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Thread: Pherlure

  1. #271
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Well, let's face it. Marketing

    intensity can make even poop smell good. When I google "pheromones" I get an awful lot of hits on what turn out to

    be pretty questionable sites with questionable products. Wtihout solid info to base a decision on I can see where

    the product that gets the most popular press, legit or "manufactured," will get attention and sales. And it's often

    tough to figure out what what info *is* really solid and not some faked testimonial (see recent issue of Consumer

    Reports, think it was February 2006). VERY difficult to learn how to filter all the crap out there and/or find a

    truely reliable source of info. And even those reliable sources can be fooled, or further study can show that the

    "facts" aren't what they seemed at first. Just look at all the back and forth over Hormone Replacement Therapy.

    And there is something to be said about the old saying concerning giving someone enough rope and see if they hang

    themselves. Shills, especially amature ones, will probably show their true stripes pretty quickly.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  2. #272
    Phero Pro
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    I'm sure Pherlure is probably

    pheromoneal crap, but it probably smells halfway decent. But if the poster is sincere, I think what he is doing is a

    great way to meet women, and I would encourage some of the spineless guys on here to emulate his efforts.

  3. #273
    I'm a whopper!
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    What makes this forum a

    great place is the fact that the bs meter is very sensitive and is pardon the pun sniffed out rather quickly. There

    are alot of seasoned pheromone vets here that give honest opinions on products. One thing might work for one person

    but not the next but as said before bs can be smelled a good distance away. For me what gives it away is the first

    post of a person toughting a product as the end all product of all time should put up a red flag. So someone smiled

    at you from across the room, does that signify mone success? For me personally I have to see reactions from people I

    already know inorder to confirm if something works or not otherwise how do you know if that person is just that way!

    When you deal with observing strangers you do not know anything about them so if they smile, twitch their hair, open

    their legs or what ever do they do that just because your wearing mones around them at 25 ft. away or is it their

    natural habits. Another sure tale sign is if they only talk about one product. We have all been here long enough to

    know there is no such thing as a one mone for all situations. I have to thank all the moderators here at LS for

    doing such a good job. I have purchased alot of things from here and have never been disapointed.

  4. #274
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    I still have a bottle of the

    stuff and when I looked at it today I realized it has a pretty good atomizer and enough people here think it smells

    good and I haven't bothered to get my money back. Assuming it has absolutely no pheromone qualities how much npa

    would you recommend adding to 1 oz/30ml. I hate dabbing NPA and wanted to put it into the atomizer. I think pherlure

    is Di-Propylene glycol based would that react with npa. Before you get on my a$$ about promoting the product, I

    haven't seen anything to prove it works by itself. I really haven't bothered testing it.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  5. #275
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    ive been applying about

    two 6inch roll on both wrists and some rolls on my neck of soe + 2 sprays of pherlure(infront of chest with with behind neck)...3 if i feel like applying it on my crouch.....i have npa but since people say that npa

    are for older ladys 24+ i havent used npa....i havent had a "real" hit from the combo im currently useing...ive only

    had a few convos...

  6. #276
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stridoom
    I think it was

    the cologne "Fierce" in fact. And, it did win..hands down. Although, I like the way Pherlure makes you feel more

    confident. It could be the DHEA in it, or it could just be all in my head. Regardless, Pherlure is the most

    popular "pheromone" cologne with the PUA community.
    I also like the way it smells..haha.

    Wrong answer.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  7. #277
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    Hey, whats "PUA community"? I

    could guess (Pheromone Users Anonymous),... If I got it right do i win free pherlure? If I do win free pherlure, I

    will use it to start a bon-fire and invite chicks over to dig on me by the warm light.

  8. #278
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stridoom
    It could be the

    DHEA in it, or it could just be all in my head.
    Are you referring to the Di-DHEA, which doesn't

    exist, but that's supposed to be in it? This would suggest that any effect is all in the head of marketing

    scammers, and that you are one of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by stridoom
    Regardless, Pherlure is the most popular

    "pheromone" cologne with the PUA community.
    PUA community-- Let's make your acronym stand for the

    Profiteers from Unconscious Affect community.

    Since marketing claims allude to effects on the human VNO, I

    will add that the traditional distinction that pheromones are perceived by the VNO is dead (and laid to rest by

    Shepherd, G.M., (2006), a well-respected researcher, in the journal Nature 439, 149-151.)

    I'm fed up with

    ridiculous marketing scams that continue to show up on an otherwise legitimate Forum.


  9. #279
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    When I google

    "pheromones" I get an awful lot of hits on what turn out to be pretty questionable sites with questionable products.

