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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Wearing mones + extending mone longevity

    So how do YOU wear your mones? Why? And is it more effective?

    As a newcomer to mones and having PI, AE, A314,

    Chikara, + the samplers (all /m) i've had obvious results and nothing at all.

    But as I test what combo's I

    use, I find myself wondering about and asking the questions above.

    I've read through alot of threads in the

    last 2 weeks, general threads, and searched, but haven't found a whole lot of indepth stuff about why people wear

    their mones in the paticular place they do and their effectiveness as well as longevity throughout the day.

    Mostly, i've seen details as small vague footnotes to what combo's and amounts worked best for a given person.

    So what places have you found wearing mones most effective on your body in a social setting or at work?


    is generally the easiest place to put mones for other's to pick up? Does this vary from mone to mone, and why?

    Do you guys intentionally order mones based on their carrier? (oil based as opposed to alcohol based, etc?)

    How long do mones generally last? Both oil and alcohol based? Does it vary from mone to mone within a given


    What colognes or cover scents do you guys use to preserve your mones from wearing off? What works the

    best? What colognes may make them wear off faster?

    As your body heats up, it releases more of your worn mones,

    but is it a good or bad idea to have them in places where you might sweat alot? (will they wash away easily?)

    And finally a question I just thought of. The sets you can purchase, are they worth the time to learn to create

    your own mones? Have you guys noticed a big enough difference in potency and effectiveness in your own creations?

    Do you guys use the reagent grade mones in your mixes in what you guys decide to concoct? Are the reagent grade

    mones better for making your own stuff as opposed to mixing alittle bit of say, PI and WAGG with your cover scent?

    And how does the reagent grade stuff compare to longevity to any of the already made mones, (PI, AE, A314, etc etc


    Feel free to post your findings, observations, and experiences, even questions.


  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Default Another question

    Just thought of

    another question.

    Say I wear PI. PI doesn't have alot of scent, even the mone scent seems subtle to me. If a

    female picks up the mones, and there's not really a scent to it...will she turn around and respond to the mones not

    smelling any scent and know who the mones belong to?

    Or is it a good idea to wear a cologne or cover scent to

    attract the attention of her responding to the mones to you?

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default apply to clothing

    The easiest way

    to extend the usefulness of artifical pheromones is to apply them to clothing. Thus you inhibit bacterial action,

    absorption into the skin and contamination with acidic sweat, oil and other body fluids. Some will last for days on

    clothing in contrast to mere hours on your skin. Plus, the 'mones are more apt to get airborne when not trapped

    beneath your clothing. Of course alcohol carriers are better for clothing application.

    If you really want to

    smell nasy, dab a little PI or NPA in your armpits. Your pit bacteria and sweat will ofter up some of the funkest

    stank this side of rino crack.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    In a nutshell I wear em near so

    called "Pulse points" if on skin. ie neck, wrists, chest.

    And/or at a vertical level in line with my primary

    target's nose. ie back of neck as well.

    Then I also consider what I am wearing. In cold weather when covered up

    I'll tend more toward exposed skin areas only.

    As for clothing: I haven't experimented moch yet, but some

    "quickie" tests on some old clothes did show that oil-based products can stain or at least leave a mark. If you try

    clothing apps, use alcohol or water based stuff (eg Perception). (So in that regard, some may order products based

    primarily on carrier.)

    Some people put the "sex tension" 'mones in the more "private" parts of the body,

    possibly based on the assumption that those who might be turned off by them won't get that far, and those who do

    get turned on by them will get even more so as they "dig in...".

    I don't think a cologne "extends" the

    pheromones. I think it's primarily used to cover any unpleasant stink and/or mask the fact you are wearing them.

    Perception's water-based poly matrix carrier is the only thing I can think of that *does* extend the "life" of both

    the pheromones and the cologne (when applied over the cologne).

