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  1. #1
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    Default Super combo pack results not good at all....

    Hi im a newbie at all this and let me start off im 17 and asain and about 5'8, and trying to attract

    girls at my high school. I just recently bought the super combo pack after reading the good reviews for PI. When

    it came in the mail i was super stoked about it cant wait to use it the next morning. i put on a drop of PI behind

    both ears and a tiny dab on my neck. Id also sprayed Pherlure, and by the way i was stupid for buying that piece of

    worthless product it doesnt work at all, but i do sure love the smell. I Sprayed it on both of my armpits and my

    chest, and was ready to head to school. throughout the entire day everything was of the norm. No hits, no DIHL, no

    smiling, no anything at all but the normal everyday ,things wiith my friends. I smelled the strong scent of th Pi

    coming off of me and no one even said i smelled bad. I wouldve count that as a reaction if they did. Overall it

    doesnt work and i dont know why some one help please!!

  2. #2
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunsUp View Post
    Hi im

    a newbie at all this and let me start off im 17 and asain and about 5'8, and trying to attract girls at my high

    school. I just recently bought the super combo pack after reading the good reviews for PI. When it came in the mail

    i was super stoked about it cant wait to use it the next morning. i put on a drop of PI behind both ears and a tiny

    dab on my neck. Id also sprayed Pherlure, and by the way i was stupid for buying that piece of worthless product it

    doesnt work at all, but i do sure love the smell. I Sprayed it on both of my armpits and my chest, and was ready

    to head to school. throughout the entire day everything was of the norm. No hits, no DIHL, no smiling, no anything

    at all but the normal everyday ,things wiith my friends. I smelled the strong scent of th Pi coming off of me and no

    one even said i smelled bad. I wouldve count that as a reaction if they did. Overall it doesnt work and i dont know

    why some one help please!!
    PI is best to use alone when testing initially,

    and start at only one dab and work up to a drop if necessary which i do not think is necessary at your age,

    considering the fact that you are 17 and most men your age produce enough natural androstenone , but seeing as ur

    Asian perhaps a dab may be helpfull, and test it ALONE is better, than mixing with dubious products of unknown

    ingredients as in the pherlure.
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  3. #3
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    thanks for the help Terry ill

    tried that. I also used the TE gel pack 1/3 of that on my neck and sprayed HCO cologne and that doesnt seem to do

    anything either. I also used TE gel pack a 1/3 of it alone and that doesnt seem to do anything at all either. Im

    starting to wonder about phermones.......

  4. #4
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunsUp View Post

    for the help Terry ill tried that. I also used the TE gel pack 1/3 of that on my neck and sprayed HCO cologne and

    that doesnt seem to do anything either. I also used TE gel pack a 1/3 of it alone and that doesnt seem to do

    anything at all either. Im starting to wonder about phermones.......
    I cant

    blame you for wondering but i think you may still be in OD territory with 1/3 g/p TE as this quantity will be giving

    you an added 27mcg of Androstenone to your pheromone signature, and even 5mcg can be an OD for a fit young male who

    natural Anone production may be adequate.

    I can certainly understand your frustration at the



    is the real deal make no mistake about it, as i have had seen some fantastic results with the stuff, even mixed with

    a little AE has given me some best hits, but real obvious hits do not come with every single application of

    pheromone use.

    Perhaps the Androstenone is not for you, or maby a 1/4 of what you are using may be preferable as

    it is sometimes better that less is better.

    I have noticed that younger guys hit it off better with Scent of Eros, Chikara,

    or .
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  5. #5
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    wow thanks Terry maybe i could

    have been ODing all along, but still shouldnt i get some sort of reaction instead of no reaction?? Can you help me

    out the Super combo pack comes with APC, PI and loads of ckikara, SOE, TE, Perception, and AE gel packs.

  6. #6
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunsUp View Post

    thanks Terry maybe i could have been ODing all along, but still shouldnt i get some sort of reaction instead of no

    reaction?? Can you help me out the Super combo pack comes with APC, PI and loads of ckikara, SOE, TE, Perception,

    and AE gel packs.
    Sure, APC is good cover scent as girls seem to like it and

    it is soooooo low on Androstenone that you will not OD so several drops would be a good application alone, or with

    1/2 or 3/4 gel/pkt of SOE.

    When starting of the Chikara, start at 1/2 the pack using it alone.

    The AE gel has about 35.5 mcg

    Androstenone included in its triple pheromone formulation so 1/4 pack would be enough to start at with the AE gel,

    I have got

    some good hits, even last week with 1/3 pack AE and 1/4 pack TE was great for me as i did give the days mix my 3

    ticks for future reference, mind you this amount suited my age.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #7
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    I want to go back on ODing. What

    are the signs of it or is there any signs at all.

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunsUp View Post
    I want

    to go back on ODing. What are the signs of it or is there any signs at all.
    Yes once again OD is an individual experience depending upon the user and also target


    Sometimes you can have a self effect of feeling more agresive or pissed


    Or you

    may experience hostility from those around you.

