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  1. #1
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Default What to do/say when you get alot of eye contact?

    I have been using mones for years and what i noticed is have received ALOT more eye contact

    with them sometimes too much , even to the point where i have to look away or it seems like we are staring at each

    other. And I don't want to seem like a weirdo.
    Does anyone have any comebacks/jokes or anything they say when a

    girl keeps staring into your eyes for a while?


  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Uhmmm! Have you tried

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  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I used to have the same problem, big

    time. Terminal shyness. Now I'm married with 3 kids and don't worry about it. I just smile, sometimes say "hi"

    and keep moving, but probably if I were single and on the prowl again, I would freeze up again. I have some

    incredible stories about the 'fish who tried to jump in the bucket, but I couldn't hold it still enough'


    the advice.... Yeah, just bite the bullet, smile and say "hi". Maybe it will develop, maybe it won't, but there is

    only one way to find out.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  4. #4
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Sorry I guess I should

    have emphasized a little bit more. I was talking more about when i'm already in a conversation talking

    with a girl, for example this girl I know always seems to look straight into my eyes when im talking and when I stop

    talking. I dont want to make her uncomfortable by staring at her when im talking with her, so I usually look into

    her eyes when talking then look down or to the side.

    But when i look back at her she is there still staring

    straight into my eyes and is still doing it even after I finish what I was saying which sometimes is very awkward

    and we end up in uncomfortable silences.

    Is this normal maybe she likes me, but yet she already has a boyfriend


    I just wanted something funny/witty to say so we wont have those awkward moments.


  5. #5
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    So this is one particular person

    you already know, not a bunch of random people??
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  6. #6
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim View Post

    this is one particular person you already know, not a bunch of random people??
    yes, I have known her for

    about a full school semester now. i noticed most people do the same thing I do (look to the side/down) when in

    conversations to not make me or other people uncomfortable, but she doesn't do that much. I guess maybe thats how

    she is?

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989 View Post

    guess maybe thats how she is?
    Sounds like it.

    As an experiment, you might try holdng eye contact--no

    matter what---until she breaks it, just to see what happens.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  8. #8
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Maybe find some other activity going

    on nearby that you can direct the attention/conversation to. Like "hey look at that going on over there. What's

    with that?" Or watch and comment about some other person's, animal's, or raindrop's behavior. Get her to

    watch/look at something else and engage her in conversation about that. Like watching a move and making running

    commentary type thing.

    Or bring a prop of some sort to look at. Pictures in a magazine, on your MP3 "digital

    media player" thing, etc. Learn a few magic tricks, whatever. Get her looking somewhere else but tie it into the

    conversation you are having.

    Just some thoughts.
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  9. #9
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Holding eye contact can be very

    sexy if you have a smile in your eyes. Its touchy, don't be threatening. Make her comfortable. Acknowledge the

    stare, and make it a welcome thing.

  10. #10
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    which mones u using?

  11. #11
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgcliques View Post
    which mones u using?
    Well I was just using AFA for awhile, but I just recently

    bought AE and some TE gel packs and I will try those out next week after Christmas break.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989 View Post
    Sorry I guess I should have emphasized a little bit more. I was talking

    more about when i'm already in a conversation talking with a girl, for example this girl I know always seems to

    look straight into my eyes when im talking and when I stop talking.
    I dont want to make her uncomfortable by

    staring at her when im talking with her, so I usually look into her eyes when talking then look down or to the


    But when i look back at her she is there still staring straight into my eyes and is still doing it

    even after I finish what I was saying which sometimes is very awkward and we end up in uncomfortable silences.

    Is this normal maybe she likes me, but yet she already has a boyfriend sooo.....

    I just wanted something

    funny/witty to say so we wont have those awkward moments.

    First bold section:

    Characteristics of a DOMINANT woman.

    Second bold section: Characteristics of a SUBMISSIVE man.

    I reserve all rights to be wrong!
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  13. #13
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post
    First bold section: Characteristics of a DOMINANT woman.

    Second bold section:

    Characteristics of a SUBMISSIVE man.

    I reserve all rights to be wrong!

    I guess

    she might be, how do dominant types act?

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    First of all its fine, and very

    useful, to think about this kind of stuff now. Just make sure that when your actually interacting with people you

    are much less "in your head" and are instead just flowing. If you start trying to micromanage your self like that

    the chances are that she'll think you're uncomfortable (which you are, right?).