    ...VERY difficult to learn how to filter all the crap out there and/or find a truely reliable source of

    Thank you for addressing a common problem with search strategy. This might be resolved by a

    more academic approach through use of the URL:

    The search strategy

    "Human Pheromones" in quotes, as indicated, leads to my award-winning review and other journal articles, including

    those that have cited my review, which is available at:


  10. #280
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by stridoom
    Pherlure is the

    most popular "pheromone" cologne with the PUA community. I also like the way it smells..haha.
    Ipods are

    the most popular portable MP3 players (well they don't really play mp3s but whatever), but they are in fact the

    most expensive, while being the least user friendly. Apple just happens to be far more aggressive with its


    Just because something is more popular doesn't mean its necessarily the best product, or even a good

    product. Mainstream thought is easily swayed by trends. When you're posting to an enthusiast community such as this

    one, where we're focused on facts and results, things like popularity are insignificant.

    You'll have to forgive

    the hostility that you're getting from other posters on here. There've been talks of reps from pherlure

    infilitrating the forum and trying to promote their products through fake identities.

    Falsely promoting

    products through posting with fake identities is damaging to the forum in two ways. 1. It plants inaccurate

    results and reports in an otherwise credible community of posters, 2. it creates an unwelcoming distrust,

    indifference, or hostility towards new posters who genuinely want to learn more about pheromones.

    I hope the

    folks at pherlure realize that they couldn't possibly manipulate the buying habits of the posters here unless their

    product produced real results and is backed by credible research. It really is a lost cause for them.

  11. #281
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pongo

    whats "PUA community"? I could guess (Pheromone Users Anonymous),... If I got it right do i win free pherlure? If I

    do win free pherlure, I will use it to start a bon-fire and invite chicks over to dig on me by the warm

    I think "PUA" means "pick up artist." The community would be the followers of Ross Jeffries,

    et al.

  12. #282
    Photographer emeritus Paparazzi's Avatar
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    Well... well...


    the thing...
    But I want to make 2 things perfectly clear before going further...

    1. I am not a "newbie" on this

    2. I have been a customer on "love-scent" for at least 3 times in the past 2 years

    I ordered a batch of

    Pherlure and tried it on at my workplace. I am a 44 years old average looking salesman in a retail photography


    I got hit on by 2 females customer in 2 days, without any effort on my part to flirt. I was just my usual

    ordinary professionnal self.
    One of the girls was around 25 years old and started asking me all kinds of personnal

    questions... my name, in what part of town I lived, how long I was into photography... that sort of thing.

    co-workers couldn't believe their eyes ( and ears ) !

    The second woman was older, around 45... and was giving

    me much more attention that they usually do.

    All this to say...
    Perhaps for you guys, Pherlure is a scam. You

    are entitled to your opinions. I, for one, give the benefit of the doubt.
    Last edited by Paparazzi; 02-11-2006 at 01:41 PM. Reason: typos corrections + add infos

  13. #283
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paparazzi


    Here's the thing...
    But I want to make 2 things perfectly clear before going further...

    1. I am

    not a "newbie" on this forum.
    2. I have been a customer on "love-scent" for at least 3 times in the past 2 years

    I ordered a batch of Pherlure and tried it on at my workplace. I am a 44 years old average looking salesman in a

    retail photography store.

    I got hit on by 2 females customer in 2 days, without any effort on my part to flirt.

    I was just my usual ordinary professionnal self.
    One of the girls was around 25 years old and started asking me all

    kinds of personnal questions... my name, in what part of town I lived, how long I was into photography... that sort

    of thing.
    My co-workers couldn't believe their eyes ( and ears ) !

    The second woman was older, around 45...

    and was giving me much more attention that they usually do.

    All this to say...
    Perhaps for you guys, Pherlure

    is a scam. You are entitled to your opinions. I, for one, give the benefit of the doubt.
    So how long

    have you been testing, and how much/how do you normally wear Pherlure, Big Papa?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  14. #284
    Photographer emeritus Paparazzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    So how long

    have you been testing, and how much/how do you normally wear Pherlure, Big Papa?
    The entire (last)

    One spray on the neck.

  15. #285
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    he works for

    pherlure!!!!!! jk...mabe pherlure jsut works for older doesnt work more me still tho

  16. #286
    Photographer emeritus Paparazzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubycheeks66
    he works

    for pherlure!!!!!! jk...mabe pherlure jsut works for older doesnt work more me still tho

    I know you're joking but I could bet some people here really think I'm linked in some

    ways to ANR Labs.

    The truth

    of the matter is that, before seeing the report on ABC last december, I didn't even know it existed. I relied

    exclusively on for my pheromones products.

    Curiosity made me order

    a Pherlure bottle... and I noticed some things that never occured before with SOE, Chikara or PI...

  17. #287
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    ur the only one ive seen

    that pherlure had a affect on...ppl PM me saying that pherlure doesnt work for them and ask if they should send it

    back for refund...i didnt because it was much of a hassle to ship...besides the smell was pretty good

  18. #288
    Stranger stridoom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    think "PUA" means "pick up artist." The community would be the followers of Ross Jeffries, et al.

    correct. It stands for pick up artists. Ross Jeffries isn't the only one, that teaches game. There are others, like

    Mystery, Shark, Juggler and Style.

