armani suits are quite common, but when I wear a cologne that is very common, it has a different effect on

    the opposite sex, you just smell the same as everyone else, you lose your individuality.
    It's clear

    and logical thinking like this that makes humanity such an amazing fluke of nature. We should have all been eaten by

    wild beasts or cast our sorry arses off cliffs by now. So, we can all wear the same suit but lose self if sprinkled

    with the same cologne? I think not. A nice wrapper is fine 'n dandy but hardly a show stopper. Your individuality

    is displayed most prominantly and meaningfully through your utterances, actions and ultimately the life force you


    Back to the wrapper. Now even if we all wore the same cologne we'd still smell different as body

    chemistry, amount of sweat and flora and fauna present are extremely individualistic. In other words, that fair

    scent that smells like cirtus on one clown may be more akin to deer ass an another by dry down or hours hence.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  26. #26
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    Talking Boyfriend rebound effects, too

    Women aften behave towards men in direct realtionship to the quality of their relationship... if they have one....

    things are going fine with the BF and they are are in their own safe bubble... they have problems and all of the

    sudden other men are so fascinating to them... or they have one brand of extremo boyfriend who intially thrilled

    them with his macho hormone surges and this has worn off... now he's a mentally unstable pud with authority

    problems.... and you, yes you... happen along at the right time and you're a sensitive metrosexual with big soft

    eyes.... faster than she can say restraining order you have become God's new gift to womankind....

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    surfs_up i got those two books they are

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:34 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    It's clear and

    logical thinking like this that makes humanity such an amazing fluke of nature. We should have all been eaten by

    wild beasts or cast our sorry arses off cliffs by now. So, we can all wear the same suit but lose self if sprinkled

    with the same cologne? I think not. A nice wrapper is fine 'n dandy but hardly a show stopper. Your individuality

    is displayed most prominantly and meaningfully through your utterances, actions and ultimately the life force you


    Back to the wrapper. Now even if we all wore the same cologne we'd still smell different as body

    chemistry, amount of sweat and flora and fauna present are extremely individualistic. In other words, that fair

    scent that smells like cirtus on one clown may be more akin to deer ass an another by dry down or hours


    Dude, I see your attempts in bieng sarcastic with my comments, but it isn/t working, at

    least in my eyes. However, your right about some humans being flukes of nature, I know I am a rare specimen and

    inherited all the great virtues nature has to offer.

    You totally missed my point, wearing a nice suit shows

    your form visually, physically, it/s a visual stimuli, and everyone looks different physically and a Nice suit will

    usually enhance the good points of a wearer, wearing a cologne triggers a different response from those who smell

    it, simply because scents work on a different human stimuli. The Nose!

    A girl can close her eyes and smell a

    cologne and recognize it as just one of the pack if she in her past has meet enough guys that have worn that

    particular scent, she will pigeon hole you in a particular category, thus in essence you do lose a sense of being

    individual, and perceived as not acting unique and applying a common boring scent that everyone wears.

    As for

    a scent being changed by individual body chemistry, sure to some slight degree, but most people can smell CK or ISSY

    on anyone that wears it. It just smells better on some and worse on others.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicago
    surfs_up i got those two books they

    are great
    Ya... Erickson is the man... the dopest of the dope... and there is an awesome mountain of

    work about him or by him or by people working closely in the field...... this freaked my brain, 'coz I found that I

    was learning about 1000% more from reading the books than attending most NLPesque seminars.... I mean, how ass

    backwards is this... the highly paid "master trainers", God knows where they find most of these jokers these days,

    only appear to have a limited understranding of Erickson's stuff, what is right there on the page if you want to

    study it...the mother of all serious Ericksonian works is Therapeutic Trances, The Cooperation

    Principle in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy by Stephen G. Gilligan
    ... it isn't your usual dime a dozen how-to

    manual for the frustrated gentleman ... as a matter of fact it can be somewhat intimidating until you take your time

    and start getting into the flow of it... absorb what Gilligan has learned for a lifetime of deep work with hypnosis

    and you'll have something precious and valuable, real knowledge ...

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast
    Join Date
    May 2006
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    Okay so I may be getting


    My girlfriend commented that this fairly young girl (late 20's) was locked on me at the mall. Apparently

    just radar tracked me and stared the entire time we were near her. I'd put on wagg-n (and soe only that day.


    apparently didn't notice it. I can be fairly damn clueless sometimes.

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