    How long pheromones last seems to be up for

    debate. The general consenses seems to be about 5 hours, but some posters claim "hits" after 8 to 12 hours. It may

    depend on your (and your target's) body chemistry, how mich you applied, and possibly the specific environment you

    are in.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  5. #5
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    I don't think that you will be

    able to get the whole idea of what this is about just by reading about it in this forum, you have to go out there

    and see how it works for you! This forum is a great source of information that you can compliment to all of your own

    experimentation. In fact if you still have any specific questions, chances are that all of them has been discussed

    before, you just do the searches. It's in the searches you will find the most info.

    For my self I wish I could

    give you a super recipe to success, but to tell you the truth, things vary GREATLY! For me I have one key element,

    and that's that the products seems to work very very good overall. I've reached a level of knowledge about my

    boundaries, but there's still a long way left to know what really is the best. My point is that the days all vary

    greatly, so many different things happen so that making conclusions based on comparisons is very difficult! Only

    thing is to experiment over a long period of time. I'm not able to notice how it effects a mix if I leave out one

    drop of this one day or add this. If you could try things like in the movie groundhog day, yeah, then you'd be able

    to come up with a PERFECT mix, at least towards the targets at range that particular day!

    Oil vs

    alcohol,colognes/cover scents, do a search, this is thoroughly discussed!

    Btw, PI smells!

    Don't get fooled by your nose, because it does and can lead to some persons think you're being very unhygienic and

    dirty. That said I've worn two drops behind each ear at work and had some quite hillarious experiences!!

    You are good at asking questions, but obviously you haven't been good at doing research in the forum. (Not

    to blame tho' we've all been there...

  6. #6
    Banned User
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    Dude thats a lot of really would benefit from doing searches and reading posts. All of this stuff is addressed but

    people will have different opinions and you will also have different opinions. Gegogi is a perfect example. He pours

    NPA on himself. If I did that I would smell so bad that anyone with a reaction to me would probably be to run or to

    knock me the hell out because I am an idiot. Yet Gegogi can pour half a bottle on and somehow it helps him. People

    have all sorts of different opinions but taking time to look over all the posts and run searches will at least give

    you a majority ruling on some of these.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    I agree with everyone here. The

    forum is a great spot to pick up a lot of general information that'll help you get on the right path with using

    mones, however, the amount of variance from person to person, environment to environment, and situation to situation

    is far too great to conclusively say "this is the route to go". Finding your sweet spot is more a matter of

    trial and error than anything else. The trick is first finding out what you're personal body chemistry is like,

    knowing how you and other people react to different products/mixes, and using all that knowledge to hopefully elicit

    the kinds of reactions you're going for.

    Looking at the products you have available, most of them are agressive,

    sexually oriented products so that might be where you're mixes are lacking. I'd definately recommend adding some

    SOE or WAGG to your list of products, as social mones tend to make people more receptive to sexual/aggressive mones.

    Chikara is a good all around product, but when mixed with none, it might be too much for some (though I regularly

    wear NPA and Chikara together).

    My favorite application points are on the wrists, neck, back of the near, or

    jaw-line. I try to avoid clothing applications because I'm kind of paranoid about ruining my clothes, esp with

    oil-based mones. I don't necessarily have a preference between carriers however - I'm more concerned about the

    pheromone content of the various products.

    As for the chem sets, I too thought of purchasing all the various chem

    set bottles, but thats a very costly route, considering the products out there work really well already, and usually

    contain a good amount of the mones you'll want for a much cheaper price. I haven't heard there being any

    difference in the longevity of chemset products vs regular fact I don't think its ever been

    conclusively determined how long mones last. Again, thats a matter thats highly different from person to person,

    situation to situation.

    Finally, be careful with PI. I can pull off wearing quite a bit of NPA, but I've had

    several OD instances with PI. One night I was at an OUTDOOR lounge, wearing a couple drops of PI covered with

    cologne, and a couple of my friends started commenting that they smelled something like "funky cologne". another

    said it smelled like "bug spray gone bad". I immediately went to bathroom and rinsed my wrists off.

    Oh and

    to address the "why do you wear mones question". To attract women is the obvious answer, but over time I've come

    to appreciate their use in social, work, and professional settings as well.