    Even here:

    I dont

    want to make her uncomfortable by staring at her when im talking with her, so I usually look into her eyes when

    talking then look down or to the side.
    You are thinking too much.

    HOWEVER, a general rule is that you

    should try to be the last person to break eye contact. Your probably worried that you're going to come across as

    creepy or something, but again you're thinking too much. Subconsciously you already know when you've gone too far,

    so just let things flow. It's GREAT that she makes a lot of eye contact because this is awesome for building and

    manipulating sexual tension. Also, as Mobes points out to look down is *supposedly* an act of submission (NEVER good

    if your a man in your average conversation, 99% of the time women want a dominant man to sleep with). After

    reading that years ago I found myself breaking eye contact by looking up and too the side when remembering some

    something or whatever. Does this make a big difference? No idea! But it feels right and I know that generally I'm

    the dominant one in my interactions.

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  15. #15
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    wow - you'd have to wonder

    why she does that. Maybe she's trying to make you fall in love with her, would that be to your liking? If so,

    I'd go for it.

    Sue and I went out to eat at a new diner here in town last week, won't go back as the food

    was dismal. At any rate, a family of three came in and sat at a table behind us. The woman was younger, attractive

    and a bit curvy. Our eyes locked for a bit and she wasn't about to let go but I did have to turn away as I was

    afraid that Sue might have caught on and I sure don't want to annoy her. I didn't look down but more to the side.

    I wonder what kind of body language that is??? BTW, no mones on. I tend not to wear them when it's 2 degrees F

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  16. #16
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    My bet would be that either

    she's dominant or already in love. You looking back into her eyes is not a bad thing ... as long as you can produce

    a tad bit of a smile instead of looking like you're about to kill her or yourself.

    Like the Capitano

    said, hi Cap! ... you're thinking too much, and that mostly leads to bad/wrong decisions/answers. For some reason,

    when humans filter things, they tend to go with the negative answer instead of the positive. Wonder why that is?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    I actually thought i was

    the dominant one, since she is always asking me for advice (she always makes it seem like she needs help). Really I

    never thought too much about the eye contact thing until when one day I think I looked at her a little too long and

    she said "why am I giving her the look" of course she said it with a smile. She kept saying that all

    period long even when I looked at her for about 2 seconds! i think she was just flirting with me though.

    Now back

    to me being the dominant one, some of my friends have told me they were intimidated by me when they first saw me or

    met me, as well as other people I barley know(Too much mones I guess, i barely found out about ODs on this Site!).

    Anyway I think she sees me as person she looks up to, she always tells me her problems then just waits for me to

    come up with a solution.

  18. #18
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    Default are you gonna

    go for it or

    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  19. #19
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1 View Post
    go for it or not?
    She already has a boyfriend, and I actually convinced her to

    break up with her old one to go out with her new one.

  20. #20
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Not meaning to rain on the

    Although (from experience...) being that involved with a woman's life and not dating her. You may hear

    something along the lines of "your such a nice guy. why ruin our special friendship" or simiilar impression that

    your considered more her brother than a dating prospect.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  21. #21
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
    Not meaning to rain on the parade.
    Although (from experience...) being that involved with

    a woman's life and not dating her. You may hear something along the lines of "your such a nice guy. why ruin our

    special friendship" or simiilar impression that your considered more her brother than a dating

    I'm guessing thats it, maybe she looks up to me like a big brother? Though she has told me she

    wishes her boyfriend was more like me.

  22. #22
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    I don't mean it to discourage

    you. Stick in there. Either she'll remain a real good friend ro it may turn into something more later on.

    Having close lady friends is always good for honest advice and setting you up with their friends.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  23. #23
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling View Post

    of all its fine, and very useful, to think about this kind of stuff now. Just make sure that when your actually

    interacting with people you are much less "in your head" and are instead just flowing. If you start trying to

    micromanage your self like that the chances are that she'll think you're uncomfortable (which you are,

    Could not agree more. Building also on the other responses I think that you should just play it

    naturally and let the dynamics play themselves out. I'm one that figures a good female friend is a nice thing to

    have, it isn't always about sex.

    I think a woman will stare if she's attracted to you, or she's a control

    drone. Its easy enough to tell the difference. I think this girl likes you.

