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  1. #1
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    Exclamation Psychology Professor Respond to Pheromones...

    I'm not here to discourage anyone or give bad name to pheromones as still yet i believe in it (even

    though haven't seen sucessful hits). I asked my professor about Pheromones well heres the email.


    Hi Sir,

    In today's lector you mentioned about "Pheromones". I got a couple of questions regrating that,

    my friend says he uses these "Pheromones" Colonge on his body and he gets these couple of girls after him from it

    and his sex appeal became greater. Is that even possible? Like you said you can't just spray some of these

    pheromones and be attracted to girls right away. How is he doing it or is he just lying. He said it was a Human

    Pheromone. Does it work for everyone? Any location? (because he lives in states). Any Enviroment? Is it even

    Possible? Can you just tell me a bit more about this?



    He may believe it is working,

    but likely it is only a placebo effect. That is not how pheromones work in humans and there is no legitimately

    tested product that does what your friend claims. Likely, he is being conned. However, if he
    believes that the

    stuff is working, it may change his behavior and give him more confidence, thereby increasing his luck with meeting

    women. The power of belief can be very influential. If you have other questions, let me know. Have
    a good


    Dax Urbszat


    So i'm wondering is he speaking the truth? or whats going on? what do i

    reply back to even convince myself and him that it really works. In otherwords is he right or wrong? Thanks

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Take a look in the Library (see the

    "Quick Links" above). There should be at least some studies referenced the professor would like.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  3. #3
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Well with all the Crazy stuff

    happening to me since I use mones, I donĀ“t realy need scientific evidence because I see they work...with me doing

    nothing! No placebo effect for sure :-)
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  4. #4
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    The professor does have a

    point. I think a lot of the hits we observe here are either a result of a placebo effect or a kind of confirmation


    I say placebo effect, but I believe this runs much deeper. One of the things all the seduction masters

    will teach you is to believe you are the man or believe you are the prize. Basically you'll attract more women if

    you think you're attractive. You will have greater confidence, self esteem, you'll think you can afford to be

    pickier etc etc. These are all things that will make you more attractive on their own! (Read something at

    fastseduction, or by Ross Jefferies or David DeAngelo). I think a lot of the effects we encounter are a result of


    Also after people have bought pheromones they are probably looking for evidence to justify their

    purchase (Basic cognitive dissonance). That means they may be on the look out to confirm the theory that pheromones

    work rather than being truely objective and dispassionate about the subject. Confirmation bias such as this has been

    shown to exist not only in the general public, but in scientists too. Even NASA scientists if I remember correctly!

    However, it was actually a psychology professor who introduced me to the idea of human pheromones and he

    mentioned, albeit in passing how he thought they did work. He was certainly convinced that they influence hormones

    and brain areas directly.

    From my experience and from the evidence I've read I'm convinced that they can

    work in this direct way too. However, I also believe the above two factors do contribute to a lot of the results we

    observe here as well.

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Our own DST used to be a psych

    professor and he believes mones work. I know at least one other person holding a Ph.d in psych that believes mones

    work. On the other hand I know a couple MDs that don't believe a word of it and another one that does. My own

    experiments and a lot of reading convinced me but it took a year to do it.

    My guess is that your professor just

    hasn't kept up on that particular area of research. Not surprising as there is an awful lot of wide ranging info he

    has to keep fresh on.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    they work, your idea of how they

    work might not be right. for me it's just an initial spark of attraction that gets lost once you do something

    stupid or they amplify attraction if there was attraction through looks. or you might be getting hits and not

    realize it because you can't read body language.

    i think being congruent is also a big part of the equation.

    the projection of your image should be alpha along with your scent. c&f and other seduction techniques don't work

    for non alpha guys. they come off as try hards and insecured guys.

    the best place to test imo is clubs where

    alcohol is flowing and girls act on impulse. they might wanna bag you because of your scent but social conditioning

    doesn't let them do that when they're sober. that's where i notice my most aggressive hits were.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    i just ran into this post on if you're only looking for hits from hot girls this is the problem. majority of my hits come from ugs


    1. UGs initiate,

    HBs don't.

