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  1. #1
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    Post Is this true at all?

    Many authors have speculated that both androstenone and androstenol are male pheromones,

    raising the questions of whether and how females perceive them. Filsinger, Braun and Monte


    l]] showed that the application of androstenone to females led to negative descriptions of males

    whereas the application of androstenol led to a description of males as being sexually attractive
    . It has been

    shown repeatedly that females either find the odor of androstenol to be attractive, or that the perception of this

    odor results in heightened female sexual arousal


    l]]. These results indicate that androstenol can induce positive, while androstenone induces negative

    emotions towards males, and suggest that androstenol may be a male pheromone that enhances attractiveness.


    l]] found that females perceive males positively under exposure to androstenol and negatively under

    exposure to androstenone. The finding that females are emotionally more affected by androstenone and androstenol

    than by control substances like rose water, led to the hypothesis that both androstenone and androstenol might be

    male pheromones. The role of androstenol in any hypothetical signaling system is clear, since it seems to promote

    female sexual attraction towards males. However, problems arise in attempts to determine the function of

    androstenone, which induces negative female emotions towards males. Besides, androstenone is the more prominent

    odor. Thus, the odor of androstenone will prevail, whereas the fresh sweat odor of androstenol disappears quickly.

    The fact that the production of attractiveness-enhancing androstenol inevitably produces the repellent androstenone

    makes it difficult to propose a definite advantage for the sender of such chemical signals compared to a non-sender.

    Arguably, a pheromone function of both substances is unlikely. If a male repels females with androstenone, this

    would contradict hypotheses, which assert male promiscuity on an evolutionary basis


    l]]. A less odorous male could out reproduce a more odorous male, simply because he could approach

    more females in less time and with less energy. This only holds if the costs of the more odorous androstenone

    production are greater than the benefits reached through producing the more sexually attractive androstenol. As

    androstenol oxidizes to androstenone the initial attractive signal becomes repellent. Because this effect takes

    place within 20 minutes


    l]], a less odorous male would be better off, since the repellent smell of androstenone is the

    long-term prevailing signal. If androstenone is a signal for females, then what advantages do more odorous males


    I found this article here:


    From everyones posts so far it seems that androstenone does in fact attract the

    opposite sex, however this document claims otherwhise - - and that only androstenol is the attractant. It also

    claims that within 20 minutes androstenol oxadizes and becomes androstenone.


  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    androstenol breaks down into

    androstenone yes but some of hte pheromone forumulas keep it active for several hours to a day - anol does require

    more application and reapplication yes that isnt in dispute. The 20 minute timeframe is very very debateable ive had

    the social giggle anol reaction up to 16 hos after applying some of the products depends on the carrier - perception

    is an example.

    Actually they neglect to include androstrone. Arone is the main sexual attractant read james V

    Kohls materail.

  3. #3
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christinedavis
    I found

    this article here: [url=""]
    I'm the first author of

    the award-winning article. Truth is in the interpretation, but the article is fully referenced, just in case someone

    ones to look at the full text of the studies cited.
    Quote Originally Posted by christinedavis
    From everyones posts so far it

    seems that androstenone does in fact attract the opposite sex, however this document claims otherwhise - - and that

    only androstenol is the attractant. It also claims that within 20 minutes androstenol oxadizes and becomes

    There are two approaches on this Forum that have been discussed. One that

    agrees with the research; one that appears counterintuitive to the research. If androstenone works, that's great

    for those who use it. Researchers are more likely to care whether or not it should work, which is why my products

    don't contain it.

    I'm glad to see that you are looking at the



  4. #4
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    >>> Researchers are more likely to

    care whether or not it should work

    Can you speak a bit more on this?

    Thanks a bunch, Pongo

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Any good results I have had with

    androstenone have always been kinda short lived.NO and RONE on the other hand tend to have a lasting impact.

  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pongo
    >>> Researchers are

    more likely to care whether or not it should work

    Can you speak a bit more on this?

