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  1. #31
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    A7 is one of my favourite

    pheromone products.

  2. #32
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    Default thx terry

    Thx terry and yea i read a lot of articlez about LT dat it doesnt work how can i use it at

    full advantage?

    I'm slim hard for me to gain any weight about 125 lbs and gettin in

    shape, I'm 19 and Asian (Chinese), as for ma nature I think I'm friendly, nice, relax sumtimes, quiet dependin on

    situations, and stressout most of the time, compedative dependin on wut, as for extrovert and dominant i dont kno

    wut dey mean.

  3. #33
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenpachi View Post
    Thx terry and yea i read a lot of articlez about LT

    dat it doesnt work how can i use it at full advantage?

    I'm slim hard for me to gain any weight about 125 lbs and gettin in shape, I'm 19 and

    Asian (Chinese), as for ma nature I think I'm friendly, nice, relax sumtimes, quiet dependin on situations, and

    stressout most of the time, compedative dependin on wut, as for extrovert and dominant i dont kno wut dey



    When i am using LT i will spray 4 times across my

    chest area upon my shirt front.

    I will always try and spray it on as close to the time that i am to meet or

    talk to the other person, and i will always try and remain close to the other person when i have sprayed


    I do not spray the LT before i am ready to meet the other person because LT

    once it is sprayed on will only give best results for the first part of one


    That is why i do not spray it on when i have to wait a long time to connect

    with the other person as the time used waiting is wasting the active life of the LT


    Considering that you are a young slim Chinese gentleman then it will take

    time for you to put some extra weight /muscle on to your


    Perhaps if you go to the gym and perform some weight bearing exercises for

    1/2 hour a day for 4 or 5 days a week,and also eat some small protein meals every few hours during the day you may

    obtain some extra muscle which will be very good for your


    Always remember to drink a glass of water every hour that you are awake, as

    it will be good for your


    Try not to be stressed out, and try not to


    Do not have too much worry as to what will happen


    Tomorrow will arrive when we have worried.

    And tomorrow will arrive when we have not


    Always try and do todays work


    Do not try and do tomorrows work


    and when tomorrow comes then it is time to do

    your best on that day also.

    Remember when any worried thought comes to mind do not let it grow roots,

    when you have worked on it let it pass away and then relax your mind and replace any worried thoughts with nice

    happy thoughts.

    Just look upon the natural beauty of the universe as it surrounds you and

    as you in turn surround it.

    And with each breath in, and also with each breath out, enjoy the gift of


    Tomorrows Sun will shine upon us if we have

    worried the night away.

    And tomorrows Sun will also shine upon us if we have slept the night away in

    sweet peacefull dreams.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  4. #34
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    Default hi

    thx again terry and yea i

    kno i try not to stress out to o often but it'z life and az for ma weight i hav like a family gene or sumthign i

    cant gain any weight, i wuz a fat lil boy wen i wuz young but wen i hit junior high i started losin weight witout

    even exsercisin, ma dad is skinnier then me n ma grandpa is skinnier then him, i tried workin out everyday n drinkin

    protien shakes eatin protien foods but wen i thought i gain sum weight it turnz out to b water weight, as for the LT

    do u keep urz refridgerated?

  5. #35
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenpachi View Post

    again terry and yea i kno i try not to stress out to o often but it'z life and az for ma weight i hav like a family

    gene or sumthign i cant gain any weight, i wuz a fat lil boy wen i wuz young but wen i hit junior high i started

    losin weight witout even exsercisin, ma dad is skinnier then me n ma grandpa is skinnier then him, i tried workin

    out everyday n drinkin protien shakes eatin protien foods but wen i thought i gain sum weight it turnz out to b

    water weight, as for the LT do u keep urz refridgerated?
    You must read my

    mind, I am not sure if it is necessary to store LT in the refrigerator,

    But i did keep mine in the door of my downstairs garage refrigerator and it lasted well up until

    the last drop, and also worked well for me when i used about 4 sprays, I saved my LT and used it immediatelly before

    important interveiws ect.