    OR you may be avoided completly with chicks skirting around you like you were

    the invisible man lol.
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  9. #9
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    Hmmm i see. I'm going to give PI

    another shot today and see how it goes. Ill use about 2 dabs. behind the ears. Is the dabs with the little white

    plastic dropper on or off

  10. #10
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    So right now the PI is in testing

    I'm writing to you guys on my sidekick. As of this moment I'm at my highschool football game one of my friend says

    I smell nice and that's about it out it nothing unsual. 2 dabs of PI behind both ears. Why isn't it


  11. #11
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunsUp View Post

    right now the PI is in testing I'm writing to you guys on my sidekick. As of this moment I'm at my highschool

    football game one of my friend says I smell nice and that's about it out it nothing unsual. 2 dabs of PI behind

    both ears. Why isn't it working!?!?!?
    Maby you dont need androstenone,

    Better try a softer attraction pheromone selection and give the PI another go at another later

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Maby you dont need androstenone, Better try a softer

    attraction pheromone selection and give the PI another go at another later date.
    Maybe he

    didn't do any reading before he bought the package.

    As with every other teen, the sound advice that has

    been given out for years, if there's anything solid to those thoughts, is ... the younguns don't need -none/that

    much -none.

    Sounds like he's expecting too much from the mones .... "nothing happened." Did you try to make

    something happen?

    Mostly every Wednesday, freebies are given out. Give the SOE gels a shot, in fact, that should

    go with PI, TE, and NPA to cool down the beast. Wearing PI in highschool probably has the young ladies pissing their


    Do some more reading on PI since you have it, and read up on the NEWBIE PACK (musk oil & TE),

    and SOE. There's a lot of old but good advice on them, and using the search engine will give you lots to


    If you don't know why nothing happened, you just keep experimenting until you do. Tis all about

    experimenting ... finding out what works for you and what doesn't. A week or two is the time frame you want to use

    before you say "it doesn't work." One drop for a week or two, and then ... two drops for a week or two. I know! I

    know! You want hits now.

    Happy hunting!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post
    Wearing PI

    in highschool probably has the young ladies pissing their panties/thongs!
    Damn it, I knew there was

    something I missed out on being at a single sex high school.
    early 40's white male or or

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post
    Maybe he

    didn't do any reading before he bought the package.

    As with every other teen, the sound advice that has

    been given out for years, if there's anything solid to those thoughts, is ... the younguns don't need -none/that

    much -none.

    Sounds like he's expecting too much from the mones .... "nothing happened." Did you try to make

    something happen?

    Mostly every Wednesday, freebies are given out. Give the SOE gels a shot, in fact, that should

    go with PI, TE, and NPA to cool down the beast. Wearing PI in highschool probably has the young ladies pissing their


    Do some more reading on PI since you have it, and read up on the NEWBIE PACK (musk oil & TE),

    and SOE. There's a lot of old but good advice on them, and using the search engine will give you lots to


    If you don't know why nothing happened, you just keep experimenting until you do. Tis all about

    experimenting ... finding out what works for you and what doesn't. A week or two is the time frame you want to use

    before you say "it doesn't work." One drop for a week or two, and then ... two drops for a week or two. I know! I

    know! You want hits now.

    Happy hunting!
    most prob he thought wat works best for older

    pple will work better on him....given his age, putting so much 'none is almost suicidal....

    i agree SOE is the

    way to go...he should use that 1st and see how things go from there

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by belmont View Post
    most prob

    he thought wat works best for older pple will work better on him....given his age, putting so much 'none is almost


    i agree SOE is the way to go...he should use that 1st and see how things go from there

    Don't get me wrong ... there is a CHANCE that PI will work for him around certaing people ... during certain time

    ... and/or in certain situations, B U T he will have a better chance in HIGH SCHOOL with a lesser amount of none.

    Hell, maybe he can just get a smear off the bottle and use that, and it may work better for him with those young


    Still ... SOE and TE (he if must have none), would be my advice for the young stud.

    I reserve all rights to be wrong.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    Damn it,

    I knew there was something I missed out on being at a single sex high school.
    What was that ? the Thongs or the pheromones or both ha ha te he
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  17. #17
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    Hmmmmm I have an SOE gel pack and

    AE how should I use them. How much of the SOE should I use considering my age.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    What was that ? the Thongs or the pheromones or both ha

    ha te he
    early 40's white male or or

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunsUp View Post

    I have an SOE gel pack and AE how should I use them. How much of the SOE should I use considering my

    At your age you could easily get 3 or even 4 uses out of an AE gel/pck,

    1/4 = 8.88 mcg Androstenone + 6.7 Androstenol + 4.4 mcg Androsterone.

    For a party, club or outdoor activity you may get away with 1/2


    SOE just go for 1/2 pkt each time and see if it works ok,

    for close contact target situation, or indoors this is enough, but for a full 6 or 7 hours of good action or club or

    outdoors ect then use the full baby ha ha .

    In cold weather

    apply on pulsepoints wrists and little under the ears.

    In real

    hot weather apply on biceps and back of hands and on and under the chin just a little.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 10-29-2007 at 01:48 AM. Reason: take a word
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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