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  1. #1
    Charming Loner
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    Default LOL oh no...Me + Androstenone + OD = Not a good thing...

    I have come to the following conclusions about me and -mones after five straight days of

    pheromone use:

    1) Using pheromones more than two days in a row for me is PUSHING IT.

    2) A sprinkle of -none

    on me gives the impression I am a stinky monster.

    3) Accidentally ingesting pheros is NOT GOOD.

    4) It IS


    5) My Edge Essentials: Heat bottle to me is like skunk in a bottle.

    6) I will use -mones from now on in very light amounts only on semi-special occasions.

    7) I will NEVER get

    another pheromone product with -none or any other ultra-masculine pheromone in it again.

    So, based on my

    obervations above, any advice?


  2. #2
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    How much were you useing? Were

    you using a cover scent? If so what and how much? I had the same problems with none til I started covering it right.

    I apply a single dab maybe 2 if im feeling brave of NPA on my chest and cover it completely with 2 dabs of APC for

    every single dab of NPA. I then cover that with my cologne. After that I can still smell the none but not much.

    Maybe you need to do the less is more trial run. try very lil ammounts and see if that works. Maybe try applying

    them in differnt areas.

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  3. #3
    Charming Loner
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    Quote Originally Posted by dping28
    How much

    were you useing? Were you using a cover scent? If so what and how much? I had the same problems with none til I

    started covering it right. I apply a single dab maybe 2 if im feeling brave of NPA on my chest and cover it

    completely with 2 dabs of APC for every single dab of NPA. I then cover that with my cologne. After that I can still

    smell the none but not much. Maybe you need to do the less is more trial run. try very lil ammounts and see if that

    works. Maybe try applying them in differnt areas.
    Like I've said before, I just think -none and my body

    chemistry don't mix, considering I think I produce more than enough. Such as with today, I didn't apply ANY of the

    Edge, just a few swipes of SOE. (Please note that I had put on varying amounts of EE the past four days and I was

    suspecting I was already ODing. Also note I had another intense workout before work.) I went in today to work,

    everything seemed fine, I was talking to this girl at work, she seemed really chatty and open, partially because of

    the SOE I'm guessing, but then all of a sudden I started doing something physical and my body heat started rising

    and then I heard her give a little uncomfortable groan and didn't say another word to me the whole day...

    I never got a reaction like that from her even on my sweatiest most intense workdays. And actually today was

    slow business-wise and I wasn't doing much of anything today, so I was feeling fresh, so the only possible


    Buildup of Edge over the past few days + My heavy workout this morning = Not good...

    In fact,

    sometimes I can from time to time smell the stinky -none coming from where I applied it after sweating a lot or

    after a workout.

    I'm taking a day or two away from -mones, then I'm going light, a little SOE and maybe a TINY

    bit of EE every once in a while on a day I don't work out...

    I DO want to purchase a pheromone product which is

    safe as my volatile body chemistry does no good for strong masculine -mones...

  4. #4
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    Have you used any other products

    that have none or just edge essentials?

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  5. #5
    Charming Loner
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    Quote Originally Posted by dping28
    Have you

    used any other products that have none or just edge essentials?
    Just Edge Essentials. This was my first

    pheromone purchase, so all I have right now are Edge Essentials and SOE scented. However, am I correct when I

    analyze that the buildup of the Edge over the past few days coupled with my workout this morning may have created an

    OD? What exactly other that -none is in EE? I'm fairly positive SOE has no -none in it, and heavy -rone, am I

    right? Can a lot of -rone mixed with -none (from a -mone product or from my own natural chemistry) also trigger



  6. #6
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    Yeah if you used it constintly

    for multiple days you probobly did OD. least I would think so. What I do is use em maybe 2-3 times a week tops. that

    way the days I dont use em my showers should hopefully get em off. help prevent buildup. plus I make sure to wash my

    application points a lil more to help. Maybe try putting a day or two inbetween applications of none. I my self dont

    know a whole lot about rone, but im sure someone ALOT more knowledgeable then I will chime in.