    Therefore i am not so knowledgeable on

    how it works when in the close company of that special girl.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #36
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    Default i see

    i see i kept mine in the

    door of the fridge also, i read an article said dat LT have to b kept cold or else the particle or chemical in LT

    wont take it's effect, so am i guessin dat the LT stop workin alrdy durin the shippin process i mean keep it in a

    small box in teh bac of a fedex truck aint so cold

  7. #37
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenpachi View Post

    see i kept mine in the door of the fridge also, i read an article said dat LT have to b kept cold or else the

    particle or chemical in LT wont take it's effect, so am i guessin dat the LT stop workin alrdy durin the shippin

    process i mean keep it in a small box in teh bac of a fedex truck aint so

    Here is a reveiw i have found on the Google net, i have just removed

    the producers name and a link to some compeditors products.



    Liquid Trust produced by

    xxxxxxx has settled into the number #3 overall pick, within the pheromone for men and women


    Liquid Trust itself is not actually a pheromone product per se, it is actually

    a spray which contains the human hormone known as Oxytocin, however because of it’s effects it is often lumped

    into the whole pheromone spray genre.

    Liquid Trust does not have a real pleasing

    scent, nor a real bad one, typically it will carry a mild alcohol odor when first applied, however this odor quickly

    dissipates within a few minutes after application. As far as I can tell, Oxytocin has no real discernible


    What is Oxytocin? Oxytocin is a human hormone that scientists have been able to

    determine plays a role in increasing people’s levels of trust in others, formation of social bonds and

    friendships, as well as having a role in treating depression, shyness, and other social disorders and phobias. In

    short, Oxytocin is the hormone that when inhaled induces folks to simply trust you more!

    The Field Test Results for Liquid Trust

    On one

    testing occasion, as I work in outside business to business sales, I was scheduled to meet with a potential clients

    purchasing manager. Prior to walking into her office I made a quick stop into the restroom, and applied four sprays

    of Liquid Trust, two sprays to the side of the neck, and one spray to each wrist.

    Immediately after application, I had a slight euphoric feeling come over me, as I had clearly inhaled some of

    the product, and felt myself possibly responding to the oxytocin contained therein, I can only describe the feeling

    that came over me as calming, but self-assured, if that makes any sense?

    I then walked

    into this purchasing manager’s office and introduced myself. She was a rather attractive young lady in her

    late twenties, with a large engagement ring on her finger! I thought, this should be


    After introductions were made, barely two to three minutes into our

    meeting, I could observe some affect coming over her. Her face got flush, and a little red, and her mood relaxed and

    lightened dramatically, she simply seemed to ‘open up’ to me more, as if I was a long lost friend from

    school, rather than a sales representative there on business, she became genuinely happy to have me


    As time passed we started discussing our personal lives, she much more than I

    truth be told, in which she felt the need to confess to me that she had already cheated on her fiance and was

    terrified that he would find out, as she cheated because her hubby to be, just could not satisfy her in the bedroom!

    I was thinking, to much information lady, but she felt comfortable continuing!


    the graphic details of course, she continued along this line of discussion for nearly 90 minutes, as if I was

    someone who was a close confidant, this was the first time I had ever met her! This type of sales call usually lasts

    twenty minutes tops! After 90 minutes I had to sway our discussion to business, the reason why I was there to begin

    with, and she truly seemed disappointed to change the subject away from the personal genre. Ironically, we concluded

    our business within about five to ten minutes, she agreed to terms of my company’s contract, and said she

    would ok it and send it for a signature, then quickly returned to our personal discussion…She did not even

    read the contract! I was trying to suppress hysterical laughter at this point. This was not a hard sale.

    In conclusion, I have found having tested Liquid Trust on ten separate occasions over three

    months, that this is a truly powerful oxytocin based pheromone-like spray. I am not a scientist. I do not know how

    or why it does what it does? However, I’m fully capable of testing and documenting my observations, and the

    results of my testing of this product were quite convincing to say the least.

