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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970

    I am going to stay away from this damned computer monitor, and go out for the

    evening - I'll try:
    1 dab of NPA
    1/3 pack of AE
    1/2 SOE gel pack

    I think that's the cookbook

    ratio of NPA to AE combined with the recipe for an AE/SOE combo. I'll start there and make my usual "rounds"

    around town and try to start a few conversations just to see if people respond in an unusual fashion.

    Since I don't have the M7 yet and don't want to invest in something ordinary, I'll have to

    go with my cheap axe spray as a cover tomorrow but will try the M7 next week.

    Sounds like a plan. The Axe should be sufficent, since the AE and SOE carry plenty of scent. You

    should probably carry a small vial of fragrance, since the "AXE" effect is not too long lasting and the NPA and SOE

    can get somewhat rank after a few hours.

  2. #32
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default First Impressions of Products

    NPA smelled like medicine on my first whiff. Immediately after that, I could no longer smell it at all.


    smells like the oil I bought on another site, which I've been using. Guess that stuff was legit.

    SOE smelled

    good when I opened the gel pack, similar smell to the AE.

    10 minutes after I smeared the AE and SOE all over my

    body, I smell almost exactly like Deer Musk - you know, the stuff hunters use to attract deer when hunting? Makes

    scents, I guess.

  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    Makes scents, I

    I'll be damned if that's not SOE talking. I'm not usually that "punny".

    More later.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    NPA smelled like

    medicine on my first whiff. Immediately after that, I could no longer smell it at


    Rest assured,that many others can smell it on you.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Rest assured,that many

    others can smell it on you.
    At least subconciously. I can't smell NPA either, but I've noticed

    differences in the reactions of others when I wear it, OD, and go without.

  6. #36
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Exclamation The fan experiment

    Not many hits

    tonight - no effort MADE to get hits, but still, I didn't notice anything crazy while I was at the (always empty)

    bookstore, bank, and grocery store. Ikea, however, was another matter. I went there to grab a catalog but of course

    they didn't have one -- they never do, and I think they do that to encourage you to buy soemthing right there and

    THEN. But anyhow, I walked around the store taking pictures of items on sale and trying to figure out a budget. I

    was there for a good hour and a half to two hours. Before I realized that I had a captive audience to play


    At Ikea I had one male employee do a double-take and then look at me with confusion after I passed him

    and stopped to look at the prices on some pots. ( I was trying to get closer to his female co-worker.) I just said

    "hey" and moved on. Don't know what that was all about.

    I had another employee, this time a young, cute

    redheaded female, FLEE from my vicinity, twice. The first time she FLED was when I stood between her and a

    high-powered floor fan that was about 15 feet away from her workstation and blowing directly on her face. When she

    was alone and working on some paperwork, I walked by, stopped, stooped over a desk directly in front of the fan, and

    started writing down every little thing about the desk that I could find. I looked up at her twice, trying to look

    like i might ask her a question, but i was actually just observing her reactions. I could see her hair moving so i

    knew that the fan was blowing the pheromones drectly on her face. But she was either working very hard, trying to

    avoid helping a customer (me), or just plain disinterested. She walked away after about one minute of the

    pheromones being blown in her face, so I think that was an obvious response to me. She went across to the other

    desk, on the other side of the department. I wandered around the department for about 5-10 minutes and then she

    ran away again when I walked by her on the way to another desk. I never looked directly at her and tried to be as

    casual as I could, but don't know if she felt like she was being stalked, if she was trying to avoid working, or

    if she actually WAS working.

    So we'll call tonight my "baseline" pheromone response -- it's been said many a

    time that you won't get a response with pheromones unless you make a serious effort and take some initiative.

    Well, I'm satisfied that this idea has been verified. Passivity doesn't work, even when wearing pheromones. Now

    here's where my little experiment should get interesting...

    Tomorrow I'm going to actually make an effort -

    will be meeting a prospective male roommate at a motorcycle store during the day and meeting a prospective female

    roommate at her place "any time after 8pm."

