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  1. #1
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    Default This Stuff Does Not Work!

    I bought

    eros scent few months ago and haven't had any hit... Reviews are fake and it's written by ppl who work for them..

    Save your money and don't buy this product...

    I hope they don't take this post down...

  2. #2
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    They have worked for me,

    care to elaborate as to why you feel they don't work?

    Where you expecting girls to rush you like an "axe"

    commercial without you having to do any work like approach women?

  3. #3
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Tell us where you've warn it, how

    much and describe yourself. Also, you need to be aware that the "hits" are normally very subtle, like getting a new

    suit or a good hair cut. The idea of women rushing up and dry humping your leg is stuff the scammers advertise, and

    no legitimate pheromone site would ever claim it.

    And, ya, I could delete your post, but we don't work that

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  4. #4
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    i wore it behind my ear, on

    my wrist and chest little bit.. I must have tried this 10 times and no one notice the smell.. trust me i am good

    looking guy and i know how to talk to women.. I don't think this scent made any difference for me...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by truelover View Post
    i wore it behind my ear, on my wrist and chest little bit.. I must have tried this 10 times

    and no one notice the smell.. trust me i am good looking guy and i know how to talk to women.. I don't think this

    scent made any difference for me...
    Scent of Eros is NOL, which basically will make people more at ease

    with you and possibly more "chatty"

    and the hits are subtle, it is not a sexual pheromone per say like some of

    the others, I guess a big question is what were your expectations?

  6. #6
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    I am trying to pick up more

    women. I can talk to any girl but i need to have more sexually chemistry with them. if you think that eros is not

    good for that reason then What are the other ones that you suggest..

  7. #7
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    Unfortunately TL there's no

    exact science to wearing mones. What works for some may not for others. I didn't have any luck w/ SOE either. In

    fact, it made me smell like stagnant cat pee. For picking up women none based products like Alpha-7, Primal

    Instinct, and The Edge are more for that purpose. They can be used in conjunction w/, say, SOE to make the girl more

    comfortable, and then sexually attracted. Your age, physical description, personality, ect. can help us determine

    what may best work for you. Some members use up to 30" of SOE to get hits. It takes awhile to get it right, but

    I've found in the last few months to be worthwhile. BTW, welcome to the forum.

  8. #8
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    Interesting, I doubt the reviews

    are fake....
    Vote for Chikara Cologne at My Pheromone Reviews

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post
    Unfortunately TL there's no exact science to wearing mones. What works for some may not

    for others. I didn't have any luck w/ SOE either. In fact, it made me smell like stagnant cat pee. For

    picking up women none based products like Alpha-7, Primal Instinct, and The Edge are more for that purpose. They can

    be used in conjunction w/, say, SOE to make the girl more comfortable, and then sexually attracted. Your age,

    physical description, personality, ect. can help us determine what may best work for you. Some members use up to 30"

    of SOE to get hits. It takes awhile to get it right, but I've found in the last few months to be worthwhile. BTW,

    welcome to the forum.
    Yeah good advice Peregrine, I

    have had many a woman say to me that i smell sexy when wearing a good pheromone product or a suitable mix.

    And yes Alpha 7 a couple drops and a full packet of Scent of Eros or around

    30" if i am rolling it from the bottle has given me some insane sexual


    Now to the doubters ha ha



    You all had better believe it, because you just havent

    seen anything until you hit on a female who is receptive to an application of pheromones, Yeah after a week you will

    be hiding the phero bottle in the hope of going to bed for a well earned rest, with a good book ha ha.

    Take a simple single pheromone product like say scented PI for example which

    is concentrated Androstenone it is not everyones cup of tea but it is something i can use at say two drops and there

    is no way that i could go out prowling around town wearin this without scoring some yummy yoopi


    Yeah its too easy with pheromones,

    You all had better believe that PI or NPA will

    certainy attract a womans attention and you had just better be ready because they will hit on you from out of the

    blue sometimes.

    All it takes is a small amount of common sense and you can have pheromones

    give you a very real and decisive edge in matters of romance attraction and business also.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
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    YES I agree with that youn terry.