  24. #24
    Stranger angelgarcia1989's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Could not agree more. Building also on the other responses I think that you should just play

    it naturally and let the dynamics play themselves out. I'm one that figures a good female friend is a nice

    thing to have, it isn't always about sex.

    I think a woman will stare if she's attracted to you, or she's

    a control drone. Its easy enough to tell the difference. I think this girl likes you.
    Yep, me too

  25. #25
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    What do you want with this

    girl? Sorry if I've missed that in the thread...but even if she has a boyfriend and you and her are friends there

    is nothing wrong with being honest about what you want. I'm going to assume that you like her because, well, it's

    much more fun that way

    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989 View Post
    I actually thought i was the dominant one, since she is

    always asking me for advice (she always makes it seem like she needs help).
    Seems to me as though she

    isn't domineering and even necessarily dominant here, but rather she wants a man that leads strongly. Btw the

    reason why good eye contact is a sign of dominance is that to lock eyes with someone creates a lot of tension (even

    as part of an apparently neutral conversation there are subtle interplays of tension), and your ability to deal with

    that tension and then to manipulate it are indicators of your social experience and


    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989
    Really I never thought too much about the eye contact thing until when one day I

    think I looked at her a little too long and she said "why am I giving her

    of course she said it with a smile. She kept saying that all

    period long even when I looked at her for about 2 seconds! i think she was just flirting with me

    I'd say she was flirting too. You should have definitely said something about the way she was

    looking at you! "This look?! No this is me wondering why your looking at me like I'm the tastiest chocolate cake

    you've ever seen!" ...or whatever, consider something actually funny

    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989 View Post

    already has a boyfriend, and I actually convinced her to break up with her old one to go out with her new

    Do you like this girl? If so that was silly

    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989
    Anyway I think she sees me

    as person she looks up to, she always tells me her problems then just waits for me to come up with a

    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989 View Post
    I'm guessing thats it, maybe she looks up to me like a big

    brother? Though she has told me she wishes her boyfriend was more like me.
    As Pendragon mentioned this is

    dodgy territory. It's possible that she sees you as the typical shoulder-to-cry-on nice guy.

    However, as I

    mentioned, eye contact builds tension and she is clearly comfortable with this happening with you. Also, what I

    highlighted in red is a clear response to your eye contact

    triggering sexual tension/attraction. Think about it! Even if she couldn't allow herself to escalate she would have

    had to feel the emotion to describe it like that, as "THE look".

    Btw none of this is advice as such, because I

    don't know either of you or your particular relationship.

    Having said that, I think you like her and if I were

    you I'd go for it

    Hi Mobes!

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    I agree about the eye contact

    thing. Holding eye contact longer is a sign of being alpha, so it's almost always better to hold it longer. Just

    make sure you don't have a Wes-Bentley-in-American-Beauty creepy look while you're doing it. A playful smile is

    probably best.

    I'd be careful since she's already in a relationship. I would probably say something to the

    effect of "if your feelings aren't in a relationship, it's unfair to you and the other person" since she seems to

    be suggesting that she'd rather be with you ("I wish my BF was more like you") and it's not a big brother thing.

    If you'd like to have a chance with her, try to be abstract about the relationship so she can be the one who

    decides to end it (if she even so decides) instead of thinking it was you. I'd advise against being honest about

    what you want if she's in a relationship. The odds of you wrecking things are greater than if you play esoteric

    relationship advice guy.

    Good luck with this one, I can see many ways in which it could end badly.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    She's hoping you'll kiss her.

    It's as simple as that.


    Quote Originally Posted by angelgarcia1989 View Post
    Sorry I guess I should have

    emphasized a little bit more. I was talking more about when i'm already in a conversation talking with a

    girl, for example this girl I know always seems to look straight into my eyes when im talking and when I stop

    talking. I dont want to make her uncomfortable by staring at her when im talking with her, so I usually look into

    her eyes when talking then look down or to the side.

    But when i look back at her she is there still staring

    straight into my eyes and is still doing it even after I finish what I was saying which sometimes is very awkward

    and we end up in uncomfortable silences.

    Is this normal maybe she likes me, but yet she already has a

    boyfriend sooo.....

    I just wanted something funny/witty to say so we wont have those awkward



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