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  1. #1
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    Default Need advice - WAGG or WAGG-N

    Hey guys, I am going to place an order tomorrow (TE/w and WAGG) and need some


    About me: I am male, 19, half German, half Chinese, targets

    similar ages!!!

    I read

    lot about WAGG and WAGG-N. And users discribe the N-version as a more powerful product without negative


    WAGG is always great to soften the None (None in any form!),

    but the (WAGG-N) None in Wagg reduce the "soft"-guy type, as the product is supposed to be weared


    I am going

    to purchase TE/w (similar to NPA/W) but I am still undecided weather to buy WAGG-or the


    WAGG is a great

    standalone product but even supposed to soften the negative effects of None. Many people have had great success with

    WAGG, but with WAGG-N all the more.

    Unfortunately there are only posts from users 30+, who have used the

    WAGG-N. As I am 19 I don’t need to get more None.

    [FONT=Times New



    [FONT=Times New



    So what would be your

    suggestion? Thanks for your replies in advance!

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by themaster3000
    ...... I am

    19 I don’t need to get more None......


    Looks to me like you answered

    your own question as to which version of WAGG

    you should get.

    If you bought WAGG-N

    there would be no way to remove the Androstenone from it. But if you got the regular

    WAGG you could always punch it up with a

    little A-None from some other product. (Assuming of course that you do have some other product which contains


    I've always found that having the products with the LEAST number of individual phero components

    allows me the most freedom to mix and tweak mone ratios to best suit my needs.

    What I'm most curious about

    is why you seem to have decided on getting

    Have you already tried all of the

    men's products?

    It strikes me that females in your targeted age range probably have enough tumultuous

    hormonal stuff going on already without having to deal with a guy wearing female pheromones.

    I can see doing

    this as an academic exercise once I had already accomplished all the goals that I'd hoped to attain with

    pheromones, but frankly, I get the impression from your posts that you're still in the early stages of your

    pheromone experimentation.




  3. #3
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    Hi, I am quite not sure,

    which version of Wagg I should get! I think the None in the WAGG is a great addition. But actually nobody knows the

    concentration of None in Wagg.

    Not all users of WAGG have had a great experience with the product. But when

    reading throw the WAGG-N posts, it seems, that every user forum love the


    I can also purchase WAGG and add None to it, i.e.

    I would not get WAGG-N, but end up with something unique.

    Now to your question why I go for TE/w:
    - I

    have tried NPA and some TE gel packs. I prefer TE to NPA.
    - Users who have tried NPA/m and NPA/w favorite the

    female version.
    - NPA/w has one more (secret)ingredient. I pressupose TE/w has the same ingredient added to the

    mix (same manufactorer), which is the only think that differs the w-version from the m-version!
    => And as TE works

    better for me, I choose TE/w

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by themaster3000
    Not all

    users of WAGG have had a great experience with the product. But when reading throw the WAGG-N posts, it seems, that

    every user forum love the


    It may seem that way but it isn't

    true. MMany of us don't use WAGG/n because we already know we don't need the extra none. I have 7/8 of a bottle of

    WAGG/n because it doesn't work for me. If you want none, buy it seperately, that way you can mix it instead of

    being stuck with something that doesn't work.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by themaster3000

    Now to

    your question why I go for TE/w:
    - I have tried NPA and some TE gel packs. I prefer TE to NPA.
    - Users who

    have tried NPA/m and NPA/w favorite the female version.
    - NPA/w has one more (secret)ingredient. I pressupose

    TE/w has the same ingredient added to the mix (same manufactorer), which is the only think that differs the

    w-version from the m-version!
    => And as TE works better for me, I choose TE/w
    That's all pretty

    good rationale on the surface, but in the world of "secret ingredients" all of the facts don't show up on the


    The additional secret ingredient in the /w versions of TE and NPA is a pheromone for women to

    attract men. This pheromone isn't just added to a men's formula. It constitutes a major portion of TE/w's and

    NPA/w's overall phero content.
    By getting the women's version of TE you would be minimizing the components

    that are designed for men to attract women.

