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  1. #61
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    I suppose it wouldn't work very

    well. As impy implies a very high OD risk and AE contains a lot of androstenone I think that this combo would be a

    little bit to "hard".
    Because of my experiences the last days I would recommend to you to combine Impi with more

    social products like SOE or A1.

  2. #62
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    In the little testing I've

    done with the tweaked version I have come to thik it is a strongly aggressive product. One spray is plenty for me,

    any more would be an OD. For now, until we better understand what it really does it doesn't make any sense to mix

    it with anything. In the future, based on what I've read and my own results I'll probably try it with A1 or WAGG.

    Certinaly nothing with -none in it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #63
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    Default Impi and AE

    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    Hmm..I wonder if IMPI would work well with AE?
    I have had OK results with this combo.

    Small amounts of both. Girls are more respectfull, and I am not too edgy. this is not the best combo, as stated


  4. #64
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    Thanks Mavo for the great

    posts.... It helps to hear from more of you guys re IMPI.
    Last edited by xtralucky8; 10-25-2005 at 07:10 PM. Reason: Spelling correction

  5. #65
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    Default 50/50 dilution

    Mixing the two

    formulas in equal parts has made it easier for me to use IMPI. I do not get the dazed headache symptoms now. I can

    re-apply Impi on the go and not OD on the scent. It may be easier to OD on the mones however.
    I must say

    although I have Pushed the limit and ODed many times during these tests, SOE and Impi has been a great combo every

    time. Consistant and easy to manage. I wanted to mention that because many of you may hear just about the negs and

    not the positive reactions I have had.
    Great to hear Mavo had success adding NPA to the mix. That hard sexual

    aspect has not been there for me so I need to work on that next. I have had them turn and run when NPA was part of

    my testing.
    Livin the Dream..... EXTRAL

  6. #66
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralucky8
    I believe

    this is an unscented version. You may be smelling the herbal ingrediant in this product.

    right. I guess I should have said "EO-less" instead of "unscented".
    Judging from my own reaction, the

    "aphrodesiac" effect of the EO's amounts to nothing more than a bit of a circulation boost. At high levels you

    might get an "Oh, my. It's getting hot in here." reaction.
    I can do without such cheap effects. Especially if

    EO's are to blame for our headaches.

    Quote Originally Posted by xtralucky8
    You are getting the same results that I am.... This

    report... Are you using the first batch of IMPI?
    Thanks ....Xtral
    No. I'm using the second batch.

    Still experimenting. And still getting great results when combining with None.
    Today I tried a mix of 1 part

    None: 1 part Impi : 1 part cologne. Tried 5 small dabs of this mix before going to an internet cafe and ran into a

    girl that used to work at my neighborhood coffee shop. Maybe she was really excited to see me again, or maybe it was

    the mones. She asked if I was seeing anybody and seemed a bit disapointed to find out that I was. I also got a lot

    of looks from every female that walked in. And a teenage girl that sat a table in front of me kept turning around to

    look at me. For a minute I thought maybe it was an OD effect but eventually she came over and asked me how I liked

    my Powerbook. (There were two other people with the same exact model. So maybe my mones made this particular one

    stand out.)
    Give truth a chance.

  7. #67
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Is it me or does it really seem to

    be a trend here from the rapports that the Impi may be capable of producing some quite new and strong tendencies

    that make females, in the right circumstances, to be more active in approaching the wearer? More so than any other


    I'm very curious by this new mone introduced in Impi. Maybe this is the "opener" to what

    everybody's stressing about-> "sexual hits" It sure seems hard to control and get it right, but seems dangerous in

    the exact right amount.

    Anyone else in on the lotto?

  8. #68
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    i tried old impi and a1 combo in

    a club.

    1. got free drinks from female bartender
    2. girls chatting with me all night
    3. got 8 phone

    4. some heavy grinding and kissing on the dance with a hot chick.

    i am sure, alcohol was a big

    Avatar: The Last Airbender Forum
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:26 PM.

  9. #69
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Chicago, you're such a slut, 8

    NUMBERS!!! Way to go tiger!!

    But you forgot to mention how much you used!

    I wish people would always remember to post their dosages and important info while posting up here, it

    requires so much extra replies that really should have been unnecessary...

  10. #70
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    Hi xtralucky8,
    I recommend to you

    not to put your NPA an your skin but on your clothes instead.
    I think this will lower your risk to OD.

  11. #71


    NPA is ANone so you don't have

    to worry about conversions on your skin. Ofcourse we have no clue if the secret ingredient converts at all.