    Some special observations need to be mentioned regarding Liquid Trust at this point. Liquid Trust does have a

    rather short duration compared to other more traditional pheromone products. It took me awhile to truly narrow down

    what the effective duration actually was, but now I can say fairly confidently that Liquid Trust will only be

    effective for about 1-3 hours after initial application. I strongly suspect the short duration is simply do to the

    more rapid rate at which Oxytocin breaks down after being exposed to air.


    Trust also must be kept refrigerated in between uses, or it’s effectiveness will seem to become less potent

    fairly rapidly, again this is because of the rather unstable or volatile nature of Oxytocin itself. Liquid Trust is

    clearly best used for more important occasions, such as before a job interview, important sales call, or a meeting

    with your boss to regarding a raise for instance, I would not recommend trying to use Liquid Trust daily, you would

    go through a lot of bottles very quickly!

    However, it must be mentioned, that the

    top three pheromone products, The Scent of Eros for Men, Alpha-7 Scented, and Liquid Trust, when worn together

    (combining the effects of all three) consistently produced brutally effective results! In part, the power of this

    combination, weighed heavily into deciding which products would make my Top 3 ranking! The effects of this combo

    truly have to be experienced, as words can’t really do it justice, generating friendliness, chattiness,

    relaxation, higher perceived value, strong sexual attraction, and folks actually just really trust you a lot

    more…You do the math!
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 02-11-2009 at 11:43 PM. Reason: remove some links to compeditors prods
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #38
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Go and take a look at the bottom part of the LT reveiw where it mentions a

    brutally effective combo of LT and Alpha 7 and Scent of


    I have just noticed it and it looks like a really

    big hitter of a combo alright. Ideas/comments anyone........
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #39
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Are some products better

    refrigerated? I've heard it mentioned before, but hadn't thought to try it yet.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Go and take a look at the bottom part of the LT

    reveiw where it mentions a brutally effective combo of LT and Alpha 7 and Scent of


    I have just noticed it and it looks like a really

    big hitter of a combo alright. Ideas/comments anyone........
    Do you

    know which LT thread that combo is in? I'm not having much luck searching for it. Although from those products I

    could make a rough guess.. 4 sprays LT, 1/2 gel of SOE, and 2 drops A7.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  11. #41
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post

    some products better refrigerated? I've heard it mentioned before, but hadn't thought to try it

    Synthetic pheromone prodtucts don't need refrigeration. They can handle high and low temperatures

    without a problem. You should keep them out of direct sunlight, store them in a dark place and minor things like

    that but refrigeration will make no difference.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #42
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    Thanks. I keep them in box.

    It was the part of the above article that mentioned refrigerating LT that sounded like new news to me. Wondered if

    maybe I haven't seen any result from LT since it hasn't been refrigerated.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  13. #43
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I never saw any results from LT

    either. Just like any other product, for some it works and for some it doesn't.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #44
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post

    you know which LT thread that combo is in? I'm not having much luck searching for it. Although from those products

    I could make a rough guess.. 4 sprays LT, 1/2 gel of SOE, and 2 drops A7.
    I found the reveiw on a

    blog by a user called K mac, but i can not direct you to it because this site also features other products that are

    also rated, but the three mentioned here were the highest rated when compared to compeditors prods and also some

    products from the other forum were mentioned but they did not rate so high.

    And the user did not exactly state the exact amounts of pheros they were using in every


    So your guess would be as good as any for a start i

    would say.