  8. #8
    Banned User
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    Red face

    I didn't read back to what I

    typed but I didn't mean to write "why" do we need mones, probably where and why you wear them in the places you


    For me, I was worried about PI having some adverse reactions. At first I didn't smell alot of anything when

    it came to PI and then I started to smell what i'm assuming was a mone smell wich wasn't offensive to me, just

    something different and nuetral to me.

    Yea, I got Chikara because I thought it was a social mone but it hasn't

    done much for me with what i've got, and it's sweet smell isn't all that appealing. I'd rather have something

    more masculine and musky. I had also gotten AA314 thinking it was a versatile and more social based and because I

    had Chikara, I wouldn't need SoE or the other one you mentioned.

    As for doing searches and trying to find what

    I need...well it's all yes and no.

    When it comes to APPLYING mones...I find where alot of people apply them or

    where they prefer to apply them but i'm the type that also likes to know why in that spot and if there is any

    change in effectiveness. And for the most part those are side notes and not indepth.

    When it came to applying

    mones in certain areas it was obvious. Like jaw, neck, chest. But behind the earlobes, or down in pelvic region

    (like not going to jump your girl in 10 mins) and otherwise under your clothes I wondered why when you could wear

    them in your upper chest/neck/jaw region, atleast in social/work settings.

    I had also wondered the reasoning

    with your wrists. People mention pulse points. Why on these pulse points though, why not logically closest to your

    targets nose? Is it supposed to absorb into you and have an effect on you?

    And otherwise, I like to know why

    things are the way they are if they aren't obvious.

    In some searches it seemed like it was too easy to not get

    any results or easy to be too vague and get everything or things that didn't even touch on the topic. It's not

    exactly google. Alot of times it will just pull up any thread with 1 or a few of the words in it.

    Since I

    decided to just MAKE a thread I was like what the hell, I will just throw everything on the table.

    I don't

    think you necessarily need to experiment alot more so than asking questions when it comes to the application of

    mones and what places are most effective and why. I mean, it's not individualized like what mones are best for you

    and in what amount. It seems like your only factors might be your size compared to your targets and where you apply

    them and where your clothes are and if they are inhibiting them at all.

    Thanks for the input so far, after the

    suggestion of getting one of the 2 other social mones mentioned that I don't have, among other things, has given me

    a good bit to think about.

  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Um, when you do a search try

    putting "phrases in quotes" for more precise results. Your search will look for the phrase rather than the

    individiual words in the phrase.

    I assume that people put mones along their jawline or near their faces in an

    attempt to inhale some of the mones themselves. It seems to me that since mones are airborne molecules they would

    tend to drift along the air currents. Body heat causes a certain amount of air to rise on convection currents near

    the body so I think lower down would be more effective to impact those near me. That would be most noticable in an

    environment where you are exerting yourself such as dancing.

    In my own case I've had good result using a couple

    methods. No matter the weather I wear light weight cotton shirts, in cold weather I may wear a jacket when outside

    but rarely inside. Spraying things like TE on my chest before putting my shirt on has worked really well for me. It

    seems to slow down the dispersal allowing the mones to spread out more. Since I've been playing with heavy oil

    scents I've been applying the mones to the inside of my forearm then putting the scent over that. The heavy oils is

    good for slowing the dispersal of mones helping them to last much longer without the need to OD early on. It also

    gives me a larger surface area to work with. I use my hands a lot in my work so my arms are usually extended, often

    right past a subject's nose.

    I am an advocate of less is more as it works well for me personally. It may not

    work as well for others because of the differences we have all noticed. But I believe that in my case using low

    doses tends to reduce the pheromone cloud so the source can be more easily located by the subject.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Um, when you do a

    search try putting "phrases in quotes" for more precise results. Your search will look for the phrase rather than

    the individiual words in the phrase.

    I assume that people put mones along their jawline or near their faces in

    an attempt to inhale some of the mones themselves. It seems to me that since mones are airborne molecules they would

    tend to drift along the air currents. Body heat causes a certain amount of air to rise on convection currents near

    the body so I think lower down would be more effective to impact those near me. That would be most noticable

    in an environment where you are exerting yourself such as dancing.

