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Thread: What Happened?

  1. #1
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    Default What Happened?

    OK guys, I'm a

    noob, and after researching the board I decided to try unscented A7 & SOE. I'm 34 y/o and last night I put a dab

    (far less than a drop) of A7 on my chest, and maybe 12" total of SOE on my wrists and neck. I covered with a spritz

    of D&G's Light Blue on both locations. As soon as she gets in the car she starts commenting and asking what

    stinks. My cover cologe was still pretty fresh, so she started believing it was her own perfume, ironically the

    ladies version of Light Blue. She didn't seem to act any differently than usual, and I did not get any looks,

    stares, or 'hits' throughout our night out.

    Tonight I go up to see her and this time I was wearing a bit more

    A7, the way that bottle works it's hard to get or guage an actual 'drop'. It still wasn't more than a drop I'd

    say, and I used more SOE, maybe 20" (2" behind ears, 2" each side of neck, 4" each wrist, and some on the chest) and

    covered again with the same cologne. I read many posts that SOE was one of the 'safest', discreet mones, and that

    you couldn't OD on it. Anyway, first thing in the car... "What Stinks? Ewww... I think it's your car!"


    I'm apparently one of those guys that can't smell mones. I detect no smell whatsoever from the A7, and only a

    light pleasant smell from the SOE. I probed to try to get a description of the smell but she could only say "foul",

    "rotted", and other such descriptors.
    I finally told her to smell my arm to "see if maybe my cologne went bad",

    and she confirmed that's what it was (the SOE w/ cover).

    We got to dinner and I went in the restroom to try to

    scrub some off, but to no avail. She was picking this up from a couple feet away. As we talked, things started

    getting very negative, and she was becoming hostile and aggressive in her words. We got into an arguement during

    dinner over relatively minor issues, and she ended up taking off her engagement ring, looking me in the eye and

    advised me several times that she was not going to and would never marry me. I even got the "read my lips" slow

    motion replay of it. I was furious, but able to keep my composure (since we were still in a restaurant), all the

    while suspecting the mones were playing a part in this. We have our fights, but this was pretty atypical behavior

    for her and there was no alcohol involved.

    We got to the car and I responded to the things that were at the heart

    of the argument, and within minutes she was calm and we were talking reasonably - also pretty atypical for her to

    calm down so quickly. Within a half hour the ring is back on her, and she apologized.

    Later I'm back at her

    place she's laying with her head near my chest and she starts getting playful. She eagerly "pleases me", and was

    very touchy feely for most of the night. This is again somewhat unusual because she normally isn't a big fan of

    doing that, and she seldom, if ever, does anything sexual or even gets in the mood after a big argument.

    So WTF

    happened here? Is it normal female hormone fluctuations, coincidence, too much A7, too much SOE, or is she

    hyper-sensitive to mones (if that happens), like do they affect her differently and kinda short circuit her system?

    ANY thoughts or comments?

    BTW, she just finished her period, if there's any relevance to that, as far as

    differences in response to mones goes throghout the cycle.

    Thanks for your time & help!

  2. #2
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    Hi I'm also a noob but I

    will let you know about what I have heard. I think the biggest thing is her period, that is the big elephant in the

    room that can change the results the most.
    When she is not in a sexual mood she is repulsed by all the mones but

    in the bedroom she is turned on by them and wants to be dominated by an "Alpha".
    Oh and on another note if you

    want her to do that more often in the bedroom then look up David Shade.
    Also you may have been using more A7 than

    was necessary. I put my finger on the top of the bottle and tilt it slightly above the horizontal axis and back

    again in one steady quick motion.
    Basically I would try less A7 in a few days when her cycle has died down.

    I am also a noob so feel free to side with someone else.

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Its hard to say for sure, but

    your story sounds like a classic OD, followed by a hit. Pretty strange. Like chris said, her cycle may have had an

    effect, and A7 would have been the culprit, and not SoE.

    I would wear the tiniest amount of A7 I could manage,

    and not worry about wearing too much SoE. Starting from today, you might work up a little with A7. Also, you might

    try applying a hour or two before you pick her up. You may be someone who produces enough -None, and should tread


  4. #4
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    Is your SOE scented or


    Well, my advice is to cut the A7 out entirely for about a week. Wear nothing but SOE around her for the

    next week or so and then see if she still keeps thinking that you stink. If it's scented, don't cover it. If

    it's unscented try covering it with a nice musk cologne like Drakar Noir, that seems to work well for covering

    mones as the scents blend well together. See if you can get a consistent reaction, and if it's favorable keep

    using the SOE, and slowly add some A7, unfavorable consistently for a week (I highly doubt this will happen) and

    it's time to move on to some other product.

    You have plenty of time to get it right. Also, since you're

    engaged, why not show her the products, talk to her about it, and maybe even introduce her to the forum? She can

    get some advice, maybe get something that will work for her as well.

  5. #5
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    -My fiancee almost broke up with

    me !! Help, what should I do ??

    -Put on less


  6. #6
    Journeyman gklite's Avatar
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    I tried 1 drop of A7 & had almost

    a fight with my gf just before her period. nones are very dangerous in pre & post menstrual times, However with same

    1 drop of A7 in her mid cycle, it was totally different

  7. #7
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    I know some people might

    frown on me for saying this here but ignore the mones for a while until you get your relationship on track. Wait a

    few more days and then start with the simple pheromones like SOE and see where the problem lies by systematically

    trying out each phero and gauging her reaction with the small amount that you will use. Then slowly but steadily

    work your way up to what you were using the other night with the same dosage.
    You should then be able to find out

    what was the culprit.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick666 View Post

    fiancee almost broke up with me !! Help, what should I do ??

    -Put on less


    nick, i like ur sense

    of humor

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillykid View Post

    nick, i like ur sense of humor
    I'm glad you got it, it went way over

    my head.

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sodbuster View Post

    glad you got it, it went way over my head.
    Maybe you should read standing up...

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