  12. #72
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    gfunk: i used 2 sprays of

    old impi and 1 drop a1, like i said beer

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:26 PM.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    No. I'm

    using the second batch. Still experimenting. And still getting great results when combining with None.
    Today I

    tried a mix of 1 part None: 1 part Impi : 1 part cologne. Tried 5 small dabs of this mix before going to an internet

    cafe and ran into a girl that used to work at my neighborhood coffee shop. Maybe she was really excited to see me

    again, or maybe it was the mones. She asked if I was seeing anybody and seemed a bit disapointed to find out that I

    was. I also got a lot of looks from every female that walked in. And a teenage girl that sat a table in front of me

    kept turning around to look at me. For a minute I thought maybe it was an OD effect but eventually she came over and

    asked me how I liked my Powerbook. (There were two other people with the same exact model. So maybe my mones made

    this particular one stand out.)
    Hey that is interesting...For me when I add none I will sit and wait for

    them to approach attitude is a bit more reserved and demanding/selfish???? But Impi by itself or with SOE and

    I am approaching Those that look or smile. Sometimes I am amazed at the stuff I say ... Very spontainous (sp?) and

    well received. I guess it depends on what your really trying to accomplish each time you try mones. This is going to

    be a real Keeper when we get it dialed in...
    Last edited by xtralucky8; 10-25-2005 at 08:39 PM. Reason: spelling

  14. #74
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    Default Beer Helps

    Quote Originally Posted by chicago
    gfunk: i used 2 sprays of old impi and 1 drop a1, like i said beer helps

    Chicago ....Beer always helps, right. But it sounds like this night you had it going on...
    Maybe a couple of

    sprays isn't too much for the club scene when It is spiked just right.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavo

    I recommend to you not to put your NPA an your skin but on your clothes instead.
    I think this will

    lower your risk to OD.
    Well NPA may be a little safer if your body heat doesn't come into play.... The

    thing is it works for you. Thats what this is all about... We will reach a standard that works for everybody and

    then we can tweek IMPI to suit our own taste,

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Is it me or does

    it really seem to be a trend here from the rapports that the Impi may be capable of producing some quite new and

    strong tendencies that make females, in the right circumstances, to be more active in approaching the wearer? More

    so than any other mone?

    I'm very curious by this new mone introduced in Impi. Maybe this is the

    "opener" to what everybody's stressing about-> "sexual hits" It sure seems hard to control and get it right, but

    seems dangerous in the exact right amount.:
    Have you noticed how close they will stand to you when

    they want to talk??

    I don't think this is really any harder to control than the other Mones. A lot of

    positive results are hitting the board now and we are having the same type of results too. I think a lot of the

    earlier tests were just a trial and error kind of thing to get the ball rolling. But your right...when it's right

    it is dangerous.

  17. #77
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    Default 'Mones or Herbal

    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    Judging from my own reaction, the "aphrodesiac" effect of the EO's amounts to nothing more than

    a bit of a circulation boost. At high levels you might get an "Oh, my. It's getting hot in here." reaction.

    can do without such cheap effects. Especially if EO's are to blame for our headaches.
    AKA, I wonder

    what effect is caused by the mones and what the herbal is really doing to us. Initially I ran with this (IMPI) as if

    it were TE with a bit more. Kind of a wierd assumption... I don't think I have ever used the edge by itself either.

    Well maybe TE and a cover scent. But not lately .... So when all these different things started to happen (good and

    not-so-good), I figured it was the herbal.... I have been wrong many times before. LOL
    One thing for sure...The

    tweeked version has a much greater "Buzz" potential.
    Well then... Those of us with both versions could report on

    the difference between the two as stand alone products...That would help understand what the herbal portion does.

    Kind of a hassle but probably a real good Idea.
    Comments and Ideas .... Anyone????

  18. #78
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralucky8
    Comments and

    Ideas .... Anyone????
    How about consolidating your replies?

    I have both the initial release

    of Impi as well as a bottle from the most recent batch. While both have effects that I would best describe as "TE

    Plus, PLUS!", I'm happy to find that the newer batch has a much better fragrance than the first. It's almost a

    cologne-like scent, but for my tastes I like colognes with just a bit more "sweetness" to them.
    A bit of Chikara

    and/or aA314 provide just enough additional fragrance notes to make IMPI a scent that suits me very nicely.

    Last edited by oscar; 10-26-2005 at 04:22 AM.

  19. #79
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I also have a bottle from each

    batch. While I disagree with Oscar about the smell, the stuff certainly works. In my opinion the smell is still too

    sweet as I prefer a musky-er, deeper scent. Oscar and I have very different tastes.

    The first batch did not

    give me any buzz at all, no pheromone product has. The new batch gave me a good buzz the first time I tried it and

    gives me a lesser one every time I use it but it wears off in a few minutes.