    In my own case I've had good result

    using a couple methods. No matter the weather I wear light weight cotton shirts, in cold weather I may wear a jacket

    when outside but rarely inside. Spraying things like TE on my chest before putting my shirt on has worked really

    well for me. It seems to slow down the dispersal allowing the mones to spread out more. Since I've been playing

    with heavy oil scents I've been applying the mones to the inside of my forearm then putting the scent over that.

    The heavy oils is good for slowing the dispersal of mones helping them to last much longer without the need to OD

    early on. It also gives me a larger surface area to work with. I use my hands a lot in my work so my arms are

    usually extended, often right past a subject's nose.

    I am an advocate of less is more as it works well for me

    personally. It may not work as well for others because of the differences we have all noticed. But I believe that in

    my case using low doses tends to reduce the pheromone cloud so the source can be more easily located by the

    wow! I go to nightclubs quite a lot & this never crossed my mind lol thanks for the tip

    no wonder the dj is always playin my songs (he's on a higher platform) lol

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kardz
    I didn't read back

    to what I typed but I didn't mean to write "why" do we need mones, probably where and why you wear them in the

    places you do.

    For me, I was worried about PI having some adverse reactions. At first I didn't smell alot of

    anything when it came to PI and then I started to smell what i'm assuming was a mone smell wich wasn't offensive

    to me, just something different and nuetral to me.

    Yea, I got Chikara because I thought it was a social mone but

    it hasn't done much for me with what i've got, and it's sweet smell isn't all that appealing. I'd rather have

    something more masculine and musky. I had also gotten AA314 thinking it was a versatile and more social based and

    because I had Chikara, I wouldn't need SoE or the other one you mentioned.

    As for doing searches and trying to

    find what I need...well it's all yes and no.

    When it comes to APPLYING mones...I find where alot of people

    apply them or where they prefer to apply them but i'm the type that also likes to know why in that spot and if

    there is any change in effectiveness. And for the most part those are side notes and not indepth.

    When it came

    to applying mones in certain areas it was obvious. Like jaw, neck, chest. But behind the earlobes, or down in pelvic

    region (like not going to jump your girl in 10 mins) and otherwise under your clothes I wondered why when you could

    wear them in your upper chest/neck/jaw region, atleast in social/work settings.

    I had also wondered the

    reasoning with your wrists. People mention pulse points. Why on these pulse points though, why not logically closest

    to your targets nose? Is it supposed to absorb into you and have an effect on you?

    And otherwise, I like to

    know why things are the way they are if they aren't obvious.

    In some searches it seemed like it was too easy to

    not get any results or easy to be too vague and get everything or things that didn't even touch on the topic. It's

    not exactly google. Alot of times it will just pull up any thread with 1 or a few of the words in it.

    Since I

    decided to just MAKE a thread I was like what the hell, I will just throw everything on the table.

    I don't

    think you necessarily need to experiment alot more so than asking questions when it comes to the application of

    mones and what places are most effective and why. I mean, it's not individualized like what mones are best for you

    and in what amount. It seems like your only factors might be your size compared to your targets and where you apply

    them and where your clothes are and if they are inhibiting them at all.

    Thanks for the input so far, after the

    suggestion of getting one of the 2 other social mones mentioned that I don't have, among other things, has given me

    a good bit to think about.
    I use Chikara as my social buffer against none every once in a while, and it

    does a decent enough job. I can wear quite a bit of none without seeing an OD, so I can reek more of the all around

    benefits of using NPA and Chikara together without fear of bad reactions. People with inherently higher -none

    levels, however, might not find the same to be true. One of the advantages of being able to wear so much none

    without OD'ing, is that I have far more control over -none reactions

    I think you answered your own question

    regarding where to apply mones: Different factors may effect which application points work well for different

    people, and there's still quite a bit of variance. Some people advocate applying to clothing....usually people who

    have bad reactions from secondary type mones converting to -none, or those who want to extend the effective life

    mones...while others find better results applying directly to skin. It's still a matter of personal chemistry, as

    well as clothing types, climate, height etc etc etc.