    I've never met her before in person or even heard her

    voice (gotta love the 'net) and I'm more interested in rooming with someone else, so this is going to be a

    full-on attempt to get an immediate sexual response in a private, one on one situation.

    She's a

    thirty-something divorcee, but I don't know her race, build, or looks, and I'm not the least bit interested in

    having a relationship. In other words, I'm going into this blind, with nothing to lose in anyway, no ego to trip

    over, and nothing to gain besides a verification that pheromones work for me. She DOES know what I look like and

    has read all about me on my website/profile. So the 8pm invitation sounds almost like a set-up to me, but thats


    This will be a fun experiment.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how I should play

    this? If I get any kind of consensus or serious response to this question, I promise to use y'alls suggestions

    and give you the play-by-play.
    I will check back in twelve hours. Should I request to videotape the apartment

    as an effort to get this experiment on record?
    Last edited by gabe1970; 07-13-2006 at 06:41 PM. Reason: Distance from fan to girl was about 15 feet

  7. #37
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    I'd say do half a pack of SOE gel,

    1/3rd of AE, and a spray of A314. As for how to play it, try the self-assured, slightly bemused approach.

  8. #38
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    I didn't buy A314 yet, but

    will probably buy it soon. Right now I have:
    Premixed APC/PI oil from another site (It has an undisclosed ratio of

    PI to APC)
    New Pheromone Additive for Men
    4 Perception sample packets
    SOE gel packs for men
    Alter Ego gel

    packs for men
    Edge gel packs for men

    ...and today I tried...
    1 dab of NPA
    1/3 pack of AE
    1/2 SOE gel pack

  9. #39
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Angry A dab'll do ya

    OK, so I didn't

    hit on the short, sweet, pudgy and goofy black lady who I met tonight and I didn't get any disrespect at the

    motorcycle shop I visited. But when I swung by to pick up some books I had ordered at B & N, I got a funny kind of


    I wore 1 full gel pack of SOE all afternoon, after picking up some Armani Black Code at lunch. Didn't

    feel like waiting for M7 to come in the mail and i couldn't find it locally. So I wore Armani/SOE all afternoon.

    Nothing unusual happened.

    Came home, put on some NPA - 3 "dabs" - I'll get back to that in a minute... and I

    put on two big drops of AE gel, resprayed the Armani (since I smelled like a damned DEER in heat...) and I hit the

    motorcycle shop.

    The dealer is a potential roommate, and I'm leaning towards him since he's cool/mellow and

    has a nice home + a fun lifestyle. I'm looking at harleys myself, tomorrow. Didn't have any problems with guys

    at the shop. They were all very cool.

    Went to get my oil changed. While sitting in the waiting room with a few

    people who didn't pay me any mind, some Eminem-wannabe white kid in his twenties came and did a double take, gave

    a me a confused "what the-?" look and then turned around and walked out. Kinda looked at me like the male looked at

    me yesterday in Ikea.

    A few hours later I went and met the lady who looked like Janet jackson in her younger,

    pudgier days. I just COULD NOT hit on her.

    Now, this girl at B & N... Mmmmmm...

    I picked up my book and by

    this time I was pretty amped from wearing the AE and NPA. Made me feel like women didn't have a chance in the

    world against me.

    But damn was I wrong!

    I was standing at one section of books with another guy to my right,

    and this HOT, superfit young twentysomething blonde wearing a tight blue suede yoga jumpsuit was sitting in the

    corner fanning herself.
    She looked like Jessica Alba!
    Jeez, I

    nearly ruined my pants just looking at her.

    She was almost ten feet away, to my right, and he was between

    us. So I started flipping through the art books, wondering how I could approach her in the photo section, and

    after remembering the fan experiment at Ikea, I started turning the pages quickly and forcefully so that the

    pheromones would be fanned in her direction. I figured I'd just go over and go through the books in her section,

    after giving the pheromones a minute to work.

    And yes I still smelled like a frigging deer.