    HBs don't HAVE to, they're USED to

    being approached, and they choose their boys FROM WITHIN that

    UGs don't get approached, and so have

    learned to go
    about initiating. Given that

    UGs are still endowed with female

    brains, they initiate poorly, and think "I'm doing everything I
    can" when all they're doing is pointing their

    eyeballs across a
    crowded room. Nevertheless, they're going to be MUCH more
    aggressive than most


    HBs know that one thing which attracts

    males is
    "indifference." This is an act that mASF often teaches, the
    "active disinterest" frame or the "I am the

    prize" frame or the
    "don't be needy" frame. Guys would do well to watch

    HBs as they
    go about "being"

    indifferent. They aren't ACTUALLY truly
    indifferent to male approaches -- they are crestfallen when a
    hot guy

    talks to all the chicks in their group except
    themselves, for example (hence many other rules in the manual:

    sarge the

    cockblock first;

    neg hit the hotties; etc.). And

    desperate to LOOK GOOD TO THEIR GIRLFRIENDS. Going out,
    for a chick, is all about her own social standing relative

    the group of people who make up what she thinks of as her
    important circles of friendships. They always want

    to out-hot
    one another, out-get-approached-by-guys one another,

    with-the-cutest-boy-until-he-cums-in-his-pants one another. But
    one way they do that, is by NOT doing

    it overtly. The whole
    "overt" thing isn't female. Whenever dealing with women, think
    "double reversal" or

    "reverse psychology." Whatever seems
    obvious and effective to you, do the opposite.

  8. #8
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    *cough i think we're off topic

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default It's pretty anecdotal...


    Pheromone research is in its infancy and the preliminary and emgerging studies have yet to gain wide spread

    acceptance. To prove something via standard scientific methods and confirm and repeat those results takes years

    infinitum. Everyone knows acupuncture is routinely used in China for anesthesia during surgery. However, most

    Western physicians don't understand it and therefore deny it's effectiveness. That's the basic attitude of

    Western science--deny until proven unto infinitum.

    My own anecdotal experience is pheromones have enhanced my

    attractiveness to certain women. Of course it was always there but products like the TE and NPA made them horny

    enough that they twitch around for a while, can't stand the itch and come after me with a vengeance. I'm not an

    alpha type--am reserved, gentle and middle aged--but a surprising amount of women half my age want to bang the shit

    outta me. Now that sounds grand, but the repercussions were often very bad (although the moment was great fun). My

    wang is still sore from the last two. The odd thing is both women basically went crazy after a couple months. Was it

    the 'mones? I guess I'll never know but I always wore plenty when I saw them.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Many academics will form and

    express opinions on the basis of what they learned 20 years ago. We all do that occasionally. To get an expert

    opinion, you need to consult someone who specializes in the field of human pheromone studies.

    Which is not to

    say that placebo effects would not be occurring for us. I am sure that the confidence-building experiences help

    make it easier for us to accomplish more in the long run, with or without the pheromones.

  11. #11
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    Thanks guys for the input ..

    yeah i'm starting to disbelieve him too (my prof). I just hope i get a real big HIT from pheros that i can point

    out and say HEy this is from Pheromones and totally ignore people who disbelieve it.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by integra
    I'm not here to

    discourage anyone or give bad name to pheromones as still yet i believe in it (even though haven't seen sucessful

    hits). I asked my professor about Pheromones well heres the email.


    Hi Sir,

    In today's

    lector you mentioned about "Pheromones". I got a couple of questions regrating that, my friend says he uses these

    "Pheromones" Colonge on his body and he gets these couple of girls after him from it and his sex appeal became

    greater. Is that even possible? Like you said you can't just spray some of these pheromones and be attracted to

    girls right away. How is he doing it or is he just lying. He said it was a Human Pheromone. Does it work for

    everyone? Any location? (because he lives in states). Any Enviroment? Is it even Possible? Can you just tell me a

    bit more about this?



    He may believe it is working, but likely it is only a placebo

    effect. That is not how pheromones work in humans and there is no legitimately tested product that does what your

    friend claims. Likely, he is being conned. However, if he
    believes that the stuff is working, it may change his

    behavior and give him more confidence, thereby increasing his luck with meeting women. The power of belief can be

    very influential. If you have other questions, let me know. Have
    a good day.

    Dax Urbszat


    So i'm wondering is he speaking the truth? or whats going on? what do i reply back to even convince myself and

    him that it really works. In otherwords is he right or wrong? Thanks
    You have to realize that just because

    he has a PhD in Psychology, it doesn't make him an expert on pheromones. A PhD is an extreme specialist in a

    narrow area. If his specialty is lets say Clinical Psychology, asking him about pheromones wouldn't be not much

    different from asking a brick layer about pheromones.

    There's no doubt in my mind that all of the pheromone

    products I ever purchased work and a lot more is going on than the placebo effect. Women aren't going to start

    playing with their hair and giggling just because I act more confident around them. I'm also convinced that women

    or girls will blush more, smile and give me more solid eye contact and even their tone of voice seems to change when

    I'm wearing pheromones around them.