    You've no doubt seen a few threads where males have stated that

    they've preferred using the /w versions of the LaCroy products to the /m versions. That's probably due to the

    "self-effect" that the /w versions have on the male wearer, but they're definitely compromising their ability to

    attract women by greatly reducing the Androstenone and the /m secret ingredient in the men's products.


    tried NPA/w, and while it has a pleasant effect on me as the wearer, there's no way that I would attempt to employ

    it as a basis for an "attraction mix" for the purpose of attracting females. I'd have to use so much of it to get a

    decent dose of the /m mones that I'd be positively dizzy from the /w secret ingredient.

    Given that you

    preferred the TE gels to NPA, the product that is closest to the gels that I recommend would be

    Edge Sandalwood. The scent and concentration

    are very close to that of the gels, and it's a men's product, designed to attract women.


  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by themaster3000
    Hey guys, I am going to place an order tomorrow (TE/w and WAGG)

    and need some advice!

    About me: I am male, 19, half German, half

    Chinese, targets similar ages!!!

    I read lot about WAGG and WAGG-N. And users discribe the N-version

    as a more powerful product without negative effects!

    WAGG is always

    great to soften the None (None in any form!), but the (WAGG-N) None in Wagg reduce the "soft"-guy type, as the

    product is supposed to be weared standalone.

    I am going to purchase TE/w (similar to NPA/W) but I am still

    undecided weather to buy WAGG-or the WAGG-N.

    WAGG is a great standalone product but even supposed to soften the

    negative effects of None. Many people have had great success with WAGG, but with WAGG-N all the more.

    Unfortunately there

    are only posts from users 30+, who have used the WAGG-N. As I am 19 I don’t need to get more


    [FONT=Times New



    [FONT=Times New



    So what would be your

    suggestion? Thanks for your replies in advance!
    I agree with the others just go with the regular WAGG w/o the none.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your

    replies! I was reading throw another forum and the experience of one Asian guy was, that people around him grew

    highly condescending when wearing WAGG or A1. I have also had experience with A1 and I really don't like it b/c it

    affects me negatively.
    I am half Asian and I will probably benefit from wearing none, even if I am young. Mixing

    WAGG with some None would have equal effects as WAGG-N does.

    Nevertheless, I think I will go for the regular

    WAGG and let the coin decide weather to buy TE/w or TE/m.

  8. #8
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    Another Question: would it

    be a better choice to add AE instead of TE to WAGG?

    Products I already have are CTTM (ANol+BNol Mix), A1, A314

    (Rone based).

  9. #9
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    This was exactly the question

    I'm gonna ask, when staring at the shopping cart. I'm glad someone got here before me.

    I'm often described

    as 'cool' and 'aloof' by my friends. Will WAGG benifit me? I don't know who Clint Eastwood is..


    I'm especially sensative to A1, I can get really depressed from it. So does WAGG contain A1?

    Hope to find

    some answers.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default WAGG is good for loners


    I have used up a few bottles of WAGG & share the same profile as you (cool, aloof, too

    serious etc). Strange, as I am also affected badly by A1 & -none (depression, anger etc). Are you blood type O, by

    the way?

    Recommend to get WAGG to increase approachability & friendliness, a small dab of SoE/u near

    nose/mouth to "loosen up" self (optional). Don't use combo of WAGG + SoE/u by normal/large dosages as the effects

    are unpredictable.

    WAGG is the best product I found to counter "lone-wolf-syndrome". Dosage used 1-2 drops.

    You might want to buy another empty bottle w/ dropper as the stopper in WAGG could be tricky to use.


    products to use with WAGG could be NPA/TE/A314/AE, or any other products containing TEnone. TEnone products should

    be applied separately to gauge the effects on self & moderate dose accordingly. OTOH, heavy dose of WAGG (> 2 drops)

    may make you appear condescending, unless countered with TEnone products.

    IME, WAGG mitigates TEnone's dark

    effects better than ANOL, lasts longer too. I'm not sure if WAGG contains A1 (most probably no), as it seems to

    lighten my mood whenever I wear it. People could change their opinion of you over time as you wear WAGG. Have


    Everything begins with an attitude.

  11. #11
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    Where do you usually apply your WAGG

    itwow ?