    I usually follow the same logic as fragrances when applying

    mones: pulse points generate more heat and help to carry the fragrance, and I don't see why there would be any

    different with mones. Of course this would also mean that mones would break down more quickly at the pulse points as


    Pulse points include the neck, behind the ears, inside the elbow, inside the knees, and a couple of other

    places I can't quite recall at the time. Wrists are always a good application point because you can easily bring

    your arms in close proximity of a woman, without intruding her comfort zone. Just be careful when you wash your

    hands to not rinse your wrists off.

    Finally, where do I wear mones and why? Simply because they give me a leg up

    in any situation that involves social interaction with other it professional and social events around

    campus, job interviews, dates, nights out at at the club, trying to increase my sales production at work...whatever

    the day has in store for me. The most important thing though, is tailoring my mixes to complement the kinds of

    interactions I'll be involved in.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    I don't think that

    you will be able to get the whole idea of what this is about just by reading about it in this forum, you have to go

    out there and see how it works for you! This forum is a great source of information that you can compliment to all

    of your own experimentation. In fact if you still have any specific questions, chances are that all of them has been

    discussed before, you just do the searches. It's in the searches you will find the most info.

    For my self I

    wish I could give you a super recipe to success, but to tell you the truth, things vary GREATLY! For me I have one

    key element, and that's that the products seems to work very very good overall. I've reached a level of knowledge

    about my boundaries, but there's still a long way left to know what really is the best. My point is that the days

    all vary greatly, so many different things happen so that making conclusions based on comparisons is very difficult!

    Only thing is to experiment over a long period of time. I'm not able to notice how it effects a mix if I leave out

    one drop of this one day or add this. If you could try things like in the movie groundhog day, yeah, then you'd be

    able to come up with a PERFECT mix, at least towards the targets at range that particular day!

    Oil vs

    alcohol,colognes/cover scents, do a search, this is thoroughly discussed!

    Btw, PI smells!

    Don't get fooled by your nose, because it does and can lead to some persons think you're being very unhygienic and

    dirty. That said I've worn two drops behind each ear at work and had some quite hillarious experiences!!

    You are good at asking questions, but obviously you haven't been good at doing research in the forum.

    (Not to blame tho' we've all been there...
    Please do tell!!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Well, I had a very hot 22y girl

    sitting at the opposite desk being VERY attentive, and behaving like a watchdog, VERY forwardly interested in me.

    Like not relaxed flirting and chatty, but smiling yet with that look of someone on a chase.

    While starting out

    with PI I stupidly forgot to wear cover scent at several occasions. One 19y sitting at the desk next to me kept

    smiling, looking, touching herself, even put her whole hand inside her sweater and touched her TIT! Btw, she's a

    top 10 in my eyes! Naturally I was completely having problems with keeping cool and not to laugh out loud! I was

    actually thinking "wish I didn't wear this now" as the situation was just crazy ridiculous..


    co-worker above 40-ish, never said a word to her before, comes up and places her whole body tight next to mine, just

    pressing a button on my phone as if she had a valid reason to come over and do that. Didn't say a word then


    But, I've also gotten reactions that I smell like cat pee from it, so naturally I'm trying to avoid


  14. #14
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Well, I had a very

    hot 22y girl sitting at the opposite desk being VERY attentive, and behaving like a watchdog, VERY forwardly

    interested in me. Like not relaxed flirting and chatty, but smiling yet with that look of someone on a chase.

    While starting out with PI I stupidly forgot to wear cover scent at several occasions. One 19y sitting at the desk

    next to me kept smiling, looking, touching herself, even put her whole hand inside her sweater and touched her TIT!

    Btw, she's a top 10 in my eyes! Naturally I was completely having problems with keeping cool and not to laugh out

    loud! I was actually thinking "wish I didn't wear this now" as the situation was just crazy ridiculous..