    HA HA.SOE is okay when used with a7, NPA, and TE. Work the magic baby?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    And yes Alpha 7 a couple drops and a

    full packet of Scent of Eros or around 30" if i am rolling it from the bottle has given me some insane sexual



    many drops of SOE equal 30 inches? I'd like to mix some A7 and Soe in a small dropper bottle and keep it in my

    car. Kind of disappointed with my AE experiences so far.

  12. #12
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    try to do some

    nlp trainings in pacing and reading body language ..... a friend of mine is able to talk to any women too ...but it

    leads him to nowhere .. !!!!

    it´s hard to recognice the effects in the first time using it ... but do me a favour

    and do a little test ... put on good music in your car ... then put on 30 inches of Soe on your arms and believe me

    it will make you sing ...

    Best hits so far i´d get with Soe gel packs and none added ... you can do this

    by using A7.... and two sprays of Chikara ...

    Go to a bar ... place yourself behind some women... observe their

    body language and their behavior ... go to toilet and apply some Soe ... you have to arrive without moanes .... go

    back to your place and see how they bahave then .... it´s too obvious ..
    with this method i convinced nearly

    everyone of my PUA colleagues that moanes do work ....

    Good Luck


  13. #13
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default SOE Drops.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blacky

    How many drops of SOE equal 30 inches? I'd like to mix some A7 and Soe in a small dropper bottle and

    keep it in my car. Kind of disappointed with my AE experiences so

    FIVE inches from the roller = 1


    1dr = 10.38 mcg Androstenol +2.59 mcg

    Androsterone = total 12.97 mcg.

    6.6 drops from the

    bottle = 64 mcg Androstenol + 16 mcg Androsterone = 80 mcg pheromone = 1 SOE gel/pkt in


    SOE bottle contains total of 500 mcg

    pheromone per mL = 400 mcg Androstenol + Androsterone 100 mcg.

    SOE bottle total pheromone content = 5,000 mcg / 10

    mL =

    4 mg Androstenol + Androsterone 1 mg

    The SOE gel/pkt contains .08 mg/ml = 80 mcg = 64 mcg

    Androstenol + Androsterone 16 mcg .

    Divide 5000 mcg

    bottle by 80 mcg pkt will give around 62 gel/pkts in relation to the bottle.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 07-15-2009 at 12:54 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #14
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    Thank you kindly sir. Do

    you know the pheromone content of A7.

  15. #15
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blacky

    Thank you kindly sir. Do you know the pheromone content of

    You are welcome Blacky....
    KZI does it

    Alpha-7 unscented Pheromones is similar to

    Primal Instinct Pheromones but with 40% more pheromones overall, and a

    more complex formula (aRONE and aNONE vs. aNONE alone)

    Alpha 7 unscented pheromones boasts 6mg androstenone and 1

    mg androsterone

    This is the UNscented version of Alpha 7 Pheromones, which if you are new to pheromones means it

    has a characteristic musky pheromone smell not totally unlike human body odor.

    Alpha 7

    Pheromones also comes in a scented version
    which has an all-natural spicy fragrance added.

    Alpha 7

    Pheromones comes in a 10mL dripper top bottle
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #16
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    Default My Personal Experience Pheromones (I Do Not Work Here!)

    Quote Originally Posted by truelover View Post
    I bought eros scent few months ago and haven't had any

    hit... Reviews are fake and it's written by ppl who work for them.. Save your money and don't buy this


    I hope they don't take this post down...
    Hmm, well I don't work here and I've had good

    luck with pheromones but it wasn't quick to happen, I just didn't give up...

    I started out about 10 to 15

    years ago with Realm. I had heard all of the hype and bought into it but I’ll never know if the stuff that was in

    Realm ever really worked or not because I just couldn’t stand the smell of that crap.

    Fast forward a few years

    when I sent away for Athena Institute’s “10X” (twice). As some of you here probably know it’s pretty expensive,

    absolutely odorless, absolutely worthless, and to use it you have to jump through a few hoops (you can’t use it in a

    spray bottle, and they recommend you put it in one of there “pretty blue bottles” which cost extra).


    forward again to just a few months ago…I run an online dating portal, (which may or may not be in my signature,

    depending on the settings of this forum), and because of that combined with the fact that I recently became single,

    I thought I’d give pheromones another try so I could at least write about them if they didn’t actually work for


    I started out with a bottle of the scented version of Chikara, a bottle of NPA, and a bottle of Liquid

    trust. I tried the Chikara first because of the fact that it was premixed but I gotta say I’m not a big fan of what

    it smells like. It’s not awful but for some reason it just didn’t click with me.

