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  1. #31
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid
    My god this is al so

    confusing! different quatities of different produicts to produce diffrent results, combinations, -no -none -rone,

    over 30's mones under thirties mones, social, agressive, aplha male chatty...where does it all end! I have

    perception and chikara and haven't had much luck yet, could it now be the amoutns im applying which are effecting

    my lack of success? I'm only 23 and want to attract girls of my own age, i thought buying NPA might help but now

    that seems like a bad idea. so many people say -none is the sexual mone but now you say that it has to be mixed with

    something else for it to work well?? I counting the individual percentages of each pheromone to get an exact

    combination?! Man I am so lost and confused.

    Has anyone got simple answer to all this? Is there like a

    default application than tends to work well? Or are there any under thirties who have found a combination and amount

    that seems to work ok?

    Cheers guys,

    I will try to reduce your confusion:

    First of all

    Chikara and Perception are good standalone products to start with as they both contain well rounded formulas of all

    What makes NPA resp. TE so potent is not the -none but the secret ingredient. It is definitely worth a

    try ( use it together with Chikara ), but you have to be careful with it as a beginner. My first mixture with 0.1ml

    of TE was a total OD for me.
    At first you should learn to use the products you already have properly. They are

    very good and should bring you noticable results.

    There are several reasons why you could not have been


    1. You expected too much or the wrong things ( less likely ).

    2. You didn't observe people's

    reactions accurately ( the most made mistake of beginners )
    Mmmmh, perhaps I should listen to my own advice !

    3. You didn't find out the right dosage for you.

    About 1:
    Expect nothing, just observe your environment

    and the people around you carefully!

    About 2:
    Read some posts about body language from Friendly1. He gives very

    good and detailed advice what to look for like hair twirling, touching you when communicating, looking into your

    eyes etc. !

    About 3:
    Perception can easily be overdosed. For some people 2 sprays were an OD and 1 spray the

    optimum. So start with one spray or 2-3 dabs and watch the reactions over a few weeks and then increase the dosage

    step by step when you don't see any difference!
    Chikara seems do make people much more talkative. I got clear

    results from 0.1 ml of the product ( around 1.5 full sprays of the actual batch with matt sprayer head resp. 3

    sprays of the old batch bottles. Start with that and look what happens!

    I hope that helps you a little bit

    Best regards

    Last edited by Indigo; 10-09-2004 at 02:40 AM.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid
    Has anyone got simple

    answer to all this? Is there like a default application than tends to work well? Or are there any under thirties who

    have found a combination and amount that seems to work ok?
    First off I will say that I have found the

    "less is more" principle to apply when using pheromones. You will notice more consistent hits and positive

    experiences if you don't over do it. The goal should be the least amount that exudes positive results. You can try

    using a lesser amount of the products you currently have and experiment for a while with the products as

    stand-alones. Personally, I have used AE with great results for the under 30 crowd, and have recently started using

    SOE with great results also, for the same age group. I will state again though, that I didn't start to see positive

    results until I backed down on the amount of pheromones I applied.


  3. #33
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    Hey DFL

    How much do you

    use of SOE? Gel packs or spray thingie?

    I'm trying the SOE gel packs right now, trying to find a good amount

    for me. Think I need to read more about body language though.. hmm.

    Well, any feedback on SOE usage is highly

    appreciated, as all constructive feedback use to be

  4. #34
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    I am using the roll on

    application and am now using about 2 inches on both sides of my neck. Not a lot by most standards but I have

    concluded that this is great for everyday use. I make sure to scrub my neck really well everyday when showering to

    avoid any kind of build-up also.
    As far as reading up on body language, I would highly recommend it so you know

    what to look for and what constitutes a hit. I have just noticed recently through everyday use, that people seem to

    come closer when in conversation, almost getting right up in my face. I actually had to take a step backward today

    when talking to someone at work. This just started to happen, as I started to use SOE on a regular basis. I will

    also note that I have used higher doses of this product, and still do at times but I think a smaller dose on a

    regular basis produces more consistent reactions and will give you more opportunities to take advantage of. The last

    statement pretty much sums up what I feel this product and pheromones in general are all about. They give you

    opportunities to take advantage of in whatever way you choose to do so. It may be to break the ice with total

    strangers or to create an ideal environment in a job interview or even give you added confidence in a social

    situation. What you do with the situation is totally up to you though. I have had girls approach me in

    clubs, which I contribute to the aura that the pheromones produce, but what happened after that was up to me.

