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  1. #1
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    Cool Help! Newbie with no responses!



    I'm 23, attractive, confident, and a complete newbie, but I've done my research, so I ordered

    liquid trust, packets of SOE and TE/w, and a bottle of EoW, thinking that would be a good starter kit.


    started out as recommended- with only half a packet of SoE. No unusual reactions whatsoever, so I added half a

    packet of the Edge. Still nothing. I've tried slightly increasing the amount of SoE all the way up to 2 packets and

    I still notice no unusual reactions. Same thing with TE/w. I've tried one, two, three, and four drops of EoW with

    SOE and my normal perfume as a cover scent, and (though it is smelling up my bathroom at home), still no reaction,

    not even increased friendliness.

    I do notice that I am in a slightly better mood when I wear SoE, and the

    first time I smelled TE/w, I felt a bit high/dizzy, but why aren't others responding?? What am I doing


    By the way, when I say men aren't responding, I mean they aren't responding in ways that are out of

    the ordinary. I'm very good looking and I have a good body, so I'm very accustomed to stares and second looks. But

    I'm very confident and self-assured, so I am rarely approached (by quality guys, anyway). I was looking for

    something to make me more approachable. Any suggestions?

    Also, I get no responses with the EoW, even when

    mixed with SOE to mitigate it--why?? What am I doing wrong? I'm about ready to give up on this altogether, so any

    suggestions would be well appreciated.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    An intelligent and attractive,

    dark eyed lady with self confidence! I'm already in love.

    Seriously, Pheromones are an aid, not a solution.

    Are you intimidating to men or is there something about your dress, attitude or posture that may throw them off? A

    lot of men can't handle a self confident woman and will not come near you. I think that describe 95% of all men

    (ok, so I exagerate a little).

    Let's start at the beginiing. Is this mainly a work situation? Bars? Do you make

    yourself approachable? Remember that pheromones have limited range and you have to consider congruency as well as

    context. Are you tall, short and so on. Would you please give us some details?

    And welcome to the forum.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    I'm of

    Hispanic and German descent. Physically, I'm 5'5", but about 5'7" in heels. I'm 130 pounds with a classic

    hourglass figure. I have long dark auburn/brown hair that I consider one of my best features (I get double-takes

    from men and women when my hair is down), and full lips (think Angelina Jolie, minus 50% protruberance). I

    have large, dark, kind of slanty eyes. The word most commonly used to describe my appearance is "exotic." My friends

    tell me I'm a 9, and a 10 on a good day, though I would drop both those ratings down a digit. When people are

    getting to know me, I am usually described as "feisty," "intriguing," and "fascinating." I dress well and take care

    of myself, and I rarely go out without makeup and a decent outfit.

    As a person, I am bright, quick-witted,

    positive, charming, fun, low-maintenance, and a closet dork who would love nothing more in life than to become a

    comparative philosophy professor.

    I am often told I am intimidating, both intellectually and personally,

    before people get to know me, which is probably partly why men don't approach me. I also try not to encourage it

    too much, hoping to avoid creepers. I am usually pretty businesslike. I was testing out the 'mones without changing

    my usual demeanor, so I suppose that might be a change I need to make.

    I've tested these out in classes, in

    the library, in coffee shops, and other public settings, but never a bar/club, which I was planning to do, but

    haven't done based on the lack of responses so far.

    Basically, I'm looking for two things: one to soften

    the intimidation factor and make me and others more friendly, and one to make men stop in their tracks--something to

    use on a hot date to make someone crazy.

    And gosh, those copulins really reek! I keep my EoW in a plastic

    baggie in my bathroom, and it still smells awful! Too bad it's not more effective...

    Any thoughts??

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My wife is a professor. We met

    when she was a grad student. In most men's opinions, she is beautiful. She's told me many times that prior to

    meeting me she had to move on men because she intimidated them so badly. She's very intense. To e honest, until I

    spent some time around her in an informal setting I felt she was rather cold and standoff-ish. She has trouble

    connecting with a lot of people because of how her mind works.

    So, a couple suggestions. Relax a little and

    smile more often. Being bright is a great thing but it puts you at the high end of the bell curve and you end up

    feeling kind of alone because most people can't figure you out. You frighten people. I'd imagine you have a great

    smile and that is one of the best things to use to break the ice. You may not need mones, you might just need some

    minor tweaks to your expressions, body language and small talk skills.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    Thanks for those points.

    You're right-- I do seem cold and standoffish. People tell me they can’t read me easily, and I’m

    awkward with small talk. So I guess people might think I’m a bitch until they get to know me.

    I will try

    to smile more and be more approachable. That aside, you must be a sharp guy as well, if the professor married you!

    My sister knows I’m smitten when I start complimenting a man’s brain… go figure.

    So by saying I

    may not need ‘mones at all, are you suggesting that what I bought will not do me any good? Isn’t there

    something I could use to increase my sexual vibe?