    Yeah just looking again at your mix recipe and looks pretty good for producing

    some hot girl attraction.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  15. #45
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    A7 have never really done

    wonders for me, but Primal is much much more a wonderphero for me.. You should think A7 could give more and better

    and thats why I bought it but was very disapointed..
    No real WOW effects but with Primal I had loads of them

    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  16. #46
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann View Post
    A7 have never really done wonders for me, but Primal is much much more a wonderphero for

    me.. You should think A7 could give more and better and thats why I bought it but was very disapointed..
    No real

    WOW effects but with Primal I had loads of them
    Mabys the A7 suit me

    cause i am advanced in years some extra than the younger


    Last week my friend send me bottle of 4 year old PI, therefore i go out soon

    and try it with one drop starting out.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Mabys the A7 suit me cause i am advanced in years

    some extra than the younger male.

    Last week my

    friend send me bottle of 4 year old PI, therefore i go out soon and try it with one drop starting out.

    My PI is the one marked with Yellow dot on.. I usually just use 1 drop spread to

    both pulsepoints on neck.
    Then a little SOE underneath or pulsepoints on wrists and you get really good results..

    at least I get..
    I never get the same with A7 with ½,1 or 2 drops alone or with SOE.. Combined with AE there seems

    to come a bit but I cant stop thinking it could be effects of the AE..

    But in general A7 vs. PI I wonder if it

    could be the none being somewhat different, so it could work different on different people/body chemistry..
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann View Post
    My PI is the one marked with Yellow dot on.. I usually just use 1 drop spread to both

    pulsepoints on neck.
    Then a little SOE underneath or pulsepoints on wrists and you get really good results.. at

    least I get..
    I never get the same with A7 with ½,1 or 2 drops alone or with SOE.. Combined with AE there seems to

    come a bit but I cant stop thinking it could be effects of the AE..

    But in general A7 vs. PI I wonder if

    it could be the none being somewhat different, so it could work different on different people/body

    I recon what you say is correct, and also it seems

    like different batches of a product can vary in its hitting quality sometimes.

    The 4 year old PI that i have been using once a week,

    this one has very distinct Androstenone odour and the stuff really causes


    But i did use some 18 month old PI and i could not smell anything from it

    and also it gave no reactions, so i did send it back to L-S and Bruce the "great man" did send me the Alpha 7, ha

    this made me happy.

    The PI was new when i received it from L-S and i did send it back around 18

    months ago past.

    That is when i received my first

    Alpha 7 . as a replacement.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  19. #49
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    Had some differnet batches of

    PI and beside they "smelled" different .... less none noticeable the last one i´d get ...
    the reactions were the

    same ..
    A7 gives me more subtle hits .. PI is more hit or miss ..

    Terry .. i´d reach the guy by mail ( ahhmm

    Chris you know who ) and he´d send me as a replacement for my order a nice package with generous content..


  20. #50
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pagodeiro View Post

    some differnet batches of PI and beside they "smelled" different .... less none noticeable the last one i´d get

    the reactions were the same ..
    A7 gives me more subtle hits .. PI is more hit or miss ..

    Terry .. i´d

    reach the guy by mail ( ahhmm Chris you know who ) and he´d send me as a replacement for my order a nice package

    with generous content..

    Thats great, i have been conducting some

    random tests of my "Alpha-Maschio" but as yet have not noticed any reactions worth


    One of my friends is using "Glace" and he has

    noticed some good attraction type responses from


    Whatever you receive i hope that you may use to

    good effect.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  21. #51
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    he´d sent me over some

    Androstadienone .. Beta - Nol..... and Androstenone....
    Androstadienone seems to have not the same effects like

    the one sold here on LS ... Beta Nol works quite well .... None. hmm can´t say too much about it now....



  22. #52
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I recon what you say is correct, and also it seems

    like different batches of a product can vary in its hitting quality sometimes.

    The 4 year old PI that i have been using once a week,

    this one has very distinct Androstenone odour and the stuff really causes reactions.

    But i did use some 18 month old PI and i could not smell anything from it

    and also it gave no reactions, so i did send it back to L-S and Bruce the "great man" did send me the Alpha 7, ha

    this made me happy.

    The PI was new when i received

    it from L-S and i did send it back around 18 months ago past.