    After a minute or

    two I realized she was with the guy standing next to me, as she was getting a bit jumpy, couldn't sit still, and

    kept saying something to him that I couldn't hear. He looked annoyed.

    Then she stood up, took him by the arm,

    and she forcefully guided him away from me. He gave me a look like "goddammit" and shook his head. I just smirked

    and shrugged. Oh, the crosses some people have to carry....

    A few minutes later I ran into them again, on my way

    out the door. She was practically wrapped around him, humping his leg, showing him a book in the love/sex section.

    He looked kind of surprised and was looking around very embarrassed.


    SO the combination that I was

    wearing had some effect. Didn't exactly do much for ME, but I'm sure that dude went to bed with a smile on his




    New question: Define a dab. Yeah, you read that correctly... DEFINE. A. "DAB".


    have a bottle of NPA that I have been "dispensing" my "dabs" of NPA from. But I read a part of a thread this

    evening that ticked me off. Maybe I have a short fuse because I'm wearing NPA/AE right now, maybe it's because I

    woke up with heartburn, and maybe it's becuase I know some other dude who isn't any better looking than I AM

    should thank me because he is getting the shag of his life from jessica Alba's horny twin... but

    whatever the reason, this little discovery REALLY irked me....

    Seems that when y'all define a "dab" of NPA, you

    really mean "take off the cap with the small hole in it so the bottle has a bigger opening" AND THEN DAB.


    #@%* difference in size and dose there, kids! Is this little tidbit of information general, public knowledge?

    Because with that cap still on the bottle, I've been using A LOT LESS than what I should have been using. Maybe

    like 1/3 to 1/2 of what I shold have been using. Soooo...

    Any more secret-handshake type things I should know

    about, like "when using a gel pack, stand on your head at midnight, face south, and sacrifice your left

    testicle to the great goddess Elvira."

    Damned things should come with instructions.
    Last edited by gabe1970; 07-15-2006 at 02:51 AM. Reason: Spelling mistakes

  10. #40
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    Talking cents from me

    New question:

    Define a dab. Yeah, you read that correctly... DEFINE. A. "DAB".

    I have a bottle of NPA that I have been

    "dispensing" my "dabs" of NPA from. But I read a part of a thread this evening that ticked me off. Maybe I have a

    short fuse because I'm wearing NPA/AE right now, maybe it's because I woke up with heartburn, and maybe it's

    becuase I know some other dude who isn't any better looking than I AM should thank me because he is getting

    the shag of his life from jessica Alba's horny twin... but whatever the reason, this little discovery

    REALLY irked me....
    okay, THIS part of you i like ,lol. i can relate 100%. i have a love/hate

    relationship going on with TE/w..... i feel great on it until 4 hours later when i realize the next person to not

    use their directional in traffic is going to remove me from their bumper... . im not kidding there,btw. i,

    like alot of other people, are none sensitive. also,i dont know if you remember the first time you ever used

    'mones? i was literally high/spacey, and if you are comfortable wearing heavier applications, not everyone will

    react positively.
    after following this thread, my conclusion is that your one of those guys that dont really

    need the extra kick 'mones give ya, but someone who can benifit from the conversation and extra chattiness

    that say, SOE or even a dab of SOE/w (with that extra "girls get with me" scent which isnt heavy by the way.) will

    give you. at first gals get like this- and then they get like this- then with some conversation,

    . everyone remembers someone that made them feel good. made them laugh. made them think they were hot.

  11. #41
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Do women hate this thread?