    Sometimes there is no common denominator between us and the conversation dies or I bore her with something she is

    not interested in or vice versa. I definitely count it a hit when a female comes up to me and introduces herself,

    but don't discard a situation like this as a hit if nothing comes out of it. take notes on the different reactions

    people give you no matter how subtle. Also experiment with different amounts of products and make note of any

    changes of behavior of others and also yourself.

  5. #35
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    well im diverting here

    on TE :P --> tried bigger dosage of TE & pass the chatyness barrier at bus stop.Got on to it,like 2-3 girls sat

    close to me [i was standing] & one stood up in my back [rather back to back] very close on an almost empty bus [for

    those who where standing] plenty of room there ... but after a while in the bus (<5 min) it was like pple shut up

    all the sudden...?mones?

    [applied +- 1/8 of a pack try it again...maybe more...]
    So far thats all i realy

    noted exept a few looks [i get more usualy ... strange...]
    What about SoE ? next week ... got to find some ethanol

    or somthing to dillute it ... [spray] im in canada where the hell am y going to find some 93% everclear...?

  6. #36
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFL
    ...what I feel this

    product and pheromones in general are all about. They give you opportunities to take advantage of in whatever way

    you choose to do so. It may be to break the ice with total strangers or to create an ideal environment in a job

    interview or even give you added confidence in a social situation. What you do with the situation is totally up to

    you though. I have had girls approach me in clubs, which I contribute to the aura that the pheromones

    produce, but what happened after that was up to me. Sometimes there is no common denominator between us and the

    conversation dies or I bore her with something she is not interested in or vice versa. I definitely count it a hit

    when a female comes up to me and introduces herself, but don't discard a situation like this as a hit if nothing

    comes out of it. take notes on the different reactions people give you no matter how subtle.
    That was

    _very_ nicely put. It should be read by every newbie...

    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  7. #37
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFL
    I am using

    the roll on application and am now using about 2 inches on both sides of my neck. Not a lot by most standards but I

    have concluded that this is great for everyday use.DFL

    I read that 28 inches of SOE are 1ml. So

    4 inches will give you a total amount of about 0.07mg (0.056mg nol plus 0.014mg rone) of mones.
    I think that is

    quite a amount isn't it?



  8. #38
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFL
    I have

    just noticed recently through everyday use, that people seem to come closer when in conversation, almost getting

    right up in my face. I actually had to take a step backward today when talking to someone at work.

    I've noticed with SOE that people invade my space while standing in line. As it's been mostly

    adolescent boys and a few men , it's very uncomfortable. I'll move away and they'll move back in again. If

    it's a female, I sometimes won't move away, depending on the specific instance, as I don't mind it as much.

  9. #39
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Lucid, Chikara and Perception

    are two good products to start with. Either one would have been a good first purchase.

    The best advice is to

    start small and slowly work your way up. Dosage on Chikara depends on which version you have, so if you want to get

    the most out of what you have first (a good idea) I would keep the Perception to one spray only and just vary the

    Chikara until you get that puzzle solved for yourself (starting with one spray of Chikara and working your way up).

    Once you figure out the best doses of what you have over time (-- where you tend to notice the best reactions

    from others. Remember, there's no such thing as "no reaction" from others. People are always reacting in some way

    to you, and it's just a matter of getting in touch with when they react the best and/or the worst on the average.)

    then you can think about adding Edge, Pheros, or A1 (those would be the three I'd try, because they

    cover all the "bases" together with Chikara and Perception.) But you always start with what you already have.

    Add only one product at a time, after you get a sense for the others, and let us know when you're trying

    something new, and what you're putting on; so we can give you extra information as you need it.

    When you add a

    new product at the smallest dose you may have to reduce something else. This gives you two changes to keep track of

    at that point. So keep everything simple as I've suggested and you'll be able to choose your path according to

    your successes and "failures" with each product to that point.

    Think mainly in terms of having a certain amount

    of pheromones on, rather than in terms of products; to keep the big picture in mind as you learn more about what

    they all do. You don't have to have exact numbers to do this.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  10. #40
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    Hello DrSmellThis, a

    question if I may, Do you use the Chikara and the Perception at the same time?.