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  7. #7
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    HtH... are you using any

    cover scent over the Edge Essential? What EE did you get? The scent in the EEs doesn't last as long as the stink of

    the Edge does... especially if your working out and doing physical tasks at work. The scent evaporates from your

    body fairly quickly and as your body heat rises, like after working out, it evaporates even quicker.

    Try finding

    a nice cologne or similar essential oil to add to the cover scent and see if you can't get rid of your stank....

    she might respond better if you smell better.
    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    I have come to

    the following conclusions about me and -mones after five straight days of pheromone use:

    1) Using pheromones

    more than two days in a row for me is PUSHING IT.

    2) A sprinkle of -none on me gives the impression I am a

    stinky monster.

    3) Accidentally ingesting pheros is NOT GOOD.



    5) My Edge Essentials: Heat bottle to me is like skunk in a bottle.

    6) I will use -mones

    from now on in very light amounts only on semi-special occasions.

    7) I will NEVER get another pheromone

    product with -none or any other ultra-masculine pheromone in it again.

    So, based on my obervations above,

    any advice?


    SOE has given me consistently good results. If

    you want to branch out, you could try spiking it with chem kit Nol.
    Chikara seems quite light on the None and the

    other mones seem to have a nice centering quality to them.
    I've never tried WAGG (since I'm just naturaly A

    Great Guy), but it sounds like something that could work for you.

    Mostly, just keep plugging away. You

    haven't even been at this for one month. I had to go through two products before I found something that worked for

    me. And it took me several months, plus help from a previous incarnation of this forum, to figure out the right

    dosage of PI/m.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Just out of curiosity,

    handtohandking, do you bathe every day? Women generally have a better sense of smell than men. They will put

    up with a lot of body odor out of politeness, but I have met very, very few who actually like a strong male BO.

    A lot of guys on these forums talk about NOT bathing regularly. Some claim they just rinse, and that is better

    than nothing. But some guys talk about going for days without showering or anything.

    I can imagine how rank

    they must be. I used to share an office with a guy who didn't bathe. No one in the building could stand to be near

    him. I started sending him out to client sites just to get the smell out of the building, but even when we sprayed

    with Lysol we couldn't get it to go away.

    He refused to do anything about it. I was finally told *I* would

    have to go on the client calls. At least I got to breathe some clean, fresh smog and decomposing trash piles every


    Oh man, he was RANK.

    Ever since then, I have refused to work in an office with anyone who

    won't bathe for more than an hour or so.

    I can NOT imagine what the women must have gone through when that

    guy sat down next to them and decided to "chat".


  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Just out of

    curiosity, handtohandking, do you bathe every day? Women generally have a better sense of smell than men.

    They will put up with a lot of body odor out of politeness, but I have met very, very few who actually like a strong

    male BO.

    A lot of guys on these forums talk about NOT bathing regularly. Some claim they just rinse, and that is

    better than nothing. But some guys talk about going for days without showering or anything.

    I can imagine how

    rank they must be. I used to share an office with a guy who didn't bathe. No one in the building could stand to be

    near him. I started sending him out to client sites just to get the smell out of the building, but even when we

    sprayed with Lysol we couldn't get it to go away.

    He refused to do anything about it. I was finally told *I*

    would have to go on the client calls. At least I got to breathe some clean, fresh smog and decomposing trash piles

    every day.

    Oh man, he was RANK.

    Ever since then, I have refused to work in an office with anyone who won't

    bathe for more than an hour or so.

    I can NOT imagine what the women must have gone through when that guy sat

    down next to them and decided to "chat".

    We used to have a guy working with us who was just the

    opposite but with the same effect. He wore so much cologne that your eyes would water when you were in the same room

    with him. People would refuse to get in the elevator with him. It was terrible and the women around the office

    refused to be anywhere near him. A cologne OD is just as bad as not washing.