    Thanks for posting Lor

    I kind of assumed that women were avoiding this thread because I'm not being

    very serious about how I'm using pheromones. I'm not looking for a girlfriend or a one night stand - I just want

    to verify for myself that they work for me, and so far I don't think they have but I'm having fun trying them out

    and playing games with unsuspecting people. I'm going to use them for the first time today in a real social

    situation instead of just toying with the people around me. I'm going to go to a Harley dealership and possibly

    buy a bike, but definitely sign up for a class. It's also a barbecue and there will be a lot of people there. I

    may end up spending a lot of time with these people, so I'm not playing games but I do want to use the "'mones"

    to make a good first impression. I'm going to stick with the combo I've been using, and just be myself instead

    of fanning the scent into peoples faces, etc

    The first time I used 'mones was documented on here, but

    I neglected to write down that they made me feel an unpleasant kind of drunk. I wouldn't call it high or spacey -

    just a "oh crap i feel wierd, better not try to stand up" kind of feeling. It lasted about 5 seconds after

    I put on SOE/NPA/AE. That APC/PI oil combo I originally bought didn't have ANY effect on me, and I have worn Realm

    in the past. Realm stank like funky baby powder. People around me sneezed often and it gave a good friend migranes,

    so I only wore it a few times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    my conclusion is that your one of those guys that dont really need

    the extra kick 'mones give ya, but someone who can benifit from the conversation and extra chattiness that say,

    SOE or even a dab of SOE/w (with that extra "girls get with me" scent which isnt heavy by the way.) will give you.
    Why do you think this? I've been asked out by quite a few women in the past (when I was fit, not fat)

    and, unfortunately, I currently get hit on by more gay men than I care to admit to. Please factor these things into

    your evaluation of me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    okay, THIS part of you i like ,lol. i can relate 100%

    Please tell me about the parts you don't like. That might help me later on, when I

    do begin trying to attract someone special.

  12. #42
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    First of all, the

    "pheromone oil" stuff that you bought IS the real deal. The guy who makes it buys his ingredients from Bruce, so it

    really is a genuine APC/PI mixture.
    At the @.015% Androstenone concentration that I've seen stated elsewhere, 3

    or 4 drops would probably be a good starting application range.

    Secondly, go back and re-read

    this post by Riley. It's excellent

    advice to help novices distinguish between the reactions they get from the various pheros, AND in your case may be

    able to help you decide which product or individual phero component is making you "smell like a deer".
    The "usual

    suspect" for this is almost always A-None, but some folks (like me) are especially sensitive to the aroma of A-Rone,

    so it should be helpful for you to figure this out. It's tough to be confident and attractive when you think that

    you smell bad.
    If it's NOT just a matter of your own hypersensitivity that's causing you to pick up on this

    "deer smell" thing, then it could be your natural body chemistry or your supplement use that's causing this.

    You're the one who has to do the experimenting by starting to eliminate the variables. Start with a clean slate

    once you've run out of the A-dienol supplement. Phero dosage guidelines that you establish while still taking this

    stuff might well be invalid once it's cleared your system. (It's also just possible that this stuff may be the

    cause, or at least a contributor to the "deer smell" issue.)

    Lastly, when you ARE ready to start combining

    products you've got to have a handle on what the total doses are in your applications. While I find that 1/3 pack

    of SOE gel is an excellent stand-alone dose of A-Nol and A-Rone, I would want to back that down to 1/4 or even less

    if I'm going to be using AE at the same time since it too contains A-Nol and A-Rone.

    A "quick start" guide

    to use of the gels (something that I've been meaning to post for a while) might look like this:

    SOE Gels -

    1/4 to 1/3 pack per application
    AE Gels - 1/4 to 1/3 pack per application.
    TE Gels - 1/5 to 1/4 pack per

    Chikara Gels - 1/3 to 1/2 pack per application
    Perception Gels - 1/2 to 1 pack per


    Each of these recommendations is based on my use of the product as a stand-alone application.

    When combining products that share one or more phero components you've got to do the math to figure out whether or

    not you're approaching overdose levels.
    My personal "optimal dose level" for the "big 3" pheros are:

    .04mg A-Nol
    .01-.02mg A-Rone (depending on how much A-None I'm using)
    .....your mileage may vary,

    but it's up to you to figure that out.