    Not without offending someone (or getting into a discussion about a particular product; Athena;

    Pherlure). I'm a researcher who doesn't agree with many of the marketing tactics I've seen. Show me some study

    results that can be replicated, and I can tell you how likely it is that the study offers proof of a human

    pheromone. No studies; no pheromone -- but that doesn't stop product



  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    This is very interesting. Of

    course one would have to look at the situations that androstenol and androstenone were presented. Definately not

    quite real world conditions, but you do have to start somewhere.

    It does explain why I got so few responses

    when I went running around wearing just -none products/mixes. For me SOE has gotten me a lot of flirting, fun, etc

    . . . . I have gotten some really blatent sexual hits, but those came after I had worn SOE for several (at least

    4-5) hours. Some of my best sexual hits have come when wearing mixes that have a higher concentration of -nol to


    I hypothesize that -nol is a very sexual, fun, social mone that tells other people that, "this

    person is funny", "fun", "handsome", "attractive" . . . etc . . . . Over time a bit of this oxidizes to -none.

    -None has always struck me as a mone that commands respect, fear, . . . (imagine the Darth Vader in Empire). It

    tells other people "I should be afraid" "This person is bigger/stronger than you" and it screams "Fuck Me!".

    Perhaps this is why people are replused by it if they were not exposed to -nol first.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    i like soe

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:28 PM.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default JVK

    research=no pheromone.
    There are plenty of things that can trigger sexual responses in women...sights,sounds and

    smells.Guys get horny when they look at pictures of naked models...does that make porn a pheromone? Im guessing here

    but Im gonna say no.And most of us have had an experience or two that was less than pleasant regarding NONE.Some

    guys can get realy good hits from it but most of us have to temper it with something else which tells me that its

    probably okay to leave NONE out alltogether.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929 JVK research=no pheromone.
    There are plenty of things that can trigger sexual responses in

    women...sights,sounds and smells.Guys get horny when they look at pictures of naked models...does that make porn a

    pheromone? Im guessing here but Im gonna say no.And most of us have had an experience or two that was less than

    pleasant regarding NONE.Some guys can get realy good hits from it but most of us have to temper it with something

    else which tells me that its probably okay to leave NONE out alltogether.
    I see your point, and I do

    agree that it is probably ok to not to mess around with the high -none products and mixes. But -none does have

    it's uses. It is a fact that -nol does slowly changes to -none over time. I believe that -None does have a role

    to play in human attraction, but most likely in small doses. So perhaps having that -nol naturally convert might be

    the best way to go.

    Science (biochemistry) is a big factor in pheromone research. We can't forget that the

    social science of attraction is all intertwined in this as well.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    There are

    two approaches on this Forum that have been discussed. One that agrees with the research; one that appears

    counterintuitive to the research. If androstenone works, that's great for those who use it. Researchers are more

    likely to care whether or not it should work, which is why my products don't contain it.

    I'm glad to see that

    you are looking at the research.



    talking about research why hasn't Estradienol been put into one of your products yet? According to the

    study below, "Under estradienol the men were rated by women as better, harder and more nonchalant than under

    control" .


    Dr. Regina E. Maiworm (1998):
    Influence of estradienol and

    methoxyestateraene on the assessment of the opposite sex.

    Abstract In a double blind study estradienol,

    methoxyestateraene or the controls cholesterol or mineral oil were applied to the upper lip of 240 men and women.

    Before the application a standardized test about the mood was administered. After the application five persons

    (standardized whole-body photographs) of the opposite sex were rated on 19 bipolar, seven stepped ratingscales. Each

    subject rated the five persons one by one. After the rating the test about the moood was conducted again. The

    session was finished by a structured interview. Each subject was tested individually by a same sex experimenter.

    Physiological parameters (respiration, heart rate, skin conductance) were measured during each session. Under

    estradienol the men were rated by women as better, harder and more nonchalant than under control. Under the

    influence of methoxyestateraene the women were rated by men as better, kinder and they were much more liked than

    under control.

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    I can say athenas product maybe

    have something useful cutler on the other hand as the public media face of pheromones is totally useless with their

    products. Just my opinions as a end user never will buy em again

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Androstenone enhanced the intensitiy and unpleasantness of...