  11. #41
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I just explained that.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  12. #42
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    Sorry I have the chikara

    and the perception is on the way and I am looking foreward to trying it, but I want to get it right.
    Thank You

    for all your good advice here.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    noticed with SOE that people invade my space while standing in line. As it's been mostly adolescent boys and a few

    men , it's very uncomfortable. I'll move away and they'll move back in again. If it's a female, I sometimes

    won't move away, depending on the specific instance, as I don't mind it as much.
    Very interesting IP. In

    my case it has been mostly females but in work situations so nothing to pursue. I have just started to notice this

    so if it happens in a club situation I'm sure it will be a positive sign to make a move on.

  14. #44
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    Thank you for the replies

    everyone, especially indigo and drsmellthis. I will heed your advice and take it slow. I started with two sprays of

    perception originally which could be an OD for me so it seems. I guess it is time and experience now that I need

    rather than an assortment of products. I'll keep you all posted of my experimentation and experiences to come.

    Thanks again,


  15. #45
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    well eric what happened ? did

    you get any hits ??? I hate when people just leave a thread hanging. I think rule of thumb should be you start a

    thread you should also end a thread with thanks and a conclusion I've seen a lot of threads here with someone

    asking for advice and then never telling how it eventually panned out. at least come back 3 months later or 2 weeks

    later and say i give up.. or come back 1 week later or 6 months later and say it Worked thanks for the advice or

    thanks for the advice but it worked when i did this instead... etc..

    just my two cents

  16. #46
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    I just read the thread and I

    guess i'm lil late.

    I'm 20 , so almost Lucid's age. MY targets are between 16-20, and I got confused as I

    didnt know which mones I shoud order. According to what others say nol and rone is good for younger girls. But still

    i'm not sure if nole and rone will do the job. Or in addition, what will happen if i use a combo of SOE+NPA when

    dealing with 18 year old girls?
    NPA has a lot none, so do you guys consider that a good idea or not?


    Chikara worked for me in past, so i think I should work for you too, were almost same age....

  17. #47
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Simple answer? NO! That's why

    there are so many posts in here! )

    AE and SOE is great starter products that will most likely give you great


  18. #48
    Phero Dude
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    Has anyone got simple

    answer to all this? Is there like a default application than tends to work well? Or are there any under thirties who

    have found a combination and amount that seems to work ok?
    IMHO SoE is a great place to start.I

    recently got my gel packs and used some over the course of the last couple days.Wonderful results in terms of what

    it does for my own mood and the way I feel.Better than that,I have had a couple of very nice contacts with women and

    fair reactions from men.The SoE/m has a very mild pleasant scent with very little risk of overdose.From there its

    all just a mater of of having a good time trying it out in different situations.Some folks get great results from

    it...others feel the need to modify it or use something different altogether...but dont let it overwhelm's

    alot of fun and you get to learn all about things that most people dont realize are important.And if you hang out

    around here and read what people have to say...the sky is the limit.

  19. #49
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    I know several women

    who can detect the -nol/rone combination as being similar to fresh sweat and each has made positive comments about

    it. Women have a better olfactory acuity and specificity for male pheromones, which explains why most men will

    detect no odor. My current lover detects the -nol in SOE women as readily as she detects it in SOE men and SOE

    unscented. She doesn't like SOE women because to her it smells too masculine--though I have never heard this

    comment from anyone else. I recently started using a dab of SOE women on my pillow at night, since she won't wear

    it. So far it seems to have very positive effects on my libido, as would be expected from the associated

    testosterone increase.

    JVK, I am curious and I have wondered about this for a long time.

    Do you use anything besides SOE. If so, then is it based upon a particular situation? I ask this because you put

    SOE together and you must feel it is THE correct combination to get results.

  20. #50
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCP
    JVK, I am curious and I

    have wondered about this for a long time. Do you use anything besides SOE. If so, then is it based upon a

    particular situation? I ask this because you put SOE together and you must feel it is THE correct combination to

    get results.
    I'm convinced that SoE is best for all situations; I'm 53 y/o and get plenty of

    attention from women who are much younger, as well as those who are closer to my age. From the waitress who moves in

    a little closer to take my order, to the woman I've just tried to attract by standing next to her for a minute--my

    success speaks for itself (and also against the likelihood of any long-term relationship). Since I'm not looking

    for anything permanent at this point, I'm enjoying the variety.