  13. #43
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970

    question: Define a dab. Yeah, you read that correctly... DEFINE. A. "DAB".
    There are threads on this

    very subject. It has been my impression that most people consider a dab to be with the plastic insert on. These same

    people have used as many as 8 "dabs" with good results. The most I've read about anyone using with the insert off

    was 2 dabs, and that even seems like a lot to me. I think if everone would specify when mentioning dabs of NPA

    whether they had the insert in or out, it would clear up a lot of confusion.

  14. #44
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic

    are threads on this very subject. It has been my impression that most people consider a dab to be with the plastic

    insert on. These same people have used as many as 8 "dabs" with good results. The most I've read about anyone using

    with the insert off was 2 dabs, and that even seems like a lot to me. I think if everone would specify when

    mentioning dabs of NPA whether they had the insert in or out, it would clear up a lot of confusion.

    is with the insert off. Drops is with the insert on.

  15. #45
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    Red face


    tell me about the parts you don't like. That might help me later on, when I do begin trying to attract

    someone special.
    aw gabe, i didnt want to give you the impression there was anything about you i didnt

    like! i just meant that you were funny,sarcastic, and you always use your manners,which when you combine all three

    is very attractive. so the second i read that dab part ,i lost it,lol.
    when i read the kind of

    responses you get, it genuinely sounds like you probably put out a fair amount of 'none on your own. so adding

    more, even in small amounts, will be noticeable. its a good thing, so dont sweat it.
    another thing:

    do you think this? I've been asked out by quite a few women in the past (when I was fit, not fat) and,

    unfortunately, I currently get hit on by more gay men than I care to admit to. Please factor these things into your

    evaluation of me.
    having had plenty of gay friends i can tell you that one thing is certain-

    acknowledge and appreciate the same things that women do in a guy....humor, attractiveness,manners. apparently you

    werent crude or ruff around the edges enough to turn them off, and that is flattering. if what bothers you is the

    ratio of men approaching vs women, again it could be the intimidation factor with the 'none, and women in general

    arent especially aggressive. or maybe the ones your attracted to arent.we all tend to disreguard any hit that

    wasnt the one we wanted as if it didnt count sometimes, and tayloring your mix to the KIND of gal you like might be

    the way to go, for future reference.
    then again, these are only my humble opinions, take it with a grain of salt

    or frank's redhot cuz that stuff rocks....

  16. #46
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar
    First of all,

    the "pheromone oil" stuff that you bought IS the real deal. The guy who makes it buys his ingredients from Bruce, so

    it really is a genuine APC/PI mixture...
    Good to hear that the oil is legit, and thanks for

    the reply/post. I will start working with the gel and oil doses you recommended.

  17. #47
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    aw gabe, i didnt

    want to give you the impression there was anything about you i didnt like! i just meant that you were

    funny,sarcastic, and you always use your manners,which when you combine all three is very attractive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    when i read the kind of responses you get, it genuinely sounds like you

    probably put out a fair amount of 'none on your own.
    I guess I don't comprehend how/why you guys think I

    put out a lot of -none.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    if what bothers you is the ratio of men approaching vs women, again it could

    be the intimidation factor with the 'none, and women in general arent especially aggressive. or maybe the ones

    your attracted to arent.
    Yes, the ratio irritates the heck out of me and the women who

    are attracted to me never seem to be all that interesting.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    tayloring your mix to the KIND of

    gal you like might be the way to go, for future reference.
    then again, these are only my humble opinions, take it

    with a grain of salt or frank's redhot cuz that stuff rocks....
    That's actually a bit of a problem. I

    like everything from the cutesy soccer-mom-who-lives-in-khakis to sleazy-biker-chick types. Who do I want to

    attract? Petite Brunettes. That's as specific as I can get. (Um, see the problem?) Edit: KT Tunstall is the ideal

    woman - beauty, brains, soul, and passion. The way she moves, her expressions, her voice -- "hot damn!" You can

    find out all about her at

    Photos attached to this posting.

