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  1. #1
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Olfactory researchers win Nobel Prize

    Colleagues Richard Axel and Linda Buck will receive their prize in December. Here's the news story. Feel free to

    substitute olfaction/pheromones for smell/odors to get a better feel for where the award may lead others. <br /> 2806

    Here's a link to Richard Axel's site...

    ...from which he links to my site "Scent

    of Eros"

    Yes, I'm

    bragging--how many Nobel Laureates link to any info about human



  2. #2
    Full Member culturalblonde's Avatar
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    Yes, I'm bragging--how

    many Nobel Laureates link to any info about human pheromones?

    Way to go! You have a right to brag. Thanks

    for sharing the information... very interesting.

  3. #3
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    First, JVK, hope the link from

    Axel Labs brings you good things, public attention and peer respect. I'd brag too, in fact, I'd issue a press

    release and tell the world! And my mother in law.

    Second, I heard this announced on NPR (that's the boring

    high-brow radio stations at the bottom end of the dial for you kids). Richard Harris, NPR's science correspondent,

    ended his report by saying, "One thing that intrigues me is that both these labs (Axel's and Buck's) are trying to

    figure out how pheromones work -- if there are parallels between smell and pheromones. No one's proven that

    pheromones work in humans, but if they do, maybe that could explain that mysterious feeling we call 'animal

    magnetism." Link:

    Not that I doubt

    another journalist's word, (lol) but is that the case, Dr. Kohl? That "no one's proven that pheromones work in

    humans" ?

    I mean, massive DIHLs and mature professional women getting all giggly and hair-flippy is prima

    facie evidence enough for me, but I'm just a layman. Has anyone actually proven pheromone attraction in


    the Writerguy

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I think the point is; define


    Anecdotal evidence probably isn't what they are looking for, but for us it is. In fact, it's

    beneficial for us to do believe it.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Even though this is good

    news, I still hope mones dont become mainstream. There are ups and downs of them becoming more and more popular,

    but I like em "in the background" as they are now.
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  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Wow! That is great. Nice link too.

    Very impressive. I wonder what they will do with their $1.3 million.... Put it all into research???


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  7. #7
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by writerguy
    Not that I

    doubt another journalist's word, (lol) but is that the case, Dr. Kohl? That "no one's proven that pheromones work

    in humans" ?
    There is still considerable debate regarding use of the term "human pheromone." Of

    course this means "proof" that something not well defined "works" will be difficult. One group continues to show

    that something happens when the human VNO is stimulated; other groups show the human VNO is not required for a

    response to putative pheromones. To simplify all issues, in an unpublished review on sexual orientation, I defined a

    human pheromone as a chemical that elicits a luteinizing (LH) hormone response in a member of the opposite sex.

    (since the LH response to mammalian pheromones is well-known, and does not require a functional VNO). The LH

    response is repeatedly linked to behavioral change. So, one could reasonably expect that since, in women,

    androstenol elicits an LH change, that it also elicits a behavioral change (androstenol is found in male axillary

    secretions that have been linked to improved mood in women). Does mood improvement change behavior? Is it really the

    androstenol that alters both LH and mood? If so, is androstenol a pheromone? Too many questions that require too big

    a leap of faith for some hard-core scientists.

    Still, it seems appropriate to use a bit of logic, since you

    can logically get from axillary secretions containing androstenol to the LH change and to mood change (which is why

    pheromone -enhanced products containing androstenol can be expected to have a positive influence on the

    mood/behavior of women). But, no matter how much anecdotal evidence you read about the effectiveness of such

    products, hard-core scientists demand a formal double blind study with appropriate measures and statistics to show

    beyond the shadow of reasonable doubt that a human pheromone causes a change in behavior. And, as soon as you try

    to test humans, you introduce many more variables than can be statistically eliminated.

    The only real hope I

    see on the horizon is that researchers like Axel and Buck will find more proof that human pheromones influence human

    behavior--the same way that consciously perceived odors influence behavior, which means they will provide details on

    the receptor/signal interaction that leads to the LH change, and also link the LH change to a specific behavioral

    change. Nobel laureates tend to think "outside the box" or, minimally come up with unique ways to approach a

    problem. Since Richard and Linda have already made their mark with consciously perceived odors, they are quite

    likely to be at the forefront of some exciting new data on human



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