    That is when i received my first Alpha 7 . as a

    Correct me if I'm wront but I seem to remember something about PI

    colour code comparison in results last time I left you all here..
    Perhaps I should have a look after such a thread

    as I recall something mentioned about those colour codes..
    I can remember someone asking what it was for and it was

    the manufactuars little test pieces so to speek but I wondered as I never told Bruce about it so don't know how

    they would be informed about the results of the different types of testpieces..

    About your "non-scented" og

    non-smelly product I can also recollect something about "dud" og "dead"-products.. There was a bit of discussion if

    these products were fault or the mann just didn't have a product that would work for him... But I believe Bruce

    (the OH so good mann) replaced it for him.. But perhaps you got one of those products, so if you had gotten another

    one perhaps it would be fine..
    I actually bought one of these kind of products.. It was a bottle of unscented Soe

    but SOE always smell of a little something something even when unscented but this smelled a lot more different.. Not

    so smelly or "mone-ish" if you get me.. And that was one of those socalled "dead" products..

    I can remember you

    where one of the really strong A7 believers.. Actually one of the reasons for me trying it.. I was curius about it

    because it was a lot more than just PI, but the threads you wrote entrieged me to try it but was never the favorite

    like with you.. Perhaps those results will come with age in regards of A7
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  23. #53
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann View Post
    Correct me if I'm wront but I seem to remember something about PI colour code comparison

    in results last time I left you all here..
    Perhaps I should have a look after such a thread as I recall something

    mentioned about those colour codes..
    I can remember someone asking what it was for and it was the manufactuars

    little test pieces so to speek but I wondered as I never told Bruce about it so don't know how they would be

    informed about the results of the different types of testpieces..

    About your "non-scented" og non-smelly product

    I can also recollect something about "dud" og "dead"-products.. There was a bit of discussion if these products were

    fault or the mann just didn't have a product that would work for him... But I believe Bruce (the OH so good mann)

    replaced it for him.. But perhaps you got one of those products, so if you had gotten another one perhaps it would

    be fine..
    I actually bought one of these kind of products.. It was a bottle of unscented Soe but SOE always smell

    of a little something something even when unscented but this smelled a lot more different.. Not so smelly or

    "mone-ish" if you get me.. And that was one of those socalled "dead" products..

    I can remember you where one of

    the really strong A7 believers.. Actually one of the reasons for me trying it.. I was curius about it because it was

    a lot more than just PI, but the threads you wrote entrieged me to try it but was never the favorite like with you..

    Perhaps those results will come with age in regards of A7

    correct W.M. there was some dud PI getting around and Bruce sent out invitation to all them that had it ordered to

    send back for swap A7 if they wish, and i was one who sent it back for the


    Maby i will think again about some new PI, but

    probably will end up order mt fav Alpha 7 once again, i will have to sleep on it.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #54
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    i have heard alpha 7 can be used

    with npa, what would be the recomended dose of each to start off with

  25. #55
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naz View Post
    i have

    heard alpha 7 can be used with npa, what would be the recomended dose of each to start off

    Probably start off with an equal dab of each to equal one drop

    and work it from there.

    For extra sexiness

    kick then up the NPA with a dab or two.

    Or for

    less kick and more attraction then up the A7 with a dab or two.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 04-17-2009 at 11:51 PM. Reason: spell x
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  26. #56
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    Would applying none to behind

    the ears be just as effective as the neck?

  27. #57
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilstitch View Post
    Would applying none to behind the ears be just as effective as the

    Behind the ears is effective and will give long lasting


    If it is spread out in a larger area around the neck it will disperse at a

    faster rate into the air .

    See what application method works best for your specific


    But generally neck or below ears applications are my prefered areas for

    Androstenone also where the collar bones meet at lower neck area...
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  28. #58
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    Thank you T-man. You give

    really great feedback, and tips for us newbies.

  29. #59
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilstitch View Post
    Thank you T-man. You give really great feedback, and tips for us

    I get a good buzz out of it when you find ur sweet spot with the

    products and start noticing some good action.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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