    And about Franks - "A thrill a bite", baby! Actually, if it's not the

    XTRA hot then it's really not worth drinking, uh, I mean using.... but seriously, I

    prefer KC masterpiece to anything else - hot sauce, bbq, steak sauce, you name it ...

    nothing else compares.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by gabe1970; 07-15-2006 at 09:02 PM. Reason: more detail/specifics including attachments

  18. #48
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    Thumbs up who's attractive;who's not

    isnt she

    now, i could be wrong, but my theory stands that to get an intense person, you have to experience that

    intenseness yourself and resonate somewhere on their level.... i dont mean to imply that in level i mean someone can

    be better than another, for there is no such thing; i mean we all resonate where we are comfortable, we congregate

    around similarities,not differences. i may not have anything in common with someone specifically, but im naturally

    hyper... so i wouldnt find a layed-back easy-going person attractive (that would keep me out of trouble,wouldnt want

    that) but someone who is impulsive... i wouldnt have to think about it. i probably wouldnt even know what it was i

    found attractive at first,see? wear 'mones that intensify your passionate side, and someone similar will

    notice. i know not everyone will agree with that, lol.

  19. #49
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    isnt she

    She's HOT! I guess you'd have to hear her in an interview to get her entire personality. The total

    package is what turns me on, not (just) her looks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    to get an intense person, you have to experience

    that intenseness yourself and resonate somewhere on their level.... we all resonate where we are comfortable, we

    congregate around similarities,not differences. i may not have anything in common with someone specifically, but im

    naturally hyper...
    You know, I've been wondering about this as it applies to myself. I'm into a wide

    variety of things that are completely unrelated to each other, and find it easy to get along with many different

    kinds of people. Thus the ATTRACTION to a wide variety/types of women. The thing is, they never know how similar

    I am to them, so I'm never considered to be "like" them.

    Some examples...
    "Gabe, YOU'RE an artist?!"
    "How do

    you know Japanese?!"
    "YOU were a bodybuilder?"
    "I thought you were WHITE."
    "Your clothes are unusually

    STYLISH for a country boy from KANSAS..."
    "YOU'RE not a christian!"
    "You CAN'T be jewish!"
    "YOU were in the

    "Why do you spend so much time in New York, if you're from Kansas. That just doesn't sound right..."

    thought you were from NYC. What's UP with the (Kansas) Jayhawks hat?"
    "Oh, sorry, I just figured

    you for the kind of guy who knew about cars."
    And those are the just most memorable RECENT ones. My point is that

    I don't fit into anyones neat little "BOX" of what they're expecting or looking for.
    Thus the image problem I

    mentioned. If I want a specific type of woman, I need to tailor my image to them, and I'm just not a "one

    image' kind of guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    so i wouldnt find a layed-back easy-going person attractive (that would keep me

    out of trouble,wouldnt want that) but someone who is impulsive... i wouldnt have to think about it. i probably

    wouldnt even know what it was i found attractive at first,see?
    Hey, if you look anything like your avatar

    and you could "settle" for someone with "quiet intensity", let me know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    wear 'mones that

    intensify your passionate side, and someone similar will notice. i know not everyone will agree with that,

    I think I'd agree with you, but I like the way NPA makes me, to paraphrase hamlet,

    "To NPA or not NPA, that is the question."

    And as for the image thing, my wardrobe is becoming more and more

    useless as I drop weight. It's almost time for a total replacement, and I think i'm going to go with a kind of

    "preppy with an edge", blending my artsy side with my zombified "must-wear-khakisMUST...wear...khakis" and tempered

    by an engrained military leaning towards shades of green, brown, and black. Picture Jcrew with a touch of Harley

    Davidson and none of the cheezy pastels. I think that's my "type".

  20. #50
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    I don't fit

    into anyones neat little "BOX" of what they're expecting or looking for.
    Gabe, that's the most

    important aspect of what you've been saying. It's a pain in the butt to march to your own drummer, isn't it? In

    the long term it will stand you in good stead and gain you respect if you refuse to change for others. Instead of

    changing, pull back and force others to come to you. It takes some time and practice but is very worthwhile in the

    long run.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  21. #51
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    Red face not about image...