    Edit: What about PI for women? I hear people are getting

    amazing results with that. Am I just not using what I bought correctly?
    Last edited by DarkEyes; 04-24-2009 at 01:23 PM. Reason: to add a question

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm just an oddball. My

    greatest weakness is a pretty woman who can tell me I'm wrong then make it stick when I argue with her. My second

    greatest weakness is a pretty woman that I don't have to explain some of my more obscure jokes too. In reality I'm

    just an old computer geek with a weird sense of humor. Unlike most men, I prefer a woman who can challenge me and I

    can respect as an equal. Like I said, an oddball. Most men seem to prefer barefoot and pregnant, blond headed

    ditzes. Their loss, in my opinion, but I guess that's just part of our make up.

    Were I not an old fart, and

    married too boot, I'd like to meet you. Perhaps kidnap you and run away to a tropical island?

    Mones are not

    going to hurt you but we need to deal with all the issues. I think any of the products that make you seem even more

    powerful are going to scare the bejeebers out of us poor ol' mortal men. You should, in my opinion, soften your

    approach a little, stick with the SoE and EoW products. But work on not scaring those poor males so much. You know

    how fragile the male ego can be!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    DarkEyes - it's obvious that 'Bel

    likes you Your description caught my attention as well... A nice smile on a lady is vital I think otherwise I

    wouldn't approach. I think that certain strong eye makeup is alluring.

    Why don't you try 4" heels ?

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    DarkEyes -

    it's obvious that 'Bel likes you Your description caught my attention as well...
    Based on my

    standards it would be hard to not like her. However, my wife has a temper, there are many sharp objects in the house

    and I do have to sleep. Waking up dead or with selected parts missing can ruin your whole day.

    Hey Darkeyes,

    No offense intended. As a matter of fact, call it a compliment. I suspect that you'll have some trouble meeting a

    guy that really compliments you but when you two meet it should be something.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
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    No offense taken. I’ve been

    out of town for a few days, and only just got a minute to respond. I’m in agreement on your point that “losing a

    body part can put a damper on your morning,” and wouldn’t want you to risk such a fate, but I thank you for the

    compliments anyway! But if Chas doesn’t have a temperamental wife with a good throwing arm….

    Chas: I am

    going to take Belgareth’s and your simple suggestion that I smile more. I feel a bit uncomfortable smiling at people

    who could potentially turn out to be stalkers and weirdos (yes, I am paranoid. Believe me, I have reason to be), but

    I suppose I have to suck it up and rely on the law of averages to even the playing field. Also, in terms of the

    intimidation factor, I'm guessing 4 inch heels are not the way to go. :P

    Any other suggestions are


  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Ah...such a shame. It's just

    as well as I'm probably way to old for you anyway. I have four grandchildren and just recently was awarded the

    status of dirty old man.

    I'm probably bucking the trend again but I do not suggest heel most of the time.

    Sure, they can highlight pretty legs but I have rarely seen a woman who can walk or move gracefully in heels. In my

    opinion, the beauty of a graceful woman's flowing movements is one of the most exciting things in the world to


    Every halfway attractive woman has to be concerned about weirdos and stalkers. Its a shame and a disgrace

    to real men everywhere but they are out there. When my daughters were growing up I required them to study marshal

    arts and it made me feel better. I even rewarded one with a small celebration after she got suspended from school

    for knocking the crap out of a guy that grabbed her too roughly.

    I don't know what to advise you about the

    fruitcakes out there but hope you are very careful. Anytime a guy gives off weird feelings or gets a little too

    pushy, get away from him. You are better off losing out on a chance than to get hurt. However, that risk should not

    stop you from smiling at people. more often, by far, people are great and will return your smiles without harmful

    intent. And nothing encourages a male more than a pretty smile and sparkling eyes. Most of us get rubber knees form


    Please keep us posted and good luck
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Stranger Kenoirorm's Avatar
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    Default Help Newbie with no responses

    If you buy frozen, you need to start defrosting it today to have it ready in time for turkey day.The Butterball

    calculator is probably liberal in recommending that you get more turkey than you really need, but 24 pounds is still

    too little an amount for 50. I dont know if you have enough oven space to cook two turkeys. You might want to have

    one cooked ahead of time, perhaps even the night before. The more side dishes you have, the less turkey youll

    need.If you brine your turkey, it will make it moister. If you cook in an oven bag, you steam the turkey rather than

    roasting it, but it will come out moister. If you butterfly the bird it will cook faster and thus moister, but it

    wont look as good. If you remove the thighs and drumstick and start cooking them sooner, then when you put the rest

    of the bird in the oven you wont need to overcook the breast, making it moister. If you cover the breast with foil

    for about half the time, then you might avoid overcooking it, making it moister. Cooking breast-side down to start

    is also a way to prevent overcooking it.Why is your husband inviting people at the last minute, without asking your

    first? 50 people is a lot.

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