    Quote Originally Posted by SwingerMD
    I believe that -None does have a role to play in human

    attraction, but most likely in small doses. So perhaps having that -nol naturally convert might be the best way to

    Recent research says that -none may not be okay, even in small doses. However, since the research

    was done in Japan (supposedly), this means that societal norms and racial differences in odor production may be


    International Journal of Cosmetic Science
    Volume 27 Page 333 - December

    Volume 27 Issue 6

    Sexual differentiation in sensitivity to

    male body odor1
    Y. Tokunaga*, Y. Omoto*, T. Sangu*, M. Miyazakiâ€, R. Kon* and K. Takada*


    have confirmed that more female subjects than male subjects evaluate male body odor as significantly unpleasant.

    Through an investigation on sexual differentiation in sensitivity to male body odor, we concluded that one of the

    volatile steroids, androstenone, had two effects on female olfactory sense. First, female subjects perceived

    androstenone itself to be more unpleasant than male subjects. Second, for only female subjects, androstenone, at a

    concentration of one-tenth of detection threshold, enhanced the intensity and unpleasantness of body-odor

    constituents such as short-chain fatty acids.

    Quote Originally Posted by SwingerMD
    Science (biochemistry) is a big factor in

    pheromone research. We can't forget that the social science of attraction is all intertwined in this as

    Even social scientists should begin to notice that whatever they think is "intertwined," they

    are still dealing with primary issues of biochemistry, which in this case involve racial differences.


  14. #14
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Note that the abstract is from a

    1998 presentation.

    Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences Chem. Senses 1998

    23: 545-646

    The research was not published so far as I am aware.

    Marketing folks would probably not

    care whether the findings stood up to peer review; most researchers care about this sort of thing. I'm not likely

    to take everything that anyone thinks is a pheromone and include it is a product -- just in case it is a pheromone.

    It's better to make reasonable decisions in this regard, since you risk losing credibility. Winnifred Cutler is an

    example of a researcher who's lost



    Quote Originally Posted by Visionary7903
    talking about research

    why hasn't Estradienol been put into one of your products yet? According to the study below, "Under estradienol the

    men were rated by women as better, harder and more nonchalant than under control" .


    Dr. Regina E. Maiworm (1998):
    Influence of estradienol and methoxyestateraene on the assessment of the

    opposite sex.

    Abstract In a double blind study estradienol, methoxyestateraene or the controls cholesterol

    or mineral oil were applied to the upper lip of 240 men and women. Before the application a standardized test about

    the mood was administered. After the application five persons (standardized whole-body photographs) of the opposite

    sex were rated on 19 bipolar, seven stepped ratingscales. Each subject rated the five persons one by one. After the

    rating the test about the moood was conducted again. The session was finished by a structured interview. Each

    subject was tested individually by a same sex experimenter. Physiological parameters (respiration, heart rate, skin

    conductance) were measured during each session. Under estradienol the men were rated by women as better, harder and

    more nonchalant than under control. Under the influence of methoxyestateraene the women were rated by men as better,

    kinder and they were much more liked than under control.

  15. #15
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Science or marketing

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    The research was not published so far as I am aware.
    Now, let's look at research

    that was published, in the same year.
    Dr. E. Maiworm and W.U. Langthaler (1998):

    Communication by odour - The influence of Body odour on the attractiveness of men. In: Frosch, P.J., Johanse, J.D. &

    White, I.R. (eds): Fragrances - Beneficial and adverse Effects. Berlin, heidelberg, New York: Springer.


    Experiment 1 clearly shows the effect of androsterone on the perception of men. The men

    received more positive ratings on a variety of scales.

    Not to labor too long on a

    point, but I've been trying to get this through to some people for a long time. The bottom line is that if the

    product has no research to back it up, you may still get results -- but the results would be more likely due to the

    power of suggestion. If the product is backed by research and you get results, there's more than the power of

    suggestion involved; it's called science.


