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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
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    Default What's the best mone or combo for me?

    Hi everyone, i'm a first time poster here but have been using pheros off and on for about 2 years.

    first off, im a 5'10 skinny 21 yr old white male, and pretty good a sort of "cute" "young" babyface"

    looking way according to many people. for this reason that i look like a decent, innocent guy, i thought primal

    instinct would be good to complement my natural appearance with some tough clint eastwoodness but hey let me tell

    you about my experiences thus far with mones.

    i used AE every day for a few months when i was 18 (freshman in

    college) and it seemed to work well with my laid-back stoner type persona back then as it seemed to add some more

    charming approachable-ness factor , and some girls even thought i was a player, trusted me wear like 3-4

    drops sometimes (at most) and this one hot TA who was like 3 years older than me would always look at me like she

    wanted to f*** during math tutoring sessions whenever i got an answer right, we had some serious chemistry that i

    KNEW had something to do with the mones, and she let me get away with missing several sessions under b.s. excuses

    she knew etc....i have many examples of AE working then but i cant remember em all since it was long ago


    THEN, ive been using chikara scented since, i thought AE smells godly but chikara might even smell ex

    gf at the time used to say i smelled like her grandpa but loved it when she smelled my neck, other ex gf would just

    say she loved the smell, and for my bday she surprised me as she apparently snuck into my stuff, typed chikara into

    google and bought me a bottle of it lol (surprisingly i wasnt embarrased at all, and she was just like "here, keep

    wearing this" lol) but i typically only put 1-2 sprays now when i go to parties or am on a special date etc.....only

    rarely do i see typical -none effects though such as major respect, intimidation, ....what i usually get is more

    chattiness from my guy friends and a subtle sense of women wanting to be around me more and thinking i have some

    mystique or something, (it's good for 1 on 1 dates i act more confident and "in her face"

    friendly/extroverted and can assume the home having the cab stop at 711 for condoms on the way back to my

    house with the girl) or just seeing them have a gut level attraction for me when i act confident at a party and got

    a lot of chikara on.....given my age, body type etc....what mone should i try next...or combo or whatever....and

    would my theory on trying primal instinct be right, since i already seem like a fairly approachable guy next-door

    kinda, so a lot of the typical "chikara" affect might simply magnify what i already got instead of giving me the

    "alpha male" "tough guy" contrasts with PI that women find sexy too...i'm saying this cuz i have an easier time

    with nice, cute looking girls too than with "hot" ones with big wazoos that look less innocent and


    sorry for the long post guys !

  2. #2
    Full Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    Well let me be the first

    to say welcome and thanks for telling us about your experiences with pheromones. I can't really comment on AE

    because although I have it, I really don't use it all that often (like once) but I can say that chikara is an

    excellent product. It was the first pheromone product where I got the DIHL look that people often talk about and so

    I knew it must have been good. Unfortunately, I'm a quarter of the way through the bottle although I have only used

    it like on five occasions so I'm saving what I now have.

    Anyway, tell me if I'm wrong that you want to attract

    the hotter portion of our population? (nothing wrong with either side as we all have our own taste, beauty is in the

    eyes of the beholder)

    I don't really have a lot of experience with trying to attract a multitude of women since

    I really only want one. But I would suggest SOE/NPA although at the moment I am breaking in A7 in place of the NPA

    and I have to say after initial frustration I am quite happy with the results that I have gotten thus far. Recently

    the intimacy level in my relationship just jumped again... and we are actually getting somewhere so I am one happy


    Anyway, try SOE/NPA for the really hot ones but you also have to remember that attraction is 90% attitude

    and 10% chemical. Looks factor in somewhere but not sure how much.

    I'm believing it more than ever that

    attitude is key to any successful relationship. Pheromones will provide the spark but it is ultimately up to you to

    make something of it.

    ***The only other mones that I have actual experience aside from those mentioned above with

    is TE/sandlewood (weaker version of NPA)

    These all work rather well but I do have to mention that your body may

    also determine what is good for you because each person is different and once again what may work for one maybe

    anothers bane.

    I've said enough... all of you probably don't want to listen to my ranting...


    A1, and A314.

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