    If pheromones did not work and all of the reactions were just placebo

    effects, Love-Scent would not be in business because people would stop buying the products.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Heres a cut and paste of a

    WICKED old post I made a while back. This explains (mostly) the possible effects of mones:

    1) Alter other

    people: This is the reason you bought them. They alter other people's moods, make them friendly, chatty, or could

    make them aggressive (none OD) or shy or even scared (none OD to a female). However, this is the main effect that

    you were shooting for.

    2) Affect on yourself: This is the mones doing something to you. These effects are

    usually good, but could be bad. For instance, I find that sometimes SOE makes me tired. Its happened a few times,

    tho not all the time. WAGG tends to make me upbeat, and confident. The mones will affect the user in different ways.

    They even make you feel more confident (however, dont confuse this with the next effect).

    3) Placebo effect:

    No, this is not the "its all in your head, mones dont work" effect. This is something different. If you consciously

    KNOW you are wearing mones and you KNOW what they are supposed to do, it makes you more confident (dont confuse this

    with the mones actually chemically stimulating you, this is purely a conscious effect). If I am wearing mones, I

    consciously feel more confident in that I have an "edge" on the competition.

    4) No other effect, except

    heightened observation: This is the "bad" one. This happens sometimes, if a mix isnt for you, or if you arent using

    enough, etc... All this means is that you were wearing a mix (although you dont know at the time that this mix

    doesnt work for you) and you still notice women looking at you, following you, etc... All it means is that you were

    actually paying attention and women tend to do this to do you fairly often, you just dont notice... until you

    started wearing mones and noticed it. Im sure that youve all experienced this before. To make sure, always perform

    close observation before starting a mone mix so you have a RECENT (not 2 years ago thing) baseline to judge your

    experimental and control environment out on (pardon the scientific jargon).

    Most successful mixes for people

    create the first 3 effects, with minimal of the later effect. However, you cant say for 100% sure that mones DID

    draw that female closer, even if you WERE wearing a mix you KNOW works for you, so that creates a little bit of the

    4th effect.

    Youll soon find that the 4th effect is pretty rare when you are wearing a good mix that works for

    you. The first day I tried TE (I had been previously using ONLY 3 drops of AE) I noticed an immediate difference in

    females that I am around.
    Blessed are the cross-eyed, for they shall see God twice.
    Products I own: AE/m, APC/m, NPA/m, TE/m, SPMO, SOE/m, WAGG, Perception, EW, Chikara

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by integra
    I'm not here

    to discourage anyone or give bad name to pheromones as still yet i believe in it (even though haven't seen

    sucessful hits). I asked my professor about Pheromones well heres the email.


    Hi Sir,


    today's lector you mentioned about "Pheromones". I got a couple of questions regrating that, my friend says he uses

    these "Pheromones" Colonge on his body and he gets these couple of girls after him from it and his sex appeal became

    greater. Is that even possible? Like you said you can't just spray some of these pheromones and be attracted to

    girls right away. How is he doing it or is he just lying. He said it was a Human Pheromone. Does it work for

    everyone? Any location? (because he lives in states). Any Enviroment? Is it even Possible? Can you just tell me a

    bit more about this?



    He may believe it is working, but likely it is only a placebo

    effect. That is not how pheromones work in humans and there is no legitimately tested product that does what your

    friend claims. Likely, he is being conned. However, if he
    believes that the stuff is working, it may change his

    behavior and give him more confidence, thereby increasing his luck with meeting women. The power of belief can be

    very influential. If you have other questions, let me know. Have
    a good day.

    Dax Urbszat


    So i'm wondering is he speaking the truth? or whats going on? what do i reply back to even convince myself and

    him that it really works. In otherwords is he right or wrong? Thanks
    do your own

    test take two pictures of two guys who look about the same add a little pheromone to picture. then get two women

    pictures add copulins to one separate pictures by 15 feet . have men look at womens picture at least 5 minutes and

    go back and forth twiced same with women see who they choose . have x on back of picture with mones, do this in your

    professors class. this is what proves it like putting none i mean heavy none and see how many guys will set down or

    go near it.

  15. #15
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    HEy Thanks a lot for the Great

    Deal of INformation. hehe btw Bionic_man you always seem to assume me . Thanks again

  16. #16
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by integra

    He may believe it is working, but likely it is only a placebo effect. That is not how pheromones work in humans

    and there is no legitimately tested product that does what your friend claims. Likely, he is being conned. However,

    if he
    believes that the stuff is working, it may change his behavior and give him more confidence, thereby

    increasing his luck with meeting women. The power of belief can be very influential. If you have other questions,

    let me know. Have
    a good day.

    Dax Urbszat
    Professor Urbszat needs to read my NEL


    He appears to have no knowledge on

    the topic. Or direct
    him to my URL. Pheromones influence hormone levels in the opposite sex. Hormones change



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