  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Of course, a major percentage of

    the Earth's populaton is Asian, so the conclusion of Japanese research that 'none is unpleasant and repelling for

    women is far reaching. Being Asian and mainly living among Asians I've oft heard women comment how unpleasantly

    stinky other races were. The typical reaction is they felt like running it was so strong.

    We discussed in

    another thread a deodorant being developed in Japan to specifically target 'none. Apparently an extract from peach

    pits neutralizes its repelling effect.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    well it has also been noted at

    least around here that women react more favourable to none when that tiem of the month comes aroudn and react

    negative to it when they arent on heat so to speak = perhaps that is where they didnt consider factors though the

    asian angle i will also agree with white and african women react more favouable to none in my experience if i want

    an asian lady to respond then SOE is a better product in general though there are always differences of reaction

  18. #18
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    JV might be pleased to know that

    SOE is my all around fav. I just ordered 2 dad burn bottles! If I could only have one product, SOE would be it. I

    just wish it was in an alcohol carrier for better mixing with colognes.

    Too many folks try to pigeonhole SOE

    as a social-only 'mone. It certainly helps me get laid and has enhanced both my social and professional life.

    Nevertheless, gettin' Asian women befuddled and twitchy with 'none can be extremely entertaining. Especially when

    they bolt for the door (they usually come back another day). I try to have fun and not take love, romance and mating

    too seriously.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #19
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    Speaking of being "in heat", I

    presume that means 'none works best just after a woman's had her period? Isn't that when she's most fertile?

    Or was it just before? I don't remember offhand. And has anyone noticed an increase inthe effectiveness of any

    other pheromone when a woman is "in heat"? Or would anything seem to have that effect simply because she's


  20. #20
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    well it has also

    been noted at least around here that women react more favourable to none when that tiem of the month comes aroudn

    and react negative to it when they arent on heat so to speak...
    Research indicates that cyclic

    changes merely make -none less unpleasant (i.e., not more favorable, since they never favor the smell) when women

    are in their fertile phase of the menstrual cycle.

    The negative rating of androstenone changes to a neutral

    response at the conceptive optimum around ovulation, which may facilitate female mate choice.

    Grammer, K. (1993) 5 a androst 16en 3a on: A male pheromone? a brief report. Ethology and

    Sociobiology, 14, 201-208.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    JV might be pleased

    to know that SOE is my all around fav. I just ordered 2 dad burn bottles! If I could only have one product, SOE

    would be it. I just wish it was in an alcohol carrier for better mixing with colognes.

    Too many folks try to

    pigeonhole SOE as a social-only 'mone. It certainly helps me get laid and has enhanced both my social and

    professional life. Nevertheless, gettin' Asian women befuddled and twitchy with 'none can be extremely

    entertaining. Especially when they bolt for the door (they usually come back another day). I try to have fun and not

    take love, romance and mating too seriously.

    Are you using the scented or non of SOE?

  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I prefer unscented as I cycle

    through various colognes for cover.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I'm beginning to form an opinion

    that -none is "overrated" and overused. Just personal feelings, and a bit of opinion formed by the negative

    reactions I've gotten when wearing even minute amounts of PI or NPA (usually along with some other product though).

    I think I've been able to negate the negative affects of -npne (PI) when I used it in a test with a314, but I

    don't think the PI did any good either, so why use it?

    I am starting to lean more and more toward -rone for

    the "masculine" aspects and -nol and A-1 for the friendly/comfortable/relaxed effects. Both Chikara and AE have done

    some good for me, so -none in combo with the ther ingredients may be okay, but I still wonder if the -none is really

    contributing to the effects I'm seeing, and I'd do just as well with SOE (-nol/-rone), a314 (-rone like), a and b

    -nol, and a bit of A-1 (or a "work alike") for mixes.

    I'm about 55 y/o and my age I'm supposedly not turning

    out much natural -none at all already.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  24. #24
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It depends on the user. I

    can't wear much none either so for me what you say is true. Then there's Gegogi who can bath in the stuff and

    get's tons of attention from it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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