  11. #11
    Charming Loner
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    Thanks for the replies,


    1) I DO use a cover scent, usually my Acqua Di Gio, which is a very nice scent, however I have gone

    lighter than usual as I think I might've been using too much in the past. Normally, I would've applied the cologne

    directly to my skin, but I thought that might be too much so now I just spray it in the air then walk through it.

    And considering that the EE needs a cover scent and I no longer directly apply the cologne to my skin, that might

    have something to do with it...

    2) Yes, I do bathe regularly, in fact, AT LEAST TWICE A DAY. Soap, water,

    shampoo, conditioner, the whole nine.

    So basically, I think I should use the Edge very sparingly. The SOE seems

    to be safer to use and can be almost an everyday -mone.

    But last question...

    How necessary is it,

    especially for me, to spray the cologne on my hotspots with -mones applied, particularly the EE Heat? I actually

    thought it would just be too overpowering as a scent, but I see now it might be necessary and more beneficial than


  12. #12
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    I my self find it a necessity to

    apply a cover scent directly on top of any none phero. It hides the none much better so you dont have the stink of

    it. You just pick up a hint of it.

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  13. #13
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Before Chikara came along, I was

    using Heat 2-3 times per week without a cover scent, but:
    A. I didn't use all that much: maybe 2X the amount

    that would stay on your finger puting it on the end of the bottle and turning it over and back (a dab?).
    B. I

    took a hot shower at the end of the day and got back to baseline.

    H2H, when I read something like your first

    post I get a strong feeling the author can't smell aNONE. That is true of 1 out of 4 users, so it wouldn't be

    surprising. Try applying Heat ONLY TO YOUR WRISTS and rubbing it in a little after application. Even though it is

    alc/water based, the pheromones and fragrance are very oily and rubbing them in will change the

    evaporation/dispersion rate. Then later in the day after the fragrance dies down, take a whiff of your own wrists.

    What do you smell? If it is nothing or very little, you should assume that you aren't able to detect the smell of

    aNONE and need to be very careful about ODing.


  14. #14
    Charming Loner
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    Default hey

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce

    Chikara came along, I was using Heat 2-3 times per week without a cover scent, but:
    A. I didn't use all that much:

    maybe 2X the amount that would stay on your finger puting it on the end of the bottle and turning it over and back

    (a dab?).
    B. I took a hot shower at the end of the day and got back to baseline.

    H2H, when I read something

    like your first post I get a strong feeling the author can't smell aNONE. That is true of 1 out of 4 users, so it

    wouldn't be surprising. Try applying Heat ONLY TO YOUR WRISTS and rubbing it in a little after application. Even

    though it is alc/water based, the pheromones and fragrance are very oily and rubbing them in will change the

    evaporation/dispersion rate. Then later in the day after the fragrance dies down, take a whiff of your own wrists.

    What do you smell? If it is nothing or very little, you should assume that you aren't able to detect the smell of

    aNONE and need to be very careful about ODing.

    Thanks for the reply, Bruce...

    You stated you

    only used the Heat 2-3 times a week max with about 2 dabs...well I used them 4 days IN A ROW in varying amounts,

    sometimes 3 or 4 dabs. And considering my own situation, that's more than ODing, that's like a walking

    garbage can, so now I have learned (after a few frustrating days) that I need to cut back HEAVY. I will have to try

    that method to see if I can smell aNONE, yet I am actually a little paranoid now to applying any of the EE Heat to


  15. #15
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    I was the same way after I had my

    first experience with NPA. I was almost gonna never try it again. until I was given some suggestions on the proper

    way to use it I started off real small and worked up to my proper level.

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  16. #16
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    HtH.... Try putting a

    couple of sprays of your EE on a blank piece of paper and let the cover scent evaporate completely.... then sniff

    the paper ever so lightly every few minutes. If you can't smell anything, then you can't smell none... but if you

    keep sniffing that paper (the TE smell will stay for a couple of days) or use a new one everyday... you will train

    yourself to smell it.