    My point

    is that I don't fit into anyones neat little "BOX" of what they're expecting or looking for.
    Thus the image

    problem I mentioned. If I want a specific type of woman, I need to tailor my image to them, and I'm just not a "one

    image' kind of guy.
    i meant think BROADER than a box....
    dont change for anyone,or taylor yourself,

    but there will be essences of you that draw similar essenses to you... for instance, i met this guy a couple years

    ago. we dress differently; we look way different; we had a different in all ways circle of friends.... one thing we

    had similar to eachother though- we're ballsy. nothing could stop us from bursting into song in a quiet room or

    picking a raging fight with eachother in our local watering hole to see who the better actor was ..... all this goes

    beyond image. so when i think of attracting a specific kind of gal, i mean someone who is an aggressive responder vs

    a quiet reserved type. some guys genuinely prefer a girl who is proper for all intents and purposes in

    overt displays of affection, more quiet than not,ect. i was thinking certain pheromones may "open" up a quiet

    gal....... or slow down a louder gal... only these experiences shared really helps in the choosing of the 'mones.

    this forum rocks.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Gabe, that's the

    most important aspect of what you've been saying. It's a pain in the butt to march to your own drummer, isn't it?

    In the long term it will stand you in good stead and gain you respect if you refuse to change for others. Instead of

    changing, pull back and force others to come to you. It takes some time and practice but is very worthwhile in the

    long run.
    i need you on speed-dial for the instant wisdom gratification,lol.( just want to say your

    appreciated. )

  23. #53
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    It's a pain

    in the butt to march to your own drummer, isn't it? ... It takes some time and practice but is very worthwhile in

    the long run.
    35 years of that is a bit much, though.

    Thanks for the (welcome and appreciated)

    advice, but I think I should clarify and state that I intend to clarify my image, to be more focused as opposed to

    being so... I don't know the word - ambiguous? Innocuous? Generic? Bland? KOSHER? Yeah, that's it. Don't wanna

    be just another Oscar Meyer Weiner wrapped up in a low-dollar bun.

  24. #54
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    35 years of

    that is a bit much, though.

    Thanks for the (welcome and appreciated) advice, but I think I should clarify

    and state that I intend to clarify my image, to be more focused as opposed to being so... I don't know the word -

    ambiguous? Innocuous? Generic? Bland? KOSHER? Yeah, that's it. Don't wanna be just another Oscar Meyer Weiner

    wrapped up in a low-dollar bun.
    I turn 50 soon and am still working on it. But since I stopped worrying

    about what everybody else was or wanted me to be, I am a lot happier. Being happier has resulted in far more and

    better relationships than I had while trying to 'Fit In"
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  25. #55
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    so when i think of

    attracting a specific kind of gal, i mean someone who is an aggressive responder vs a quiet reserved

    You're on the money - I've happily dated mostly the aggressive type and then I

    married the quiet reserved type. That's where I went wrong. So what kind of 'mones attract the agressive type?

    I have to admit that I think I'm addicted to how AE and NPA make me feel - so much so that I almost don't care

    how they make anyone else feel.

    And I've finally figured out that SOE is what smells like DEER LURE on

    my skin.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  26. #56
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    I turn 50 soon

    and am still working on it. But since I stopped worrying about what everybody else was or wanted me to be, I am a

    lot happier. Being happier has resulted in far more and better relationships than I had while trying to 'Fit


    PRECISELY. FYI - I'm not trying to fit in, I just want an image that clearly shows

    everyone who I really am instead of me being "all over the map".

  27. #57
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Just taking the new avatar for

    a spin. Couldn't decide between that and the "Buck in Rut" image.

    And yes, I just discovered the "profile"

    Last edited by gabe1970; 07-16-2006 at 11:59 AM. Reason: Addendum

  28. #58
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    Is that part of

    your more clearly articulated image?!

  29. #59
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Everybody's a comedian.

  30. #60
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    i need you on

    speed-dial for the instant wisdom gratification,lol.( just want to say your appreciated. )

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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