    Women who I become intimate with will use

    SoE/w because they know I like it, and they like what it does for me/to them. Besides, they get free sample packs. I

    don't say much about either product at work, but when I do, most women will ask for samples--I give them both SoE

    and SoE/w and about 50% will order a bottle of one or the other. It's somewhat interesting when I tell a woman that

    copulins (like in SoE/w) have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men up to 150%. Almost every one of them

    replies: "He doesn't need that." I just tell them to use it on a special occassion, when they want his full

    attention (at a party, or other social gathering). Still, I wonder how all these women can be so sure their lover

    doesn't need the increase in testosterone. Maybe they need to have their lover use SoE so that their level of

    desire matches the lover's level of desire.


  21. #51
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Though SOE is a fine and

    effective product by the vast majority of accounts, I'm not sure how much experience Mr. Kohl has with products

    other than his own, judging from his previous forum comments.

    What is true is that -nol products are better

    "supported" by the publically available research -- which is only to say that there are more studies in general

    about -nol than the other chemicals, including -rone (Maiworm conducted the best published study on -rone so far.).

    A1 has a lot of research on it too, but much of it has been unavailable and not designed to fairly test practical

    use. -None research has largely been irrelevant for addressing practical use questions. Beta -nol and other

    pheromones are currently being considered for study.

    We still have no idea -- from researchers that is -- what

    happens when you wear -rone, A1, or judicious amounts of -none, much less the other pheromones.

    That leaves the

    love-scent forum -- not research -- as the best source of information on what "really works". There is absolutely no

    reason to rely exclusively on formal research for making decisions about pheromone use at this stage of the game.

    This is coming from a professional researcher.

    Extensive anecdotal reports on the forum consistently suggest

    that a variety of products work well; and further, that strategies of combining multiple products have often been

    successful. Also, anecdotal reports indicate clearly that -none is an effective pheromone. No published study was

    conducted well enough to contradict the (thus far) superior anecdotal data on -none. Reports also suggest that SOE

    would be an appropriate choice for the young man that started the thread. That does not mean various other products

    wouldn't work well too.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 02-07-2005 at 04:45 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  22. #52
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Doc, I completely agree, although I

    do have to say that the none thing isn't clear cut.

    Any of the none only prducts aren't really the best

    ones. They seem to work on a limited amount of people, or only low doses.

    Now there is no question NPA and

    TE get women hot, but that is only 1/2 none of course.

    Keep in mind, when a human is using low levels of a

    none only product and it does work out, it is accompanied by their own natural pheromones.

    On its own (with

    no other mones present, natural or synthetic), I really do question whether women can like it, even at low levels.

    Maybe some rare ones with the right conditioning

    I figure none is no different than salt or most other

    spices. It is a complement, but not the dish. It adds a lot, no doubt, and a little bit of fear is part of what

    women find sexy.

    So does none work because how it lights up the brain, or the emotional effects it envokes,

    or the hormonal response it creates? The latter seems unlikely, the first two seem the better answer. Still, I am

    not sure how it works for our benefit, but it definitely is an important ingredient for a mixture.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  23. #53
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Yep. The situation is more

    complex with -none, as you have suggested. But forum reports suggest it is very effective in various practical

    applications. That's all we need to know about using the stuff, for now, IMO.

    I hope researchers will get off

    their asses and help us by engaging in more practically relevant research for the science of attraction.

    In this

    light, it is way too early to rule out/discount likely hormonal effects for -none and the other pheromones. The fact

    that hormonal change has been established for -nol is logically irrelevant for asking about whether the others might

    have something like that demonstrated for them when people get around to studying it. I'd be shocked if such

    effects were not demonstrated some day (I'll arrange it tomorrow if someone would like to pay me a reasonable

    amount to design the studies).
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 02-07-2005 at 05:01 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  24. #54
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    But forum reports

    suggest it is very effective in various practical applications. That's all we need to know about using the stuff,

    for now, IMO.
    Very true. It is impossible for a user to use none without coupling it with his

    natural mones, so the questions about it alone certainly aren't relavent from a practical standpoint.


    course, if you enjoy the science, that's a different story.

    I think there's been a lot more research out

    there then we know, but the results are being protected by the private industry that are shielding their

    intellectual property from competitors.

    When there is $ to be made, those organizations always tend to do

    more than the public efforts. And this forum certainly seems to be ahead of the public research out there. The

    biggest shame is that researchers don't appreciate that, or use us as a resource.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  25. #55
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Some of them do follow the

    forums, and I believe we have already influenced the industry to some extent. We are basically unpaid consultants.