    I know this works as I couldn't smell ~none when I first started using it, but now I

    can smell it just fine (Note that I did this with regular TE, so you'll have to let the cover scent

    evaporate completely before this will work)

    Good luck,

    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  17. #17
    Charming Loner
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    Default wooo

    Thanks for the


    I haven't used any -mones at all for the past two days, and also plan on not using any tomorrow

    neither for work. HOWEVER, on Friday, I will one or both of the products. Tell me what you think...

    Just to give

    you a quick overview, I used both the EE/SOE on the past Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And to tell you the

    truth, I probably OD'ed on more than a couple days, and I thought two showers a day would be enough to wash it off,

    but the buildup made me cut down heavy. On this past Monday, I only used a few swipes of SOE, but I got the feeling

    the leftovers from before still caused a slight OD. Yesterday, which was Tuesday, I went without -mones and got

    rather favorable (and very sexual) results from certain females, went back to my old cologne application techniques,

    and had better social reactions than I had on any days I had pheromone products on. Today I once again went without

    -mones, and I have off from work anyway. Tomorrow, Thursday, I also plan on avoiding my -mones so that on Friday, I

    can be sure that no OD will happen.

    SO basically, Friday, I plan on going into work with my pheromone products

    on, so how should I do it? People who know me already know the whole situation (Friday = most physical day, my

    physical/personality stats, females range from 16-19 years of age, SOE scented/Edge Essentials Heat). Also, on that

    Friday morning I have another weighttraining session planned, so I also have to be a bit careful. What do you

    suggest I do for that day? How much of each should I apply? And would application to my clothes be a better

    decision, and less chance of OD?


  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    How do you know you had

    buildup? Did you do some chemical analysis on your skin oils or something?

    If someone like Bruce or J. Kohl

    talks about buildup, I take it seriously. If anyone else mentions buildup, my first reaction is, "Oh, the guy

    didn't get the results he wants, so he is blaming the pheromones".

    I pile on the pheromones all the time. I

    can usually tell when I have an OD situation that isn't working. I've been wearing pheromones for almost two years

    now. I have seen what can go wrong. But I don't worry about buildup. Each of us has a different body chemistry and

    different patterns of activity. Some guys burn through their pheromones faster than others. Two showers a day sounds

    like you're not allowing anything to build up.

    It seems more likely you are being too self-conscious and

    analytical. You need to just apply a small dose each day and go about your life without expecting or hoping for

    anything. Practice being receptive to the way other people behave around you. Not just toward you, but toward each

    other as well.

    Establish a baseline with a regular use of small doses for 2-3 weeks. Then start varying the

    pheromones to see where your OD level should be and determine what works better than the baseline.


    assume that everything you see in immediate reply to your discussion is probably The Right Answer. None of us has

    the right answer. You have to figure out what is going on with you and your pheromones because none of us are there

    to observe and see what happens.

    A lot of guys go with buzz ideas and think they understand the pheromones.

    That is just a slow way to learning how they really affect your life.

  19. #19
    Charming Loner
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    Default ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    How do

    you know you had buildup? Did you do some chemical analysis on your skin oils or something?

    If someone like

    Bruce or J. Kohl talks about buildup, I take it seriously. If anyone else mentions buildup, my first reaction is,

    "Oh, the guy didn't get the results he wants, so he is blaming the pheromones".

    I pile on the pheromones all

    the time. I can usually tell when I have an OD situation that isn't working. I've been wearing pheromones for

    almost two years now. I have seen what can go wrong. But I don't worry about buildup. Each of us has a different

    body chemistry and different patterns of activity. Some guys burn through their pheromones faster than others. Two

    showers a day sounds like you're not allowing anything to build up.

    It seems more likely you are being too

    self-conscious and analytical. You need to just apply a small dose each day and go about your life without expecting

    or hoping for anything. Practice being receptive to the way other people behave around you. Not just toward you, but

    toward each other as well.

