Thanks for the additional info

on rods and cones, Einstein. I agree that smells are more complex than colors.

My theory is certainly just

speculation to be explored at this point. I'm trying to flesh out the function of the human VNO based on actual

olfactory and usage experiences with purported pheromones, since this type of experiential data has not yet been

mined or added to the mix. Only we can do this at present.

BTW, I'm not sure I understand the aura reading

analogy. What is aura reading being compared to, exactly?

Thanks for the note Kip. I agree the lock and key

thing is too cumbersome and simplistically mechanistic. There is almost no way it can be sound as it is. It smells

fishy! That is not to say it is time to completely forget it. The vibrational theory still needs more development

and data to support it.