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by itwow

    I have used up a few bottles of WAGG & share the same profile as you (cool,

    aloof, too serious etc). Strange, as I am also affected badly by A1 & -none (depression, anger etc). Are you blood

    type O, by the way?

    Recommend to get WAGG to increase approachability & friendliness, a small dab of SoE/u

    near nose/mouth to "loosen up" self (optional). Don't use combo of WAGG + SoE/u by normal/large dosages as the

    effects are unpredictable.

    WAGG is the best product I found to counter "lone-wolf-syndrome". Dosage used 1-2

    drops. You might want to buy another empty bottle w/ dropper as the stopper in WAGG could be tricky to


    Other products to use with WAGG could be NPA/TE/A314/AE, or any other products containing TEnone. TEnone

    products should be applied separately to gauge the effects on self & moderate dose accordingly. OTOH, heavy dose of

    WAGG (> 2 drops) may make you appear condescending, unless countered with TEnone products.


    mitigates TEnone's dark effects better than ANOL, lasts longer too. I'm not sure if WAGG contains A1 (most

    probably no), as it seems to lighten my mood whenever I wear it. People could change their opinion of you over time

    as you wear WAGG. Have fun!

    Yes, right on! My blood type is 'O'. That's very observant.

    Do different blood type have different pheromone signatures? That's something interesting to research


    How does people perceive you now after you've used WAGG? Does your new image work for or against


  13. #13
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    I apply WAGG (without cover) onto

    the sides of neck, using a glass dropper. WAGG smells of clean sweat, detectable only from close range (1 inch),

    lasts at least 5 hours, won't survive water/sweat though.

    A few users I know who exhibits "lone wolf

    chracteristics" are of blood type O. Not to say all type O males are lone wolves, but we can't make any

    generalisations until more data is collected.

    WAGG registers a trusting, dependable vibe to others, it will

    take a while for others to accept the change of your signature. Most of the time, it's a matter of dosage. Too much

    WAGG makes people treat you like a little brother. I don't use WAGG everyday, alternate it with ANOL-active

    products like SoE/u.

    One should use pheromones to firstly, round-off unattractive individual

    traits/perceptions. Then, increase appeal using other products.
    Everything begins with an attitude.

  14. #14
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    Default WAGG Sucks!

    My WAGG just arrived.

    This is what has happened on the 2 days I've been wearing WAGG.

    The cashier girl totally ignored me and say

    "Yes, can I help you?" to the person behind me!!

    This happened in 2 different places with 2 different cashier


    This has never happened to me before.

    I'm soooo ready to return WAGG.

    This product

    should be called "WANK".

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    WAGG, WANK or even


    My order arrived on Monday, and I got my WAGG besides TE/ and EW.

    Of course I couldn't wait to try

    this stuff out! In the evening I took a shower and applied 2 drops WAGG, 1 spray TE/w and some diluted copulins 1:15

    (just 1 dab - 2 drops). After one hour I went to my neighbour house! There is this girl, 17 years old. I can

    definately tell, that she was sexually aroused. We were watching some video clips and she was sitting next to me on

    the couch. After a while she leaned her head on me, holding and kissing my arm and at the end of the day she even

    offered me a massage! This doesn't happened before , but I didn't decline!

    On Wednesday I stayed

    at home the whole day! I applied 4 drops of WAGG by itself, b/c I want to figure out how the regular version


    I haven't seen any positive results! In contrast, my sisters ignored me! We were playing a

    video game called Zelda. We usually play the game together in order to find solutions. But this time she totally

    ignored me, not in a unfriendly way, but as I was invisible, as nobody was sitting beside her! What the


    I think the results on Monday were more based on None (TE/w).

    So far, everybody reported

    success with WAGG-N, especially users 30+! I have choosen the regular version, b/c this enables me to add a little

    None whenever I need it.

    I like the smell of WAGG, but when wearing WAGG I appear like a weak person. I don't

    like the results.

    I got the WAGG recently and need to test more.
    I'm not sure if you can return

    your bottle of WAGG, b/c u can use the money-back guarantee if the product doesn't have an effect on you, but not

    if it affects you in a negative way! Just a guess!!!
    If WAGG continues to affect me negatively and there is

    a possibility to exchange my bottle, I will go for Chikara and Pheromax!!!