    As for the whole pherlure thing. No, I don't work for Pherlure. I just

    decided to try it out. I had really great conversation with 2 girls from a club tonight. I was wearing Pherlure and

    SOE combined. The conversation lasted about 45 minutes. It could've been the pheromones, but all I was thinking of

    in the moment was focusing the conversation on feelings and using some NLP. The worst thing in the world is cock

    blocking yourself. No, I didn't get their phone numbers, however, that wasn't my goal. I was seeing how much

    attraction I could get by using conversation. Maybe the pheromones helped though, especially since I was wearing

    Scent of Eros.

  19. #289
    Enlightened One
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    The question we gotta ask is why

    are they if they are pumping pherolure so hard ? should a ban be plasted on the world pherolure. Should certain

    newer accounts at the extreme end be temp banned to see if new ones pop up or if hte rate of posting slows

    Should this thread just be locked away and let slip down the pages ? and a 2 week word ban placed on

    pherolure ?

    Not telling the mods what to do here just as a long term poster on LS and watching and reading

    through this thread. Its starting to pong a bit. Lets get some discussion going on all products.

  20. #290
    Photographer emeritus Paparazzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubycheeks66
    ur the

    only one ive seen that pherlure had a affect on...ppl PM me saying that pherlure doesnt work for them and ask if

    they should send it back for refund...i didnt because it was much of a hassle to ship...besides the smell was pretty

    Oh well...

    I never

    intended to convince anyone about Pherlure or any other product.

    In my book, whatever brand is used, pheromones efficiency is a leap of faith, not an exact science.

    Things mostly depends on the wearer's personality and its " female target"'s


  21. #291
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    lol this is the longest

    debate i ever seen on a forum!
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  22. #292
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    I (m/early 40s/cau/average

    diet/6'1"/190/routinely work-out/average looking AT BEST) purchased Pherlure before I found LS. No noticeable

    difference in any female around me, to include my wife. She did however decide that she likes the smell of Pherlure

    - without knowing what it was advertised as - and told me I could wear it whenever I wanted as long as I did not

    apply it to heavily. (She has never liked ANY cologne that is applied to heavily.) I have gotten much stronger

    results using products sold here at LS.

  23. #293
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paparazzi
    I know you're joking but I could bet some people here really think I'm linked in some ways to ANR


    The truth of the matter is that, before seeing the report on ABC

    last december, I didn't even know it existed. I relied exclusively on for my pheromones


    Curiosity made me

    order a Pherlure bottle... and I noticed some things that never occured before with SOE,

    Chikara or PI...
    Before you go running off into the sunset, Big Papa ... Like what?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bosshog
    I (m/early 40s/cau/average diet/6'1"/190/routinely work-out/average looking AT BEST)

    purchased Pherlure before I found LS. No noticeable difference in any female around me, to include my wife. She did

    however decide that she likes the smell of Pherlure - without knowing what it was advertised as - and told me I

    could wear it whenever I wanted as long as I did not apply it to heavily. (She has never liked ANY cologne that is

    applied to heavily.) I have gotten much stronger results using products sold here at

    Bossyhog ....

    Will you share what worked for your

    40-year-old better half?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  24. #294
    Photographer emeritus Paparazzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Before you go

    running off into the sunset, Big Papa ... Like what?
    God, I can't believe how obnoxious you


  25. #295
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Paparazzi
    God, I can't

    believe how obnoxious you are.
    And then some!

    Sounded like you were getting run

    off, and I don't like it when there are stones unturned.

    Tan't nuttin butt luv fer ya, Big Papa!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  26. #296
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    Exclamation Dhea

    I order Nootropics

    (smart drugs as they are called) for personal use. I was searching through a site that I buy from and noticed that

    they sold DHEA or Dehydroepiandrosterone. Now, Pherlure contains Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone which is two

    Dehydroepiandrosterone molecules bonded. They sell this stuff in liquid or capsules. They say it promotes a healthy

    immune system and other health factors. What's the difference in this and Pherlure besides the double bonded

    molecule? Do they work the same or is this proof that Pherlure does not contain working mones?

    PS the site is
    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

  27. #297
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    I always thought DHEA is just

    sweat or it's what sweat is mostly made out of. So if you want that stuff then just jog, sweat and store it in a

    bottle. I'm not sure though.

  28. #298
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    Mobley - I'll post the info in

    the Hits 2006 Thread for you ...

  29. #299
    King of the coupons!
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by bosshank
    Mobley - I'll

    post the info in the Hits 2006 Thread for you ...
    Appreciate it & thanks, Boss!

    My woman is

    in her 40s ... always interested in what works for that age range 'cause it's good to be able to have more mone

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  30. #300
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    Hell I don't buy that. I

    buy Piracetam and Vasopressin.
    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

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