    Establish a baseline with a regular use of small doses for 2-3 weeks. Then start

    varying the pheromones to see where your OD level should be and determine what works better than the baseline.

    Don't assume that everything you see in immediate reply to your discussion is probably The Right Answer. None of

    us has the right answer. You have to figure out what is going on with you and your pheromones because none of us are

    there to observe and see what happens.

    A lot of guys go with buzz ideas and think they understand the

    pheromones. That is just a slow way to learning how they really affect your life.
    No, I'm not conducting

    scientific experiments on myself to come to my conclusions, but a little deductive reasoning along with some basic

    info leads me to believe I not only OD'ed a few times but also it built up over those few consecutive days.

    Please understand, I'm not complaining that I didn't get results or I didn't get what I expected, and I'm not

    blaming every negative response to the pheromones. I AM very observant, however, and I comprehend body language and

    signals and hints. The first day I went in with -mones I noticed very obvious signs of interest from females and

    threatening ones from males. Whenever I altered my dose/application I saw results which coincided with what I did

    differently. As each day went on, I noticed people became more negative or sensed the pheromones more; for example,

    last Thursday, I came in and a woman seemed very intrigued and open and seemed to enjoy the scent, however my male

    co-workers seemed very aggressive. Friday, I came in with less EE and more SOE, and everyone was nicer to me and my

    male co-workers said thigns such as "I don't know why I'm being so nice to you today, but..." and so on. On

    Saturday, I came in the store, and I heard co-workers just say to each other "What's that smell? Where'd it come

    from?" and a certain young female co-worker came to work and didn't say anything. When I happened to walk by

    another woman, who had reacted very positively to the first -mone day, I could hear an almost disgusted or

    uncomfortable groan come from her. Sunday, I come into work with the same -mones on, and then the second that same

    young female co-worker came in she said "It smells in here!" Monday, I came in determined to use only a couple

    swipes of SOE. Another young pretty female co-worker was VERY open to talk, following me around, and then I started

    do something physical and she gave a little groan and walked away and didn't say anything. Tuesday, I went into

    work without a drop of any of the products, got very favorable results especially from a certain female, who was

    acting very sexual, and no noticeable signs of OD. Wednesday, no -mones but no work. Today, Thursday, I plan on

    doing the same.

    I mean, you would have to be in my exact position to determine what I did. As I varied my

    amounts/application techniques, my results changed. Also, as the consecutive days went on, I noticed less favorable

    and even negative changes in behavior. And combined with the fact that I kept getting better and better results

    after cutting down and then eventually laying off them for a couple days, I feel that me ODing a couple times on

    consecutive days led to a steady buildup.

    And since everyone's body chemistry is different, I cannot just

    simply take any advice. However, I feel that giving as much personal info as possible will help to determine what

    might be best for me...

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Okay, it does sound like you

    are experiencing some buildup, possibly on your clothes, if you're bathing twice a day. You aren't wearing the

    same clothes are you? Some guys do that, especially with "nice" slacks (it is a European custom not to wash pants

    every time they are worn).

    And, yes, maybe you ARE experiencing buildup directly on your skin.

    Do you use

    a cover scent?

    You have not been experimenting with the pheromones enough. If your goal is to develop new

    opportunities with women, you pretty much have to figure out an Androstenone strategy. That may only mean relying

    on your own natural Androstenone. A lot of the older guys have been telling the younger guys to go easy on the


  21. #21
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I often get my best reactions

    when I think I didn't put enough on. I've had lots of good attention from young women on days I only wore 1 dab of

    Edge. I'd say that's my favorite amount to wear at this moment. That way I can add a couple little sprits of

    Chikara and 2 dabs PF too. Add a dab A1 and I'm prepared for anything. But the Edge is also enough by itself. A

    drop of sandalwood on top and I'm good to go. It's better to wear too little than to walk on "the edge", because

    at least you'll get some hits that way, as opposed to no hits.

    If I know I'm not OD'ing, I walk

    through the day with extra confidence.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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