    Hits with the first batch were

    about the same as I get from a Chikara/TE mix. Definately sexual but light and easy with a lot of good vibes. The

    newer batch has the sexual hits but they are stronger, more tension in them. It nearly made me crawl under the desk

    a few days ago when an attractive lady of about 30 years old started telling me about her wedding plans and asking

    how I'd like hat type of wedding. I asked her about her fiance and she explained she didn't have one yet while

    staring at my still naked ring finger.

    Overall, I think it's a good product that will prove itself to be a

    strong contender as a stand alone. What we need now is to start learning about appropriate dosages. For me, one

    spray of the new product on my neck/chest seems to work pretty well and I cover it with another scent.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  20. #80


    The newer batch has the

    sexual hits but they are stronger, more tension in them. It nearly made me crawl under the desk a few days ago when

    an attractive lady of about 30 years old started telling me about her wedding plans and asking how I'd like hat

    type of wedding. I asked her about her fiance and she explained she didn't have one yet while staring at my still

    naked ring finger.
    Thats hillarious

    So the new IMPI could it be covered with a scent like

    APC, or would they clash too much? You guys are starting to get me interested in this product if you say it gets you

    similar results as TE but better.

    I would think so, but do you guys think IMPI has the secret ingredient from

    TE/NPA in it...guess we want know for sure yet.

  21. #81
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I never got good results from

    TE, too much -none. It gives me stronger hits than Chikara/TE mixed. Haven't used APC in years so I'm not sure how

    the would mix. My scents are dark/woody/musky.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #82


    I don't like real sweet

    smelling colognes on men. Do you think the IMPI scent is coverable with your own personal cologne? Would you say

    this is a good club product, or is it versatile in that it could be used like AE/m?

  23. #83
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    i agree with bel, impi is a

    good product, but for me, impi combine with A1 is a great product. i get better hits when i spray my

    cologne first and mones on top of it. i am not sure why. maybe oscar or bel can answer that

    Effects of paxil
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:26 PM.

  24. #84


    Chicago do you like IMPI better

    than AE or would you use them both for different situations? I'm obviously an avid fan of AE. Also I wonder if

    dabing IMPI would be as effective as a spray? I suppose 4-5 dabs equals a spray?
    Last edited by WxCloud9xW; 10-26-2005 at 12:47 PM.

  25. #85
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My personal cologne is

    Aloeswood oil and it covers quite well. As for the rest, I don't go to clubs and bars so anything I might say would

    be no more than a guess. AE worked moderately for me but wasn't a real winner.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #86


    So you'd say the new IMPI has

    been the best standalone product for you?

    The "normal 4" are
    beta NOL


    can't mention the research until I see if LaCroy wants to announce that ingredient.

    There is definitely some of

    the secret ingredient from NPA/Edge.

    They speak about the African contribution as if it were a pheromone of some

    sort and I believe there is 1.5 mg of that per bottle, so by wt. it seems to share something with pheromone use.

    There is 1 mg of the new pheromone per bottle. Including the Afircan "pheromone" there is a total of 6.5 mg per

    bottle they say.

    I answered one of my previous questions that IMPI does in fact have the

    secret ingredients from NPA/TE..thats great news to me..I believe I'm going to buy this product..even though I just

    bought TE a couple days ago....oh well..spending the extra cash is worth the hits.

  27. #87
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    So you'd say

    the new IMPI has been the best standalone product for you?
    Far too early to make that kind of a

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #88
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Anyone know how the pheromone

    smell is like in the second batch? Smells like piss? Snow? Yellow snow?

    I am one of those peeps being told

    that I smell like piss when I wear NPA even when covered. Naturally I'm just a little hesitant about the pheromone

    smell in Impi. I recall one member of this forum uttering his disgust by the scent of the first batch.


  29. #89
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Anyone know how the

    pheromone smell is like in the second batch? Smells like piss? Snow? Yellow snow?

    I am one of those peeps

    being told that I smell like piss when I wear NPA even when covered. Naturally I'm just a little hesitant about the

    pheromone smell in Impi. I recall one member of this forum uttering his disgust by the scent of the first batch.

    Gfunk, piss is gooooood!

    Where do you place your NPA?

    I've found that when I tried it on my wrist (palm side), it smelled like unrine after a spell!

    P.S. Has

    anyone of color purchased IMPI? I'm getting soooooo jealous with all the good comments

    arriving in this post!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  30. #90


    I put NPA on my neck area...but

    I'm fixing to try IMPI out as a possible replacement for NPA/TE since IMPI includes NPA/TE's secret ingredient and

    so much more with a slightly less likelyhood of Anone OD.

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