    I then proceeded to mix NPA

    with Givenchy Pi, Tommy Hilfiger, and Guess by Marciano. The first two masked the scent of the NPA just fine but the

    latter masked the odor of it better than all of them, and the NPA didn’t seem to alter its fragrance at all. Oh, and

    I should note that most days I used a couple of sprays from the Liquid trust bottle also but only if I remembered.

    So how well is it working for me now? Well, I noticed from the start that I was getting hits no matter which of

    the three cologne mixtures I used but one day I had to stop and wonder if the pheromones were at work on the

    opposite sex or if they were at work on me in the form of a confidence booster…In the end I decided it really didn’t

    matter as long as I was getting positive results.

    I now use the Guess/NPA mixture almost exclusively because I

    really like the smell of the Guess cologne, and I pack a small bottle of LT with me whenever I go out. After 11

    years in a relationship I am now single having a lot of fun. Hell, I almost feel young again…Almost!


  17. #17
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    hey OP i know what you are

    feeling here i have tried multiple pheros (npa, a314, soe, theedge) with almost no sucess. BUT... i had one hit

    with the npa (before spilled the bottle all over my car ) that proved to me that its my failing to get the right

    mones/mix and not the mones themself. She was a younger black girl who was working a regisiter at the mall. I

    dunno if you've ever seen a black girl stutter and blush(!) but it apparently can happen . unfortunatly she was

    too young to be legal

    i guess what im saying is keep trying because that one hit will justify the whole


  18. #18
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    ps- also if you search the

    forum archives you can find a number of posts by people who think its all fake and none of them have been taken


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoveOnTheWire View Post

    well I don't work here and I've had good luck with pheromones but it wasn't quick to happen, I just didn't give


    I started out about 10 to 15 years ago with Realm. I had heard all of the hype and bought into it but I’ll

    never know if the stuff that was in Realm ever really worked or not because I just couldn’t stand the smell of that


    Fast forward a few years when I sent away for Athena Institute’s “10X” (twice). As some of you here

    probably know it’s pretty expensive, absolutely odorless, absolutely worthless, and to use it you have to jump

    through a few hoops (you can’t use it in a spray bottle, and they recommend you put it in one of there “pretty blue

    bottles” which cost extra).

    Fast forward again to just a few months ago…I run an online dating portal, (which

    may or may not be in my signature, depending on the settings of this forum), and because of that combined with the

    fact that I recently became single, I thought I’d give pheromones another try so I could at least write about them

    if they didn’t actually work for me.

    I started out with a bottle of the scented version of Chikara, a bottle of

    NPA, and a bottle of Liquid trust. I tried the Chikara first because of the fact that it was premixed but I gotta

    say I’m not a big fan of what it smells like. It’s not awful but for some reason it just didn’t click with me.


    then proceeded to mix NPA with Givenchy Pi, Tommy Hilfiger, and Guess by Marciano. The first two masked the scent of

    the NPA just fine but the latter masked the odor of it better than all of them, and the NPA didn’t seem to alter its

    fragrance at all. Oh, and I should note that most days I used a couple of sprays from the Liquid trust bottle also

    but only if I remembered.

    So how well is it working for me now? Well, I noticed from the start that I was

    getting hits no matter which of the three cologne mixtures I used but one day I had to stop and wonder if the

    pheromones were at work on the opposite sex or if they were at work on me in the form of a confidence booster…In the

    end I decided it really didn’t matter as long as I was getting positive results.

    I now use the Guess/NPA mixture

    almost exclusively because I really like the smell of the Guess cologne, and I pack a small bottle of LT with me

    whenever I go out. After 11 years in a relationship I am now single having a lot of fun. Hell, I almost feel young



    Nice post. I was wondering how old you are?

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