    But you are correct that there is much more research out there than we can know about, especially in the

    perfuming industry.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  26. #56
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Though SOE is a

    fine and effective product by the vast majority of accounts, I'm not sure how much experience Mr. Kohl has with

    products other than his own, judging from his previous forum comments.
    That's correct; I've never

    worn another product, which is why my comments have only been on SoE. The -nol link to increased LH, and the

    axillary odor link to increased LH and mood seem likely to be the same. However, scientific studies support only

    separate statements: -nol increases LH; axillary secretions increase LH and elevate mood. I think Preti and Wysocki

    mentioned that the LH change might one day be used to define "pheromone." But DrSmellThis is correct to note

    anecdotal evidence, as well as unknown evidence. I think works in progress that are designed to image the effect of

    putative pheromones on a particular area of the hypothalamus--one associated both with GnRH/LH production and with

    sexual orientation, also will help define "pheromone."


  27. #57
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Defining pheromones and detecting their effects

    "Pheromones" are interspecies chemical communication, only part of which is for the purpose

    of enabling the act of mating. On the other hand, nature also communicates with us in countless ways through

    olfaction, such that the term "pheromone" could logically be extended to the rest of nature. We need a bit better

    language here.

    Though speculation about how researchers might define things is very interesting, and although LH

    change has been used in mammalian biology, it would be wrongheaded for them to use LH as the indicator at this

    point. That is because meaningful effect sizes for LH changes have not been established in humans; among other


    Since "a pheromone is as a pheromone does", the ultimate indicator of whether something is a pheromone

    is a meaningful, systematic change in behavior or experience following exposure to the pheromone, whether alone or

    in some context.

    The neuroimaging research methods are indeed promising and exciting. The recent A1 "social

    cognition" study is a prime example. However, we do need some exploratory (as contrasted with "confirmatory") work

    here, to avoid limiting looks to inappropriately predetermined, overly-limited areas of the brain. This

    investigative reductionism would fly against the general findings of neurology, which strongly suggest multiple

    brain-areas are involved in most actions or experiences (The "does" of "a pheromone is as a

    pheromone does"
    ). Researchers have not been attentive to this scientific need so far, and are therefore

    defeating their own curiousity about what pheromones are and do.

    If this research becomes more holistic in the

    way I just mentioned, I'm all for it.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 02-07-2005 at 06:41 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  28. #58
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Hello all,

    I'm a real newbie to

    all this, having just started this month experimenting with pheromone products. These notes and discussions are

    indeed helpful, but as has been said, confusing (as would most anything that deals with as many variables as "human

    chemistry" in many senses of the phrase).

    One observation I would like to mention is my own recent experiences.

    I picked up the "sample" gel assortment and just happend more by chance than design to use SOE (scented) as my first

    "test run." And yes, I've started out with small doses (I figure I'm going to get about 6 uses from the packet).

    I don't get out much due to my schedule at the moment, so I only had a few "targets" to use for observation of

    reactions. As it was I ran into the same two women in my first three trys. One older woman (about 60) didn't seem

    to react much at all on any of the days. The younger woman (about 35) was more chatty than usual on Day 1 (a

    Friday), a "cold fish" Day 2 (the next day, Saturday), but relatively chatty on the third day I wore SOE (Monday.

    Did not wear SOE or see younger woman on Sunday). (FYI I'm mid-50's).

    I was a little mystifyed by this change

    in reactions, until I judiciously inquired as to her activities on those days. Seems that Saturday she was quite

    tied up with a work project that was taking much of her attention. End conclusion based on this, granted limited,

    evidence is that your "target's" mood and inclination (ie the specific person or "general" persons you are hoping

    to influence by wearing the product) is going to affect your results as well as all the many other factors you need

    to take into account in figuring "hits" (success rates) of the products and concentrations/amounts you try.


    if it was only easier... Three more gel packs to try...

  29. #59
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Ouick follow up on SOE:


    tried the gel packs and liked the overall ecent and "feeling" of SOE so I invested in a bottle of the roll-on

    product. Personally I think I like the roll-on a little better in terms of being able to do a more consistant

    measurement of "dose"/application amount.

    I've tried SOE roll-on for a couple of days now. In terms of

    "hits," I really haven't seen many as yet. of course it's still early in the trials and I've only been near maybe

    a dozen women of all ages. I *did* get a discount of my to-go order at the Chinese restaurant and I *think* the

    20-ish women behind me may have given this 50+ year-old fart an extra glance (but it may have been wishful

    thinking... but I'll take what I can get!)

    I think SOE is going to become my "standard" everyday product, at

    least for now. I may juice it up with a (very) little NPA for "date nights." Here's hoping.

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