    P.S. Some people in this forum

    recommend to add None to Wagg. None is a attention grapper and is supposed to soften the negative effects, which let

    you appear WEAK!

  16. #16
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    First of all, ZELDA


    I used to play Zelda on my Nintendo DS on the train wearing some pheromones from some other stores

    and there were this bunch of girls watching me play. On lots of different trips, different group of


    Invisible.. I get excatly what you meant. I was like sexually invisible..

    I'm quite sure they

    will let you return if it works negatively too. Will some forum moderators enlighten us on this?

    I'm trying

    WANK with None today. See how it goes. But I already have the envelope ready.

    (I know Solid Snake could

    benifit from a bit of WANK, he could go invisible all the way! :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by themaster3000
    WAGG, WANK or even


    My order arrived on Monday, and I got my WAGG besides TE/ and EW.

    Of course I couldn't wait

    to try this stuff out! In the evening I took a shower and applied 2 drops WAGG, 1 spray TE/w and some diluted

    copulins 1:15 (just 1 dab - 2 drops). After one hour I went to my neighbour house! There is this girl, 17 years old.

    I can definately tell, that she was sexually aroused. We were watching some video clips and she was sitting next to

    me on the couch. After a while she leaned her head on me, holding and kissing my arm and at the end of the day she

    even offered me a massage! This doesn't happened before , but I didn't decline!

    On Wednesday

    I stayed at home the whole day! I applied 4 drops of WAGG by itself, b/c I want to figure out how the regular

    version works!

    I haven't seen any positive results! In contrast, my sisters ignored me! We were

    playing a video game called Zelda. We usually play the game together in order to find solutions. But this time she

    totally ignored me, not in a unfriendly way, but as I was invisible, as nobody was sitting beside her! What the


    I think the results on Monday were more based on None (TE/w).

    So far, everybody

    reported success with WAGG-N, especially users 30+! I have choosen the regular version, b/c this enables me to add a

    little None whenever I need it.

    I like the smell of WAGG, but when wearing WAGG I appear like a weak person.

    I don't like the results.

    I got the WAGG recently and need to test more.
    I'm not sure if

    you can return your bottle of WAGG, b/c u can use the money-back guarantee if the product doesn't have an effect on

    you, but not if it affects you in a negative way! Just a guess!!!
    If WAGG continues to affect me

    negatively and there is a possibility to exchange my bottle, I will go for Chikara and Pheromax!!!

    P.S. Some

    people in this forum recommend to add None to Wagg. None is a attention grapper and is supposed to soften the

    negative effects, which let you appear WEAK!

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Try to find the optimum dosage of

    WAGG and/or NPA/TE. Be consistent with the dosage/application methods tested, use a separate glass dropper bottle if


    The products do work but you have to identify the optimum dosage for your requirements (most of

    the time, it's a problem of dosage).

    Being ignored or not taken seriously indicates an OD of WAGG,

    try to reduce the dosage applied (my OD range is 3 drops). You may need to dilute WAGG if 1 drop gives similar


    It's not advisable to mix WAGG with other products until you can pin the exact dosage or nature

    of the product. Each product works differently in nature & approach.

    Everything begins with an attitude.

  18. #18
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    I think you hit the

    nail right on the head with your posts. I think too many people fall into the trap of thinking that somehow using

    women's prducts attract women, and smelling like a disguised woman to attract other women might work. Not to knock

    what works for someone, but i have seen far too many cases of a man who was a girly buddy to a woman he liked, she

    felt totally comfortable spending time with him and sharing with him...and then boinking some guy she just met who

    looked and smelled like he just walked out of biker factory LOL.... the products to attract women for the most

    part are made to appeal to the primal part of the brain in women that isnt going to be adjusted to the current

    social norm of women acting and being like men in our society...cause at the end of the day, the part of their brain

    that responds to mones is gonna register the same as her cave woman the dominant male..


    reminds me,..anyone tried Alpha 7 in a social situation? any hits?

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