    Another co-worker above 40-ish, never said a word to her before, comes up and places her whole body tight next to

    mine, just pressing a button on my phone as if she had a valid reason to come over and do that. Didn't say a word

    then either.

    But, I've also gotten reactions that I smell like cat pee from it, so naturally I'm trying to

    avoid that...
    What cover to you normally wear to mask PI, GFunky?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    But, I've also

    gotten reactions that I smell like cat pee from it, so naturally I'm trying to avoid that...


  16. #16
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Well, I had a very hot

    22y girl sitting at the opposite desk being VERY attentive, and behaving like a watchdog, VERY forwardly interested

    in me. Like not relaxed flirting and chatty, but smiling yet with that look of someone on a chase.


    starting out with PI I stupidly forgot to wear cover scent at several occasions. One 19y sitting at the desk next to

    me kept smiling, looking, touching herself, even put her whole hand inside her sweater and touched her TIT!

    Btw, she's a top 10 in my eyes! Naturally I was completely having problems with keeping cool and not to laugh out

    loud! I was actually thinking "wish I didn't wear this now" as the situation was just crazy ridiculous..

    Another co-worker above 40-ish, never said a word to her before, comes up and places her whole body tight next to

    mine, just pressing a button on my phone as if she had a valid reason to come over and do that. Didn't say a word

    then either.

    But, I've also gotten reactions that I smell like cat pee from it, so naturally I'm trying to

    avoid that...
    lol I had a woman do that @ a restaurant once it was funny as!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100

    Noboody wants to smell like cat piss

  18. #18
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Well Mobley, as I said this is

    what happened without covering it up, but I usually wear Chikara or A314 as cover. Also tried Pheros with

    good success! Am quite ready to try out aloeswood now.

    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    But Why???
    Quote Originally Posted by Mick

    wants to smell like cat piss
    Pretty much explains it yes!

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Well Mobley, as I

    said this is what happened without covering it up, but I usually wear Chikara or A314 as cover. Also tried

    Pheros with good success! Am quite ready to try out aloeswood now.

    Pretty much explains it yes!

    How would the amount of PI you usually wear compare to the amount of NPA you wear? I'm seriously

    considering revisiting PI...just need a better idea of how much more potent PI is vs NPA.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    Finally, where do

    I wear mones and why? Simply because they give me a leg up in any situation that involves social interaction with

    other it professional and social events around campus, job interviews, dates, nights out at at the club,

    trying to increase my sales production at work...whatever the day has in store for me. The most important thing

    though, is tailoring my mixes to complement the kinds of interactions I'll be involved in.
    I didn't

    mean why anyone wore mones in general, that's obvious. More friends, sex, attention, or advantage


    I meant where do people wear their mones and why they wear them in the spot they choose.

    Belg sounded like he might be onto something with how he chooses to wear his mones, alittle bit lower down because

    of body heat. Sounded like you've put in some thought.

    Thanks you two for the feedback. :P

    I've also

    thought about as proportionally as I can mix what i've got into a few drops into my hand, dilute it with water and

    rub it all over my chest/neck and see how that works. Haven't been out lately to test things much further aside

    from work. Sounds like a good idea until I find a really good combo that works and teach myself how to mix and put

    it into an atomizer.

    Maybe my hair too but i'm taller than your average female and I understand alot of body

    heat comes from your head so i'm still pondernig that but I will probably try it anyway just to do test how much

    less effective it might be if at all, otherwise if not i figure it might be a good application point since i assume

    it will set off alot of mones.

  21. #21
    Banned User
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    I have been using mones for

    about 6 months now and when I put it in my hair I get better results. I am about 5'10 which is taller than most

    women. I only use that trick sparingly though because it seems like a dangerous thing to do to the ol hair. Wouldnt

    wanna go bald.

  22. #22
    Banned User
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    Just read in another thread about

    someone applying it on their face or around their mouth and their breath acting as a carrier in the direction that

    you speak.

    That sounds like another good idea too.


  23. #23
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I alway zap a little on the back

    of my head. Haven't gone bald or blind yet...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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